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The continuation of the Lissa series.
L.I.S.S.A. C. CH4 I’m just a walking, talking pussy that needs a big cock

For the next solid hour we pummeled the enemy in ways I can barely describe. Lissa managed to sneak up behind an ISIS zapper and fire her 45 up his ass at point blank range. That pumped the rest of the team up and led to some interesting fights. Rock started picking off the enemy with nothing but head shots. It’s really something to see an enemy’s head turn into a pink mist right in front of you. And Rock was getting really good at his job. Flack must have thrown about 50 hand grenades during the next hour, holding true to his nick name. And Blaster showed those mother fuckers just what an M60 in the right hands can do. In short, we fucked them up. It wasn’t until Wedge took a round to her leg and fell in the open that we suffered our first casualty. The grenade that landed right in front of her finished her in short order.

“Damn it!” she said as she tossed her head set onto the coffee table along with her controller. She leaned back and took a deep breath. “Whew!” she stated as she stood up. “It’s a good thing I got killed cause I’ve gotta pee!”

She didn’t even have the chance to finish her statement before an RPG blew the whole top off the crane that Rock was set up inside for sniping. “Well fuck!” he stated as he also dropped his head set and controller onto the coffee table. “That was the rat’s ass. Where did that mother fucker come from?”

Lissa followed in very close order when an RPG blew her into about 20 thousand pieces. “Fuck!” she exclaimed loudly as she threw her controller and head set onto the table with the others. “This sux!” She didn’t even wait for the smoke to clear before she was up and on the move behind Rock and Wedge. Shorthanded again just meant that the rest of us would have to fight that much harder.


Lissa walked into the kitchen just a few steps behind Rock and Wedge. It was no surprise to her when she saw their hands leaving the proximity of the opposites hand when she stepped into the clear and stepped up to the bar top. “You’re pretty good in there,” Rock said as he poured himself a big glass of Coke.

“Yea, no shit.” chorused Wedge as she stepped past Lissa on her way to the bathroom. “You’re a hell of a lot better than I figured you would be.”

Lissa raised an eyebrow as the pretty red head brushed past her left arm. “I’m actually a lot better than that,” she said as she looked at the passing girl from the corner of her eye with a mischievous grin gracing her face.

“So how is it that you know David?” Rock asked as he set his drink down and grabbed a hand full of Cheetos before stuffing about half of them in his mouth.

Lissa smiled and gave a little twist to her head before she responded. “It’s because of David’s dad.” She replied as she sized up the young man in front of her. “I worked through an internship in his office and learned about David that way.” It wasn’t a lie, she had heard about David in his dad’s office, but until today she had never met him in person.

As Lissa spoke Wedge came gliding back into the kitchen only to take up a position very close to Rock. Seeing Rock’s eyes cut from the girls hips to her chest gave away the secret that the two of them had managed to set in place. When Wedge turned around and leaned back against the counter immediately to Rocks left is when Lissa spoke again.

“They don’t know do they?” Lissa stated in one quick sentence.

Rock froze in place in mid chew and Wedge’s eyes got as big as saucers as the two looked back at Lissa in almost disbelief.

“Don’t know what?” Wedge responded quickly as Lissa observed her whole body tense up.

With just the tiniest bit of a hum before she raised an eyebrow, “It’s ok,” Lissa responded in a very soothing tone as she took a single step towards them. “I won’t tell them that you two are a…item.” Lissa cut her gaze back and forth between the two startled teens, observing the many subtle changes in both their demeanor and expressions.

“How do you know this?” stated Rock as he forced the mouth full of Cheetos down with a labored dry swallow. Just his question alone confirmed Lissa’s summation. The two were in fact boyfriend and girlfriend.

“It wasn’t hard to see,” Lissa stated as she began a very slow approach to the pair. “In the company of your group you two purposefully keep space between yourselves, sitting on opposite sides of the room while exchanging glances at every opportune moment. When not in their company you hold hands, usually with Wedge on the left so your strong hand is free to open doors for her. And you also address her by her real name, Sarah, when no one else is around.” By this time Lissa had closed to within a few steps of the two who were now standing like deer caught in the headlights on a dark night.

