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Blue Balls 3 - Tiffany Continues to Tease! (fm, Mf, School, Exhibitionist, Incest)

Summary - Tiffany becomes more daring with her brother and father. She learns she can affect her teachers and fellow students too.

Previous Story Summary - Tiffany teases her older brother even more, and discovers her father is also affected by her charms.

Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. In real life, incestuous relationships, particularly when an under-aged person is involved with a parent or adult, often causes deep psychological damage. This story is provided for entertainment purposes only. The author does not condone any sexual activity with persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't be a dick with other people's lives!

Tiffany went to school that morning dressed in her new lacy bra and panties. She wore her shortest skirt and tightest blouse, ready to tease the boys at school.

Before she left, her father had told her to go change into something more ‘appropriate’ but her mother overrode him. “She can wear whatever she wants to wear, as long as she is covered up,” Holly declared. “If the school has a problem with it, they can talk to me.” Tiffany’s mother was not going to let her daughter be ashamed of her appearance and budding sexuality.

Tiffany loved the newfound attention she received. Before last week, she would wear any old set of clothing; loose jeans, big blouses and plain white bras and panties. She was always trying to hide her growing breasts and voluptuous curves. Now, she was proud of her puffy, tender titties and her round ass, and she loved to show them off.

Every period, she would find a way to exhibit herself. In first period English, she strutted to the pencil sharpener and dropped her pencil on the way. She bent over low to flash her lacey panties to anyone that was watching. During her sex anatomy exam, she again touched her breasts, pretending that she was trying to identify the various parts of her female anatomy. Timmy, the boy in the next chair was very interested, she noticed. She was surprised to see large lump in his pants. It was bigger than she expected for someone in her own grade. She received an ‘A+’ on the exam. She was not surprised with her grade, since she had studied the sexual materials over and over.

In Mr. Stevens’ class, she acted out the naughty fantasy she had masturbated to last night. Sitting in the first row, across from her teacher’s desk, she slowly spread her leg as time passed. At the end of class, her legs were spread wide and she sat slumped in her seat, presenting her panty covered pussy to her teacher. She pretended not to notice what she was doing, but he sure did. She knew he had a boner when he didn’t get up from behind his desk as usual when the bell rang. Tiffany strutted from the classroom with a huge grin and a sexy twinkle in her eyes.

At lunch, Tiffany and her friends talked about her newfound freedom. She told her friends how Miss Mallory was right – just looking at girls made boys get horny. She told them about her brother’s penis getting hard while he spied at her while they watch TV (of course, she didn’t tell them everything).

After hearing Tiffany’s naughty tail, her girlfriends shared stories about how their brothers or cousins or fathers got boners when they were around. Judy shared a story about how her top fell off in her swimming pool and she didn’t notice until she caught her father staring at her naked chest. His boner caused him to quickly retreat into the house! The girls all giggled.

Kimberly told them about the time she was eating a banana, wearing just her teddy, and her college-aged brother was watching her. She didn’t think anything of sitting spread-eagle across from him, with her little cotton panties exposed, but he got a boner too! She asked her mother it and her mother asked her to describe what had happened.

Kimberly’s mother explained that seeing a girl’s panties can make a boy’s penis get hard. Then, she told her that eating a banana or a Popsicle can make a boy think about putting his penis in a girl’s mouth, making him get even harder.

“Why would anyone want a boy’s penis in their mouth?” Tiffany asked. “That’s gross!”

“Well yeah, but it feels really good to the boy. He gets the same feelings as putting his penis into your vagina, but you can use your tongue and stuff,” Kimberly said, knowingly. “And,” she added, “You should feel it when a boy puts their tongue into your pussy!”

“What?” Tiffany exclaimed. She tried to comprehend what her friend was saying. A tongue in her pussy?

“No way!” said Judy

“And, you know what else?” Kimberly whispered, leaning in close to her friends.


“Girls do it to girls, and boys do it with other boys!” she stated, nodding her head knowingly. Her friends wouldn’t or couldn’t believe it.

“That’s way too gross, Kimberly,” Judy said, “You’re lying!”

“I think she is telling the truth,” Tiffany said. She had thought a lot recently about a penis sliding into her pussy, and, her mouth was warm and wet - just like her little pussy. Additionally, she had put her fingers in her cunt many times over the weekend; she could imagine what a warm, slippery tongue would feel like in her gash, whether it was a boy’s or a girl’s slippery appendage.

“I believe you, Kimberly.” Tiffany said.

“Wow,” said Judy.

“I can’t wait to try it,” said Kimberly. The girls were deep in thought and then Kimberly added, “Hey, you guys want to have a sleepover sometime?”

