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The naughty futa-mommy dangles a virgin girl as bait to lure back her wayward futa-daughter!
Futa Daughter's Naughty Temptation

Chapter Five: Futa-Mommy Shares a Virgin

By mypenname3000

Copyright 2020

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this!

Sky Marlow

Are you going to let your mother control you? I thought with such disdain. Are you going to be her bitch or are you going to fuck MILFs?

I glanced at the mirror on the back of Georgia Matthews's closet door. There was the naughty futa-demon. She had her big cock in her hand. She stroked it while she had this wicked gleam in her eyes. She fluttered her wings.

That wasn't my voice, though it sounded like my own. When the futa-demon talked to me, it was so easy for her words to get lost in my own ideas. And why not listen to her? She had given me this big, throbbing futa-cock.

She's a virgin, I thought to the demon.

She shrugged. Virgins are so passe. They don't know nothing about sex, but a MILF... A mature and beautiful woman will know how to love that clit-dick. Even your mother did, and she's the most uptight bitch you know.

That was a good point, but... The chance to pop a cherry. It was so tempting. I squirmed there. I can't stick around here anyway, I told the demon. Reverend Matthews is kicking me out. My mom played this perfectly.

Fine. The demon grinned at me, her petite body shivering She won this skirmish, but that's what's so great about sin. There's always a next time. You'll get your MILFs. She can't watch you twenty-four/seven, can she?

I grinned.

So, go get some virgin pussy, and then we'll regroup.

“Sky,” Mr. Matthews said, more strongly. He opened the door.

“Sorry,” I said, striding to him. “Just was texting my mom. You're right. I have to skedaddle. Would you believe Georgia's over at my place waiting for us to study? It might be a long session. She's really going to help me bone up.”

“Good, good,” he said. “Let your mom know, it's okay if Georgia spends the night.”

I smiled. He would never let his daughter spend the night if he knew that my mother had already turned that good girl into a whore. My clit throbbed to turn into a futa-cock. I don't know why the demon chose me, but I was glad she did.

You were masturbating in the right church bathroom at the right time, I thought. No, that was the demon. Had to have that extra bit of transgression to let me break free and spurt my jizz all over you.

So glad I'm a dirty, dirty girl, I thought back.

As I headed down the stairs, I texted, “You win, Mom. I'm heading home. Keep that cherry pie warmed up for me. I need some dessert.”

“Doesn't your mother always take care of you?” she sent back nearly a minute later. Such a slow typer.

“Yes, you do. You're awesome, Mommy. Love you. Be home in 10.”

I grinned. That should get her to lower her guard.

You are wicked, Sky, I thought. Or maybe it was the demon. It was so hard to tell. We thought so much alike.


Madeline Marlow

“Awww, that's so sweet of her,” I said, staring at her message. The loving part made me shiver. “Georgia, honey, be a peach and suck my cock while we wait. Natalie, lick her pussy. Keep her nice and wet and ready to be deflowered.

“Yes, Mrs. Marlow,” the two girls both said, one sultry and one breathy.

Georgia rolled over, her petite body so cute. I stretched out on my back on the couch. I hummed in delight as Georgia sucked on my girl-dick. Her mouth wrapped around my cock. She nursed with such delight. Then Natalie started licking at Georgia's cunt.

My plan was working perfectly. Helena would never have to be tempted by my daughter's cock and I would have Georgia and Natalie and Sky to play with tonight.

You are sure this is the right way? I thought, my dick throbbing in Georgia's wonderful mouth.

I frowned. I was so certain about my course... I glanced at my mirror and saw the futa-angel, a petite and motherly looking beauty named Grace, staring at me. Her halo, a golden ring floating over her head, pulsed in brightness.

Yes, this is the way, I told her.

But sacrificing Georgia's virginity. That is something she should give to her husband.

She can marry Sky. That thought sent a naughty wave through me, meeting the bliss Georgia's blowjob gave me. Then she can be my daughter, too. They'll be my good girls.

They're girls! Girls can't marry girls!

I rolled my eyes. I used to believe that, too, but futa-cocks change everything. It's not true lesbianism, so it's not a sin. Besides, Georgia will love it. Even if she settles down with a man, she's not cheating on anyone right now. This is the best way.

And I bet there were more virgins. I mean, I did work as the secretary at Sky's community college. I could find more virgins to keep Sky around. Maybe we could somehow deflower one together, just sliding both our cocks in at the same time. I mean, pussies did stretch. I had a baby. I knew that for a fact.

Grace whimpered again. She was like how I used to be before Sky and her futa-dick had so thoroughly corrupted me.

Georgia suckled on me like my futa-cock was a lollipop. It was such a delight to experience. I really loved it. I groaned and squirmed on my back, my breasts rising and falling. I licked my lips and hummed as I squirmed.

Such wonderful pleasure rippled through my body. She moaned as she bobbed her head, Natalie licking at her virgin twat. This was all so exciting. It all felt so right. Just perfect, the way things should be.

