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Previous Chapter Summary - Billy and Becky abuse poor Susie.

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Jeffry and Billy 6 (Mff, mf, incest, Trans)

Summary - Becky apologizes and tries to make it up to poor Susie

Previous Chapter Summary - Billy and Becky abuse poor Susie.

Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't fuck with other people's lives!

Billy was horny. He was very horny. He missed having his little sissy sucking his cock. He missed fucking his older sister.

He had tried to call Jeffry to ask him to come over dressed as ‘Susie, but Jeffry wouldn’t speak to him.

He had begged his sister over and over for sex, but she ignored him. He even caught her in the hallway one day after he had finished taking a shower. He was still sporting a boner, so he dropped his towel and thrust his hard cock at her. “Come on sis,” he said, trying to entice her with his engorged penis. “Just suck me off, please?”

“Asshole…,” she said, and walked away.

That was all she ever said to him since that day. She was still pissed at him for nearly chocking Jeffry to death with his long, fat cock, pressing Jeffry’s head to his groin until he passed out. And, she was pissed off at herself for encouraging him. She was turning into as aggressive jerk like her brother and it scared her, ‘But, it is so hot!’ she thought. She knew she had to change her attitude and she was determined to make it up to Jeffry.

“I’m going over to see Jeffry,” Becky told her brother Billy the next day while they were doing their chores after dinner.

“Cool, make the little faggot come over and suck my dick, I need it bad!” Billy rubbed his cock thru his shorts. “Damn, I miss fucking his ass.”

“Why do you have to be a jerk all the time, Billy?” she asked. “If you were nicer, maybe you would get what you want. You came this close to killing him,” she said, measuring an inch with her fingers and shaking it in his face, “And all you can think about is your cock?

“Fuck you, Billy, I’m going over to apologize for what we did to him,” Becky yelled at her brother as she walked out the front door, ‘Well, for what I did to him anyway,’ Becky thought, remembering how she encouraged Billy to abuse him and how she also nearly smothered Jeffery with her juicy cunt and soft ass.

Becky soon arrived at Jeffry’s house and knocked on the door. Jeffry’s mother answered the door, a short, plump woman with a large smile. “Yes? Can I help you?” she asked.

“Hi, I’m Becky, Billy’s sister. We are friends of Jeffry’s,” Becky said, “Is he home?”

“Sure, just a minute,” Jeffry’s mother opened the door wide and said, “Jeffry has been spending a lot of time at Billy’s. It is nice to see him have such good friends! Do you want to come in?”

“No, thank you. I’ll wait out here on the porch,” Becky replied. She wanted to speak to Jeffry in private.

“Jeffry, there is a girl here to see you!” His mother yelled, aiming her voice up towards the stairwell. Becky glimpsed clean, though feminine decorations, through the partially opened door. ‘No wonder he acts so gay,’ she thought.

Jeffry soon arrived. “I thought it was you,” he said tersely. “I don’t want to see you anymore, you should leave.” He looked angry, but sad. He turned quickly, hiding his eyes and trying to shut the door behind him.

“Jeffry, I came over to apologize…, please…?” She put her hand on the door, keeping him from shutting it. “Look, I’m really, really sorry. I know I can get crazy sometimes. It won’t happen again, I’m so sorry!” she said.

“Really?” he asked, hopefully, cheering up a little bit. Jeffry really liked sucking dick and eating pussy; he didn’t want to give it up. Beck had even sucked his dick once and let him fuck her butt. His green eyes were sparkling. He came out on the porch.

“Yeah, really,” she said. “And, Billy is sorry too. Sorry because he misses you, and also because I cut him off too. No pussy or ass for him for a week now.”

“Ha, you did? I bet he is so horny by now…” Jeffry couldn’t help but think about Billy’s hard cock, straining for relief. He missed playing with Billy’s cock.

“Yeah, is he really horny,” Becky said, grinning. “I can hear him jacking off all night, calling out our names.” The two exchanged a conspiratorially glance, smiling at each other. Then Becky added, “Look, I know Billy is a complete asshole, and he almost turned me into a total asshole too. But, I know he misses you, and perhaps we can change him and make him gentler. After all, I’m sure Billy will do about anything to have you back.”

“To have ‘us’ back…, Susie anyway…,” Jeffry considered it. He clenched his asshole and felt the lingering burn. “I don’t know, Becky,” he said. “Look, I’m sorry, but I think I want to stay away from Billy for a while, maybe forever… I like sucking his cock and all, but he is too rough with me. He really scared me last week.” Jeffry spoke softly, “You scared me too, Beck.”

