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Fiction. Not related to Real Life At all
My wife and I have been happily married for over five years now. As it happens in most marriages, the sex was amazing at first. I don’t have a particularly massive dick, it was around 7’ long but one thing that I did learn in college was how to use it right. As they say, it is not the size that matters but how you use it. As such, I could say with confidence that I would never neglect my wife in the sexual department. But well familiarity is the biggest enemy of a successful sexual relationship. One could say that my wife and I just got used to fucking each other so much that with time the passion that was present in our lovemaking just faded. Part of the blame lies with me as I had grown complacent in my attention towards the wife. She was never much of a sexually adventurous person, at least not towards me and I never pressured her much to explore sexually either. We did do all the usual things such as anal, a bit of exhibitionism but she was never enthusiastic about it and after some time I just dropped it and we went back to vanilla fucking.

Now my wife has a younger sister, Alia, a 23-year-old. The resemblance between her and my wife was uncanny. The only difference was that Alia had bigger boobs and a toned stomach. My wife was fit but she was never into exercise or sports so her body was softer than her sister. I would know, I generally spend a lot of time comparing the two sisters when Alia would come to visit us. Alia was a lot more open than her sister. Her clothing always consisted of showing more than a little skin if she could get away with it, so I had a lot of reference points when it comes to comparing the two sisters. Alia, the little minx was always more open than her sister when it came to sex too. I know that because she particularly delighted in telling me about her sexual exploits. Generally, these discussions took place after my wife had gone to bed otherwise she would have been scandalized. I always did look forward to these talks. A young hot girl telling you how she was fucked for hours by multiple cock in as many details as possible, well what heterosexual male wouldn’t enjoy that. Especially when nearly all of her body is on full display right in front of you to aid your imagination. Suffice to say that I wanked to her more than a few times. But this was all harmless flirting, I had been loyal to my wife for five years and had no plans on cheating on her anytime soon.

Anyways, as it happened, Alia had gotten a new boyfriend, a huge black guy that towered over six feet. The last time she came over she was particularly graphic in describing how that humongous cock stretched her pussy and how her cunt just wouldn’t let it come out of her. She confided in me that he was the biggest cock that she had ever taken in life. After that she excused herself winking at me that the thought of that cock was too much for her and she must go to her bedroom now. I deposited one of the biggest loads of my life inside my sleeping wife that night.

I had gotten a bit of vacation time from my office and my sister in law had invited us to spend time at her house which had a massive pool. She lived in the next city so it was not much of a trip but it was a good change of scenery. Besides, we had never been to her new home nor had we met the fabled boyfriend, so it all tied up nicely. On that weekend, we packed a few bags, sat in our car drove, and drove over to Alia’s home. On the drive, I noticed that Alia was particularly exuberant, chatting happily with me and her eyes were shining with excitement. I just chalked it up to visit her sister’s new home and boyfriend. As I found out later, my sister in law had a nefarious plan for my wife and me.

When we arrived, Alia was waiting for us in a crop top and shorts. Her boobs were bursting out of her tops and the shorts were so short that all of her ass was hanging out. She gave me a big warm hug. The sensation of those soft melons pressing into my chest amazing and I had to resist the urge to just cup her asscheeks as she was glued to me. Afterward, she moved to her sister, giving her the same large hug.

“Hey, guys!” then I noticed her boyfriends walking out to greet us. “This is Jack, that I told you about.” She nustled up close to him and whispered. “He’s amazing.” We all gave the same chuckle at that. Though I noticed that my wife blushed a little bit.

“Well come on in, Jack said.” He was eyeing my wife up and down that didn’t sit well with me. But then again, I have done my fair share of ogling his girlfriend, so I just chalked it up to male lewdness. The first thing that we did was throw our bags in our room, changing into swimsuits and walk out the pool. It had been a long drive and I was looking forward to relaxing by the pool. Though all thoughts of relaxations went out of my mind when I saw my wife’s bikini. Calling it a bikini was an overstatement. It was nothing but a bunch of strings tied together expertly to cover just the necessary bit of area. The fishnet style bikini revealed all of her boobs and her ass except for the middle portion which was covered by just the tiniest piece of clothes available. One wrong move and she would be showing her nipples and her cunt. I gulped.

“Are you going to wear that.”

