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New Yorker coming to terms with his sexual past in this great city. I will be posting true stories from my past. Names and dates have been changed.
If you knew NYC in the late 90’s / early 2000’s Chelsea was a haven for the Queer, and LGBT community (still is today). With the sudden shift in wholesome family entertainment sweeping the city all of the sex shops needed a new home away from Times Square. Happily the neighborhood welcomed business owners with arms wide open. I myself worked in the area, and was super comfortable with the vibe that surrounded the streets.

With that, this story takes place around 20 years ago. At the time I was a young hard working project manager of a construction company and our office was in the heart of that wonderful neighborhood.

Her name was Heidi. There she was waiting for me outside my job. I was more confused than anything because I was leaving early and I believed I didn’t tell anyone. Seeing her was the last thing I wanted. I had plans later that evening, and some errands I had to take care of before going home.

She ran up to me and gave me a kiss. I quickly asked her what she was doing here, and with a quick response told me that I mentioned last week that I’d be leaving early today.

How to even explain Heidi. She was this beautiful Pennsylvania Dutch farm girl. Strawberry blonde at 5 foot 8 inches. Green eyes heightened by coke bottle glasses, long legs that drew up to a large ass. Finally a slim waist that showcased her extremely firm 34c breasts which just defied gravity. Of course she was a country girl who came to the big city seeking that singing career. Her plan, typical to anyone in that career path was to work various retail jobs till she would hit that goal. We met by chance at an off broadway show, and hit it off from there. I was almost 10 years her senior, but she didn’t care. We didn’t have much in common, but the sex was always intense. The year we spent together was both liberating and quite exhausting. She was always more outgoing in the bedroom but lord have mercy I tried to keep up. Always asking to be choked, spanked, or tied up. We had a good thing going, but what ruined it was my lack of desire for a long term relationship.

She was waiting for me because I have been brushing her off. Trying to make an impression I was always busy with work. I was also dealing with family issues and trying to salvage any shred of a social life with friends. Still there she stood before me. I was at a total loss for words.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” I asked in a high pitched awkward sort of way.

“I knew you were getting out early today so I hung around hoping to see you. You haven’t returned my voicemails today.” She said in this nervous tone. “I know you are super busy, but I’m here to pick you up. How about we could go back to my place, order a pizza and stay in”. She said as she pushed out her chest and shined with her brightest smile.

She was waiting for a specific response, but I was lost between her batting her stunning green eyes, or her white ribbed top. Distraction is a word, this was a shirt so tight everyone couldn’t help but see her outline. She knew I was a breast man, and she was playing me like a fiddle.

“I’m so sorry Heidi, I just have so much to do”. Speaking softly with words full of lies, as I continue with a false smile. “I have to take care of a few things here, and then I have to head home and deal with some family stuff”. This wasn’t the answer she was looking for, but she agreed to walk around with me in the neighborhood. I took her for a coffee and she came with me while I conducted some business at the post office.

I reminded her I was pressed for time as I started heading towards the train station. She wrapped herself around my arm and we passed by an adult porn shop. She asked if we had time to pop in for a bit, just a little while. I told her I was pressed, but she reminded me of how much I do enjoy our time in adult stores together.

Looking back I never did have a partner who enjoyed going up and down the aisles at a Sex Shop like Heidi. She had an eye for detail carefully looking for the most ridiculous DVDs to show me in an attempt to discover my kink. It was as if she actually loved the cheesy toys and the smell of cleaning chemicals. That soft pale skin under those horrific fluorescent lights was quite a sight. Her thrill would be teasing older men with her sexuality. If she knew we’d go shopping she’d wear tight clothing or even remove her bra to highlight her bouncy shape. She grew more confident over time asking men for recommendations of films they enjoy. Often they would shy away, but other times they would hold lengthy conversations. Talk about a kid in the candy store. There were several stores she was comfortable in, but no matter what store she was in she was always intrigued by what was happening in the back of the shops. The roped off area where the booths lie. Where men go in and stay a while. She asked a few times what happened back there. She wasn’t niave about what men do in the shadows, but she wondered if women were allowed to venture. I teased her many times that I’ll take her back to the Gloryhole. I even purchased a DVD for her about that world. I’d always fool around and tell her if she doesn’t hurry up I’ll take her back there. Little did I know that I planted a seed, and with enough time all things grow.

