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I have a terrible gambling addiction. I have been through therapy several times, but once again I have lost everything. This time it is bad, really bad. Making things even worse, over time I have become an expert at hiding my financial situation. My wife doesn’t know it but I have put our family in financial ruins. I have gone through everything; our bank accounts, our limited investments, everything we own, even a major second mortgage on the house.

I have a terrible gambling addiction. I have been through therapy several times, but once again I have lost everything. This time it is bad, really bad. Making things even worse, over time I have become an expert at hiding my financial situation. My wife doesn’t know it but I have put our family in financial ruins. I have gone through everything; our bank accounts, our limited investments, everything we own, even a major second mortgage on the house.

About a year ago, when I got out of one more gambling addiction program, I started to travel from our home in Racine Wisconsin to Texas to gamble. The Rio Casino, on the Texas gulf coast became my go to destination. I went there initially on a business trip. I had one winning night and became convinced that the odds were better in that casino. With that, I started traveling back time after time, convinced I could “win” my way out of my problems.

A few months ago I met a guy at a craps table there at the casino and started to borrow from him. All I knew about him was he was Mexican, he was always around the tables, and he was willing to “stake” me. Soon I was over a quarter of a million behind to him.

While he was feeding me money regularly, I was learning a big lesson and didn’t know can’t pay off gambling debts by borrowing more money with which to gamble. Second lesson, once you find yourself over a quarter of a million down you better run for cover. I didn’t do that.

One more time I had come back down to Texas assuring myself I would win big. It was my turn to win. This casino owed me big time. Thus, I knew the odds were in my favor...right?

I had gambled all day trying to get some stash together so I could give Raul back some money but once again it was late in the night and I was way behind.

I had drunk too much while I was gambling for sure, but I am convinced someone put something in one of the drinks late in the evening.

I remember very little about how I got from the casino to where I am now. I am sure I was drugged most of the time. I have been blindfolded and kicked around from the time they grabbed me. I have had headaches and confusion being moved from place to place; eating and drinking the crap they give me. I have no idea exactly how long these thugs have had me. I only know it has been several days.

I have no idea what happened to my wife and three daughters. I normally came down to Texas to gamble alone but this time they wanted to come with me for a weekend getaway. After a day at the pool and spa, I know they had been in bed for hours when I passed out in the hall trying to find my way back to my room.

It has been well over a week and only in the last few hours has my head cleared enough that I am aware and able to remember some of what has happened. I have been mistreated and banged about in every humiliating way you can think of. All of my clothing has been taken and a course Mexican poncho thrown over my shoulders. A thick steel ring has been welded around my neck with a heavy chain that hangs to the floor with a larger metal clasp on the end.

I have been kept in an adobe room that resembles a prison cell. A five gallon bucket has made up my latrine and metal plates on the floor have provided my food...Mexican junk.

About an hour ago they put a gray hood over my head, tied it tightly around my neck scaring the shit out of me. Then they led me to this large room across a compound.

Thus I find myself sitting nude on a heavy white straight chair in the middle of a large mud room somewhere in Coahuila, Mexico. My arms are taped together from wrist to elbow behind the back of the chair with several of the loops of the duct tape going through heavy rungs in the back of the chair. My legs are bound together with tape from my ankles half way up to my knees, with several loops of the tape going around the horizontal rungs in the front of the chair. My thighs are duct tape tightly together.

My penis and scrotum have been pulled up between my tightly bound legs and a leather strap has been tied tightly around the base of my testicles with the end hanging over my right thigh.

A Mexican poncho has been thrown over my shoulders, but with the hood over my head I cannot tell if it covers my genitals or not.

I have a rather large penis which is now pulled up in front of me and fear has given me a raging hard on.

I hear loud clatter as a people come into the room and over toward me. It sounds like a loud drunk party has started with a lot of wild Mexican chatter and mariachi music.

The hood is roughly removed from my head. In front of me are three Mexican thugs. They could not look more threatening. All are armed with pistols and two of them carry short riding crops. I know only the middle one, El Capo. I met him more than once with Raul up at the casino in Texas.