My wife nodded and was about to move out of the room but I grabbed her and turn her around pressing her ass into my rapidly growing cock. “You look amazing,” I growled in her ear and cupped the underside of her boobs. My dick was rotating rhythmically all over her ass and my hands were busy kneading the soft flesh of her boobs. Her boobs had always been her soft spot. She would get incredibly horny just from a little groping, and it was evident in the way she started giving out little moans as he groped and slapped her boobs. Forgetting that we were inside someone else’s home, my hand starting wandering downward but before it could reach its destination. My wife slapped it away.

“Behave!” She was breathing a bit heavy and the front of her pussy had gotten a bit darker with her fluids. “Alia and Jack are waiting for us.”

Finally remembering that we were visiting my sister in law, I gave a sheepish nod and walk out to the pool, where Alia and Jack were already waiting for us. Jack was already in the pool, his bulging chest and biceps on full display, as he lounged near the corner of the pool. Alia was standing on the edge, putting down some beers in another tiny bikini that left almost nothing to the imagination. Her bikini seemed to be semi-transparent as I could see the hint of her darker areolas. I couldn’t wait for her to jump in the water.

“Come on guys, join me,” Jack shouted from the other edge of the pool. All three of us quickly jump into the water with a beer in hand. My wife took an extra one for Jack and handed it to him who smiled appreciatively. I stayed in the water for twenty or so minutes. The couples seemed to have swapped. My wife was lounging near Jack since handing him the beer can asking him questions like where he studied and what did he do for a living. I and Alia were a few feet away just listening to their conversation and throwing in a few comments here and there. I was also hyper-aware of Alia’s boobs as she would occasionally float near me and brush her boobs by my side and then give a mischievous giggle. These flirtatious touches were not helping my hardon that I was sporting since making out with my wife in the guest bedroom. After a while, I got tired of splashing around in the water and excused myself. I was never much of a water person and the drive had left me a bit tired. I went and laid down on the lounge chairs and closed my eyes for a bit. The pool was quite large so I could only hear a snippet of conversations from the three people that were now huddled together. Jack was in the middle with my wife and his girlfriend on each side. My wife had come noticeably closer to Jack now that I was out of water. Jack was squished between the two women. But I just chalked it up the two sisters teasing the guys and some harmless flirting.

I must have dozed off for a bit because I suddenly woke up to the sound of heavy giggling from my wife. I opened my eyes and saw that the three of them were still lounging near the same area but now my wife and her sister were on the one side and Jack was looking at them with a big smile. There was a small mound of beer cans near the edge of the pool.

“What’s happening?” I asked rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I must have been more tired than I initially thought.

Laughing Alia turned towards me but her hands were still on my wife’s chest. “She lost a bet and now she has to go topless but she’s not listening. So I am just helping her.”

“Err, I looked at Jack whose eyes were still glued to my wife’s chest. “I don’t know whether that’s a good idea.”

‘Aw come on. We are all adults here. Its nothing but a bit of harmless fun. Come on sis. Off with the top. With that, she yanked my wife’s bikini top and in an instant, it came loose revealing her magnificent chest in all her glory.

“Hey.” I protested feebly but Alia just waved me off and threw the top away from the pool. My wife had given a little shriek when the bikini top had come off and was now trying to cover her breasts were her hands.

Alia rolled her eyes. “Oh come on, if it helps, I would go topless too.” With that, she gave me a smirk and slowly pulled her now fully transparent bikini top upwards. “You like em?” She asked in a seductive tone.”

I gulped and my wife smacked her sister, revealing her left boobs completely. “Stop it, you slut.” Alia giggled at the word slut. “Just a bit of fun sister. Just a bit of fun.”

Finally seeing those amazing breasts, I knew I needed a drink, so I opened one of the remaining cans of beers and took a large gulp. After a few minutes, I noticed that my wife was a lot more comfortable with her sister’s tits hanging and her hands had dropped completely. Jack was sneaking peeks of my wife and his girlfriend’s tits in turns. By then I noticed that they were having a drinking competition of who could drink more within ten seconds. So that’s how my wife lost her top, I thought as I saw that Jack was the one who lost this time to Alia. Alia grinned mischievously.

“Alright time to take it off.” Jack just shrugged his shoulders. “Then take it off yourself.”

“That’s a great idea,” Alia replied. And then she dived underwater. I had a sneaking suspicion of what they were referring to and I didn’t like the direction this game was going. After a few seconds, Jack's shorts were floating in the water but Alia didn’t come up. My wife was staring right at the spot where Alia had disappeared and Jack was staring at my wife with his mouth open. I was too far away to see what was going on in the pool but it wasn’t that hard to figure out.

