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It was Friday and Alyssa the student teacher had the class all to herself for the first time. She had told the class that Friday would be show and tell. She smiled at the student as she walked the hallway to her class. She entered her classroom and greeted her students. One of her students had brought a large german shepard and they were seated together at the front of the class. Alyssa started the class as the bell rang so Robby you must be first what have brought for show and tell? Well Ms. Snow This is Rocky my fathers prize breeder.

Rocky's pups go for alot of money. Alyssa sat in her chair at the front of the class and said okay Bobby show Rocky to the class. Bobby began explaining to the class the who , what , how , when , and why his father used Rocky. As the class listened Alyssa noticed a stack of papers about to fall off of her desk so she rose to her feet and stretched across the desk to grab them. As Alyssa did this she unknowingly caused her short dress to ride up exposing her pussy to Rocky. Unfortunately Alyssa had not worn underwear that morning and Rocky smelling that Alyssa was aroused quickly mounted her.

Being a petite woman Alyssa was trapped under Rocky's weight. The class at first was shocked but turned to excitement. Alyssa being barely able to breathe under the weight she whispered for help but some of the student surrounded the desk and pulled her dress up and helped Rocky find Alyssas vaginal entrance with his cock. They soon had Alyssa naked and used their phones to film Alyssas rape by the large dog.

After an hour Alyssa was finally released from Rockys knot and lay on her desk exposed to her class. Some of the young female students cleaned her up and the class began using her body. They filmed hours of her being used and at the end of the day they explained to that she now belonged to them unless she wanted to be the new internet celebrity. From that day on she was the class sex slave and spent weekends and holidays fulfilling sexual fantasies of all kinds. One fantasy she was forced to fulfill was when her students took her on a trip to the local park.

They made her strip naked sprayed her with dogs in heat scent. She ran through the park with a pack of male dogs chasing her. A large dog knocked her down and when she rose to her hands and knees he nounted her quickly shoving his engorged penis deep into her pussy. The class filmed her rape by multiple dogs while many park goers watched her enjoying sex with dogs. When the dogs finished she lay on the ground exhausted. Her students carried her to the local park stable where they rented a male horse and bound her beneath the horses torso placed the head of the horses cock at the entrance of her vagina then slapped the horse on the rump.

He leaped foreward his cock pushing into her pussy. She screamed as the cock spread her wide open and machine gunned her pussy until he filled her with his cum. The other park goers applauded as her students released her from the horse and forced the class pet snake into her pussy where the snakes outline appeared on her stomach. The scales going in and out of her quickly brought her to a powerful orgasm. Then as the audience watched her students fucked her filling her with cum and then they sealed the cum in her.

They locked a chastity belt on her and for two weeks refreshed the sperm daily in her until a pregnancy test came back positive. She sobbed because she would never know which of her students was the father. She was used by her students daily forced to wear revealing clothing that the principal ignored and her fellow teachers enjoyed.

Many times she had to walk around the school hallways while some of her students put their hands beneath her short dress or skirt masturbating her to an orgasm. One day while eating in the cafeteria her students dragged her onto a table and pushed a carrot into her pussy and anus bringing her to an orgasm then took her juices using them as glaze for the fruit. After that many knew what she tasted like and a favorite dessert was Alyssa shortcake.with whipped "cream" topping.

Alyssa was small but fit standing only five foot two inches in her stockinged feet. Strong shapely legs leading up to a firm ass and flat stomach. She was nicely tanned with b-cup breasts and eraser sized nipples. She had a pretty face with narrow shaped eyebrows. Silky dark red hair that hung to her ankles. She kept herself smooth shaven underarms and pussy and an all over light tan. She usually carried two small vibrators in her purse and she soon regretted this when they were found and pushed into her anus and vagina on full power and locked in by the chastity belt. She was forced to jog around the park like this and much to the other park goers had loud powerful public orgasms.

Months later Alyssa had a very public very embarrassing event happen. As she walked down the school hallway baby snakes began dropping to the ground from under her short skirt. She passed out and when she came too she was on the ground naked being filmed by a crwd as baby snakes crawled out from between her legs. When they stopped a small handed woman shoved her hand into her and made sure all the snakes were gone. Ellbow deep she began masturbating her until she came.
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