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Phil and Sue have more and more glorious sex.
1983 it was. Fall.

Sue was ready at last. It had been a long time for her, over six months. Never since her early teens had she gone for so long without it, so great was the trauma she'd been through.

And this man, this proud and tall man, this pillar of the community, respected and liked by all, had been her rock. He had been what she scarcely deserved.

Now she was in bed with him, and she would give him everything he deserved. She was wet with anticipation.

His body, muscular and powerful, titillated her senses. She could not stop caressing it, fondling it, kissing it, licking it. She bathed him with her tongue, each of his moans music to her ears. The further down she descended, the more excited she got. He was a god. His chest made her tingle, his belly made her quiver.

Then she came to his cock. She could not see it in the dark, but it tantalized her. She paused for a moment, admiring its length and girth, breathing in that intoxicating scent.

She opened her mouth and began to take it in—

"What are you doing?" Keith asked sharply.

"I'm sucking your cock, baby," she replied, then dove back on him.

He pushed her away. "Stop it!"

Sue's mind was reeling. What was happening? What had she done wrong?

"You don't love me?" she asked, confused. Of course he didn't love her. Nobody loved her.

"Of course I love you," he replied. "That's why I can't let you do this."

"I don't understand," she pleaded, her heart melting. "Don't you want me to suck your cock?"

"Of course not," he said. "Why would I do that to you?"

Nobody had ever refused her sucking their cock before. No one.

"I don't understand," she repeated. "I...I love you. I want to suck your cock."

"Sue," he said gently, "don't you realize that this is the problem? You've acted like a whore for so long that people treat you like one. Your body is your temple. It's made in the image of God. Use it for the purposes it was intended. Your mouth is for smiling, and talking, and laughing, and singing. Not for sex."

"But I like sucking cock—"

Keith lifted her up by the armpits, bringing her to face him. "Sue, what happened to you happened at least partly because of the way you behaved. You degrade yourself for strange men, and strange men see you as a target, someone to be hurt. I can't let you act like this anymore. It's not healthy and it's not normal. I never want to see you get hurt this way again."

His arms were around her, his powerful muscles still filling her with desire.

"I want to make love to you," he said. "But only the way God intended."

"But there's nothing in the Bible about—"

"Do you really want to do a theological discussion now?" said Keith, his hands stroking her back.

Sue was too horny to argue. They made love that night, glorious, peaceful love. But there was something missing. Something teleological, not theological.


Phil's company was on Avenue of the Americas, in the very heart of midtown Manhattan. Every morning coming to the office he had strode spellbound through the giant canyons formed by the skyscrapers, gleaming and modern. They loomed large, brute testimony to man's power. Not for nothing did feminist critics carp that they were but phallic symbols; Phil did, indeed, feel his masculinity surge within him when he entered that glittering revolving door, as he rode up the elevators.

But today he rode the subway to a different destination. Sue's company was downtown, in the financial district. The Twin Towers still watched from above, a hint of the nascence of midtown. If midtown spoke of modernity and wealth, downtown spoke of history and tradition. The brick buildings beckoned back to the nineteenth century. They spoke of an older New York, the New York of tenements and immigrants and garment workers, they whose hands had built America.

Nor was the downtown conception of wealth and luxury the same as it was midtown. Sue's firm didn't offer its employees free soft drinks, as tech companies did. What they did have was a stunning reception desk with an equally stunning receptionist.

"May I help you?"

"I'm here to see Sue," said Phil, feeling insignificant.

"Sue who?"

Phil did not know. "Um...she's...she's an engineering manager."

"Engineering? Do you mean I.T.?"

"Yeah." Surely in that male-dominated sector there would not be two tech managers named Sue. And indeed, there weren't.

"Phil!" Sue didn't look as delectable as she had in yesterday's revealing costume. She dressed professionally in a blue power suit, with a grey skirt dropping below the knee. But knowing, as he now did, what lay underneath that outfit made it much hotter.

