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A work of fiction. check the tags.
I’ve been jerking off to pictures of my niece since she started modeling at sixteen. Last week I found pictures of a shoot that looked straight up pornographic and I knew she hadn’t told her parents about that one, it was even under a slight variation of her name, "Victory" was above her sexy curves just barely covered by rose petals. I wondered if the photographers were hard the entire time, or if she ever had to fuck her agent. I thought about this as her eyes stared up at me, dark brown and lust-filled. Thick raven black hair splayed around her, and her lips were barley parted in what I could only imagine was a moan.

There was the sound of our door and commotion from the living room. My wife giving muffled pleasantries, then I heard it, her bell voice that so perfectly matched her spite-like features staring up from the computer screen. Shit. I pulled my shorts up and deleted my search history. I exited the room and tried to play it cool. What the fuck was she doing in Phoenix?

“Hi hun!” my wife said hugging my spank bank, “Victoria’s here!”

“I see that” I managed.

Victoria was my wife’s sister’s daughter, and we had enough distance socially that I didnt need to hug her. Don’t get me wrong, having that nice juicy rack pressed up against me made my dick tingle, but that’s just it, my dick was still pretty hard in my pants and Victoria’s sexy ass body in short-shorts made it all the worse.

She and my wife continued to talk while I wandered into the kitchen. Apparently Victoria had been in a photoshoot near by and didn’t fly out until tomorrow.

“You have to stay the night!” My wife insisted.

“Oh I couldn’t, I can just get a hotel.”

“Nonsense. We insist. Right Jason?” That last part was directed towards me and yelled from the other room.

“Yeah sure!” I yelled back. Trying to get my dick under control.

It was both fortunate and unfortunate for me that Victoria wanted to spend her day by the pool. She oiled, and applied lotion every half hour and I thought my balls would explode. My wife sat on the steps, and I admit, it was hard to look at her next to Victoria. Real hard. Victoria's face was so damn sexy and cute, eyes wide and easy smile. I was suddenly aware of just how big my wife's nose was and how brickish she looked in her bathing suit. Not that I was a looker myself, but it was a slap in the face to see it so clearly flaunted in front of me.

We had dinner and drinks, and then more drinks. My wife went all out making home-made strawberry Daiquiris and we all became pretty fucking drunk as the sun went down. The Arizona heat making the evening a haze of hot air and dark skies. Victoria sat down in the lawn chair next to mine. We were all out by the pool and she’s taken a dip before my wife insisted she get out as she’d had so much to drink.

“mmfine” Victoria slurred, but had gotten out and squeezed her fine ass into her shorts, wet.

My wife who barely drank started to snore and I shook her shoulder.

“Honey, I think it’s bed time.”

She muttered and nodded something, kissed Victoria on the temple and stumbled towards bed.

“Keep an eye on her Jason, don’t let her get in that pool.”

Victoria laughed drunkenly and I watched as she tried to pull the wet shorts away from her crotch.

I gained the courage to ask, “so, how long you been doing those nude shoots?”

She looked surprised and pressed a drink firmer to her lips. Her blush was high on her cheeks as she took a long sip.

“How do you know about that?” She asked, her voice quiet.

I shrugged, “Just stumbled across them.”

Her voice slurred as she spoke, “Listen, my mom and dad dont know about those. In all honesty the jobs have been slowing down and-and I’ve been in a real weird headspace, ya know?”

I nodded knowingly and slowly set my hand on her thigh, she didnt seem to notice me rubbing as she continued. Her skin was smooth and soft, I slowly traveled up.

“And it’s under a different name, sssso it’s separate, and—“ She looked confused.

“How would you have stumbled across them? They’re under a different name, you would have had to have looked through uh, though my agent.”

My hand massaged closer to her pussy, drenched from the pool water and squeezed tight into those jean shorts.

I didn't bother answering, just kept rubbing to see what she’d do. I was pretty fucking drunk, but Victoria looked on the edge of passing out.

My fingers brushed against her pussy. I could feel the outline of her lips as I stroked. My other hand rubbed my cock as it pulsed excitedly.

“mmm” she said, her face screwing up in confusion at the sensation, her dulled senses slowly registering. She lightly brushed my hand away, but my hand immediately returned with some urgency.

“What are you—stop,” she said in a low whine, but I felt the heat of the night, the liquor swirling through my head, and my cock pressing against my fist with persistence. Her hand clasped mine, trying and failing to pry me away. I was fully leaned in now, rubbing at her through the rough fabric.

