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Emily, the Census Taker, stops into the mountain hollow and gets more than she bargained for.
Maggie woke from yet another early morning sex dream, hot, sweaty and wet. She couldn’t even remember the details of the dream this time but all of her nights these days were filled with dreams of her getting fucked. Sometimes it would be her daddy, Emmitt, and other times her lil’ brother, Earl. Other times it would be ol’ lady Woodson’s 90 lb blue-tick hound, Rocky. And sometimes it was their pony, or even complete stranger. Regardless of who her dream fucker was, she would awake craving a cock.

The covers were thrown off of her and her little sister Molly. They both laid there naked in the bed they shared, except for old ratty t-shirts as their nightgowns, the fan blowing to keep them cool. August in their trailer in the hollow outside Hazard, KY was always unbearable. Oh well, another day.

Betty was fixin’ breakfast when the girls came down the hall, their little brother Earl still asleep on the sofa. “Y’all girls wake up Earl. He’s going into town with me and your daddy today. They both gots doctor appointments. His back is killin’ him and Earl needs some damn shots for school. After y’all feed the animals, y’all get to the garden and do some pickin’.”

The girls, now clad in their “work clothes” of baggy cutoffs and paper-thin wife-beater hand me downs from their daddy, waved as the rest of the family drove off down the road in the old Impala. They sighed with relief knowing they could finish up chores in just a couple hours then could do whatever they wanted until they got back late that afternoon. They made quick work of feeding the chickens and ducks, then turned them out to roam the barnyard. It was shortly after 9:00 and already hotter than hell. They stopped at the hose at the barn and sprayed each other off. The cold water on their sheer tanktops brought their nipples to visible attention. 30 minutes later they were still wringing wet as they weeded around the mater plants.

The crunch of the gravel on their dirt road brought them to attention, because rarely did anyone venture back into their little mountain hollow. Hands on their hips, they stared as the almost silent little gray car eased to a stop halfway between the trailer and the barn.

Emily looked at the two young girls standing in the garden, wearing clothes 3 sizes too big, cutoffs held up with a balertwine belt, and their young titties clearly visible through their sheer tanktops. “Goddamn, this fucking county is full of damn hillbillies. This should be fun”, muttered to herself as she climbed out of her Prius. She’d moved recently to Lexington from Texas to be with her lesbian lover. Needing money, she’d taken a job two months ago as a Census Taker. She drew the short straw and got the back woods surrounding Hazard, KY.

Maggie and Molly watched as the petite blond, with the long flowing dress emerged from the car. She looked like one of them girls they’d heard their daddy refer to as “damn hippies” when he was watching TV. She won’t much bigger than Molly, stood about 5’2” and couldn’t weigh no more than 110 lbs. But she was also strikingly beautiful.

Holding out her ID, “Good morning. My name is Emily Setterberg and I’m with the US Census Bureau. Are your parents at home?”

“No maam, they’s gone to town. Won’t be back for a few hours.”

“Fuck, I damn sure don’t want to have come back to this damn backwoods hellhole” thought Emily.

“I just have a few quick questions. Do you think you girls could help me?”

“I reckon so. What you need, maam?” replied Maggie.

The August heat beat down on them as Emily asked their names. “Could we go somewhere out of this sun? It is dreadfully hot out here. And please, call me Emily.”

“Yes Maam, Emily, come on in the barn.”

Emily followed the two young girls into the barn. They were as country as anyone she’d ever met, but when you wipe away all the dirt they were actually beautiful young girls. Maggie stopped at the hose and flipped up the handle. “You want some water?”

“No thanks, I’m good”. Emily wasn’t drinking from a damn water hose in a barn.

Maggie leaned over, took a few sips, then let the water run down her face, onto her chest. When she turned off the hose and stood up straight, Emily admired her young firm tits, brown areolas and stiff nipples visible through her sheer top. “My, my, what a delicious looking little country girl,” thought Emily.

Maggie and Molly flopped down side by side on two haybales. Emily followed their lead and sat on the end of a haybale opposite them, setting her tablet and phone down behind her. The questions could wait, she needed to cool off first. It was 15 degrees cooler in the barn and Emily watched as the girls’ nipples stiffened beneath their wet tops. After a couple bad relationships in college, she was done with men and had been in a lesbian relationship since she was 20, six years now. She made small talk, continually admiring the tight bodies of the young girls.

“How old are you? What grade are you in? Do you like school? Got a boyfriend?” The last question bringing both girls to a giggle.

“No maam, ain’t got one” Maggie giggled and leaned back on her elbows as she did.

Maggie’s legs spread apart as she reclined, giving Emily a clear shot of her hairy light brown bush. Emily ran her tongue over her lips and could feel her pantyless crotch begin to moisten. She probably was what Emmitt considered a hippie. She wore the long flowing, colorful dresses and hadn’t worn a bra or panties since high school. She wanted to crawl off her haybale, rip the baggie cutoffs from Maggie’s young ass and shove her face into her hairy virgin pussy. She sat closer to the edge of the haybale and commenting on the heat, slid her dress up above her knees. If Maggie was going to show her prize possession so would Emily. Fanning her dress, and leaning back on the haybale, she spread her legs further apart.