“Maybe,” said Judy, feeling a little nervous about what might happen between the three of them.

“Sure,” said Tiffany. She knew the three of them could have some sexy fun after the lights went out!

Having been educated by her friends, Tiffany finished the school day in a daze, thinking about putting a penis in her mouth and having her pussy licked by a girl.

At home all week, she continued to tease her brother and father. Tiffany flashed her naked tits at Theo when she ‘forgot’ to close the bathroom door all the way. Her brother opened the partially closed door like she knew he would. He found her wearing just her panties and inspecting her naked breasts in front of the mirror. She pretended not to notice for a moment, then turned suddenly, yelling at him to ‘get out!’ Theo relished the sight of her breasts bouncing back and forth as she pushed him out and quickly shut the door. He was amazed at the sight of her huge, fat nipples and round, firm flesh.

The next day, she set another trap for him after school. She pretended to be asleep on the couch, lying on her side with a single breast hanging out of her twisted, loose shirt. He skirt was bunched up at her waist showing off her pretty panties. Tiffany heard him come home and she laid real still, breathing steadily and heavy. She sensed him standing near her. She knew he was getting a good, up-close look at her teenage breast and panty covered pussy. An eternity passed. Her nipples hardened. She tried to just barely open her eyes to spy on him. He was rubbing his cock thru his pants. It was hard already. She rolled over onto her back, pulling her shirt even further as she stretched. Bother of her breasts were now exposed to his gaze, hanging out firm and pointed.

“Oh, hi Theo,” she said, acting as if she didn’t know her boobies were on display.

“T.T, your, uh, tee-tees are showing.” He motioned with his hand and pointed at her breasts. She pretended to be surprised and quickly covered up. “Oops!” she said, pretending to be embarrassed. She then added impulsively, “Hey, why don’t you get us a couple of sodas while you are up?”

“Yeah, sure,” Theo repliled, and walked away to fetch his sister a drink. ‘A boy with a boner is putty in my hands,’ she said to herself, remembering her teacher’s words. She thought of other things she could make Theo do for her – maybe even some of her chores! However, her father was a different matter; he seemed to be avoiding her lately. Tiffany had to figure out a way to get him to want to do stuff for her too. Besides, he had money and could buy her stuff!

At school, she had no problems making the boys horny. She started taking off her bra in the girl’s bathroom before class started. Her perky breasts and nipples would show whenever she wanted them to. All she had to do was give her nipples a pinch and then push her chest out until they could be seen thru her flimsy tops.

Even her friends were beginning to follow her lead and show off their bodies. They giggled over their lunch hour, talking about all the boners they had caused.

During Mr. Stevens’ class, Tiffany spread her legs wider and wider and earlier and earlier in his class period. She would unbutton her blouse buttons on her way to his class until the curves of her small breasts could be seen. If she bent over to retrieve something from her book bag, her breasts would swing free, visible only to her teacher. She could turn a certain way, and he could catch a glimpse of her fat, teenage nipple.

Tiffany loved to watch her teacher try not to stare at her little panty covered muffin and soft breasts. She developed a crush on him, and enjoyed watching him pace back and forth in front of the blackboard, his trousers slightly bulging, only to have him retreat behind the safely of his desk so he could allow himself to fully harden. Then, he would gaze at her goodies, peeking over the top of his lesson plan. She knew when he had a developed a boner and would tease him even more.

She stopped at his desk after class one day that week and leaned over to talk to him. Her breasts were close; at eye level. She asked him a question and then quickly came around his desk to show him a homework problem. She couldn’t help but notice his huge bulge straining against his pants. She saw a wet spot on his pants where the tip of his penis would be and wondered what it was. ‘Did guys get wet too?’ she wondered. She wished she could have watched the boy’s sex-ed movie too and then she would know a lot more about penises!

At home that night, she was so very horny from her teasing day at school, but she was determined to give her father a huge boner before she masturbated. She had an idea! She stared at the Vitamin-E lotion, knowing what she had to do. Tiffany went to his private den a few minutes after dinner. She and her brother normally were not allowed in there - it was where her father had his computer, important papers and valuable collections.

She knocked on the door. She heard a loud ‘bang’ and what sounded almost like a zipper being pulled up. After a moment or two, she heard him call out, “Come in!” She opened the door.

“Oh, hi, Tiff,” he said, “What can I do for you?” He sat in front of his computer with an opened book on his lap. Tiffany wondered if he was hiding something, and if it was really his pants zipper she had just heard.

