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Well, it’s 2:30 Wednesday morning, my wandering slut of a wife is now up stairs in bed. She came staggering in about and hour ago. Tuesday nights are her nights out with “the guys”. It’s the night she meets Jerome at the Wheel House Pub up in the northeast part of town. Tonight, Jerome drove her home and, after getting her in the house, unceremoniously dumped her on the living room floor and took off.
Well, it’s 2:30 Wednesday morning, my wandering slut of a wife is now up stairs in bed. She came staggering in about and hour ago. Tuesday nights are her nights out with “the guys”. It’s the night she meets Jerome at the Wheel House Pub up in the northeast part of town. Tonight, Jerome drove her home and, after getting her in the house, unceremoniously dumped her on the living room floor and took off. When I came down stairs she was lying there in her trench coat. Her cloths were in a pile on the floor next to her and, by the smell of the booze, I could tell she’d had a lot to drink. When I got her out of her coat, a video cassette fell out of the pockets, and all that she had on underneath were her self supporting hose and her black high heels pumps. However, the interesting part was what was written on her body in what turned out to be red lipstick. Across her ample chest were the words “White cum slut!” and just above her shaved pussy were the words “Cum hole.” I managed to get her upstairs into the bathroom without too much trouble. Once she was in there and naked, I realized that virtually from the top of her head to her feet she was covered in dried cum. Between her legs I found that her pussy and asshole were stretched, and both were still dribbling cum.

I sponged her down and got her into bed. I knew that tomorrow she’d have a splitting headache and a sore pussy and back side! I then decided to get the video into the tape player in our bedroom and see just what had taken place the night!

The video started with who could only be Tina arriving at some kind of party. She had obviously had quite a few drinks and was staggering a little. It was also apparent that she had changed her cloths between work and the party because once again she was dressed in what had now become her “party outfit”. There she was, red leather mini-skirt, black thigh high boots, cotton blouse (which she hardly bothered to button up anymore)without a bra. And the reason that I say it could only be her, was the fact the she wore one of those black leather hoods that covered her head completely, leaving only her mouth and eyes exposed. Her entrance was a grand one, she pranced into the room to the howls and hoots of what appeared to be a club house full of guys. Unfortunately, the guys in the room were not your club house types. These guys looked pretty tough!

Tina was lead by Jerome to a small stage that was set up in the centre of the room. Some music came on and she immediately began a slow sex dance. It wasn’t long before she was withering around on her back on the small stage, her blouse wide open and her mini-dress pulled up her thighs. She ran her hands over her breasts grabbing her nipples and pulling on them harder than I’ve ever done. This brought a load roar from the twenty five or so guys watching her slutty performance. She then rolled over, sticking her ass in the air. Running her hand over her round butt she brought her middle finger down to her puckered little asshole and, without much effort, slid it right in! Again the guys all howled. From a duffle bag beside the stage she managed to fish out four dildos, each one larger than the last. For the next hour (with only three breaks in between for a snort or two of coke), and to the delight of the nearly riotous crowd, she fucked all of her holes with all of the dildos! It was after that performance, that there was no holding these guys back!

She was lifted over the heads of the guys in the room and passed into one of the back bedrooms. All along the way she was probed by fingers and hands, pinched, licked, sucked, you name it! For about five minutes, she went completely out of sight of the camera. When the camera finally caught up to her, she had been positioned in a sling contraption which was suspended about two feet over the bed. With the exception of her black boots, nylons and hood she was naked. And on her chest were the words “White cum slut!” The device she was in, supported her back, but spread her legs wide, leaving nothing to the imagination. Her wrists and ankles were held securely in place and it was clear she was not going anywhere!

One of the guys brought her a drink of something, but could only pour it down her throat. She managed to swallow most of it but also coughed and spit quite a bit out. It was after the drink that the fun began.

“Well,” she said in slurred speech, “is someone going to fuck me or not?” The idea of total anonymity must have been exciting for her. She humped her pussy up and down blindly searching for a cock.

