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Best friends Jenn and Carly decide to rebel against their school uniforms by wearing obscene Halloween costumes and sneaking out to go trick-or-treating. They go to a neighborhood where they KNOW they won't run into any of their classmates. They don't. They do, however, knock on the door of someone familiar.
“Jesus, Carly, I hate these crappy school uniforms!”

Jenn yanked her navy blue polo shirt up, over her red curls, and off. She wadded it up and threw it onto the floor of her bedroom. Her quick fingers unzipped her knee-length plaid skirt, skimmed it down her slim hips, and tossed it onto the fallen polo shirt.

Jenn’s full breasts joggled in their hot-pink bra, which was cut so low the curve of her areolas were nearly visible.

“Fuck, that’s better.”

She adjusted her thong, which was exactly the same vivid shade as her bra.

Carly hated the new school uniform policy, too. She sat on Jenn’s bed, watching as her best friend kicked her discarded school clothes into a corner. Carly noticed how Jenn’s tight ass cheeks — completely exposed by the thong — barely wiggled as she walked over to her closet to pick out something to wear.

I wish my butt looked like that. I’m at least 10 pounds away from having such a nice ass. The extra weight makes my tits nice and big, though.

Jenn grabbed a pair of jeans and a tank top out of her closet, and slipped them on. She sat down on her bed facing Carly.

The two high-school seniors were both pretty, but in entirely different ways. Jenn O’Shea was short and petite, with dark eyes and a wild mass of coppery-red curls. Carly Franklin was almost 9 inches taller than her friend, with rounded curves, freckles and shiny blond hair that fell to her waist. Jenn envied Carly’s smooth hair; Carly envied Jenn’s tight bottom.

“I wish we could dress like we want to,” Jenn said in a huff. “I always feel like my Aunt Mabel wearing that stupid uniform.”

“Yeah, I know. I’ve got an Aunt Phyllis who dresses like that,” Carly said, smiling.

Jenn’s dark eyes suddenly lit up. “Oh, fuck! I have an idea!”

“What’s that?”

“I know when we can dress how we like.”


“Tomorrow night! Halloween!” Jenn said, her voice all excited. “Let’s wear costumes and go trick-or-treating!”

“We’re a little old for that, but it sounds like fun, Jenn,” said Carly, “but how are we going to get costumes?”

Jenn thought for a second, her full lips pursed.

“I know! Leave it to me; I’ll get costumes for us.”

“Are you sure? Remember how strict my parents are. They’ll never let me wear anything skimpy.”

“Yes! I know just what to do,” Jenn said, a big smile lighting her face. “Just arrange with your folks to come to my house tomorrow night and sleep over. They’ll never see your costume. This is going to be so much fun!”

“Well,” said Carly, “as long as there is no way in hell I can get caught. I don’t want to get grounded again. But I do love candy.”

Candy isn’t going to make my ass any smaller. But maybe my tits will get even bigger!

Carly put her hands on the swell of her breasts, picturing them plumping up as she gorged on candy corn and Twizzlers.

Jenn watched Carly’s hands cup her big breasts and grinned. “This is going to be so much fun,” she repeated.

Holy crap, I wonder what Jenn is going to get for us to wear.

Carly felt an unexpected tingle between her legs.

Jenn was right. This will be fun.


Late the next afternoon, Carly arrived at Jenn’s house, overnight bag in hand. Immediately Jenn grabbed her friend’s hand and pulled her into her bedroom. The redhead carefully closed the bedroom door and locked it.

“I. Got. Us. Costumes,” Jenn announced, her voice breathy. “And they will totally show off our bodies.”

“So let me see!” said Carly, her heart suddenly thumping in her chest.

I wonder, maybe it’s naughty nurses or Barbie dolls or French maids.

Emerging from her closet, Jenn held up two Halloween costumes on their hangers, giving them a little shake. Their satin beauty-pageant-style sashes — one reading “TRICK,” the other “TREAT,” bobbed and sparkled.

“Ta fucking da!” said Jenn with a flourish. “So Carly, which do you want to be, Trick or Treat?”

Holy shit, these costumes look totally slutty.

“Jenn.” Carly’s voice was low and intense. “Are you out of your mind? I would be in all kinds of holy hell trouble if I got caught wearing EITHER ONE of those!”

Jenn continued as if Carly hadn’t said anything. “Hmm. I think you should be Treat, ‘cause you have bigger tits than me. Barely bigger, but still. The gumdrops on these cupcakes have to really stick out for the full effect.” She wiggled the costume on her right.