“You're doing such a good job, Georgia,” I told the preacher's daughter.

The nineteen-year-old girl groaned. Her black hair caressed my belly, shifting as she worked her head up and down. That was nice. I didn't want to cum in her mouth, just feel some delicious pleasure as I waited for Sky to get home.

Natalie licked and lapped. The slutty girl who I blamed for turning my daughter from a good girl into a whore now happily lapped at Georgia's cunt. Natalie was a wild thing, but I had tamed her. She was all mine.

My good, little whore.

“Oh, thank you for letting me lick her pussy, Mrs. Marlow,” moaned Natalie. “She's got such a yummy cunt.”

“You're welcome, dear,” I told her. “Just enjoy yourself. You're doing such a good job. You'll have her wet and ready for Sky's big dick.”

My daughter would be speeding over here, just so eager to enjoy Georgia's tight cunt around her clit-dick. Then I would get to have sloppy seconds. Maybe I would lick Georgia out first or maybe I would slide right into that deflowered pussy. Sky could have her asshole and Natalie could masturbate and watch.

So many delicious ways to enjoy these wicked girls. I liked being a futa-mommy. I was glad Grace had chosen me to control Sky's wanton behavior. I would keep her on the straight and narrow. Find her a girl to be a good wife for her.

Perhaps Georgia. Maybe even Natalie. Someone who would love my daughter. Then they could settle into monogamous bliss. Well, mostly. I would obviously be apart of it. It was a futa-mommy's prerogative to have sex with her daughters and daughters-in-law.

I couldn't wait.


Sky Marlow

Mom might have won today, but that didn't mean I wasn't turned on.

I sped home. I told her ten minutes, and that would have been fast. I did it in eight. I mean, no one was at that intersection that I saw. Who cared if I ran the light? The guy hit his brakes in time. I don't know why he had to honk at me.

Some people were just assholes.

The wheels squealed as I turned onto the street. I raced down it, spotting Mr. Spencer watering the flowers. His wife had just had their first baby a few weeks ago. I had been about to fuck her when my mom suddenly became a futa.

How did she become a futa?

That dumb angel is interfering, I thought in answer right away.

As I pulled into the driveway, eyes stared at me in the rearview mirror. Naughty eyes.

An angel? I asked the futa-demon.

This nosy bitch name Grace that's been watching me for like 600 years. She's sooooo boring. Always wants to have sex in the missionary position with the lights out. Imagine that for 600 years. The same cock. The same position. The same angel.

Her name is Grace? I blinked. You have a name?

D'oh. Spice. Now, your mom's Grace's agent, but she's also so turned on by having a cock. Grace forgets that all humans are sinners. Some are just better at resisting it than others. Those ones are the ones who go wild when they get a clit-dick. Your mom is one dirty, dirty whore now.

She's definitely playing dirty, I thought back as I turned off my car. I climbed out. God, a virgin? It's like she knows the one thing I find hotter than fucking a MILF. If she revealed I had a long-lost, little sister who had her cherry still, I would be lost.

You would, Spice said and giggled. I can see it now.

I chuckled and headed inside. Mom had set up this naughty situation and I was eager to experience it. I couldn't wait to find out how hot things were about to get. She had given me such a wonderful treat. It would certainly be an amazing one.

I entered the house and decided to get naked now. I slid out of my clothes, pulling off my top and undoing my bra. A shiver ran through me. This wicked heat shot through my body. I was so ready for this. So excited for this wonderful moment. I quivered, my cunt on fire. I would have such a mighty orgasm. Just a big blast of delight.

I hummed as I wiggled out of my jeans and stripped off my thong. I let my futa-cock grow as I headed forward. It bobbed before me. I was such a sexy thing. Blonde and petite. My little titties were just a delight. A pervert's wet dream. I squeezed my small mounds as I hit the stairs. My huge futa-cock led the way as I raced up them. My feet smacked on the carpet.

In pictures lining the wall up the stairs, I caught glimpse of the excited Spice. She was stroking her girl-dick and grinning with such wicked passion. A wave of heat rushed through my body. I was loving every moment of this.

It was so hot. So exciting. I hit the second floor and slowed to a saunter.

“Ready or not, here I cum!” I squealed. And, yes, I used that naughty spelling in my head. I was ready to cum.

“We're in here, honey,” Mom cooed.

I shuddered. This was so hot. I couldn't believe that my mother had arranged this. God, she was such a wanton slut now. I had utterly corrupted her. I found that to be the hottest thrill in the world. I shuddered in delight as I reached her door and pushed it open.

Natalie knelt on the floor looking so eager. My bestest friend grinned at the sight of me, her tongue sliding over her lips. She was a tan girl with a pixyish bob of dyed-blue hair framing her impish features. She had a diamond nose stud and a pierced clit. You couldn't see it from this angle, but she had angel wings tattooed on her back.