Phil was surprised how dull and grey everything was, in contrast to the bright colors of California. Except for the room she led him to, which felt like a vacation. It had a generously sized armchair, a variety of women's magazines, a fridge, and a full set of soft drinks.

"Bet you don't know what this room is," said Sue, grinning.

"What is it?"

"It's the mother's room."

"The what?"

"Federal law requires employers to provide a space to breastfeed. And," she looked at him evilly, "I happen to know that there is not a single breastfeeding mother actually on this floor." One of the benefits of having a largely male staff. She peeled off her clothes without another word.

Phil's heart raced at the thought that they were in an office, they might be discovered at any moment. But Sue had a different idea.

"I was so turned on being your mommy yesterday. I don't have any children. I can't have them, now. I know I'm not quite old enough to be your mother, but — can I be your mommy? One more time?" She started to unbutton his shirt.

Phil thought of his mother again, the harsh lines on her face, the sneers of contempt at who he was, the patent dislike and disdain she had always carried towards him.

Suddenly he was hugging onto Sue desperately, fiercely, like he would never let her go. And her breast was in his mouth, and he was sucking on it like a baby, and she was holding him close and humming him a lullaby.

"Ohh yes. Yes. My dear little boy. My baby boy. Mommy's little boy." She kissed his forehead and stroked his hair and cooed and licked his ears. Phil breathed in the scent of her cologne, he tasted the sweetness of her breast, he felt the softness of her ass in his hands. Sue held him closely to her, rocking him back and forth, crooning sweet words.

Phil's cock, of course, was definitely not behaving like a baby's. Sue pressed her pussy against it. She pulled off his shirt and nuzzled at his chest, nuzzling him the way he'd just been suckling her.

He felt the wetness of her pussy against his pants. She sank to her knees and unzipped, pulling them down.

"Mommy wants to suck your cock," she said, but found herself dismayed as it began to soften.

There is such a thing as going too far. "It was okay when I was sucking your tits," said Phil, "but for cock...I want...I want..."

Sue understood. "You want your whore." The magic word brought Phil roaring back to attention.

She tugged him forward a bit, then his balls were in her mouth. She sucked them, devouring them, the greed of submission driving her. Electric currents shot through Phil's body as she licked his groin.

Last night he had been lying down. Now she was kneeling in front of him, a position of worship. He felt like a king. No longer was he the lonely little boy who had been sucking mommy's breast just moments before. He was a man with his concubine, a man being served, back in an old world where men were men and women knew their place.

"Call me names," she asked.

"What if someone hears?"

"Who cares?"

"Oh, you slut," he murmured as she licked his cock. "Whore," he muttered as she flicked her tongue on its underside. "Filthy cunt," he sighed as she took his cock in her mouth.

She looked straight into his eyes as he shot his load onto her tongue, telling her over and over what a whore she was, what a slut she was, a dirty, brazen cocksucker. But no matter how much verbal abuse he let fly, he was still utterly humbled when she opened her mouth, letting him see the white stain, and swallowed.

She stood up, smiling, unclothed, enjoying her moment of triumph. He sat there, peaceful and spent. But guilt nagged at him.

"I didn't do anything for you."

"Sure you did. I loved this."

"But you didn't climax."

"I told you, I'm submissive. I enjoy your climaxes as much as my own. Sometimes more."

"But..." Phil found this hard to grasp. "But isn't it my duty to please you too—"

"Stop talking about duty," said Sue. "You worry too much. If I really wanted you to do something, I'd ask. But I don't. I wanted to blow you without anything in return. That gives me its own kind of pleasure."

Phil did not understand this. It was contrary to everything he'd believed.

"But tonight, I want more," said Sue.

"More...what do you mean?"

"More than just sucking your cock. You need to put more effort into it."

"You want me to go down on you?"

"No, I want you to come up with a scenario. Something like what we've done online. A fantasy brought to life. One of your fantasies. Something memorable. Not just a plain blowjob."

After they got dressed, she opened the door, checking to make sure no one was looking, then hurried him out. She gave him a quick kiss. "See you tonight. And think about what I said."