‘But why would daddy have his penis out,’ she wondered, ‘just like Theo had done in the kitchen. I wonder if boys just like sticking their stuff out of their pants. I guess it can get cramped in their underwear when their penises get hard.’ She was proud of herself for figuring it out. She wondered what it would take for them to take out their penises in front of her. She really wanted to see one up close.

“Uh, daddy, I need your help,” she said, dismissing her dirty thoughts. He noticed the Vitamin-E lotion in her hand. Tiffany showed it to him. “You know mom got me this because my…, my breasts have been real tender lately.”

“Yes, I know,” he said, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. His cock was still swollen from the father-daughter porn he was just jacking-off too; now, images of his little girl massaging her own breasts came unbidden into his lecherous mind. He tried his best to ignore those thoughts.

“Is it helping?” he asked, looking at his cute, sexy daughter and adjusting the book, to keep it firmly on his lap.

“Well, kinda, but…, but my hands are sore from rubbing the lotion in everyday. I was wondering if you could help me…,” she left the sentence unfinished, hanging out there like a cloud between them. His eyebrows lifted.

“Help you how?” he asked, dreading, yet strangely anticipating what she might want to ask him.

“Well, you have real strong hands, daddy,” she said, blushing and looking at her feet. “Could you rub it in for me?”

“Aw, honey, no,” he said mortified. “I’m your father! Can’t you ask your mother to do it?” He looked at his daughter, begging her with his eyes, willing her to walk away. He knew how weak and horny he was right now. He had lusted after his daughter for days. He was so very, very vulnerable to her charms right now.

“Oh, please daddy! I want you to do it!” she pleaded, “Mom get’s all weird when I talk to her about my titties - I don’t even want her to know I asked you!”

“But…, I…, We can’t…,” he tried to reason with her, but his head was spinning. He was being given the opportunity to touch his daughter’s breasts! ‘Didn’t she know it was wrong? Was trying to torture him?’

“It’s not like you’ve never seen them before daddy,” she replied, trying to convince him and then reciting all the arguments she had been practicing. “You tell me all the time how you used to change my diapers and see my naked butt. Besides, your hands are so big and strong!” She saw him wavering and pressed her attack.

“Pretty, please, daddy,” she begged. “They hurt so much! I need you, daddy! It will only be for a couple of minutes and then you can go back doing whatever you were doing!”

Greg looked at his daughter. Her breasts pressed against her blouse as she threw back her shoulders. He could quickly massage her breasts and then finish jacking off, knowing his cock would be so very hard by then, and his orgasm would be so satisfying!

“Oh, honey, please, you don’t know what you are asking,” he stammered. He almost added “It’s not right,” but he stopped himself, not wanting to say it out loud.

“Is it because my breasts are ugly and deformed? I know they look weird. They’re not big and bouncy like mommy’s. That’s it, isn’t it?” She sniffed and pouted her lips like she was going to cry. Crying always worked.

“Oh no baby, no, no, your breasts are beautiful!” her daddy said, taking her by the shoulders and giving her a hug. He couldn’t ever let her think she was not attractive, his wife would be so angry with him!

“Then why not?” she asked, pretending she didn’t understand. She knew that none of her friend’s fathers ever touch their breasts. She pouted her lips again and pushed out her chest. Then she added, “Please, daddy, for me, your special little princess?” She knew he would do anything for his ‘special little princess.’

She hit him again with her best reasoning. “But, just remember, you can’t ever tell mom, OK?” And, after a long pause, watching him struggle and knowing he was about to give in, she whispered, “It has to be our little secret, OK daddy?” She gave him a kiss and a hug, her breasts pressing up against him.

Greg was dazed and nearly beaten. His tortured mind convinced him to consider her request. He felt he was losing his grip on reality. He smelled her perfume and felt her breasts pressing on his chest. He certainly didn’t want his precious daughter suffering, he reasoned; he was her father after all, and a father had had to take care of his little girl! It was only right that he help her - it wasn’t sexual, after all. More like a medical procedure; he was just applying medicine to where she needed it, right? So what if her soft, beautiful, breasts needed to be massaged? Heck, he might even enjoy it, playing with a nice pair of teenage breasts. He knew the truth though, buried in the dark recesses of his lecherous mind, he desperately wanted to fondle her, and this was the perfect opportunity. Anyway, Tiffany needed her breasts massaged by a pair of strong, masculine hands. Everything made perfect sense. Besides, he didn’t want his wife to know, and Tiffany didn’t want her mother to know about it either. He was convinced. ‘What is the harm in a father helping out his daughter?’ he decided.

He nodded slowly and said simply, “OK, sweetheart.”

“Yay!” Tiffany squealed, jumping up and down. “Thank you daddy!” she hugged him again and gave him another a kiss on the lips.