El Capo walks in front of me, strikes me on the leg with his riding crop. I cannot describe how much it hurts.

He grins widely and starts at me,

“Well gringo you’re awake enough to listen. Understand you got a big problem, man. You’re a big time gambler, but you’re a shitty gambler, man. You go deep in debt to the wrong man up there in Texas. My man Raul lends you thousands and you treat him like dirt. You don’t pay back shit. That is no way to respect your bank, man. He gets to be some kind of disappointed in you.

Well, when Raul gets disappointed in assholes like you he calls a Caballero like me to solve his problem. The solution is simple. You owe big...I collect...everyone happy.

Understand this is not my main line of work down here. Normally, we just move a lot of shit and little brown people up though the border for hard cash, but this is not the first time we do something special like this and we know how to get things done real good. That is why we brought you down here to Mexico. We get things done so much quicker down here in my compound in my country.

It’s simple, man. We are going to collect the $280,690 American dollars you owe with the interest and when that is done we get you and your family back to Wisconsin.

My family! He has my family down here. I cannot tell you the shock and fright.

Or is he bluffing?

He keeps going at me and I sense a lot of it is to entertain a few drunken thugs across the room. They are getting quite a kick out of my plight.

I moan as he yanks the leather lariat tied around my testicles and continues to go at me,

We have really got to get going. My goal would be go get everything you owe paid off in six months or less. So we got our work to do. Let’s get to it.

I am going to give you one last chance to come clean, asshole. Now that you see the handwriting on the adobe wall down here, have you got any idea how to get your hands on some of money you owe us? You got anybody up north who will send some money down here to save your silly ass? If you do, tell me now or get ready to help entertain these vaqueros big time and earn the money for us. We are going to get the money you owe, one way or the other! ”

He stood there looking at me; I never felt more exposed in my life. I tried to look at him but I couldn’t speak. I was frozen with fright. Over the past three years I tried so hard to repay this money, but I had tap out every source I had. I only gambled more and went further down the well trying to “win” my way out.

I just stared straight ahead; scared shitless.

EL Capo nodded at this thug he called Diego to his right,

“Well let’s face he’s got nothing to say. Let’s show this stupid shit how it goes when we do it our way down here. When he sees how we collect he might find ways to get money sent down here fast.”

He turns toward me and yanks the lariat again,

“Just want you to know, asshole, you have had many chances, nowwe will get our money one way or another. Watch this!”

With that he signaled toward the big oak door and a thug walked in leading my wife by a neck chain just like the one that now binds me to the floor. Welded on her small neck is the same solid steel collar. It looked enormous.

I was terrified beyond belief.

I hear clanking of beer bottles along with wild approval from the thugs across the room.

My wife is wearing only a sheer thin blue Mexican gown of some kind, which is completely open down the front. Underneath she is nude. Her beautiful full breasts move seductively with each step. He body visible through the gown.

Her arms are tightly taped behind her back from wrist to elbow pulling her into a posture that emphasizes her breasts and Sarah has large firm breasts to begin with.

They have put a lot of colorful make up on her with wide bright red lipstick. Her hair is made up fancy, held up on her head by a colorful Mexican headband.

I was overcome with panic, completely overcome...

The thug hands her chain to Diego who slowly leads her around the room and then to the center of the room. It is obvious he has her on display to entertain.

She looks like a defeated woman moving slowly with a lowered head, not saying a word, not looking up from the floor.

He leads her to the center of the room and locks the end of her chain to an eye bolt mounted in the concrete floor. This limits her movements to a three foot circle.

My fear explodes. I am gasping for breath as I turned to El Capo to beg,

“Please, please; don’t do this. Let her go. I owe the money; she doesn’t know a thing about my money problems. How did she get her? Please don’t hurt her. I went on and on.”

EL Capo just gave me this evil grin,

“Shut the fuck up, asshole. We’ve had her here for over a week while you been out of it. She knows all about how you fucked up gambling and owe us big time.

