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A true story about the shenanigans of a girl who wants to help her neighbor out, and have some fun while doing so.
A while ago, I received a mysterious text message. Or well, it wasn't that mysterious, but I didn't know the number that sent it. It turned out to be from Xander, the one half of a couple in their forties who lived across the hall. Here's what was in the text:

Hi, Noëlle. This is Xander, from number 34. Do you happen to be home? I have locked myself out, and Sasha isn't coming back for a while. And unfortunately, I could really use the restroom. I'm so sorry to bother you like this.

As it turned out, it was a bit of a bother. And by that, I mean a classic case of Girl, interrupted. Not that I was anywhere close to hitting Heaven, but I was fooling around a bit, and one could hardly argue I was dressed properly. But I do know what it's like to have locked yourself out of your own home (I'm not the brightest person on earth when it comes to that), and I felt really sorry for the guy. And on top of that: this was the perfect opportunity to bring my cheeky mood into practice.

I had to move quickly, before Xander would start knocking on doors. I hurried to my bedroom to grab the shorts I had been wearing the night before, but took off just before I got up. They were pale pink, they were tiny, and they were loose, and, from certain angles, ricidulously see-through. They were in no way the kind of shorts one would wear around anyone other than boyfriend of very, very close friends. Perfect for the job!

I kept my top on, which was just a basic white tank, obviously without a bra underneath. I put on my thigh-high socks, and grabbed one last detail out of that same drawer: my large-ish, bright pink rubber boyfriend, which I hadn't used in quite some time. I placed it in plain sight, right on the TV table, and walked to the door.

Xander was sitting on the floor, with his back against his door, his phone in his hands. He stood up as he heard my door open and walked towards me.

"Oh my God, Noëlle," he said, "you have no idea how happy I am to see you."

"People need to tell me that more often," I laughed. "Come on, bathroom is on the left."

I closed the door behind him and sat down on my couch. I waited until I heard flushing noises. Moments later, Xander's face popped up next to the open living room door.

"Thanks again so much!" he said. "I'll leave you to whatever you were doing, then."

"Wait," I said. "You still can't go in, right? Do you want a cup of coffee? I could use one myself."

Xander hesitated for a moment. I was sort of friendly with his wife, but Xander and I had never really spoken to each other, besides the occasional Hi, how are you in the hallway. I had to give him one more nudge, so I stood up and walked to the kitchen.

"Sit down," I said, "make yourself at home."

As I put two cups under the coffee machine, Xander shouted some more thank yous and I hope I'm not bothering yous. When I returned to the living room, he was sitting on the couch, his back turned towards the TV table, so I wasn't sure he had seen what I had casually placed on top of it. But if Sasha wasn't coming home anytime soon, I had plenty of time to make him aware of that.

I handed Xander a cup and sat down on the couch, with my back against the side, my knees spread and my legs crossed. The front of the shorts had a piece of silk on it, so one couldn't peek through, but it did follow body shapes easily, and I was sure that, if Xander had dared to look, he would have seen some contours.

"I like what you've done with the place," he said after taking a sip. "And I'm really jealous of your this view out on the street."

"Oh, it's amazing to watch people from up here. Just the trams are horrible when you wake up with a hangover."

I did something that made perfect sense, but had only one purpose: I leaned forward, grabbed my top, pulled it down all the way to under my butt and sat back down. It seemed perfectly logical to cover up my butt, but since Xander couldn't see that, the only real effect was that the stretched top had more and more trouble hiding my nipples. There's Newton's law about every action having an equal and opposite reaction for you. Science!

But there was more. Over the course of the coffee sipping, I slid down a tiny little bit. People do that all the time when they're trying to get comfy, but in this case, it resulted in my shorts tightening around my body, stretching it more and more. That resulted in another perfectly normal thing to do, too. After I reached for the desk to put my empty cup down, I put both my feet flat on the couch, lifted my hips, and pulled the shorts down a little (hey, if I had wanted something to creep up my butt, I would have worn a thong, right?).

This was the position I had wanted to be in from the start. My knees up against each other, leaning to one side a little so I could still see Xander's face, my feet a few inches apart, and legit unsure about whether the wide shorts were still covering the goods.

I kept the smalltalk going and asked Xander whether he wanted another cup of coffee.

"Alright, then," he said, "but let me at least get it. You've done plenty already."

With him in the kitchen, I had a great window to go slighty further. I pulled my top from under me and folded the lower side up, exposing part of my belly. Then I lowered my shorts some more and twisted it a tiny little bit. If I could feel something between my leg and the shorts, he sure should be able to see it - I just had no idea how much of it really was showing.

Xander returned, and he finally noticed the TV table, or at least he finally found the guts to say something about it. He stood in front of me and nodded towards the table.