1990 it was. Spring.

Phil was reading George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Four, for English class.

...the smile had reappeared round the corners of her mouth...then... yes! Almost as swiftly as he had imagined it, she had torn her clothes off, and when she flung them aside it was with that same magnificent gesture by which a whole civilization seemed to be annihilated. Her body gleamed white in the sun. He... took her hands in his.

'Have you done this before?'

'Of course. Hundreds of times — well scores of times anyway'...

His heart leapt. Scores of times she had done it: he wished it had been hundreds — thousands...

'Listen. The more men you've had, the more I love you. Do you understand that?'

'Yes, perfectly.'

'I hate purity, I hate goodness! I don't want any virtue to exist anywhere. I want everyone to be corrupt to the bones.'

'Well then, I ought to suit you, dear. I'm corrupt to the bones.'

'You like doing this?... I mean the thing in itself?'

'I adore it.'

That was above all what he wanted to hear. Not merely the love of one person but the animal instinct, the simple undifferentiated desire...

After reading this, Phil had one of the biggest erections of his young life. It was hotter than the hottest porn. It was the first erotica he'd ever read.

That character would stay with him for years — decades. The wanton female, the source of corruption, the rebel who flaunted the rules, who lured with her body. The girl who never said no, who had sex with man after man after man, giving in to their basest desires. The girl all the other women judged, looked down upon, but that Phil regarded with the greatest respect.


At work that day Phil had few meetings, for some inexplicable reason. He was supposed to be coding, but thinking about Sue was much more enjoyable. He couldn't get his mind off how good her mouth had felt on his cock, how wonderful it had been to play with her, how liberating it felt to be himself, no longer hiding who he was.

How could he meet her demands? Rather than fiddling with Visual Basic, he ruminated on the problem. Finally, an idea occurred to him. And another. And another.

He did a few Yahoo searches and clicked through to a few addresses. They seemed close enough together, and they'd probably have what he wanted. He emailed an address over to Sue.


She met him that evening wearing the same whorish outfit she'd had on last night. This was a surprise to Phil. He'd learned the hard way that women never do that if they can help it. Once in high school he'd worn the same shirt two days in a row (it had been washed and dried the first evening) and he was astonished at how many girls commented on that fact the second day.

"You... you wore that yesterday."

"This is the only really sexy outfit I have," Sue admitted sheepishly. "And you know I didn't wear it at work."

Phil grabbed her, impulsively, and kissed her hard on the lips, putting his hand on her ass, squeezing.

"So why," she asked when he came up for air, "are we meeting here?"

Phil gestured to one of the stores. "We're going there."

"A pet shop?" Sue asked quizzically.

"I need some dog supplies," said Phil. Sue's eyes widened as she realized what he had in mind. They entered the store holding hands.

"We could go to a sex shop—" she began.

"Collars in a sex shop have the leash attach on the front. I want the collar to attach on the back, like with a real dog," he replied.

"Woof," said Sue.

There were any number of pet owners walking real dogs in the store. Sue struggled to suppress giggles.

"Can I help you?" asked a salesman.

"We're, um, looking for a dog leash and collar," said Phil.

"Certainly, sir. What breed of dog is it?"

"Um, it's's a..."

"It's a big dog," said Sue, stifling a laugh.

"Do you know its neck size—"

"Her neck size," said Sue, snickering.

The salesman gave her a confused look. "Let's say about, oh I don't know, fifteen inches?" said Sue, coyly.

"Is there any particular color you'd like? You're welcome to bring your dog in to try it out."

"Pink," said Sue, licking her lips suggestively. "She's very close by."

"Right over here, ma'am. Will you be needing a leash?"

"Do you have a chain leash?" Phil asked.

"We only recommend those for the most high-spirited dogs, sir. Usually we suggest—"

"This girl is very high-spirited," said Sue.

She snapped the collar around her own neck. "Fits perfectly! I love it!" She turned to the salesman, now holding a chain leash with a flabbergasted look on his face. "Would you be a dear?" she asked, nodding at the leash.

