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This works on its own but makes way more sense with part 1. So go read Jason's POV first, then dive into Victoria.

It's a work of fiction, check the tags.
My mind is spinning, my body feels like it’s been hollowed out. A hot breeze makes me sick and I try and open my eyes but I’m too drunk, too out of it to function. It feels like my body—no, between my legs specifically is on fire. Was I in bed? I tried to move and felt gravely concrete. My mind flashed to a memory clouded by alcohol and darkness. Hands squeezing and gripping me. Fear. A searing pain as I’m violated. I groan as a remembered pain sweeps over me.

I remember rough hands grabbing my hips. Then in real time I feel my body rise so my ass is prone is the sweltering heat. I limply obey as I feel clothing slide off down my legs and they spread to the sides.

Pressure on my ass confuses me and it’s not until a fresh blistering pain surges up my body that I feel a wave of panic. I reach my hands out trying to drag myself away from the intrusion, but my body is drug back into place. There is something hard, someone hard behind me. My eyes blur and I see a yard, lawn chairs, and a pool to my right. I focus on the water as my body is jerked again and again against a piercing rod trying to penetrate my too small hole. I feel the stretch and try and reach back to stop what's attacking me but my arms feel heavy and flop at my sides.

I wonder momentarily if this is what anal feels like. Like having a curling iron set to high shoved up your ass. I swear never to try it, until the fog in my mind clears again and I realize that’s exactly what’s happening to me. I’m being fucked, each new thrust a notch deeper into my asshole. I try and groan out a plea, I don’t want this, it hurts, I want to go home. But it sounds weak in my ears and only seems to spur the assailant on, his gruff hands tightening into my hips, digging into my flesh. He spreads my asscheeks apart, drilling farther in.

I feel a smack on my ass like lightning before thunder, the pain is too quick that the sound seems to come after. I whimper and wonder what I’ve done wrong, he seems frustrated as he spits and presses probing fingers into my ass. Inserting himself once more before suddenly he’s gone. Like prey I’m frozen in place, and I feel my leg being dragged to the right. Sounds of water moving, and then I’m cold and wet, my head is pressed up against the edge of the pool the rest of me submerged in water as it slaps against the side.

My breasts quickly react to the chill in contrast to the sweltering heat of the air. I’m pinned to the wall of the pool as hands grope and pull at me. Locking me into place. Then my body is lifted by a large push at my ass again. This time I feel a tear as it rips into me, I'm stretched to the point that my ears ring and there is a grunt as I’m humped again, and again and a groan of pleasure as he grinds farther into my body. I feel like my whole body is being fucked, like the rod is pressing against my intestines as he slams into me. I finally cry out. The pain is too great. I’m just about to plea again when his calloused hand smacks against my mouth and muffles my scream. My eyes open but all I see is the side of the pool, the lapping water, and the hazy sky, just barely tinged with sunrise.

He pumps into me ferociously, not like a human entangled with another, but a man with an object, a possession. I feel like I’m worthless, and useless and out of control. I think he’s fully entered me when a large thrust proves me wrong, I feel his true full length as he continues to pump into me, his speed increasing, the water making his dick slick and fast, I’m easily penetrated.

I decide to be quiet, maybe he’ll take his hand away and I can let out a scream, a true scream so somebody knows I’m here. Time passes and it feels like hours, the sky slowly lightens and he’s still fucking me like he’s only just started. My cheek and chin scraps against the poolside as he humps me, my body now following his lead as I try and breathe through the thrusts.

His hand slowly slips from my mouth and it doesn’t even register right away, my body feels so groggy from all I drank last night…last night. While pain grips me and my ass hungrily accepts his cock I try and remember where I am. I remember drinking- he jerks so ferociously I loose my train of thought momentarily then try again-- my aunt and uncle laughing with me by the pool, then hands stroking my pussy lips, my aunt kissing me good night before going to bed. I try not to think about the fact that this could be my uncle, raping me, sodomizing me inside his pool. My voice cracks and I begin a scream, but suddenly my head flies back and I’m plunged under water, the void of liquid accepting my scream as air is forced from my lungs. I can’t breathe. Hands are still holding me in place, a cock rides in and out of my ass at an impossible speed.

I can suddenly breathe and I gasp for air as I’m plunged back into the icy water. My hair is caught in a vise-like grip and he controls my breathing. When my head is smacked back down onto the pavement I let out a sob but don’t dare much more. How long could this go on?

The sun rises as he pounds into me. My flesh fucked to a pulp. I no longer attempt to fight or flee. He moans my name, soft “fuck yeah” and “oh god” under his breathe. It’s warm in my ear and I feel dirty and used. At some point he slips out of my ass and back into my pussy, it feels hard and rubbery, like an out of control dildo. His last lap in my ass is painful, but my body has become dull and accepting. I feel him tense, grabbing my hair and hot streams of cum enter me. He roars through it, his breathe thick with the exertion and euphoria he clearly feels having conquered me. He leans into me like we’re lovers, resting his head in the nape of my neck. Kissing me softly. Each kiss feels like it leaves a mark.

He drags me back onto the concrete, and is dressing me, not bothering with my shorts, just pulling up my bikini bottoms and loosely tying my top. I let him. Outside of the pool gravity hits me and I’m so weak I’m unable to move. I’m lifted and carried into the house, laid gently onto a mattress and his hot mouth sloppily kisses me, deep and passionately, his tongue lapping and twisting around my own before pulling out and away.

It takes moments for exhaustion to overtake me. I’m enveloped in darkness, as my body throbs and I feel bruises form along my torso.

The next thing I know is my eyes are opening,I see a guest bedroom and my aunt greeting me with her cheery smile.

“Victoria, sweetie wake up! You’ll be late for your flight.”

My body jolts, and I get up. I become light headed and everything aches. I tear up from the throbbing between my legs and in my ass and groin.

My aunt is talking and I tune back in as she says

“—drinking so much. Unless you want to change your flight and stay another night?”

“No!” I say too quickly. I see I’ve hurt her feelings and I try and back track.

“I’ve got to get home… the plants.”

She nods, kisses me on the forehead and leaves the room.

My uncle Jason is there when I leave. His grin wicked as he sees me limping slightly as I walk. My aunt hugs me first and turns towards the kitchen, Jason draws me in for a hug, grabbing my ass like it’s his property.

“Safe trip home” He says, before slapping my ass and pushing me out the front door.

It takes weeks to fully recover and I still can’t remember most of what happened. There’s no real evidence without going to see a doctor and by the time I get home I just want to sleep. My agent calls and has two more modeling bookings for me coming up and with my schedule there’s not really time to get an appointment in. Anytime I feel doubt that it might not have been real, that I dreamed it I am reminded by the soreness in my pussy and the ache in my ass. The chlorine wipes all traces of him away apart from what’s inside me.

I pick up the phone to call my aunt, but then feel guilty. I would be causing our family so much pain, and I don’t think I can take the sound I would hear in her voice if she believed me or the words if she didn’t. I never call.

It’s three years before I see him again, I’m getting married and my mother invites all of our family. I cringe when I see him but he acts normal, and aloof. It makes me feel silly and I wonder again, if I had simply made it all up.

He reminds me the night before my wedding just how wrong I am.
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