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This was originally published as part of a novel-length story

Dana put her dossier down on the desk between them, sat back, and looked at Katya searchingly.

“So, what shall we do?” she challenged.

“The department is aware of these Suicide Clubs” Katya replied. “Our policy is that they are against the spirit of the law on assisted dying and so their existence is a problem for the legislature, not for us. You’re young, Dana, you were only a child when the old regime was persecuting “decadence” but today we’re much more aware of harassment”.

“But this wouldn’t be harassment” she persisted. “This would be investigation, intelligence gathering. The group I have discovered has chosen to call their club Carcosa. That detail of the Marie-Claude murder was suppressed and we two must be the only people in Waldenstein who know the significance of the name - apart from Dmitri’s accomplices. It has to be important”.

“So? What shall we do?” Katya turned the question back to her and Dana’s face lit up with enthusiasm.

“The Carcosa Club meets this weekend” she said eagerly, the words tumbling from her lips “and they will *********** a willing victim by lot. You and I should go and take part. I have already established contact but I think you should adopt my alias and I will present as your b…your sl…” she stuttered “as your submissive. Even if we find no connection to the case, we will have the opportunity to observe and document the phenomenon”. Her eyes shone.

The following Saturday, they approached a remote dacha on the old road from Mirenberg to the border. A well-built, straight-featured man came out to meet them at the gate and took Katya’s hand.

“Madame Fomitch?” he ventured, raising an eyebrow. “Enchanted. My name is Andrei, please ask for me if you require anything at all. And this morsel must be your slave. She will be Number Nine”. He handed Dana a canvas holdall tagged with her number. “Because you may need your clothes again” he explained, with a vulpine grin.

“I’m not ashamed of my body” Dana had insisted when explaining to Katya this part of the club’s activities. “Let the men look - and the women”. And so, she stood on the path and commenced to slip off her blouse.

“Is her cunt already ringed?” Andrei asked casually, inspecting the fastening of a tin dog-tag stamped with the numeral IX. Katya’s eyes darted to Dana, who nodded imperceptibly.

“Ah, yes” she replied quickly, just as Dana wriggled her skirt over slim hips to reveal two gold hoops on her left labium. Keeping only her shoes, stockings and leather corset-belt she dropped her clothes into the bag and stood passive and still while Andrei clipped the number to her cunt. Giving no sign of having seen their shared moment of panic he stepped aside and swept his arm towards the open door.

“Please, come and join the others” he invited and they went ahead of him, hand in hand. Katya squeezed Dana’s fingers and she returned the gesture, moving imperceptibly closer. Inside, the dacha was lit by flickering candles and a thick cloud of smoke and incense hung from the ceiling. Around thirty men and women, mainly older, were dressed for the evening and they sat in pairs and threesomes with their naked victims, sipping at glasses of wine and smoking. Dana brushed against Katya’s hip and silently indicated a low stool in a quiet corner with her eyes. Katya drew her over to it and they settled down to observe the scene. There was a palpable tension in the room; the clothed guests were all watching with a malevolent hunger as the nudes trembled and panted, some toying with their hair or lips, one gnawing at her knuckles with sharp, white teeth and another stretching her limbs languidly. A few rolled their hips and pressed their thighs together, sighing quietly.

“Look only at me” Dana whispered and, after a moment, Katya turned her head slowly. They had not set out their roles, but it seemed natural to follow Dana’s lead. “They are writhing in anticipation” she breathed, tousling her bobbed hair. “I can see some men starting to touch themselves. Everyone is ready to”. Katya stared into her eyes as she spoke, and she brushed a stray lock from her forehead. Then all faces turned to the door as a tall, willowy nude paced into the room, her heels tapping on the wooden floor and a dark-suited, white-haired man on either arm. A metal disk marked X swung from her steel nipple-ring with every step. Andrei followed close behind them.

“We are quorate” he announced with a crooked smile as the trio moved over to a faded imperial settee where the girl sat with her slim thighs spread open across her two masters’ knees. There were muffled groans from various parts of the room, heavy breathing and a general shuffling and scraping of furniture. Dana’s eyes flickered from side to side, and she put a hand to her own cheek, brushing the fingers down her throat and over a lightly muscled shoulder.

“They are beginning to masturbate openly now” she murmured, tracing an index finger along her inner thigh to her knee and back again. From the corners of her eyes Katya glimpsed exposed cocks and a sharp odour of stale sweat and urine assailed her nostrils, together with the earthier scent of women’s passion. Across the room from them she noticed a young slave rubbing her cunt to and fro over the toe of a much older man’s boot, her face turned up to the ceiling as her shoulders and hips writhed in a paroxysm of lust.

“Dominant-submissive behaviours seem to be normative” Dana added under her breath. All around them semi-clad slave women grovelled for their masters and mistresses, moaning and gasping. Slowly Katya slumped forward in her seat and re-crossed her legs to present her foot to Dana’s face. The younger woman leant forward to cradle the patent leather in reverent hands and sucked gently and sensuously at the stiletto heel. Katya reached into her bag; they had discussed the measures they could take to present convincingly as mistress and slave and after an awkward conversation had decided on nipple clamps. Pushing the girl down to the floor with her foot Katya leant in to apply the spring-loaded jaws but found to her surprise that her hand was shaking violently. She dropped the device onto Dana’s flat stomach.

“Put them on” she commanded curtly, covering her embarrassment by lighting a scented, herbal cigarette in an ebony holder. Dana took the clamps in both hands and pressed them to her nipples; Katya noted that they were already standing hard and proud from her small, high breasts. When she let the jaws close her nostrils flared and she bared her teeth, startlingly white against her black-painted lips. For a moment they gazed into each other’s eyes then, suddenly, an explosive crack rang around the room as Andrei clapped his hands together. He was now stripped to the waist and carried a coil of silk rope draped over his broad shoulders, ending in a hangman’s noose. The assembly fell silent and he swung the rope over a rafter in the middle of the room.