Becky felt ashamed. She looked down at the ground for a while and then spoke. “I understand, Jeffry. It’s OK.” She was going to miss having her ass and cunt cleaned and eaten. It had felt so good! She wondered if she could get her boyfriend Jason to do that for her. Then, she had a great idea. “Hey, I know, do you want to meet my boyfriend? He has a nice, long, cock too! Longer than Billy’s but not as thick.”

“What?” Jeffry exclaimed. “You want me to have sex with your boyfriend?” He looked at her quizzically.

“Well, sex with us. I’d have to be there too,” she said excitedly. “He has been begging to fuck my ass for a year now. Maybe he could have a little fun with Susie instead!” Becky did her best to convince Jeffry. That way, she could fuck Jason, get her slimy cunt and ass eaten out by Susie, and still have her brother’s cock whenever she wanted it!

“You will love his cock, Susie…,” she added, leaning close and whispering in his ear lustfully. “It is this long, and nice, and thick…” She spread her hands wide, imitating Jason’s length.

“Ohhh,” Jeffry involuntarily exclaimed. “How thick?” he asked.

“Like this.” Becky made a thick circle with her thumb and forefinger.

“Mmmm, that would feel better in my ass than Billy’s…” he said wistfully, thinking of Jason’s long cock sliding in and out of his ass. It wouldn’t hurt as much as Billy’s fat shaft.

“You will love it, Jeffry!” She said. “And, and he’s not an asshole like Billy. He is really nice.” ‘Sometimes too nice’ she thought, thinking about the times she wanted her cunt to be hammered hard, but Jason insisted on a nice, slow, sensual fuck instead.

“Well, I kind of wanted to try sucking other cocks, besides Billy’s. Do you think he would go for it?”

“Of course, don’t be stupid!” She looked at Jeffry like he was crazy. “What man can say ‘no’ to a three way? Two hot mouths sucking his cock? Two slutty bitches acting like total whores? Trust me! I’ll call him right now, OK?” She grabbed her phone and called Jason, before Jeffry could change his mind.

“Hey babe, whatcha doing?”

“I know of something we could do?”

“I’m always horny! But, I have a surprise for you this time.”

“I want to bring my girlfriend over too.”

“Yes, both of us.”

“Right now, dumb-ass. Well, give us an hour to get ready and then pick us up at my house, OK?”

“I’ll send you a picture, OK?” Becky quickly sent Jason one of the pictures she had of Susie.

“Oh, babe, one more thing…” Becky whispered into her phone. “She loves anal…”

Becky pulled the phone from her ear quickly when Jason yelled, “All right!” Jeffry heard it too and the two laughed. This was going to be fun!

“Go get your Susie stuff, Jeffry.”

Becky and Jeffry walked into the house. Jeffry’s’ mother was sitting on a chair by the door knitting.

“Hey, Mom, I’m going out with Becky. I just have to get some stuff first.”

“Ok, dear. I’m happy you’re making friends,” She said. “Jeffry?” She called out.

“Yes, mom?”

His mother spoke softly and clearly, her eyes sparkling. “Are you going to dress up like a girl again, Jeffry?” She smiled at her son.

“Mom! You know about that?” Jeffry turned beet red. Becky’s mouth hung open in shock.

“Of course, I’m your mother. I know what lipstick and mascara looks like, even if my little boy tries to wipe it off, and, I found your stash of girl things the other day too.

“Jeffry, look at me…” she ordered. “Honey, it is OK with me if you want to dress like a girl. I just want you to be happy, OK?”

“Aw, I love you mom!” The two hugged. Even Becky had to wipe away a tear.

“Now, why don’t you go get made up and show your momma what a cute little girl you can be?”

“Come on, Beck!” The two quickly ran to Jeffry’s room and shut the door.

“OMG, what should I wear Becky?”

“The school girl outfit, definitely!” Becky decided. To their surprise, when they opened Susie’s bag, all of her clothes had been washed and folded. “You mom is pretty cool, Jeffry.”

“Yeah, I know.”

The two went to work, changing ‘Jeffry’ into ‘Susie’. The two decided to get ready at Jeffrey’s house to avoid a chance encounter with Billy. Becky called Jason with the updated plans.

“You don’t mind if I borrow my own clothes, do you Susie? But, remember, not too slutty on the make-up, Susie,” Becky cautioned. “We don’t want to freak your mom out!”

