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This story is a blend or reality and fantasy. As only my second story, any feedback would be appreciated.
Beth and Simon had been married for 6 years but had been together even longer. They met in work just over 10 years ago when they both worked in a wellness spa. Simon worked as a trainer in the gym, and Beth as a therapist in the spa.

Their relationship was much like many other relationships of length, lacking excitement, spontaneity and passion. They loved each other and had two children together but had managed to slip into a routine where the same thing happened every day, and Beth often felt like she needed more. Where was the affection? Where was that connection they shared all those years ago?

She had always found it difficult to let down her guard both emotionally and physically, and this often caused problems in the bedroom. Without that connection and feeling of closeness, the intimacy suffered and she found it difficult to be guided by Simon's frequent inappropriate advances.

He would often brush past in the house and grab or smack her bottom, or when she was doing the dishes, creep up behind her and hug her as an excuse to feel her breasts. These were his attempt at affection and they were beginning to make her skin crawl.

"You make me feel like I'm just a piece of meat when you do that",

"I thought you said you wanted me to be more affectionate?" Simon replied.

"I do, but hugs and kisses are nice, spending time together when we're not on our phones is great. Ignoring each other most of the day then grabbing my ass or chest isn't the same thing!"

"Listen, I can't help it if I find you sexy. I just wanna grab you all the time"

"That's fine, but there's gotta be more. I need to feel close..."

The argument trailed off as Simon started looking at something on his phone.

"Sorry babe, it's work. I'm sorry I make you feel like that, I promise I'll try and show you more affection from now on, okay?"

"Okay" Beth thought to herself sarcastically. This is a conversation they'd had many times before and whilst things often changed for a day or two, they always reverted back to the same old routine.

She was desperate for that connection, to feel the fire she once felt. She still loved Simon and apart from the lack of intimacy, he was great. He worked hard, supported the family and was amazing with the children, which is a lot more than a lot of the husbands she knew or even past partners she'd had. She also realised that part of her issue with Simon was linked her lack of confidence in her appearance after having children.

Beth was tall at 5'7 and had always been quite sporty. Her long legs had always been toned from running and she loved the way they used to look in heels. Her frequent gym sessions had left the rest of her hourglass body tight, and she thought nothing of wearing tight skirts and low tops to show off her curves. She was also proud of her ass. Her small rounded cheeks often caught the eye of others when she wore anything that hugged her figure and she'd lost count of the number of men that had grabbed her ass on a night out. Her breasts used to be the only thing she wanted to change. At 34B they were on the smaller side, but although she liked the shape and how firm they were, she often found herself admiring other women's larger breasts when she was out and about.

Since having children, it had all flipped around. Her breasts had grown to a cuveted 36DD and were still quite firm. The rest of her body seemed to have sagged and aged 20 years! She supposed she was still slim, and probably in great shape for a mum, but she wanted to be the great shape she used to be.

"Something has to be done" she thought to herself, and almost in immediate response, her hand picked up her phone and began searching for local gyms.


Beth joined a gym 20 minutes from her house and spent a number of weeks attending spin sessions when the kids were in school, as well as the odd weight session in the gym when it was quiet. Although it felt great to be back training, she still felt unattractive and hated her body.

One day, when arriving to her usual Monday morning spin class, she realised Claire, her usual instructor wasn't there. Instead there was a male instructor Alex taking the class. She knew his name because the two of them had history. Brief history, but history all the same.

"Hey, long time no see" Alex said with a smile "I didn't realise you came here".

"I started back recently, I needed to do something about this mum bod, it's killing me!"

"Mum bod? Don't be daft, you look incredible, especially when you consider you've had two children"

That was exactly the thing Beth wanted to avoid. She didn't want her body to be compared to the fact that she'd had children. She wanted to be noticed the way she used to be.

"Thanks I guess" was all she could manage in reply as she made her way to a bike.

As the class went on, Beth swore she saw Alex looking at her. Once she thought she even saw him wink at her.

As she pedalled away her mind drifted back to a time before her and Simon got together, and when she knew Alex better....

Alex was one of the rugby lads and was always out drinking with his friends. He was a big, muscular guy and although not particularly toned or attractive, always had something about him. Whether that was his cheeky grin or the flirty banter they always shared when they saw each other, she couldn't quite decide.

On one particular night, the two of them had got together in a club, but the night had ended in disaster, when Alex was unable to get an erection because he was too drunk and swiftly fell into a deep sleep, snoring with his mouth wide open.

They had barely seen each other since then and a lot had changed in that time. Alex looked a lot slimmer and had clearly been working out. He was still large and muscular, but the tone in his muscles was now clear to see even through his gym clothes. He also seemed more mature, less like he used to be when all he thought about was getting drunk and getting laid.

At the end of the session, Alex approached, dabbing the sweat from his forehead and the top of his chest with a small towel.

"You did great today" he said with a smile

"For someone that's had two kids?" Beth quipped instinctively.

