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I hope you like this one. it has the opportunity to be ongoing as well.
Naughty Betty Sold My House

We were a typical couple, grown kids across the country, empty nesters that really didn’t have that much in common anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my wife, but I soon found out after we married that we were not sexually compatible at all. We did have sex early on in our marriage but it just wasn’t what I wanted in life.

I am a lover of the female gender in every way. I love to touch, taste and feel my way through love making, to be adventurous and try everything at least twice. I am more than than wham-bam thank you ma'am. But she was from a highly conservative, Christian family of ministers she felt shame to even talk about it.

I have to say that she did come a long way in our early years but the sex, to say the least was very vanilla. Only kissing, no touching her sex, no experimenting, no foreplay for me. Just stick it in let her ride give her an orgasm. Then run to the bathroom and clean up as soon as possible and act like it never happened. It was almost like it was acid that she had to get out of her right away. I felt very insulted and low all the time because of it. As time went on she dropped the false pretenses of pleasuring me completely. She would get on, have her orgasm and then roll over and go to sleep leaving me hanging. I do have to say that I was able to get her off practically every time and that is saying a lot.

After that I stopped trying and we lived a sexless life after that. I did look elsewhere from time to time, and did have a couple of flings. They were nice but ended badly. She never caught on and told me once that if I ever had a dalliance she didn’t ever want to know about it. So She didn’t.

It all ended earlier this year, a drunk driver hit my wife driving to work. Killed her instantly. He was a big rig driver for a large company. I settled with them for a large sum to keep it quite. Although our relationship wasn’t perfect I did love her, she was the mother of my wonderful children and partner in life.

I told myself that I was not going to mope around about it though. I had my tears and got through the funeral and then after a short time I worked on pulling myself together. Since I didn’t have to work any longer, I started to exercise and do more things that I liked to do. Being outdoors in the woods at the lake was where I spent a lot of my time.

The one thing that was still making me sad was the house. It was still painful to be in the house so I finally made the decision to move. So I cleaned out all the mementos that reminded me of my late wife and began the process of prepping for the sale. I fixed all the little things that I should have done a long time ago and painted and landscaped the yard. Then I called Betty my Realtor.

Betty is a personal friend who we have known since she was a little girl. We were friends with her parents in college. Betty was always smiling, always happy and very much a people person. Through the years our paths would cross and she grew into a beautiful women had children, divorced, remarried, started a second family again and divorced a second time. (for those who will ask) She is about 5’7” slender, full C cups.

Anyway, I called her and explained what I needed and scheduled a time for her to come over and ask her to sell my house.

The day she as to come over I was a little nervous, I don’t know why really, I have known her for a long time, but I knew that she was a lovely women and I have had my share of fantasies about her, but that is all they were. Passing wishes and short thoughts.

There was a knock at the door and when I opened it, there she was. Dressed in a very professional pencil skirt and nice loose top. What I remember most is her smile and her eyes. If there were ever a smile that could melt your heart it was hers. I ushered her in and offered her some coffee or some ice water.

She followed me into the kitchen and I got us a couple of glasses of ice water and when I turned to hand it to her she was standing close. I almost ran into her with her full glass but was able to avoid spilling. “oh, I am sorry. I was looking around, this is a beautiful place.” She said. “I have worked hard to prepare it to sell, just too many memories ya know?” I replied as we went back into the living room to sit down.

We sat down and caught up a little bit and I told her my plan was to sell this place and move to my house on the lake I was building. She choked a little when told her about the lake house. My tastes and my late wives taste were two completely different things. She was stuck in the 80’s while I wanted modern. I explained that I wanted steel, glass and oak and she wanted paint, lace and pictures everywhere. Betty chuckled and agreed on my de***********ions. “Your new house sounds stunning. I hope I can come see it when you finish it.” she said. “I am sure you will because it will be ready in a day or two. We are putting the finishing touches on it as we speak.”