We have been reasoning with her and she now understands how much you owe and that she got to work like a puta for me. If she doesn’t work good I will have her shot and buried out in the fucking desert...simple as that

She understands everything now. She has had a few lessons from Gurrero and Diego. She has come around very quickly.

She really cooperates now. She understands I will get the fucking money you owe and she will work like a whore until it is all collected.”

He turned to the other thug he called Gurrero,

“Let’s quit fucking around and get on with this. It is time we put her on the market and see what she is really worth to us. Let the rest of those cowboys in here so we can show these herders what a fine piece of ass we have for them.”

The heavy wooden door opened and about ten more of the motliest looking thugs you could imagine sort of tumble in. They are very dark skinned with extensive moustaches and facial hair. Most frightening they appear drunk and they are each wearing pistols slung at their side.

They come up to my wife chained in the center of the room, looked her over, open her robe further, fondle her breasts, poke and prod her body. My wife does a wild dance as she turns and contorts trying to avoid their crude touches while her arms are bound so tightly behind her. They have their fun and then finally head over to lounge on some old sofas and chairs along the far wall when two fat Mexican girls begin to serve beer and tequila.

El Capo watches things for a while and then turns to this evil looking Diego. He has a wide toothy grin,

“Hey Amigo this whole thing is going to be a lot of fun.”

He laughs hardily and watches my wife trying to pull at the chain that binds her neck to the floor.

Finally the ruckus has slowed a bit and El Capo turns back to me,

“Well here you are Mr. Ames. You are about to see how we collect your fucking debt!

First thing we are going to use Ms. Sarah to make this a party for these lonely cowboys. She will be providing entertainment and a little advertising. Once a price for her ass has been established, she will be fucking all of these cowboys that are willing to pay El Capo the going price for her.”

At some point a mariachi trio has come in to provide wild music.

El Capo laughs loudly and walks toward my wife chained to the floor. He taps her on the shoulder with the whip and she automatically turns and bends over completely with her bottom toward the thugs. She is completely submissive and trained. He uses the riding crop to lift her thin robe up over her back fully exposing her and then orders her to “make that cute ass dance”.

She immediately begins to move to the music.

With her bent over in this embarrassing position and now moving seductively he turns back to the drunks; who have gone wild on the edge of their chairs.

He is like a circus ringmaster.

“Look at the motion in this fine ass men. She wants it so badly.”

He turns back to Sarah,

“Don’t you want it girl?”

He only touches her bottom with the riding crop and she immediately nods “yes” vigorously.

With her still bent over with her bottom toward the thugs he rants on,

“How much would you Vaqueros pay to fuck this fine ass? This is what you dream of when you’re out there on the range for weeks, right?”

There are gales of drunken laughter as the thugs revel in my wife’s plight.

The thugs start shouting unofficial bids which seem to begin at around $500.

The wild “bidding” and clanking bottles continue as El Capo turns Sarah around to face them. She is still bent over but now it is her beautiful breast hanging free that excites them.

“What would you pay to have your initials branded on one of these fine tits after you fuck her?”

There is even wilder chaos as the drunks reacted. The music gets louder. The bidding gets louder and louder.

As my wife continues to provide this demented entertainment, El Capo gets into a back and forth shouting match with the thugs about even more outrageous things they could do pay to have done to her. I knew he would never do many of these things to an innocent woman but the drunken suggestions got more and more terrifying as they drank and partied.

The game keeps changing. The bidding was now over $1200 to fuck her and have the bidders initials branded on her ass.

I struggled against my bonds, but a glance downward told me to stop. My wife chained in front of these thugs in the thin blue outfit, learning what they might do to her, while I am helplessness tied to this chair; all had affected my tired frightened mind in a way I so wanted to deny.

My erection had to be attracting unwanted attention. I was adding to this twisted entertainment. I was mortified at the size of my erection and so wanted to calm the terribly misplace emotions.

I tried to convince myself that El Capo would never do any of these things to my wife?

