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Sarah is hiding Tom until it is safer, but whilst she is on heat he is her new super sex toy.

Tom is now keen to set out to experience this new world.
Tom woke, again as a result of feeling cold and as before with Sarah gone, he felt the same pang of loss of something missing.

Tom stretched, the day smelt fresh and new, he stretched and rolled face down in the now cold hollow left by Sarah.

He could smell the remnants of her today, her unique door as well as both their come and a small trace of her heat.

He bathed in the last traces of their day together yesterday, running his nose and face over the bed’s mattress, but realised he had to get up.

Tom went to the closed curtains that were straining to hold back strong sunbeams, hid behind the wall so as he pulled back the curtains so he couldn’t be seen, even thro the net curtains.

The first thing he did was look for was Sarah, there she was, sunning herself led on the grass,

Tom felt that hole fill slightly, being able to look down on her.

Then he glanced around, less cloud today, more blue sky and a calm sea.

Tom was keen to see more of this new world, perhaps today it may be safe to leave the cottage without raising suspicions and avoid a mob of pitch fork carrying dogs, hopefully ha could learn to survive and fit in, with nothing encouraging him to return to his own world.

He looked back to the beach, which was now empty of boats, a few small dogs or possibly puppies on the beach, dancing in and out of the waves at the water’s edge.

Walking up the path towards Sarah’s cottage was the black cat from yesterday, on her two hind legs, carrying a woven basket with a towel draped over it.

As she walked, the sun glistened off her fur; she was definitely female, with breasts slightly bigger than Sarah’s, which swung side to side with her walking gait.

Tom was transfixed; as was the black cat, but she on Sarah, who rose up and rushed down the path to greet her.

Sarah rose off her four legs as they met onto 2 and embraced the black cat.

Their front legs wrapped around each other and mouths kissing.

This black cat was obviously Sarah’s other lover she spoke of and yes, Tom liked her already.

They held hands and walked back, breast swinging, Tom almost drooling, his dick started to throb, as he watched these two beauties.

The black cat definitely looked as if she were wearing a full body black latex cat suit with mask.

She was looking intensely at Sarah as they chatted.

She placed her basket on the grass outside the door and both of them dropped to all fours, walking around each other not separating, tightly circling brushing alongside each other, tails coiling around each other.

Tom could hear their purring and just some muffled talk.

After several laps of each other they stopped, top & tailed, with tails in the air and they licked each other’s vaginas, just fleetingly – Tom grabbed his now growing dick and held it.

The two dropped to the grass moving round to face each other, chatting.

Tom could see the love for each other on their faces, although the black one repeatedly leaning forward to kiss and lick Sarah, her tail like a flag pole, whilst Sarah’s tail flicked over her lovers back, teasing it.

Tom wondered if the black cat was also being affected by Sarah’s heat, it certainly looked like it, as she was tensing and more alert.

Suddenly the black cat jumped up and exclaimed loud enough for Tom to clearly hear it “SARAH! - NO” to which Sarah jumped up and stood blocking the door, just below out of Toms view.

Tom could now hear heated words, although muffled through the closed window, but he knew that it was a safe bet that this was her reaction to learning of Tom’s presence in the cottage.

The tone of voices dropped out of Toms hearing, but he could still hear the odd heated word, then after quite a discussion, the click of the door opening.

“Tom, pop on some clothes, come down, I want you to meet Kitty” called Sarah up the stairs...

Tom pulled his lycra shorts up; tucking his throbbing member into the top lip, pushing it down so it ran horizontally over his left hip, slipped on his T shirt, hoping it would hide his stiffy.

Sheepishly he came down the stairs, where he could smell Sarah, her heat still present, but he could also smell another aroma, slightly coffee like, both quite different and taking a deep breath he ducked into the lounge.

In the corner by the door was Kitty the black cat, but keeping between them was Sarah, who was as nervous as if on a hot tin roof...