We did a walk through of the old house and she was very complementary of all the little fixes and the way it was staged. “Who did your staging?” she asked. I told her, “I didn’t get anyone to stage it, I did it myself.” While touching my arm she complemented me again and said that I really had an eye for this and she teased that she might need me to consult and help others owners she is selling houses for. I said that I wouldn’t mind helping her with anything she needed. I noticed that she blushed a little with that and kept her hand on my arm as we completed the tour.

“Bill, I think it will be easy to sell this place. As a matter of fact I have a couple this place would be perfect for. They have two kids and I can see them here. Since it is ready to move into they might want to see it as soon as tomorrow.” “That’s great Betty, I have about 98% of my things out and can move the rest tonight and tomorrow morning” I told her. I walked her to the door and she reached and gave me a kiss on the cheek and hugged me a little long actually, but I wasn’t complaining in the least and hugged her back.

3 days later I was in my home on the lake and there was a knock at the door. It was Betty, she was giddy with excitement. She bounded in the door and gave me a huge hug and another kiss on the cheek. “I was so excited to come tell you the news, I sold your house! The couple thought it was perfect and they complemented you on what you had done with it. I brought my computer so we could review the contract and get the ball rolling for them.”

Now it was my time to hug her, I reached around her and lifted her off her feet and went to kiss her on the cheek and she turned her head the last moment. I kissed her and both our eyes were wide when we realized what had happened. I slowly let her down before we stopped the kiss. “I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. I stumbled. “That is completely okay Bill, best kiss of the day!” she teased as she playful slapped my chest. I then became aware that my arms were still around her. She didn’t push away as expected, laid her hand on my chest for a second.

I came to my senses and let her go and we both went shy. “well, that was awkward.” I said trying to lighten the mood. She didn’t flinch or react, She started to go toward my table and lay her laptop down. As she finally looked up she saw the view, “Oh my God! This place is spectacular!”

“Yeah, you know Janet would have never gone for it, but now that I am on my own, this is home to me.” I said proudly dropping the awkwardness. “I love this place, it brings me back to my roots. I loved being in the woods as a kid, now I am here again. It makes me feel young again.”

Betty smiled at me and then turned to look at the view again. The house was a Cedar Homes creation that I worked with the architect to design. It was similar to “Falling Waters” designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. The whole front was glass and cedar post design for the great room. With a fireplace in the middle. The porch wrapped around the entire place and fit into the landscape perfectly. Out front about 100 yards or so the lake stretched out wide. My boathouse and dock was at the waters edge and nothing but forest lined the lake as far as you could see.

I walked up to the front glass and collapse the wall, sliding it back on tracks to open up half of the front to the outdoors. Betty was in awe, she walked out on the porch and took it all in. “This is just so beautiful and so right for you. I want the full tour after we get your paperwork done.”

We went back into the house and sat down at the table. I grabbed us some water and she turned on her laptop. Then she asked, “Oh I forgot to ask, do you have WiFi up here.” “Sure do! When I had the utilities put in I had a fiber line put in.” I proudly said. “She then asked, “I need to get access so we can do your paperwork.” I froze for a second, I had not setup the guest network yet so my connection was very personal. “Here let me get you on.” I said. “she replied, I can get it if you tell me what your SSID and password is.” Blushing again I figured, well she asked for it. “the SSID is PopsPlace and the password is 7inches.”

I had turned as red as a beet but I wasn’t going to back down. After she heard it she started to become flushed. Her redness crept up from the low cut top she had on and stopped at the top of her head. “Then she asked, ‘is that seven or the number 7?” “I looked straight in her eyes and said, “Well since it is a measurement it is the number 7.” I held my stone faced expression as long as I could while she typed and said, “okay I am on it.” She looked back at me and we both busted out laughing. I finally said, “well I didn’t think I would be telling anyone that login and password and I didn’t think anyone would guess that.”

She took a deep breath still laughing to herself, “you are right, I would have never guest that password in a million years.” After that we settled down and completed the contracts and sent them to the other couple, which they did promptly and sent back. She finished up what she had to do and was about to close up her laptop when she said, “I think I should save that login and password for any future paperwork.” “Fine with me, we have no secrets now.” I said as I chuckled. She smiled and closed her computer.

