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It's the third part of the story, so consider reading (D1) and (D2). You can start with (D3) but there will defenitely be some things you won't understand.

Life was boring. But that changed as Daniel moved to the city and met Chloe, the one person who's mind he can't read.
Retrospect 1

It’s been a long day at school for Daniel. The girl he likes did her best to avoid him at every turn. In the group projects, she was eager to get together with her friends, or anyone else besides Daniel. He couldn't find her in the breaks and at lunchtime, she almost sprinted out of the schoolhouse to get some food in the city nearby.

It was frustrating. Daniel wanted to give her space but there is a conversation she is avoiding and it's time for them to have it. After class, he decided to talk to her. He waited for her in front of the exit, hoping she wouldn't just turn around when she sees him.

She stopped in her motion as she spotted him guarding the entrance but she also knew that she couldn’t avoid him forever so she kept on walking, doing her best to fake a smile.

“Daniel,” she says, “I’m in a hurry, were you waiting for me?” She is nervous. It‘s obvious. He didn’t even have to read her mind to know that.

“Please, can we talk for a minute?”

She looked around. The fact that there are only a few students left didn’t give her much confidence. She didn’t respond but she also didn’t run away again.

"You're scared," Daniel said, stating the obvious.

“You’ve read my mind again?”

“No. I mean Yeah but I didn’t have to, to know this. You've been avoiding me at school, you don't respond to my texts, ever since I told you … eh," He stumbled as he realized that they were still standing in the middle of the school and it's probably a bad idea to mention his abilities here.

Luckily his girlfriend didn’t share these concerns, “You mean when you told me you can read my mind! Ever since then I’ve been avoiding you?”

Daniel tried to signal her to keep it down. Sooner or later people would have noticed them fighting and started to ears drop.

“Don’t shush me! And of course, I’m scared. You’re a freak. It’s not normal!”

Daniel failed to keep her quiet but that’s not what concerned him at the moment, “You’re angry with me?”

"You did it again! Get out of my head. And why would I be angry? Maybe because in every conversation we had you knew exactly what I thought and knew exactly what to say so I'd fall for you? Or maybe because after I told you to stop you still keep doing it? Just stop!"

Daniel was taken aback, “It’s not that simple. You think I can just switch it off? I didn’t choose this. It doesn’t change who I am. I’m still the same guy you went on dates on.”

“You’re wrong, it changes everything.” The girl looked around again. People were starting to watch the two of them. “I can’t do that, leave me alone,” she said and ran away.

Scene 1

Chloe just woke up. For some reason, she can't stop thinking about her dream. Normally, she would have forgotten all about it by now but this time she remembers the whole thing pretty clearly. She still has a bit of a tingling sensation down there.

With her mind running only on half its capacity she finds herself in a room that she’s never seen before. Shit. She is not at home. Of course. They went to Daniel after the party. For a moment Chloe doesn’t know what to do. The room looks pretty neat. It’s a girly bedroom.

The sound of three soft knocks on the doorframe makes her jump a little. Pete is watching her with amusement. "Do you sleepwalk or are you awake?"

Chloe looks like a dear in the headlights. "Eh, good morning Peter," she says.

Chloe quickly realizes that she is only wearing her panties and one of Daniel’s shirts that works more like a dress on her. Still, what she would give to wear pants right now. It makes her pretty self-conscious. The situation has definitely the potential to get awkward real fast.

“Here drink this, it’s good for you.” Peter hands her the glass he is carrying.

Chloe takes it and asks, “What is it?”

Peter grins, “Water, it will help against the hangover.”

“Thanks, but I didn’t drink that much yesterday.”

“So, you’re just not a morning person then?” He asks. Chloe lifts her shoulders. Yeah, probably. She looks around, still trying to figure out what room she is in. There’s an awful lot of pink and a big closet. Only one bed, maybe a guest room?

“It’s my wife’s bedroom if that's what you’re wondering." Chloe seems confused so Pete adds, "We don't sleep in the same room. From experience, I can tell you that it's not that bad of an idea. I often have to work late and she has to rise early.”

“What time is it?” Chloe asks. It feels like it’s still pretty early.

"Eight-thirty. I had a meeting earlier so I had to be awake sooner than normal," he says, "I just wanted to eat breakfast, you wanna join me?"