Maggie and Molly couldn’t help but look. What they saw was a bald cunt with jewelry hanging down. It looked like she had earrings on each side of her pussy. They had never seen anything like that in their life.

“I gather by the looks on your faces, you’ve never seen piercings.” Both girls blushed being caught staring at the woman’s pussy.

“No maam, I mean Emily, what is it?”

Emily sat up, spread her legs further apart and slid her dress up to her hips. Her wet pussy glistened with excitement. The girls stared intently as Emily reached down to her bare cunt and played with the little earrings on each side of her cunt.

“See these are what you call piercings and..” suddenly Emily was interrupted when Rocky walked into the barn. “Well, hello big boy. What’s your name?” Rocky slowly approached the stranger women. He’d never seen her before but the familiar scent of wet pussy caught his attention.

That’s ol’ lady Woodson’s dog, Rocky. He’s a good boy. She named him after that song “Rocky Top Tennessee”.”

Rocky eased up to the stranger, stepped between her widespread legs, and leaned in for a closer sniff before Emily grabbed him and started rubbing his head. “Oh he’s such a handsome boy. Here Maggie, will you do a Facebook Live for my friends? We all love dogs!”

“What is a Facebook Live?” asked Maggie quizzingly? She’d never used a cellphone, there was no internet in the hollow and she’d only overheard some classmates mention Facebook.

Grabbing her phone, Emily popped up Facebook and Live. “There must be a cell tower close because I get 5 bars. Here, push this little button and point it towards me and you’ll see it on the phone.”

Maggie took the phone, pushed the little button as Emily had instructed and pointed the phone towards Emily and Rocky. Suddenly Emily and Rocky appeared on the screen. Cool!

“Come here big boy”. Emily pulled Rocky closer, hugging his big head and rubbing his ears. Rocky stood 30” tall and at 90+ lbs weighed almost as much as the strange lady loving on him. Rocky licked her face and the scent coming from under her skirt excited him more. Maggie kept watching the Facebook feed as little thumbs-up, hearts and smiley faces scrolled up the screen.

“I want ya’ll to meet my new friend, Rocky. I’m in a hollow outside of Hazard and he is the most adorable big boy.” Rocky pushed forward and Emily leaned back flat on the haybale. Stepping up onto the bale, Rocky placed a front leg on each side of her and continued to lick her neck and face. Emily laughed and wrapped her arms around him. Maggie kept the camera rolling.

Molly, still sitting on her haybale watching the action, was the first to notice. She spotted the big red cock hanging below Rocky and knew what was next. Standing between Emily's widespread legs, Rocky would have no trouble with the task at hand. His cock fully extended now, she watched as it throbbed up, hitting Emily’s leg. Rocky pushed further forward. Emily carried on with her laughing, hugging, and rubbing, smiling into the camera as Rocky continued to lick her face and neck. Maggie kept the camera rolling.

Slowly humping and stepping to his right, suddenly Rocky’s cock felt the heat and wetness of Emily’s cunt. Emily felt something rub her pussy but had no idea what was about to go down. Rocky thrust forward, missing his mark. He pulled back, humped forward again and the tip of his red hot poker found its’ mark. Emily snapped to attention, but it was too late. Rocky thrust forward again and his next hump pushed his cock four inches inside. Emily screamed out and tried to push Rocky away. Rocky growled and nipped the shoulder of the stranger with the hot wet pussy. He was past the point of return and he was going to breed his new bitch. Emily was now under Rocky’s strong chest and couldn’t move. He wrapped his legs around her shoulders and thrust forward. Maggie kept filming but moved down lower and closer to the action. She had no idea what they meant, but little shocked faces, hearts and thumbs-ups covered the screen. Emily was gasping as Rocky continued to push in 6, 7, 8 then all 10 inches of his fat cock.

“He’s killing me, he’s so big, get him off, he’s ripping me apart.” Both girls had enjoyed the Rocky experience before and knew what she was feeling. It would soon turn to screams of pleasure. Rocky’s pace quickened and he hammered away at Emily’s tight cunt. She had never felt anything so big. The biggest cock she’d ever had inside her was the six-inch strap-on her girlfriend used on her sometimes. Now his thick 10 inch cock was splitting her apart. Emily lifted her legs in the air and that helped ease the pain some. Rocky continued to jack-hammer her cunt and Emily’s pain was slowly turning to pleasure. Lifting her legs even more allowed Rocky to push deeper inside and she could feel his whole cock as it slammed against her cervix. All 10 inches of his red hot poker were now buried deep in her cunt and he was rocking her world. Maggie moved in even closer, camera right between Rocky’s legs, and she could see his knot starting to grow as he plowed Emily’s cunt.

