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15-year-old Joy secretly waits until her sister is asleep and then assumes a different identity online and has become a true COCK addict on adult sites and longs for any opportunity she can find . . . to view the male genitalia. She's about to get her wish!
Katie shared a room with her sister Joy, and after much convincing . . . (i.e. her whining to her parents about being old enough to have her own computer in her bedroom), her Dad finally gave in and had the cable company install another port in their room. Katie was 16 and Joy was 15 and Katie was just starting to get interested in boys. Joy on the other hand secretly craved their presence and had become a true COCK addict on adult sites and longed for any opportunity she could find to view the male genitalia.

Joy idolized her sister, and was careful never to leave the history available on the computer for Katie to see her prurient interests and past visits. She also liked to pretend to be very naïve about computer usage, passwords and the like. Secretly she knew much more than anyone else in their house about computers (including the knowledge of all her sister’s passwords) but also taking on the identity of someone else and traveling through evening sexual adventures with males . . . many years older than herself.

Joy especially liked visiting chat rooms where males liked to use webcams to show off their lengthy stiff cocks. Anytime she watched a boy or man expose and manipulate himself, she stuck her hand into her panties or nightie, so that she could manipulate her mighty sensitive clit . . . to the point of a bubbly orgasm. Sometimes she even woke up in the middle of the night, made sure her sister was asleep . . . and tempted boys anyway she could . . . by going into adult only sites where it didn’t take long before she picked up a boy or two.

Katie had finally begun to blossom and her apple like titties soon attracted a number of handsome boys. Her parents had laid down specific rules about what was permitted during the summer months, since they both worked and the girls were on their own almost every day. Soon Katie became more and more willing to meet some of these boys . . . who kept texting her and calling her and she knew she would need some assurance from Joy that she wouldn’t snitch on her. The following conversation took place just yesterday.

“Joy . . . can you keep a secret?” asked Katie.

“Uh, huh . . . like from mom and dad?” said Joy curiously.

“Yeah, this really cute boy named Darren from high school wants to come over here. Think we can sneak him in and not have mom and dad or the neighbors find out?” Immediately, Darren’s COCK (that she had never even seen before) came into Joy’s imagination.

“My lips are sealed,” said Joy, remembering a fellatio video she had seen the night before . . . where a girl her age had sealed her lips around a man’s cock, almost a foot long. “When can he come over, and what do you want me to do when he is here?” she adlibbed . . . suddenly imagining herself stripped naked and wandering across an opening where he could watch and lust after her, but her sister couldn’t see her lewd behavior.

“Well . . . how about in TEN minutes? I am supposed to text him back. He lives over on Arnold, you know by the Dairy Queen.”

“Okay . . . are you gonna bring him up here in our room or how about downstairs in the basement?”

“Up here is a bit kinky, don’t you think? I mean guys get so horny all the time. I don’t want him . . . uhhh on top of me and stuff in our bedroom.”

“That might be fun though (Joy paused) . . . JUST kidding. Maybe the basement would be best. Also, if he gets too horny, you could call me down or something.”

“Excellent. Let me text him . . . and then I’ll need your help on figuring out what to wear,” said Katie swinging around in her chair and quickly composing a response. Joy liked the part about helping her pick out something to wear. From her travels online . . . she knew EXACTLY what excited boys . . . but she just wondered whether her conservative sis would go along with her suggestions.

“GREAT!” shouted Katie standing up and walking over to Joy who was sitting on her bed. “He’s in high school, I think 16 or 17 and a real looker.” Joy again fantasized about the boy’s cock, wondering how long it was, whether he would pull it out . . . maybe have her sister wank on it for a while . . . or better yet . . . LICK IT (her favorite), while she was watching.

“How about your light blue top . . . you know the one with the spaghetti straps and those shorts that are really tight and show off your butt?”

“Okay . . . but isn’t that . . . a bit too much?”

“You want the guy to like you, don’t cha . . . ?”

“Fine. He’ll be here in ten minutes. Let me get dressed.” Katie usually dressed in the adjoining bathroom but to Joy’s surprise . . . she began to unbutton her top a few feet away from her. Joy pretended to read a magazine, but she looked over the top . . .as her sister’s blouse was shed to the floor and her white 32A bra was all she was wearing on her top. Next she shed her jeans, kicked off her slippers and soon was dressed only in her panties and bra.