After nearly a minute, Alia finally came out of the water and gave a wide smile. “Mmmm. Yummy.” By now my wife was breathing hard. Her eyes were half-closed, a sure sign of her horniness. She was already horny from that little make-out session and seeing Alia give a blowjob along with her sensitive nipple out for the whole world to see, she was in a right state of horniness.

My wife was still staring transfixed at the spot where Alia had come up. Alia gave a loud giggle that broke her out of her reveries and she blushed.

Alia whispered something as she sidled up close to her boyfriends. One of her hands had disappeared underwater. I was too far away to hear the conversation properly but I strained my ears nonetheless to see what devilish thing my sister in law was up to now. The three of them were still pretty close. So close, that Jack's hand was lying on my wife’s shoulder. The water was splashing a bit near the tiny group so I had a rough idea that Alia must be giving a handjob. She was also saying something in a really low voice which I couldn’t make out, but my wife was listening to it completely transfixed.

“What are you guys talking about? I shouted.

“Nothing,” Alia winked at me. “Just rest, we are having a bit of fun.

I didn’t like the sound of that but it was clear I was not welcome in that conversation. Now Jack had taken his hand from behind my wife and had taken it underwater. He was also now saying something that made my wife give a little smile. I watched as God knows what went underwater for a while. My wife’s hand had been underwater the whole time so I didn’t whether she was participating in it or not. After a little bit. I saw Jack going stiff and then the water stopped splashing. Alia leaned over to kiss him and whispered something to her sister and then she climbed out of the pool. I watched as droplets of waters dripped down from her fit body. Her breasts swinging was the most hypnotic thing ever. I was so distracted that I didn’t see Jack sidling up to my wife. They were now siding by side and her boobs were crushing into his side.

Alia made her way over to me and sat down on the lounge chair beside me. I couldn’t help but sneak glances at those amazing peaks as she lay there. All the while my wife was whispering intimately with Jack.

I was brought out of my erotic thoughts by Alia's.chuckle. “You can stare, I don’t mind.” She cupped her breasts so that they become more pronounced. “I love showing them off.” I only shook my head and turned towards my wife and Jack who was still whispering to each other. Jack's arm was once more behind my wife's shoulder. From the angle that I was looking from, it looked like they were cuddling.

“Are you feeling lonely? I heard that statement and then Alia.had plopped down on my lap. By that point, I was more sitting than lying in the chair. She snaked her arms around me so that her right tit was crushed against my chest and shouted.

“Hey, you two,” How's it going. She waved at them and Jack waved back with a can of beer in his hand. “just chilling babe.” He replied.

“I am just going to give your husband some company, alright sis?” I could see Alia winking at them as she draped herself over me. I didn’t hear a reply from my wife but she didn’t object so I assumed she was okay with it.

“You know Jack’s naked?” Alia said.

“I surmised that much,” I replied.

“And you are okay with a naked man in the pool with your wife.” She was now nuzzling my neck sending some pleasant sensation down to my cock.

“Not really. But not like they are doing anything wrong.”

“That’s the spirit, she was now grinding her breast on me. “It’s all just fun.”

A silence fell as I observed my wife and Jack just sitting in the pool talking while my sister in law half sat and half lay on me. They had changed the position a little. My wife was turned towards Jacks now and the hand that was laying behind her on the edge of the pool had disappeared in the water around her. My wife was inches away from another man’s cock and he might have come minutes ago but I was sure he would be rock hard by now.

There were a few times when I met my wife’s eyes and saw that her face was completely flushed. This close to another man’s cock.

“I wonder what they are doing underwater.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, distracted by Alia’s question. I had deduced that Alia had given a blowjob and a hand job to Jack, but not even in my wildest dreams did I imagine that Jack and my wife would be doing something naughty now. But now that Alia had pointed it out, my imagination went into overdrive. The hand that was behind my wife all of a sudden seemed to be cupping my wife’s ass cheeks, While my wife’s hand seemed to be around Jack’s cock as she slowly stroked him.

“You know it has always been her fantasy to fuck a black cock.” Alia continued. “So why don’t you fulfill her fantasy. In turn, you can fuck my brains out.” Alia had gotten up a bit and was now purring seductively in my ears. I couldn’t answer her. My mind had gone into overdrive with all that much information.

Taking my silence as consent, Alia lifted herself off of me and kneeled beside the lounge chair. She grabbed the waistband of my shorts and slowly pulled them down. My cock which had been hard as a rock due to her constant grinding came into full view. Vaguely I noticed that Jack whispered something in my wife’s ear and then she turned to look towards. I wanted to say something to her but nothing came out of my mouth.

