Okay, I'm not going to lie, this story is really fucked up so read at your own discresion. This is a work of fiction, all characters portrayed are 18+.
The Malecroft family has been prosperous for six generations, successful in all their endeavors, whether it was a new business venture or a bid for political power. The men in the family always find beautiful, wealthy woman to marry and those women only ever birth sons. But that family has a very dark secret, and that secret has been the source of their success.
Deep underneath their sprawling manor is a dungeon. There are six cells, each furnished with two cots, a sink, a toilet and a shower and it was rare to have more than one unoccupied room for any length of time. The largest room in the dungeon contained an etched pentagram of summoning and containment.
Many years ago a clever young man wanted to rise above his lot in life and didn’t care what he had to do in order to succeed. He was the first Malecroft to summon a demon and the deal he made with that demon has been upheld by each succeeding generation.
Every year, on the winter solstice when the night was the longest, the men were required to make two sacrifices and the demon was very picky as to who he would accept as a sacrifice. He required only the most gorgeous women be sacrificed to him, women who remained unsullied by a man until the age of 18.
When the deal was first made it was far easier to find gorgeous women who were still virgins at 18 but as the social norms changed it gradually became harder to ensure the demons requirements were met.
The third generation of Malecroft’s built the dungeon and every year they would find two innocent 14 year olds who would then spend the next four years together in the same cell.
The winter solstice was fast approaching and this year it would be Rachel and Hannah’s turn. After four years with one another for companionship they were as close as sisters and they had long ago stopped asking their captors what they wanted from them.
Hannah was the smaller of the two girls, only four foot nine. She had long wavy blonde hair, warm brown eyes, and even after being locked away for six years her skin still maintained its golden glow.
Her breasts were small but perky and her ample hips and firm ass more than compensated for her smaller chest.
Rachel was a good six inches taller than Hannah. Her hair cascaded down her back in glorious auburn ringlets that contrasted beautifully with the emerald green of her eyes. She had a pale Irish complexion and she had a smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose and along the tops of her ample breasts.
On the day of the sacrifice a sedative was placed in their evening meal. Once both girls were knocked out James Malecroft, (currently a US senator who everyone expected would one day make a bid for president), and Eric Malecroft, (CEO of Malecroft Industries), entered their cell to prepare them.
With a detached efficiency both girls were stripped of their clothes. They were given full body waxes and a special lotion that left their skin soft and supple was applied.
They were then carried to the main room where the summoning and sacrifice would take place. Rachel was placed up against the wall, with her wrists and ankles in wall shackles, where she would have a good view of the pentagram. Hannah was hogtied at the center of the pentagram.
The sacrifices were to take place at midnight and by the time it rolled around both girls were wide awake and the vast room was filled with their terrified cries and pleas for answers.
Five cloaked and hooded men stood spaced out around the pentagram. When the clock struck twelve one of the men silently approached Hannah, pulling a large knife from the folds of his robes.
At the sight of the knife Hannah’s struggles intensified and her terrified pleading grew in pitch.
The robed man knelt down and used the knife to cut the rope connecting her ankles to her wrists, although both her wrists and ankles remained bound together.
The man flipped Hannah onto her back and straddled her hips. The sight of the faceless man looming over her briefly silenced Hannah and she simply stared up in wide eyed shock.
Her struggles started anew when the man astride her made the first cut, a low shallow cut that started at her right shoulder, crossing her collar bone, and ending between both breasts. A cut that mirrored the first, starting at her left shoulder followed the first.
The next two cuts were deeper as he administered a horizontal and a vertical cut across her right nipple. Her left nipple received the same treatment as the right and her pleas for him to stop devolved into wordless cries of pain.
The man on top of her felt himself grow hard as the supple young women writhed in pain beneath him and he couldn’t wait for this to be finished so that he could leave, his wife was in for an intense night of sex.
He actually moaned in pleasure as he drug his knife from her left elbow down to her armpit, then from her right elbow down.
Several deep cuts were made to the undersides of her small perky breasts in rapid succession.