“You know,” Lissa said in a voice that was a harmony of different pitches and frequencies, “I am willing to bet that Rock would love nothing better than to fuck me while I ate your pussy and the two of you made out.” The frequencies and resonance of her voice held both of the teens in a state resembling suspended animation. Stepping up to Wedge’s side, Lissa pressed herself against the redheads’ side while she spread her legs for whatever Rock might have to offer. “What do you think big boy,” Lissa stated as she brought her right hand up to gently grasp Wedges’ left breast, “wanna see what kind of goodies I have?”

Almost instantly Rocks right hand swung out into action. Reaching up Lissa’s short dress, his fingers did not have to search to find her wide open sex. Rock wasted no time at all before he stuffed two fingers up into her only to begin pumping them in and out at a very quick rate. As he did this, Lissa turned her face toward Wedge. Her nipples were now poking out hard against her shirt as Lissa leaned in close to her.

“He’s got his fingers up my pussy,” Lissa breathed out heavily just before she gave Wedge a very hot opened mouth kiss. Lissa could feel Wedge shudder as her body began to succumb to the sensations she was seeing and feeling. As their mouths parted Lissa moved her hand down to the crotch of her jeans and began rubbing Sarah’s groin through the thick material. Cutting her eyes to her left she looked over at Rock who now had a small dribble of drool coming out of the corner of his mouth while he dug around feverishly in Lissa’s pussy.

“You like that big boy,” Lissa queried as she squeezed his fingers inside her. Rock was not able to answer verbally. His lust and desire left him the only option of nodding his head up and down numerous times in quick succession. “Do you want to stick something bigger up in me?” Seeing the grin come across his face gave Lissa all the answer she needed. She also knew she would have no argument from Wedge who rocked and shuddered like a leaf clinging vainly to a limb in the fall wind. “Let’s go into the living room.”

The living room of the house is a massive open place. Lined with windows down one side that overlooked the swimming pool, 40 people can easily fit in the open space and there would still be room for guests to sit on the 3 couches and numerous chairs spaced out in various places. In the middle of the room was a long coffee table. At only a foot or so in height, the 3 foot wide table was the perfect implement for the upcoming escapades.

“So here is what is going to happen,” Lissa began as she slid the spaghetti straps of her dress over her shoulders and allowed it to slide down her body and onto the floor while they walked. “I am going to lie on the table like this.” As she spoke she positioned her ass on the edge of the table before laying back flat and spreading her legs wide. “Sarah, take your clothes off and straddle the table over my face facing my feet.”

Almost like a machine the thin redhead began shucking her clothes in short order, revealing her alabaster skin that had been so well hidden. As soon as she was naked she stepped over to the table and swung her right leg all the way across so she was standing with her feet on either side. This had the effect of opening her crotch wide. “Rock,” Lissa continued as she shifted her gaze to the drooling teen near her feet, “Fuck me. But as you are fucking me you will think it is Sarah that you’re inside.” Clothes flew in all directions as Rock disrobed in about a second and a half. “Sarah,” Lissa stated as she gently reached up to grasp the girls hips, “watch his cock going in and out of me. But you will think that it is you and you will feel his cock driving into your pussy while I eat you.” With that said Lissa gently pulled down on her hips and made contact with her pussy just as Rock shoved his boner in between her legs.

“Oh my God!” Sarah whimpered as she looked at Rock’s cock disappear into Lissa’s’ body. At the same time not only did Lissa begin a fervent assault on Sarah’s clit with her tongue, with her right arm going around Sarah’s right leg she stuffed three fingers up into her as well, forcing her pussy open from its previously relaxed state. “Your cock is so big!” Sarah exclaimed just before she leaned forward and began kissing her boyfriend like she was attempting to eat his face.