Joy was impressed by her tits, that she really hadn’t seen in several months that were captured in the garment, but showed her recent development. Joy wondered what she looked like topless. She did notice that Katie’s panties were damp at the crotch, probably as a result of flirting with the boy for over an hour.

Next, Katie walked over to the closest and pulled out the top Joy had suggested. As she slipped the garment over her head, Joy got an idea.

“Lose the bra sis. Guys like to inspect girls . . .you know boobs that way.”

“Are you crazy . . . he would be able to see my nips in this top . . . you know nipples.”

“I know . . . and I guarantee, from what I’ve read . . . that will do the trick. He’ll want you . . . right away.” Katie looked down at her developing chest under the light blue blouse.

“I can’t do that . . . it’s too . . . you know kinky. He’ll be looking at my boobs all afternoon.”

“That’s what guys like to do . . . especially in high school. Heck, if you want, I’ll dress the same way to give you some support.”

“Really . . . of course I’ve got a bit more up on top . . . but maybe that would help”.

“A bit more? Shoot all I got are like peaches on my chest. Nothing like your cool looking titties. Here, let me help you,” she said leaping off the bed and walking behind her sister. Katie stood still, as her sister, pulled up her new top, unhooked the bra and then carefully moved the garment over her shoulders and then let it fall to the floor. Next she reached around the front and began to pull the garment over her sister’s bare breasts. Since they were standing in front of a mirror, she watched her hands move the fabric and as her fingers traveled past her nipples . . . she playfully pinched them and then pulled the garment down to her waist.

“Owww . . . what was that all about?” whispered Katie.

“Read it in a book. Look at your tits in the mirror. See these stiff nipples poking out . . . guys like that,” she said opening up her fingers and cupping her sister’s breasts through the fabric. She could have let go, but wanted to see her sister’s reaction as she continued to fondle and manipulate the firm flesh underneath. Katie immediately turned red, but made no attempt at stopping her younger sister from feeling her up, because it felt wickedly exciting.

“How do you know about all this stuff?” asked Katie, as Joy moved her hands down to her sides.

“My friend Tammie gave me this porno magazine to look at, and that’s what it said.”

“It does look kinda sexy doesn’t it?” said Katie continuing to pose in front of the mirror, as she noticed her stiff nipples had poked out the front of the blouse.

“You look HOT girl . . . and Darren isn’t going to be able to keep his hands off you. Put on your shorts and flip-flops and get ready. I will quickly change and meet you downstairs.” Katie left and went downstairs to wait for Darren. Meanwhile, Joy looked in her closest and took out a thin, almost see through white tube top that showcased her smaller sized breasts. Next, she stripped off ALL her clothes, tied the garment behind her neck and then with some difficulty behind her back and looked in the mirror.

Her tiny nipples were still erect from feeling up her sister and their presence was easily seen through the threadbare fabric. She looked below and caught a quick glimpse of her moist pink pussy lips and smiled at the thought of just making an appearance wearing what she had on. Instead she slipped on a tight pair of denim shorts with embroidered trim that showed off her pussy lips underneath.

Darren Arrives

The doorbell rang and as Joy traversed down the steps, she heard the deep voice of the high school boy greeting her sister. She heard Katie dead bolt the back door, and a smile appeared on her face. She walked up to him and noticed he was already looking over her sister, like a tasty piece of meat at the store.

“Who’s this?” he asked somewhat annoyed.

“That’s Joy . . . she is my sister”.

“Hi Darren . . . don’t worry. I’ll stay out of your way and I can keep a secret,” said Joy with a lewd wink, as she checked out the handsome boy, but immediately looked at the bulge in his crotch. He was wearing a pair of black thin nylon Nike shorts, and at first glance . . . not much else underneath. On top he had on a muscle man t-shirt and he was wearing a pair of sandals.

He had kind of a surfer boy haircut . . . blonde and very cute looking. When she looked up, she noticed he was examining her titties inside her tube top and slowly his cock began to lengthen once again. Surprisingly, he made no attempt to cover up his growing erection and let it bulge out, wondering how the young girl would handle his arousal.

“Let me get us something to drink Darren,” said Katie, somewhat oblivious to his inspection of her sister’s chest. “Is Coke okay?”

“Yeah sure . . . Thanks!”

