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After a long day, Dustin and Johnny dissapear into their tent, again, and Matthew and Kelso get nite watch.
Camping Out PT 3

A couple of hours later, Dustin comes bustin into my tent. “Jeez Dustin---don't you see I'm fuckin here”, I let out in a loud whisper. “Oh sorry Matthew—fuck it's just Kelso. Here Matthew—taste this dick”. I open my mouth as I continued the onslaught I was giving to Kelso's ass, and Dustin crams his still half hard dick into me. I come off after a couple of seconds. “Damm Dustin—that dick is nasty”. Dustin lets out a light chuckle, “Ya—told you Id have that bois shit on my dick—I busted him up good” proclaims my lil bro proudly. “Well, tell me all about it tomorrow—let me finish up here”. “OK Matthew---later”

Dustin exits the tent, and I return my attention to Kelso's ass. I was getting pretty close to blowing when Dustin came in and stuck his dirty dick into my mouth. Now the taste of ass slime, jizz, and strawberry flavored lube lingered in my mouth. One quick whiff of my bushy ripe stinkin pit sent me over the edge. Grabbing Kelso my the waist with both hands, I gave a final slam into the depths of his guts, and unloaded. Nine shots of heavy jock goo go blasting into his ass. I continued the onslaught until totally spent, with Kelso now blowing his load all over my sleeping bag. Still on his belly, I bend down and spread his hairy cheeks, and lap up the bit of nut now oozing out of his hole. Rolling over on my back I light us up both a smoke. We toke them down and then stretch out for some sleep---tomorrow morning would come early.

Saturday morning---6:00 AM

Ta dot dodda dot, ta dot dotta dot

Ta dot daddaa dot da da da

Ok, if ya aint clever enough to figure that out, that was reveille.

Kenny Mattox belts out the whole thing on his bugle.

Two b o y s at the flag pole are raising the Americn flag, the Texas state flag, and our crew flag. Mr. Abernathy comes bolting out of their tent wearing just a pr of sweats. “Matthew—Matthew--what's that fuckin noise”? He asks in almost a panic. I flash a grin as Kelso and me emerge from our tent, bearing only our boxers, and about half a boner :). “Morning campers—as John Wayne would say--'were burning daylight” .

The line starts quickly as most of the b o y s line up for their first cup of coffee, as the smell of bacon and eggs quickly fills the air about the camp site. About 6 tables were set up, and I wave for the Abernathy's to join Dustin and me. Handing them some coffee, with the 'fixins' already on the table, Mrs. Abernathy exclaims about the awesomeness of the coffee. “Yes ma'mm—open fire camp coffee—best there is”. Corey appears in just a moment with plates of bacon, sausage, and eggs. Along with biscuits and gravy, and pours up more coffee. Some of the b o y s settle on logs or rocks for less elaborate food like cereal, or chocolate milk and pop tarts. “I must say Matthew—ya'll got a lot of organization here” Mr. Abernathy comments. “Ya—we've had about 3 years now to practice” I smile, as I take another sip of my coffee. We engage in a bit more chit chat as we scarf down the food. The three b o y s on KP are already clearing tables and picking up trash, packing up the morning food stuff, and preparing for lunch.

“Aight—gather round”. I start. “First of all, I want to introduce Johnny here—we picked him up at the truck stop yesterday”. A couple of snickers could be heard. “This here is his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abernathy—they may hang out with us a day or so as well, so be on your good behavior. Billy and Riley pulled watch last night—so they need to get some sleep. Dustin will take Johnny for first day training. Those three over there are already on KP. I will sit out today as well to co-ordinate stuff. The rest of you can go for the draw to see who rides first”.

I turn back to the table and ask “Bath house, anyone ?” Mr. Abernathy said he was fine, so me and Dustin and Johnny, along with his mom pile into the jeep and head up hill. We drop Mrs. Abernathy at the ladies, then proceed up the hill to the mens. As we walk in it's already filled with steam from other campers taking showers. I head for the piss trough to unload the morning stream, and Dustin heads for one of the stalls, I assume to take the morning dump. As I finish up, I see he's still in, so I don't bother him. Not sure where Johnny went. I walk back outside for a smoke, and finally after about 10 more minutes, Dustin and Johnny come walking out. “Jeez you two—what you doin in there?” I exclaim. Dustin just flashes a big ear to ear smile—damm, that's one horny

b o y.