But the real sight was on the bed. Mom lay on it, her blonde hair spilling around her shoulders. Georgia lay against her reclined like Mom was. Georgia's head rested between Mom's big boobs. The black-haired girl had her legs spread wide. Mom's hands stroked her inner thighs towards that dark bush hiding a virgin twat.

“Goddamn, that is the hottest thing in the world I have ever seen,” I groaned. It truly was. Mom was looking so sexy and Georgia so adorable. “Mmm, Georgia, you're going to be a wicked, little slut from now on, aren't you?”

“I'm just your mother's good girl,” she said, a rosy, virginal blush on her cheeks. She squirmed. “She wants me to give you my virginity. I... I hope you enjoy it.”

“Oh, I'll enjoy it,” I groaned, heading to the bed. My futa-cock bobbed before me. It swayed back and forth. It was such an exciting delight to witness.

I slid onto the bed, my futa-cock bobbing beneath me. I licked my lips, my heart hammering in my chest. This was it. This would be such an amazing moment. I groaned, my cunt on fire. I shuddered, savoring every heartbeat.

My pussy cream dripped down my futa-cock as I crawled into place. I ducked my head down and breathed in Georgia's musk. She had a spicy aroma. It was amazing to inhale. I ducked my head down and nuzzled into her pussy. I licked her.

“Mrs. Marlow!” the girl squealed. “Her tongue feels like yours and Natalie's.”

“Mmm, you got to eat this pussy?” I asked my friend. She hadn't said a word.

“Yes,” she moaned. “I think I'm your mother's sex slave now.”

“Hot,” I said. “Mom, you're kinky.”

“Natalie's just my good, little slut now,” Mom answered. “She's too wicked to be a good girl like you and Georgia.”

“That's right,” I lied. “I'm here to be a good, little girl.”

You are so bad, Sky, Spice thought. I was pretty sure that was Spice, anyways.

I licked at Georgia again. I wanted to eat her until she came, but I was just too fucking horny. My futa-cock throbbed, and she was drenched. The virgin was wet and ready. I did part her labia with my tongue and stroke over her hymen.

God, she really had a cherry cunt just like the picture showed. She whimpered as my tongue stroked up to her clit. I sucked on it for a moment. She squirmed against Mom and rubbed her head back and forth between those big, lush mounds.

I loved it. I licked out of her bush and darted my head up to a cute, little tit. Like me, she had small breasts. I sucked a pink nipple into my mouth. She squealed and moaned. Her arms slid around my shoulders, fingers caressing my back.

“Oh, Sky, that's wonderful,” she said. “Oh, yes, yes, that's just perfect. Ooh, I love it. Thank you!”

I sucked on her nub and made her squeal in response. I was so glad that she enjoyed it. I gave her one last suckle and then popped my mouth off hers. I stared into her blue eyes. They were adorable. I wanted to just devour her.

Mom grabbed my cock. She guided me right to Georgia's pussy. She pressed me into the virgin's bush, the ticklish hairs caressing the tip of my cock. Then I felt those virgin lips I just lapped at. Georgia groaned, her body twisting.

“I'm ready, Sky,” she moaned. “Take me.”

“Just let me savor this,” I purred, loving this moment. The heat rushed through my body. A hot shiver rippled through me. I groaned, the anticipation building and building. I felt her hymen on my cock. “You're my first cherry, Georgia.”

“But you won't be her last,” Mom promised. “I'll find them all so long as you're a good girl.”

“I will be,” I moaned.

“That means no seducing married woman.”

I nodded.

“Enjoy her,” Mom said, beaming at me.

I kissed Georgia hard on the mouth, her lips melting into mine. Then I thrust. I felt her hymen giving way before me. It was incredible to feel. Her cunt stretched and stretched before me. A hot shiver ran through my body.

She moaned into the kiss as her maidenhead stretched. I pressed harder. She whimpered, her thighs now squeezing about my waist. Her arms held me to her. our breasts rubbing together. I groaned, eager to ram through her.

“Enjoy her!” Mom moaned again. “Take her cherry.”

Georgia's hymen tore. I popped her cherry.

We both gasped as my dick slammed inside of her. Half my length buried into her deflowered pussy. She trembled, her fingernails clawing at my back. She had some real passion for it. I shuddered, my heart pounding in my chest.

I broke the kiss, both of us moaning as I sank the rest of the way in her. I savored how her cunt stretched around my girl-dick. I reveled in the feel of her cunt about me. Her wonderful pussy clamped down about my girl-cock.

It was amazing.

“Oh, my god, that's good,” I groaned.

“It is,” she whimpered. “Oh, Mrs. Marlow, your daughter is in me.”

“Yes, she is,” Mom cooed. “Mmm, and she's filling you up, isn't she?”

“Yes, she is,” groaned Georgia, her pussy holding me tight.

“Fuck, Mom, this is the greatest present any mother has ever given her daughter.”