Rock hammered himself into Lissa as he returned the kiss to his girlfriend. “I have wanted to fuck you for so long,” he gasped out as they parted for a quick gulp of air.

“Me too!” Sarah replied as her pussy began quivering with the first of several very intense orgasms. “Split me open baby! Give me that big hard cock!” she hissed as she ground her pussy down onto Lissa’s wide open mouth.

Grasping Sarah’s breasts like they were made out of playdough, Rock pistoned his cock in and out of Lissa’s pussy like he was on a search and destroy mission. Lissa matched his every thrust by driving her fingers as deeply as she could into Sarah, bringing about a chorus of ‘Oooh’s’ and ‘Aaah’s’ as they all fucked like rabbits. It only took the tiniest of a squeeze from Lissa to make rock fountain cum up into her. When he did Lissa let out an audible hum that sent Sarah flying over the edge into a massive orgasm that left her shaking like a leaf.

Lissa quietly licked the girl juice from Sarah’s pussy before giving Rock a little push with the flat of her hand. “Ok you two,” Lissa said still in the multi pitched tone that made both teens freeze in place. She continued speaking as she pulled her head from underneath Sarah’s wide spread legs and sat up on the edge of the table. “I have everything I need. Why don’t you two fuck for a while, I’ll keep the rest of the crew busy. After you both orgasm you will feel closer to each other and you will remember that. But as you get dressed, the whole encounter will fade from your memories.”

As she got up Rock quickly took her place on the table top. Sliding his feet between his girlfriend’s legs he barely had time to get into position before Sarah grabbed his cock and guided it into herself as she sat down with her full weight, forcing every last inch of him deep inside her.

Lissa picked her black dress up and prepared to slide back into it as she headed toward the door. Behind her were the harmonious gasps of two teens thoroughly enjoying the sex they were sharing. Lissa could not help the small smile on her face as she looked back at the two on the coffee table. They were definitely happy.

Lissa walked back into the kitchen just as Flack and Blaster showed up. They were both bitching back and forth about how they had just met their demise when they saw Lissa step up to the counter. A quick glance at the clock told Lissa it was starting to get late. The window of opportunity to complete her task was beginning to close. As the two boys gazed dreamily at the blond beauty entering the room Lissa wasted no more time. Immediately she began a multi pitched hum that had the attention of both boys in less than a second.

“Come with me boys,” she said as she stepped between them on her way to the closest room in the east wing of the house. Neither one of the guys said a word before they turned and followed Lissa like a pair of puppies. When Lissa reached the first guest bedroom she swung the door open and quickly stepped in. “Ok guys,” she said as she pulled her dress over her head to reveal her naked form to the now drooling pair, “let’s just keep this quick and simple. Let’s see who can cum in me first.”

Blaster didn’t even bother to take his pants off before he had unzipped his fly and shoved his cock into Lissa’s pussy all the way to his balls. “OH FUCK YEA!” he groaned out loudly as he began hammering into Lissa at and incredibly frantic rate.

Being bent over at the waist aligned her next pest service entrance to be lined up with Flack’s bulging boner. “You better hurry up big boy,” Lissa stated as she gave her lips a quick lick, “your buddy has got a good head start on you.”

Lissa barely finished her statement before Flack’s cock was doing a dance against her tonsils. “OH HOLY FUCK!” Flack blurted out on his third stroke before going ridged and locking in place with his balls pressed against Lissa’s chin and his hands holding the back of her head firmly in place. His orgasm took him by surprise as he piped shot after shot down Lissa’s waiting throat. “Oh God that’s good!” he exclaimed as his body jerked back and forth a few more times before a noted sign of relaxation swept over him.

Lissa tightened her lips around his shaft as she pulled back, cleaning his cock as it exited her mouth. “Mmmm,” Lissa hummed as she swallowed one last time. “That was good. Why don’t you go back into the kitchen and get something to eat. I’m sure you’re hungry.”

Flack didn’t say a word as he zipped up his fly. With virtually no expression on his face at all he turned and headed back toward the kitchen, completely unaware of the goings on he had just taken part in.