He continued making his cuts of varying depths, (although none deep enough to be fatal), gradually working his way down her body.
By the time he had worked his way down to the soles of her feet her screams of pain had been reduced to whimpers and blood was beginning to fill the grooves of the engraved pentagram.
He set his now bloody knife aside and one of the other robed men approached, respectfully presented him with a vicious foot long spike and then knelt down on top of Hannah’s bound arms, firmly holding her shoulders down to further restrain her.
Moving slowly and deliberately he took the knife and cut the bonds between her ankles and two more men hurried forward each taking hold of an ankle and forcing her to spread her legs apart.
Unable to resist the first man lightly brushed a finger across her smooth hairless cunt, feeling a tiny pang of regret that she was not his to use. He then parted the folds of her vulva to expose her tight virgin cunt with one hand and with the other he picked up the spike.
The spike was nearly as thick as his arm and was hard to manipulate one handed, but he had had plenty of practice. He carefully lined the tip of the spike with her entrance and slowly began to push.
Once the very tip of the spike had entered her and it was no longer necessary to hold her folds aside he gripped the spike firmly in both hands.
The process was slow, her tight virgin cunt being far too small to accept the spike, and Hannah screamed and thrashed but was unable to escape her fate.
The spike moved up her vaginal canal, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake as her tissue was stretched beyond what it was capable of and tore.
Hannah let out a particularly load scream as the tip of the spike tore through her cervix and continued into her womb.
The man continued pushing, unmoved by the girl’s pain, until the spike was completely lodged inside her knowing that the spike had pierced her womb and had likely begun to do damage to her intestines.
In one smooth move he pulled the spike out of her. All of the men abruptly let go of her and left her writhing in pain to return to their original places around the pentagram.
Blood gushed out of her cunt and the men watched as slowly the blood began to fill the engraved pentagram.
They waited until she stopped thrashing and lay still and then one of them approached and with cold detachment cut deeply across her throat severing her jugular. He then proceeded to make deep cuts on her inner arms and legs, opening the main arteries there in order to get as much blood from her a possible.
Once the pentagram had been filled they removed Hannah’s now lifeless body, tossing it carelessly to the side to be disposed of later.
Two men went to retrieve Rachel.
Rachel had seen the whole thing. She had been forced to watch helplessly as the woman she thought of as her sister was killed in a manner more brutal than she could have possibly imagined. She had screamed alongside Hannah, and now that Hannah was dead she had lost her will to live.
She didn’t struggle as the two men released her from the shackles and escorted her over to the spot where Hannah had died.
Although she was unbound she made no attempt to escape.
She lay were they had thrown her, numb to her surroundings as the men around her began to chant in an unknown language.
The air seemed to thicken around her and the pentagram began to emit a dark light. The chanting grew louder and she looked up to see a massive form gradually take shape in front of her.
The demon was massive. He was fifteen feet tall. His body was humanoid in shape. His skin was such a dark red it almost appeared black and his fingers were tipped with viciously sharp claws. His hair was white and he had red eyes that were slitted like a goats.
He was completely naked and his gigantic cock hung down between his legs, so big that it almost touched the ground. His cock was just shy of five feet long and was a half a foot in diameter and as hard as steel.
Bending down he picked Rachel up by her curly auburn hair and brought her up to his face for closer inspection, inhaling deeply to take in her scent.
Fear and pain were beginning to bring Rachel back to life and she began to thrash when the demon licked her, dragging his tongue from her cunt to her tits.
He held her by her hair over his head positioning her cunt over his mouth. His free hand came up and pried her legs apart leaving her completely exposed to his lustful scrutiny.
Rachel squeezed her eyes shut, knowing she was about to die and hoping that she would be reunited with Hannah. But the pain of death she had been anticipating didn’t come instead she felt his forked tongue probing at her opening. She was so startled by his actions that she stopped struggling and simply hung limply by her hair and the demon continued his exploration of her most intimate parts.
