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My mom's boyfriend left me a letter after I finally got them to break up. In it he explains all the fucked up stuff he did to her sexually and how so much of it is my fault. What do you think I should do now?
My mom and her boyfriend of the last five years just broke up. After my parents divorced, mom dated a few guys but settled on Jerry. I was old enough to hate anybody I thought was trying to replace my dad and I admit that I used every opportunity to drive a wedge between them and despite it all my mom was quite devoted to Jerry and even more so as the years went on. Now I know why. He and I had been bumbling heads and fighting a lot lately and eventually I convinced my mom to leave him. She had to choose me over some other guy, right? So he left a week or two ago and he was pissed off. Yesterday I got this email from him. Please read it and tell me what you think I should do.

Hey Jordan,

Now that your mom and I have split up, I wanted to tell you a few things. You're the man of the house now. I know that we haven't always gotten along even at the best of times and that us breaking up was in large part thanks to you, so I bet you feel pretty pleased with yourself now. Really you've always hated me and every effort to make us friends. So fuck it. Why bother make the effort? Instead, I am going to enjoy fucking with you one last time.

Let me tell you a story about last summer. Remember when you came back from your dad's place? You had been gone, what, eight weeks, right? And you remember your mom had been to that meditation retreat? And she got that hippie nose ring and was so spaced out for a few weeks afterward? She was so relaxed and quiet from all the hours of silence? Remember that shit? That's not what happened. That's just what she wanted to tell you. The truth is your mom spent eight weeks as a sloppy fucktard slave and she was in a state of shock when you got back. She fucked my friends and she fucked random guys, anything I wanted, for eight long weeks.

Your mom was just a dehumanized object of her own given will and she really got turned out too. Obviously this is meant to get you really mad, right? But the best part of all is that all of it is actually your fault.

Bullshit? No bullshit. See you had that English class you were failing. You had that talk with your mom and you promised her that you wouldn't fail the class because you'd be spending the summer with your dad and so you couldn't attend summer school to make it up? Remember that? Well your mom believed you. We got into a fight about it. I said you would fail. She said you wouldn't because you gave your word. I laughed at the idea that your word meant anything. That enraged her. So we made a deal.

She wanted me to eat my words. If you passed your English class I would buy you a car. But if you failed, then I wanted something of significant value, something you could stack up against the thousands of dollars that a car would cost. Honestly I got a bargain. She was so earnest and sincere in her faith in her son that she sold her dignity cheap. We agreed if you failed that she would become my slave for the entire two months that you were gone. So that the moment we dropped you off at the airport, she agreed to forego any independent freedoms without expressed permission.

The first thing I did was revoke her freedom to speak. Only animal noises. Grunts. Oinks. You know. See why she was so spaced out when you came home? She hadn't spoken in eight weeks. In fact, she hadn't received any respect in that time really. She had agreed to be my property and I didn't play nice with my new toy. Still don't believe me?

You noticed her nipple rings. Even through a bra those big thick rings are easily spotted, aren't they? I saw you staring. You never asked her about them, even though they were hanging right there in front of your face? Well I made her get them a long time ago, close to when we started going out. She would say she agreed to what I wanted and that nobody made her do anything. There's definitely some truth to that, but it's also true that she flat out refused the idea when I first mentioned it and she didn't like them after she went and got them pierced. She's stopped bemoaning every time we stretch to a bigger guage, so I suppose that's some kind of progress. Over the eight weeks that summer we moved up two sizes of thickness. That's why they became so obvious through her shirts. You're welcome again.

I had all eight weeks planned out to the letter. The moment we made the bet I started making designs on how I wanted to make the most of my winnings. That's how I got her to use all her vacation time finally and I promised that if I lost, if you had passed your class and I bought you a car, as part of her counter negotiating against her freedom and dignity that I also take her on a Bahamas cruise. She agreed, of course. You didn't let me down, boy. You let her down. Way down. Anyway, here is a breakdown of what we did each week that helped contribute to breaking your mom. Sorry I skip out on so many details but you can ask her about it later maybe!

Week 1: The first week was all just fun, fuckery, establishing the rules. No speaking unless asked to speak. Surprising how little you ask of someone whose opinions aren't desired. We spent time building her look and her confidence. On day two we went to the piercing place and got her nipple rings stretched up a guage. We also got her nose pierced, septum and each nostril and a barbell through the bridge of her nose. It was all very tribal and privative. The rest of the week was all games and play time.

I had already fucked every hole she had but now, at my own whim, she became a multiplug for me or anything I felt like. I would simply say, "assume the position" and she would spread her legs apart and bend over for easy access or depending on the situation she would get on all fours or even mount a big dildo stuck to a wall or door and bring herself off. She ate her food from a dog bowl on the ground for every meal. Most days in the first two weeks her hands were bound tightly in fist like paws with black electrical tape so she learned to eat from the bowl like a dog, with her face. If she had to pee, she did it out on the lawn in the yard like a real bitch. The first two weeks were about stripping her down and normalizing her new status as property. You might think your mom is a strong person and in many ways you're right, but at her core is a submissive needing to be given purpose. That's all much easier when she is stoned, so constant weed intox was instrumental at the start.

Week 2: Time was crucial if I wanted to truly reprogram your mother from the opinionated strong woman she was into a quivering pile of sex meat then I wanted to make sure I was thorough. These seven days were spent in isolation, focused on dedicated fuckmachine training and limbering stretches. Getting used to 24hr plug wear. The actual fuck machine settings weren't all day long of course, but in between there were plenty of other chores for her to do. Cooking and cleaning and all the domesticity I demanded. If she had to pee, she still did it out on the lawn like an animal. Still no talking, so she would scratch at the door to let me know.