Chloe drinks up her glass of water and nods. Peter laughs, she’s quite adorable in the morning. The way she is still so sleepy. On their way downstairs he asks, “Daniel is still sleeping?”

Chloe nods again. She is a bit slow but still notices that there is something up with this question. “Is that unusual?” she asks.

“Sharp as a knife even in the early morning hours,” Peter says jokingly, “well, it’s not every day that I’m up before Daniel. He doesn’t sleep that much you know.”

“Yeah, yesterday he only got six hours or so, I heard him leave the room.” She says and looks to Peter. There’s still something, she thinks.

“That’s better than usual. He told me that five is the norm but I guess it could be even less on some days. Never saw him get more, though. I guess you’re good for him.”

How can someone only sleep so little? That’s definitely not healthy, Chloe thinks. And does he really sleep better when she is around? She’d love to think that but the reality is that his body probably just takes back what he needs and it’s just a coincidence that it’s the nights she was sleeping next to him.

Scene 2

“You really wanna go shopping?” Daniel asks. They just entered a pretty big mall and it's even more impressive inside. It has four floors. Going through every shop could take a lifetime or two.

“Why?” Chloe asks a bit disappointed, “You wouldn’t like me trying on some new clothes, maybe to pose a bit for you?”

“I didn’t say that …”

“Too bad, I think we’ll have to settle for the best ice cream in town then.” She smiles. Daniel just walked right into her trap and there is no real way to recover. That mouth of hers, he loves it.

Daniel stops in front of an info-map. The stores are listed and the numbers go up to 150. Well, it won't be just clothing lines but you wanna go shopping here you should bring some time. Better stick to Chloe, if he'd lose her there's a good chance, he won't find her again.

As he thinks that, Chloe tucks at his shirt. “Come on,” she says and pulls him onto the escalator, “the ice cream store is on the third floor.”

There is so much food. The entire floor is filled with restaurants. Daniel sees that there’s a pretty long queue in front of the ice cream store that Chloe is walking to. That’s when he feels something.

“Why don’t you get us some ice and I find a place to sit,” he says.

That came sudden and a bit unnatural, so Chloe asks, “You don’t enjoy my company?”

"Let's just say, you should have taken that shower I offered you earlier."

“Hey! … That’s just mean,” she says but eventually has to laugh about his bluntness. “What do you want?”

"Surprise me", he says, smiles again, and walks away. After a few steps, he looks back to check on something. Chloe quickly sniffs one of her armpits. As she looks around to check if someone saw what she just did she finds Daniels laughing eyes that tell her it’s been his plan all along. Got you, he thinks.

Scene 3

As Chloe comes back with the two ice-creams, she finds Daniel sitting on a bench with a samll girl. Chloe raises an eyebrow.

“She is looking for her mom. Let’s help her real quick,” Daniel says.

“You’ve seen how big this mall is?” Chloe asks a bit sarcastically. There is no way they’ll find her mom ‘real quick’ as Daniel put it.

Daniel gives her a comforting smile, "Just humor me for a minute." He stands up and takes the hand of the girl.

“Are you his girlfriend?” she asks Chloe.

Amused about the question Chloe looks at Daniel, “I don’t know, am I?”

She’s really pulling that on him after only three days? If it’s a test there is only one safe answer. “Of course, you are,” he says. In case he is overstepping there, he could pretend he only wanted to tease her a little bit.

Daniel is leading the way straight to the next escalator, takes it, and from there he tries to find a way through the crowd. He wants to get somewhere specific. Chloe has no idea where he wants to go but stays silent.

At one point the kid rushes forward straight to a woman that’s looking pretty distressed. “Mommy!” The woman turns around and sees her kid running towards her. She goes to her knees and welcomes her with open arms. As she looks up her gaze meets Daniel's eyes.

“Let’s get out of here, I really don’t want to answer too many questions,” Daniel says, “What did you get me anyway?”

“Coconut.” Chloe hands it to him. A drop is running down the waffle right onto her fingers. Daniel takes the ice cream from her, grabs her hand, and licks it clean.

“How does it taste?” she asks with a smile.

“At least top ten material.”

They walk out of the mall, both enjoying their ice creams in silence. As they finished up Daniel says, "I got to go then. Don't wanna be late for my lunch with Dr. Carter."

"Yeah, I know."