“Now you,” Lissa said as she looked over her right shoulder at Blaster while he hammered his cock in and out of her like she was a plastic fuck doll. “You ready to ‘blast’ my little pussy?” Immediately Lissa began humming with a varied pitch, changing the tone and intensity every second. At the same moment the expression on Blasters face changed. He gritted his teeth and furrowed his brow while his grip on her hips began to turn his knuckles white. Lissa could instantly feel the difference in his demeanor and efforts as his speed and intensity shot through the roof. “That’s it you big dicked mother fucker,” Lissa stated as she braced herself by putting her hands on her knees, “come and get some!”

Blaster began pounding his cock into Lissa hard enough to occasionally lift her feet off the floor. He gritted his teeth and growled from deep in his throat as he tried his best to force his dick all the way through the pretty blonde in front of him. When the small clock on the shelf chimed 11 Lissa began humming again. Almost instantly Blaster hammered himself deep into Lissa and locked in place. Only animalistic grunts came from the young man as he emptied his balls as far into Lissa as he could reach.

“There you go,” Lissa said as she received the sperm donation from the teen. “Let me have it all.”

Seven or eight solid body rocking jerks later he was done. Panting for breath, Blaster stepped back from Lissa and began the task of tucking his spent cock back into his pants. He was wobbly, to say the least, and he appeared to be rather drained. Again Lissa picked up her little black dress and slipped it over her shoulders. Her task was now complete.

“Why don’t you go and join Flack in the kitchen and get something to eat?” she said coyly as she slowly stepped toward the door. With a short little hum she continued by saying, “I’m sure the rest of your friends will be joining you shortly.”

Blaster never said a word. As soon as his zipper was all the way up he was at a full stride heading toward the kitchen. It was good timing too, because just as he stepped around the end of the counter to join flack at the pile off food he was working on demolishing, Rock and Wedge re-entered the kitchen from their fuck fest in the living room while the rest of the crew came in from the den. Almost instantly the entire group was retelling the feats they had accomplished in the game, bitching back and forth about “cheap” shots and untimely errors, and stuffing their faces like they had been starved for the last week. As I walked in to the kitchen I noticed Lissa just standing quietly at the end of the counter in her bare feet while the rest of the group churned back and forth like a swarm of bees over a flower bed. When she saw me approach that pleasant smile came across her lips again.

“That’s quite a group of friends you have here,” she said as I stepped up beside her and placed my hand on her hip.

“Yea,” I replied as I gave my crew the quick once over survey with my eyes. “I’ve known all of them for a rather long time.” When my eyes returned to Lissa she was already looking at me. “But it seems like nothing compared to how my day has gone with you.”

“Well,” she responded playfully as she slid in between me and the counter, “it’s nice to know I can get a reaction out of you.” As she said this she pressed her ass back against my groin.

Get a reaction? Was she kidding? Almost instantly my dick went from semi erect to titanium steel and threatened to rip my pants open. I leaned down and again placed my mouth just behind her left ear. “I want to fuck you so hard,” I said as I pushed my bulge into the cleft of her ass cheeks.

A very pleasant hum resonated from her throat as she turned her head to the side so she could look at me out of the corner of her eye. At the same time her right hand came around behind her back to grip me in the place that was demanding the most attention. “I’ll bet you would,” she responded coyly as she quickly assessed the situation in the kitchen. For a brief moment she stood motionless before she cleared her throat very loudly. Immediately everyone stopped what they were doing and looked in our direction. In a move that surprised me Lissa made an announcement to all of my friends at once.

“I am going to go and fuck the birthday boy really hard right now for a few hours,” she said as she gently took a hold of my hand and pulled it toward her. “After you guys finish eating you welcome to stay here for the night or head home. In either case, you’re not going to see any more of the birthday boy this evening. Any objections?”

To my utter shock and amazement no one moved. Everyone just stood in place staring at us like they were animals caught in the headlights of a car.