The demon explored every inch of her virgin cunt both inside and out, drinking in the taste of her.
As his tongue’s exploration became more demanding Rachel felt a new sensation building inside of her. She didn’t understand what was happening, all she knew was it felt good. She found herself unable to remain still and began to writhe as the sensation built inside of her.
Her needy whimpers grew in volume until she came hard. The demon lapped up every dropped of fluid from her orgasm before continuing his assault on her. He lapped at her, and his skillful tongue combined with the aphrodisiac in his saliva forced orgasm after orgasm out of her until her body was covered in sweat and her muscles were spasming uncontrollably.
With a wave of his hand a stone alter appeared before him and he placed Rachel’s limp, tired body atop it.
One hand reached up and grabbed a breast harshly, the pain of his claws penetrating her tender flesh bringing her out of her pleasure induced stupor with a jolt.
He spread her legs and guided his massive cock to her entrance and tried to penetrate her with a hard thrust.
When he was unable to even get his tip in he grunted in frustration and grabbed her thighs with both hands pulling them as far apart as they could go. His grip on her thighs was bruising and the combination of overwhelming pleasure followed by pain made her head spin.
In a soft, hoarse voice she said, “Please, don’t.”
The demon pulled back and thrust forward again, this time with more force than before. Rachel’s vaginal lips began to rip in order to accommodate his cock’s massive girth. With a satisfied grunt he managed wedge the tip of his cock inside of her.
To Rachel it felt like he was trying to tear her in half, and it was only going to get worse.
The demon continued to pull out and thrust back in, managing to get more and more of his cock into her with each thrust.
All the demon’s attention was on the progress he was making penetrating her with his cock so he didn’t notice that his claws were tearing into the flesh of Rachel’s thighs or that her was pulling her legs further apart than they could ever go naturally. Although even if he had noticed he wouldn’t have cared.
Rachel could feel as the muscles and tendons in her legs tore as her legs continued to be spread further and further apart.
He frowned when the tip of his cock hit Rachel’s cervix. Clenching his hands tighter around her thighs he thrust again, tearing right through that barrier and entering her womb.
The pain of her cervix tearing went unnoticed from the pain in her legs. The sound of the bones in her hips and legs breaking was audible to everyone in the room and her legs were now being pushed up towards the sides of her torso.
Her scream of pain came out as more of a gurgle as the demon continued to force his way inside of her with a single minded intensity.
He had managed to fit a little over a half foot of his cock into her when he bumped up against the top of her uterus. For several long moments it was a toss-up as to whether the ligaments that attached her uterus to her body wall would rip first or if his cock would simply tear through the muscles.
With one savage thrust the top of her uterus tore and the demon managed to push in an additional six inches of his cock as he entered her abdominal cavity.
With each thrust it became easier and easier for the demon to fit his cock inside of her and he groaned at the sensation of is cock sliding through her intestines.
Approximately half of his cock was inside of her when his path was once again blocked, this time by her diaphragm and he once more increased the strength of his thrusts.
By the time the demon ripped through her diaphragm Rachel’s legs were perpendicular to her torso.
Rachel began to suffocate as she found herself unable to take a breath. Her thoughts turned muddled and she began the fade in and out of consciousness. Her oxygen starved brain never even registered it when the demon finally managed to get balls deep in her.
With a roar of satisfaction the demon began to piston in an out of her, his claws sinking deeper into her thighs coming close to severing her left leg completely from her body.
By the time the demon ejaculated into Rachel she was dead. His orgasm seemed to go on and on as he pumped out several liters of his hot sperm.
The hooded men watching observed with morbid fascination as the demons thick seed began to bubble up from between her dead lips to puddle around her.
The demon pulled out for a final time, leaving Rachel’s body a twisted wreck and for the first time since arriving he turned his attention to the hooded men around him. Then without a word he vanished into thin air. Of course he didn’t need to say anything, the hooded men knew that the demon had found the sacrifices to his liking, after all if he hadn’t they would have ended up just as dead as Hannah and Rachel.