The salesman looked at Phil, his expression that of a deer in headlights, mutely asking for permission. Amused, Phil nodded.

Hands shaking, the salesman attached the leash to Sue's collar. The handle smacked her in the ass as he let it go.

Sue grinned. "Thank you, you've been perfectly lovely." she said. She leaned forward and kissed the startled man on the cheek.

Leash dangling, handle slapping her ass as she walked, they strolled through the store. Phil picked up a toy bone and a water bowl.

Sue was still wearing the leash and collar as they left, but had hardly exited when both of them practically collapsed in laughter.

"So where to next?"

"There's a hardware store across the street," said Phil. MapQuest had done its work well.

Sue wore the leash crossing the street, but chickened out and took it off as they entered the store. A pretty black salesgirl approached them.

"May I help you, sir?" she asked.

"We're looking for chains."


"Yes, something lightweight, but strong."

"Right this way, sir." The girl led them to a roll of chain. "How long a length will you be needing?"

"Well..." Phil turned to Sue. He took her wrists and spread them slightly apart. "One that width, and — can you spread your legs a bit? That's about right. One that distance," he said, pointing to the gap between Sue's ankles, "and one going from here"—he pointed to her wrist— "to here." He pointed down to her ankle.

The salesgirl looked at the two of them, completely discomfited.

"It's okay," said Sue, reassuringly. "It's for a game."

The girl looked mortified as realization dawned. She kept glancing at Sue with looks of horror as she measured out the chains. Phil felt bad for her — she was a cute little thing — but Sue had a teasing grin on her face.

"I'm really enjoying this," she said on leaving the store. "You see what you're capable of when you put your mind to it?"

They went to the sex shop last. Surprisingly, Sue didn't have quite as much fun there. Sex shop salespeople have seen everything, and only roll their eyes at amateur attempts to embarrass or impress them. But they had a good choice of toys. Phil found a set of four padded cuffs easily.

Sue looked thoughtfully at the range of floggers and whips, but Phil had already gone to the cashier.

They had a quick dinner at a pizza-slice joint. Neither was in the mood for a leisurely meal. Sue was practically dying with curiosity. "What did you have in mind for tonight?"

"I've thought about it," said Phil, "and here's what we're going to do.

"You will spend tonight as my slave. You will do whatever I tell you to do. Even if you find it embarrassing or humiliating. If I enjoy it, you do it. This will be about me. You might orgasm, you might not. Your needs and wants are incidental. You are female, and your purpose is to give me pleasure."

She was breathing hard. "Agreed," was all she said.

"But I can't operate without limits. I can't. So nothing illegal. No other people. Nothing unsanitary. No physical pain."

Sue managed to look relieved and disappointed at the same time. "None?"

"No. And we'll need a safeword. If there's anything that you truly don't want to do, even if I want it, you say the word and I stop. It has to be something you'd never say by accident. Not something like 'no' or 'stop', I'll just ignore those—"

"Amarillo," said Sue.


"It's my hometown, in Texas," said Sue without further explanation.

"If something is in your mouth"—he leered, making clear what 'something' was— "and you can't talk, make the Spock V-sign from Star Trek with at least one hand, and that will be the safeword. You should always have fingers free. Can you do that?"

She nodded.

"You will remain a slave until I cum. After I've cum, I'll revert to being a normal man and we can talk about what you liked and didn't like. But until then, it's all about what I like. Do you agree to these conditions?"

Sue looked very excited. "Yes."

"Good," said Phil.

"You are now my slave. Starting right here in the pizzeria. You will address me as 'my lord', or 'master'. Never by name."

"Yes, master."

"You do not have a name. I will address you as 'slut', 'whore', 'cunt', 'slave', or... or..."

"Bitch, my lord?" she queried helpfully.

"Uh...yes, yes. Bitch." Sue never lost her power to shock him. He'd already been astounded at how quickly she'd agreed to his terms. He had expected to have to negotiate.