A moment later EL Capo invited the drunks to come up and examine Sarah more closely.

As they approached her he enticed them with the ultimate. He would ask one after another,

“What would you really pay to fuck her, man?”

The chain from her neck limited her movements to a small circle. As the thugs came toward her from both sides she tried to move and turn away from them but she could only turn from side to side and back to the length of the short chain. Their hands were soon all over her. Prices for her body started to grow and the whole situation began to turn serious.

It was at that point I first saw this strange expression on her face. It wasn’t the fear I expected. It was a look of resignation. El Capo must have convinced her in prior sessions that there was nothing she could do. It seemed like she might even be drugged.

She was beautiful and so very sensual... standing in front of them with her arms tied firmly behind her. Someone had styled her hair seductively down her back. I had never seen her wear as much colorful make up. The thin robe really highlighted her light hair and blue eyes in contrast to the dark skinned men surrounding her.

As they fondled her breasts and played with her, her face began to reflect a kaleidoscope of responses. There was no question she was beginning to respond sexually, she had no choice; they were all over her doing the most erotic things.

One of the thugs reached down and found her clitoris. Taking it between his thumb and fore finger he pulled it and brought her toward him. Others had firm grips on her nipples. Several joined in and soon they had her literally dancing from one thug to another around the circle limited by her neck chain.

Then all at once, a signal and it all stopped. She turned toward EL Capo with a look on her face that I did not understand. There was no question she was appealing to some connection with him that had developed during the days I had been “out of it”.

The one thug who controlled her clitoris went back to manipulating her while the others stepped back. Sarah continued to stare at El Capo; fixated, on him as she began to moan. I could see moisture on her trimmed blond pubic region and the thug’s fingers.

The thug pulled her slowly around the small circle while she, bent forward, gown hanging open, moaned and followed along.

All the time she continued to look directly at EL Capo as she cooperated with this humiliation. Something was wrong. How could Sarah respond like this in such a humiliating circumstance?

Only then did I notice a very dark pistolaro in the back of the room with a horse whip wrapped around his shoulder and a revolver in his hand. Maybe she knew what would happen if she protested. I concluded her responses were not her fault if she had felt the sting of that long whip.

El Capo walked over and unlocked her chain from the floor and brought her toward me with Diego and Gurrero on either side holding her elbows out to reveal her nude body. I could now see red marks, and a few bruises where she had been abused.

The thugs on either side lifted her and place her straddling my knees facing me. She looked directly at me with glazed eyes as they lifted her and impaled her on me completely. She convulsed twice, moaning loudly. She quickly started to ride my sex with abandon...showing exactly what she would do with a potential customer.

Immediately, Diego stepped up, grabbed the lariat tied around my balls, and wrenched me unmercifully. I screamed as they lifted Sarah off of me and turned toward EL Capo who was bent over laughing. She had showed the thugs her sexual responses and that was all the advertisement he wanted.

The music went louder. There was wild laughter from the drunks. Although he had hurt my testicles terribly, I was relieved that it was over and she had not been harmed. It had been quick and she had slid on to me so easily. To my consternation it was evident she had been sexed recently. I did not want to think about her being used that way.

EL Capo turned to me. He was loud,

“What about that you horny asshole; ain’t she ready for a good fuck?”

It was then I remembered Sarah had not been on birth control pills in years.

I screamed “No she can’t do that” and tried in vain to move toward him in protest.

The sting of his riding crop on my left leg shut me up quickly.

“Asshole, I don’t want your fucking complaints. You’re the one that created the problem that she is going to have to solve for you.

“You telling me these fine men can’t fuck don’t give your permission.

What an asshole.

He hit me brutally on the leg with the riding crop and laughed wildly.

“Right now you are going to beg these Vaqueros to fuck her or I will beat you to a pulp with this whip.”

He hesitated, looked at me with disdain,

“You hear me? Do it!”

Another sting then another and I complied. I tried to look across at the thugs.

“Please party with her.”

I begged.