The two had fun getting dressed together. Susie admired Becky’s full tits as she put on her black, lacy bra and panties. “I wish I had real tits like yours, Becky.” She reached out and touched Becky’s breasts before putting the false breasts into her own, pink bra.

“Well, if you really want them, you can ask your mother. Implants or hormone treatments will get you a great pair of tits like these.” She grabbed her breasts, pushing them together to show off her cleavage.

“Oh! I never thought about that. Hmm,” Susie said, now thinking about it.

The two finished their make-up and hair; spritzed a little perfume on their ‘naughty bits’ and then Becky led the way down the stairs with Susie following, her high heels clicking on the wooden stairs.

“Oh! Jeffry! You are beautiful!” His mother said, seeing her son dressed as a girl for the first time. She began to cry. “Your father would have been so proud of you!”


“He used to wear my things all the time! And, you are just as pretty – no, even prettier Jeffry!” She quickly added, “You are pretty too, Becky!”

“Thanks, mom,” Jeffry said, “And Mom? Can you call me ‘Susie’, when I’m dressed up in my girl things?”

“Susie, that is a nice name,” she said. “Sure, Susie.”

Just then, Jason pulled his car into the driveway and honked the horn. “Now, Susie, go out and play with your friends! Have fun!”

“We will, mom!” Susie said.

“Bye! Nice meeting you!” Beck said.

They quickly climbed into Jason’s car. They all three piled into the front seat. “Hi, I’m Jason” Jason said, extending his hand to Susie, who was sitting next to him.

“Hi, I’m Susie,” Susie said shyly. She gripped Jason’s big hand and shook it weakly. She glanced at his crotch. Jason and Becky both noticed her glance. Becky decided to have some fun as Jason backed out of the driveway.

“Hey Susie, why don’t you pull out Jason’s cock, you know you want to see it!” Beck said.

Both Jason and Susie both shouted incredulously, “BECKY!”

“What?” Becky said defiantly, “Susie is just much a slut as I am! Why are we pretending? Hell, if you won’t, I will!” Becky leaned over Susie’s lap and began to tug on Jason’s zipper. “Come on Susie; help me get this monster out of his pants!”

Susie stared at Becky and watched her struggling with Jason’s pants. Jason looked at Susie and nodded encouragingly. He adjusted the seat and pushed it back, to give the girls more room. Susie reached over and put her dainty hand in Jason’s crotch as Becky undid his belt. Susie felt his cock in his underwear. Becky was right, it was long and thick. She pulled it out, her hand wrapped around the base. His heavy cock flopped over her hand.

“Wow,” Susie said. She began to stroke him, feeling his cock slowly stiffen.

“Just wait,” Becky said, “You won’t believe how long it gets!” Becky leaned over and sucked Jason’s cock deeply into her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down, sucking and slurping until his rod stiffened. “Look at that!” Becky said proudly, jacking his wet cock up and down.

“Wow, Jason, you have a real nice cock!” Susie said, reaching out to grip it once more.

“Thank you, Susie. You are very sweet, and very pretty too.” Jason said earnestly, feeling Susie’s hand stroking him softly.

Susie continued to stroke his cock up and down as the car traveled to Jason’s apartment. She was mesmerized by his long, thick shaft. It was so much different than stoking her own small cock, and similar, yet different that Billy’s.

They soon arrived and Jason parked the car. “What am I going to do with this?” he asked the girls, pointing to his hard cock.

“That is your problem, not ours,” Becky said, grinning. “Right, Susie?”

“Right!” Susie said. “It’s your fault for having such a big cock, Jason!”

Jason stuffed his still firm shaft inside his pants and the three walked through the parking lot.

“Is that a banana in your pocket, Jason, or are you just glad to see me?” Becky joked. Jason’s huge bulge was obvious.

“Yeah, Jason, most people keep their sausages in the fridge, not shoved down their pants!” Susie commented. The two girls giggled at Jason’s predicament.

They quickly arrived at Jason’s apartment. No sooner after the door shut then Becky was on her knees in front of him and pulling down his pants. Jason stepped out of his clothes and kicked off his shoes, leaving on his white socks.

“Come on, Susie; let’s show Jason how two hot sluts suck cock!” Susie quickly followed Becky’s lead, kneeling before Jason. Susie watched Becky engulfing Jason’s cock with her hot mouth again. Susie reached up to fondle Jason’s heavy balls, noticing that he shaved them smooth. She felt their weight and loved how they felt in her hands. When she sucked on Billy’s balls, she often got a hair caught in her teeth. She leaned in and began to lap at his nut sack, then sucked them lovingly.

