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Young man meets a girl from an abusive background when he goes to university and discovers that he likes her kinks.

by Vanessa Evans

Young man meets a girl from an abusive background at university and discovers that she has a few unusual ideas which he loves.

I met Tilc at one of the Freshers parties at university, she was stood propping up the wall in a corner of the big room and looking bored. I was attracted to her by all sorts of things, her height, about 150 cm, the size of her breasts, small, her weight, about 55 Kg, her hair, blonde and shoulder length, her top, a simple tank showing the 2 handful sized bulges with her nipples poking at the thin material, and her tight denim micro-mini skirt with something pink sticking out below the bottom hem between her bare legs.

“Hi, I’m Luke.” I said as I walked up to her, “you look bored.”

“Hi, Tilc, T I L C, yes I am bored, I hate these sort of parties, too many people all strutting their stuff and trying to impress everyone.”

“Yes I know what you mean, I prefer the smaller parties where you can meet everyone, what are you going to study?”

“Computer Science.”

“Me too, maybe we’ll be in the same classes.”

“Where are you living Tilc?”

“Maddison, it’s about half a mile away.”

“Wow. I never really believed in coincidences but hell, I’m in Maddison as well, fourth floor.

“Third floor.”

“So would you like to go for a drink, get the hell out of this place?”


I led Tilc out of there and to a pub that I’d passed on the way there. I got us some drinks then we went to a quiet corner and sat and quizzed each other about our pasts. I learnt that Tilc grew up in a deprived area and was really please to escape to university. Her parents were drunken and drug bastards who didn’t treat her very nicely, neither did her 2 brothers. She didn’t say so but I got the impression that she had been abused at home. I changed the subject away from something that she obviously wasn’t too happy to talk about and said,

“Tilc, that’s an unusual name, where does it come from and what does it mean?”

Unfortunately we hadn’t moved far away from the subject of her family.

“Please don’t tell anyone, but I’ve reversed the letters in my first name, I just couldn’t go through life with my original name.”

“T I L C, C L …… oh, ooooh, I see what you mean, I’m not surprised that you changed it, what the hell were your parents thinking?

“My parents rarely thought before they opened their big gobs.”

“Well T I L C, I will always call you Tilc.”

“Thank you Luke, tell me about you.”

I did, but held a lot of it back not wishing to belittle Tilc’s unfortunate background in any way. We had another couple of drinks then I invited Tilc for a meal. She agreed and I decided to take her to one of those Chinese ‘eat all you can for £10’ places and we had a great time, laughing and joking about all sorts of things.

As we walked back to Maddison I held her hand for a while then she put her arm round me. I reciprocated and put my arm round her and pulled her to me as we walked. In the lift at Maddison I bent my head and we kissed. The lift opened at level 3, then at 4, then at 6 where someone got in. Still not breaking the kiss, we went back down to the ground floor where whoever got out and we broke the kiss. I smiled then pressed 3 and 4 again.

At the third floor the doors opened and Tilc asked me if I wanted to go to her room for a coffee. Two minutes later we were making coffee in the communal kitchen, then we went to her room.

It was when she sat on the bed that I discovered what the pink thing between her legs was, and that she wasn’t wearing any knickers. My cock had been semi hard since I met her and very hard since we kissed in the lift and the sight of her bald pussy with the vibrator sticking out of her vagina would have made it harder - if that was possible.

My eyes were glued between her legs.

“Oh that, Tilc said, “my parents wouldn’t let me wear any underwear and I got this vibrator last week. I decided that now that I’m free I was going to do everything that I’ve always dreamed about.”

“Is it switched on.”

“No, the battery ran flat just as I was going out and I didn’t want to take it out.”

“Tilc, isn’t it a bit early in our relationship for you to be talking about such intimate things?”

“Our relationship?”

“I was rather hoping that we could become an item, I like you and I’m pretty sure that you like me so what do you think?”

After a few seconds pause Tilc replied,

“Yes, I think that I’d like that.”

I put my coffee down, took hers out of her hand, put it next to my mug then we kissed again. Before long we were both naked on her bed.

One thing, well 5 actually, that I love about Tilc’s body is firstly, her breasts, they are small, probably an AA or A cup (I couldn’t check any bra labels because she hasn’t go any bras). Secondly, her nipples are as big as the ends of my little fingers. Thirdly, her pubis is very prominent, when she lays on her back, it is higher than her hips and really looks prominent because she is so slim. Fourthly, her slit has only one thing sticking out of it, excluding the vibrator’s antenna, no inner labia, just a clit that looks to be permanently protruding out of its hood and her labia. And finally, her lack of hair below her neck. Altogether, my idea of the perfect woman’s body.

I didn’t get back to my room until the next morning having left the smiling and still very naked Tilc laying on her bed and promising to keep it warm for me. She didn’t say if she meant her bed or her pussy.

The relationship blossomed and we were soon talking about what Tilc called her fetish, apart from no underwear, no pubic hair and no trousers or shorts of any sorts, and wanting to be naked as much as she could, