It was a Wednesday evening and I was walking back home from school. I had only started the school about a month ago and so far things have been going quite well. I had made some new friends, and of course some enemies as well, but one thing in particular was on my mind. It was a girl in my class called Jessica. Every school has them, the kind of girl that all the guys want to screw, and even most of the teachers. She was popular, and it was obvious why, she was an absolute knockout. She had a young, pert, and nicely shaped body and ass, beautiful face with cobalt blue eyes, large sumptuous breasts and she always dressed to impress, short skirts, short shorts, basically anything that was short and revealed as much skin is possible, but always tastefully.
Her one problem was that she was an absolute bitch. She always got what she wanted and she knew how to get it. All she had to do was tease a guy, make him think that there might be some sort of sexual gratification at the end of the tunnel and they would give into her desires like whipped puppy dogs.
I knew, however, that behind her bravado lay a meek, submissive, horny slut and that all she needed was someone to break through her shell so that her real personality could shine through. The question was, of course, how?
I had been working quite hard on this project of late and had devised a cracking scheme and, if everything went according to plan, tonight was the night that I would realise the fruits of my labour. About a week ago I had heard from a friend of mine that Jessica's parents were going away on a romantic trip for a week. I knew that Jessica was an only child, only an only child could be as self-absorbed and spoilt she was. I, of course, had devised an excuse explaining my own absence and had told my parents that I was going on a week's trip with my friend Gerald. I told him to confirm the story if anyone asked and that I would debrief him later. I was sure he would be pleased with the results anyway.
I turned the corner onto Hartington Street and waited outside Jessica's house. About a half-hour later she returned home. She parked her car outside the house and got out. As usual she was wearing scandalously short shorts and a crop top. As she approached the door I ran up behind her chloroform in hand, now the real fun would start.
I dragged her inside and rested my backpack against the staircase. I took the rope and the masking tape out of the bag and bound her hands and feet together so that escape would be impossible. I dragged her up the stairs to her room and laid her on out her bed. Naturally, with her in this helpless state, I couldn't resist lifting up her shirt and easing down her shorts a little to get a view of her amazing body. I was so hard already but I knew that it would be better to wait until later to release the burning urge I felt in my loins. I knew that we had a long week together and that there will be plenty of opportunity.
After about 10 mins later Jessica opened her eyes.
‘What? Where am I? James! What the fuck are you doing here? I can't move!’
‘That's right Jessica’ I said in a very matter-of-fact tone. ‘It's me ‘
‘I know that! But why are you here and why am I tied up, you shit!’
I continued ‘let me explain something to you, and I hope you will understand quickly because the faster we move the less painful it will be for you. Over the next week I will take control of you, I will make it so that every cell in your body yearns for my touch. You will need me so badly that you will be physically incapable of harbouring any thoughts which involve harming or disobeying me. The rest of your life will consist of serving me. It will not be an unhappy life, however, in fact it will be much more rewarding and pleasurable than the lives of many others because you will have one clear purpose, no indecision, no conflict, you will exist to make me happy. You will be a slave to me, body and soul.
‘Are you out of your fucking mind?! There is no way that is going to happen. I don't need you. You area low-life scumbag! You had better think again Mr and untie me or else I'll make you pay I’ll…’
It was at this point that I gave her a smack right across her face. I was no expert in psychology but I knew that in order to train someone they needed to be rewarded for good behaviour and punished for bad, a Pavlovian method if you will. I was sure that this would work because I anyway knew that she was a dirty slut on the inside, desperate to serve a strong authority figure.
‘You had best realise now that there is no way out for you, learn to submit and you will be rewarded, but if you defy me you shall feel what it really means to be punished.’
She began to sob. This was a good thing because it meant my plan was working perfectly. I had already broken through her initial attempt at defiance and met it with extreme force. She was beginning to realise that there really was no way out for her. It was time for me to move to phase 2. I went into my bag and fished out a remote-control vibrator. I turned towards Jessica and I could see the look of horror on her face.
‘No, what are you doing? You're not seriously going to…’
I approached her determinedly and slowly set about binding her hands and feet to her bedposts so that she was not able to move in any direction. Of course, as I did this, she writhed about kicking and screaming but given the difference in our size it was easy to overpower her. I pulled off her shorts to reveal a tiny G string.
‘Interesting’ I said ‘I always knew that you were a slut.’
She looked at me defiantly but suddenly, as I was about to insert the dildo, tried a change of tactics.
‘Listen James’ she said, trying to reason with me ‘just let me go now, I promise I won't tell anyone about this, you know, we can even go out together one day. I can tell people we went all the way. Everyone will think you're really cool and I promise I'll never tell anyone about this if you just let me go now.’
‘You think that you are entitled to everything don’t you? Don't worry, I'm going to teach you a lesson that you'll never forget and after we’re done you won't be able to live one day without my cock being jammed inside you exactly where this vibrator is going right now ’and with that I jammed the sex toy deep into her vaginal cavity.
‘aaaah’ she screamed.
I returned to my bag and withdrew a pair of headphones connected to a portable tape player. It was a recording of my voice repeating sexual commands over and over again. I held one headphone to my ear to make sure it was working correctly, ‘submit to me and you will be happy, surrender your will, submit to me’. That appeared to be in order. Additionally, I also set up a laptop which I propped up at the end of the bed. I had the laptop play a loop of images demonstrating women being subservient to men. I interspersed this slideshow with pictures of me. Satisfied that everything was arranged correctly, I left the room. I looked back to see Jessica writhing from side to side, her teeth were clenched, ‘you fucker!’ she exclaimed.
