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The school year is almost over, and it's time for the prom. How will they celebrate their final days before graduation?

Maria nervously picks up her phone. It takes her several minutes just to dial the number. It starts to ring, and she takes a deep breath.

"Y'ello!" a man's voice answers.

"Hi Daddy."

"Maria, good to hear from you! How is everything?"

"Pretty good... ummm... well... the reason that I called is because, I wanted to tell you that I've decided to stay here after all."

"Oh... okay. And why's that?" he asks, concerned.

"Because... I met someone really special... and umm... I really want to be with him." she explains nervously.

"I see..." her dad responds monotone.

"Now... I know what you're thinking... but it's different this time... I promise." she says.

"How long have you been seeing this guy...?" he asks.

"Well... umm... you see... it hasn't been for very long, but..."

"Uh-huh..." he sighs.

"Dad... look... I know what I'm doing... I know what I want. I've never felt this much happiness before... I know from the bottom of my heart that--"

"Maria... honey..." he interrupts. "I'm not going to give you a hard time over this... You're eighteen now... you don't need me telling you it's a bad idea, or it's too fast, or that you might regret it. You can make your own decisions. I know you're smart, so... all I care about is that you're safe, healthy, and happy."

Maria sniffs, holding back tears as best she can. "Thanks Dad..."

"Do you love him?" he asks.

"Yes. I do. I love him so much."

"Okay then..." he pauses, and Maria can hear him shift around in his chair. "So I guess that also means you won't be going to college here?" he asks.

"Yeah... There's a few places close to here that have programs I'm interested in, so that's what I'm going to do instead."

"M'kay... I miss you sweetie..." he sighs.

"I miss you too, Daddy..." Maria says in a raspy sad voice.

"I wanna meet this man of yours.. so uhh... why don't I come down for a visit sometime soon. How does that sound?"

"Okay. Uhm... the prom is next Saturday... would you want to come then?"

"Perfect. That works for me."

"Okay. Bye Daddy..."

"Bye sweetie! See you soon."

* * *

Another week goes by, and it's now time for the prom. Michael is getting dressed in his room, and he stands in front of his mirror, wiggling and adjusting his bow-tie nervously. It's not the prom itself that he's nervous about, but rather he's nervous about meeting Maria's father.

Ever since that night, when they talked at the beach in Lakeridge, he's felt a heavy responsibility on his shoulders. It was a big decision for Maria to make, which changed her life path, and it was all for him. He knows that he has to impress her dad, since he's essentially taking his precious daughter away from him. While he is extremely happy that she's going to stay, and they can continue with their romantic relationship, he also feels an enormous amount of pressure. He loves Maria very deeply, and wants to make her happy. It's been his dream, ever since he reached puberty, to have an incredibly attractive girlfriend. It almost feel unreal that it has come true. He isn't sure if he deserves this. All he can really do is continue to give it his best, and pray that it all works out.

Earlier that evening, Maria had called Michael to tell him not to come to her house to pick her up, but rather to just go to the school and she'll be in the parking lot with her dad. His mom wants to get pictures of them all dressed up, and so she's going to drive him and Sarah there and then take everyone photos as a group. Once Michael is ready to go, they head out.

They arrive at the school at around 6:30 p.m. and see lots of people all dressed up, standing outside the gymnasium, with people going in and out. They slowly drive through the parking lot, looking for where Maria and her dad are. Sarah sees Steve, and next to him is his mom and dad, and so they decide to pull up next to them, and get out here.

Sarah runs over to Steve in her beautiful pink prom dress, and he is absolutely blown away. Her adorable smile and long gorgeous hair, beautifully styled with a braid on one side, make his heart sing. Steve's mom is even more blown away than he is, and she can't stop herself from giving her a big hug and kiss on the cheek, while gasping loudly with delight and joy. Sarah meets Steve's dad for the first time as he rolls up to her in his wheelchair to shake her hand. He compliments her and Sarah blushes, which in turn makes him gush over how cute she is.

Steve and Michael say 'hey' to each other, and then Steve is quickly dragged away to get his photo taken with Sarah. While this is going on, a car quietly pulls up next to them. Michael hears a voice that makes his heart skip a beat. "Hey you..." Maria says, in a soft and soothing voice. He turns around and immediately blushes when he sees her.