“Shit man!” one of the guys said, “What a slut!” Then once he got himself on to the bed he pulling down his pants and revealed a respectable size prick. “If no one else is gonna fuck this bitch I am.”

He moved up between her legs and rubbed his cock over her pussy lips. Tina moaned and thrust her cunt up to meet his probing prick. With a little effort he worked his prick into her. “YEAH!” she cried, “fuck me baby!”

As I watched the video, one guy after the other positioned himself between her legs and fucked her. Some of the guys seemed to prefer her asshole and fucked her there. The first guy to do so was the sixth guy in line. His comment was that he sure as hell wasn’t going to fuck a pussy as used as hers! But, of course, that didn’t stop him from scooping up a bunch of the cum that was dribbling out of her stretched cunt hole and using it as lubrication. He drove first two, then three, then four fingers up her asshole before deciding that it was loose enough to fuck. He then jammed his dick into her right to the hilt. She moaned a little but soon got comfortable and was urging him on.

“Fuck my ass you Bastard!” she yelled. “Fuck all my holes. I’m a slut so use me! Use me!”

His prick wasn’t the last to violate her rear end, after an hour or so, more than half a dozen guys had fucked her there. As well, many of the guys, who were waiting in line, and just couldn’t wait to fuck her pussy or asshole, found her mouth a convenient place to deposit their loads. By bending her head back she was able to deep throat even the longest cock.

So there was my once sweet little wife, reduced to little more than a depository for cum. Well into the second hour of the video, and after more of the concoctions the first guy had poured down her throat, she was only able to moan as the guys continued to fuck her relentlessly, some for the second or third time! She no longer swallowed the cum that was jettisoned into her mouth, it just dribbled out the side of her now slack mouth. That didn’t stop men from using her there.

Now, whenever anyone finished fucking her pussy, the flood of cum was almost beyond belief. So much cum came pouring out that it had made a slippery puddle on the mattress below. Her ass was now so well fucked that it no longer contracted when a cock was withdrawn, it too flowed freely with cum.

It wasn’t too long afterwards that the guys interest in her seem to start to wane. The crowd started to thin as people began leaving the club house. The only ones left were the diehards, these guys would have fucked anything. Some of them couldn’t even get it up anymore, but that didn’t stop them from trying to stick there limp dicks up her pussy. One guy pulled what I call a “Bill”, that is to say he did what I used to enjoy doing when Tina first started coming home with a pussy full of cum, he got down between her legs and began feasting on the huge deposit of cum that had been pumped into her. Unfortunately, he passed out before he was through. Another guy managed to get his dick up inside her stretched asshole only to relieve himself there and in effect giving her a piss enema. This brought her to yet another orgasm.

The picture, then, was the ultimate in total degradation. There was my wife, hooded to protect her identity, suspended in this sling, still dressed in the black thigh high patent leather boots and nylons, with the words “White cum slut” written on her chest, and piss leaking out of her asshole and cum still dribbling out of her cunt. Her mouth had dried cum caked around her lips.

It was then that Jerome stepped in from behind the camera and producing a tube of lipstick wrote the words “Cum hole!”, just above her shaved pussy and turning toward the camera he said. “Well, now that everyone has left, it’s time to finish this up. What do you think Bill? You like to fuck your woman after other men have used her don’t you? Well, I’ll tell you right now that this video is proof that I took her out and got her fucked real good for you. Twenty five guys have fucked your wife tonight in every one of her holes! And that’s not the end of it. Watch this!” With that he undid her restraints and lowered her down to the mattress and took off her hood. “Hey Tyrone,” he called, “bring old Willie over here.” I had heard of the party where she’d fuck Tyrone’s dog in front the guys, in fact I’d fucked her doggie cum filled pussy good that night when she got home and thoroughly enjoyed the thought of what had taken place in my absence. Jerome got her rolled over onto her stomach. “Come on baby,” he said, “ one more cock wants to fuck you!”

“Another cock?” she moaned as she managed to get up on her knees and turn around. When she saw Willie, you would have sworn that she just saw a long lost friend. “Willie!,” she cried, “are you the one that’s going to do me for the last time tonight?”

