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Yvette is in for a world of shock. Karma is not on her side.
Sapphire stood over her prey. Her large, half horse body easily dwarfed Yvette. Yvette was a small woman, no taller than 5 and a half feet. She was unfortunately thin, she had often not eaten so her younger siblings could. Now she shook in fear, cowering before the centaur. Sapphire smiled down at Yvette, walking around her slowly. Yvette whimpered as Sapphire reached down, lifting her chin. "Pretty girl, thin but pretty." Yvette listened to Sapphire's hooves click against the rocks beneath her. "Why are you in my forest?"

"I–I was hunting." Yvette looked towards her bow. "I left my family and I have no food."

"So you kill my animals?" Sapphire's eyes burned with anger as she shook a dead rabbit at Yvette.

"I'm sorry! I was just hungry," Yvette begged.

"You aren't sorry, not yet." Sapphire grabbed a handful of Yvette's brown hair and dragged her deeper into the forest.

Yvette yelped as Sapphire threw her into her den. Sapphire laughed as Yvette tried to crawl away. Sapphire grabbed her leg, flipping her onto her back. She grabbed her tattered dress, tearing it from her frail body. Sapphire took a moment to admire the girls naked, shaking body. Yvette sobbed as Sapphire knelt beside her, brushing her hair away from her face. Sapphire kissed her softly, then bared her sharp teeth. She bit Yvette's shoulder, drawing blood. Yvette screamed and crawled away. Sapphire grabbed her, dragging her back. Sapphire forced Yvette's legs open, placing her head between them. She licked her slit, savoring the taste. She grinned and shoved her tongue inside Yvette's pussy, holding her down as she squirmed. Sapphire felt a familiar feeling in her groin. She stood up, allowing Yvette see her monstrous, 30 inch cock. Yvette screamed and Sapphire placed a hoof on her chest. Sapphire grabbed her legs, lifting her hips up to meet her cock. She thrust forward, missing and running her cock up Yvette's stomach. Sapphire drew back, aiming again and thrusting forward and penetrating Yvette, her dick missing her pussy and burrowing into Yvette's ass.

Yvette felt the worst pain she could imagine as Sapphire entered her. She felt her stomach bulge as more of the centaur's dick was buried inside her. Sapphire whinnied and jerked forward, fucking Yvette mercilessly. She felt herself get deeper and that only encouraged her. Yvette struggled to catch her breath as Sapphire fucked her. The more Sapphire thrusted, the deeper she got. Once her dick was almost fully inside of Yvette, Sapphire picked up her speed. Yvette cried in pain as Sapphire gripped her hips, driving her further onto her massive cock. Blood dripped from Yvette's used asshole as Sapphire ruined her. Her stomach was distended grotesquely, sticking out further than any stomach should. Sapphire used one hand to stroke her cock through Yvette's skin. She groaned as she felt herself nearing orgasm. Yvette's cries were silenced as Sapphire kissed her roughly.

With a final thrust, Sapphire unloaded her cum into Yvette. The force of the orgasm inflated her stomach, forcing the cum out of her mouth with a mix of blood. Sapphire tweaked Yvette's nipples as she came, causing her to scream and choke. Once she was finished, Sapphire dropped Yvette, watching her cum flow from both ends. She placed a hoof on her stomach, pushing her cum out in waves. Yvette whimpered and curled up into a ball. She vomited, expelling the leftover semen onto the ground. "We aren't done yet, I have a friend for you to meet," Sapphire snarled and grabbed Yvette's arm.

Sapphire whistled into the den, a dark growl replying. A black, wolf like creature crept from the shadows, standing at 8 feet tall. A large, tentacle like cock hung between his legs, far thicker and longer than Sapphire's. Sapphire offered Yvette to the wolf. The wolf lapped at Yvette's ass and pussy, tasting his master's cum and her blood. He jumped on top of Yvette, pinning her down and forcing his cock into her ass. Yvette barely had time to react before the wolf was penetrating her entirely. As he fucked her deeper, Yvette could feel something coming up through her body. The wolf's cock wormed its way through her organs before reaching her throat. Yvette gagged as it erupted from her mouth. Sapphire licked the head of the wolf's dick, taking the remaining several inches into her throat. The wolf growled and fucked her faster.

Sapphire smacked her lips and took the wolf's cock from out of her mouth. She turned around, positioning her ass at the head of the cock. The wolf happily penetrated her, Sapphire moaning as she was fucked. Yvette had been turned into a human cock sleeve and the thought excited Sapphire. As they got brutally fucked, the wolf howled. The howl signalled that he was close to cumming and Sapphire encouraged him to keep going. Soon enough, she felt the wolf's cum flood her ass. She watched her stomach distend as she was filled to the brim. The wolf pulled out, wandering back to the shadows. Sapphire squatted over Yvette, pushing the cum from her body and covering Yvette in the thick layer of semen. Yvette groaned in pain as she was coated. Sapphire could feel herself growing erect again, but calmed herself enough to allow Yvette a moment of rest.
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