“Thank you, citizen, thank you indeed.” said a corpulent, white-bearded man. “Now, please take your place”. He beckoned and Andrei went to stand beside him; he kept his flies buttoned, unlike the older man who crudely exposed his withered loins. “I have the numbers here” he continued, holding up a black velvet pouch. “Who will play God today?” he asked, looking around. Katya suppressed a start when his eyes lit on her and his face broke into a wide grin. “Our lovely guest?” he suggested, beckoning. Quickly collecting herself, she rose gracefully and stepped forward.

“An honour” she said, quietly, allowing him to kiss her hand.

“All mine, gnädige Frau” he replied, and shook the bag twice before extending it to her. Katya stared down at it, forcing a little smile. Suppressed sighs and stifled moans surrounded her; she could not keep from glancing back to where Dana sprawled tugging at the chain between her nipples and stroking luxuriously at her open cunt. She certainly appeared to be in the same state of hysterical arousal as the other submissives. The pouch was rattled again, and she turned back to dip her fingers into the mouth and draw out a white disc embossed with a numeral.

“Four” she announced in a steady voice, holding the token above her head for all to see. There was an intake of breath until the brief silence was broken by the sound of heels tapping on the bare floor and then a woman’s voice - speaking with a passionate intensity.

“Tonight, I will dance for you” she proclaimed. Katya turned her head to see an olive-skinned woman stride purposefully towards them, nude but for a thick gold chain around her waist and sheer stockings, swinging a pair of brass handcuffs as she walked. Men stepped aside as she moved to where Katya stood waiting. Putting an arrogant hand on her hip she tossed back her mass of brown curls, looking around her with a bold challenge in her black eyes.

“You have the paperwork?” the stout man quizzed and she handed him a single sheet of notepaper together with the tag from her navel. He read aloud, “This night I - she gives her full name - die by my own hand and of my own free will, as is my right. All necessary documents are deposited with my notary”. He folded the paper carefully and passed it to Andrei. “It is signed and dated” he told the others “and everything is in order”. There was a low murmur of approval and anticipation.

One of the younger men stepped forward with a wooden chair which he positioned under the noose. His stiffening cock swung obscenely from his open trousers as he went back to his place without a word. Then the woman closed her eyes, drew a deep breath and passed the chain of the handcuffs through her chain belt so that the bracelets swung from her waist. Meanwhile, Katya stepped back and to the side, slipping away to join Dana. All other eyes were on the auto-sacrifice.

As she stepped up onto the chair her head brushed against the rope and set it swinging. A low groan came from one of the watchers and she turned her smouldering eyes to him, pouting and clutching at the soft flesh of her breasts wantonly. Her hands played slowly and luxuriously over her tanned skin for a while, now pinching at the full lips of her cunt, now stroking the smoothness of her hips and thighs. There were pants and croaks from the men, whose hands began tugging at their swelling cocks. She caressed the smooth skin of her throat and neck, staring into some unknowable distance, and reached to pull the rope towards her red lips. Katya gasped in surprise - the sound lost in the heavy breathing around her - when the woman pressed passionate kisses to the silken cord. On her toes she swept her hair aside to slip the noose over her head and pull the knot tight behind her neck. Again, a rasping chorus of moans and grunts came from her audience as the tension mounted and Dana, too, let slip a cry of excitement.

Licking her lips, the woman tugged at her stiff nipples and smoothed her hands down her lush body to where the cold handcuffs dangled, looped through the belt of gold chains. She locked one wrist in place then paused for a moment, heaved a great sigh, and snapped the ratchet closed on the other to trap her arms at waist level. A profound and almost respectful silence filled the room when she placed one stiletto-heel on the back of the chair and, spreading her cunt-lips apart with the fingers of both chained hands, began to roll the ball of her thumb in tight circles over her clit. Her thick lashes drooped lazily, her breathing became ragged and urgent and her hips undulated in a gentle but persistent rhythm.

Back in her seat, Katya was entranced by the sight of painted fingernails sliding to and fro over the woman’s glistening wet cunt. She dared to turn her head and saw that each wolfish face was fixed on the doomed woman – save for one. Andrei’s eyes bored into hers as he slowly turned the suicide note over and over in his hands. Suddenly he looked up and Katya’s eyes followed his to see the woman frantically driving three, bunched fingers into the tightness of her arse while her other hand smacked cruelly and wetly onto the hot moisture of her vulva. A bestial snarl transformed her delicate features and she panted ever hoarser, faster and deeper until her whole body tensed and a long, despairing cry was wrenched from deep inside. Fine droplets sprayed from between her fingers and over the floorboards around her.

“The Pallid Mask!” she cried, kicking out at her chair and sending it tumbling onto its back. Her long legs described a macabre battement as she swung by the neck in wild circles, gushing copiously while her hands clenched at her cunt and arse in a final spasm. The more vigorous of the men moved in closer to relish her last kicks and quivers. There were swinish grunts and wails as their bodies responded; spunk spattered across the floor and over her swaying nakedness.

At last the corpse ceased to twitch and the last trickles ran down her be-stockinged legs and over her shoes. Andrei stepped up to the corpse and took the weight over his brawny shoulder, unfastened the rope and hefted the corpse out of the room. Lights turned on, the spell was broken and Katya led Dana away to retrieve her clothes. Both were dazed and too disturbed to dare speak, their hearts pounding and their bodies trembling as they made their way from the house. The others also seemed eager to be gone, although several of the nude women looked back wistfully at the bare rafter and overturned chair as they dressed to leave.
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