“So, how do we…, what do I…?” He stuttered.

“Here,” Tiffany said, taking charge. She handed the lotion to her father. Her teacher’s words repeated like a mantra in her head; ‘play stupid, but stay smart and a boy with a boner is putty in your hands.’

“Squeeze some lotion in your palm - a lot of it – but warm it up before you put it on.” Tiffany watched her father squeeze out a huge dollop of lotion in his hand. The bottle farted as it came out. They smiled at each other.

“Excuse me,” her father said. They giggled at his old joke.

Greg rubbed the lotion between his hands, warming it, so he wouldn’t make his daughter uncomfortable. Tiffany began to unbutton the rest of her blouse. Her father watched, mesmerized. As the buttons were undone, more of her chest became visible. He saw the soft curves of her bosom. She popped the last button and her shirt fell open, exposing more of her breasts and her panty covered teenage pussy. He could almost see her nipples now. He tried not to stare at the prominent camel-toe in her panties. Tiffany shrugged her shirt off; it fell behind her in a heap.

Greg was in awe of his daughters breasts. They were better than he imagined. They were the size of ripe apples, maybe a little larger. Her areolas were a deep pink, almost red. They were fat, elongated, puffy, bumpy and swollen. ‘Perfect for sucking,’ he thought. Her nipples were big, ‘but not too big’, he thought. They began to harden as he watched. They grew stiff.

“Well,” Tiffany said, “are you going to massage them or not?”

Caught staring, Greg quickly recovered and said to his daughter, “I’m sorry Tiff, but they are very beautiful!”

“Thanks, Dad!” Tiffany smiled.

Greg held out his hands, reaching for his prize. He made contact with her flesh; he smeared the lotion over her nipples and breasts. Tiffany watched as her father zoned out, staring at her, groping his own daughter.

“Ohhh! Daddy, it feels good!” she said. ‘What big, strong hands he has,’ she thought.

“Am I doing it right?” he asked. “I’m not hurting you, am I?”

“No daddy, I’m fine. You can even do it harder!’ She breathed deeply. “The book said you had to massage them hard enough to make the blood flow.” Her daddy squeezed her breasts and rolled her nipples under his thumbs. Tiffany looked down at his lap, but the book was still hiding her view of his cock. She wanted to know how hard she had made him. She had an idea to get rid of the book.

“Can I sit on your lap, daddy,” Tiffany asked. “My legs are getting tired; besides, you can massage them better that way.” She reached for the book, but her father stopped her.

“Honey, I…, you can’t…,” he didn’t know how to tell his little princes that he had a massive hard-on. He was beginning to turn red.

“It’s OK, daddy, I think I know what the problem, I learned about it in school,” she said. “You have an e-reck-shun, don’t you?” She tried to act stupid but scholarly, wrinkling her eyebrows as if she was deep in thought.

He nodded slowly. He was caught.

“My teacher says it is no big deal and that it happens to men all the time, especially when they are around pretty girls,” she grinned. “Do you think I’m pretty, daddy?” she asked mischievously.

He could only nod again.

“I know it is only normal, daddy,” she said, reaching for the book. She picked it up and set in on the desk. She tried not to stare at his crotch, but she did see a big lump. Greg was thankful that his erection had withered just a bit, due to his embarrassment.

Tiffany quickly turned around and jumped up on his lap. She snuggled against her daddy, rubbing her bare back into his chest. “OK,” she announced, “Do me some more!”

Greg had reached up to catch Tiffany, using his wrists so he would get lotion all over her. His hands cupped her breasts again. He began to massage her from behind. Her boobs so naturally fit in his palms. As if they were made for him to grope and massage.

“Ooooooh! This is much better!” Tiffany said, wiggling her ass, trying to feel his cock with her cheeks. Greg was in ecstasy. He groped, squeezed, and pinched her nipples. He milked her breasts with his fingers, he pushed and pulled. Tiffany ground her ass on his hardening cock.

“You are making my breasts feel so good, daddy!” Tiffany’s breasts were tingling and throbbing, her pussy was juicing.

“Oh,” she exclaimed, “I can feel your penis daddy,” she said, rolling her ass on it. “It is so big and hard! I like it! Mmmmmm!” she said, sliding her ass up and down on his hardness.

“I’m sorry, princess,” he said, trying to make excuses. “It’s just that...” Tiffany cut him off.

“It’s OK, daddy, I know it is because you think I’m pretty,” she cooed. “Besides, daddy, I’m getting wet…, down there too…, it must be because you are so handsome.”