“I’ll show him to the living room sis,” said Joy, grasping the boy’s hand and leading him into the adjoining room.

“Thanks,” said Katie, moving quickly into the kitchen. Darren was not expecting to be attracted to Katie’s younger sister, but he couldn’t help watching her tight little ass leading him over to a leather couch.

“Very nice . . . uh furniture,” mumbled Darren.

“Yeah, I love leather. It feels great against your skin. Sometimes I come down here by myself . . . take off ALL my clothes . . . and rub up against it when I watch TV.


“Uh huh . . . I love getting all naked and rubbing myself. How about you?” she teased.

“Uhhhh, ahh . . . sure. You’re an awfully hot . . . naughty girl, aren’t you?” he said, turning to face the little nymph.

“Yup . . . but you’re here to see my sis. You’ll like her . . . but she hasn’t had much experience with boys.”

“Oh really? And I suppose you have?” he asked.

“Me? I just like teasing . . . you know . . . (and she reached behind her back and quickly untied the tie string and then swiftly raised the bottom of her tube top so that the high school boy could carefully examine her titties) . . . like this.” Without any hesitation, she reached over and grasped Darren’s hand and placed it on her closest breast. She let go and instinctively he began to fondle and manipulate her small breasts. After a few seconds, she gently moved his sweating hands off her breasts, tied back up her top and sat back in her seat.

“Times up . . . you nasty boy. And DON’T hesitate to feel up my sister either. She’s got a nice pair of tits. You just got to get her in the right mood.” Soon Katie came back and passed out the drinks.

“So . . . you guys know each other . . . better now?” she asked Joy.

“Uh huh. He seems like a nice guy. Well, gotta go. I’ll be upstairs on the computer. You should show him the basement Katie,” she said getting up and winking at her sister.

“So . . . what would you like to do?” asked Katie.

“Let’s go downstairs and find out. Your sister is awesome,” he said getting up and taking the glass and heading towards the steps downstairs. Katie couldn’t help notice the huge bulge in the front of his shorts, and couldn’t believe he was that excited already with her outfit. After turning on the light on recreation side of the basement, they sat down on a couch and Darren moved right next to her.

“So how old are you again?” said Darren.

“Uh . . . 16 . . . I know I am kinda young.” Of course she had just turned 16 . . . but didn’t want to seem too young for the handsome boy.

“Not really. You already have a nice body.”

“Thanks . . . uh so do you,” she said suddenly getting embarrassed and turning red.

“You think so,” he said suddenly pulling his shirt over his head and letting the young teen look over his chest. He had been working out for a couple of years and his muscles showed. Katie was suddenly scared . . . and moved a foot or so away on the couch.

“Let’s not go too fast, okay?” she warned.

“Not a problem . . . you ever smoked weed before?”

“Uh, no. Not really.” Darren took out a joint that was carefully wrapped in a baggy and stuck inside the elastic around his shorts.

“Mind if I light up?” he asked, as he also produced a butane lighter.

“It wouldn’t be cool to smoke down here. My dad would smell it later.” Neither of them knew Joy was listening on the steps and was eager to try some grass . . . and the high she had heard . . . got you sooooo horny.

“Katie . . . how about out in the shed. That would work,” called down Joy from upstairs.

“Oh it would . . . you little eavesdropper. And I suppose you want some too?” Joy raced downstairs to answer.

“That’s up to Darren. He is YOUR date. I’m just the little sister, trying not to be too nosey.”

“No problem,” said Darren, remembering the feel of Joy’s titties minutes earlier and hoping to see the girl buck naked after she was high. “Let’s go.” Katie was a bit scared . . . but really had no choice . . . especially with her sister saying she’d smoke with the boy.

“Sorry about that,” said Joy as they came upstairs. “I promise not to bother you guys anymore.”

“Wait until you guys try this stuff. It’s awesome smoke.” It was a hot day outside and looking around . . . the threesome went to the back of the property where a newly built metal shed was located. There was one window located on the south side of the structure that brought in plenty of light as they entered. Immediately the oppressive heat inside . . . overcame the trio.

“Shoot . . .this is way too hot in here,” said Katie.

“We won’t be in here long . . . let me light up,” said Darren. He took out a butane lighter and ignited the good sized joint. As he took a hit on the dope, he tried to explain what they should do, so that they didn’t cough. He offered it to Katie first and surprisingly she was able to hold in the smoke. She started to turn red and Darren said it was time to let it out. Joy was next but she took in too much and began to cough.

