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The crew picks up young Johnny at the truck stop, then head for the lake to set up camp.
The Camp Out PT 1

The b o y was standing by the trailer---holding his big gulp, mouth open, just staring.

Dustin gave me a light tap to the belly and points at him. “Check him out, Matthew—dude's in heaven”. I give a chuckle, “ya—what dude wouldn't be”.

The trailer load of quads was a site—we got stares and on-lookers every time we stopped. Two trailers, actually, the other truck was still at the gas pump. Eight flashy 4-wheelers, all polished up looking like they were brand new. Any healthy b o y would get a boner, :)

“You like the quads ?” Dustin asked the b o y as we approached.

“Oh maaaan” was all he could get out. Damm good lookin k I d. Looked about 16 or so.

You could see his pit hair from under the rag top he was sportin. Moderate bush—jet fuckin black. Yup—he was sexy as fuck.

“You ever ride one”? Dustin asked the b o y. “Ahhh heck no—I never even sat on one—just a fantasy”. Dustin turned to me with a gleam in his eyes—I could tell—he was already excited. About that time the b o y's parents walk up. “Come on Johnny—let's go—leave them bois alone”. I turned to the 'dad', “Oh no sir—he's not bothering us at all”. “Ya” Dustin pipes in— “we like showin off”. The dad replies “Ya—I can see that” as he scans the truck stop left and right at the 4 vehicles and 20 some b o y s.

“So Johnny –hop on up dude—take a seat—any one ya want” chimes in Dustin again.

Johnny slams his big gulp into his dad's chest, and bolts for the trailer. Hopping right up on 'big red'. Big ass Honda Foreman—it was one of the bigger quads. He straddles it with his long legs and grabs the handle bars. Perfect fit. His whole face lights up like it was Christmas. Again, all he could muster was “ohhh maaaan”. “Go ahead dawg—fire it up !” shouts Dustin again. “No—come on son, we need to get going”. “Ahh dad—we ain't in no hurry !” shouts back Johnny to his dad. Now Johnny's mother has walked up--”What's going on hun”? Johnny's dad just replies to his wife--- “ahhhh” waving his arms.

“I don't even know how to start one of these things” Johnny responds to Dustin, ignoring his dad. Dustin shakes his head, grinning. “Little red button, yo—right there at your right thumb”. Johnny hits the button, and the quad comes to life. He lets out a slight yelp, like a little girl. Dustin and me just giggle. Johnny's mom has folded her arms now, with a look of agitation on her face. “Rev it up dawg—don't be skeered” shouts Dustin again. Johnny gives the throttle a few yanks. His legs squeeze tight against

the seat, and he starts to giggle himself, grinning from ear to ear now.

“Honey we really need to get going—it will be dinner time soon”.

“Ya—come on Johnny—you had your fun”.

Johnny hops off the bike hanging his head. Short lived fantasy for sure. Dustin couldn't stand it. “Matthew—maybe we could invite Johnny to come with us !”

“Oh thank you bois—that's real generous—but I don't think we could drop our son at a truck stop with a bunch of bois we don't even know” responds Johnny's dad.

About this time another man is walking up to us, wearing one of the truck stop uniform shirts. “Are these bois bothering ya'll ?” he asks as he approaches. “Oh no sir—our son here was just admiring the 4-wheelers” responds Johnny's dad. “So Matthew—I guess you bois are out to terrorize the lake again”? “Yes sir, Mr. Johnson—best as we can do it” I respond enthusiastically. “Aight then, I'll get that second ice machine fired up for you bois. Ya'll be safe now---and hollar if you need anything”. “Thanx Mr Johnson”

Johnny's dad looks over at me, “Second ice machine?” “Oh yes sir—we just about wiped out the first one—prolly $200 worth of ice” “OMG” responds Johnny's mom---why so much?” I respond with a chuckle, “Well ma'mm, you see that pick up over there at the pump, with all those totes in it? That's food”. “OMG—that would be enough food for an army!” exclaims the mom. “Well, yes ma'mm—20 plus b o y s in the woods for a week—that is an army !” I proclaim.

“HEY MATTHEW—we ready to roll dawg !” shouts someone from across the lot. “Aight then –take off—we will catch up !” I shout back. “Matthew, I need to pee real quick”. “Aight lil bro—hurry up”. “Come on Johnny” I grinned at my lil bro—I knew what he was up to. I continue to chit chat with Mr. and Mrs. Abernathy—we finally exchanged names. I invited them to come out to the lake with us. “It's a show all itself just to watch these b o y s un pack and set up camp. I takes pretty much the rest of the day—no ridin today. Just set up, opening ceremonies—and food !” “Food ?” Mr. Abernathy raises his eyebrows. “Oh yes-sir—opening night—BBQ !!” Mr. and Mrs. Abernathy exchange glances, and with a shrug of their shoulders agree to join us. “Excellent” I proclaim. Dustin and Johnny come walking back out of the truck stop—Dustin with a slight smirk on his face, slightly nodding his head up and down. Thought so—he done checked out Johnny at the piss trough :)

Everyone piles in the various vehicles and we head for the lake. Dustin elbows me in the ribs as we climb into the jeep. “I swear Matthew—by midnight tonight, that bois shit is gonna be all over my dick!”
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