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Emma would do anything to escape her life, to be anyone except the miserable, overweight friendless high-school student that she is. A discovery about her new classmates, the Brooke twins, turns into a dangerous obsession that will plunge her into the depths of depravity she didn't even know existed.

This is the first thing I've written in a while. Feedback can always be sent to stupidesthole (at) g

I squinted, trying to keep the bright light from my phone out of my eyes, looking at every part of the frame I was trapped in, trying to see if there was any kind of emergency release, anything I had missed. I could already feel the ache setting into my wrists and shoulders as my bulk hung, suspended and splayed off the floor. Another experimental squirm resulted in another click as my legs jerked out even further and I froze…I had no idea how much further I might stretch.

It really began to sink in, then. I had no idea when the Brooke’s were coming back. It was after midnight on a Friday night now, Katie and Kelly made it seem like they would be back in class on Monday…but what if they didn’t get home until Sunday night? Was I going to be hanging here for almost two days? I started hyperventilating, sucking in air down my nose harshly, the gag suddenly feeling much thicker and bulkier in my mouth. I tried to rock myself back and forth, hoping that maybe I could tip the frame forward onto the floor, but after a few seconds I could tell that it wasn’t even budging.

I started to scream for help at that point. I didn’t even care how embarrassing it would be if someone found me, I just prayed that they had a live in maid, or a butler, or some rich person thing who stayed behind while the whole family had gone. I let out frantic cries, but the gag muffled them almost completely, reducing them to muffled moans. Tears began to run down my cheeks. Stupid, stupid, stupid, I berated myself over and over, this was stupid, what were you thinking? What if they fly to France for a week, or take a road trip to Colorado, just because? What if they come back and they just find your fat corpse stinking up their house? Would they even call the police? Or would they just throw me out with the rest of the trash?

I started to spiral, badly. I don’t know how I made it through that night. I spent hours alternating crying and screaming, losing volume the entire time. At some point my phone battery died, and I was left in total darkness. I must have passed out several times, or maybe I just don’t remember everything. I couldn’t tell one minute from the next, it all blurred together, the pain in my shoulders increasing steadily.

I thrashed my head back and forth weakly, wishing I could bash my head against a wall to drive out the intrusive images. I kept imagining them. Finding my dead body in five days, flies swirling around my slack mouth. Turning me over to the police, for breaking and entering, the cops leading my naked body down the driveway in handcuffs. The principal telling everyone in school why I had been expelled, because I needed to go down-state to the correctional facility. Or what if they just let me go? What if they just sent me home? I saw so clearly in my head though, I saw Katie and Kelly taking my phone, taunting me with it…the photos I’d taken circulating to the entire school, everyone laughing at me, everyone seeing what a stupid fucking freak I was.

I’d kill myself if that happened. I knew I would. I knew how to do it. Those images were the hardest to force away.

Day came eventually, I think. At least it looked like sunlight around the edges of the heavy curtains. The room remained hot, and dark. At some point in the night I had pissed myself, and the puddle was drying slowly underneath me, the sharp smell filling every snort of air I sucked down my nose. Every hour was an eternity. I’d lost feeling in my arms and legs a while ago, but my hips and shoulders still screamed in pain, especially whenever I shifted my weight. I started to convince myself that someone days had passed already. Maybe they had just moved across the country again, leaving the whole house behind? Maybe no-one would find me for weeks?

I didn’t hear anyone pull up the driveway, or the footsteps, the sounds of doors opening and closing. Those things must have happened, but by now the rushing of blood in my ears drowned out anything else. I could hear every one of my heartbeats. When one of the French doors pushed open I almost convinced myself it was a hallucination, squinting through bleary, red eyes. I couldn’t quite make out who it was, but I heard someone say “What the fuck?!” loudly, and then with a high pitched giggle “Holy shit get over here!”. Someone else ran down the hall, and then finally the lights in the room flicked on, throwing everything into stark relief.

I blinked rapidly, stunned by the sudden light after what must have been almost an entire day in darkness, tears leaking again as I made out two blonde figures picking their way over my discarded clothes to come stand in front of me. The two sisters stood there, wide eyed, wearing neat white blouses and dark blue pleated skirts, white stockings and buckled shoes. I felt my face start to burn, spreading down the front of my body. I couldn’t imagine how much of a mess I looked like.

“I told you” one of them hissed to the other. Standing there like that I couldn’t have told you which was which. Same white teeth. Same perfect faces. The other one reached forward and ran a hand along my belly slowly, saying softly “Yeah but this is pretty quick. How do you think she got in?”

Suddenly her hand was between my thighs and I fought back a deep moan, her slim fingers were tracing along my fat lips, the edge of a nail catching just slightly, and I bucked sharply in the frame. I could feel how quickly my juice began to ooze from my pussy, and my face turned an even deeper shade of red. With another soft giggle the girl pulled her glistening finger back, showing it to her sister, who covered her mouth to stifle a laugh. She turned back to me, crouching down on her haunches, and before I knew it her face was suddenly shoved between my thighs.