The sun was starting to sink a little low in the sky over the lake. I had my home positioned so it would be a great view of the sunset every night. I asked, “are you ready for the tour, or do you have to run?” She told me that she didn’t have to run off. Her husband had the kids this weekend and she didn’t have anyplace to go. So I extended my arm and she took it and we started the tour.

There wasn’t too much that she didn’t really see from the start. With an open floor-plan. We started in the basement. I have guest rooms down there, movie room and bar with pool table. Then upstairs to the main floor and connecting garage, then upstairs loft which is the master suite. It overlooks the grand room downstairs from my king bed. I can see down but no one cal really see up until they get to the second floor. It is all one space with bathroom, shower tub all open air with windows all around.

“The woods are my privacy curtains” I said as she walked through the open space. She sat down on the edge of the bed and looked out over the great room as the sun sank lower in the sky. She laid back on the bed for a moment forgetting where she was and closed her eyes. “This is absolutely perfect!” she said. Then she opened her eyes and saw me standing there taking in the view of her on my bed. I was also lost in the moment thinking about how perfect she was.

She stood up and I asked her if she would stay for dinner, I could cook us up some steaks and baked potatoes and open a bottle of wine. She started to throw up some lame excuses but then I reminded her that she told me that she didn’t have anyplace to go tonight and she should stay and enjoy dinner. “I would love to have the company.” I said. She finally said yes and we went downstairs and I opened a bottle of wine for her and I poured me a Makers 46 on the rocks. She sat at my counter while I prepared the steaks, potatoes and green beans.

After we ate we went out on the front porch and I poured her a 3rd glass of wine along with topping off my drink and sat in a rustic swing that I had built. There was never a lull in the conversation, it was great. As the sunset over the water with a bright red glowing haze in the cool air she snuggled up against me and I put my arm around her. We had stopped talking as we just sat and watched the sunset.

She then said, “You know, that password thing really caught me off guard. You were so funny with your answer.”“you know I never intended to share that password with anyone, but you wouldn’t let me type it in…” but she cut me off and said, “All I could think of was the password for my ex husbands would have been 4 inches.”she giggled and took another sip of wine. “I am really sorry for that for you too!” and we both snickered.

“You really are a special kind of man. You know I had a crush on you when I was a little girl? It just got worse when I became a teenager. All the talk about sex and everything with my girlfriends in school. They were daydreaming over the boys in class but you were the one that kept popping into my mind.” She stopped and sighed as she snuggled into my arms and I held her a little tighter. I paused and thought about all the times as she was growing up how she always smiled at me, always seemed to want to walk beside me, talked to me, and never let me leave without giving me a hug goodbye.

“You know you have always been a little shining star to me? You do not want to know what I was thinking about when you were growing up.” I said. She turned and looked me in the eyes and said “Actually I do.” She leaned in slowly and closed her eyes and gently touched her lips to mine. My heart was racing and I could feel her trembling as her kiss went from gently touch to more passionate and full. We parted and looked into each others eyes speaking volumes in a matter of seconds.

I continued to hold her in my arm and said, “let’s go inside, I can start a fire.” so we went in and I turned on the gas logs and we sat on my couch and watched the fire for a little while. After a few minutes I turned her face to me and said, “You know as terrible as it sounds I thought of you a lot growing up. I watched you grow from a beautiful little girl to a sweet and beautiful teenager. I fantasized about making that little teen girl a women. Those dreams have always stayed in my mind.”

I leaned in and kissed her soft sweet lips. She pressed back first with gentle pressure and then with passion slipping our tongues together. Her hands started working the buttons on my shirt and I her blouse. She was the first to peel my shirt from my body and shortly afterward I pulled hers past her shoulders. Her pale blue bra held her magnificent breasts in place perfectly. As I looked at her taking her all in, she asked “Do you still want me? If so, you can have me.”