“Nah, we’re good,” Rock said as he stepped out from behind the counter and started toward the hall way.

“Yea, we wouldn’t want to get in the way of your birthday poon,” Wedge said as she followed Rock.

“Besides,” chimed in blaster as he pushed Axe in front of him, “we don’t want to be kept up all night listening to you two fuck like rabbits.”

Flack was the first one to express the group’s appreciation when he said, “Hey, thank your old man for us for all of this.”

“Yea,” resounded from just about everyone else as we all headed up the hallway toward the front door. “This was really cool.”

It had been a blast, and we had really kicked some ass in the war simulation. But I really was getting anxious for all of them to leave so I could get back into Lissa. After all, in between her legs is where I wanted to be anyway, and the wait was just extra agony. With Lissa standing at my side we stood on the front landing and watched till they all drove away. I was now going to get to finish the record setting birthday of my life.

When the last set of tail lights disappeared from sight I turned to face Lissa. She was already completely nude except for the black stockings that clung to her delicious thighs. Her nipples were already standing up as hard as rocks while the wanton look of lust painted her face. “Come on birthday boy,” she stated in the sexiest voice I had ever heard in my life as she turned and stepped back into the house through the open door. “You have a job to do.”

“And just what is that?” I stammered as I followed her in and pushed the door closed behind me.

“I’m just a walking, talking pussy that needs a big cock,” she stated as she spun around to face me while she walked backwards up the hallway. “And all I want to do is make that big thick monster cum in me till there is nothing left.”

I was almost drooling as I look at her erect nipples standing up hard from her chest. I could not put my finger on it, but Lissa said the most erotic and arousing things to me that just made my motor run. As I tried to catch up to her, in an effort to start feeling up her goodies, she sped up her retreat, keeping me at bay and just out of arms reach.

“Come on now,” I said as I quickened my pace to almost a trot.

Lissa just laughed as she continued to stay just out of arms reach. “What’s the matter big boy,” she jested coyly as she made sure to stay out of my reach, “see something you want?”

I didn’t just want her by this time. I had to have her in every way I could dream of. If I had managed to get a hold of her I would have literally fucked her in half right there in the hallway. My cock strained at my zipper as I watched her naked form remain just barely out of my reach.

By the time we reached the kitchen I was through playing. “All right,” I said as I went between the bar counter and the fridge in an attempt to cut her off. “The longer you prolong this, the worse it’s gonna be on you!”

Just as I said this I lunged for her at the far end of the bar from where I had come in to the kitchen. With just a little twist she was out of my grasp, causing me to fall to the floor while she ran down the hall toward the den with her naked ass winking at me almost in defiance. I heard her laugh as she disappeared into the den, almost daring me to follow.

“Ok damn it,” I said to myself as I pulled myself up from the floor. “If that’s how you want to play, that’s how you’re gonna get it!”

Shucking my shoes right there in the kitchen I back tracked and headed down the hallway toward the library. This would bring me almost parallel to the den with only the small area of yard between the library doors and the den patio with the doors I had left open. Hey, with 9 people in there playing at hard combat it got hot, quickly! So I left the doors open to help and keep us cool. And Lissa would never guess that I would approach from the rear!

Seven quick strides followed by a hard left and 6 more steps and I was going through the doors of the library. I eased across the damp grass and looked all around through the open den doors to see where she was. As soon as my feet hit the tiled patio of the den I spotted her. She was crouched down with her hands on her knees as she peered around the edge of the huge TV screen that was set up just to the left of the door way. In the position she was in her ass was almost sticking out on the patio! Who needs a better invitation?! I took a few steps back and stepped behind the giant maple tree in the center of the open area. A quick zip here and a shuck there and I was naked except for my T-shirt. As I peered around the maple Lissa was still frozen in place. This was going to be a piece of cake!

My heart was pounding in my chest as I approached my unsuspecting prey. I held my breath as I reached the side of the house right next to the door. As I had surmised, Lissa’s ass was just barely sticking out into the clear. My boner was already like titanium when I quickly stepped out behind her and slammed my cock up into her with one huge stroke. The gasp Lissa let out was epic as I drove her forward till she fell onto the coffee table with her knees on the floor and her pussy wide open to me.