There was also very little sleeping in that week. Nights were spent locked in manacles that held her head up, looking forward on all fours with a large dildo locked in place deep inside her fully. In front of her face within a foot I put the 50 inch flat screen with filthy porn non stop.

The dildo increased in size on Wednesday and Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday I put LSD in her food without telling her at breakfast and within a half hour it started working and I had her locked into a six hour fuck session on the fuckmachine and screen time to fully reprogram her. It's not as horrible as you might imagine. I kept her well lubed and hydrated and watched her cum over and over again until she was truly broken and crosswired and a blank slate.

Week 3: Rebuilding her now was going to be much easier. Gotta remember kid, this was voluntary. I know it seems like I did this to her, but she was a willing participant. Or at least a good loser when you didn't come through for her. Of course, yes two weeks of dehumanization and psychedelic fuck session weren't going to literally wipe her mind out, but I think we made a nice dent. The last weeks forced cycle of stretching poses and increasing dildo thickness helped ready her for her introduction to fisting.

Her new wardrobe of clothing, all from pornsites, had arrived. Week three was the first time in over 14 days that she left the house and we used the opportunity to stretch the guages of all her piercings. When we would go out, your mother's outfits would consist of a cupless bra that help to lift her tits up, making her nipples visible through the sheer fabric of her one piece stretchy slut dress that had no sleeves, low cut front, back and sides and hemmed three inches below her asscheeks, which was embarrassing because instead of panties she wore her plug.

Instead of sleeping in the manacles I upgraded her to a nice big kennel that we put in the laundry room. I also taught her little hand signals when I wanted her to fuck someone else. Tried that out on some missionaries that came knocking on the door, church of the light of son of the rays of latter day saints or something. She got his pants off and cock in her mouth before he ran off. He kept saying he couldn't except that he already had! Lol

Week 4: At the end of week four I had a poker night and invited my buddies over. Your mom served them all drinks in her skimpy attire. I told them all about our bet. Don't worry, nobody was upset you flunked out, we all had a big laugh and as the night went on, each of them had taken their moment to fondle her, or slip a few fingers in her from behind with no objections. You'd be surprised how accepting your mom was of all this craziness. And yeah, they all fucked her before they left.

Week 5-8: We can't spend all day going through all the weeks but lets just say, some of your friends fucked her. Some of your neighbors fucked her. I took her to an amateur strip contest in a really shitty bar, she didn't win and I put her to work in the back where there was a local gloryhole. After she performed her striptease for the room, a parade of degenerates followed her into the bathroom and lined up for their turn.

The last two weeks she spent pimped out of a motel room off the highway with 9 to 5 hours before coming home ragged and then put back in her kennel until she was needed again. She was hosed down and still expected to perform her domestic charges, cooking and cleaning silently.

Still with me, son? Lol I know you are. Those were just eight weeks because you failed that one class. You gave your worthless word and your mommy had to sell her cunt because you failed her. She only took out the extra peircings that afternoon, after she put back the house to a normal working appearance with her big dog kennel bed back in the garage. She wasn't even permitted to speak until it was to you, so those croaky weird sounds she made were her first words to anyone in two months. Funny story, after the bet was over and you came home and she hugged you and spoke her first words and we had an early dinner that she cooked. That entire time she was still wearing her anal plug. I guess after two months straight it became pretty comfortable.

Now you might think I consider telling you this as my revenge. That I am just saying some mean shit about your mom, even if it is true. Maybe you think that I just want to hurt your feelings and sure, that's nice too. The truth is that my full revenge on you will likely take years, if not the rest of your life to work through, because I know how your twisted mind works. Now that you know how broken she is, it would take so little for you to use her like the cock sleeve she now yearns to be and if you don't do it I guarantee she will find some other guy. Can you handle that? She will literally do anything sexual you can think of. Could you even keep up with her? And even if you don't fuck her, because you're a pussy, not because you have any morals, even then you're still stuck knowing the truth and watching every boyfriend or guy she brings home, wondering what she does for them. But I think you'll do it. Now that you know what she is and what she can do, who's turning down the best fuck of their lives just because its your mom?

Have fun, you little prick,


So obviously you can see my problem. I don't want some new step dad guy plowing my mom, especially the kind of guy who would pursue the sort of freak my mom is now. So it's not a question, I am going to start fucking my mom. The problem is how. Should I get her drunk and start up with her? Or maybe tell her about the letter and help her see this is the best option? Or should I just treat her like property right out of the gate and set the new parameters for our relationship?

What do you guys think? What would you do? Comment below.


2024-03-31 18:31:54
It’s like all his birthdays and Christmas’s have come at once. His own personal fuck toy.


2022-03-01 01:28:05
Tell her I want some


2020-10-23 02:45:14
I agree with Sadisic_Dominant. That guy did you a great favor. He broker her in for you. Maybe train her to be your toilet as well.


2020-10-18 21:49:34
Take the opportunity offered! Fuck all of her holes and whore her out to buy yourself a car. Sure you can get some good prices for a gangbang slut. Just enjoy yourself using her.


2020-10-06 23:20:51
A 357 bullet between the fuckers eyes to start with. First shoot him in the balls, then between the eyes. Or piano wire tightly around his soft dick and then bring your mom in to get him horny and as his dick grows it gets cut off. Mom needs a lot of love and care, treat her well. Keep her well fucked but do it with care.

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