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Hey! Sorry it took me so long but you know how it goes. Thanks for reading and hope you all enjoy!

My eyes slowly opened as I began to stretch, I felt exhausted despite sleeping like a log. I turned over and saw a site I would never get tired of. Her messy hair draped across her face, her plump lips slightly parted as a light snore came from her, it was music to my ears. I checked the alarm and realized I woke up early. There was still some time before we had to get ready for school. Luckily, our mom rarely comes inside our rooms in the morning so we should be fine on that front. My mind began to delve into the event of the night before, recalling every inch of her perfect body. I felt a stir next to me as the snore came to a halt, a few mumbles came from her mouth until her eyes slowly opened. When her eyes met mine they widened in shock wondering why I was in her bed, then they relaxed as she realized she was in my bed, then they softened as her face turned red as she remembered what happed in this bed. I chucked as I watch her revelations.

“Good morning” I spoke in a cheery voice.

“Uhh good morning” she sheepishly replied.

“we have some time wanna go take a shower” I asked, the smell of last night still in the air. 

“probably a good idea” she responded.

I took the covers off revealing our very naked bodies, I shivered a bit before glancing at her, she shyly covered up her privates. Which I thought was adorable. I stood up and walked over to her side and picked up my naked sister as I walked towards the restroom. Sat her down as I turned on the water.  

“Geez would you put that thing away!” I followed her gaze towards my very stiff member. 

“Uhh sorry, but this one is your fault” I replied a bit embarrassed.

“Oh” she said with a little smile forming on her face. I felt the water and decided it was warm enough I picked her back up and walked into the shower, I slowly sat down placing her on my lap, my dick sliding right between her thighs. She sat there resting herself on my chest. It was nice to feel her warmth, to feel the water drop on our bodies. 

“My butt hurts” she said out of the blue.

“sorry” I replied with a fair amount of guilt.

“don’t be, I’m the one who told you to do it, besides it’s the good type of hurt”

“the good type” I questioned

“yup, hmm kind of like when you exercise a lot your body can hurt but your mind is happy.” 


“oh stop your worrying, besides you got really excited when you were doing it I never knew hearing my brother moan could be so intoxicating”

She turned her body towards me, staring right into my eyes.

“I love you” she spoke those three words that would make any day a special one.

My arms wrapped around her pulling her in tight. Our lips met and my tongue immediately worked its way into her mouth. The taste of her saliva was incredible it was sweet yet exotic my tongue began ravishing her mouth, as hers desperately tried to fight mine off, my hands began exploring her soaking wet body, caressing her nipples which caused a slight moan to vibrate through our kiss, my hands moved further south finding her beautiful garden, moving through her curly hair and upon finding their mark they began their assault. I felt her body melt as if every string holding her up was cut. I had to move my body to catch her from slipping off. My fingers began digging into her soft pink hole. I could feel her juice quickly cover the two assailants as I began pushing in further wiggling them in hopes of finding the right spot. The sensation was mind blowing feeling the walls of her vagina, the incredible heat coming from it, every fold, nook and cranny within her beautiful tight vagina was a joy to explore, my fingers moving quickly each time causing a moan to come from my sister’s lips.  She finally broke off the kiss, strings of saliva stretching until they snapped. Our breathing was heavy the only thing I could hear was the beating of my heart. I looked into her eyes; all I could see was a deep passionate lust. I felt her squirm as she positioned herself facing directly towards me.

“I might need some help” she stated

Curious, I watched as she placed one hand on my shoulder and another on the side of the tub, she began to lift her body over me her crotch hovering dangerously over mine. She slowly began her decent, I put my member directly under her. I felt the heat coming off her as my tip began penetrating her, once the tip was inside, I put my hands on her hips and helped guide her. Soon her body fell back on my lap my dick pushing in as far as it could. I felt my mouth open and an embarrassing moan escape my lips, an unbelievable jolt of pleasure coursed through my body wreaking havoc as I felt my legs spasm and my arms lose most of their strength. As if a flash bang went off in my head all the thought, feeling, and emotions were drowned out in a pleasurable bright light. I felt as if I went stupid. My eyes slowly focused on her face, all I could to was focus on my breathing to make sure I didn’t keel over. I watch her face go from pleasure with a  bit of pain to a face of confusion, which didn’t surprise me, I felt as if I almost died, of course this would be my preferred method of death but I think I want to stick around for a bit. Finally, her lips blossomed into a wide smile, that, for a bit, looked almost sinister. It seemed she decided that I had enough time to catch my breath and she began moving herself using her arms to leverage herself and her hips to find a grinding motion. I realized my body would no longer listen and I was at the mercy of my beautiful sister in a position I’ve never even dared to dream off, I gave up trying to take part in this one way love fest and let my arms fall to my side as I just watched her face and focused on the pleasure she was treating me to. I looked down and watched her as she raised herself a few inches just to let my dick impale her again and again my penis rubbing inside her tight pussy feeling every pleasurable inch of her. I soon felt a pleasurable swell begin to build up.