Slowly the trio began to work out a routine of passing the joint around . . . and at the same time, all three got more and more wasted. Darren was in his glory as he kept watching each girls top . . . become more and more moist with sweat as the heat continued to affect their bodies. Pretty soon all three were red-eyed.

“Look what’s happening here,” said the horny boy as he deliberately reached up and touched Katie’s breast that was now covered by a very moist light blue material. Katie jumped back from his unexpected fondling and everyone began to laugh. Joy noticed it was actually her white thin halter top that was the most revealing . . . as her small breasts were almost fully visible, along with her dark pink stiff nipples that were poking through the damp fabric. Standing next to Darren, she decided to take the liberty of doing the same thing to Darren, reaching up and grasping his growing shaft in her sweaty palm and announcing:

“And look what’s happening here, Katie. Looks like he’s getting pretty excited . . . while inspecting our titties!” she said. Darren reacted almost exactly the same as Katie had moments earlier and once again the trio laughed hysterically. The difference was neither he nor Joy made any attempt at moving her hand. Katie covered her mouth with embarrassment as she watched her little sister continue to hold and squeeze the boy’s cock.

“Let him go Joy . . .” she begged.

“It’s alright Katie . . . it feels great. Ever touched a boy cock before?” he asked.

“NO . . . not there, anyways” she admitted as she watched her sister continue to manipulate the boy’s shaft . . . just the way she had seen it done late at night. Joy smiled up at the high school boy and began to move her tiny hand up and down his shaft.

“Ohhhh yes . . . that feels great!” he squealed. In the back of his mind, he was trying to determine where this 15-year-old girl learned so much about satisfying guys.

“It pulses,” whispered Joy.

“That's because you have him all excited. It’s his way of saying he likes what you are doing,” said Katie, trying not get the attention back to her and away from her horny sister.”

“You’re making me feel fantastic,” said Darren, looking at Joy. Katie had turned slightly and was watching closely as her sister moved the slippery material surrounding the boy’s cock . . . up and down over the sensitive shaft. Darren thought he was in heaven. He looked up and watched Katie inspect her sister’s efforts.

“Want to touch it Katie?” he suggested.

“Sure . . . I guess. Uh . . . I feel kinda dizzy though . . . I guess this grass is going to my head.”

“I gotta wild buzz too sis. Here go ahead and hold it. It feels real stiff and like soft at the same time,” said Joy as she took a hold of Katie’s hand and placed it on the tip of the boy’s shaft. Darren waited for her to hold it like Joy had been, but realized she was too timid.

"Squeeze it a little," he said, "and move your hand up and down." Katie turned red again, mumbling, “I don’t believe I am doing this”.

“Yeah you do . . . and I love it!” said Darren watching the timid girl begin to give him a hand-job.

“Tell you what . . . let’s try something else that I know he will like. (A short pause as she looks at her sister’s face.) “Are you ready to see it?” asked Joy.

Darren was curious what Joy meant but was extremely eager to expose himself in front of the two younger girls. Joy didn’t wait for her sister’s response as she carefully took Katie’s hand off the throbbing cock. Next, she slipped her fingers inside the elastic band and began pulling his shorts down. A patch of pubic hair appeared as Katie and Joy stared at what was happening.

Joy continued to pull the fabric down and Soon his thick Soon a slightly bent shaft came into sight and then the acorn-like . . . purple tip of his stiff cock appeared and without any hesitation, she pulled the shorts clean off his legs as he stepped out of them. His hard cock sprang free, and Katie let out a faint gasp.

“It’s huge!” said Joy, “and I love it!” The shaft was almost 7” long, as it wagged back and forth. It looked quite intimidating to Katie, but Joy thought she was in heaven. To see her first real cock up close . . . and have it be such a yummy big one, was more than what she had ever dreamed.

“Let’s smoke the rest of this joint and see what you girls can do with my big friend!” bragged Darren. He found his lighter and lit the last inch or so of the joint. He made sure not to let the ash fall on his exposed organ and kept it in his hand as he offered hits to each girl, encouraging them to take in as much as they could. Both girls almost turned purple as they took long tokes and held it in as he had instructed.