“Your turn, Susie-slut!” Beck announced, pulling her lips off of her boyfriend’s cock. “Show him what you can do!” She winked at Susie.

Susie gripped Jason’s cock. It was sticking straight out, hard and wet, from Becky’s sucking mouth. She slid her right hand down to the base and placed her left hand on the shaft just above her other hand. She still had plenty of cock-flesh left uncovered. She popped the head into her mouth and began to suck and lick, looking up at Jason’s face as she licked him up and down. She swirled her tongue around the head, licked his piss-slit, and then swallowed him. She pushed her head down on this long, throbbing cock. She felt the head hit the back of her throat and then pushed again, feeling his cock sliding into her. Slowly she swallowed his cock until she felt his naked balls against her chin.

“Oh, shit!” Jason exclaimed. He had never had anyone take his whole cock like this. It felt amazing!

Susie pulled back, his cock slowly sliding out of her. She sucked and licked the head a little while, then swallowed it once more. She began to bob her head up and down, deep-throating his cock with ease.

“Slurp…, slurp…, slurp…”

Becky knelt next to Susie, watching her take her boyfriend’s cock. She felt a little jealous, but was so turned on. She began to masturbate, groping her titties and rubbing her steaming cunt. “Oh, suck it, Susie, suck his fucking cock!”

“Mmm-mmfff!” Susie agreed. She began to bob her head faster and tickled Jason’s ball with her hand.

“Shit, you can suck a cock, Susie! Wow! Jason exclaimed. After a few moments, Jason spoke up again, “Ohhh. I had to say this, but you better stop Susie, or I’m going to blow my load.”

Susie reluctantly pulled her mouth off of Jason’s cock but continued to jack him slowly.

“What do you want to do now,” Susie asked, looking at Jason and then Becky.

“I’d like to see you two girls eat each other out,” Jason said, “that would be a real turn on for me.”

“Ah…, but…” Susie started to say. Jason didn’t know that Susie had her own cock! She was suddenly worried of what he would think.

“Come here, Susie-slut,” Becky said. “Eat my pussy for me while Jason watches.” Becky dropped her panties and sat on the edge of the couch. She spread her legs wide, her hot, bald pussy shining with wetness. She pulled her pussy lips apart, showing her pink insides and stiff clitty. Susie climbed between her legs and began to lap her juices.

“Susie is very good at eating pussy,” Beck said, looking at Jason who was stroking his cock, watching them. “And, she loves to suck the cum from a well fucked pussy, and she is great at eating ass too, aren’t you slut?”

“Mmmm-mmm!” Susie agreed; her mouth full of pussy and her little cock stiff. She stuck her ass in the air and wiggled it, going deeper into Becky’s juicy folds.

“Do you like this Jason? Do you like two hot cunts doing any perverted thing you want?”

“It is very hot, Becky…” Jason’s cock was throbbing.

“Do you want to fuck, her Jason?” Becky asked huskily, as Susie sucked her pussy.

“Yeah, I do.”

“Do you want to fuck her ass, Jason? Do you want to shove your hard cock up Susie-Slut’s little asshole?” Becky teased.

“Mmmmm!” Susie replied. She was so horny!

“Yeah, I want to fuck her ass,” Jason said watching Susie’s ass wiggle in front of him.

“Lube up your cock and fuck her ass, Jason! Fuck the little slut’s ass-hole while she eats my cunt!”

Jason pulled out a tube from the table next to the couch and squirted it on his cock, using a tissue to wipe up the excess. He then knelt behind Susie.

Becky was watching closely. He would soon discover that ‘Susie’ was a boy! She had a great view to watch his reaction. Would he fuck her anyway, or would it gross him out? She couldn’t wait to see what her boyfriend would do!

“She has such a nice ass!” Jason said. He flipped up her skirt, showing off her pink panties. He rubbed her ass and then pulled down Susie’s panties. He helped her slide them down and then pulled them off her heels.

‘He had to have seen Susie’s cock!’ Becky thought. But, there was no reaction from Jason.

Jason gathered some lube from his cock and pressed his greasy fingers into Susie’s ass, getting her ready for his cock. He then wiped his finger on the discarded tissue and reached between Susie’s legs and fondled her balls and stiff cock!

“Ohhh, Jason!” Susie exclaimed.