A thought hits Chloe. Yesterday after her talk he said something about Dr. Carter helping him with something. She's a scientist that specialized in mind reading. Or the next best thing, traces of thoughts. If for some reason it's true that Daniel can read people’s minds then Karren would be the person she’d go to for answers. It’s plausible but, to say the least, it’s very unlikely.

Scene 4

“Hey Susie, how are you.” Daniel walks up to the reception. The woman behind the counter immediately remembers that voice. She finishes what she is writing and faces Daniel.

A smile spreads across her face, “It’s you again. I told you, I’d talk to Dr. Carter and come back to you if she’d agree to a meeting. I’m sorry but I can’t do anything else for you.”

The first time Daniel tried to talk to Karren (Dr. Carter), Susie was the one that blocked him. She's a nice woman, very easy to get along. Daniel couldn't bring himself to push her so he tried to get in touch with Karren in a different kind of way. From Karren herself he knows that he had a lasting impression on Susie. She described him as a handsome little fellow if he remembers correctly. Well, Susie could very well be his mother, so little describes probably his age.

“You don’t understand. This time Karren knows I’m coming, Susie. Just call her, she said we could talk a bit over lunch.”

Susie raises an eyebrow and her voice is heightened in disbelieve, "You two are on a first-name basis? Why wouldn't she tell me?"

“Guess you’ve got to ask her that,” Daniel smiles, “Do you know if she is still working?”

Susie watches Daniel carefully but he gives nothing away. “I’ll call her,” she says and picks up the phone.

On the second ring Karren herself enters the lobby, “Hey Daniel, You’re here already?”

Susie interrupts before Daniel could respond, “I was just calling you. Why didn’t you tell me about this man here?”

“Because I’d knew you’d blow it out of proportion,” Karren says and faces Daniel. Her eyes land on the package he is carrying, “Is that what I think it is?”

He nods, "I got us some Chinese takeaway. I hope I remembered correctly and it's from your favorite restaurant. Didn't want to settle for Burger with fries again."

“Again?” Susie interjects, “So it’s you’re second date already and you took her out to a fast food restaurant the first time around?” She looks at Daniel silently judging him. He on the other hand realizes what Karren meant about blowing things out of proportion.

“It’s not a date,” Karren says, “don’t make him uncomfortable. And I think Daniel here already has a girlfriend, at least if he didn’t ruin it already.”

"If you'd take me to get some Burgers on a first date, I'd say you lost your chance, handsome or not," Susie adds.

“I only know Chloe for a few days, so it’s way too early to speak about these things but it's looking good if you're wondering." Daniel realizes that he could be stuck with these two women for a while if he doesn’t do anything. They could probably talk forever, so he says before they can respond, “Is there a place for us two to have lunch, Karren? I mean, Susie, you’d be welcome to join us but we’ll talk about her research and I believe you’re tied to the desk for a little bit longer.”

“Nah, when it comes to her work, I’m out even though my own lunch break would be in a few minutes. No, I’ll let you two alone but Karren,” Susie’s voice gets serious, “We got to talk later.”

"Yeah, of course, let's go to my office," Karren says, answering Daniel and ignoring Susie’s last sentence.

Scene 5

Peter enters the living room. He just came back from work. It's a Saturday but in his work environment, nobody really gives a damn about it. If they have to discuss something important, they have no problem to schedule meetings apart from the normal five-day workweek. It comes with the profession. Still, Peter makes sure to take back this time somehow. Maybe by taking off a day the following week or just by leaving early. Not that he neglects his responsibilities as the head of his department but he makes it work anyway.

Daniel is catching up on school stuff. Some of his new courses are further ahead than the once he attended in his last school. Nothing that’s too difficult but he has to put in some work to catch up. He could ask Chloe or Steve to help him with that. It would certainly be more fun but he finds that he prefers to study these things alone. It’s way faster.

“You’ve met Karren?” Peter asks casually.

Daniel is happy about the interruption. Biology, quite interesting stuff but it’s getting harder to concentrate every minute. “Yeah, we met up over lunch.”

Peter steps into the kitchen and starts to make some dinner. “You want some too?” Peter asks.

“Yeah, please.”

If Daniel went through with his plan, he told Karren today about his abilities to read people's minds. So, Peter asks, "How did she take it?"

“She’s a scientist, so after the obligatory five-minute run of ‘can you guess what I’m thinking about now?’ she had tons of questions. I think we’d still be talking if our conversation wasn’t cut short from her having to get back to work.”