“OH my god, fuck me, fuck me! Oh, it feels sooo good! Make me cum, make me cum!” Emily screamed. She was thrusting her hips to meet each of Rocky’s plunges and she had never felt such pleasure. She exploded in orgasm. Maggie was getting every detail of the action as Emily’s cum sprayed out with each stroke, not knowing she was broadcasting all of the action to hundreds of her friends.

Emily’s screams of pleasure continued until she felt the knot banging at her stretched cunt. She had no idea what was happening. “What is he doing? Oh it hurts. GRRRAAAAAHHHH he’s killing me.”

Rocky was determined to impregnate his new bitch and he hammered his knot harder against her tight hole. Each stroke was forcing her to open up more and more. Maggie was on her knees, camera a foot away from Emily’s battered cunt.

“GRRRAAAHHH, I can’t take it, help me” screamed Emily but it was too late. Rocky’s last thrust pushed his knot inside, locked inside her cunt. Emily screamed out as she gushed out another orgasm. Her body slid back and forth on the haybale as Rocky hammered away when suddenly he jerked forward and stopped, his testicles spewing his cum deep inside. Emily’s cunt felt like it would explode as he dumped loads after load of his hot, slimy doggy cum deep into her. She could feel her belly expand and harden as his cum filled her insides, as she was overcome by yet another screaming orgasm. Maggie continued to video….unbeknownst to Emily.

Emily was spent. Her legs slowly dropped to the ground and she struggled to breathe as Rocky lay heavy on top of her. She could feel his heart pounding against her cheek. She whimpered, “Get him off me. Help me.”

“He ain’t gonna let you go until his knot goes down and that takes some time.” Molly chimed in, looking over at Maggie and smiling. The both knew it’d be a while!

Ten minutes went by without a word, except for Rocky panting. Maggie kept videoing and the funny little icons danced across the screen. Rocky was exhausted, thirsty and couldn’t handle being up on the haybale any longer. He straightened his front legs, stepped over Emily and slid down off the haybale. Emily screamed in pain as his knot jerked her to the dirt floor of the barn. Rocky was dying of thirst from the hot August heat and the intense 15 minute fucking he’d just put on his new bitch. He made his way to the water bucket six feet away, dragging Emily by the pussy through the dirt of the barn as he went. Emily screamed out.

Emily was now stretched out on her back behind Rocky as he stood drinking from the water bucket. Her small, tight ass was almost hanging off the ground, refusing to let go of his knot. Her legs quivered and the parts of her body that weren’t numb, ached in pain. Never had she been fucked like that. She lay there, flat on her back, eyes closed. She could feel Rocky’s knot begin to shrink and the thought of being detached from this fuck monster made her smile. Rocky turned from the water bucket, took a step to the left and his knot plopped out Emily’s cunt. One last orgasmic scream and she was out from exhaustion and relief that it was finally over. Maggie walked around to the front of Emily and filmed as the cum gushed from her battered cunt, puddling between her legs on the floor. Maggie stared at the phone as the little icons danced up the screen. She pushed the button to stop. She laid the phone beside the tablet on the haybale.

It was another ten minutes before Emily stirred, and struggled to sit up. Looking down she saw her ravaged cunt and the huge puddle of dog cum on the ground between her legs.

“How could you let that happen to me?”

“Won’t nothing we could do after you got him all excited. Plus, sure looks like you enjoyed it” smiled Maggie.

Reaching over, Maggie helped Emily to her feet. She looked down at her filthy, cum soaked dress, and lifted it up above her knees to watch the cum drip down her legs. Maggie led her to the hose. “Here, let me clean you up some.”

Emily held up her dress as Maggie hosed her off. Molly reached in to help scrub the doggy cum from her crotch and legs.

Emily flopped down on the haybale, hiked up her dress and spread her legs to dry off. Another few minutes of resting and Emily slowly stood, “I need to get out of here”.

“I’ll help you to the car. Molly, grab her stuff.”

Maggie opened the car door and helped Emily swing her legs inside. “Here’s your stuff. Will you be back to talk to momma and daddy?”

Emily nodded, closed the door, cranked the Prius and headed down the driveway. Out of habit, she reached over, grabbed her phone and glanced down at it. She slammed on the brakes and let out a scream as she saw her phone blown up with texts, calls and hundreds of comments on her Facebook Live video. Sobbing, she eased down the washed out driveway, back to civilization.

Story Teller 101Report 

2022-07-20 08:08:17
Is there a chapter 10 in the future.


2021-08-25 13:19:10
omg you have to continue this, all i can imagine is the humiliation of realizing everything that had just happened was now out live, technology is a wonderful thing , but sometimes we need to be super careful in how we handle it, how many times have we all hit send only to realize to late that their was an extra add accidentally in there.

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