“Tom, this is Kitty, Landlady of Kitty’s pub, my boss and my lover, Kitty this is Tom....” Said Sarah, staying firmly between them both, on all fours, watching Kitty.

The fact that kitty just stood there, not offering a paw, it was obvious she was not best pleased.

“Ahem.. Hi” Tom coughed out embarrassed as he waved his one hand in the air.

“Tom, Sarah has explained things, so I know what you are and where you have come from” said Kitty sternly.

“This is very serious, historically NO traveller from any other parallel world has lasted more than a day, let alone spent the day having sex with one of us....Normally they go mad or threaten the community’s safety, unable to comprehend the reality they are now in...”

Tom started to explain his position nervously, now he had nothing behind to return to, his history, but as he continued that went, realizing he needed to convince Kitty and fast.

So he went on, using the info Sarah had explained, he realised that cats, dogs and humans were equals here and this was a whole new existence and how wrong it would be to think otherwise...

During his long drawn out explanation kitty moved behind Sarah, so they touched, she stroked all the areas Tom new that would excite her, she nibbled her neck and purred, both their tails intertwined.

Then Tom noticed, Kitty’s iris, rather than being slits, cutting through her yellow eyes north to south, were narrowed in, to dots... She was well under the influence of Sarah’s heat.

Tom could smell Sarah’s heat hormones building but his fear for his life was dominant at the moment.

But Kitty was definitely succumbing to her hormones; her one paw reached behind Sarah and started stroking her vagina, both purring.

Kitty continued to nibble Sarah’s neck, both brushing their heads together.

None of the three had noticed Tom had long since stopped talking.

“Please Kitty” whispered Sarah “spend time with him, he poses no threat, there was no storm last night, he could say he walked in today, over the headland, not the coast path, no one would know, please... at least try..” she pleaded.

Kitty looked forlorn “But it’s not fair Sarah, I came here to be with you, I’ve been so busy and this afternoon we have a human family coming to stay at the pub, so I have to be back this afternoon.

I don’t have much time and I’ve not had chance to be with you – in your heat. I want you” she replied.

“I could help, I’m human, I could come and work with you, I had a summer job at a hotel and use to work in the College bar” said Tom, hoping this would win her over.

“I love you both!” spluttered out Sarah frustrated “why can’t I have you BOTH. I’ve never been so happy Kitty, Tom completes us. Me and you, the kittens and possibly in the future the community – please trust me on this.” she now pleading to Kitty.

“But he’s human from another world, Top Dog Captain Brown will go mad if he finds out we have harboured a fugitive, an illegal. It will undo all the effort we have put in to become part of this community.” Kitty also pleaded.

“HA, it’s too late he can’t go back, Tom go in the toilet....Kitty go with him – shut the door, turn off the light and you tell me.” demanded Sarah.

Tom, stupefied, walked into the toilet, leaving the door open, turned to look back out into the lounge.

Kitty rounded passed Sarah and walking back up on her 2 rear legs, as she passed in front of the window the sun light caught her.

SHIT, thought Tom as he got a glimpse of the latex vision again.

Now close up, her underbelly fur, the way it stood, brushed up lifting under her breasts, gave the impression of her being wrapped tight in a black latex basque, lifting her ample bosom and dropping away narrowly accentuating her thin waist to her hips.

Tom’s penis leapt into action, growing, throbbing, excited by a few seconds of this vision, it was now stretching upwards...

As she got closer, whilst the sheen was gone, her fur’s basque like shape remained, she entered...

Sarah followed and shut the door, holding both Tom and Kitty in the toilet, face to face, separated by inches.

Tom could now smell Kitty fully without Sarah’s smell disguising it, it was warm, like coffee with a hint of nut, his penis pushed at its jail.

Her breath was warm on his face.

“Toilet light off” commanded Sarah from the lounge side of the door.

Tom blinked as his eyes switched, now even with no light his eye’s gave him perfect night vision, there she was, like a full head latex mask, her eyes iris grew to let more light in...