“Poor soul,” Peter says, “at first she has to work on a Saturday and now she gets denied the answers to all her questions. I hope for her you two will meet up tomorrow?”

“You see the irony?” Daniel asks, referring to his uncle literally just coming home from work on a Saturday.

"For me, it's the exception and not the rule."

“Same goes for her,” Daniel says, “I asked. To answer your second question. I am going to meet her this evening. I don’t want to torture her too much and I don’t think she would have taken ‘no’ for an answer.”

“What’s with Chloe?” Peter asks, “she’s not sleeping here today?”

“Nah, I wrote her if she wants to meet up but she declined. I guess she just needs a little break after the last two days. Could she come over tomorrow? Maybe relax a bit in the whirlpool?”

Peter smiles, "So, you want to see her in a bikini? Can't blame you for that. As long as you two don't have a problem with me being around it's fine. I wanted to do the same but don't worry I won't embarrass you by joining."

"Well, I see that you and Chloe are getting close, too. I’d say she wouldn’t mind in general but tomorrow could be a bad day. There’s a tension between us ever since last night. I’ll have to talk to her eventually to sort things out.”

Dinner is almost ready. “Don’t think too much about it,” Peter says, “Most people would be a bit weirded out by what you told her. But if there’s one thing I learned in the conversations I had with Chloe. She’s not like most people.”

Scene 6

The door opens and Chloe is facing Daniel’s uncle. Not exactly what she expected since Peter is dressed very casually. Chloe realizes that she has only seen him in a suit. He was working from home, the last two times. But why would he dress up for that? Maybe he has meetings where he attends over a video call?

“Hey Chloe,” Peter says and holds out his hand. Right, good manners and confident, she thinks. There was something when she first met him.

“Hey Peter,” she says and shakes his hand, “I came to see Daniel.”

“Yeah, he mentioned you might come over. Come inside.”

Daniel’s uncle leads the way through the kitchen, heading towards the backyard. “Daniel is already outside,” he says and looks back to Chloe. He realizes that she’s a bit hesitant so he asks, “Am I making you uncomfortable?”

Chloe is surprised, “No, not at all.”

Peter gives her an encouraging smile, “What is it then?”

“Nothing really,” she says but Peter sees that there is something bothering her. She doesn't show much, but as Daniel said, there is this tension. A touch of insecurity.

Peter only raises an eyebrow showing that he doesn’t believe a word she just said.

Chloe gives in, “It’s just. There is something I can’t explain and it bothers me. It doesn’t make sense.”

“Could it be related to what Daniel told you Friday night, after the party?” Peter asks, “listen. Daniel is a great guy. Even though he has his demons, I think he handles them quite well.”

How does he know? Oh no. Shit! His uncle is in on it.

Chloe stops walking. A bit afraid she asks, “He can really do it, right?” Peter doesn’t respond, “I mean he can really read people’s minds.”

Peter stays silent. He only listens because that’s what Chloe needs right now more than anything. Someone she can talk at. He gives her a warm smile.

“It would be so easy. There has to be something I’m missing,” She says, “If he can actually do it, it would be so easy to prove it to me. But he didn't. He had to know that I wouldn't believe him when he just told me. Even when I accept that he is superhuman, it just doesn’t make sense,”

Peter has to laugh because of her choice of words there at the end but gets back to being serious real quick. “Think about it. He can’t bring himself to lie to you,” Peter says, “And even though he believes that everyone he opens up to will reject him eventually, he told you, didn't he? You want him to prove it but that's what drove everyone else away. The fact that it was so easy to prove didn't make it any better. There is no solution in his eyes. He’s stuck with a decision he doesn’t want to make. And from what I can tell he is driving pretty good with just not making it.”

This time it’s Chloe that doesn’t respond.

Peter adds, “I mean in his eyes, the moment he gives you proof, you’ll be gone. That’s just how it’s been with everyone before.”

“But you’re still here for him and you know about his condition.”

“Well,” Peter tries to explain, “For him, I’m the exception, not the rule. He knows me, inside and out, and he thinks that I’m the one in a thousand.”

Chloe takes a step forward to look out the window. Daniel is laying in the whirlpool. It seems like he didn’t want to wait any longer and just hoped in. He looks so peaceful laying there. Not knowing that she is talking behind his back with his uncle.