“hey uh K, I’m about to uhh come” I said a bit embarrassed.

“Mhmm” was the only response I got. 

I was about to remind her of the importance of such a statement but alas it was too late. I felt an explosion of pleasure as I shot my seed deep into my sister’s womb, I felt her body stiffen briefly then shake a little as she tipped her head back and gave an unforgettable moan. My mind slowly came to as my dick pumped the last bit of semen deep inside her, feeling as her vagina quivered in its own orgasm, my arms subconsciously reached out dragging her back in to my embrace. Our breathing was heavy and raspy, as we held on to each other for dear life as we rode out our orgasms. 

After a surprising amount of time we finally calmed down and relaxed. I looked at her still a bit in a daze but with obvious worry. 

“Um I uhh kinda came inside.” I said sheepishly.

“I know” she purred still experiencing her glow. 

She looked up to me the smile on her face slowly disappearing. Her eyes broke contact with me as she looked away.

“What’s wrong” I asked worriedly

“ I uhh... well...  I-I can’t” she said a wave of sadness visibly crossed her face.

I’ve seen that face too many times, whenever she talked about her legs that sad depressed look always showed its ugly head. Her self-hatred, regret, longing, all present. I felt terrible and realized that I should choose my next words carefully, though I had no idea what to say. I looked at her staring deep into her eyes.  I took a deep breath and spoke as gently yet firmly as I could.

“K, I love you, like LOVE love you. You are perfect to me and there is nothing you can say or do will ever change that.

I grabbed her left hand and brought it in front of our faces. 

“I have decided. One day I will put a ring on this finger, it may be a beautiful diamond ring or an old sting. I do not know what the future holds, but I know that one day should you allow it I will put a ring on this finger. One day, I will say a bunch of sappy words that I may or may not have found on the internet and end with the words “I do”. We might be in a massive chapel with beautiful stained-glass windows with family and friends all around, or in a courthouse with an old fat judge who smells of whiskey as our only audience. I do not know the future, but should you allow it, I know I will say the words “I do”.

My hand fell to her stomach as I placed it on her. 

“You don’t need this to be the best mother one could ask for. I don’t know what the future holds, but should you choose to, you will be a mother, and a damned good one at that.”

I watched as she opened her eyes, her lips were trembling as they parted as if she was to say something yet they closed soon after, she did this about a dozen times yet not a single word was uttered. I looked at her, holding her tight. I moved the hair out of her face and caressed her cheek with the back of my hand. She was so beautiful. I felt her head lean into me as she started crying. I hugged her as the now cold water poured onto us.


The bell rang signaling the end of class and the end of the school year. Naturally, everyone

bolted to the door as soon as they could. I smiled, glad the year was over, and summer officially began. I waited till the rush died down and went to the classroom next door. That was where I saw her, an atypical smile on her face. Our eyes met and her smile grew wider, I couldn’t help but feel the corner of my lips turn upward as I walked towards her. 

“We’re free!” She nearly yelled, causing many glances to fall her way, though given the summer spirit such a loud exclamation was accepted.

“Finally,” I remarked

I pushed her out of the building as we started on our way home.

“Hey” I heard a pleasant voice call out to me. I turned and saw a beautiful girl; she was in my class. I think, no, I know her name, every guy does. 

“Hi, Julie, what’s up” I questioned.

“Oh, please call me Jules, Julie is for my parents and strangers.” She laughed which sounded quite pleasant. 

“Any-who, me and some friends were uhh throwing a party later this week and we’re wondering if you would come? Of course, you can bring you sister too I’d you’d like. It should be pretty fun, it’s at my place and my parents are out of town, Nessa said her older sister would buy us a bunch of drinks if we all pitched in. It should be a fun time and I’d like YOU to come along.” She stated dragging the “you” out longer than normal. 

I of course was baffled that such a beautiful girl wanted me to go, not that I lacked confidence or felt I looked bad I was just too busy or distracted to notice such things. Not to mention I have never been to a party like that.

“I uhh will have to see if I can get past my mom, do you want to go K” I passed the decision off to her so she could turn her down in my stead.

“Yeah! Sounds fun” 

“Oh see I’m sorry..... what?”

“I’m not that much of a loser” she said as she stuck her tongue out at me, which caused Jules to laugh. 

“Uhh I guess we’re going” I spoke as I rubbed the back of my head embarrassed.