"Ha ha, no, you did great, and to be honest, it's nice to have someone hot to look at whilst I take a class"

"You can't say that"

"Why not? It's true"

"Alex, I'm married with two children"

"That doesn't mean you're not hot" he laughed. "Anyway, I'm glad I've seen you, I've been looking for a masseuse and noticed you're doing home visits these days?"

"I am yeh but more for nails and waxing, I'm not really doing massage any more".

"Well that's a shame, I'd rather pay someone I know than a complete stranger and my backs really been giving me pain lately. Let me know anyway" and he slipped his number to her on a piece of paper.

As Beth headed back to the changing room, she thought about Alex's request and wondered whether perhaps she could make an exception this one time. In the past she had been so used to massaging old people, it would make a nice change to have someone her age and obviously in such great shape. The money would also be really useful.

As she washed in the shower, her hand moved subconsciously over her body, caressing her wet breasts and hardening nipples. It moved down towards her hairless mound, fingers softly parting her pink lips, gently massaging her clit till her legs began to feel weakened.

She found herself slumped in the corner of the shower cubicle as her breathing became heavier. Her hand now rubbed her vagina with more purpose, she was lost in the moment, bringing herself off as the water ran over her large breasts and between her legs, making the movement so much slicker than usual. The sensation was intense. Her legs began to straighten as her pleasure began to peak. She rubbed harder and her toes began to curl, her back arched. The pleasure she'd kept in for so long began to make its way to the surface and escaped as a sigh. Small at first but building rapidly until she came hard with with a loud moan. Her hand massaging more slowly between her legs as the orgasm subsided, Beth hoped that she hadn't been heard by any of the other gym users.


Days passed and Beth had a new spring in her step. Simon was showing her more affection and she was feeling more confident about her body. The compliments Alex had given her and the moment she'd shared with herself in the shower had made her feel more like her old self.

As she packed her bag for another trip to the gym, she came across the piece of paper with Alex's number on it and decided to give him a call. The phone call felt effortless, and they arranged a date and time for the appointment. It was also surprisingly professional, no flirting and definitely no compliments. Perhaps she had imagined his advances that day in the gym?

Time went on and the day of the appointment arrived. Beth knew Simon wouldn't approve or understand her taking on a new male client for massage, especially not if he found out it was Alex, so she lied and told him she had one of her regulars for a long appointment. Alex and Beth had been quite flirty when her and Simon first started dating and he had always held a grudge. He didn't know Alex, but he hated him!

Beth had her equipment ready in the car and was dressed in her usual black tunic that buttoned up off centre at the front. These had always been slim fitting but the fit was particularly tight now her breasts had grown so much. The top buttons stayed undone to allow her chest to breathe which also allowed a glimpse of her ample cleavage. She wore a black pencil skirt with a slit that hugged her hips tightly and showed part of her thigh. The outfit showed off her figure perfectly, a small heel at the bottom of her long legs adding shape to her calves.

She drove to Alex's house and stopped outside. Nervous but excited, a certain warmth began to flood her cheeks and between her legs. She collected her equipment from the car and Alex came to offer a hand. He carried the massage bed into the house and set up in the front room.

Inside the house was pristine, well presented and modern, not what Beth had expected at all. Perhaps he wasn't the same guy she knew before.

"Draw the curtains, pop your clothes off and lie on your front under the towel on the massage bed" Beth commanded.

"All my clothes?" Alex replied.

"It's up to you, it's usual to take all your clothes off as you'll be covered in a towel and they often get in the way of the massage, but if you feel uncomfortable, you can always leave your underwear on, okay? I'll leave you to get ready, just let me know when you're ready" Beth said as she left the room.

A moment later "Ready when you are" came Alex's voice from the room. As Beth entered she could see his muscular body stretched out on the massage table, his toned, tanned torso lying face down, muscles bulging in places she never knew existed. The small towel over his waist covering his modesty and his face resting in the hole, looking towards the ground.

She made small talk as she walked around the table, eyeing every inch of his body as she went. She knew she shouldn't but she couldn't help it. Simon would never know and it was alright to look wasn't it?

Standing at the head of the table, she poured some oils into her hands and began to gently work it into Alex's body, across his shoulders and down the tight muscular bulk of his back. The smell of sandalwood and vanilla filled the air, seducing her nostrils. She could feel the warmth caressing her again and she liked it.

She made her way down the side of the bed as she began to work lower down Alex's back. As her hands worked through the muscle, feeling every fiber under her delicate fingers, she reached the arch in his lower back and slid the towel slightly lower to provide more space to work. Getting a glimpse of his muscular cheeks sent her pulse racing. Although the towel only lowered a little, the perfect curve of his smooth ass was clear, "wow, Simon hasn't got an ass like that, but damn I wish he did!" her thoughts raced.

Her married hands slid slightly lower into the massage than it should have. Alex didn't seem to notice her hand lingering at the top of his cheeks.

She was able to collect her thoughts long enough, and moved onto the legs. She started massaging his large feet, starting with the toes then working her way up the soles, the heels then onto the calves. His powerful legs were just as toned as the rest of him, tight, firm. As she felt his muscle beneath her hands, her eyes began to follow the line upwards to what was hidden beneath the towel. "stop Beth" she pleaded with herself, but the attraction was too strong.