“But when I look at him now,” Chloe says, “I don’t think it changed how I think of him. And I know about his powers. I wouldn’t reject him for that.”

"He doesn't know that," Pete says.

That’s when Chloe gets it, “Because he can’t read my mind.”

Scene 7

“What should I do then?” Chloe asks Peter.

“I don’t think you have to do anything really. You know him for how long? Half a week, maybe less?”

For Chloe, it feels like much longer. He showed her so much about who he is already but she knows that there is still a long way to go.

Peter goes on, “What I’m saying is. You don’t ‘need’ to do anything. Be yourself. It worked so far.”

And with a last look towards Daniel's uncle, Chloe steps into the backyard.

Daniel hears the sound of someone stepping out of the terrace door. He opens his eyes and tilts his head in her direction. The now so familiar-looking blond girl is walking over to him. She looks as stunning as the first time he saw her. Even more, since she doesn't wear her usual ponytail. Instead, her hair falls naturally over her shoulders.

“Hey,” she says as she gets a little closer. The whirlpool is standing in the shadow of a large garden parasol.

“Hey back,” Daniel says and smiles. There is something on Chloe’s mind. That much he can tell but he doesn’t know what. So, he waits.

“I got to mention,” Chloe says, “you’re really trying hard to see me in my bikini. And so eager. Already waiting for me inside.”

“You could always go naked,” Daniel counters.

A big grin spreads across Chloe’s face as she moves her hands to undress in front of him. Is she really gonna do it? Damn, what he would give. There is no telling with this girl. As she gets out of her shirt Daniel realizes that she is already wearing her bikini top. No luck today, he thinks, but the mere thought of Chloe skinny dipping with him gets Daniel aroused. He could try to not get a boner, but why even bother?

Chloe steps out of her shorts and climbs into the pool. To his surprise, she doesn't take the seat beside him. With a smile on her face, she cuddles herself up next to Daniel. Practically forcing her way into his seat. Yeah, there was really no need to try to prevent a boner earlier. Now it would be game over anyway.

Still, it feels inappropriate. He isn't used to these intimate gestures from Chloe. He'd expect her to distance herself and tease him a bit but maybe, in the end, even she needs some love and affection from time to time.

“You want to talk about it?” Daniel asks. He is fully aware that there is something on Chloe’s mind. And he probably even knows what it is.

"Actually, I don't think I do. No," she answers. As a response, some of the tension in Daniel's body goes away. Chloe can feel it.

Fair enough. For quite some time the two of them just stay in their position. Cuddled next to each other, enjoying the moment.

“Chloe?” Daniel asks. In the last minute, or so, Chloe moved around quite a bit and every time she did, she almost accidentally touched Daniel’s groin. Not much. A soft touch of her hands, her knee pressing against his cock. Normally, it could very well be that she is just adjusting her position but she overdid it.

"What?" She asks in the most innocent way possible and moves again. This time rubbing her breasts against Daniel’s body.

He raises an eyebrow, “That’s how you want to play?” He moves his arm that is slung around her so his hand lies on her butt and gives it a little squeeze.

Chloe looks into his eyes. Now we are talking.

“Don’t think that Peter is going to protect you,” he says.

Chloe’s eyes widen a bit. Peter? She looks around and yes. Peter has taken a seat on the other end of the garden, taking in some sun while reading a book.

Daniel smiles as Chloe gets a little insecure for a moment. The moment passes pretty quickly though. With a smile of her own, she lets her hand wander into Daniel’s swimming trunks.

He quickly grabs her arm and takes it out again. “Not today,” he says.

Chloe doesn’t really know how to respond. Did he just reject her? Maybe because of Peter but she didn’t think Daniel would mind.

They are still sharing a seat. Daniel leans in and whispers in her ear, "I'd like to try something, You're in?" With that, he gives her ass another squeeze. What does he want?

Chloe just nods.

Daniel switches his seat and signals Chloe that she should follow. He spreads his legs to make room for her. As she sits down, she thinks she knows why he wanted to change position. Peter is now sitting right in their line of sight. He is still reading his book.

“What are you doing?” She asks a bit concerned about where this is leading.

“You trust me?” Daniel asks in return.

Chloe nods.

“Then relax and enjoy it."