“OH MY GOD!” she gasped out loudly as I began hammering her like I was trying to drive a steel rod through a 10 foot thick wall of solid concrete with a sledge hammer.

“There it is!” I grunted as I grasp her hips firmly in my hands and did my best to put dents in the top of her head from the inside. “There’s my birthday pussy! Are you still wanting to fuck with me little girl?” I bellowed as really put the pounding to her.

“OH NO,” she grunted out with each of my strokes. “I would never keep you from your pussy!”

Grasping the far side of the coffee table with both hands, Lissa braced herself for the destruction that was now coming her way. She spread her knees apart and arched her back so she could offer herself up to me with nothing to stand in my way. I looked down at her wide spread ass cheeks only to see the base of my cock while the rest of it was firmly embedded inside her. A simple pull back revealed my totally slick shaft and Lissa’s ass begging to be hammered.

My next stroke was magnificent! It felt like I slide a mile into her as I pulled back on her hips while I drove forward with everything I had. Every last millimeter of cock I could muster disappeared inside her body. The immediate warmth around the very root of my cock almost sent me into an immediate orgasm. I was DEEP inside her! I am honestly surprised she did not choke when my pelvis bottomed out against her.

The result was immediate. Instantly Lissa picked up her head and turned it to the side. With the most serious voice I had heard from her yet she said, “Oh my god!” In a microsecond her heels came up around the sides of my legs and dug very firmly into my ass cheeks. She let out a quick flutter with her breath before she continued. “Oooh that’s deep.” She let out another quick gasp before I felt her weight push back against my groin. “Oh God don’t move!” she said as her pussy suddenly clamped down on my dick.

That is not what I wanted to hear at this moment. “Bull shit!” was my response just before I pulled back and began fucking her with very long and deep strokes.

I would swear I heard the wood on the side of the coffee table break as I began pummeling her insides without a care. Immediately Lissa let out the howls of a massive orgasm and began shaking all over as I did my best to open up a new interstate. For almost 5 minutes I rooted around inside Lissa as she lay across the coffee table, hammering her without regard, doing only what I wanted to satisfy my craving for her. It was only when she picked her head up and said, “Do me!” that I lost it. Driving into her as hard as I could, I stuffed my cock up into her as far as it would go before I started blasting cum like a Saturn rocket at liftoff! Lissa let out a howl and gripped the coffee table even harder as I pressed myself against her defenseless ass. The force was so much that the coffee table, with the two of us virtually on it, slid toward the couch till it pinned Lissa’s fingers between the wood of the table and the cushions of the seat.

I arched my back and looked up toward the ceiling just before I let out a tremendous scream. “YES!!!” I bellowed while my cock drained itself up inside her. The room spun around and around while my cock drained. Looking back down at Lissa I could not help but think of just how magnificent she is. I had only met her this morning and now we were locked together in the most intimate of embraces. Breathing heavily I flopped forward onto her back and began kissing her shoulders. Lissa turned her head to the side and looked up at me from the corner of her eye.

“That was good,” she said in between short breaths. “I think I can actually taste that one,” she mused with a coy grin on her face.

“I hope I didn’t hurt you,” I said as I brushed her hair off to the side so I could see the side of her face clearly.

“Oh no,” she said as she arched her back a little and pressed her ass back against me. “I’m just fine!”

We must have laid there for 10 or 15 minutes before I could finally muster myself to get up. By this time my cock had gone soft so it withdrew easily from her receptive sheath, but I was virtually spent. The trip through the kitchen on the way to my room was a welcomed pit stop. I could not believe how hungry I was. Lissa just sat in the chair naked and watched me gorge myself with this satisfied little grin on her face. She only lightly snacked on a few chips and sipped a little bit of my drink while I loaded up with enough food for two people. After one and a half sub sandwiches, countless hands full of chips, and a huge glass of soda I was ready for more.