But EL Capo wanted more,

“What’s this –party—shit? I want you to beg them to fuck her.”

I nodded.

“Then beg them, asshole. Don’t beat around the bush. Beg these good men to fuck her.”

The whip stung my leg again.

There was nothing for me to gain by being uncooperative. I tried again to look across at the gang of thugs,

“Please fuck her!”

I begged.

With that El Capo took hold of the lariat around my scrotum and lifted my testicles very high, in a threatening manner.

“That’s better asshole ... now if you don’t want to lose this tell them, how many of them you want to fuck her?”

I answered,

“All of you!”

El Capo released the lariat.

I looked across at the chaotic bunch of drunks laughing at my plight. Tequila shots and more beer were being passed out and the mariachi band started playing loudly over in a corner.

There was a lot of confused yelling of numbers and possible things they wanted to do with my wife.

Finally El Capo yelled and three thugs walked forward with wads of bills in their hand. They handed the money to El Capo and Diego handed Sarah’s chain to one of them. There was wild pandemonium as she was led her out of the room toward the courtyard. Three vaqueros went with her.

Guerrero came toward me with a couple bandanas in his hand.

“EL Capo says he doesn’t want to hear your crap for the next part of the show, man. We got more money to make and he doesn’t want you to say shit about the next act.”

My arms were still bound tightly behind me. He simply pinched my nose shut and when I tried to breathe he rammed one bandana into my mouth and bound it in place with the other around tied tightly around my head. A new level of panic overtook me.

I tried to struggle and as I looked down I saw my unwanted erection, it was hard and high and still very wet from Sarah.

It was the last thing I saw as the hood was placed back over my head and tied around my neck once more. All went dark. There was a lot of drunken laughter and partying in the room. Then I heard the bidding process begin again. It was every bit as wild as before. I sat tied to the chair in terror completely blind to what was violently stirring up the drunks.

In the midst of all the commotion my hood was jerked off and I was looking directly at my oldest daughter Ashley chained to the middle of the floor exactly where her mother had been. A blindfold was tied over her eyes. She was dressed in a thin Mexican robe with her arms bound tightly behind her as her mother had been. Her breasts were so obvious; while smaller than her mother’s they were still something else...young, perky. They were so exaggerated with her arms tied behind her at the elbow.

I was sickened by the way the thugs reacted. Then I looked down. I was mortified. I could not help it my erection had roared upright at the sight. In front of all these thugs; this was my daughter and I had this monster hard on for all to see.

There was pandemonium. Drinks were being handed out; beer and shots of Tequila. Loud Mexican mariachi music began again. The guitars and trumpet seemed to thrill at her predicament.

Then El Capo held up his hand and everything fell silent as he began to explain that this was my daughter and she was going to join her mother to pay off my bills.

My little high school aged daughter would be working as a puta to pay my debts.

He turned toward me.

“You created a desperate situation for me, asshole. Right from the start I know your wife couldn’t do it alone. No way she could keep up with the interest and pay back what you owe. So right away I decided to find out if Ashley here is old enough to join her and help save your sorry ass.

Do you think she is old enough to fuck? Cute as she is she probably done it a good bit. Do you think with a little of encouragement she can help cover your fucking losses.”

I was so terrified and shocked I could say nothing. I just choked a response of help; help...please don’t do this.

He laughed a loud ridiculous laugh and starts embarrassing questions.

“Look at her gringo. As sexy as she is I am sure she has done her share of fucking all ready, right? It’s time she fucks for a purpose.”

I choked a “no, no!”

He laughed,

“Are you worried about her?”

“So you think she might be a virgin?

Has her Daddy ever done her?”

With that suggestion of incest the thugs across the room went wild. A chant in Spanish began.

“Put the puta on him; put the puta on him....”

Money was being thrown toward her.

El Capo looks at me wildly and laughs,

“Well what do you know, asshole, they want you to do her. They are betting on whether she is a virgin or not!”