He put the leash back on her and held the handle most of the way home. He made her carry all the bags they'd bought, putting the hardware and pet store bags inside that of the sex shop. Every so often he'd stop, and make out or feel her up.

"Tie my shoelaces," he ordered at one point.


"Address me as master."

"Yes, master."

And there she was, in full public view, bent low on the ground, her ass in the air. He smirked triumphantly at passersby. This babe is at my feet!

As they entered the hotel, he knew she'd look more like a prostitute than ever. He was literally leading her with a leash, and she was carrying a bag with a racy-looking lipstick logo.

Phil noticed a young woman looking at them with a grossed-out expression on her face.

"Do you see that girl? She thinks you're a whore."

"She's right, master."

"She looks down on you."

"The feeling is mutual, my lord."

"She thinks I'm a pig."

"With all due respect, you are a pig, master. That's why I want to serve you."

It was small and mean of him, but Phil felt rebellious. He pulled Sue towards him with the leash and stuck his tongue into her mouth, letting his hands roam freely on her tits and ass. Sue gave a thumbs-up sign to the girl, who looked away in disgust.

"When we're in the elevator, unzip your dress," he told her.

There were three young men in the elevator with them. They were already gazing at Sue's bare legs and tight outfit when she pulled down her zipper, twirling around for Phil to admire. He had let the leash go, but she was still wearing it.

They reached their floor. Sue blew a kiss at one of the men as they headed out.

Phil sat down on the armchair by the elevator.

"Now, girl, take off the dress, but leave your underwear on. Right here in the hallway. not use your hands."

She was smiling, her eyes looking at him with affection. She pulled her arms up through the neck opening. Seductively, she shook her body from side to side. The dress was tight, but slowly it descended. Phil could see her bulging tits straining against an alluring white lace bra. He could see her waist, chunky but still in an hourglass shape. He could see the tiny thong she had on, and the wetness already starting to soak it.

"You chose that underwear just to show to me, didn't you, girl?"

"Yes, master."

"It's a very whorish outfit. You have a beautiful body. I'm going to use you like a whore." He took the leash and led her to their room.

A man was heading in the opposite direction when he saw Sue. He was agape. There she was, a willowy blonde woman dressed in sexy lingerie, a sex-shop bag in one hand and a discarded dress in the other, led by a leash. The man just froze there in the hallway and stared as they approached. As they passed him, Sue impulsively gave him a kiss on the cheek too. He turned around and gazed at her until they reached their door.

As he pressed the key to the lock, Phil muttered a command, then entered by himself. Sue turned to face the man. Wriggling her body from side to side, she discarded first the bra, then the panties. She waved at him before joining Phil.

She faced Phil boldly, proudly, totally sure of herself. Her nipples were visibly hard. He had to mentally remind himself that he was master now, and she was fuck toy.

"There was a reason we went to the hardware store instead of just getting chains at the sex shop."

"Why, master?"

"It was a comic I read as a kid. Wonder Woman Faces the Menace of the Mole Men."

"You want me to be Wonder Woman, master?"

"In the comic Wonder Woman had to rescue these women being kept as slaves. They wore chains in a specific shape. That's what you're going to wear."

"When did you read this comic, my lord?"


Sue had a very tender expression on her face. She held out her wrists gamely.

Phil felt his heart pounding as he cuffed them. He chained them together about shoulder width apart. Her ankles received shackles of similar length. Then he connected the third chain between the other two, forming a sideways H shape. Sue would not be able to lift her arms up higher than her chest, nor spread her arms wide. She could walk, but not run.

And there she was, this beautiful, passionate, and brave woman turned into his stripped, fettered slave. She was his, to do with as he pleased. His cock was straining at his pants.

"First off, act like a slave. Clean my shoes. Just the tops will do."

"Your slave hears and obeys, sire."

She headed into the bathroom, took a cloth, wet it, and knelt in front of him. He didn't remove the shoes as she carefully cleaned them.

"Are they clean, slave?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Clean enough to lick?"