With that Daniel pushes Chloe’s shoulders back so she is leaning against him. From behind she feels that Daniel is putting little kisses on her neck. She tilts her head a bit to give him easier access. His hands find their way to her belly. Caressing the sides, sliding to the middle, teasing her belly button, going up and down but never too far in each direction.

Chloe almost thought it would be just an innocent teasing session as Daniel’s hands become more and more daring. Going down towards her hips. Again, he is starting with the sides, making his way further and further to her sweet spot. Chloe shifts around getting a little frustrated under Daniel’s touch. She wants him to touch it, to touch her but then all of a sudden, he stops.

“You’re greedy,” he whispers, “did you already forget about my uncle over there?”

Peter? Shit. She actually did. Chloe looks up, just to find that Daniel’s uncle hasn’t moved a muscle. He is still reading.

To Daniel’s surprise Chloe doubles down and whispers, “I don’t care.”

For a short moment, Daniel is taken aback from her comment but it wasn't totally unexpected. "Be careful what you wish for," he warns her.

His hands glide between her legs. With a forceful but not rough movement, he parts her legs. His hips are pushing hers a bit forward, forcing her to sink deeper into the water. Her upper body now completely hidden Daniel gets more and more daring.

A soft moan parts Chloe’s lips as Daniel finally touches her most intimate spot. His hand is teasing her through her bikini bottom and Chloe is more than eager to help him in that regard. But Daniel stops and waits until she stops moving.

“Please,” she whispers.

“No. I know how much you love it but this time you’re not in control. As I said. Lean back and enjoy.”

As Daniel goes back to caressing her pussy Chloe lets out a satisfied pure. Guess she doesn’t have to be the one calling the shots all the time. Good to know.

He goes back to planting kisses on her neck. Chloe is enjoying the sensation. It’s so much better than masturbating herself. She’d love to guide him, give him tips on how to touch her but she is curious how good this boy really is. Maybe she can finally find a flaw?

Daniel shifts his attention to her boobs. A firm grip, followed by a soft touch. He lets one of his thumbs slide over her nipple and even though there's still this little piece of fabric in between Chloe can't help herself but moan. With his other hand, he frees her boobs from her bikini.

“They feel beautiful,” he says but Chloe is trapped in the sensation of his touch and doesn’t pay much attention to what he is saying.

The only thing she knows is that it definitely feels beautiful.

With one hand playing with her breasts Daniel lets his other hand slide down her belly into her bikini bottom. A rhythmic movement, caressing her clit, taking care of her breasts, making sure her neck gets what he deserves.

He playfully squeezes her nipples, bites her, or speeds up his sweet assault on her pussy and with everything he does Chloe gets closer and closer to the edge.

She can’t hold back any longer. It's impossible to stay quiet. She sinks deeper into the water to muffle her moans and hopes that it works. She was looking for a flaw but what Daniel does with her is definitely not a flaw. It feels amazing. The way he plays with her. Nobody, from the little experience she has, came even close to this.

Chloe couldn’t tell how long all of this is already going and to be honest she couldn’t care less. He is really going to get her over the edge, she thinks as her own orgasm surprises her.

Daniel feels what happens and slows down a bit. He still keeps on going while Chloe is riding the waves of her orgasm.

As Chloe gets back to her senses, she remembers where she is, what they've just done, and who might have watched them. She looks around but Pater has left his seat in the sun and is nowhere to be found. Is that a good or a bad thing, she thinks.

Her thought gets interrupted. “You liked it?” Daniel asks.

A silly smile spreads across Chloe's face. Yeah, she definitely did. In response, she reaches behind her and tries to grab Daniel's dick. She wants to properly thank him for what he did. And again, Daniel prevents her from doing so.

“Let’s not do that in here. Peter is pretty tolerant but if he finds white milk swimming in the whirlpool, he’d probably start to ask questions. Also, I probably won’t last long after you’ve been rubbing your ass against my cock for the last few minutes.”

Chloe understands what he is saying. Doesn’t make her want to jerk him off any less, though. "So, you're one that gives to receive? Interesting," she asks.

Daniel immediately answers, “I receive to receive but I also don’t mind giving if that’s what you’re asking. Still, you didn’t answer my question. How did you like it?”

Chloe smiles, "At least top ten material." She shifts her weight. Again, rubbing her ass against his hard-on. "I liked the touch with your uncle," She adds.

Fuck. If she continues teasing him, he’s probably going to ejaculate prematurely.