“You bet he is baby,” Jerome said, “now turn over so he can get at it.” She did as commanded.

“Come on boy climb on me and fuck me good.” she said glancing over her shoulder.

The dog first sniffed her pussy which brought a squeal from her. He then began licking the cum and piss that continued to leak out of her holes. She moved her ass around, “No boy,” she whimpered, “fuck me, fuck me!”

With Jerome’s help, the dog mounted her. He reached underneath the two of them and grasped the dogs sheathed cock. With just a few strokes, it was hard. Willie began humping forward and was soon burying his dog cock into my wife’s pussy.

“Ohhh, Yes!”, she cried, “fuck me doggie, fuck me!”

The dog pounded into her used hole. He didn’t care if twenty five other pricks had invaded her cunt, to him it was just like fucking another dog in heat. Soon his dog cum was being mixed with all of the other human cum in her snatch.

“Well man,” Jerome said, Once again looking into the camera, “you got yourself a real slut here, Billy Boy. Shit, she even fucks dogs!” he laughed, “You must be real proud of her? But I’ll tell you what, if you want to her to continue to be my white whore slut, I want you to start coming along to watch her do her act in person. I’d like to see you fuck your little slut wife in front of a bunch of guys after they’ve had her. I think it’d be kind of kinky for them to know who the white boy is that’s married to such a dirty little slut! If you’re interested, tell your wife, she’ll tell me and I’ll make the arrangements. If you’re not, then the fun ends and she can stay home and be Suzie home maker, it’s your choice. In the mean time enjoy the video and her wet holes. Oh, and by the way, I have copies of the tape.” He laughed as he shut off the camera, but not before zooming in on Tina as she moved into position to suck Willies cock.

I couldn’t take it any longer. I threw the covers off Tina’s passed out form. With a little effort I got her legs spread. I grabbed my stiff cock and rubbed the head all over her moist pussy lips. They parted a little and some of Willie’s cum dribbled out. The sight of it drove me crazy. “Shit,” I thought, “my wife has been fucked by twenty five guys and a dog just hours before me!” I thrust my dick into her warm wet cunt feeling Willie’s cum and the cum of all the guys that had fucked her. She moaned then and opened her eyes. She looked up at me and said, “Do you hate me?” in a slurred voice.

“No,” I responded, “I don’t hate you, I love you.” I kissed her cum caked lips.

“But I’ve turned into such a slut and I can’t stop myself.” she said in a lusty tone. “Did you see all of the video?” she asked. “Do you want to come to the next party? Do you want everyone to know that the slut that’s doing all of the fucking is your wife?” She thrust her hips up at me and ground her pussy into my cock...

“I don’t know,” I replied, “would you like me to see you get gang banged?” I pounded into her even harder.

“Oh honey! I live for it,” she said with enthusiasm, “you should see, in real life, what a cock sucking, cock fucking little slut you’re married to. Please let me tell Jerome that you’ll come, please.” she pleaded, “And please promise to fuck me when everyone else is through using me. Please!”

“OK,” I promised, “When’s the next party?” I asked.

“Well,” she replied with excitement, “it’s not in town. In fact it’s at a frat house at the Negro collage in Illinois and...” she said hesitating, “it might last two days.” She bit her lip at this hoping I wouldn’t mind. “And,” she mumbled, “their mascot is a small Shetland Pony.” I rolled off her wanting to hear all of this. I had yet to cum and so remained hard.

“What?”, I asked in disbelief. “Did you say their mascot is a pony?”

“Please don’t be mad at me.” she begged. “And don’t be mad at Jerome either. The whole thing was my idea.”

“You want to fuck a pony?” I asked incredulously. “Christ Honey! If this keeps up and word gets around, we could be ruined! It’s bad enough that I’ve let you take it this far with Jerome and his buddies. But Jesus... !” She cut me off before I could go any further by sliding down the bed and taking my cock into her mouth.