She looked up at him, startled. He met her gaze with a look of pure evil. She looked back at him, her face forming into a defiant expression. She bent down and started to lick his shoes. Phil couldn't even feel it, but the sight of her prostrated made his pulse race and his cock twitch.

He pulled on the leash and yanked her to face him. "Are you enjoying this, slut?"

In answer, she kissed the pillar in his pants. "I'm enjoying that, my lord." She bent down and resumed her licking.

"Now undress me, using your teeth instead of your hands as much as possible."

This was harder than it had been yesterday, as Sue could no longer lift her arms high. It was easier for her to pull his sleeves off by gripping them in her teeth. Likewise for his shirt, biting his collar.

When she pulled his briefs down his cock hit her in the face, so hard was it. Under his mask of sternness he wanted to jump for joy, to scream, to yell. He had a slave! A real sex slave! He could make her do anything!

"I have a little ritual for you. I call it paying respects."

"Your wish is my command, master."

"When I say 'pay your respects,' you will first kiss both my feet, crawl between my legs, and kiss my ass cheeks, both of them. Then you will crawl under me again and kiss the tip of my cock, looking at me in the eyes. Do that now."

Her lips on his ass felt wonderful. The crawling aroused him as much as the kisses. Part of him wanted to jam his cock into her mouth and use her then and there. But he didn't want this paradise to end too soon.

"Look at you, on your hands and knees like a dog."

"Rowr," she said, in a not entirely convincing imitation of a dog's bark.

"Breathe the way a dog breathes."

Sue's panting made Phil drool. "Lick my hands," he said. She started to lick them rapidly, as a dog would, but then took his fingers, one after another, into her mouth, sucking him gently, as if giving them a blowjob. She looked up at him, and Phil could see the trust and contentment in her eyes.

That she was enjoying her own degradation was something Phil could not comprehend, could not fathom. But the asymmetry drove him wild. This was not an exchange of equals. He was master and she was slave. He was to be served, she was to serve. The patriarchy of it thrilled him. The rules were gone, shredded to ribbons.

He took the leash and walked his dog, taking her all the way around the room. "I can't believe you'd crawl like a dog."

"I'm your little bitch, master."

"Bark for me, bitch." Phil amused himself by having her make a variety of dog sounds: yelps, barks, and whines.

"Now you know what to do with what we bought at the pet store."

She took the water bowl out of the bag. He had her fill it with water from the bathroom tap.

"Now drink, bitch."

God! An unclothed, shackled woman on her hands and knees, lapping up water out of a bowl, like a dog. The sight of water brought an odd feeling to his bladder. Could he piss on her? He was tempted to, but that would violate the limits they had agreed to. No. He could not do that.

"See what else is in that bag, bitch."

She stuck her head in the bag and came out with the bone between her teeth. Phil took it and tossed it across the room. "Fetch."

Phil could not believe what was happening. The ankle chains stopped her from moving her legs quickly, and made her wiggle her ass tantalizingly from side to side. But she fetched the bone. Seeing her bend down to take it in her mouth was almost more than he could bear. Dropping it down by his feet and lolling her tongue—

He grabbed her face and pressed her nose to his cock. Not missing a beat, she licked his balls. Suddenly, he pulled away.

"It's going to be hard for me to last long with you, slut."

"Perhaps master would like to read something? Put up his feet?"

Phil sat down in the armchair, while Sue dutifully fetched his newspaper, carrying it in her mouth. She did not stand up, waddling on her knees all the way across the room.

"I will make a good footrest for master," Sue purred. She pushed her head behind his legs, nudging them upwards, until she was on all fours, sideways in front of him, his feet nestled comfortably on her back.

"You read a lot, don't you, master? I can tell by the way you talk. No wonder you're so smart. And I'm so stupid."

"I never said you were stupid, slave."

"I'd like it if you did."

"But you're not—"

"Be honest. Has there been no one in your life you've been tempted to call stupid?"

"Certainly not you. And I try not to with anyone."

"I like being humiliated, master. You're smart enough to figure the rest out."