I watched in terror as two ropes were tied to Ashley’s ankles and she was led toward me by the neck chain dragging the ropes behind. Diego and Gurrero brought her up over my bound knees until they had her standing facing me with the bulbous end of my erection aligned directly under her vaginal lips.

When they finished she was bound in place over my cock with her arms tied behind her and her neck chain locked to my neck ring prohibiting her from moving away from me. My penis was against her entry and she could only keep it from entering her vagina by standing very high on her tip toes.

There was wild laughter as the thugs watched her struggling to stay up away from me. The music got louder and there were rounds of toasts with beer bottles clanking. They kept throwing money out onto the floor.

At first she was high enough that the end of my penis just touched her labia. But, as she struggled her vaginal lips moved against the tip of my dick and I could not stop responding. My erection grew and started to emit precum.

Then as the minutes passed, her legs started to tire and her struggle to stay up away from me got more and more desperate. The thugs roared with laughter. The music got louder. For the thugs it was like watching an erotic dance as my daughter struggled back and forth to the limit of her chain trying to keep up away from me while her legs slowly gave way making it more and more hopeless.

Then the most horrible for me, I began to realize that the idea of this pending incest was an undeniable turn on for me. It was a violation of every taboo. Something I had never considered with any of my girls without giving myself a tortured lecture.

But what she was doing was a real show stopper. Her vaginal lips and the end of my erection were soon completely lubricated and my cock was growing up higher and higher. At the same time her poor legs continued to tire requiring that she settle onto me further and further. It was hopeless. There was nothing either of us could do.

The alignment was perfect. She continued to struggle but to no avail. Soon she was on my member far enough that I could feel how very tight she was and this only added to the desperate nature of this situation. Each move she made as her legs failed bringing her body downward caused my erection to grow.

Finally her legs gave out completely, her feet went flat to the floor, and my penis went well into her body.

I kept trying to think of anything in an attempt to make my penis flaccid. But it was hopeless; the image of this beautiful teenager in this helpless position, the incest. I stayed fully erect inside her.

The drunken thugs responded wildly as my daughter began moaning loudly and struggling even harder to move upward off me; this moaning added even more to their entertainment.

After some time the excitement faded just a little and the money flow slowed.

Each move made provided the entertainment El Capo wanted but she was not coming down any further. I was bound firmly in place and my erection was as big as it was going to get. I was well inside her vagina but no further penetration seemed possible.

EL Capo let her continue to struggle while he turned and walked toward the thugs. His attention turned to their gambling regarding Ashley’s plight. Could she be a virgin? This question only added to my unwelcome physical responses. My erection could not have been harder.

The bets were running fifty, fifty; that she was a virgin. Diego and Gurrero were running the tabs and collecting wads of money. Twenty dollars could get you into the action.

Then through all the confusion, I heard,

“Are all the bets in? Ok cowboys it’s time to have some real fun with this. Just watch what we have cooked up for this little puta! We are going to spread her and get the whole story on that twat.”

And with that Diego and Gurrero started to slowly pull the ropes tied to her ankles outward. Her bare feet slowly slipped away on the floor spreading her.

My daughter’s moan turned to a scream as she was spread and drawn downward onto my engorged penis. The pain had to be excruciating as her vagina slowly descended further until the bulbous head of my erection arrived at a new limit deeper within her young body. My cock was about half into her and even with her legs spread wide, it did not seem to be going further. She was too young and too tight. Her weight was completely on me but my erection was entering her no further. Perhaps her vagina was no deeper...she was very young.

They let her struggle in this spread position as long as they got wild responses and more money. Was she a virgin? The bets were fifty, fifty.

Then a chant started again. I could hear it over the music. The thugs wanted more.

“Spread her...Spread her...Spread her.

El Capo finally nodded. Diego and Gurrero stepped back and pulled the ropes outward and upward with full force. My daughter was spread to the limit and wrenched downward. She gave a blood curdling screamed as she was slammed down on my cock completely and her virginal blood and other bodily fluids flooded out of her onto my lap.

With that wrenching pull on the ropes, she was fully mounted on me.