"You sure I wasn't interrupting you in any way?" he asked.

Cue Noëlle's award-winning Fuck, you weren't supposed to see that scene.

"What do you m... Oh. Uhm... That uhm... That's not mine, how did that get in here?"

"Don't worry," Xander said as he sat down, "I'd be more surprised if a girl your age didn't have one of those."

One of those, ha! You should see my sock drawer. There's barely any room for socks!

"Alright, fine. I'm in between boyfriends. And now I want to die."

"No need to die. I'll tell you a secret: even Sasha has one of those. Gotta keep busy while I'm at a business trip, right?"

"I guess," I said, and hid my face behind my coffee cup. "For the record, it was a gift."

Strangely, this whole thing seemed to make Xander more comfortable being here. And that in turn made me even more comfortable than I already was - so comfortable in fact that I kicked up one leg and put it over the other. Now, with the way these shorts were made, and the way I had turned them to one side a little, I would have bet a month's salary that more than just a small part of my hoo-hee was showing. And finally, I noticed Xander was not just looking at my face all the time anymore.

I gotta admit, this was the moment where the little devil on my shoulder started to really kick the butt of the little angel on the other side. I thought about grabbing my boobs, or putting my hand in my shorts. I seriously considered blurting out something like Well, since that's out, would you mind grabbing it for me? I even contemplated about walking towards the bedroom door, looking back over my shoulder, and asking him whether he was done with his coffee yet - or what? I didn't, though. This wasn't about me playing in front of a married man, and this sure wasn't about me getting laid. Awkward, semi-accidental teasing was the name of the game - and I had one last trick up my sleeve.

"Do you mind if I take a quick shower?" I said as I stood up and picked the toy off of the TV table. "And probably get this out of sight?"

"I can leave you in peace," Xander said. "I've bothered you enough already."

"Oh no, no, please stay," I said from inside my bedroom. "I don't want you sitting on the floor again, just make yourself comfortable." I walked back and handed Xander the remote. "I'm sure there's a game on or something."

"Thanks, Noëlle, you're the best," he shouted after I had closed and locked the bathroom door.

It was impossible not to touch. I could have easily gone all the way, there was plenty of noise coming from the living room and the shower wasn't silent either. But I stayed strong, and kept playtime to a minimum. My plan wouldn't be as much fun if I didn't.

Living alone, taking a shower never requires much planning in advance. You just get in, get out, and think of what you're wearing when you're back in your bedroom. This time, though, there was someone in the way. And that someone would be getting plenty to look at if he'd be able to keep his eyes off the TV for a bit.

After using the towel to get the water off of my body, I rolled myself in it. I looked at myself in the mirror, and I wasn't disappointed: it covered just enough of my boobs, and almost just enough off my butt. Xander glanced at me as I stepped back into the living room, but quickly turned back to the TV - such a good guy, for now. I walked past him, and then unfolded the most clever part of my master plan. See, my bedroom door, it has a major flaw. Unless you fully close it, it tends to swing back open again, 'till about halfway, leaving about a half a yard gap to peek through for anyone sitting on the couch. And few things are easier than pretending to have forgotten about that entirely.

One very important part of the plan was to make sure to pretend I had no idea that the door was open, and that Xander wouldn't be concerned about me suddenly turning around. To deal with the first part, I immediately took the towel off and curled my head into it, something I would usually do in the bathroom, but couldn't for obvious reasons. I made sure to keep my back towards the door at all times, giving Xander a perfect, riskless view. But that wouldn't mean he wouldn't see anything but my butt. Not even remotely.

The next part of the plan made total sense to me, too. When I'm planning on getting fully dressed, I always prefer to start at the bottom and go up higher and higher - let's say I just prefer to stay naked for a little bit longer. In this case, that meant starting with my socks. While I usually sit down on the bed while putting those on, I didn't this time. Instead, I stood in the middle of the room, right in front of the open door, and bent over. This was the grand finale: Xander's half a minute window of seeing everything he ever wanted to see. I couldn't check if he was watching, but I felt it. I struggled with my socks for a bit longer, then got up and grabbed a thong. I stepped through the holes and bent over one last time, to pick it up from the floor and pull it up.

With that part over, putting my jeans, bra, and top on weren't nearly as exciting. As I got back to the living room, I pretended I did not even consider the possibility of Xander looking through the half-open door. I just sat down next to him and watched the game. Shortly after, there was knocking on the door. Sasha was home (imagine that would have happened a few minutes earlier, when I had just gotten out of the shower).

Locking yourself out sucks. It's never a good idea to leave the house without your keys. But if you do, just pray that you end up in the apartment of a girl who has been playing for most of the day, and who knows, maybe you'll have the day of your life!


2020-08-21 17:38:05
Part 2?


2020-08-21 17:37:45
Part 2?

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