I stood up and took her in my arms and climbed the winding staircase up to my bedroom loft. As I walked she laid her head against my shoulder and kissed my left shoulder with sweet little kisses. In my mind she was that little teen girl that I craved for such a long time. Then she said, “Will you make me a women?” in her sweet little girl voice. It was more than I could stand. She as playing with me, fulfilling my fantasy as well as hers.

She continued, “will it hurt?” I laid her down on the bed and sat down beside her. Looking deep into her eyes and told her, “no baby, I would never hurt you. I want you to enjoy everything I can give, I want to satisfy you.” Then in her adult voice she whispered, “I know you will, and I want to satisfy you too.” she smiled a wicked little smile and slipped off her bra.

Then she said something I didn’t expect, “You know I don’t mind it hurting a little.” that caused me to groan with a rising lust as my dick hardened even more than it had up to this point. I stood up and slipped my clothes as she took off the rest of her clothes on the bed and laid them down on the floor. As she laid back naked across my bed, I slowly laid down beside her letting my hand touch float slowly and softly up from her hip and up to her tender breast.

I moved into her neck and breathed in. I could smell her hint of perfume, but there was more, It was HER that I smelled – the little girl, the teenager, the Realtor, the women in my arms. I smelled her individual aroma. I kissed my way from her neck to her lips as my hands were now moving all around her never stopping, feeling her tender skin beneath my touch. Her hands were around me too, pulling me to her tighter, my body pressing against her leg with my cock and my leg between hers.

I could feel her wetness on my leg as she started to grind into me. We came up for air as my hands now reaching and caressing her breasts kissing her collar bone. She arched her head back and started panting and asking me to fill her up, telling me to give her what she needs. “I want you to devour me!” I then started down her body kissing her breasts and sucking on them. The harder I sucked the more into it she became. I Gently nipped at her nipples rubbing them with my teeth. She grabbed my head shouting “OH YES, THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I NEED! MORE! MORE!”

I sucked her nipples one at a time deeper in my mouth and let my teeth scrap her areolas then her nipples over and over. As I did that she was bucking against my leg and squeezing it trying to pull it through her body. The first moment that she let go of my leg I moved quickly to put myself between her legs. She felt the weight of my body between her legs and started to buck and grind against my cock. She slid it up and down my shaft as I still elegantly tortured her nipples.

I was teasing her with my dick, she kept trying to force my 7 inches into her, and I would let it slip past and up and back again coating me with her glossy juices. “PLEASE PLEASE LET ME HAVE IT! I WANT IT, I NEED IT!! PLEASE GIVE IT TO ME NOW!” I rose up from my work on her breasts and looked her in the eyes as she looked deep in mine and grit her teeth and mouthed PLEASE. I let my dick slide deep and hard into her cunny.

I released all the years of lust I had for her, her eyes lost focus and she went breathless. I continued to move in and out of her moving deep and deliberate while she orgasmed. She struggled to pull me in each time wanting it deeper and deeper. She seemed to go on forever until she finally took another breath and we both moaned as I emptied myself deep into her.

I rolled off of her and she rolled into my body and draped her leg and arm over me. We both gasped for air and slowly it returned to our lungs. Our eyes were closed and peaceful bliss washed over us. She finally opened her eyes and looked over at me and I looked at her. She quietly said, “Oh my God, if you had done that for me when I was a teen I would have died a blissful and perfect death.” she then dropped her head again against my chest. I said, “I doubt that you would have died but I know that I would have spent the rest of my life in your arms forever.”

Then we sat up in the bed together looking out the window in the dark looking at the lake as the full moon rose gently and reflected off the water casting light over us. We looked at the clock on the nightstand and we had been at it for over an hour. We kissed gently and then she said, “When do you think you will be ready for round two?”


2020-10-11 15:30:52
So friggin sexy!! Love the cabin... and the goings on there!! Love your writing


2020-10-03 04:49:45
GREAT! I would love to have that place in the woods, and I have a former teenager I would like to share it with.

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