Looking up she said, “I’ve been wearing the black mask you saw me in tonight, every time Jerome takes me anywhere, for almost a month. Really, no one knows who I am! And Jerome’s not really serious about anyone knowing who you are. In fact, if you want I could ask him to buy you one too, so no one would know who you are. You could fuck me in total anonymity!” This idea had merit. The thought of no one knowing who I was, and being able to sit back and watch my wife get fucked by a bunch of black guys, at an all black collage and then watch her attempt to fuck a pony and then get to fuck her well used cunt afterwards, really turned me on.

“Keep sucking my cock you little slut!” I said.

“Does this mean you’ll do it?” she asked.

“No, it means the idea turns me on. I’m still thinking about it.” I replied grabbing her head and forcing my dick to the back of her throat.

She struggled to lift her head so I let it go. She looked up at me. “Raise your legs up.” she said looking at me seductively. “If I lick your asshole real deep would it help you to make up your mind?” she asked.

“How deep?” I returned.

“Really deep!”

“Will I see any of that type of action in Illinois?”

“If you say yes, you never know what you might see.” she responded in a sexy voice.

“Then lick me baby and we’ll go!”

And boy did she every! I loosened up and I swear her tongue drove into my asshole at least an inch. It never takes me long to cum with that type of action. “Quick!”, I shouted “Let me cum in your mouth.” She raised her head up and engulfed my spurting cock. With that, I’d committed myself to going to Illinois!!

The day came soon enough, Tina had told Jerome that I had said yes to his demands. He agreed to buy me a mask too.

We got to the town the collage was in and checked into a sleazy motel just on the out skirts. Jerome and Tina both said that they preferred sleazy places because it sets the mood. I decided to take a shower to freshen up and Tina said that she’d wait ‘till I was through. When I came out of the bathroom after finishing my shower I was caught by the sight of Tina on her hands and knees getting fucked from behind by Jerome. It shouldn’t have surprised me but it did. I sort of though that she’d wait until she got to the party. But then Jerome said as he turned to look at me, “I got to loosen this Bitch up before all those guy fuck her.”

“Well,” I said “maybe I’ll take a run at her when you’re through.”

“Sorry Honey,” Tina said raising her head, “part of the deal is that you can’t fuck me ‘till all of the other guys have had me. Jerome said so, and after all, he’s paying for all of this.”

“Hey wait a damn minute!” I protested, “Your my fucking wife! I’ll fuck you whenever I please!”

With that, Jerome slowly pulled out of Tina’s pussy. He got off the bed and slowly walked over to me.

“Listen you little white piece of shit. When Jerome is paying for it, the rules are played his way, and if you have any complaints you just might find yourself in a bloody heap outside this motel room door. Now, I make the rules, and the rules are that you fuck her when everyone else has finished with her! You got any problems with that?” Even naked this guy was completely intimidating.

“No, I guess not.” I replied meekly.

“Oh, and by the way white boy, you do everything I say, just like your whore wife does. You got it!”

I nodded my head slowly. Fuck now what do I do? We’d come all the way up here in his car. I had maybe $50.00 on me. Shit what a position to be in.

“You better listen to him Honey,” Tina said lighting a cigarette. “He can get really mean.”

“YEAH! You should listen to the Bitch. In fact let’s see how well you do listen. Come over here and get her pussy wet for me again.”

Tina rolled onto her back and spread her legs. Still smoking the cigarette she said. “YEAH, Bill come get me wet for Jerome.”

Christ I felt humiliated as I walked to the bed. I ate her ‘till she almost came, then Jerome grabbed me by the shoulder and made me get out of his way. “Here,” he said, “lick the head of my dick a little, just to get it wet too.” Fuck, I’d never blown a guy before.

“Suck him Bill,” Tina said with excitement, “I do, you’ll love it!”

And I did!

Tina continues to be Jeromes slut. He takes her out almost every Friday and Saturday night. Sometimes she’s gone for the whole week! I don’t think there’s a black guy within 50 miles who hasn’t fucked her slutty cunt and loose asshole, and frankly I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Look for the further adventure of Slut Tina and her Night Out...
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