“Oh, that's so sweet,” she said, smiling at me. “Now fuck her pussy and cum in her. I want to lick all that jizz out of her.”

I almost erupted right then and there.

I kissed Georgia again, feeling Natalie watching us in silence. That was such a wicked experience, too. I was so glad that she watched us. Her eyes felt so wicked on me. My cunt clenched as I pumped away at Georgia's deflowered cunt.

I was the first dick to ever enter her. She would always remember her first time. And it was with my awesome futa-cock. I loved this. I was so glad that Spice had chosen me. I could fuck MILFs later. Right now, I was enjoying virgin pussy.

“Mmm, that's it, honey,” cooed Mom, her hands stroking my sides. “Make love to her. She's squirming against me.”

“God, this is hot, Mrs. Marlow,” moaned Natalie.

“Enjoy masturbating,” Mom purred.

I was enjoying fucking. I drove my cock in and out of Georgia's pussy. Her cunt clamped down on me. It was a treat to enjoy. I savored every moment of her cunt caressing my futa-dick. I shuddered, the pressure building and building in me.

I fucked her with passion. I drove into her with such hard strokes. This was amazing. I plundered her pussy while her tongue danced with mine. Georgia Matthews, the reverend's daughter, squirmed beneath me like a naughty slut, her pussy building and building the ache at the tip of my clit-dick.

Georgia whimpered and then broke our kiss. “Sky!” Her pussy clenched down around me. “Oh, Sky, I never knew I wanted this. Wanted you!” Her hands stroked down my back to my rump. “But I do.”

“Mmm, and I've wanted you for some time,” I told her, rubbing my nose against hers. “Wanted to corrupt you. Turn you into a slut. And then my mother beats me to it.”

“I know.” Georgia giggled. “You have such a wicked mommy.”

I glanced up into Mom's blue eyes. “Yes, I do.”

“So fucking wicked,” Natalie moaned as she masturbated on the floor. “Oh, my god, Sky, fuck that virgin cunt. This is so hot.”

“So hot!” I moaned, thrusting away at Georgia's deflowered pussy, her fingers pulling me along. She pulled me into her cunt. It was such a treat to enjoy. I shuddered, loving every minute of pounding her cunt. I reveled in it, the pressure building and building at the tip of my cock.

I kissed her as I thrust away at her cunt. I fucked into her with powerful strokes. I buried to the hilt in her cunt. Her pussy clenched about me. Her hot flesh held me tight. My tongue thrust into her mouth. She sucked on my tongue. I whimpered, loving how she did that.

Her fingernails bit into my rump. Her tongue danced around in my mouth. I loved it. This was incredible. I shuddered, my futa-cock burying into her snatch. I plunged with such hard strokes into her. I fucked her hard and fast.

My dick buried over and over into her snatch. I loved how she squeezed about me. She held me tight while my mom stroked my sides. My pussy grew hotter while the ache at the tip of my dick grew stronger.

“Oh, yes, yes, fuck her, Sky,” Mom moaned. “Make her cum on that cock. Her first time needs to be amazing.”

Georgia broke our kiss to gasp out, “It is amazing, Mrs. Marlow. So wonderful. Yes!”

Her pussy clamped down hard on my futa-dick.

“Fuck!” I groaned, slamming into her.

I threw back my head, my platinum-blonde locks dancing around my head. I shuddered, thrusting away hard and fast at that wonderfully tight and amazing cunt. It was spectacular. Her pussy clenched around my dick. She held me tight, building and building that ache at the tip.

But I had to hold off. I wanted her to cum. I stared into her blue eyes, our nipples rubbing across the other's small breasts. Nubs brushed, sparks flaring. We both whimpered, her pussy clamping down around my futa-dick.

She felt so amazing. So wonderful. I was so close to cumming. To spurting hot jizz into her cunt. I buried to the hilt in her over and over again. Her fingers dug into my rump. She whimpered, her adorable face contorting.

“Oh, yes, yes, I'm going to have those good feelings,” she moaned.

“Cumming?” I asked.

“Uh-huh,” she whimpered.

“Say it!” I hissed. “Say, 'I'm going to cum on Sky's big futa-dick!'”

“Oh, that's so naughty!”

“Georgia, honey, it's okay,” cooed Mom. “You're making love to Sky. Her dick is in your pussy. It's okay to be naughty. This is naughty.”

God, my mom was such a slut right now. Spice was totally right about her. She had repressed herself all her life, and now it was all bursting out of her. I had made my mom into a slut by cumming on her face.

“Sky!” Georgia groaned. “I'm going to... to cum on your big... your big futa-dick!”

Her pussy exploded around my cock. Her fingernails bit into my rump while her passion sang through Mom's bedroom. Her hot cunt rippled and writhed around my dick. She felt incredible. This wonderful passion that was just a treat to experience. I loved it so much. I groaned, pumping away at her convulsing cunt and savoring every moment of it.