As her hands made their way up his sculpted thighs, she couldn't bring herself to stop, something about his skin, smooth and tanned, she wanted to be close enough to touch it, she wanted to feel his warmth in her hand, she imagined him growing at her touch, getting harder...then she stopped. Alex flinched just as her hands reached his buttocks and the movement snapped her out of the trance.

"If I hold the towel, can you turn onto your back please" she said trembling slightly, hoping he wouldn't sense the nerves in her voice.

He turned over to lie on his back, passing a quick glance to Beth. As they caught each others eyes, time seemed to stop for an moment. When Beth replaced the towel, she could see that it wasn't just her that had been enjoying the massage. Alex stood proud beneath the soft material, long and hard. She tried not to look but she couldn't take her eyes off it, it looked so big!

As she moved about the table, one of Alex's arms seemed to slip from beside him and brush against Beth's thigh. The touch sent a shock wave between her legs and she started to get wet. She could feel her black thong becoming moist as it seeped into the fine material. As she continued the massage, she moved around to the other side, only to feel his other hand on her ass. This time it wasn't a mistake. He meant to feel her and she couldn't stop him. She didn't want to.

She slowly worked one hand up his chest and the other down his thigh, all the while her heaving breasts and face getting closer to his hardness. As her hands began their return she could feel him grabbing this time, his big hand groping at her juicy ass. It hurt a little but this only made her more wet. She gave a little groan and slowly moved her hands beneath the small towel that was barely covering his manhood.

She felt the bottom of his shaft and Alex let out a small sigh in response. She longed to touch his full length and she let her oily hand move upwards towards the tip of his rock hard phallus, this time his hips rising from the bed to meet her touch. His arm pulled her closer to the bed and Beth wrapped her seemingly tiny hand around his giant member. It felt hot to the touch and so hard.

As she began to spread the massage oil up and down his shaft, Alex's hand slid down from her peach and found the slit in her skirt. His hand travelled upwards between her legs and found her married wetness waiting for him. He cupped her pussy and she let out a deep moan. She started to work his meat harder now and the towel slipped from the bed, revealing the full magnificence of his cock. It must have been at least 9 inches and her hand barely fit around its girth. With each stroke, his hips rocked to meet her hand, all the while his fingers performing their own massage on her eager mound through her saturated panties.

He moved his hand up and found the band of her tiny thong, then slipped his thick fingers down to her bare snatch. Her pussy engorged and soaking wet from the thrill. He worked his fingers over her clitoris before finding her tight hole and inserting two of them. Beth's hips began to rock to meet his penetrating digits.

As they fucked each others hands, Beth did something she hadn't done for a very long time and bent down to use her mouth. At first, her red lips kissed at the tip, a tiny bit of pre-cum wetting her. As she licked it off with her tongue, she opened her mouth and began to take the large member into her mouth. It felt incredible and she'd never felt so alive. Her pussy was soaking and Alex's fingers were bringing her closer to climax.

As her mouth took more of his length, the heavier his breathing became. She wrapped her lips tight around his shaft and took as much as she could before almost choking. This was a thrill and she couldn't believe how much pleasure she was giving him. His groans became louder and he started to rock, lifting his hips in time to fuck her mouth. All of a sudden, both his hands appeared on the back of her head and held her tight. His rock hard cock deep in her mouth as he began to fuck. Beth had an overwhelming urge to be sick but his mighty cock was so big she simply couldn't.

As he fucked her skull harder, he pulled her hair towards him to force as much of his length into her as possible, this time forcing his way past the back of her mouth and into her throat. The initial shock passed, and the sensation of being used completely overwhelmed Beth. Her right hand rushed to her pussy and she continued where Alex had left it, rubbing and fingering herself hard.

Barely able to breath, she took each mighty thrust from Alex's massive cock. As his pace quickened, she felt each thrust deeper until she eventually felt his sack slapping against her lips and chin. His groans became cries of pleasure and his climax built.

When it all became too much, he made one last pull on Beth's head and buried his full length into her throat, then stream after stream of his warm thick seed erupted into her stomach. Holding it there for what felt like an eternity, the lack of oxygen brought Beth off in the greatest climax ever. Her legs began to buckle as her ejaculated squirted onto the floor. He withdrew his hands and his softening cock slid from her stretched throat, followed by a last few drops of hot white cum. As Beth licked her lips, they both slumped onto the bed, completely spent.

Beth returned home still feeling the hard cock down her throat, the memory echoing in her mind, and the taste of another man's cum on her tongue.

As she walked through the door "Hi babe, how was work?" Simon met her at the door with a kiss.

"It was hard, really hard. They've booked in again in a couple of weeks" she replied.

"Oh that's great, good job!"

"It really was" thought Beth..."It really was"


2022-04-16 21:21:32
good story, it was realstic


2020-08-22 13:59:19
The first six paragraphs did not grab me -sorry.

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