As the trio finished the joint, the heat in the shed continued to increase causing all three to begin to almost hallucinate as their bodies began to shine with sweat. Both girls’ breasts were now almost totally visible in their tops . . . but especially Joys . . . since her thin top was white. As much as Darren liked the size of Katie’s titties, he had to admit Joy’s breasts were very sensual to look at. He couldn’t wait to plop one into his mouth and then suck on her nipples.

“I’m gonna faint if we stay in here much longer,” said Katie. “Let’s sneak back into the house.”

“Sounds good to me,” said Darren looking both ways and then opening up the door.

“You gotta put on your shorts!” squealed Katie. “Someone might see you.” Darren shrugged his shoulders, located his shorts and yanked them up, adjusting his bulging hard-on so that his arousal wouldn’t be so obvious. All three looked around, somewhat paranoid, but quickly scooted back into their house. As their hearts raced, from the sudden exercise, both Katie and Joy began to giggle with the high that was taking over their young bodies.

“Let’s go up to our bedroom,” said Joy as she led the trio almost like the pied piper. Katie must have forgotten that her sister had suggested earlier that he not go upstairs, and followed her sister and the boy. She couldn’t help look at his tight butt as he moved up the stairway. Soon they turned into their room and Joy said:

“Darren, you sit in the big leather chair, but get ALL naked first.” Darren was so high he got a kick out of the 15-year-old telling him what to do. He began to fantasize about seeing Joy buck naked earlier, having already sampled her small titties. He looked around and was surprised at the size of their bedroom. It almost took up half of the upstairs.

He quickly shed his black nylon shorts, and urgently grasped his raging boner in his hand and continued to wave it at the girls. The boy found the leather chair and sat down, keeping his hand around his long erect shaft and began to milk it up and down. Katie sat on her bed next to him and watched his very lewd show, getting more and more aroused.

“This is your lucky day,” Joy said to the boy.

“Oh really?” he said.

“Uh huh. You got all three of us all buzzed and horny and now it’s YOUR turn to tell my sis and me what to do.” Katie was confused at her sister’s comment but as she eagerly watched him manipulate his cock, she seemed ready to oblige Darren’s with his wildest thoughts.

“To start . . . you both gotta do a little show for me . . . you know show me some skin so that I can get my COCK all ready to shoot.”

“We need much more direction. Tell us what we MUST do Darren. You got two horny girls sitting here and you’re pulling on that BIG cock of yours . . . what can we do TO you or FOR you?” she teased.

“I want to see Katie’s tits. But I want YOU to take off her top (pause) . . . nawwwww let’s get things moving much faster . . . strip her naked . . . except for her panties . . . for now.” Katie gasped at his order.

“My pleasure,” said the 14-year-old nymph, disregarding her sister’s reaction. Joy went over to her sister, and had her stand up. Fully mesmerized and still looking at the boy’s huge shaft, Katie stood up and moved a few feet closer . . . to the masturbating boy . . . and eagerly faced him. Joy reached around and unbuckled her shorts and ceremoniously pulled them down.

On the way, she playfully let her thumb stick in her panties so that as her shorts were coming down, and so came her undergarment. Darren watched the peep show Joy was providing and almost shot his load when he briefly saw her young teen pussy lips and then Joy pulled them back up . . . but not quite to her hips.

“Put your hands over your head Katie . . . so Darren can see these titties,” she said grasping the bottom of her top and pulling it up past her waist. Since she was shorter than her sister, she couldn’t move up any higher to show off her 32A tits.

“Kneel down sis . . . (fighting with her top) I can’t get this off,” she said. Katie felt her nipples begin to get very stiff as the cool air conditioning did its job, as she knelt down. She was now at eye level with the boy’s COCK and as her sister pulled her top off her . . . firm titties swayed slightly in front of him.

“Reach around Joy and pinch her nipples for me. I love watching buds being pulled,” he said, eagerly wanking on his rod even more as he inspected her naked chest. The girl’s small breasts were near perfect in shape with light pink nipples. Joy decided to lick her thumbs and first finger and then capture her sister’s buds and gently twist and turn them just like she did her own morsels late at night.

“Ohhhhhhhhhh, that feels awesome,” said Katie, somewhat embarrassed but at the same time getting more and more aroused. With this enthusiastic reaction, Joy pinched her buds even more. Katie continued to moan as her nipples spiked outwards, showing her state of arousal.