Maria is standing there, wearing a full-length black dress, that contours nicely around her chest and waist, and hangs loosely over her hips down to her calves. Her shoes are black stiletto heels, each with shiny white gemstones attached in a line around the front strap. Tied around her waist is a matching black belt with a beautiful pure white, ribbon flower, that hangs just slightly off one hip, towards the front. And to top it all off, she has a big black ribbon with long tails, that is tied in the back of her beautiful crown braided hair.

Michael can tell that she put a lot of work into looking beautiful for tonight, and it makes his heart feel warm and tender. He purses his lips as he admires her body from head to toe, and feels so much joy to be with such an incredibly attractive girl. He still can't believe that she's actually his girlfriend.

"My god... you look so amazing Maria..." he says.

She blushes and nervously plays with her hair. "Thank you. That suit looks perfect for you."

"Oh thanks." he says, exhaling nervously.

"I think we should dress up like this more often. I love this kind of thing." Maria says, with a big genuine smile.

"You did any amazing job with your hair..." he begins to say. Just then, a tall man appears next to Maria, with a big 'ol fatherly smile. He puts his arm around her and looks directly at Michael who instantly feels his soul being pierced by his eyes. Michael gulps, and then extends out his hand. "Hello."

"Hi there! You must be this Michael fellow I've heard so much about." His friendly demeanor is calming, and Michael's nerves relax after shaking hand. "The name's Gerald, and, as I'm sure you already know, I'm Maria's dad."

"Yes. It's nice to meet you sir."

"I can tell, just from looking at ya, that you aren't totally brain-dead, like some of her past boyfriends."

"Dad...!" Maria yells, smacking him on the arm.

He laughs. "Well... anyway, tell me a bit about yourself there Mike. What are you planning on doing with your life?"

"Oh... uhh... well... I'm going to be studying computer programming, and getting into game design."

"I see..." he says, placing his hand on his chin. "Well that's good to hear. I know that computer stuff and games, and all that internet stuff, are getting really popular these days... so it must be a good business to get into. You seem like you've got a good head on your shoulders there, son. I'm honestly just glad that my little girl has found someone she likes, who is on the right track. I hope everything works out for you two."

"Thank you sir."

Michael's mom, Ericka, steps in and introduces herself to Gerald. She then gets out her camera, and proceeds to get photos of Michael and Maria together, and then one big group photo as well.

"Well... I won't hold you two up any longer." Gerald says, stepping over to Michael, and placing his hand on his shoulder. "You'd better take good care of my daughter you hear me... or I'll have hell to raise with you..."

Maria smacks him again. "Oh, stop it..." She then turns to face Michael. "He told me he was going to say that. He's just teasing you."

"Aww, don't go and blow my cover like that, honey..." Gerald says jokingly.

Michael laughs. "It was great to meet you, sir. And don't worry. I would have to be a fool to mistreat someone as wonderful, and kind, and amazing as Maria." Gerald pats Michael on the back and then leaves.

Michael holds out his hand for Maria, and the two of them head inside together. Once inside, it takes them a minute for their eyes to adjust to the lower light levels. They have a good look around at the tightly cramped gymnasium, as crowds are clustered everywhere, with some people dancing, and others socializing or checking out the different tables that are set up.

One of Maria's friends comes over and asks her to come spend time with their group and to get some pictures taken. "Is it okay if I go over there for a bit?" she asks Michael.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be right here." Maria then walks away with her friend, going over to a group of girls who all look very attractive. In Michael's eyes though, Maria is miles above all of them in looks.

After a few minutes, in the corner of his eye, Michael spots his friend Ted. They make eye contact and he waves him over.

"What's up, dude?" Ted says.

"Hey! I didn't know you would be here?" Michael says, surprised.

"Why wouldn't I be...? I have a girlfriend after all..."

"What?! You got a girlfriend?!"

"Why the fuck do you sound so surprised?" Ted says annoyed.

"Heh... sorry... uhh anyway... who is it?" Michael says, looking around to see if she's nearby.


"Huh...? Natalie...? Wait...? Do you mean... that girl who was at the tournament with us...?"

"Yeah... why?"

"But... didn't you say... that she's crazy?"

"Tsshhk!! Yeah! Crazy in bed...!!" Ted laughs.

"Oh. So... you two... have...?" Michael says suggestively, raising his eyebrow.

"Fuck yeah dude! Three times in one day..." he brags arrogantly. "Gamer girls are wild man... she's like a horny rabbit... bucking her hips and riding me like..."