Diego and Gurrero kept her legs spread to the limit on either side of me as they let her writhe about fully mounted on my erection.

As the minutes passed her screams started to decrease to a moan. The ropes on her ankles were then brought around me on either side and tied behind such that her legs were drawn tightly around both me and the chair back. She continued to struggle, to lift from me, but these efforts only created seductive movements for the thugs to enjoy.

It was obvious she had been a virgin and that was her hymen that had just shattered on my erection. There was no question and every thug in the room knew.

Their big question had been answered.

Time to collect on the bets and there was a wild response. Beer bottles clanked, as the winners flocked up to collect. It was a simple transaction. All bets were combined. El Capo took his “commission” from the accumulated money and the remainder was distributed to the winners.

While all this was going on my daughter continued to struggle. She was a virgin no more. Her efforts were simply adjusting her young vagina to the intrusion of a large cock. Her changing expressions told me the pain was becoming much more acceptable.

After several minutes, Diego came up and released her arms which gave her some freedom. Her hands immediately came down to my pelvis as she struggled to push downward and lift from me. There was no way; her legs were high and wide tied behind me. If she went backward away from my body it only shoved her forward more tightly against me. She had no other choice but to wrap her arms around my neck, hang on to me, and let her vagina continue to adjust as she struggled.

My daughter was fully coupled with me and every effort she made to escape only added to the entertainment for the thugs.

This was an unimaginable combination of terror and turn on for me. Her arms around me, her movements, my helplessness, her very tight young body, and my very aroused member deep within her... I hated myself but I released.

I moaned loudly as my body spontaneously reacted and sent surge after surge of my semen deep within her directly against her cervix.

The thugs were wild again and Diego and Gurrero were collecting lose money all over the floor. The drunks simply threw money to keep the action going. Something about this gorgeous young girl impaled on her father, her pain, this incest, had driven them over the top.

To my shame it did the same for me. I lost all control. I climaxed again; but his time I was struggling against my bonds to drive my semen deeper into her body. I could not help it.

Even after I climaxed in her a third time, they kept her tied in position. I could feel her young body adjusting deep within. Her moaning slowly subsided to a murmur and then she finally, went quiet and stopped struggling. She had adjusted to the intrusion of my cock enough that she could accept my uncontrollable movement inside her body.

As the minutes passed she became visibly more relaxed. She was resigned to staying in place fully mounted. I could distinctly feel the walls of her vagina pulsating and tightening around me. I could even feel her little cervix moving against the head of my penis.

This was horrible. El Capo had cameras running everywhere. My daughter had been thoroughly inseminated by her father in front of a room full of Mexican thugs and it all had been recorded on an array of cameras.

Diego and Gurrero eventually released her legs and helped her to get off me and stand up. Her blond pubic hair was wet and matted. Her sex was red and puffy. Blood and bodily fluids covered my flaccid erection and ran down her inner thighs.

A thug came across the room with a fistful of bills. El Capo took the wad of money, handed him her chain which had been unlocked from my neck ring and the thug led Ashton across the room and out the heavy wooden door to the courtyard. She was quietly crying with her head hanging.

The remaining cowboys got another round of tequila and beer and settled to drink and wait. Wait for what?

Gurrero released bandanas that were choking me while Diego used a curved fighting knife to start releasing my arms and legs.

The two of them led me out into the cool night air across the compound and into a small mud room that should be called a cell. It had one small opening in the thick wooden door and one high in the wall opposite the door. Both were openings to the outside without glass.

My chain was locked to an eye bolt in the center of the cement floor. I had just enough freedom to reach the bed, a five gallon bucket in one corner to relieve myself and a small wooden stool and table across the way where some someone had put some corn tacos and bottle tequila.

There was one surprising modern thing in the room. A twenty five inch flat screen TV was mounted high in the corner opposite the stool and table.

I found a stack of towels and a clean bucket of water near the table. I set about cleaning my legs and lower body from the mess my daughter had created.


2020-10-30 01:55:15
OMG......So horny.......I can't wait to read part 2

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