The first lick of her tongue was like an electrical current running up my spine. I began to whine softly behind the gag as she slowly lapped up and down, pushing her tongue slowly between my lips. I must have been almost dripping down my thighs, hips bucking as best as they could against her face as she used the very tip to push against my swollen clit firmly, before plunging back in. I’d never felt anything like this and in that moment I believed I never would again. With her hand she reached up between my cheeks to grab the head of the plug and wriggle it about, earning a grunt that turned into a guttural groan. I could feel an orgasm building, I knew it was real this time, unlike anything I’d felt before and my whining increased in pitch. She must have sensed it too because, right before I came, right when I teetered on the precipice, she suddenly yanked herself back, licking her lips and smiling up at me. I sobbed violently as it was ripped away from me, a wrenching loss deep inside my core, shaking and shuddering in the frame. She straightened back up and grinned at me.

Her sister took her hand lightly, saying softly “We should probably tell mom.” There was an edge of nervousness to her voice, and I could see it infecting the other girl as well. She nodded shortly and the two of them turned, hand in hand, stepping lightly across the floor to leave me hanging alone again, sweating and leaking, my head spinning.

I don’t know how many minutes later they returned, following meekly behind a woman who could only have been their mother. I’d never met Mrs. Brooke before and she wasn’t anything like I imagined. She was probably in her late 40s, with shockingly blonde hair, almost white, wavy and cut to just above her shoulders. Her eyes were an icy blue, and her cheekbones made her look almost ethereal, like some sort of fairy creature. A black top and a floral dress framed her toned body, and her heels clicked loudly on the floor as she walked. She was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen.

As she stood before me, one hand on her hips, running her eyes up and down my helpless body I could see the disgust in her eyes, and it was like someone had grabbed my heart in two hands and squeezed it until it burst. I’d seen that expression so many times, on so many faces, but never like this. She turned to the two girls, disbelief in her voice as she said “This is the one you told me about before?”

One of the girls nodded eagerly “Yeah she was poking around before. We kept an eye on her after that. We didn’t think she was this desperate though”. Her sister nodded along with her. The older woman turned back to me, eyes narrowed. With one hand she reached out, picking up one of my enormous tits and letting it drop back down onto my chest. “Arthur!” she called out loudly “Come see what the girls found”

An older man who must have been their father, wearing dark slacks and a fancy pale dress shirt, dark hair with grey streaks brushed back sharply from his temples, pushed his way through the double doors, looking down at his phone absentmindedly as he almost bumped into a table. He looked up and his eyes widened fractionally as he saw me. I thought I was going to die, right then and there, from embarrassment. All four of them, staring at me like some kind of specimen. “Where did this one come from?” he asked mildly, and his wife sighed in what might have been irritation “The girls think she broke in, although they’re not sure how. She’s one of their classmates, from the new school”

“Oh” he seemed only mildly concerned. “Well what are we going to do with her?” he says, leaning against the table and seemingly inspecting me. I tried to speak, to ask them to please let me down, desperately thirsty and aching all over, but only muffled groans made it around the fat gag in my throat. The woman sniffed once “Send her home with a sharp reminder to keep her mouth shut” she said, as if she was talking about a particular shade of carpet she was unhappy with. One of the blonde twins stepped forward at that and said, with a visible gulp “Actually we…we wanted to know if we could keep her”. She flushed slightly at that, like she was expecting a reprimand, and squeezed her sisters hand.

“What, her?” their father asked with a note of surprise “Really? We were going to Thailand this summer, I’m sure we can get you something skinner and prettier.” He looked between me and his daughters, perplexed, but they both just nodded in unison. I tried to scream behind the gag, how could they just talk about me like this, like I wasn’t even there. What did they even mean?

“Absolutely not” their mother said sharply “You cannot be serious. I don’t want to see any more of that…thing” she gestured at me “than I absolutely have to.” If I hadn’t been strapped to the frame I probably would have curled up and died.

“Pleeeease?” one of them pleaded, and then the other joined her. The two of them sunk down to their knees, looking up at their mother with wide eyes, begging expressions on their faces. Their father looked like he was bending, after a few seconds of this he said “Oh come on Carol, can’t you see the girls are excited? And besides” he stepped up to her and, cupping one hand, whispered in her ear softly, glancing at me. The woman glanced at me as he spoke and for the first time I saw a flicker of something like a smile on her face. “Alright” she said, reaching down to affectionately rub the hair on one of her daughter’s heads “I suppose you can try her out. But you’ll be responsible for her, you understand that?” Eager nods from both of them answered her question.

She looked back at me, and I could tell that she was still disgusted with what she saw, but with that last looked she turned and walked for the door. “If you’ll excuse me though, I’m going to unpack and take a long hot shower” she said as she left “Get the poor thing down from there and give her some water, she probably needs it”


2020-09-09 15:25:59
chapter 2 is now up


2020-09-08 04:28:30
It didn't go through but should soon


2020-09-07 16:17:03
What happened to chapter 2. Chapter 3 doesn't make since.

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