Phil tried to read the paper, but who can do that with a beautiful sex slave literally at your feet? He closed it abruptly.

"Bathe me, stupid girl." Her face broke out into a big smile.

Getting Sue into the tub was harder than he'd thought. Her leg chain wasn't long enough for her to step into the tub. She finally got in by sitting on the tub rim, then swinging her legs over it.

The running water brought some relief to his flaming cock, softening it. Sue had seldom played with a flaccid cock before. Precum will pool at the top, and she gleefully sucked it off before soaping it.

"Pay special attention to my ass, whore. Wash it as thoroughly as you can." He made her wash it out three times. After she dried him off, he walked her back to the dog bone, then made her carry it in her mouth to bed. He lay down comfortably on the bed, face forward.

"Kiss my ass, slut."

The feel of her lips on his ass earlier had been enervating enough, but now she was kissing it deeply and tenderly. Her hands were stroking him, caressing him, drawing delight down his back. He felt that warm glowing feeling spreading out from his rear all over his body.

"Lick my cheeks," he commanded. As lips turned to into tongue, heat turned into fire. Conveniently, there was a mirror on the opposite wall. The sight of her tongue shamelessly licking his ass humbled him. The feel of that tongue of flame turned him into jelly. Few straight men ever realize how sexual an organ their ass is.

Phil held on to the pillow tightly, emotion overcoming him. He knew what he wanted, wanted so badly he could taste it, a fetish Sue herself had taught him in their chats. Yet he could not bring himself to say it. Sensing his distress, she put her arms around his legs.

"It's all right, master. I want to lick your asshole."

Phil's moan of excitement was the only answer he was capable of giving. Sue pressed her hands to his cheeks and gently pushed them apart. His crevice was open, exposed, bare to her inspection.

Sue giggled. "I'm gonna brown-nose you, my lord."

It was the giggle that made his cock flare, thrusting his hips backward. Sue dug her nose in and slid her tongue out as far as it would go.

And Phil screamed.

There was no further talk of master and slave. No man who feels the power of woman's tongue in his ass can call himself master. For in that act it is the female who has mastery. It is a pleasure few men have ever had, but one that boggles the mind. It is like seeing a total eclipse of the sun, like climbing the peak of Everest, the very summit of the male experience.

Her tongue was in his ass. Who could have guessed? Who could have suspected? In that simple pink tongue, that tongue that eats and drinks and talks, lay a drug more powerful than the strongest narcotic, a balm greater than the most cherished of ointments.

Sue pulled out. "Are you all right, master?"

"Don't stop don't stop oh my god oh my god," Phil babbled. He could not see the truly enormous smile on her face as she dove in for the kill. Deep is the crevice of the ass, measured in nerve endings. Profound is the pleasure, stronger than Phil had known he was capable of feeling. Rich was the delight to a woman like Sue. Great was the pride she took in giving.

Phil could not tell how long she pleasured him, her tongue probing and flicking and teasing. He screamed, he thrashed, his arms and legs flew in the air and pounded the bed. He felt like a toddler, someone simply unable to handle the surge of unfamiliar emotions.

"Stop," he begged, at last, breath heaving, eyes wet.

"How was that, master?"

He rolled her off him and took her in a tight bear hug, trembling, shaking. Her chains stopped her from hugging him back, they dug into his body, but he didn't care. "I can't...I can't even... this is the greatest thing to ever happen to me."

Sue's eyes were wet too. "I'm so glad I could give you that, master."

"Your husband...your husband must be the luckiest man in the history of the world."

"I've never done this for him, master."

"But...why me, then?"

"Because you're my master," said Sue. Phil didn't understand this, but he was too horny to debate. He hurried over to the sex shop bag, forgetting to order Sue to run menial errands like that. Inside were the set of two shorter chains that had come with the cuffs.

He rushed back to bed, then stopped to gape. Sue was lying seductively on the bed, her chains slithering along her body. Almost with regret, Phil began to take them off.

"Why, master?" she asked. Phil didn't reply.