"I guess we should get out of here," he says and helps Chloe to stand up. He made sure that her bikini was in the right spot beforehand. Her legs are still a bit shaky but eventually, Chloe can climb out of the pool. Danie follows but as he tries to grab a towel Chloe pulls him behind the whirlpool.

“My turn,” she says as she falls to her knees and pulls down his swimming trunk. His erection pops out right in front of her face. Seeing her so close to his cock is making it very difficult for Daniel to concentrate.

She looks up to him and smiles about his expression. “I’d say, lean back and enjoy but I don’t want you to fall back into the pool,” she giggles, ”I guess it's just 'enjoy' then."

Chloe grabs his hard-on and plants a teasing kiss on his tip. Oh god. Socks, Grannies, Gay porn, Peter, anything to not cum right on the spot.

Chloe sees it in his face. From that little gesture, he is already so close. She doesn't show any mercy. Instead, she goes full out. Sucking him off at a rapid speed. Her tongue playing with the tip of his cock every time her lips slide down his shaft.

There is nothing Daniel could think of that would prevent him from coming now. The only thing he can do is, "I'm gonna cum."

Chloe doesn’t care she keeps on going and only slows down as she feels his hot cum filling her mouth.

Scene 8

"I'd like to ask you my second question," Chloe says a bit sheepishly. Daniel took her out for dinner and the two of them are now taking a romantic walk through some park that he has never seen before. It's nice, the way the sun is already so low and is shining through the trees.

Daniel looks at her interested in where this is going, “Shoot.”

Chloe is a bit hesitant about it but eventually, she asks, "I believe you when you say that you can read people's minds."

Daniel abruptly stops walking. His eyes widen. It seems like he is somehow terrified. “You do?”


It’s so much to process, “since when?”

“This morning,” Chloe says truthfully but there is no need to tell him about her conversation with Peter, at least not right now.

Chloe looks up to Daniel, she can clearly see that a lot is going on in his head. What she would give to have his abilities right now.

Eventually, Daniel comes to a realization, "but you're still here?"


This poor guy, Chloe thinks as she looks into Daniel’s eyes. She can see his fear that she is going to reject him now that she believes him. For that she doesn’t have to read his mind, she knows it just by looking at him.

It takes a moment but then Daniel has sorted things out in his head. She is still here. It means that he is wrong in what he thought. It means that at least he has something to learn right here and now and at best that there is nothing for him to worry about. It seems that he can accept that, not that he can do much about it anyway.

He grabs her hand and starts walking again. “What’s your question?” he asks.

Here goes nothing. She really wants to know it, “This afternoon in the whirlpool, when you played with me. How did it feel? Was it worse?”

Daniel thinks he understands. After all, one of the reasons why he did this in the first place was to get to know how it feels doing these things with her. He was able to read the minds of the woman before her. He knew what they wanted, what to do, and how it felt for them. He experienced both sides of having sex. At least in a way.

“I don’t know,” Daniel says.

“Don’t tell me you’ve never touched a woman like that before.” It would be pretty unbelievable after what he did back in that whirlpool.

"That's not what I meant," Daniel explains, "It's not as easy as 'better' or 'worse'. On the one hand, I didn't know how you felt when I touched you but on the other hand, I did. I can't read your mind but I couldn't say if it's a bad thing. It's just another sense through which I can know for certain what’s going on inside you. But when we had fun in the pool, somehow, I knew exactly how you must feel. Your body told me.”


Damn. She is so adorable sometimes.

“See,” Daniel adds, “like right now. I can see that you blush a little. Maybe because you remembered the way I squeezed your nipple in that pool but that’s just it. I can only speculate since I don’t know. I guess that’s half the fun.”

Chloe smiles, “Half the fun you say. What’s the other half?”

Daniel takes a moment. He leads her to the side of the footpath, leans in, and says, “this.”

With that, he closes his eyes and presses his lips on hers. He waits till she responds. It doesn't take very long for Chloe to slightly open her mouth. The kiss is somehow slow and passionate. Daniel wraps his arms around Chloe, one hand on her neck, the other on her hip.

Chloe on the other hand buries her hands in his hair. She wanted to do that for what feels like a very long time and finally, she can.

People are walking past them but neither of them care.


2020-09-21 17:27:03
I really enjoy this story and hope more chapters come out.

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