Michael smiles real big and Ted notices his eyes looking past him. Ted turns around and sees Natalie standing behind him. "Oh..." he says, in a scared voice.

"Sounds like an interesting conversation you were having..." she says, maintaining a closed eye smile. "Excuse us please." she says to Michael. She then grabs Ted's arm and drags him away through the crowd. Michael smiles, feeling happy for his friend, and also for Natalie too. He hopes things work out between them.

A short while later, Maria comes back over. "Sorry for making you wait."

"No, not at all."

"So uhh..." she crosses her arms behind her back and looks out towards the crowds. "Do you wanna... dance for a bit?" she asks.

"Yeah, alright." Michael responds happily.

She holds out her hand, to which he takes, and they walk out onto the dance floor together. The music is currently slow, and so they stand together, his hands on her hips, and hers on his shoulders, and they begin to move slowly, turning as they go. They both blush as they stare into each other's eyes. Michael admires her beauty and his heart rate quickly increases. Her cute smile, and the way her eyes blink while looking at him, makes him feel unbelievably happy. He can't help but smile, which in turn makes her smile back more.

Maria then leans in and lays her head on Michael's shoulder, gently nuzzling her face into his neck. He wraps his arms around her and holds her tightly as they continue to slowly dance in a circle. Maria's beautiful scent fills Michael's nostrils, and he sighs slowly, enjoying the intimacy. Feeling her soft body resting against him, and gently petting her hair, makes his heart throb with happiness. He never imagined that his life would end up like this. He wonders how he got so lucky.

Nearby Sarah and Steve dance, and they are drawing a lot of eyes because of how cute they look together. They playfully dance, doing moves that don't match the music at all, and just laugh and smile, and have a great time. It inspires some of their onlookers to loosen up and have more fun too.

Michael and Maria continue dancing for a little while, and then they decide to go around and do all the other things they have there. They do the funny photo, where there's the big wooden plank, with cartoon characters painted on it and holes for their faces. Then they go to the fortuneteller, who tells them they'll be rich and famous one day. Michael then buys Maria a rose from the flower stand. Afterwards they enjoy some of cake and fruit punch. Michael looks out towards the stage and sees Ted and Natalie passionately making out in the back corner. "I guess that means she's not mad at him..." he mumbles to himself.

As the evening progresses and the event slowly comes to a close, people start to leave. Maria's friend Stacey comes over and tells them about the after-party she's having at her house, and that the two of them are invited. Maria looks to Michael and he nods, saying 'sure.'

They all leave together and get into the Stacey's minivan, and head over to her house, followed by a few other cars with people. Once they get there, they stand around outside for a bit as the sun starts to set. Michael feels a bit like a fish out of water, as he doesn't really know any of them. But Maria slowly introduces him around to all her friends and their dates. They all seem really nice and welcome him kindly. Someone then complains that they are getting bit by mosquitoes and so they all agree to go inside.

Once inside, they turn on some music and put out some snacks and drinks. Then Stacey brings out some alcohol and shot glasses for everyone. Neither Michael nor Maria are drinkers, but they decide to have some anyway, just to have fun this one time. Over the next little while they each take a few shots, and slowly start to relax and enjoy the party.

Some of the girls start dancing to the music while others hang out and socialize. Maria and Michael sit together at the table and chat. After a while it becomes noticeable that Maria has succumb to the effects of the alcohol. Her cheeks are red and she starts touching Michael, and giving him cute flirtatious looks. He himself feels more relaxed, as he opens up more and chats confidently with people who he'd just met.

Maria takes one more shot together with Michael, and then she joins her friends in the middle of the room. Michael watches and admires the way she moves her body as she dances to the music. Her hips sway and tease him, activating the part of his brain that looks for signals of feminine fertility. Her body looks so perfect in his eyes. Her curves just scream: sex, sex, sex -- to the point that it's very distracting.

Michael turns back to the table, to get his mind off Maria's body for a minute. He helps himself to some chips and dip, and then one of the guys says "Who invited Chris...?" Michael looks up and sees a guy walking out of the kitchen, who he doesn't recognize. He looks to be about 5' 10" tall, with an athletic build.

"Who's that?" Michael asks.

"Chris... Maria's ex boyfriend..." the guy says.