“Where the hell did you get them?” Carly asked.

“After school today I drove to a costume shop, but they didn’t have anything left. So I remembered an adult novelty shop across the street from the old mall. I went there, snuck inside, got my courage up, and bought these,” said Jenn happily, her dark eyes dancing. “I made the sashes myself.”

Carly, her eyebrow cocked, looked at the Treat costume. The cups on the bikini-style top looked like white frosting, with two faux red gumdrops attached right at the nipples. The bikini bottom was also solid white, with a design printed right over the crotch: a 3-inch-tall piece of candy corn, its triangle shape mimicking the triangle of pussy hair underneath. The outfit came with red-and-white striped thigh-highs. Plus, of course, the pink satin sash reading “TREAT.”

“That may be the filthiest Halloween costume I’ve ever seen,” Carly said dryly.

“I know, right?” Jenn giggled. “Hold it up and see how it’ll look on you.” She handed the hanger to her friend.

Carly reluctantly took the costume, held it up to her body and looked in the mirror. She had to admit, the effect was striking.

I’d look more naked in this than if I had no clothes on.

“So you’ll be Treat, and I’ll be Trick,” said Jenn, holding the remaining costume up to her slim body. It looked exactly like the outfit Julia Roberts wore in “Pretty Woman,” a little dress white on top and blue on the bottom, connected by rings in the front and back. “See, this one comes with these black boots.” Jenn held up a tall shiny black boot.

“I snuck into my mom’s closet and borrowed her black heels for you, Carly,” Jenn said. “You two wear the same size shoe.”

Carly looked at Jenn’s costume with its “TRICK” sash, and bit her lip. “Jenn, you are telling me that you’re going to dress like a prostitute, and I’m going to dress like a cream puff, and this is a good idea.”

“This is the one night all year we can dress like total sluts, show off our bodies and get away with it! Now c’mon, I went to a lot of trouble,” Jenn mock-whined, sticking her lower lip out in an exaggerated pout. “Pleeease? I wanna go trick-or-treating with you.”

Despite her misgivings, Carly had to smile. Jenn was hard to resist when she fake-pouted. “But holy crap, what if we see someone we know?”

“We won’t. We’ll drive to Val Verde, and go trick-or-treating there. No one we know lives there.”

Carly knew this was true. Although it was only a few miles away, all the kids that lived in Val Verde went to the new high school in the next town over.

“And Carly, think!” Jenn’s pretty face lit up. “We’ll be sure to make off with a ton of awesome candy at Val Verde, with its expensive homes.”

Carly held the ridiculous costume up to her chest again. The gumdrops on the bikini top stuck out obscenely. The humor of it struck her, and she started giggling.

“OK, Jenn, OK. We’ll go out trick-or-treating tonight,” Carly said, watching as her friend clapped her hands and jumped up and down. “We’ll have to cross our fingers that no one recognizes us!”


The friends waited until it got dark, then quickly changed into their costumes.

Carly’s lush breasts overflowed her cupcake bikini top, straining against the fabric and making the two red gumdrops stand at attention. The high-cut bikini bottom fit perfectly, with the candy-corn triangle in front hugging her furry blond mound, and her plump ass cheeks exposed in back. The red-and-white thigh-highs showed off Carly’s curvy legs. Shiny black heels completed the outfit.

Jenn’s “Pretty Woman” dress hugged her body like a glove, revealing her narrow waist. She wasn’t wearing a bra, so her nipples poked against the flimsy white bodice. The dress was so short its hem skimmed the bottom curve of her ass cheeks. The black boots ended just above Jenn’s knees; her thighs were bare.

Both girls wore their sashes. TRICK and TREAT.

Holy crap, we look like porn stars. I’m glad it’s warm outside.

“Well, this is about as far from those Aunt Mabel school uniforms as possible, huh Carly?” Jenn giggled.

“We look like porn stars.”

“Look Carly, no panties!” Jenn lifted the hem of her skirt, revealing her smooth pussy lips. To Jenn’s shocked eyes, the folds looked a little swollen, a little excited.

“I just shaved myself,” Jenn whispered. “You wouldn’t believe how soft my skin is. Here, feel.”

Before Carly could answer or react, Jenn took her hand and placed it directly on her mound. It was velvety under Carly’s fingertips.

Holy fuck.

Carly jerked her hand away as if she was touching fire.

“Jesus, Jenn. Yes, yes, yes, you are soft. When did you start … shaving yourself.”