She groaned, and let out another “No, stop it.” but it was slurred and I could see she was slipping. I moved my face to hers and kissed her, opening her soft lips with my tongue and exploring her. She pulled away, finally managing to stand, but she was weak and wobbling, I pulled at her arm and guided her down next to the pool.

“Mm-No!” She said, a bit too loud for my liking. I put a hand over her mouth as I pulled her jeans down. They were stuck to her like glue, but between her mild flailing and my rough pulling we got the job done. My shorts were easy. My beast flung out of my shorts in an instant, angry in its insistence on entering her.

Her body was sluggish, but still struggled the best it could beneath me. Waxed pussy lips told me just what kind of photo shoot she’d come from, and I made a mental note to check for those later. Her body was smooth and elegant, wide hips with little jutting hip bones. I moved my way between her legs, scooting her body in to fit close to mine.

A pull of the string and her suit top was off, and the most squeezable breasts I’d ever seen came tumbling out. I bent down and sucked at them. Letting my cock rest on her as I enjoyed her body; Her screams dampened by my palm. Her nipples rose as I licked and nibbled at her. I wanted to just squeeze them as I rocked in and out of her, but she refused to let up on her crying out, so I gave one last hard pinch, and rose up to position myself at her pussy.

The hole looked impossibly small as I pressed my cock against her lips. She shuttered as I entered her, and god was she tight. Hot and warm, and fuck a little too dry for her to be enjoying herself yet. I pulled out and pushed in again, her body was heaving from the exertion, breathing too hard to scream, eyes wide, nose flared, she looked nothing like I’d pictured her in my fevered masterbation sessions. This was better though, she looked wild and alive, this was the real deal and I let out a groan as I pressed my full length inside her. Her eyes shut tight as I made another few jabs to lock myself into place.

“Fuck, you’re somehow sexier than I imagined” I laughed, taking it slow as her body moistened. She whimpered as I drew her up close, almost hugging her as I humped away at her body.

“I’ve been dreaming of this for years, but never imagined you’d be this tight. This--” I paused to jerk into her again, hard. "fuck" pump. "sexy"

She obviously didn’t bother to answer, I didn’t need her to. Her moans and gasps were enough for me. I started to pick up speed.

“There you go babygirl. Now you’re getting wet for me.”

And she was. Her pussy began to accept me eagerly, and soon I was going at a steady pace, cock drilling into her, and bottoming out, firm balls slapping at her asshole.

She was softly crying now, the screams having left her, I rode her in peace, the agony she was in only evident on her face and her winces every now and then when I’d jab up or dig in. She panted rhythmically as if in heat, I was honestly having the best fuck of my life.

But I had a life to live and I was already risking a lot, so as I felt my balls start to swell with my seed I pulled out. Her lips gaping from my girth sputtered and spasmed. I almost went back in but thought better of it. Pregnant was not on the menu tonight. I slid her body under me so her head was right below my heavy ball sack and squeezed her cheeks. Her lovely lips pouted and mid moan I popped my cock into her mouth. Grabbing a fistful of her thick tangled hair I raised her to greet me and began to face fuck her. She fought, but it was meek and nothing compared to my powerful thrusts into her throat. I was balls deep when I felt a rush and I started to orgasm into her.

Words cannot describe the ecstasy of that moment. It took everything I had not to collapse on her and instead extract my still spurting cock from her mouth as she choked and sputtered.

She tried to sit up but just kept coughing and crumpled to the ground. Drunk, dizzy and fucked senseless she lay there unmoving. I managed to pull her swim bottoms up but gave up on the shorts and left her beside the pool. I myself was so light headed from cumming, alcohol and the best sex of my life that I did nothing more than stand and fumble my shorts back on and fall heavily into bed.

Hours later I looked at the time, it was 3am and still pitch black outside. I realized I was awake because my wife was saying my name groggily.


“Jason, did Victoria make it into bed ok?”

“uh. I think passed out by the pool.”

“Go, help her in. I don’t want her to roll into the water.”

I groaned and got up. My wife was already back to sleep by the time I reached the door.

When I got outside Victoria was passed out in the fetal position just as I’d left her.

I couldn’t believe when my dick twitched, summoning me to fuck her again. A little less drunk than before I hesitated. Partially in my right mind I eyed her perky little ass and tight body. Her lips sporting a small drip of my cum on them.

Whether I fucked her again or not is between me and Victoria. So you’ll just have to wait and see what her side of the story has to say.

To be Continued.


2020-11-21 16:10:34
Great story.

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