Unusually, this hotel room featured a four-poster bed. Phil now had enough chains to spread Sue in an X shape, using the two long chains for her arms and the shorter ones for her legs.

"Now," he said, "you are helpless. Powerless. There is nothing you can do. Even the safe word cannot save you, because I can ignore it. You are my prisoner, not just my slave. I can rape you if I want."

She looked at him, spread-eagled, naked and defenseless, but unbowed.

"You can't rape me, master."

"I can beat you. I can break our limits and you can't stop me."

Was that a hint of fear he saw in her eyes? It electrified him.

He drew back his fist and aimed a punch, stopping suddenly right in front of her eyes. She flinched, but still did not say a word.

He pushed his fist against her cunt, astonished to feel the quantity of liquid dripping there. Her fear didn't hold back her arousal, it intensified it, magnified it.

He flopped down on the bed and dove between her legs. He lapped at it hungrily, greedily, like a child desperate for ice cream. His tongue was not gentle, it was violent, aggressive, thrusting itself into her like a mini-cock.

Sue struggled against the chains, but could not move. He mauled at her like a dog, playing with her clit and labia, even taking them between his teeth, snapping, sucking, pulling, nipping. She was his, his possession, even if he was down there, and he would not let her forget it.

She was now the one moaning, panting. Her body was starting to shake. At that moment he jumped forward and thrust his cock into her. Yes. At last. The long day's journey into night had ended at last. The endless nightmare of frustrated masturbation was over. Here he was. Pure, unfiltered, bare cunt. It wrapped as tightly around his cock as if it had come from a mold. The pleasure was unbelievable.

She was all around him. He could breathe in her scent, he could hear her chains clinking, her breath heaving as he fucked her. She was his toy, his to fuck as long as he wanted. All he could think of were the sensations of wild, crazed pleasure flowing through his body.

Phil let loose, squirting his seed into her, for the first time in his life enjoying a woman as she was meant to be enjoyed. He could not believe his good fortune. Surely nothing on earth could possibly ruin this moment.

"Oh my god! Oh! Oh!" Sue was shouting out. "Oh, Keith! Keith! Keith! I love you so much!"


A few minutes later, they had put their clothes on and were sitting on the sofa, looking embarrassed.

"Keith. Is that your husband?"

Sue sighed. "Yes, that's his name."

"And, when having sex, that's the name you call out."

"Phil, I like you a lot, and I desire you tremendously, but did I ever say or act as if I was in love with you?"


"Are you in love with me?"

"You're my friend, and I have a lot of desire for you, but no, I'm not in love with you."

"I am in love with Keith, Phil. I am married to Keith. Can you understand that?"

"Of course, but then why are you—"

"I know, I know, I'm cheating on him. You're just... you're so desirable and hot and creative — I can't stay away from you."

Phil normally would have had trouble believing that. Then again, he'd just walked her like a dog, and received a rimjob for his pains.

"So why haven't you done this with your husband?"

She looked wistful. "I'd do anything to do this with him."

"Anything?" Phil asked. "How about just talking to him about it?"

Sue glared at him. "Watch it. You're not my master right now. Have you ever been married? Or even in a relationship?"


"Were your parents happily married?"


"I didn't think so. Don't lecture me on subjects you know nothing about."

"I'm — I'm sorry," he said. Sue was surprised to see the look of terror on his face, once again the scared little boy. Her heart melted. "Come here, baby." She held him tightly in her arms. "Let's talk about something nicer. Let's talk about tomorrow morning."

"Would...would you suck my cock again?" he asked hopefully.

She smiled. "I'd like to, but it's too great a risk taking you to the office two days in a row. Someone might get suspicious."

Phil looked defeated.

"Do you mind just meeting for breakfast instead?"

"Of course."

She gave him the address, then went over to his suitcase.

"Can you show me your underwear? I love men's underwear."

She poked through them. "Can you wear this one tomorrow?"

There was nothing special about it that Phil could see. "Why?"

"You'll find out." She glanced at her watch. "I really have to go now, honey." She kissed him before heading out.
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