I returned four hours later and walked over to the bed. The area underneath Jessica's cunt was soaking wet and her face had gone all red, beads of sweat were dripping from her brow. She opened her eyes and gazed at me disorientated and confused. There was something confusing about her expression, as well as retaining elements of her earlier defiance, it was also easy to see that, underneath this, a strong desire was swelling within her for the type of sexual release that only another human being could give her. Her eyes pleaded with me pathetically.
I leant down and lifted up her top exposing her magnificent breasts. I traced a circle around her areola’s. She flinched, unable to contain the waves of excitement that were pouring through her body but still she held onto the need to fight it. I started licking her left nipple, her body shivered, she began involuntarily pressing her breasts against my face, wanting more, but she kept having to check herself, repressing her animal desires. It was an internal conflict that was quite arousing to see.
It was time for me to change tactic, I knew that full submission would only be attained by rewarding subservience and punishing disobedience. I removed the vibrator which, incidentally, led to a massive release of sexual juices that had built up within her, and replaced it with a sophisticated instrument that would send a series of shocks through her body at repeated intervals. I then switched the tape in the tape player with an altogether different theme. This time the tape featured a female voice repeating phrases such as ‘I want to be free’, ‘I’ll hurt James’, ‘I’ll disobey James’. Naturally, I also made the appropriate amendments to the video. Instead of showing images of women being subservient it instead showed scenes of women being free. The repeated shocks, combined with the messages instigating rebellion would subconsciously make the thought of disobeying me painful to Jessica.
I continued these 4 hour cycles for a 48-hour period, rewarding subservience and punishing disobedience. On the third day I returned to the bedroom. Jessica had just undergone another four hours on a sexual pleasure cycle. As I entered the room her expression was somewhat perplexed, as if she was no longer able to understand where she was or what was happening to her. As I approached her I noticed a marked change in her demeanour, the aggression that she has displayed after I first captured her at all but disappeared. The conflict within her was still evident but it seems that now her desire to be controlled was winning the battle.
I brought my hand down and caressed her chin, her body responded instantly, she inhaled deeply and cooed. I withdrew the dildo from her pussy, she flinched slightly but also noticed a hint of disappointment.
‘Jessica’ I said firmly ‘I trust you have had enough time to learn the meaning of submission and the consequence of disobedience. I am now going to untie you and I trust that you will not try anything stupid. I want to first make sure of one thing though,from now on you are to call me ‘master’ do you understand?’
I noticed her internal struggle. She was only able to eke out an utterance,
‘I won’t’ she said with her last ounce of defiance.
I traced my hand between her breasts and started playing, gingerly, with her clitoris.
‘Yes’ she exclaimed ‘yes, master’!’
‘And when I give you commands you will follow them without question, am I correct?’
I continued gratifying her clitoris, but this time more forcefully.
‘Yes’ she cried out.
I released the bindings from the corners of the bed. Her limbs were now free for the first time since our initial meeting outside her door. A second after being released she made a move towards the door, and attempt to escape. The gesture, nonetheless, showed clear evidence of the effects of the training. The conflict within her was now a raging, she could have easily reached the door if she had wanted to, something within her was making her to stay.
‘Stop ’I exclaimed.
Her overwhelming desire to obey kicked in.
‘On your knees’ I said.
She immediately fell to her knees. I released my cock from my pants and let it stand aloft. I was already fully erect.
‘Crawl over here and suck my cock’ I commanded.
When she saw my cock her eyes became glassy and focused, she began panting like a dog on heat. She raced over to my cock and engulfed it in her silky mouth, sucking me as if her life depended on it.
‘ Stop’ despite the fact that I was enjoying it, I knew I had to test her obedience. She was unable to stop. I pushed her on the floor and slapped her across the face.
‘ It's clear that you still need some more training slut. You don't want to go back to the bed do you?’
‘ No, please, anything but that master’ she pleaded.
‘Then you must learn to obey my commands the second I give them to you!’
‘ Yes master, I'll be better I promise.’
‘ Touch yourself’ I ordered.
she moved her hand to her pussy and started playing with it. I gazed deep into her eyes, I could tell that she was finally able to release all the submissive desires that she had had within her for all this time. Over the past few years she had been the top dog at school, teasing teachers, leading guys on and being bitchy to her friends.All she ever really wanted was for someone to take control of her, to make her submit, and it was this that she was enjoying more than anything in her life before. Her body began shaking, tremoring, and I could tell that she was nearing orgasm, while gazing at my engorged penis.
‘Stop!’ I commanded.
She obeyed instantly, but looked up at me with puppy dog eyes, as if I had wronged her somehow.
‘ Please master, please’ she pleaded, ‘let me cum.’
‘ Not until you admit what a bitch you are. Admit that you need this treatment, admit that you want to be treated like a slut, that you need to be treated like a slut and that this is payback for everything you've done to all those guys.’
‘ Yes, yes, I admit it. It's all true.’
‘ Good, now I want you to beg for my cock, I want you to beg me to fuck you. ’
‘ Please, please fuck me. I need your cock, I need you to control me. You are my master, I need you and I need you to fuck me!’
With that, I spun her round and threw her on the bed face-first. I took my throbbing cock and thrust it into her soaking wet pussy.
‘yes master, I need this, I want this, fuck me hard’
I smashed my cock deep into her pussy. Long, hard strokes.
‘you are my bitch’ I screamed. ‘you are my dirty cock-whore’.
‘yes, yes’
Her body began to shiver and I pounded her to a powerful orgasm for both of us. We collapsed together on the bed. I lifted myself from the bed and began to reattach the ropes to the bedpost. Jessica looked at me pleadingly.
‘ I'm not quite finished with you yet. You still have a way to go before you are totally my slave. Then we are going to have a little fun together at school and maybe with some of your friends…’