“Just today.” Jenn’s eyes gleamed. She raised her skirt higher, and stroked her smooth mound with one hand. “I was inspired when I tried on this costume. I like it. It lets me go without panties without being so obvious.”

“How’s that?”

“Well, before my red hair was so obvious if it peeked out. Now it’s just skin.”

Carly gulped. “I see. You are a brave woman, Jenn O’Shea.”

Jenn laughed. “Maybe. Doesn’t that costume make you feel … sexy? You sure look sexy.”

Carly looked at herself in the mirror. She had to admit, she felt like a sex object. It made her skin tingle. Her nipples peak.

I’m all slick between my legs.

Before Carly could answer, Jenn smoothed her skirt down. “C’mon sexy, we should get going. Let’s show these bodies off!”

The girls threw on coats in case Jenn’s parents happened to be around (they weren’t), grabbed a couple of plastic pumpkins Jenn had bought to collect candy and hopped in Jenn’s car. They drove to Val Verde, nervously chattering on the way. They decided they would pick a house at random, watch another trick-or-treat group to make sure a guy answered the door, and then walk up, when no other trick-or-treaters were around.

“Remember, Jenn, I’m grounded forever if I get caught in this getup,” Carly said nervously.

“No worries, sweetheart.” Jenn patted her hand. “No one will know us here. Everyone goes to school somewhere else, remember?”

They parked against the curb, and watched the house in front of them. When some tiny ghosts and princesses rang the doorbell, a tall slim guy had answered.

The girls looked at each other. This was it.

They shrugged off their coats and got out of the car, clutching their pumpkins. The house in front of them had glowing orange lights and a smiling jack-o’-lantern on its porch.

Carly felt her breasts jiggling as she teetered up the walk, her heels clicking. Beside her, Jenn’s boot heels clicked, too. The glittery letters on their pink sashes reflected the jack-o’-lantern’s glowing light.

At the door, Carly took a deep breath.

Holy crap holy crap holy crap.

“Are you scared?” she whispered to Jenn.

“No. Excited.” Jenn answered, her voice calm.

Carly pushed the doorbell. DING DONG!

The door opened.

“Trick!” said Jenn.

“Or Treat! said Carly.

There in front of them stood Mr. Richards, their biology teacher from sophomore year. He was wearing a black T-shirt and old soft jeans; his feet were bare.

He had left the year before to teach at the new high school.

NO! Oh my God, of course TEACHERS could live here! NO NO NO!

The tall man looked at them, his face impassive. His eyes dropped down, took in their costumes, and lifted back to their faces. His mouth quirked up.

Oh God, of all the teachers, why did it have to be him. He’s one the hottest teachers EVER. All the girls have giant crushes on him!

“Miss Franklin. Miss O’Shea. Hello.” His voice was deep, amused.

His eyes, though, looked heated. He glanced down again at their chests, and opened the front door for them.

“I think you should both come inside.” Although friendly, it was an order, not a suggestion.

Appalled, Carly looked over at Jenn, who was staring mesmerized into Mr. Richards’ face. The redhead didn’t look scared or upset. She looked excited. Carly’s eyes flicked down to Jenn’s chest; her nipples were at hard attention, pressing against the slinky white fabric.

Silently, the two girls brushed past Mr. Richards, and walked into his house. Carly could feel the teacher’s gaze follow them as they walked into his living room.

Mr. Richards paused, then turned out the light outside, so no other trick-or-treaters would ring his bell.


In something like shock, Carly looked around the living room. It was very masculine, with dark leather and bookcases. A drink sat on the coffee table next to a bowl of candy. The room was dim, with light music playing. There was no sign of a wife, or indeed of any woman’s presence.

Mr. Richards joined them. He stood, hands on his hips, blatantly looking them over.

“So, girls, I haven’t seen you in a while. Interesting choice of costumes. Do your parents know how you are dressed?”

Oh no! He’s going to tell on me. Holy shit!

Mr. Richards pulled an iPhone out of his jeans. “Pose for me.”

Jenn slipped her arm around Carly’s waist, and puckered up for the camera. Carly just stood there, her face a shocked mask.

Mr. Richards aimed his camera at them and took the picture.

“There! That will make a nice email to your mom and dad, Carly,” Mr. Richards said pleasantly. “I can’t imagine the oh-so-upright Franklins knowing anything about that whore’s outfit you’re wearing.”

Carly closed her eyes, wishing a hole would open up and she could drop through it.