“Yes, yes, yes!” I moaned, driving into her writhing depths. Her pussy sucked at me as I drew back. My futa-cock throbbed, coming closer and closer to cumming.

“Oh, Sky!” the cutie whimpered.

“Cum in her, honey!” Mom moaned. “Just dump your cum into her. Oh, honey, it's okay. Just unload all that spunk into her. It'll be amazing.”

“Yes, Mom!” I panted, slamming my girl-dick to the hilt in Georgia's rippling cunt.

The pressure shot down into my cunt and then reached up to my ovaries. They brimmed with so much jizz. I shuddered and then I erupted. I fired all my cum into Georgia's deflowered cunt. I basted her with my jizz.

It was incredible. I loved every second of it. I shuddered atop her, my cum flying out of my dick. It felt amazing. My mind melted while my pussy convulsed. As her cunt sucked at my dick, mine went wild, aching to be filled.

“Fuck, yes!” I groaned.

“Oh, Sky, you're filling me up!” gasped Georgia. “Mrs. Marlow! Mrs. Marlow! She fires so much jizz in me!”

“So fucking much!” I groaned as I hit that peak.

“Fuck, that is hot!” squealed Natalie. She squirmed, her big boobs heaving as she came on her digits. “You futas are amazing.”

“Yes, we are,” I panted, my body buzzing from the delight of this wonderful moment. Then my eyes met my mom's. “So, want to eat my cum out of her pussy.”

She smiled at me.


Madeline Marlow

My plan worked!

Sky was back and being such a good girl. She loved me and wanted to deflower virgins with me. I would find everyone I could. I would be such a good mother to her. I trembled, my cunt on fire. I hungered to eat out Georgia.

I would make the cute girl cum so hard. She would have such a big orgasm and drown me in her cunt cream and cum. It would be spectacular. I couldn't wait for that wonderful moment.

Sky slid out of Georgia. The girl shuddered, her head shifting between my breasts. Then Sky was free. She rolled to the side on the bed and patted before her. Georgia understood. She spun around and stretched out on her back. She spread her legs wide, showing off that deflowered cunt of hers. She trembled, clearly eager to be eaten out.

“Enjoy, Mom,” Sky said, watching me.

“Yes, yes, enjoy!” Natalie said.

“Um...” Georgia blushed. “Maybe... Maybe Natalie could sit on my face while you... You know.”

“Lick your cunt clean of all my daughter's futa-cum?” I purred.

The girl nodded. She was so cute and adorable.

“Of course. Natalie, plant that cunt on her mouth right now.”

“Yes, Mrs. Marlow,” Natalie said. The naughty girl popped up to her feet, her blue hair swaying about her face. Her large tits swayed as she crawled onto the bed. “Mmm, Georgia, you are a peach. You're going to love eating my cunt.”

“I know I do,” Sky purred.

Natalie winked at my daughter and then planted her cunt right on Georgia's mouth. My mommy-cock throbbed at seeing the two girls playing together. This was so hot. My cunt dripped juices that soaked my bush. My futa-dick thrust out hard before me.

I stared down at Georgia's black bush. My daughter's pearly spunk leaked out and matted those silky curls. I hungered to eat out all that yummy cum. Georgia squirmed, moaning as she ate out Natalie's cunt.

“So good,” Georgia moaned. “Oh, wow, this is so good.”

“Mmm, you're a natural cunt muncher,” Natalie cooed.

I shuddered, my hands sliding up the girl's thighs. I caressed her skin. I stroked up to her and then ducked my head down. I pressed my face into her cunt. I nuzzled into those sticky curls. They spilled over my cheeks, coating me in my daughter's cum.

My tongue flicked out. I caressed up her slit, gathering the naughty flood of juices that leaked out of her. I loved the excitement of this moment. I savored the wonderful flavor of her twat spilling over my tongue mixed with my daughter's jizz.

I licked and lapped at her. I caressed her with hunger, gathering up Sky's futa-cum. I feasted on the girl. My tongue caressed her. I licked and lapped at her with such eagerness. She moaned into Natalie's cunt.

“Oh, Mrs. Marlow, feast on her,” moaned Natalie. Her big boobs swayed from side to side. They were such delicious mounds to stare at. Such a wonderful distraction for me to witness. I loved the sight of them.

My daughter's wet futa-dick slapped down on my rump. “Yes, yes, lick all that naughty cum out of her cunt.” Sky slid her girl-cock down into my crack, smearing that pussy cream over my butt-cheeks. “I'll take care of you, Mom. Because I love you.”

Joy burst inside of my heart.

Her cock nuzzled into my butthole as I devoured her cum out of Georgia's deflowered cunt. It was such a treat to enjoy. I fluttered my tongue up and down. I licked and lapped at the girl's twat, savoring every wonderful drop of futa-jizz I gathered out of her snatch, her spicy musk spilling over my tongue.

And what a treat that musk was.

