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Dustin and Johnny return with a tall slender black dude---party is about to get serious
Camping Out PT 6

Dusk had arrived, although it was hard to tell due to the clouds. The wind was picking up as well. “Looks like rain, Matthew”, offered Blankenship. “Ya—we better get a crew and start setting up the canopy”. “Ya—I was afraid you were gonna say that”. I just grin, and we both chuckle. I ask Dustin to ride up to the rec center to see if he could get a weather report.

The canopy wasn't hard—it just took 5-6 guys to do it, and it typically took a couple of hours. It consisted of a series of poles that you just drove into the ground, then extended upwards. You could go from 6' up to 10'. Once all your poles were up, they all interlocked at the top by a series of cross bars, then you could drape the tarps over it. Instant roof ! We also had 'freezer flaps', like you would see in the grocery store leading back to the meat department that we would hang around the outer perimeter. It made for a makeshift gazeebo type structure. If ya got rained out, at least you could still come outside and sit around to play cards, or throw darts, or just whine and moan all day, lol.

Once assembled, it was about 20 X 20 feet. We would then drag all the tents to where their openings were under it.

Dustin comes back and reports definite rain in the forecast, possibly starting as early as midnight, then all day tomorrow---bummer. I told the b o y s on KP duty they better man the grills while the others started building the canopy.

After eating, and the canopy now up, the wind had picked up more, and a light drizzle had started. Dustin offers that the rec center had pool tables, and fooseball, so about half the b o y s hopped on quads and rode up for some evening activities. I helped Blankenship drag out the poncho's from the supply tent so we had those ready for going up to the bath house, or whatever.

Blankenship and me, and a couple others decided to try some cards, if the wind didn't blow them away, lol. With most of the younger b o y s at the rec center, we opted for some beers. The 'crew' completed the canopy in just a couple of hours, and I told them they were 'gold'. They just smiled, prolly not sure what that meant, lol.

“What about nite watch, Matthew”? “Hmmmm—prolly not many thieves out in the rain. They can just stay inside the camp, instead of up on the hill. Should still have them”. “10-4”

Dustin and the others return about midnight. No one was worried I guess about sleeping in tomorrow, since it most likely would be raining anyway. They brought back a dude with them, camping by himself, inviting him to hang out a while. Tall slender black dude---hmmm. “So who's that”? I ask Dustin. “His name is Andre—said he had a 10” dick. I invited him back to try out Johnny's ass, and he was all for it”. “Aight—just keep it quite—that's why Ray and Clay left”. “Gotcha Matthew”.

We lingered till about 3:00 AM before finally crashing. The rain had picked up now to a steady downpour. It was a bit chilly, so Kelso and me actually crawled IN our sleeping bags, lol.

The next morning I rose about 10:00. Peaking my head out of the doorway of the tent, I could smell coffee. Good enough. I slide into a pr of sweats, and a plain white tee. Sliding into my flip flops head out for some hot brew. The rain is still coming down. I pour up some coffee, then into the supply tent for some pop tarts. Sitting down at one of the tables, the wind has died down, just the rain. In a few Dustin emerges, and joins me.

He sets down grinning, as expected. “Oh gawd Matthew—you should have been there. So—we're just chillin in the tent, rite ? Nobody saying anything. We zipped the two bags together so the three of us could get in. In just no time, Johnny is down on Andre's dick. He's just mumbling, like 'oh fuck—oh fuck—oh fuck'. Johnny is giving him some awesome head, and gets him boned up real hard. Im pretty sure it's 10”, like he claimed”. Finally Johnny comes up, right—and just says 'fuck me'. Well, Andre is all worked up now, and don't hesitate to slide it to him. I don't know how, or with what he lubed up, but Johnny lets out a really long 'ahhhhh'. They go at it, but all you hear is Johnny gruntin like 'agg—aggg-agg' I'm about to laugh my ass off, and now I gotta boner too. So I gets up on my knees, and slide my dick into Johnny's mouth. He goes to work right away. We got the boi now from both ends, and he's like a fuckin slut

Matthew ! He's takin our dicks like nothing to it.

SO this goes on for like 30 minutes ! Then finally, Andre groans like really loud, and I hear a smack. And just as that thunder clap—you prolly heard it, Andre like unloads in Johnny's ass, and I unload in his mouth at the same time ! DAMM Johnny blows every fuckin where ! Just like in the bath house the other day. He got jizz on us, all over the sleeping bags, shit—he even hit Andre in the face”.

“Then what happened”? “Fuck—we just all rolled over and crashed out”.

“Hmmm” I take another sip of my coffee, and finish up my pop tart, and get up heading for Dustin's tent. “Where ya goin Matthew”? “To check out that sloppy ass”
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