Novelty Bookstores, Adult Stores or Sexual Shops all had their own layouts. Most shops had movies and toys up front with booths in the back. There was this one shop in particular that had it on the second floor. Just so happens that was her favorite shop, but she never set foot up there. Sadly that was a few blocks past my train station. The one we passed instead was just a dirty hole where you’d just get your lube, condoms or overpriced movies. I typically didn’t want to be in there longer than I'd like to be, but she didn’t mind it.

“Come on, let’s just look for a little fun,” she said. Killing me with her smile. I told her I didn’t have time, so we walked on by. She was at the point where she just wanted to get me to stay or go back with her.

When we arrived at my station she made her last offer. She didn’t want me to go home, and she was serious about wanting me to go back with her. I really didn’t have skin in the game, but she made her offer anyway.

“Don’t go” she said in her softest voice. She pulled me close to give me a piece of her mind. “Come home with me. Come back with me so I can suck your cock”. She was tugging at my heart or actually my belt buckle as she just kept whispering “I want to suck your cock”.

I wanted to give in, but I kept telling her that I had to go. I was saying anything , even promising a weekend together. Trying to sell her on a line that if she can wait a few days and we’d be together. I already was running late, and this very public conversation wasn’t getting any easier. Quite hard if I had to put it into perspective.

Heidi’s attitude had a sudden change. “Don’t believe me? Fine, then take me to the back of the sex shop. I told you that I wanna suck your cock, let me suck your cock”, she said in a low but stern tone. Her hand visibly groping my crotch. Her eyes now focused, as if she was looking through me. She wasn’t kidding.

The shop on the corner of 25th street had the booths on the second floor. It was in viewing distance from the corner I was standing on. Considering I was already late, and growing short on patience I called her bullshit.

“If this is what you want, then fine by me”. I grabbed her wrist and started walking towards the shop. It was around 3 in the afternoon on a Tuesday, so the streets weren’t too busy. The shop should be empty, and I just wanted this over. I repeated “you want this, fine. Just do everything I say”. I was giving her every opportunity to get out of this.

She nodded in agreement. Her confidence was fading. Maybe because I was holding her wrist too tight, or maybe it was my attitude. Honestly thinking back right now I didn’t give her enough time to change her mind. I know she bit off more than she could chew.

Few minutes later we open the door and the first thing you see is the staircase on the left, and the checkout counter is on the right. The only person we see is the middle eastern guy behind the counter reading a newspaper. Still holding her wrist we made a straight line for the stairs. I wasn’t giving her the time. That’s when I found the three men just standing around waiting for something to happen. When I turned to the landing it was two middle eastern men, both in their 40’s talking to each other. One one of the two clearly worked there by what he was wearing. Finally there was an older tall spanish guy in the corner just loitering by the wall of DVD’s that are ***********ions in the booth. The room was lit, mainly being surrounded by windows, and the shades being white. There was no sneaking in and out.

It was a small room. Just four buddy booths across the back wall. We stuck out like sore thumbs and with my current mood I didn’t give a fuck who saw us. Heidi on the other hand was definitely nervous. Her hands were sweating, she could still back out, but didn’t say a thing.

Booth guy asked me if we needed small bills, but I nodded no. We just walked by him straight to the booths. That's when he barked at me that we couldn’t share. Since I didn’t have any plans to share a space we continued over.

