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This was first submitted as part of a novel-length story

Katya returned to work, blaming her evident stiffness and tenderness on a skating accident the previous evening. Her colleagues were solicitous, and finally insisted that she leave early to recuperate. To their surprise she agreed readily, but when Katya gingerly perched on her scooter and rode through the ministry gates that afternoon she was not on her way home. She was forbidden to spend any of her remaining nights in her own bed.

“You shall sleep in the New Wharf Kennels” Leon had told her. “I presume that you know them”?

She allowed herself a wry smile. The kennel business was operated by a woman called Yudif as a front for other activities or, at least, so the department had always suspected. Yudif was a ferocious advocate for Dmitri and his circle, a constant presence in the media and always petitioning the assembly to argue that his practices were consensual and legal. Naturally, they had investigated her personal and professional life with great thoroughness but had found nothing worthy of prosecution; the audit team easily tracked every sale and purchase – thanks to pedigrees and import licenses - and never uncovered any irregularity. They joked that the cannibals must be genuine animal-lovers, and many of the older hands could barely restrain themselves from complaining that the justice ministers of their youth would simply have shut Yudif away in an asylum. Katya, of course, had always found everything about the woman utterly fascinating and had questioned her several times – without ever discovering anything and without satisfying her curiosity.

“Yudif will subject you to the strictest discipline and the grossest debasement.” Leon went on, “She will defile you, and you will welcome it”. Katya gnawed at the inside of her lip.

And so, she rode to the outskirts, ahead of the late afternoon rush, and drew up outside the wire fence of the kennel compound. Yudif was waiting by the entrance to admit her; somehow her full lips and high cheekbones made the drab overalls and work boots seem like a fashion statement and they failed to disguise her tall and elegant figure. In their previous encounters she had been aloof and distant and had answered Katya’s questions with a coldness that bordered on contempt but now she smiled warmly into her eyes and embraced her with enthusiasm.

“I always felt that you would have yourself sent to me one day” Yudif breathed, her long arms enfolding them, pressing her lean body into Katya’s soft, yielding flesh. She broke away to lock the gate behind them and took Katya’s arm to lead her to the prefabricated cabin which served as an office. “Come inside,” she said, “and we can prepare for the night”. As they walked Yudif pressed the key into her hand. “Take this copy” she smiled. “You can let yourself in - for the few days you have left”. Katya failed to suppress a shiver of excitement.

The interior was plain and Spartan, with a few basic items of office furniture and shelves of neatly stacked binder files. One thing seemed out of place; on the desk was laid a handsomely-bound copy of the notorious play, “The King in Yellow”, open at one of the earlier pages. Swiftly, Yudif stepped over and closed the book then turned back to Katya with a new, predatory look that made her tremble with anticipation.

“Take your clothes off, and leave them on the chair” she commanded, peeling her own work-clothes from her toned, olive-skinned body. When Katya twisted around to wriggle out of her grey skirt, she revealed the pattern of white scars carved into her skin; Yudif ran her fingertips over them lingeringly and put her mouth to Katya’s ear.

“You are now under the regimen of the Order of Anna Darvulia” she said. “Our lives are devoted to the King, under the very strictest rule of humility and self-abnegation. You must embrace total defilement – you must find the submitted bitch inside yourself and transcend shame”. She took two dog-collars and handed one to Katya. “I am training a young dog for the men” she went on, fastening the buckle behind her neck, “and you will serve them by serving him”.

Hand-in-hand, stark naked save for the leather collars, they made their way across the deserted, twilit compound to the low outbuilding which housed the Molossian hounds. Inside, the walls were freshly whitewashed and the concrete floor was swept and clean. Bright steel mesh divided the space into three stalls strewn with fresh straw. In one, three handsome, golden-haired beasts lounged placidly. In the second, a younger dog of the same breed leapt up and commenced a tremendous baying as they entered and, in the third, a young woman lay on her back staring emptily up at the rafters.

“Count, Baron and Duke” said Yudif, indicating the three older dogs, “and this is Prince”. She did not acknowledge the existence of the silent nude in the last stall but went to the middle gate. As she laid her hand on the latch, she turned to Katya. “Don’t let him think you’re resisting” she said, over the din “he is also trained to kill”.

“Wait!” Katya gasped, shrinking back from the slavering jaws. Yudif regarded her coldly.

“They told me that you had the vocation” she said in a quiet voice almost lost in the general barking and howling of the kennels. Drawing herself to her full height she put her hands on her hips and thrust her crotch arrogantly forward. “They told me that you live only to glimpse Yhtill – as I do”. Katya dropped to her knees.

“It’s just that - I don’t know what I must do” she said brokenly. Yudif’s manner changed at once.

“My poor innocent sister” she murmured. “You have nothing to do. Your place is to suffer whatever the King will have done to you”. She patted Katya’s bowed head and opened the gate. Katya crawled into Prince’s stall and the dog prowled towards her growling deeply in its throat. Yudif shot the bolt again, locking them in.