“Awesome, I’ll see you guys there, it’s Friday at my house just message me if you need the address.” She waved as she hopped back to her group.

I let out a sigh feeling relieved and a bit happy at that conversation.

“You really want to go” I asked

“ yup, yup, I do” again her seductive tongue stuck out.

I smiled, rather nervous for Friday. I began pushing her toward the direction of the house.

“What are we gonna do this summer” she asked giddily. As one of her greatest fears got further and further away with each step we took. 

I pondered for a bit. “well I think going to an amusement park would be fun” 

“ Ooh yes that would be awesome, and the zoo, the mall, the pool...” she began listing things like a child in a candy shop. 

I listened to her name just about every summer activity one could think of. Her cheerful voice added to the calm serenity of the walk. We walked into the house and I picked her up putting her on the couch.

“Any snacks” I offered.

“ hmmmm... animal crackers”

“Ok” I ran off scouring the pantry for her request. I found my target and returned to the couch as I plopped right next to her. 

“What do you want to watch?” I asked only to be met with an audible crunch as I turned to see her stuff her face with crackers.

“I dofnt mnkowww” she responded after she added another unreasonable amount of crackers to her mouth. 

I chucked at her antics and put on some crime shows.

After a while she put the crackers down seeming to satiate the black hole residing inside her. 

Soon I felt a pull as she struggled to place herself on my lap. I assisted her by moving her legs on each side of mine. She straddled me reaching her arms around my neck. I drew her in kissing her on her soft moist lips. Our tongues intertwined as I savored every ounce of her. My tongue moved around as I tasted her saliva with a strong hint of animal cracker. I felt her arms tighten around me as her kiss became fierce. Her aggressive nature turning me rock hard as the movements between us became more erotic. I slowly laid her down on the couch as I took her shirt off. Soon her bra and pants came off as well. I finally grabbed the last piece. I saw a dark soaking wet spot on her underwear as I slowly pulled it down, I watched as her wetness stick to her panties as I slowly pulled it away as a few glistening lines finally snapped. I slowly opened her legs, finally beginning to take off my pants. Just as I got the button undone, I heard the jingle of keys as the door opened. I heard a crinkle of grocery bags as our mom came in. We hurriedly pushed every piece of clothing we could find under the couch as K grabbed a heavy blanket that somehow evaded the springtime purge. We distanced ourselves to what normal siblings would consider reasonable. We watched as she passed us entering the kitchen to put down the food. 

“I took off early to celebrate the start of summer with you guys, got some snacks too.” 

We heard a crinkle of a bag as she walked into the living room plopping herself in the middle of the couch between us. I heard my mom sniff a bit as if smelling something. My heart nearly exploded right there. 

“You smell that?” She questioned, we of course shook our head. 

“Ugh, I think I have a cold” she said pinching her nose.

“What are you guys watching”

“Those crime shows you like” K responded.

“Oh, this is my favorite one” she exclaimed as grabbed the remote and turned up the volume.

  “We did have some I knew it” she grunted as she put the new bag of animal cracker she was holding on the table, reaching for the other bag.

I was following her hand when I noticed a bright pink piece of clothing snuggled partially under the bowl-like center piece. My eyes widened as I realized what that was. I turned to K who was bug eyed as well, slowly her eyes met mine, her face of pure terror. I smiled and nodded towards trying to reassure her that everything will be ok. I could still smell K’s faint aroma and there was no doubt to what the offender was. I knew I had to do something to get that out of here before mom realized she did smell something. 

“I need some water” I stated as I got up to fetch some I came back taking a small sip before I set it down next to the crackers. 

I turned my had forwards my mom, speaking to her. “hey, can I go to a party Friday” I asked as I reached for some crackers missing completely knocking my drink. 

“Oh crap” I yelled, I quickly stood up putting myself between my mom and the table cutting her off from any immediate assistance. 

“I’ll clean this up.” I moved the crackers allowing the water to spread as it began soaking into her underwear. I figured it was enough and picked it up with a pinch. 

“Kate why are you leaving things like this laying around.” 

I raised it in the are acting as if it was the grossest thing I’ve seen.

My mom put on an amused smile “oh calm down it’s just underwear it’s not like you never seen it.”

Fortunately, she was unaware of how right she was.

“Uh whatever” I quickly took the piece into the washroom flinging it with a bunch of other clothes in the washer and began the cycle. I brought a towel over and cleaned up the mess.  As I put the towel away, I sat down finally able to relax, well as long as that blanket remained where it was.

“This is so nice, I missed you guys” she said, as we all relaxed or tried to and watch the show.

A few episodes passed and mom finally got up.

“ I’m gonna take a shower and get dinner ready” as soon as she closed the door I saw the blanket fly across the living room with a huge sigh.