“That was a lot of food,” Lissa commented as we both stood up. “You got something in mind for all of that energy?”

To see my blonde beauty standing there naked with that coy grin of hers only made me want her all the more. “Why yes I do little girl,” I said as I stepped right up to her and looked down into her beaming face. “I was actually planning on giving you more of what you just got.”

Lissa looked down at my cock that was now standing at full attention again. “Hmm,” she mused as she stood up straight and stuck her chest out. “Lead the way big boy.”

I don’t know what possessed me to do it, but it seemed like the right thing to do. Without a bit of hesitation I reached out with my right hand and stuck my middle and ring fingers up into Lissa’s pussy. With a firm but gentle grip on her pelvic bone I turned around and started walking toward my bedroom, tugging Lissa along by her pussy. She never said a word. I could feel her legs brushing either side of my hand as we walked up the hall. I had what I wanted, and I was going to get more of it too.

For the next 2 hours I fucked Lissa in every possible position we could get in to. Me on top, her on top, from behind, her on her side, sitting in my chair, standing against the wall, anything and everything as long as I could get into her. The absolutely best birthday I have ever had. At 3 in the morning we finally came to rest in my bed. I was tired and laying on my back while Lissa gently rode me from her seated position on top of me.

“You are incredible,” I said softly as I ran my hands up her torso to cover both of her breasts.

Lissa slowly sat upright on me, bringing her full weight on my hips and pelvis as she assumed a seated position. With just a few wiggles back and forth she gracefully maneuvered herself until every last inch of my cock that could be inside her, was inside her. When she was satisfied with the degree of penetration she had she then lay her body down against my torso and chest. Her warm skin and hardened nipples only reminded me of just how precious the woman was who engulfed me inside her body.

Once she was good and comfortable she looked me squarely in the eye before she spoke. “David,” she said softly as her finger made slow circles in the hair just above my right ear. “I have to go into the city tomorrow.” she said as she pulled her crotch up before pressing down again in a slow but deliberate fashion. The warm embrace of her pussy cradled me in comfort that was soothing all the way to my core.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” I said as I gently closed my hands on the two magnificent orbs of her ass and pulled her back down on to me so her pussy was swallowing all of my cock again. “I would much rather spend the day inside you,” I responded as I playfully pumped myself up into her with short but strong thrusts.

“Believe me baby,” she said as I felt her legs try to open more to accommodate my thrusts. “I would love to wake up just like this. And I would have no problem with keeping you inside me all day.” when she said this she playfully kissed the tip of my nose while her arms hugged against me in a strong embrace. “But I do have a job, and I have to go into the city in the morning. I’m sorry.” As she said this she gently kissed me repeatedly, hugging as much of her body against me in the process while her pussy gripped and released me inside her.

At that moment I did not want to think what a moment of life would be like without her right where she was now. For me it was a perfect situation. The woman that I loved (Ok, I will admit it, I fell in love with her in a single day) was sitting on top of me with my cock so deep inside her that it would be difficult to tell where she started and I left off. We were warm and safe and had no reason to go anywhere. I could just fuck her endlessly until either her pussy swelled shut, or my cock quit performing. I did not want this moment to end, EVER. I just looked up into those emerald green pools and let my life slide away. I was hers, and that was just the end of it. Just before the final veil of dreamland came to lay me down for the night, I would swear I heard the most outstanding words ever spoken to me. With the corner of her mouth pressed caringly against the side of my face just in front of my ear she whispered the words my soul had been longing to hear for the longest time.

“I love you David,” she said just before she laid her head down on my shoulder and began humming very softly. The entire length of her body from her shoulders to her hips was pressed against me while her pussy cradled my entire length inside the warm sheath of her body. The world was exactly right for me. Slumber walked over me without the slightest bit of resistance. There was no place on earth I would rather be.

End CH. 4

Doozy woof HunterReport 

2021-02-04 22:35:32
ACE story!

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