Greg wanted to hump his little girl and thrust his hard cock against her ass while he groped her breasts. He wanted to suck her perfect little tits. He wanted to grab her pussy and finger-fuck her. He wanted to place her on the desk, throw her legs up in the air, and fuck her tight hole until she creamed all over his throbbing shaft. However, all he could do was say, “Oh, sweetheart!”

He felt like he was going to cum in his pants. He knew he had to stop. Tiffany kept grinding gently on his cock. He squeezed, pinched and rolled her nipples, for one long, glorious, and final moment before he stopped and slowly pushed her off his lap.

“Awww!” Tiffany groaned. “Just a little while longer?”

“No, Tiff, that’s enough,” he said, trying to be fatherly. Then he added softly, “For now….”

Tiffany knew it was useless to argue any further. She put on her shirt and gave him another kiss. “Thank you, daddy!” She buttoned up her blouse and left.

Greg immediately pulled out his hard cock. Pre-cum oozed from his piss-slit. He leaned back in his chair, spread his legs and jacked-off. A dozen strokes later, he blasted gobs and gobs of hot cum all over his computer desk while thinking about fucking his hot, innocent daughter. He didn’t care about the mess. He would clean it up later. Fifteen minutes later, he jacked-off again, still aroused by the images, feelings and his daughter’s scent lingering in the room.

The next morning, their mother woke everyone up slamming doors and calling their names. They could tell she was angry by the way she stormed thru the house. When Tiffany and Theo walked into the kitchen, they saw their mother dressed in nylons, garter belt, bra and panties. Theo’s mouth dropped open.

“Mom, what…?” Tiffany started to say. Her father walked into the kitchen behind them. Holly continued making the kids lunches.

“I’m tired of always having to cover myself up! You kids are old enough to see your mother in her underwear, for god’s sake.” She turned to Theo, “Put your eyes back into your skull, boy! Women don’t like to be leered at!” She turned to her husband, “But, at least someone thinks I’m attractive in this house!”

Greg knew she was angry at him for refusing her advances last night, but he had jacked his cock until it was raw, fantasizing about his daughter Tiffany.

Tiffany smiled. If her mother could walk around in her underwear, it meant she could too! She went to school feeling very excited. She had a new trick to play on Mr. Stevens today, if she was brave enough!

It seemed like Mr. Stevens’ class would never arrive! She took her seat up front, ready to tease him again. He had grown accustomed to her teasing. Though she tried to be nonchalant, they both knew what she was doing. Today was no exception. Before long, little Tiffany was showing off her panties again, pulling up her skirt and spreading her legs. Halfway thru the class, while everyone was reading their lessons, Mr. Steven’s noticed Tiffany getting a little agitated. She was squeezing her legs together and then opening them, showing off her pretty pink panties, then closing her legs again. Over and over. Finally, Tiffany met his gaze. She held up her hand.

“Yes, Miss Thompson?” he said.

“Can I use the bathroom,” she asked, smiling.

“Do you mean, ‘May I?’”

“Yes, may I use the bathroom, please?”

“Of course.”

Tiffany received the hall pass, grinning at her teacher. He winked at her. ‘OMG, I think I’m crushing on Mr. Stevens!’ she thought to herself while walking out of room. Once inside the bathroom, she entered a stall and quickly peeled off her underwear. She didn’t have to pee, she just wanted flash Mr. Stevens her naked pussy! She bit her lip to keep them from trembling.

Tiffany stuffed her damp panties into her pocket, waited a few moments, flushed and returned to her seat.

The class was still reading. Mr. Stevens was sitting at his desk, across from Tiffany. She was so nervous! Mr. Stevens would glance around the room, to make sure everyone was behaving, and then stop to look at Tiffany. ‘Odd, her legs are closed for once.’

She met his gaze again and smiled at him. He smiled back at her. It gave her courage. She slowly spread her legs. Tiffany saw him dropping his eyes to feast on her tender thighs. She paused a moment, shaking with excitement, and then continued opening her legs. She glanced around to make sure no one was noticing. Everyone was concentrating on their reading. It was now or never, Tiffany slowly lifted her skirt a bit and spread her legs.

Mr. Stevens’ eyes lit up. He was expecting to see her tight, pink panties. Instead, he was staring at her bald, teenage, pussy!

‘That pubescent, little minx! That is why she went to the bathroom!’ He couldn’t believe it. ‘What a slutty little cock-tease!’

Tiffany loved her teacher’s reaction – it made her pussy so wet! She let him stare at her muffin for a few seconds, and then slowly clamped her legs together again. This went on for the rest of the class period, with Tiffany casually flashing her naked pussy to her teacher.