My mouth salivated for the joy of licking her cunt. I lapped over her, devouring her with such hunger. I fluttered up and down her cunt. I reveled in the taste of my daughter's cum and her pussy juices mixed together while my daughter stood poised to ram into me.

“God, that is hot watching you eat her cunt, Mom,” Sky moaned.

“Right?” gasped Natalie as she squirmed on Georgia's face. “Ooh, and you're just an adorable little cunt lapper, Georgia. Yes, yes you got that tongue deep in me.”

“Hot!” Sky moaned and thrust.

My asshole was no longer a stranger to big, throbbing futa-dicks. Sky had broken me in already. I groaned in delight as she slid into me. This incredible shudder rippled through me as my anal ring surrendered with absolute joy to her cock.

Her tip popped into my bowels. Then came the slow, shuddering glide of her futa-dick penetrating inch after inch into my depths. I moaned into Georgia's cunt, reveling in every moment of my daughter's girl-cock sliding into my depths. My mommy-shaft throbbed as it dangled between my thighs. Pussy cream ran down my shaft.

It was incredible to feel. I shuddered, savoring this wonderful, velvety heat that blazed through my bowels. I thrust my tongue deep into Georgia's cunt. I danced around in her, loving every moment of feasting on her snatch. She groaned as I did that. She tasted so delicious.

“Mrs. Marlow,” Georgia whimpered as my tongue whipped around inside her cunt to scoop out my daughter's jizz.

“I know,” Sky said. “She's got a hungry tongue.” My daughter bottomed out on me. Every inch of her futa-dick filled me up.

What a treat.

“Make Natalie cum and drown my mother,” Sky moaned.

“She will,” I purred. “She's a good girl. Just like you, honey.”

“Oh, Mom, you're the best!”

My daughter drew back her hips. Her futa-cock slid out of my bowels. I groaned, squeezing my asshole around her clit-dick. This felt amazing. Just the best treat in the world. I loved having my futa-daughter in me. It felt so right.

I groaned into Georgia's cunt. My tongue wiggled around in her, scooping out more of that yummy cum that brimmed inside of her. It was such a treat. I swirled around inside of her. The flavor of that salty cum faded.

But I still had her spicy pussy to enjoy.

Nineteen-year-old cunt. Just what a naughty futa-mommy needed.

I squeezed my bowels around my daughter's thrusting cock. The heat she stirred up in me was incredible. I groaned, loving every one of her hot plunges into my bowels. She slammed into me, her crotch smacking into my ass. I groaned, clamping down on her. it was incredible to feel. A joy to experience.

The ache swelled in my pussy's depths. My ovaries brimmed with the cum that wanted to fire out of my clit-dick. My futa-cock throbbed with her thrusts. I shuddered, my big boobs jiggling. I moaned into Georgia's pussy, her pubic hair tickling my face.

“Oh, yes, yes, Mom!” Sky groaned. “What a treat it is to butt-fuck you.”

“I bet,” I groaned. “I love your cock in me. It's amazing.”

“Uh-huh,” Sky panted. She pumped away faster and harder. She was just such a treat.

She buried hard into me. She fucked me with passion. My pussy drank in the heat. My tongue fluttered up and down Georgia's cunt. I lapped at her, reveling in the taste of her pussy cream on my mouth.

She groaned, her thighs squeezing about my head. She held me tight as I devoured her spicy cunt. I loved being able to thrust my tongue into her. She had no hymen in the way. Nothing to stop my tongue from wiggling around in her.

“Mrs. Marlow,” she moaned, voice muffled.

“Ooh, I like that,” Natalie groaned. “Are you copying Mrs. Marlow.”

“Uh-huh,” moaned the girl.

A hot shiver ran through me. This wicked idea. I shoved my hands between her rump. I grabbed her ass. As I did that, she reached behind her head to seize Natalie's butt. The cute girl kneaded the naughty slut's rump. This was delicious.

My thumb dipped into her asshole. I wanted to give her a taste of the same delight reaming my asshole. It had to be a taste because my thumb was nowhere near as thick as my daughter's clit-dick plowing to the hilt in my butthole.

“Oh, Mrs. Marlow,” whimpered Georgia as my thumb stroked through her butt-crack. “Oh, you're not.”

“I am,” I purred my thumb finding her asshole.

“Oh, wow, that's nasty, Mrs. Marlow,” gasped Natalie, her big boobs heaving. She shuddered on Georgia.

“What?” Sky groaned, her futa-dick thrusting in my bowels.

“Just giving Georgia a naughty treat,” I moaned and thrust my thumb into the girl's asshole. At the same moment, I sucked on her clit.

Georgia gasped. Then she suckled. Natalie moaned. Her back arched. Her big boobs jiggled before her. I worked my digit in and out of Georgia's velvety asshole. My futa-dick throbbed beneath me, my cream running down it. My pussy grew hotter and hotter, drinking in that naughty friction.