“Actually, I’m the whore,” chirped Jenn. “See, I’m a prostitute, the TRICK, and Carly is the TREAT.”

Mr. Richards looked at Jenn, his eyes gleaming. “You’re the whore, huh? Does the whore want a drink?”


He walked out, and a few minutes later returned. He held two drinks, which he handed to the girls.

“Drink up. You look thirsty.”

Carly suddenly realized she was parched, and took a big sip. Immediately her head felt like it was spinning.

Easy. Easy. You don’t know how to drink, you idiot.

“That’s it, drink up.” Mr. Richards’ voice was low, soothing.

“Mr. Richards, would you please delete that photo from your iPhone?” Carly asked in a small voice. “I’ll get in big trouble if you don’t.”

“We’ll see. First, drink.”

She did. She heard Jenn take a big drink from her glass. She did the same.

My head is spinning.

“Sit down, right there on the couch.” Another order.

They did, sitting side by side. Mr. Richards stood before them, looking down at them.

“So what made you decide to dress like this?”

Carly was speechless, but Jenn spoke right up.

“We wanted to show off our bodies.”

Carly gasped and stared at her friend. Jenn was looking up at Mr. Richards, her pupils dilated, her lips parted.

“Hmmm, I see,” Mr. Richards murmured. “Trick or treat. Very cute.”

Carly nodded her head. Her mind felt thick and fuzzy.

This drink is so strong. I feel really relaxed.

“Drink up, girls,” Mr. Richards breathed. “Bottoms up.”

Carly and Jenn both tipped their glasses up, draining the brownish liquid into their mouths.

“Is there a Mrs. Richards? Do you have a girlfriend?” asked Jenn, her voice breathy.

Jason smiled. “No. I’m not married. I don’t have a girlfriend.”

“But you’re not gay, right?” asked Jenn.

Carly gasped. She couldn’t believe what Jenn was saying.

“You’re not wearing any panties, are you Miss O’Shea?”


“Show me.”

Carly watched in dazed fascination as Jenn grasped the hem of her costume and inched it up, uncovering her creamy pussy lips.

Mr. Richards glanced at Jenn’s sex, then lifted his eyes back up to her face.

“No, Miss O’Shea, I’m not gay,” he said softly. “In fact, I’m going to fuck that whore cunt of yours while you treat yourself to Miss Franklin’s pussy.”

Even as Carly’s mind screamed, a delicious pulse ran between her legs. Her nipples thickened under her bikini top.

“Once I’ve cum, I’ll delete the photo, Miss Franklin. It’ll be our little secret.”

Holy shit, this like a dream. Am I really here? Is this happening?

Jenn was gently pushing Carly back on the couch, until her blond head rested on the cushioned armrest.

“I want to see Miss Franklin’s tits,” Mr. Richards ordered Jenn.

Jenn’s small fingers pushed Carly’s bikini cups to each side, exposing her nipples. The tips were erect, and looked like pink pencil erasers. The puffy areolas were a darker rosy shade.

Carly’s chest rose up and down as she panted. Her heart thumped.

She had never been so excited in her life.

“There, nice, I knew those tits would be gorgeous,” Mr. Richards said. “Now, Miss O’Shea, move between Miss Franklin’s legs. Prepare to eat.”

Panting slightly, Jenn smiled at Carly. She held onto the waistband of Carly’s bikini bottoms, and tugged down. The silly bottom, with the candy corn on the crotch, slid off Carly’s legs, over her stockings and off. Jenn lifted one of Carly’s black heels off the couch, and hooked it over the top of the couch. Carly’s legs spread wide. Her slit opened, revealing delicate pink folds above a small glistening hole. The hole slowly clenched, winked, pushing out a whitish cream.

Oh fuck, oh my dear God.

Carly took Jenn’s hand and pressed it onto her pussy.

“I’m wet.”

Jenn fingered her friend.

“Yes, soaked.”

Jenn slid a finger into Carly’s slit; it glided in easily. She swirled it in a small circle. Carly was so warm. So tight.

Jenn withdrew her finger and slipped it into her mouth. “Mmm. You taste good, Carly.”

“Now smell her.” Mr. Richards’ voice was low and calm.

Jenn nudged Carly flat onto the couch. She scooted down between her friend’s thighs. She lowered her face, and inhaled the rich scent of Carly’s furry sex.

“How does she smell, Miss O’Shea?” Mr. Richards asked quietly.

“So good. Sweet.”

“Taste her.”