Michael's eyes immediately widen. He watches as Chris slowly makes his way over towards Maria. They start talking, and Maria looks very uncomfortable and upset. Michael can't hear what they're saying. Then suddenly Chris reaches for Maria's arm, and she quickly pulls away from him. Michael immediately stands up and walks over to them. When he gets there, he clears his throat and calmly says to Chris, "Get lost."

Chris looks at Michael like he just kicked his dog. "Are you fucking serious...?"

Some whispered voices can be heard from around the room as people start to take notice of what's happening. Michael then steps between Chris and Maria, with his arms folded and stands there, not moving.

Chris grabs Michael's shirt and then opens his mouth to say something--

"HEY!!" a voice shouts. "Nope! Get out!" Stacey storms over and slams her hand hard against the couch. She scolds Chris hard, and he leaves in a huff. She apologizes to Michael, saying "...he looked pretty drunk... he must've showed up on his own."

Michael looks over to Maria who has now plopped down on the couch, with her hand on her forehead. He sits down next to her and she turns to him and apologizes. "Sorry that you had to get involved with that guy... I got really scared when he tried to grab me... but then you showed up." she smiles. "Thank you."

"Don't worry about it. You should probably thank your friend Stacey too. She scared him off better than I could have." Michael says jokingly. "But uh... I just couldn't stand by and let him assault you like that..."

"You're a really good boyfriend..." she slumps over and wraps her arms around him, hugging him. She then looks up, and then slowly and awkwardly lifts her legs up onto the couch, and then scoots herself into Michael's lap, so that she's straddling him and hugging him. He can feel her body pressing firmly against crotch and he focuses hard, trying not to get a boner.

She rests her head on his shoulder and stays like that humming softly. She then turns her head and kisses Michael's cheek. He turns towards her and kisses her on the lips. Maria then sits up and faces him straight on. She doesn't kiss him or even say anything. She just holds her face in front of his and admires him, looking into his eyes. They stay like that for a minute, and then she leans in close and whispers into his ear, "I want you to take me back to your place and fuck me as hard as you can..."

Michael's dick flexes when he hears this, and Maria giggles. "I totally felt that..." She then kisses him on the lips, and Michael can no longer hide his arousal. His dick twitches again, and he starts getting hard. "C'mon... let's go to your place... I wanna ride your dick so badly..."

They call for a taxi, and in less than five minutes it shows up. They say goodbye to everyone and then head out. While in the taxi, they passionately kiss and Maria gently teases Michael's hardness through his pants. She then moans softly as he cups and squeezes her breast. His playfulness excites her, and she eagerly pushes her tongue into his mouth, unable to contain her desire to fuck his brains out. The taxi driver loudly clears his throat as they arrive at Michael's house. They chuckle and quickly pay him, then get out and stumble up to the door.

Michael stops, turns and looks at Maria, and then puts his finger to his lips. "Shhh... I don't want my parents to know we were drinking..." Maria nods.

Michael very gently turns the knob, and slowly pushes the door open just a crack. He then pokes his head inside and looks around. He doesn't see any lights on, so he signals for her to follow him, and they slowly and quietly sneak in. He gently closes the door behind them, then awkwardly and clumsily fumbles up the stairs with his erection flopping around in his pants, while trying not to laugh. Once they get to the top, the floor is carpeted and they can walk normally down the hall to his bedroom. They finally get inside and shut the door.

They immediately start kissing again, even more passionately than before. Michael presses Maria up against the wall and she let's out a soft sexual moan. He starts kissing her all around her mouth and cheeks, then slowly moves down her neck and kisses her collar bone. He then slides the strap of her dress off and starts kissing her shoulder. She makes a really cute noise and Michael looks into her eyes, and can tell she is getting really turned on.

Maria starts unbuttoning Michael's shirt, first removing the vest, and then his undershirt. She slides his clothes off his shoulders, dropping them onto the floor. She then grabs his belt and stares intensely into his eyes while biting her lip. She slowly unbuckles him. Michael's breathing gets deeper and faster as the anticipation and excitement builds. He's been waiting for this all day long. His pants finally come off and drop to the floor. Maria admires the massive lump in his underwear, gently rubbing and teasing it as she kisses him, and feeling him twitch and shake with desire.

"Mmmm... you're so fucking hard Michael..." she whispers. "How badly do you wanna fuck me...?" she teases in a sexy voice.

"Ohh god... I want you more than anything baby... I can't take it..."