We ride back to the ladies house and scoop up Mrs. Abernathy. Back at camp, most of the riders are already gone to the fields. You could hear the noise radiating throughout the woods. Couple of b o y s are throwing some darts, and the rest just milling around talking, enjoying the lake. Dustin takes Johnny right away to show him stuff he needed to learn. I resume chat with the Abernathy's. “We heard a bit of noise last night Matthew—is everybody ok”? Asked Mr. Abernathy. I flash a big smile and just reply, “Oh yes sir—just prolly some teen age boi stuff”. Mrs. Abernathy looked a bit perplexed, then Mr. Abernathy offers “oh—I get it” with a grin. Still looking perplexed, I offer up

“b oy s camping in the woods—sometimes they can get a bit horny”. Finally Mrs. Abernathy lights up, and the rest of us just chuckle.

We go on with idle chit chat, as we watch Dustin and Johnny. They got one of the quads up on blocks at the rear, as Johnny practices running it through the gears. Dustin has him outfitted in motocross gear, and I must say that was one hot lookin fuck :) “I think he's ready Matthew”. I give him a nod, and the two hop on the quad and head for the inner field. “Dustin will teach him how to fall off now” I offer in explanation. “Oh, could we watch that?” asks Mrs. Abernathy. “Ya—sure”. We walk over to the field where Dustin is taking a sharp turn to the right, and rolls off the 4-wheeler. Dropping his shoulder to the ground and rolling, he then jumps back straight up. “Aight dawg—now you—start slow dude, just go through the motions” instructing Johnny. Johnny does it perfect, about 5 times in a row. “Ya—he's got it Matthew—I think he's a natural”. Johnny gleams with pride. You could easily see the raging boner Johnny was now sportin inside his motocross pants. I think I was the only one to notice though.

We spend the next couple of hours just walking around camp, pointing out and explaining more stuff to the Abernathy's. After a while Dustin catches up to us. “Hey Matthew—three of the guys aint ridin—they decided to go fishin instead. They said Johnny and me could have their quads !” he proclaims with excitement. “OK then—but keep him in the small field, and take it easy. It's his first day—doesn't have the experience like the rest of you”. “Yes sir, Matthew” “And stay away from that Banshee---way too much power for you fucks”. “Yes sir, Matthew” and the two go running off like k I d s at Christmas. “Banshee ?” asks Mrs. Abernathy. “Racing quad—pro--Yamaha Banshee. That thing will go a hundred miles an hour. “Oh my” she exclaims.

The rest of us head back to center of camp, where the “KP b o y s” already have lunch stuff set up. We go for a sandwich, and a glass of ice tea. “Well John, I'm just most impressed with these b o y s. I think we can leave Johnny with them”. “Ya—me to, I think he will be fine”. As we finish up a few of the b o y s are riding in to the camp. “Re-fuel” they hollar, and then quickly ride back out. Dustin and Johnny ride back in as well. Johnny is ecstatic, and covered in mud. He takes off his helmet and exclaims “Oh dad—this is awesome”. You could clearly see the wet spot going down his right thigh—lol--the boi done busted a nut while riding—it happens :) They go for some gatoraide, and quickly ride back out. The Abernathy's finally decide to depart, and giving me the info to put Johnny on the 'roster'. Name, address, home phone, parents work, etc. I told them to come back Friday for 'closing ceremonies', and chili and dogs.

As dusk approaches later, the b o y s all start heading in—covered in mud and dirt, whooping and hollering like b o y s do. The 'KP' b o y s are manning the grills—tonight burgers and dogs. Later, as things quiten down, most of us gather around the fire. Couple of the b o y s are making smores. A few head uphill for showers, and Dustin and Johnny disappear into their tent. I just grin and think damm—by the end of the week, that boi is gonna have a gallon of jizz in his ass !

Kelso and me get nite watch. I go fish out a couple of beers from the cooler, and we walk up to the top of the hill surrounding the camp. I stretch out on the ground and pop the button of my moto pants. Kelso grins, and taking a big swallow of his beer dives rite into my crotch. Rubbing his face up and down the slick kevlar fabric, he gets me boned up in no time. I unzip them the rest of the way, and Kelso hauls out my 9” of thick vein poppin meat, and swallows me down. It didn't take long before I felt my thighs and abs tighten up. Grabbing him by the back of his head, I f o r c e my meat down his throat, and volley. Nine shots of heavy jock jizz go flying down the back of his throat, and he gobbles it up like a pro. Finally spent, and still holding his head down to my pubes, I then cut loose a powerful stream of steaming jock piss, filling his belly. He gulps most of it, spilling a bit over my pubs and balls. I grin at his accomplishments. Kicking back against the tree, and taking another swig of his beer, he lets out a loud burp. I just chuckle, and we just sit there in silence. We hardly ever spoke when we 'did it', like most of the guys . We were all pretty str8 really—the lake just gave us a chance to blow off some steam, and just have a good dirty time.

After a bit you could now hear Kenny, ever so softly playing taps on his bugle. He loved doing it. Finally camp is quite, and I light up a camp light and Kelso and me just quietly start playing cards. Nite watch was long—so you had to do something to stay awake.
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