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Anna has watched Red ride the spit and tasted her roasted meat. now it is time for her to get ready for her own ride
Mother Daughter Feast (Part 9- Anna Pushes the Boundaries)

As soon as we get home, Anna hangs weights from my clit and pussy lip piercings and then wires my pussy, just like hers was wired. Anna turns it on full power and tells me that she wants me to show her how much I can handle by not asking for her to turn it off for a long time. I nod and even though I want to beg my daughter to turn it off after a few minutes, I don't. Instead, I start telling my pussy that I want it to suffer from pleasure. Anna asks me if I mean it, and I tell her that I do, surprised to realize that I really do want my pussy to suffer from over-stimulation. Finally, after holding out for 96 minutes, with my pussy now having dry orgasms, I ask Anna to turn it off. "Since you told your pussy that you wanted it to suffer, it will get another 96 minutes of electrical stimulation." "Thank you for making my pussy suffer. Please make it suffer anytime you wish, any way you wish." I know immediately that I just gave Anna total control of my pussy, and the smile she gives me lets me know that she also knows it.

Anna makes my pussy suffer from the electrical stimulation for increasing lengths of time, telling me that she is so glad that I gave her control of my tits and pussy. I gasp at her statement and then tell her that I am glad that I did, also. When my pussy is disconnected, Anna makes me beg to have my tits pierced up the center, just like hers. I beg her to let me help and after a few minutes, I realize that I really want them pierced like hers. While Tom is removing all the samples of my tits from the needles, I beg Anna to pierce my outer pussy lips the same way, so that we can all sample some of my tits and pussy. While we are sampling my tits and pussy, I wonder if I will have the strength and courage to keep having my tits and pussy punished, after Anna rides the spit.

One week later, Anna sits down to breakfast and makes a statement that surprises me, but not too much. "I want to make my pussy suffer a different way for a while." "How is that?" I tell Tom to keep quiet and let her tell us in her own way. "I want to have my pussy held right on the edge of an orgasm for as long as possible, without allowing it to have what it will be begging for." When she doesn't give any more details, I ask her how long she wants to make her pussy beg for what it can't have. "Until I say otherwise, but for at least 69 days." "That will take you to about three months of your big ride." Tom corrects me, saying that it will be exactly 96 days before our daughter rides the spit. After that, we tease Anna's pussy as much as humanly possible, while she keeps mine electrified for sometimes days without a break.

When Anna's pussy has been teased for 39 days, I tell her that I want my pussy electrified until her pussy is eligible for an orgasm, whether she allows it to have one or not. Anna grants my request and then leaves the room without wiring my pussy. she returns with a larger transformer, telling me that my pussy will really suffer and wires it in place of the old one. Anna ramps it up to 50 volts, the maximum for the old transformer, and just as I start to relax, she increases it to 75 volts, the maximum for this transformer. Thanks to a very aggressive stretching regimen and the stronger transformer, by the time my pussy is disconnected from the transformer, my pussy lips and clit are as long as Anna's were when Red rode the spit.

After Anna measures my pussy lips and clit, she tells me to eat her pussy until she tells me to stop, warning me about giving her an orgasm before she gives me permission to do so. As I suck my daughter's clit into my mouth, I am shocked that it is six inches long, over two inches longer than mine. After keeping her on edge for 30 minutes, Anna pulls her pussy away from my mouth and stretches her clit out, while still straddling my head. She pinches her clit, two inches from the tip and lowers it back down to my mouth. "Bite down on my clit, where my fingers are holding it." I bite down on it fairly hard, but when she looks at me with a frown on her face, I bite down harder.

"Dad, do you like watching me stretch my clit out while mom has a third of it trapped in her mouth?" "It looks amazing! Does it hurt much?" "It hurts a lot, and I love it." "Since I won't be able to sample my clit after I ride the spit, would you like to watch mom bite through my clit where her teeth are and then feed me that piece of my clit?" "That would look amazing, but it would mean that you never get to have another orgasm." "My pussy isn't allowed to ever have another orgasm, whether mom bites of part of my clit or not. Please get the soldering iron and plug it in so that you can sear the new tip of my clit for me." As Tom goes to get the soldering iron, I decide that Anna will eat the two inches of her clit trapped in my mouth, whether she really wants to or not.

I bite down harder, letting Anna know my plan and she surprises me with her comment. "That feels amazing, but wait until dad is watching before you bite it off." Tom returns and plugs in the soldering iron, telling us when it is hot. "Mom, bite through my clit nice and slow while dad watches. After two inches of my clit fall into your mouth, give it to me with a deep kiss, so I can eat some of my clit while the two of you watch." As I bite into her clit, Anna cries out, telling me to keep going and then tells her pussy that it will never enjoy another orgasm before a spit is shoved through it. Finally, Anna's clit falls into my mouth and I tap her on the ass to let her know.

Anna stretches the rest of her clit out and begs her dad to really burn it good so that there is no chance of it having any feeling in it. Tom holds the hot soldering iron to the raw edge of her clit for 30 seconds, moving it around so that he gets all of her new tip. When he is done, I kiss Anna, pushing the piece of her clit that I bit off into her mouth. Anna takes it out of her mouth and holds it up for the camera before putting it in her mouth and chewing it up, telling us that we will love eating her clit after she rides the spit. We continue to tease Anna's pussy and clit every day and make her provide cum-filled pussy snacks at least once a week, even though her pussy can't have an orgasm. When I ask her what it is like, she smiles and tells me that her pussy can get really close to an orgasm, but can't get there, making her pussy really frustrated.

"Do you regret asking me to bite off part of your clit?" "No! I had already decided that my pussy would never have another orgasm, this just makes my pussy stay on the edge without me having to think about it. Would you like for me to bite off some of yours, after we sew your clit between your pussy lips when I ride the spit?" I gasp at her question, telling her that I love having my orgasms, while secretly wondering what it would be like to get so close without being able to get there. About a month before Anna's birthday, Anna tells me to ease up while I am eating her pussy, saying that she thinks she will have an orgasm if I don't. Over the next few days, Anna has to stop us several times, letting her pussy know that even though it is capable of an orgasm, it still isn't allowed to have one.

Three weeks before Anna's birthday, I call the next spit rider and ask her if she wants to help me do something. When she agrees, I tell her not to mention it to anyone, adding that she shouldn't even say that we talked. As soon as I hang up, I tell Anna that I want to have one final art class with my daughter, before I watch her murder her pussy for me to eat. Sher agrees and once she is strapped to the wall, Tom pulls out a more powerful pistol. I move the cart with the paintball supplies right up to Anna and tell her that we will still do five rounds, and since there are only three of us, we will each get two turns each round. As I take aim at my daughter's beautiful, firm tits, I tell her that all five rounds will be from point-blank range. After each of us pummel each of my gorgeous daughter's tits a total 690 times (five rounds of 69, doubled), my tits get painted the same way, with me begging Anna and Tom to really make my tits suffer.
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