“Very nice girls . . . but I think you are a bit over dressed Joy. Let’s have your sweet sister strip you NAKED, so I can see and touch your wet little clit.” Katie looked down and watched her sister’s fingers, leave her breasts. She was about to turn around and follow the boy’s instructions . . . but heard him bark a different order.

“No . . . you stay where you are Katie. I want your sister right in front of you as you take off her clothes.” Katie nodded and was surprised at how eager Joy was to instantly move in front of her.

“Go ahead sis. Pull off my top and shorts. This boy wants some ACTION!” she screamed. Katie found the bottom of her sister’s top and pulled it up over her head. She watched Darren’s eyes immediately inspect Joy’s chest. She leaned over and looked at her titties and how the nipples were poking out, almost a half inch!

“Put your hands on my knees, Joy . . . while Katie pulls down your shorts and panties and shows me your pussy.” With a huge grin on her face, Joy leans over and places her hands on his knees, and is now only a few inches away from his huge COCK. She feels Katie’s hands unsnap her shorts and then, as her sister kneels down to finish the job, she pulls everything down at the same time. All that is left are a white pair of footies, which actually added to her young appeal. Darren caught a quick glimpse of the 15-year-olds bare pussy . . . and then decided to begin the action.

“You’ve wanted to SUCK this haven’t you?” teased Darren, waving his cock from side to side. Joy’s eyes grew wide with eagerness as she nodded her head up and down.

“I didn’t hear that, my little slut. Say it out loud so that your sister can hear.”


“Joy?” whispered Katie.

“I LOVE BOY’S COCKS, SIS! Almost every night I wait until you are asleep and bring up pictures of boy’s COCKS on your computer and love to watch girls SUCKING ON THEM. I can’t WAIT to lick, kiss and suck his BIG COCK,” she said reaching out and grasping his thick shaft in her trembling hand, not being able to wait to get her lips around his dark purple shaft.

“Oh yeah,” he said as he watched and felt the cute girl begin to move her small hand up and down his shaft. “Come over here Katie and stand alongside me. I want you to watch your sister taste my hot cum. And at the same time, let me get you off as well.” Katie stood up now buck naked, trembling like her sister . . . as she navigated closer.

“Damn you got a nice body,” he said inspecting her from head to toe. As he reached up to finally touch her bare titties, he felt Joy begin to open her lips and slowly insert her mouth around his stiff organ. He bucked his hips forward, moving his shaft 2-3 inches into her mouth. Joy looked up and her eyes twinkled with excitement. He placed his left hand on Katie’s tittie, immediately finding her rigid bud and feverously began to twist and pull on it. Katie closed her eyes as bolts of electricity shot through her body and down to her moist pussy.

Almost on cue, Darren began to gently rub his middle finger over her hairless pussy lips, noting their dampness. As Katie watched her younger sister mouth and lick the boy’s cock . . . her heart began to beat faster and faster. No one (including herself) had ever tweaked her titties and manipulated her pussy at the same time. She was amazed at how her sister now was running her hand up and down the boy’s shaft as she fed his purple cock in and out of her mouth. Soon the boy was bucking his hips, trying to get even more cock down the eager girl’s mouth, but Joy kept her hand around the base of his cock so that she wouldn’t choke.

“I’m getting closer Joy . . . so keep pumping my cock, but I want to shoot my first load all over both of your faces.” He let go of Katie’s tit and pulled his finger out of her dripping pussy lips.

“Get down on your knees Katie. I want you to feel my cum all over that pretty face of yours.” Although disappointed since her orgasm was only seconds away, Katie knelt down next to her sister and moved her face right next to Joy’s. Suddenly the boy began to scream, “Here it comes girls . . .” and Joy began to vigorously wank his cock up and down . . . as a stream of cum burst out. She aimed it at her sister’s mouth and rope after rope of hot cum shot in between her lips. Joy felt Darren move her hand away as he re-aimed his shaft to blow even a larger amount of cum at her face. Darren now took turns spraying each girl’s face with his love juice. For the next several minutes he coated them with a thick layer of cum, until he was finally drained.

“Now go in the bathroom and quickly take a shower together . . . while I watch. Katie . . . you are going to get your orgasm . . . as you and your sister scissor each other. We are just getting started!

Any interest in a Part II?


2020-10-13 11:45:56
Part 2 please

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