The next second I felt something warm and wet envelope my cockhead. I looked down to see Alia’s lips wrapped around my shaft and her big brown eyes staring at me innocently and seductively at the same time. I turned my attention once more towards my wife to see that Jack had gone behind my wife and was now palming her breasts that were floating just above water height. Her head was thrown back, giving Jack unrestricted access to her slim flawless neck that he was busy kissing. She was not moaning but the way her lips were parted and her eyes were unfocused even though she was looking at me, clearly gave away her pleasure. A few seconds later, his hand snaked down and started touching her in a place that he should not be.

I turned my attention back towards Alia who had taken my full cock inside her mouth and was licking my balls with her tongue. She took me out of her mouth, slowly pumping me with one hand as she went to work on my nuts, lucking and sucking them thoroughly. I felt the twinges of pleasure from this amazing blowjob but my mind was somewhere else completely.

Jack had turned my wife towards him and was now busy burying his tongue as deep inside her as possible. I could see my wife’s arm moving furiously. I imagine she must have been stroking him underwater. Though I don’t have to keep such things to my imagination for long as Jack moved behind and jumped on the edge of the pool with his feet dangling in the water. That’s one I got my first look at his monster. It was must have been 10 inches thick and was so black and veiny. Its head was big and round and red as an angry snake eye. My wife’s eyes were completely focused on that monster. So much so that Jack had to grab her head to bring her closer. He prodded her lips with that thick head and finally, my wife got the cue and opened her mouth. The cock was so massive that she could barely fit the head inside her mouth but Jack was content with as he leaned back slowly stroking my wife’s head as he enjoyed her blowjob.

Alia had moved back to my cockhead and was now slowly licking it while rolling my balls around in her head. Though I gave her no heed. She was amazing but I was too preoccupied with my wife’s infidelity, and the ease with which she agreed to this whole thing. I watched as Jack forced his whole cock down my wife’s throat. Watched as she gagged on it, sending ripples in the pool, and saw how easy access Jack had to my wife’s body. He was slapping her ass and calling her some dirty names that I couldn’t hear.

Alia lifted herself and said. “Time for the main course. She straddled my hips and took my engorged shaft in her hand. She smiled down at me, her tits hanging inches away from my face. She pointed towards her cunt and slowly sank on it. A low moan escaped her lips as my cock was surrounded by her warm and tight pussy. She kept going down till I was ball’s deep in my sister in law’s pussy. A cunt that I had fantasized about for so long and yet my eyes were on my wife and Jack.

Jack had also lifted my wife out of the water and was now pushing her down on all fours. He lined himself behind her and rubbed his cock all over her slippery wet vagina. That was when I noticed that her bikini bottom was already gone. Looks like they had done a lot more than I imagined under the water. My wife gave a loud moan as she felt the massive cock rub around her pussy lips. They were at an angle to the pool so I had some view of my wife’s face as Jack’s cock penetrated her hole. I saw as her eyes went wide as sauced and she gave a massive. She had just cum from being penetrated by another man’s cock.

But that was just the tip of his cock. Slowly but steadily he pushed himself inside my wife till he was balls deep inside her. At that moment, she gave another loud grunt and came on his cock. Meanwhile, Alia had started bouncing on my cock. My hand had somehow found its away on her massive globe and were now slowly kneading them. Alia was moaning encouraging me to go further but I didn’t register. I vaguely felt my balls churning and then my shaft pulsing as I spewed load after load inside my sister in law’s hole but the pleasure of that load was absent.

“Not bad.” My sister in law said. “When can you go again?” She gave no intention of moving off of my rapidly deflating cock. On the other side of the pool, Jack had truly started fucking my wife. She was already pushed down to the ground, her tits mashed against the towel on which she was bent like a bitch as Jackhammered her cunt. The slaps were so loud that I was sure the neighbors could hear them.

I couldn’t bear this scene anymore. I couldn’t stop them because I had done exactly that with Alia so the only option was to excuse myself.

“I am sorry,” I told Alia. “I am tired, I’ll go sleep.”

There was a shadow of disappointment on Alia’s face but she didn’t show it in her voice. “Alright, I’ll just join them.”

As I moved towards the house I heard Alia say. “Room for another one?” My brain couldn’t process anything so I just went to my room and fell on my bed and went to sleep.


2020-12-21 20:31:55
I was about to give this a positive vote until i read the last few sentences. How the fuck could you leave your wife and sister-in- law together and go to sleep. All i can say is "What a fucking idiotic, cuckold wanker you are mate" !!!!!

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