I nursed on Georgia's clit. She squirmed and moaned, suckling away on Natalie. The busty girl shuddered. Her hands grabbed her tits. She kneaded them, her moans echoing through my bedroom. I could hear her coming closer and closer to cumming.

“Oh, my god, yes!” Natalie panted. “That's so good. Ooh, you're driving me wild with that naughty mouth. Mmm, yes, yes, don't stop that naughty suckling. You're making me feel amazing.”

I was glad she was doing that.

Georgia whimpered. Then she squealed. Her asshole writhed around my thumb. Her pussy gushed her spicy juices. I groaned, drinking them down. A moment later, Natalie gasped. Her boobs jiggled in her hands as she trembled on Georgia's mouth.

“Fuck, yes, Georgia!” Natalie moaned. “That's so fucking good. I love it. Oh, yes, yes, yes, drink down all my cream.”

“Mrs. Marlow!” Georgia gasped, her juices flooding out.

I drank them down as Sky hammered my bowels. My orgasm swelled. I squeezed my asshole down around my daughter's cock. She buried in deep, the pleasure rushing through my body. I drank down all that wonderful cream.

It was amazing. Just the best thing in the world. I shuddered, my body trembling. She thrust hard into me. She fucked me with passion. Her gasps and moans grew louder and louder. I trembled, drinking down Georgia's cunt cream and hurtling towards my own orgasm.

Sky buried to the hilt in me. “Fuck, yes, Mom!”

Her cum fired into my bowels.

As her hot cum flooded my asshole, my orgasm exploded through me. My futa-cock erupted over and over again. My cunt gushed juices that flooded down my erupting dick. My bowels writhed around my daughter's shaft, milking out her girl-seed.

“Yes, yes, yes!” I groaned into Georgia's cunt.

“Mom! Fuck, yes, Mom!” gasped Sky.

My bowels milked her cock as the dual pleasures raced through my body. Stars burst across my expression. My asshole writhed harder as I hurtled higher and higher into the reaches of ecstasy. My body trembled.

Sky fired the last of her cum into my bowels. I shuddered at the pinnacle of my orgasm. It was amazing to experience. I loved every moment of it. I shuddered there, trembling through such ecstasy. My mind melted from the delight.

Then I panted, rubbing my face into Georgia's cunt.

“Fuck, this is the best day ever,” Natalie moaned.

“Mmm, it is,” I purred. “Sky, honey, do you want to fuck Georgia in the ass while I enjoy her pussy?”

“Holy shit, yes, Mom!”

“B-both of you in me at the same time?” Georgia whimpered. “That's so naughty.”

“Uh-huh,” I moaned, my cock throbbing. “It is. I want to, though. I want to share you with my daughter.”

“Okay,” she said.

“Georgia, get on your side,” Sky ordered, clearly not a stranger to how to do this. “Mom and I will sandwich you between us and fuck you hard.”

We quickly got into the position Sky said, Georgia on her side. She smiled at me, her eyes so bright and beautiful. Sky snuggled up behind her. The girl gasped. Sky's futa-cock must be sliding into Georgia's butt-crack.

“You're going to love this,” I told her, smiling. I had always loved anal. She would adore it. “Okay?”

“Yes, Mrs. Marlow,” Georgia breathed.

“Such a good girl,” I cooed and kissed her, pressing my big boobs into her small titties.

She groaned and then squealed. Sky let out a long, slow moan. My futa-cock throbbed. I knew my daughter was sliding into Georgia's asshole. That sent a wicked thrill throbbing through me. I grabbed my cock and, still kissing Georgia, brought it to her deflowered pussy.

I pushed through her tight folds and entered her cunt. She groaned as I did. She trembled there on the bed, her lips kissing mine. Our tongues danced together as I slid deeper and deeper into her cunt. I could feel my daughter's cock in the girl's asshole.

“Ooh, that's hot,” moaned Sky. “I can feel you, Mom.”

I broke the kiss to purr. “I know.” I slid deeper. “Ooh, that's nice.”

“It is,” squeaked Georgia. “You're both in me. I'm so full.”

“Yes, you are,” I said, smiling at her.

She returned it, looking so adorable.

Sky pumped away at Georgia's asshole, thrusting with bold strokes. The girl groaned and shuddered, her eyes going so wide at the delight that Sky let her feel. I savored it, too, loving the way my daughter's futa-cock stroked me.

It spurred me to start moving. That had Georgia squirming between us. Her eyes widened as she felt our two futa-cocks reaming out her tight holes. This was so wicked. I groaned, my futa-cock throbbing and aching.

I pumped away at her cunt. I fucked into her with hard strokes. Powerful strokes. It was incredible to feel. I shuddered, my dick melting in her twat. It was incredible to experience. I smiled at her and pumped away at her with my aching mommy-cock.

I buried into her hard. Fast. I slammed to the hilt in her pussy, my cock sliding against my daughter's. It was incredible sharing Georgia. Her pussy clenched about me. She rubbed her nose against mine, whimpering.