Unsure, Katya remained on her hands and knees but Prince pounced on her and his weight rolled her easily onto her back in the clean straw. His snout darted between her thighs before she could even draw breath and the thick tongue probed wetly into the folds and crevices of her cunt. Spreading her legs wide she lifted her midriff from the hard floor to the beast’s drooling maw. His hot tongue slopped to and fro, ranging over the cleft of her arse and sliding between her labia. Katya closed her eyes and let out a long, low moan. She heard Yudif’s voice.

“He is getting your taste”, she said. Katya’s hands clenched and unclenched and her round breasts heaved. When she opened her eyes, she saw that Yudif was staring into her face, biting on a knuckle and tousling her black curls - her own eyes wide with arousal. The violent tongue-fucking continued unremittingly and Katya surrendered herself to it completely, her breathing becoming laboured as she wallowed in her own degradation. She became dimly aware of Yudif’s long legs - and other shapes - moving around her as she opened the mesh partitions which separated the pens, releasing the older dogs.

“Take the licking for as long as you can,“ Yudif said “and then ask him to fuck you, loudly and clearly. Present yourself to him humbly like the bitch you are”. She had judged the moment well; Katya was being driven to the very edge by the brutal tonguing and her whole body was shaking uncontrollably. Nonetheless, she made a great effort and dragged herself away from Prince’s snout to roll onto her knees and elbows, her back arched wantonly and her crotch open and vulnerable.

“Fuck me!” she begged, brokenly. For a moment she waited, breathless with a wanton, carnal longing, and then sighed darkly at the feel of sharp claws digging into the flesh of her back. The dog’s weight bore down on her as his paws scrabbled for purchase and he stabbed wildly at her arse and thighs. “Fuck me” she cried again, her hand groping between her legs to find the hot, red prick, moving her hips to settle the tip to her dripping cunt. After a few blind thrusts Prince buried his cock into her to the hilt and began a vigorous rutting far more violent than anything she had ever experienced before. She let out a series of raw, throaty cries and her hair whipped from side to side as she thrashed her head wildly, the rest of her body rigid and tense under the pounding assault. At last she threw her head back and screamed from the very core of her being as she was stretched violently open, catharsis and orgasm washing over her in a shattering climax.

When Katya recovered consciousness her face and chest were buried in the dry straw but she was still on her knees and her numbed cunt was still completely, impossibly full. She lifted her head, gasped for air, and became aware that Prince was still inside her.

“He has knotted you” the deep voice came from behind her. “I haven’t yet trained him to stop in time”. Twisting her neck, she could see Yudif lying supine amongst the other Molossians. She was holding herself open to allow two of them to lick her arse and groin and as Katya watched she pulled Duke’s grey muzzle towards her to share a deep kiss, her beautiful mouth welcoming the thick tongue. “You must wait in humility” she went on, her voice becoming husky and uneven “and contemplate your final subjection”. Just then Yudif lost all control loudly and violently and abandoned herself, howling like a beast. Hurriedly recovering her composure, she turned over to brace herself on hands and knees. “Count! Fuck me!” she cried maniacally. In an ecstasy, alive as she had never lived before, Katya remained knotted to the Molossian, with their mingled secretions leaking down the soft skin of her thighs. Yudif called out to be fucked two more times before Prince’s knot shrank and he pulled away in a great splatter of spunk, leaving Katya sprawled in dissipation on the floor of the stall. Through heavy-lidded eyes she watched Yudif crawl towards her, suck a mouthful of thick sperm from the floor between her thighs, and offer her mouth up to be kissed. Katya grabbed her face in both hands and brought their lips together fiercely and wetly. Yudif smiled.

“Watch, sister,” she whispered and she turned her gaze to the third stall. Lying in each other’s arms they watched the four dogs troop through the gate and bear down on the woman who lay there. The beasts circled her, snuffling and slavering, and she closed her eyes to wait, quite still but for the rise and fall of her bosom and the uncontrollable quivering of her round thighs. Duke was the first to move towards her, sniffing at her moist slit with his tongue lolling. The others followed his lead and dipped their shaggy heads to her smooth skin. They began to lick at her crotch and arse, and at her nipples, their muzzles probing into her eagerly. Yudif trailed slickly coated fingers from her cunt to Katya’s lips and turned her hand to and fro while she sucked them clean.

“You will see true devotion now” she breathed, sliding her knee between Katya’s legs. “You have so abased yourself that you take pride in your defilement” she whispered, tenderly pressing her finger to Katya’s lips to silence her denial, “but there is always another step on this journey - as our sister will show you”.

The woman had not moved her limbs, but her chest was heaving faster and faster, her mouth was working silently, and the tendons in her neck and shoulders were sharply defined beneath their sheathing of soft, white flesh. Suddenly, her youthful face seemed transfigured and shone with an ethereal beauty.

“The Pallid Mask!” she sang. Slavering mouths drew back, the lips snarling over long, pointed teeth and a rumbling growl started in each beast’s throat. Katya clung to Yudif’s arm and she released a soft moan of excitement.

The woman was swiftly ripped apart by four ravening mouths - screaming, jerking and thrashing for mere seconds before her life’s blood gushed out and her flesh was ripped away in mouthfuls.
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