“You knew she was a guy?” Becky exclaimed

“Yeah, this is Jeffry, Billy’s friend, right? I recognized her as soon as you sent me the picture.”

“You don’t mind?” Becky asked incredulous.

“Why should I?” Jason asked, sliding his cock up and down Susie’s ass crack. “She’s hot.” Then Jason spoke to Susie. “Susie, can I fuck your ass?”

“Oh, yes, fuck me, Jason, fuck my ass!” Susie couldn’t wait feel Jason’s hard shaft up her ass. She just knew it would be so much better than Billy’s cock!

Jason placed his cock head against Susie’s slimy, puckered asshole. He looked up from his prize and met Becky’s gaze.

Becky grabbed Susie’s head and pulled it firmly against her cunt. “Eat my cunt and make me cum, Susie,” she said. “Now, fuck the faggot-slut, Jason!”

Jason slowly pressed his cock into Susie’s ass. He pushed harder, feeling some resistance and felt Susie’s tight anus giving way. He pushed again and his cock head slipped in. He could feel the heat of Susie’s ass engulfing him. He pulled her hips against him, and watched his long, fat cock sliding in. He was amazed that she could take him so easily. He pushed until his balls rested against her.

“Ohhhh! Jason, it feels so good!” Susie moaned as the invader stretched her ass. There was no pain, only pleasure. She felt Jason’s long cock sliding in, filling her up and going deeper than she had ever felt before. “Ahhh, so full!” she said, satisfied.

Jason loved the feeling of his cock deep inside Susie’s ass! He pulled back and began to fuck her with long, slow motions, enjoying it immensely, and trying to prolong his orgasm.

“Fuck her, Jason, fuck her harder!” Becky ordered, as she felt her pussy tingling. “Fuck the shit out of the little faggot!”

“Becky! Knock it off!” Jason said irritably, “Not everyone likes to be pounded until it hurts. Let us enjoy this, OK?”

“Whatever, you guys just don’t know how to fuck!” Becky complained.

Susie loved the gentle fucking she was getting from Becky’s boyfriend. Her ass was tingling and she could feel her hole tugging and gripping his cock with every stroke. She gripped his cock with her ass muscles, trying to milk the cum from his cock.

“Oh, fuck!” Jason exclaimed. “I can feel your ass squeezing me!”

Susie squeezed with each stroke and then Jason speeded up his motions. “Ugh, ugh, ugh,” she moaned, as he fucked her deep and fast. She really getting into it. His balls slapped against her own nut sack with each thrust. She felt his cock swelling.

“Oh, shit, I’m going to cum, Susie!” Jason groaned. “Your tight ass is going to make me cum!”

Susie started to work her ass even more; squeezing his cock and moving her ass round and round. She clamped her mouth on Becky’s cunt, and sucked her pussy hard. ‘If she wanted it hard, she would get it hard!’ Susie pulled her mouth from Becky’s cunt and plunged three fingers into her wet hole, fucking her cunt hard and fast.

“Ah, that’s it Susie!” Becky grunted, “Do me!”

Susie did her best to bring her friends off. She fucked Becky’s pussy with her hand and milked Jason’s cock with her ass. She clamped her mouth over Becky’s clit and sucked, while slapping her pussy lips with her hand.

“I’m cumming!” Becky cried. She began to thrash on the couch, squeezing her titties hard and pinching her nipples until they hurt. Her orgasm rolled over her, making her legs shake and her pussy squirt into Susie’s sucking mouth.

Jason watched and listened to his girlfriend’s orgasm and it triggered him to blow his load. His balls tightened and he felt the sperm building up in his nut sack. His cock lurched and Susie’s ass gripped him yet again. His prostate clenched and pulsed; sending a blast of hot cum up his shaft and into Susie’s waiting bowels.

Susie felt the sudden heat deep inside her and knew Jason was cumming. She felt him driving faster and deeper as his orgasm exploded.

Jason felt the tingles emanating from behind his nuts. The feelings intensified and grew out from his groin to his belly and even down to his knees. Again and again Jason blasted his hot cum into the little slut’s ass. Her ass was so tight, not like Becky’s loose, sloppy pussy. It was so intense, feeling his cock squeezed by her ass. ‘Susie really knew how to ride a cock!’ he thought, as he pumped his last few blast of cum into Susie and then finally felt his orgasm washing away.

“Damn, that was intense!” Jason said. “You are one hell of a fuck, Susie!”