“You're both in me,” she gasped. “Ooh, it feels so good.”

“I bet,” I groaned, my dick throbbing.

“It's fucking awesome!” Sky said.

“I wish I was a futa!” Natalie moaned. “This looks so hot. Ooh, I could just fuck and fuck and fuck if I had a cock.”

“Yep!” agreed Sky, thrusting harder.

Georgia squealed, her cunt clamping down tighter around my girl-dick.

The juicy friction pumping away at her twat created pleasure that rushed down my shaft to my pussy. It swept through my snatch and warmed my ovaries. They had a new load of futa-cum to dump into the girl.

I thrust away at her hard and fast. I loved how she clung to me. How she held me. Her pussy was amazing. It was fantastic. I loved every moment of thrusting into her. I buried to the hilt in her again and again. She groaned, clenching her twat down around me.

Her wonderful flesh massaged me. My big boobs rubbed into her small ones as I drove hard and fast into her. I loved how she clung to me. Her pussy was outstanding. She shuddered, clenching down around me again and again.

It was amazing. Delicious. I loved it. My face scrunched up with pleasure as Sky and I fucked her. Georgia's holes made my daughter and me both groan. Our cocks plundered her, rubbing together separated only by her flesh.

“Yes, yes, yes!” I groaned. “Oh, that's good. That's so wonderful, Georgia.”

“It is, Mrs. Marlow!” the girl whimpered. “I'm about to cum. It'll be so wonderful.”

“Ooh, yes, cum!” I moaned. “Let me feel that pussy writhing about my cock. I know it'll be amazing.”

“It will!” she moaned, her twat clenching tighter.

I thrust harder, building and building towards my orgasm. Sky slammed into Georgia's asshole, their flesh smacking together. The cutie's face twisted. She moaned, trembling between us. She hugged me tight, whimpering.

Her pussy felt incredible about my dick. The ache swelled at the tip of my cock. I hurtled closer and closer to cumming. My ovaries tightened. The bed creaked as I thrust my girl-dick to the hilt in her again and again.

“Fuck,” Sky groaned. “That ass. That ass is amazing!”

“So is that pussy!” I moaned.

“Mrs. Marlow!” the girl whimpered. “Sky! I'm almost there!”

My cock throbbed as I plunged it into Georgia's pussy. She moaned before me, her little titties rubbing into my big mommy boobs. Her face twisted in delight. Sky's cock buried into the cutie's asshole, both of our dicks filling her up.

“Yes!” Georgia squealed.

Her pussy writhed around my dick. That wonderful feeling rippled through me. It was incredible. I shuddered on my side, her cunt sucking at my dick as I drew back. Sky's face twisted. She moaned and rammed back into Georgia's asshole.

“Fuck, yes!” my futa-daughter moaned. “Mom, you got to cum with me!”

“Yes, I do!” I moaned, sliding my cock into Georgia's pussy. I exploded.

Pleasure shot through my body. My mind melted beneath the onslaught of bliss that flooded out of my cock. I groaned and shuddered, my mind blazing with such rapture. The pleasure spilled out of me. I groaned, my body shuddering from the wonderful bliss that slammed through my mind. I dumped all my cum into her snatch.

“Mrs. Marlow!” Georgia moaned. “Oh, yes, yes, that's amazing. You're both flooding me!”

“Uh-huh!” I moaned.

My pussy convulsed, adding rapture flooding through my body to the delight of cumming in the girl's cunt. I shuddered through the bliss. It was spectacular to enjoy. I savored every moment of it. I trembled and then hit the peak of my ecstasy. I smiled there, my mind melting beneath this wonderful bliss.

I glanced at Sky over Georgia's shoulders and saw the delight in my daughter's face. My plan had worked. I had stopped Sky from ruining any marriages. I would find her all the virgins to deflower. We would share them together and be a family.

I reached over Georgia and grabbed Sky's hand. She held it back. Victory surged through me. Grace the Futa-Angel had given me just what I needed to finally make my daughter into a good girl. Such delight rippled through me.

This was a great day.


Sky Marlow

Hours and hours later, I lay in bed waiting for everyone to fall asleep. Natalie was with Mom in her bed while I took Georgia to mine. Mom seemed to think I would start dating Georgia now. I think my mother was already planning the wedding.

But it was past midnight. Georgia was out like a log. It was time to sneak out and seduce Mrs. Spencer across the road. Somehow. I could get her out of bed and past her sleeping husband. I would figure it out.

I slipped out of bed and headed down the stairs slowly. My heart was beating so fast. This was it. I hummed to myself as I reached the bottom, my naked body all a quiver. My cunt clenched. I headed for—

Natalie stepped out before me from the kitchen.

We both squeaked in fright. She jumped back, spilling water from the glass she held in her hand. She stared at me then gasped, “What are you up to, Sky?”

To be continued...
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