Maria smiles and then starts to unzip her dress. She pulls the straps off her shoulders and then slides the dress down and off her body. She then removes her bra and panties, and stands before him completely naked.

"Oh my god Maria... you're so fucking hot..." he whispers. Maria takes Michael's hand and leads him over to the bed. She then sits down on the edge and takes hold of his boxers, and pulls them down to the floor. Michael's cock springs up, throbbing hard in her face. She wraps her fingers around his shaft and gently strokes him. "Oh yess... oh my god..." he moans. She then leans in and touches her tongue to the head of his penis. "Oh fuck... baby please..." he begs. Maria giggles and then slowly rolls her lips over him. Michael's panting gets heavier, and she starts to slide her mouth back and forth on him. "Oh fuck baby... oh my god... yess..." Her tongue wiggles from side to side along the underside of his shaft and it sends a wave of intense pleasure through his whole body.

Maria then suddenly pulls away and stands up, pushing Michael onto the bed. She gets on top of him, straddling him. "I can't take it Michael... I need you inside me now..." she moans, taking hold of his cock. Michael admires Maria's perfect sexy body as she gently rubs the head of his penis against her mushy wet lips, lubricating him with her juices. He feels the tip get warm, as he enters her. "Oh god..." he moans. Her warmth then slowly engulfs his entire manhood, and he lies back, enjoying the feeling her body on top of him.

"Mm-baby..." Maria moans, feeling Michael's hardness fill her hole. She starts rocking her hips back and forth, placing her hands on his chest. She pants and moans as her body enjoys the sensation of Michael's manhood pulsing inside her. "Oh fuckkk..." she cries. She then lifts herself up and then slams herself back down on him hard. "MMM!! Fuckk!!"

"Oh my god baby..." Michael cries. The sound of her wet pussy slaps loudly against him. Maria starts continuously sliding up and down on his cock, with her juices squishing and making such a sexy noise. Her ass slaps hard against his thighs and Michael enjoys the sight of her flawless, teenage breasts bouncing in his face. His excitement levels increase even more and he feels his hips wanting to thrust up into her. As she begins to get tired, Maria collapses down onto Michael's chest. He then tightly wraps his arms around her and starts fucking her.

"Oh fuck... oh fuck... yess... fuck me!" she moans. Michael eagerly thrusts up into her.

"Oh my god... your pussy feels so amazing Maria... jesus... fucking... gguuggghhh...." He grabs her ass cheeks and starts to really slam her hard. Their sweaty bodies slide together, and Maria's panting becomes full-on moaning. Michael feels intense pleasure fill his entire body with a heavenly tingle -- oozing around his face and the back of his neck. "Oh baby... oh fuck baby... I'm so fucking happy... I fucking love you!"

"I love you Michael... I love you more than anything... nmm-yess... fuck me hard... I'm so close..."

Michael grabs her, then rolls himself on top of her. He holds himself up on his elbows and then starts thrusting his cock as hard as he can into her pussy.

"OH MY GOD!! YESS!! OH FUCK!! YESS!! I'M CUMMING!!" she cries. Michael can feel her pussy clenching tightly around his cock, and this sends him over the edge. He looks into her beautiful face and explodes. He starts shooting his cum inside her, feeling multiple satisfying spurts blast into her body.

"Yess... I can feel cumming inside me... oh my god..." she moans softly. They then start kissing as he holds himself still.

He slowly pulls out, and then collapses on the bed beside her. She then cuddles up next to him as they catch their breath together. He then hugs her tightly and kisses her on the cheek.

Maria loudly sighs. "I want to stay here with you... in your arms... I want to do this every night."

"If it was up to me, I'd have you live with me, so that we can do this every night..."

"Do you think your family would be okay if I started staying here...?"

"Hmmm... maybe... but even if not... I'm planning to get my own place this fall, for when I go to college... you can definitely live with me then."


"Yes, of course."

Maria smiles warmly, and hums. "I hope you're ready for all the fun we're going to have this summer... I'm gonna fuck you every day..." Michael's penis twitches and he starts to get hard again. "I'm gonna make you the happiest guy in the world..."

"Holy fuck... I wanna fuck you again... right now..."

Maria giggles. "Okay baby... let's do it!"


Author's Note: The next chapter (Chapter 10) will be the final chapter of this story.


2020-10-17 01:47:31
good story!


2020-10-07 17:19:38


2020-10-01 05:42:50
Sara & Steve? I 10 more chapters please

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