Jenn opened her mouth. She tentatively reached out her pink tongue … and licked her friend’s sex.

“Oh yes, Jenn. Oh yes.” Carly grasped Jenn’s curls in her fingers, her back arching. She was mindless.

Jenn slowly ran her tongue over Carly’s slippery lips. She wormed her tongue inside, and explored her friend’s hole. She even curled her tongue down farther, and gave Carly’s pink pucker a leisurely, swirling kiss.

Mr. Richards ordered again. “Now, her clit. Suck it.”

Jenn found the small button easily. It stuck straight up. She wrapped her lips around Carly’s clit. She began to nurse.

Carly felt her diamond-hard pearl pulse inside Jenn’s working mouth. Carly gasped, bucked, and pulled Jenn’s curls. She felt a gush of fresh juice ooze from her hole.

“Good girl,” Mr. Richards said in his soothing voice. “Now, Miss O’Shea, I’m going to flip up your little whore skirt, and fuck you from behind.”

Jenn tilted up her little ass, making it easier for him. Her pussy hung down, in full view. He positioned himself behind her, and slid his big hand between her legs. He cupped her, intimately.

“Smooth little slut. You are so wet.”

Mr. Richards gently massaged Jenn’s clitoris, circling the firm button. He kept up a slow, constant rhythm, occasionally dipping his fingers inside her for juice.

“Your clit is pulsing on my hand. You want to be fucked, don’t you, whore?”

Jenn kept her mouth attached to Carly’s clit, sucking, sucking.

“It’s time to fuck you now, Miss O’Shea,” Mr. Richards murmured. He arched over Jenn’s back, one hand wrapped in her coppery curls. With the other hand, he positioned the head of his erection at the back entrance to her sex.

Mr. Richards pushed into Jenn with exquisite slowness. As the thick shaft inched deeper and deeper, the teacher paused.

With a quick thrust, Mr. Richards forced his big cock deep within Jenn.

Jenn grunted, her mouth open against Carly’s pussy.

Mr. Richards paused, his erection buried inside Jenn. He rotated his hips and eased out of her. After a beat, he pressed his thickness back into her, rotating his hips again. He teased her, slowly easing in and out of her wetness.

“You are such a slippery little whore,” he whispered, his fingers playing in her curls. He sped up.

As he humped deeper and deeper, harder and harder, Jenn began matching her teacher’s rhythm, her hips moving tentatively to meet his. She thrust back and up, over and over, her bottom clenching as she let herself be fucked.

As he pumped, Mr. Richards slipped his finger into his mouth, got it wet, then reached down and pressed it over Jenn’s asshole. The pink star-shaped hole quivered under his touch. He played with it, rubbing it in circles. Slipped his finger barely inside and swirled it around and around.

“You have the sweetest ass, Miss O’Shea," he whispered. “And my cock loves your pussy.”

Jenn lifted her mouth from Carly’s engorged clit. “Oh, Mr. Richards! I’m— I’m— so close!” Jenn was panting. She was covered with a sheen of sweat.

“Cum for me, little cunt.” The teacher gently squeezed Jenn’s clit.

Jenn’s toes curled. She lowered her mouth onto Carly’s open sex.

Both girls climaxed. Carly’s pussy contracted around Jenn’s lips. Jenn closed her eyes and jerked, as Mr. Richards slipped his finger deep into her small ass pucker, sliding it in and out slowly. Jenn convulsed, crying out into Carly’s hairy blond pussy.

Mr. Richards’ orgasm exploded at the same moment. He thrust deep, then froze while buried inside Jenn’s wetness. He pumped his semen into the girl’s womb, until the cream oozed out around the edges of his cock, dripping in pearly glops onto the couch.

All three collapsed in a sweaty, leaking heap, breathing hard, hearts beating fast.


Minutes later, the three disentangled themselves, and straightened their clothes.

Carly watched, her entire body relaxed and in peace, as Mr. Richards deleted the photo from his iPhone.

As he showed the girls to the door, Mr. Richards was smiling. He slipped his hand under Jenn’s skirt, giving her pussy a quick feel.

He slipped his fingers in his mouth, sucking them clean.

“You girls be good, now.”

And they were standing on Mr. Richards’ porch. His light came back on, ready for more trick-or-treaters.

“Hey, Carly?” Jenn said, her voice hoarse.


“Wanna go trick-or-treating now?”

Both girls started giggling.


2020-10-19 14:34:49
Unlike your other stories, this one lacks credibility

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