Tom’s tip of his penis was now peeking out the top of his lycra shorts and reaching up.

“So what are we supposed to do now, why are we here” asked Kitty...

“His eyes look into his eyes” Sarah commanded, frustrated but also hoping that this would have the right effect and Kitty wouldn’t tear him apart.

Kitty’s front paws came up, held his head down into hers and stared into his eyes... her eyes widened and mouth opened in shock...

She held him there for what seemed ages, just staring...

She leant in and kissed him, her tongue pushing forwards to his, passionately.

She pulled back and finally spoke “Sarah! What the fuck? you knew ?... oh no...

So now he is a Bio criminal as well as an illegal immigrant and we are accomplices....

But, he is as sexy as fuck” Kitty almost shouted back.

Her one paw dropped down to his crotch and gripped his dick, holding it in a hard grip, “hello Tom, I’m Kitty, pleased to meet you” as she kissed him again, stroking his dick slowly along its length.

Sarah opened the door, with a huge grin on her face, smug and relieved that she had been right.

Kitty led Tom out into the light, by his dick, also with a wide smile.

“Well, I had brought you a present but it seems you also had one for me” kitty said as she released Tom hugged and kissed Sarah, then walked back to the door.

“No, don’t go” Sarah pleaded...

Kitty dropped outside, left the door open and returned with the basket, she closed the door behind her as she returned inside.

“I brought you breakfast for you, you can both share and I will go up and wait for you both upstairs, with your present Sarah...”

Kitty delved inside the basket, retrieved something, but hid it behind her back, walked around both Sarah and Tom keeping her front to them, with the mystery present behind her and disappeared upstairs.

Tom and Sarah shared the little breakfast basket, both of them being hungry, both relieved the meeting had gone better than expected.

Tom guzzled some water to wash it down; Sarah stroked his flaccid dick and nodded to the stairs.

Not for the first time Sarah chased Tom up the stairs, giggling with the odd smack on his arse.

Tom held back at the top of the stairs, so Sarah could pass him, she kissed him, stroked his dick and chest, smiling.

At her bedroom door she stopped, rigid in shock and he heard her gasp...

“Oh kitty, you are beautiful, Tom come see, see what you think...” Sarah said, without looking back.

Tom came up behind her, placed his hands on her shoulders and peeked over the one and also gasped...

Kitty was provocatively stood upright, with a strap on between her rear legs, not too big, thankfully 6” so not putting Tom to shame, belted around her waist and running back down to disappear between her thighs.

The sunlight steaming through the netted curtains, reflecting on her dark black fur, again giving her that latex cat suit, wrapped in a latex basque impression just accentuated her beauty.

There was a short pause, then Sarah leapt onto her bed, face down, rear up in the air, front legs stretched out in front, as her tail raised like a flag pole she purred

“Ohhh Kitty give me my present, now”.

Kitty walked round behind her, giving Tom a look as if she had won first place in a championship.

She stood there paused, her back to Tom, but she still looked stunning, the strap on wrapping from round between her rear legs up to her waist but also wrapped around the base of her tail, like sexy crotch less bondage underwear.

Kitty lunged forwards inserting the present and Sarah gave a light squeal and purred.

Kitty’s tail swished low down, obscuring her rear as it pumped rhythmically into Sarah, she obviously had no intention of Tom joining in.

He stood in the doorway clothed with the largest hard on he had ever had, longing to join the rodeo.

Sarah’s purring filled his ears watching the two moving writhing together, then Kitty turned to look at him and smiled then winked and her tail rose vertically, exposing her vagina that was now glistening with wetness.

Kitty dropped onto Sarah’s back, her front paws now on the bed, her head reaching to bite her neck.

Tom almost tore his clothes off, he was able to slide his legs between both Sarah’s and Kitty’s to stand behind, held onto Kitty’s tail and engaged the tip of his penis.

Sarah squealed again and thrust her rear back into Kitty, which also pushed Kitty’s rump backwards, which swallowed Tom into her, signalling Kitty’s teeth had engaged Sarah’s neck.