“that was awful” K stated. I looked at her, her body glistening with sweat to the point she was nearly drenched.

I chucked admiring the view of her arms sprawled about as she tried to cool off. I walked over grabbed her clothes and picked her up, holding her tight as I realized she was quite slippery, a fairly strong odor of sweat permeated from her. I quickly rushed us back to her room where I placed her on her bed throwing the clothes near the bed.

I closed and locked the door, turning around towards her taking my shirt off.

“What are you doing! Moms home” she exclaimed.

I was already naked then and I pushed her down climbing on top of her.

“Are you crazy?” She yelled in a hushed voice. 

I slowly came to my senses feeling as if I was possessed.

“uh, I’m sorry I just saw you and I couldn’t help myself” 

I slowly began to get off her when I felt her hand grab me. 

Her breathing was a little ragged her face flushed.

“well since your already here...” she slowly trailed off her voice getting quieter.

My boner came back with a raging vengeance for the incident earlier today as I opened her legs and thrust violently into her as I heard a sharp moan from her. As if pouring fuel on the fire I started to lose control, my hips thrusting deep inside her quivering vagina as it tightly grasped my member causing pleasure to course through me. It was wild and wet. The smell of her crotch and the sweat coming from her body threw my mind over the edge. I felt like I was an animal as my hands grasped various parts of her body just to slide off, her breast were slippery and perky as I gripped them quite roughly, yet K’s moans got louder and louder. My hands grabbed hers as I stretched them above her head as I ravaged her poor sopping pussy. The noises she made were unbelievable, I was surprised a human could make such an erotic and passionate noise. I looked at her face which it appears she has lost control of. Her tongue sticking out, mouth wide open letting all sorts of moans pass through. Her eyes unfocused and wondering. It was something else. I bent down to kiss partly to taste her and partly to muffle the load noises coming from her. I kept thrusting in as hard as I could feeling the tender flesh of her pussy. Each thrust nearly made my knees buckle yet somehow, they remained upright. I felt an abnormal moan/scream come through her mouth as her hands broke away from mine as she wrapped herself around my he nails digging into my back. I felt her back arch and her pussy tightly constricting around my member, which then caused me to explode into my climax as I once again filled my sister with my semen as deep as I could. My knees finally gave way as I fell on top of her.  We both turned over laying next to each other. Our breathing was uneven and heavy our bodies felt like a sack of lead, both glistening with each other’s sweat. She slowly sat up. I saw her and did the same. Her head looking down.

“Do you always come so much” she asked partly in a teasing tone though I could tell there was genuine curiosity. 

I looked at her pussy and watched as an ungodly amount of semen began leaking from her cute pink hole. It was kinda fascinating in a weird kinda way. It was then some rather odd noise was made where we watched, I looked at her and her face turned dark red in an instant.

“Ew, I’m so sorry” she said covering her crotch with her hands.

I laughed pretty loudly at her adorable actions. “oh stop it, I don’t care, besides, pretty sure that’s on me” I took her hands, looking at her. 

“You’re pretty damn cute you know that” 

She looked away sheepishly still embarrassed. 

I hugged her tightly as I let her calm down raining soft kisses upon her cheek.

Her breathing seemed to normalize as she looked at me her face still red but it seemed she’s come to terms. She looked down again.

“ugh I just washed these sheets it’s all your fault”

“Mine? Do you not see this very large puddle we’re sitting in” 

She looked down realizing there was a very dark spot around were she sat. The dampness just now registering in her mind.

“Uhh that’s your fault too” she said with a voice no louder than a mouse.

I chucked, deciding to let her have the last say, as I hugged her close. 

“We should probably shower; I don’t think we can work our way out from this one if mom smells us like this”

She gave a little laugh and agreed.

“I’ll let you go first” I opened the door and made sure our mom’s was still closed, then I took her to the bathroom bringing her chair along and some clothes along too. 

I turned on the water, waiting for it to heat up. 

“You can go, every second we tempt fate is a second too much” she said trying her best to seem stoic. 

I chuckled. “Ok, I love you Kaitlyn” I spoke as I kissed her lips.

“I love you to” she replied after our lips parted a beautiful smile stretched across her face.

“I love you so much”


2020-08-26 18:30:43
I like this story. The siblings seem very sweet. I would like a bit more back story. Has Kaitlyn been wheelchair-bound all of her life, or was it later on that something happened? What is the extent of her disability? When did her brother become responsible for her, and has he always been so loving and protective of her? I just think it would fill in nicely for future chapters as they talk or think about the history of their relationship.


2020-08-23 22:10:19
Fantastic. I hope you write more soon

Doozy woof HunterReport 

2020-08-21 14:34:22
Loving this! Please continue!

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