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A beautiful elf girl fleeing through the woods to escape marauding orcs finds a small wooden shack.
The elf girl raced into the cabin, but there was no exit, nowhere to escape, nowhere to hide. The orc leader’s pointed grey ears perked at the sound of shattering glass as it threw open the door to the small building. The beast could see its quarry was cornered. Her terror-filled eyes were drawn to the orc’s member. Erect with the excitement of the hunt, it stood far larger than the creature’s height should have allowed. The knobby, veiny shaft was a foot long and ended with a bulbous purple head the size of the girl’s fist. The beast snarled as it advanced. Letting out a grunt between wicked yellow tusks, it grabbed ahold of the lithe girl’s wrist. Her resistance was minimal as she felt the immense animalistic power in the monster’s grasp. It threw her forward, turning her face-down onto the low table. Then the orc’s grimy claws easily tore down her dress, exposing her lily-white bottom to the cool night air. The elf’s tightly muscled buttocks writhed as she struggled against her captor. But it was no use. Grabbing her other wrist and kicking her legs wide, it growled mightily as it leaned forward, thrusting its pelvis toward the girl’s tiny womanhood. The beast instinctively knew its knob wouldn’t easily fit, so it pulled back, then thrust forward, attempting to enter with great, violent force. The petite elf whimpered, then cried out as the gnarly rod tore into her, tearing her delicate flesh. But the pain was short-lived. With a roar, the orc withdrew its mangled member, blood spraying forth from the tip in a gruesome garnet fountain that pulsed with its heartbeat. It clenched its groin and rolled to the side and onto the floor in agony. Her hands suddenly free, the elf girl tossed aside her tattered skirt and gingerly stepped past the beast, toward the door.

Unfortunately, the escape attempt was short-lived. Another monster, this orc smaller and weaker than the one on the ground but still a formidable assailant, held a cruel, crooked blade between itself and the girl. She stopped short and lifted her hands in surrender. The orc’s yellow eyes bulged as it looked upon the pale, naked lower body of the elf girl. Her tender nether lips were just visible beneath wisps of light blonde hair. A dribble of blood dripped to pool on the dirty floor between her legs. The creature licked its cracked fuchsia lips, and its loin cloth extended outward, then fell to the side, revealing another revolting phallus. The orc stepped forward. The girl backed slowly toward the table. Suddenly, the monster wallowing in the corner let out another growling whimper and attracted the standing orc’s attention. After a moment of deliberation, it took its eyes off its prey, stepped to the side, and drove its knife down into the prone orc’s neck. Another spray of blood and its groaning ceased. During the creature’s temporary distraction, the elf stepped aside to the fireplace and grabbed a heavy metal poker, which she now held behind her back.

The orc left its blade embedded in the floor and turned again toward the girl. With its hands curled and yellow claws extended, it stepped forward slowly with a low growl. Another step, and another. When the orc was just outside of arm’s reach, the elf twisted her hips and threw her arms out, swinging the heavy poker in an arc toward the creature’s head. It flinched and lifted its arm, too late to block entirely, but enough to lesson the impact with the side of its head. The blow seemed to merely anger and embolden the monster, and it lunged forward. Its arms wrapped around the elf girl. The metal poker clattered to the ground, and the orc at once squeezed and turned the girl over, flattening her against the rough hewn wall. The elf momentarily hoped that a similar fate would befall this orc as the previous one, but those thoughts were quickly dashed as she felt its giant member pressing between her exposed butt cheeks. The creature growled, clenched her tight in its arms, and bit down on her shoulder as the head of its pecker found her taut little anus. It pressed forward; she clenched and struggled. Its pelvis moved backward, and the girl anticipated a thrust and painful entry. But it never came. Instead, a snicker-snack sounded above and behind her. Then a gurgle. Then the foul beast released its grasp and fell to the ground.

The girl tentatively turned to see a large, muscle-bound human prying his sword from the bloody neck of the dead orc. The man was dressed in traveling clothes. His exposed face and muscular arms were dark tan in the firelight. Withdrawing his blade, his bright, grey eyes rose, pausing only momentarily as they passed the elf girl’s nakedness, and met her gaze. “Are you alright?” he rasped. His voice was deep and quiet, reverberating in his chest.

With a sudden flood of emotion, the girl fought back tears and merely nodded. Then she swallowed deeply, regaining her composure. “Yes,” she answered.

“You’re safe now,” he reassured her.

She nodded again. Then, “Excuse me.” Following her eyes and pantomime, the man turned his back to the girl.

She crouched on the floor, spreading her legs wide. Then, grimacing as she carefully opened her coral-colored lips with one hand, she reached the fingers of her other hand into her vagina. Ever so slowly, she withdrew the jagged glass top of a broken wine bottle. It clattered to the floor, and she stood, a bit of crimson blood dripping down her alabaster thigh.


2020-10-30 06:19:38
Poetic elfin justice to the rapist.

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