Tom aimed to keep himself deep inside Kitty, like with Sarah, she was a warm, gel filled wrapped glove around him, but getting into sync with the rodeo that was beginning in front of him was hard.

He moved his hands to Kitty’s rear hips, to just the right spot and held on, Kitty responded with a purr that rippled through Tom.

He managed to adapt his movements to match the writhing bodies beneath him and keep inside Kitty.

Being able to withdraw just enough to keep just his rod’s head inside her then dive deep, Kitty was purring deeply and he could now feel Sarah’s purring too through her.

He then felt Sarah’s electric shock like orgasm rise beneath them, as did Kitty’s thrusts, he was almost bouncing off her rump now, seeing an opportunity, with Kitty being the same height as Sarah, leaning over on top of Kitty, reached for her neck and bit her in the same spot Sarah had shown him.

It was Kitty’s turn to squeal and purr deeply, she started to spasm and Tom could feel the extra wetness surging past his throbbing cock inside her, they were now all out of synch, but Tom still managed to hold on and drove deep, expelling his own volcano as Kitty’s muscles tightened further on his shaft.

Then they all held together, both Kitty and Tom deep inside, vaginal muscles taught holding on.

Sarah was the first to relax and flop down, flat on the bed, Tom released his bite and literally slid off Kitty’s back to withdraw out of her, feeling both his and her juices run down his legs.

He stood back and watched Kitty withdraw and remove her strapon, drop it on the floor and flop alongside Sarah.

Both kissing purring together, Tom stood separate, again feeling like a third wheel.

Sarah looked at him sorrowfully “come on in Tom, lie between us”

Kitty also looked at him” I’m sorry Tom, the green veil came over me, I was jealous, knowing that you had spent all that time with her, I forgive you, I can see why now”

“He’s my super sex toy” Sarah smiled, “come on Tom”

Tom laughed, embarrassed, crawled between them as they wrapped their legs around him, kissing him and stroking him.

Tom had to twist and turn, to kiss both in turns; his head was spinning in ecstasy.

It was like having two super soft duvets with eight legs wrap around you, whilst the duvets kissed, licked and wound itself around you. Tom’s blood rose again and his half flaccid spent shaft started to fill once more.

A paw, he had no idea who’s paw, gripped his cock, stroking it, then a mouth wrapped around it.

Glancing down it was Sarah on him and slurping all the remaining cum off it, she worked her way around the base, released it from her mouth and the paw returned to it, she was now licking Kitty’s juices off him.

Kitty had started to lick his shoulders and was working down his back, licking his rump then anus.

Sarah inverted as she worked her way down his legs, kitty rose up and worked her way up above stretching across between Sarah’s legs to her vagina to lick her juices.

Guessing what was needed, Tom rose one leg up and Sarah’s head passed through the gap, reaching to Kitty’s vagina and again licked the concoction of his cum and her juices.

He also half ducked his head into Sarah’s underbelly to enable Kitty easy access between Sarah’s legs.

Tom was now sandwiched between two duvets having a 69, both purring and stroking any one of the other two, his cock was now rigid and his balls ached again.

Kitty sat up, looked down at Tom, rolled him on his back, so his large throbbing member pointed up to the gouged rafter above.

She leant down and licked the head of his penis, then wrapped her mouth around it and sucked, bobbing up and down on it twice, leaving spittle on it.

She sat up and straddled him, with one leg outstretched, she guided his member to her vagina with one paw, as soon as he felt the wetness touch his tip, she lowered herself onto him, letting out a gasp and shuffled to a comfortable position.

Tom was ecstatic as this latex clad look alike was straddling him, with his shaft wrapped inside her warm wet vagina, her purring vibrating it through to his torso.

She started to grind her hips over him, sliding his dick inside her forwards and backwards.

She arched her back presenting her breasts.