“Thank you Jason, you too,” Susie said shyly.

“How ‘bout you, Beck?” Jason asked. “Did you have a good one too?”

“Hmmph! Susie knows how I like it, even if you don’t…” Becky was still made at her boyfriend for not pounding the little faggot like she wanted him to.

Jason slowly pulled his softening cock from Susie’s ass. He wondered if the three-way was a onetime event, or if Becky and Susie were looking for something more permanent. He really wanted to fuck Susie’s ass again, and she could really suck cock!

“Did you cum, Susie?” Jason asked.

“No, almost…” Susie said. “I wanted to make sure you guys came first.”

“Ah, you are so sweet, Susie,” Jason said, wiping his cock with another tissue and then cleaning Susie’s ass hole. “So, are you gay, a transvestite, or what?” he asked her.

“I don’t really know. I like to suck cock and get fucked like a girl. And, I like to dress up like a girl. But, I like to eat pussy and fuck girls too.” Susie replied, honestly.

“Hmmm, you sound like a normal bi-sexual cross-dresser. I’m sure you will figure it out. Now, come over here, and let me suck your cock for you.”

“Really!” Susie exclaimed.

For an answer, Jason patted the couch next to Becky. Susie hopped up, and Jason began to fondle her leaking cock under her skirt. Becky stared at him. ‘Was her boyfriend a faggot too?’

“You have a nice cock, Susie,” Jason said.

“Aw, I know it is small, Jason. You are just being nice.”

“It is not that small, Susie, and, you are still young. It will grow.” Jason promised. “My cock wasn’t much bigger than that at your age.”


“Really.” Jason bent down and began to lick Susie’s cock and balls.

“Ohh!” Susie moaned.

“Really, Jason?” Becky said incredulously, “You are really going to suck his cock right in front of me? I suppose you’ll let him shoot into your mouth and swallow it too?”

“Becky, be nice! Susie is our guest.” Jason returned to sucking Susie’s dick. He tickled her balls and sucked gently, up and down. It was only fair. Susie was nice to them; they should be nice to her. He did his best to make Susie orgasm. He worked Susie’s clit until he felt it start to twitch in his mouth.

“Ohhh, I’m cumming!” Susie said, and proceeded to squirt her boi-juice. “Ahh, ahh, ahh!” she grunted with each pump.

Jason swallowed her cum and licked her cock lovingly until she was finished. Wiping his lips, he asked, “Was that OK Susie?”

“Oh, Jason, that was fantastic!”

“Oh, great,” Becky said, “My boyfriend has turned gay on me.”

“Jeesh, Becky, this was your idea, I’m just being nice to our guest!” Jason retorted.

“Yeah, a little too friendly…” Becky said. “I think you can take us home now, Jason. I didn’t know I was dating a fag.”



The three dressed and headed to the car. They drove to Becky’s house in silence.

“Do you want to come in and say hello to Billy, Susie?” Becky asked. She was still horny. “Maybe you could play with us for a while?” Becky wanted to get fucked. She wanted her asshole eaten out. She wanted to watch her brother dominate Jeffry again. She knew it was wrong, but she didn’t care any longer.

“No, I don’t think so.” Susie stated. Now that she knew what making love to someone who was kind and considerate, she didn’t think she could go back to being abused by Billy again.

“Do you want to go back to my place, Susie?” Jason asked.

“Oh, yes!” Susie replied. “Is that OK with you Beck?”

“Fuck it... Whatever... I’ll see you losers later.” Becky slammed the car door and walked away. She was pissed off and horny. The little faggot slut was trying to steal her boyfriend! She checked the time on her phone. There was plenty of time to fuck Billy until her mom and dad got home. Billy fucked her like she wanted it; hard and fast until her pussy hurt. ‘No more playing nice,’ she decided.

“Billy!” she yelled the moment she walked in the door. She started stripping off her clothes. “Billy!” she yelled again. “If you want to fuck the living shit out of me, you and your fucking cock better get in here, NOW!”

Billy ran into the living room, his cock already hard from jacking off. He found Becky naked, spread eagle on the couch, holding open her soaking wet pussy lips.

“Just shut up and fuck me how I like it.”

Billy grinned, climbed on the couch, lined up his cock, and fucked her long and hard.

To read more of my stories, click my profile!


© Copyright Undeniable Urges, 2015 - 2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Undeniable Urges, with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


2020-09-26 23:44:22
Each to their own haha. Love that Susie found someone who treats her well! Amazing story, as always!

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