Mr. Stevens did his best to hide his throbbing erection, much to Tiffany’s amusement. With less than five remaining in class, she gave him one final view. Spreading her legs wide, lifting her skirt and sliding her ass towards the front of her seat, she then turned to block the view from her right, raised her arm to block the view on her left, and pulled out her left tit!

As Mr. Stevens watched, she reached her other hand down and slid her finger up and down her pussy lips. It glistened under the florescent lights with her wetness. He glimpsed a hint of pink.

As he stared, she flicked her boob back into her blouse, closed her legs and placed her wet, slimy finger into her mouth and sucked it. The bell rang before he could gather his thoughts. He wanted to speak to her after class and tell her what a dangerous game she was playing. ‘Maybe another day’, he thought.

Tiffany’s pussy was so wet! She wanted to rub it right now and even thought about going into the girl’s bathroom to Jill-off real quick, but decided to wait until she got home. She remembered a girl in her grade that was caught playing with herself in the toilet stall once, and now, everyone called her ‘Moaning Myrtle’. Besides, she had better ‘tingles’ if she waited a long, long, time.

Tiffany felt so free, walking around naked in just her blouse and skirt. She loved the feeling of her nipples sliding against her shirt, making them hard most all the time. And, she loved feeling the cool air on her naked kitty. She decided to keep her underwear off the rest of the day.

When she finally got home, feeling sexy and horny, Tiffany decided to flash Theo her naked pussy – that would give him a boner. After all, she had let him see her tits and played with her pussy in front of him, how else could she top herself? She sat on the couch and practiced flashing her pussy and tits, perfecting her technique before Theo arrived home. ‘I can’t wait to see his expression when he sees my naked pussy,’ she thought.

Before long, Theo arrived home. Tiffany said ‘hello’ to him, sitting on the big chair across from the couch with her blouse barely buttoned and her legs crossed, rocking them gently under her short skirt.

“Wanna watch TV?” she asked him.

Theo remembered the last time they watched TV together, he received an eyeful of tits and panties, even if she knew he had a boner, so what? ‘It will be worth it,’ he decided.

“How is your ankle?” he asked. “Is it better now?” He was hoping to rub it again for her.

“Yes, all better,” she said shyly. “Thank you for taking care of me.” She pushed out her chest to show off her hard nipples. “Want to get us a soda?”

“Yeah, sure,” He said. “If you need it rubbed some more, let me know, OK?” Theo went off to get them a drink. Normally, he would refuse to lift a finger to help her, but for some reason, he didn’t mind helping her. He even cleaned the dinner table for her last night when she asked, so she could get started on her homework.

Theo handed her the drink. He had even poured it into a glass with ice, knowing she liked it that way.

“Thank you Theo,” she said, batting her eyes at him.

Her brother positioned himself on the couch, with a great view of the TV and his sister. It wasn’t long before he glimpsed her nonchalantly touching her breasts. ‘Stupid slut,’ he thought to himself. He watched her nipples harden.

Tiffany crossed her arms and cupped one of her breasts under her extended arm, pretending to hide her groping from her brother. She squeezed her breast and pinched her nipple as she stared at the TV. Once she had his full attention, she hopped up and tucked her legs under her butt. Her skirt fell open, and her naked thighs and ass were barley hidden. She clamped her legs tight, so her pussy wouldn’t show. She pretended to watch TV and went back to playing with her breasts.

After a moment, she decided it was now or never! “Hmmmm,” she sighed loudly, to make sure she had his attention. She reached down and scratched her thigh, opening her legs and flashing her naked, bald, pussy at her brother.

Theo almost choked on his drink. His stupid, slutty, sister wasn’t wearing any panties! He actually saw her naked slit! His cock strained against his pants. Tiffany closed her legs and changed position.

“Hey, Theo,” She asked after a while. “Can you get me some more, please?” Tiffany crossed her legs and rocked them back and forth. Then, she belched loudly.

“Uh, sure,” Theo said. His cock was fully erect and throbbing. “Oh well,” he thought, “she’s already seen me like this.” He stood up and walked towards her, his erection obvious. His cock was almost at eye level to his sister. He took her glass from her, watching her stare at the large lump in his pants.

“Thank you Theo,” she said, looking up and smiling at him. This was so much fun! She flashed him twice more before their parents got home, the last time leaning forward until her breast were nearly falling out of her blouse, and holding her legs open for a long while. Theo stared at her, not even pretending to watch TV.

“She is so stupid, she doesn’t even realize I can see her cunt,” he thought. Theo didn’t bother to hide his hard-on from her any longer.