Her breasts were lovely, perched on top of her basque like flow of fur, with little pink nipples now showing through, Tom raised his hands to them, softly held her breasts and teased her nipples between his fingers.

Sarah’s head obscured the view as she leant over to lovingly kiss him, then she too straddled Tom’s head, he could see her wet dripping vagina above him, as she lowered onto him, feeling her paws on his chest.

Tom extended his tongue into her; he searched for her clitoris again, her purring indicating when he found it.

He felt Sarah’s mouth on his one hand, on Kitty’s breast, her lips open and tongue teasing out, he slid his hand away and stroked Sarah’s head.

Kitty’s body shivered on his penis “Sarah you’ve never suckled me before, but I like it” he heard Kitty purr, as Kitty started to ride up and down his tightly held, stiff member.

Sarah was also starting to slide forwards and back on his face, he struggled to match breathing, licking and thrusting hips

Tom moved both his hands onto Sarah’s breasts, this was easier for him, Sarah responded with a shiver as he tweaked her nipples, rubbing herself quicker over Tom’s face.

Kitty was now bouncing up and down hard on Tom, with each engagement was a resounding slap of wet skin on wet fur, Tom was barely hanging on, he couldn’t last much longer.

Then as he sucked at Sarah’s clitoris she spasmed, with her electric shock shake and Tom felt juices almost gush down on him, filling his mouth so he could swallow it in short gulps.

Kitty also was tightening, he felt her muscle spasm on the top of her stroke, right on the tip, she couldn’t hold it and slammed down onto his torso, her muscles tightening their already tight grip on him.

Tom felt the twinge and let his own orgasm hit, with his own juices jetting out into Kitty, who ground her hips onto him as the last of his cum squeezed out.

Tom could finally gasp freely as Sarah lifted off him, he could again see latex clad Kitty still frozen in her spasm on his slowly deflating rod.

Sarah bent over him and started licking her juices off him, swapping kisses as she passed his mouth.

Kitty rose off his now flaccid member with a slurp and lapped his and her juices off Tom.

He led there like a king with a harem, as they cleaned him, licking and lapping.

Once finished they started on each other and finally washing themselves.

Kitty kissed Sarah lovingly whilst stroking her ears.

“I can’t stay much longer, I will have to get going, as there is much to do today and Tom you will need to come, so I can get you up and running at the pub, there is a lot to learn and do” Kitty mumbled between kisses.

Tom desperately wanted to stay, but also wanted to be with Kitty.

Having a threesome wasn’t as easy as he ever could have imagined.

He got up and started to dress whilst watching the two cats kiss and cuddle to finish, his stiffy was just not going to go away if they keep this up.

Sarah licked the strapon clean, enjoying the last of her own taste on it.

“Tom, maybe I can pleasure you, now I have this” she said waving at him, he tried to look as if that was ok

“if you go out the back, jump the wall, follow the path running down the back of the cottages where you will meet the path, Kitty can meet you there, then it will look as if you came across the fields and not the cliff path”

Tom Picked up his rucksack kissed Sarah goodbye crept down the stairs, followed Sarah’s directions.

It was an easy climb over the stone wall onto the path that ran down the back of the cottages and soon he met the walker’s path, as he reached the path he could see Kitty just further down with her basket.

As they met Kitty said “Don’t worry, the strapon is in the basket Tom, Sarah will join us at the pub in a few nights time so she can keep her promise.” Kitty Winked with glee.

“She just doesn’t want the kittens to find it by accident. Her heat is abating so it won’t be long”

They walked together, Tom enjoying the day; it smelt fresh with this beautiful cat, the beach, the wind.

Tom wondered what the rest of the day will bring.

To Be Continued *******


2020-11-26 23:06:44
good story!


2020-10-25 00:03:53
Thoroughly enjoyed this chapter of the story, and I'm looking forward to reading many, many more....


2020-10-11 09:26:31
Really good story keep posting!


2020-09-26 16:41:06
Can't wait for part 5, 6, 7...

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