Took her to booth number 3, then I pulled out some bills and tore off $20. I put it in her hand and told her to feed the machine. I deliberately held her there and spoke slowly. I asked that she remove her top and bra. I explained loud and clear how this might get messy. I told her to listen out for two knocks on the wall. She seemed confused, so with a laugh I said “that’s the universal sound that a guy’s about to shoot his load” With that I let go of her hand, pushed her in and closed her door. I entered the booth to the right of her.

I know I put her on display in that booth. There wasn’t a person in that room who wasn’t looking at her body when we walked in, and they all knew that the booth to her left was open and available. She was scared shitless, but this is what she wanted. I heard the machine take her money, and I also heard someone enter the door on the left of her.

I too fed the machine, $20 would be enough for a while. Like a purist I cycle for something to watch while I wait till she’s ready. That's when I heard her voice down below.

“What do I do now big boy”. I see her smiling face and hands through the slot about waist high. Just thinking about her face next to all that dried cum just started to get me going. I told her to hang on, that's when I heard another machine being fed. I was now flustered. The show was about to start and I was still wearing my blazer.

I undid my pants and let them drop to the floor. I bent down to see if she was ready, and was surprised that she took everything off. The light from her TV screen lit up her translucent body and I told her to get back on over here. Just like that she dropped to her knees and took the position. I pulled out my rock hard cock and stuck it directly into her waiting mouth. Just like that, instant relief. I closed my eyes and just felt wave after wave of pleasure as I felt the warmth of her tongue trying to get under my foreskin. She was hungry, and maybe a little too eager. Without any pace or patience she just started sucking like a hungry animal. My body pressed up against the wall, my hips all out of whack. I was a little too tall for this situation and I was beginning to panic that this wasn't going to work out. Then she stopped.

“Hey, there is a guy watching me. He’s trying to grab a feel”. She didn’t sound annoyed, but concerned. I told her to ignore him, “let him watch, just focus on me”. With that she went back to sucking for what seemed like forever, but it was no more than a minute when she stopped again.

“He’s trying to talk to me, he wants me to turn around”. She seemed pretty excited, “He said he wants to touch my titties”.

I’m standing there with my dick through a slit in the wall. My nervous and suddenly excited girlfriend is naked in the room one over from me. Now this stranger is trying to catch a feel off of her. This was spiraling out of my control.

I drop back down and tell her to turn around. “Baby I want to fuck you. Let’s give him something to watch”. Saying that made her eyes grow big.

With that I stuck my dick back into the hole, a moment later I just felt my cock get swallowed whole. She must have freshly shaved because her pussy was so wet and smooth that I almost came right there. Here I am filling her in the booth bareback and not even caring. I can feel the vibrations of her ass slapping the paper thin walls. We were matched in rhythm to my slight and awkward thrusts. She no longer has a filter and is moaning as we are just fucking. There is no secret in the room with the noise she is making. This goes on for more than a minute or two, that's when she stops again.

I punch the wall as I’m losing my mind with the starting and stopping. She comes back to the slit panicked to tell me he stuck his cock through the wall.

“Heidi” I snapped back. “What the fuck did you think was going to happen. I don’t give a fuck what you do. Suck him off, jerk him off or do nothing. I don’t care. Just put that ass back on the wall and fuck me”.

She just looked at me with a blank stare. Then her face disappeared. I put my cock back through the opening. What felt like more than a moment passed finally I felt her pushing back onto my cock. Her pussy was soaking wet.

We started getting back into rhythm, but this was different. She was more stationary, and less vocal. It was just as if her ass was pressed up against my opening. I could hear her grunting, but it was muffled. That’s when I knew she took his cock in her mouth. She loved oral, and given the opportunity she grabbed it. Just thinking about what she was doing. The warmth of her pussy. The sounds she was making, the sounds the guy two over was making. I swear I was going to explode.

Knock knock, but it wasn’t me.

She stopped her slight motion and slid off my cock. She was doing what I told her to do. Taking care of business, but graceful she was not. Heidi was making gag reflex choking sounds. She sounded like she took his load like a champ, but I lost my wet pussy. But before I pulled my cock back out she slid it back on. She was fucking me again. With gusto and thrusts. She was still coughing, but she was also talking to the guy. They were laughing and once again she resumed her moans of ecstasy.