Tiffany almost got into trouble later that night. She continued to tease her brother, and even flashed her naked twat at her father while her mother was cooking dinner! Then, at the dinner table, Theo sat across from her and dropped his fork twice, so he could look at her naked pussy from under the table. She sat proudly in her chair with her legs spread slightly, so he could peek at her. However, while cleaning up, she bent over to pick up a spoon she had dropped on purpose, to show her brother and father her naked ass with her fat, swollen, pussy lips peeking out below her ass crack, when her mother yelled, “Tiffany, where are your panties!”

‘Oh shit!’ Tiffany thought, ‘I thought mom was looking the other way!’

“Uh, I took them off, mom,” she said, thinking furiously. “They got, uh, kinda wet.”

“How did they…? Oh, never mind, I understand,” her mother said, knowing how wet her own pussy got when she was Tiffany’s age.

“They get wet a lot!” Tiffany added, in case she was caught without her panties another day.

“But you shouldn’t go around flashing your pussy to your brother and father, unless you want them to walk around with boners all day!”

“Uh, OK, mom.” Tiffany quickly turned her head and grinned widely. He brother and father turned bright red also.

The rest of the week Tiffany did her best to tease all the boys at school, her male teachers, her brother and her father. Theo walked around the house with a perpetual hard on, lusting after his little sister. She would bend over, flash her panties, leave her breasts hanging out of her shirt and she even began to leave off her panties at night, pretending not to notice the reactions from her brother and father. It was almost as if she was doing it on purpose, but, they knew she was too sweet and innocent for that to happen. She was just a sexy, young, developing girl, who didn’t know the effect her body had on the men around her. Besides, they liked to look at her, and didn’t want to say anything to her to make her stop doing it.

Her father massaged her perfect little breasts each night, doing his best to help his little girl with her ‘problem.’ For her part, Tiffany loved the feeling of her daddy’s hard cock pressing against her ass-cheeks. And, she wondered if she could to figure out a way to make her daddy rub her pussy for her too. Maybe if she told him her pussy hurt, he could be convinced to rub the lotion onto her little pussy too? She decided to think about it some more.

However, she really, really wanted to see what an aroused penis looked like up close. It consumed almost all of her thoughts. The glimpse she once had of Theo’s penis wasn’t enough for her. She finally had an idea that might work.

She remembered Theo had pulled out his penis at the table when she was ‘studying’ for her anatomy lesson. She figured it was because he was so uncomfortable with such a large thing all twisted up in his tight pants that he had to let it out, and only did it under the table because no one could see him. If she could make him think no one was watching, he might do it again!

She decided to pretend to be asleep on the couch after school. It worked so well last time. That way, her brother could stare at her a long time and get his penis really, really hard. She hoped he would take it out of his pants if he thought she was sleeping, then, she could look at it through half-closed eyes!

Tiffany laid her trap. She waited until it was almost time for Theo to come home. She undid her blouse nearly all the way until her sexy little breasts were sticking out. Then, she positioned herself on the couch with her legs spread just a little, and her short skirt lifted up, barley covering up her slick twat. She placed her arms on her naked breasts, as if she had just pushed her blouse open in her sleep. ‘This will drive Theo crazy!’ Tiffany wished she had time to wipe her pussy once more, feeling some pussy-juice leaking out, but she heard the garage door opening.

Breathing heavy and regularly, she waited; making sure her head was positioned just right to spy on him without getting caught. The service door opened and then closed. She heard his footsteps. She heard Theo stop and call out her name softly, “Tiffany?”

She breathed regularly, convincing him that she was sound asleep. She heard him set down his books and risked a quick peek. He was looking at her from across the room. She heard him shuffle toward her. She closed her eyes before he got close. He crouched next to her until she could hear his heavy breath. Tiffany exhaled and dropped an arm; her naked breasts were now visible to her brother. She heard him getting closer. Ever so softly, she felt something on her nipple. Theo was gently sliding his finger against it until it hardened, and her areolas tightened.

“Shit!” she heard him exclaim softly.

After a long moment, she felt air movement on her naked pussy. Surprised, she watched him thru her barley opened eyes. Theo was staring at her pussy, holding her skirt up, to get a good, long look. Tiffany decided to help him. She wanted him to take out his cock; she knew he had to get really hard first!

Tiffany groaned in her ‘sleep’ and dropped her other arm. Now, both breasts were exposed. She nestled into the couch and spread her legs a little wider.

“Oh, fuck!” he groaned quietly. Tiffany’s little pussy was on display in all of its glory. Her mound was hairless, swollen, and raised. Her pussy lips were closed tight, but he could see wetness between them. He saw a drop of pussy juice oozing from the bottom of her fuck-hole.