I heard the door open, but it closed back with a slam. This must be guy number two. Money was being fed back into the machine. My head was already wondering who joined us the first time. Now I am left to wonder what was going to happen here.

It didn’t take long before she slowed down her pace to a full stop. Her moans were replaced with the slurping sounds of oral sex. Just hearing her slobber all over that cock I could tell she was in full lust. Just then I felt her pussy swell up and erupt. Heidi was a squirter and you better believe that I received a little backsplash, and that was enough for me to lose it.

Knock knock. This time it was me.

I don’t know why I thought she was going to have me finish in her mouth but then she started fucking the wall again.

Knock Knock.

I thought about pulling out but even I got lost in the moment. I placed my hands up against the wall as I shot rope after rope in her pussy. I felt like I dropped five or six streams into her. It just kept going, and she just pressed up her ass agaist the wall and screamed “FUCK YES”. She was just taking my load, and I wanted to collapse.

Just like that it was over. She slipped off my cock and without missing a beat she was servicing the other guy.

I was in disbelief. I just came in Heidi for the first time, and it was at a gloryhole. With that I started cleaning myself up so I could get dressed. I could hear the slobbering, and I just had to take a peek of what was going on. I laughed at the thought of her getting messy. What I saw was a woman in a squat position rubbing her pussy with one hand sucking a fucking huge cock. She really was a kid in the candy store. She was so focused she didn’t even notice that I put on my jacket and grabbed my bag. With that I stepped out.

The guy with the money belt who worked there was waiting outside my door. Apparently she took care of the other two guys and he was the last who wanted next. So I just stepped aside and let him in.

I walked over to the stairs and lit a cigarette and waited for Heidi to finish up. That is when I heard something that surprised me.

There was moaning, and grunting still finally she lost it. “Fuck. FUCK. FUCK ME HARDER…. HOLY SHIT” she screamed.

The rickety booths started shaking again. She must have not had enough. Her moans turned to screams to muffled sounds of gaging. She was being spit roasted again. She was cursing, moaning and making ungodly sounds. There was no filter, and you could hear crystal clear. I lit another cigarette, I figured this was going to take a while. I shook my head as I figured she mounted the big boy. But these guys didn’t stand a chance, it just took a few minutes.

Knock knock. From the left.

Knock knock. From the right.

I was so surprised that I actually choked on my cigarette. They were both cumming, and the thought of her trapped in the middle made my cock twitch. The sounds of two men groaning started giving me thoughts of a second round. My cock was throbbing in my pants, and given another few minutes I might have been ready to go. Sadly the sudden silence made it clear that the good times were over.

A few moments passed. The big cock booth opened first, and I was surprised it was the guy from downstairs. He just walked past me adjusting his pants and without missing a beat yelled something about how smoking was not allowed. Moments later the money belt guy’s door opened up and he walked past me without even looking at me. He just walked back downstairs.

I walked over to Heidi’s door and knocked. To my surprise she never even locked her door. I just opened it to find her on her knees. She looked exhausted, but the way the light caught her body she looked beautiful. The way her young body glistened with fluids, the moment captured forever in my mind. Just kneeling there with cum in her hair, across her face and chest. I told her that she should clean up, but she just stared at the floor with a blank face. Finally she looked up at me defeated, or maybe she was tired. None the less I grabbed the roll of paper towels off the wall in the booth and handed it to her. She didn’t say anything, and I didn’t ask. I helped her clean up a bit, and handed her clothes to her that she left folded on the booth chair. Got her dressed and left.

In less than 30 minutes she drained 4 guys and possibly took two creampies. She tried to talk to me as we were leaving, but I said it was okay. It was okay. I could tell she was tired.

We walked to the street corner and grabbed a cab back to her place. I told her we’ll take a shower and order some food. She seemed to like that idea.
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