He had to risk it! He gently reached a finger between her spread legs and gently gathered up the droplet, leaving a string of goo between his finger and her honey-hole. Tiffany’s legs flinched. ‘Oh, shit!’ he thought. He looked at her sharply, but the stupid cunt was still asleep. Theo pulled his finger up to his face, sniffed her essence and licked the clear drop of sweet, teenage pussy-juice.

Theo’s cock was hard and uncomfortable in his pants. He wondered if his sister would sleep long enough for him to pull out his cock and jerk off over her. He figured he could explain any cum that splashed on her pussy, tits or face. ‘I’ll tell the stupid slut its water, or juice or something,’ he decided, ‘maybe snot…,’ that would gross her out perfectly!

Theo’s cock throbbed in his pants; he rubbed it while he looked at Tiffany. He couldn’t believe his luck! Twice now, he had found his sister almost naked and asleep on the couch. It was almost like she wanted him to see her. He remembered the other times too. How he was lucky enough to catch her in the bathroom, how her breasts were always hanging out of her shirts, how she had to take of her panties because they had gotten ‘wet’. He remembered how she would stare at his cock while it was straining against his pants.

He moved up close to her face. Tiffany heard him breathing heavily. She heard his zipper opening. ‘He’s taking out his cock!’ Now, for the moment she has been waiting for. She barely pried opened her eyes to see his hard cock, but he was nowhere to be seen. ‘Where was he?’ She opened her eyes, turned her head and looked up. Theo was standing there watching her.

“Ha! I knew you were awake, Tiffany,” he exclaimed triumphantly.

“Oh, hi Theo,” Tiffany, stuttered; smoothing her skirt and covering up her breasts. “I must have fallen asleep again!” she pretended to yawn.

“I call ‘bullshit’, Tiff! You are nothing but a cock-tease! I’m on to you now!” It all made sense to him now. The fucking bitch!

“So what?” she said defensively, sitting up. “You are the one walking around with boners all the time, spying on your little sister!”

“So, what?” he mimicked. “Yeah, I’m a man and I get hard sometimes, Tiff, it’s only natural. But, you are the one acting like a slut.” Theo couldn’t help but look at her breasts again. With his sister sitting up, her breasts were hanging out, and her cunt was still showing. He stopped and stared. He cock lurched, filling with blood once again. Annoying or not, Theo wasn’t going to waste an opportunity to see a pair of tits and a juicy cunt up close.

“Oh, you’re just mad because your little sister gave you a boner!” Tiffany looked at his crotch to check his cock. It was hard and straining against his pants. She looked up and noticed where he was looking, and realized she was still showing off her goodies. Defiantly, she spread her legs wider and grabbed her tits and bounced them up and down. She began to chant, “Theo’s got a boner. Theo’s got a boner. Theo’s got a boner!”

Theo was angry, embarrassed and horny. He almost turned to leave. ‘No, I’m not going to let my little, bratty sister get the best of me!’ He stayed put and decided to make her be the one to leave. Maybe he could embarrass her for a change.

Tiffany continued to shake her tits at her older brother and chanted. Theo continued to stare at his little sister.

‘Why is he just staring at me?’ Tiffany thought, ‘he should have run away by now, embarrassed.’ This wasn’t working out like she had hoped.

Theo rubbed his cock thru his pants, making sure his sister saw his hardness. Now it was Tiffany’s turn to stare.

Tiffany stopped shaking her tits and then stopped her chanting. He was looking at her real funny like. He thrust out his groin to give her a better look. Self-conscience, she covered up her breasts and closed her legs. She noticed his cock was hard and stiff in his pants.

“You probably try to give me boners so you can see what a hard cock looks like,” Theo nearly shouted.

“I do not!” Tiffany declared, “I couldn’t care less what your little ol’ penis looks like!”

“Then why are you looking at it right now, T.T.?” he said triumphantly, catching her staring at it.

“Because…, I…, you’re gross, Theo!” Tiffany turned and stormed off to her room.

Theo grinned. Things were going to be different around here from now on. It was his turn to tease her. He knew she was horny. He knew she was stupid and gullible. He knew she wanted to see what a hard cock looked like.

Then, Theo had an idea…

© Copyright Undeniable Urges, 2015 - 2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Undeniable Urges, with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

To read my other stories, click on my profile.



2020-12-22 15:00:28
just gets better and better.


2020-09-17 21:01:59
Bajasupra, Ha, Ha! A fan from the old days! BB has always been my most favored story line, and I am proud of it. I ended it how I envisioned it from it's conception, but, I will consider adding to the final chapter.
Thanks for your comment!


2020-09-17 03:12:33
These are some of the hottest stories I have read . I've searched high and low to try to find the continuation of these stories . Can you please finish #12, with Tiffany finally hooking up with theo.

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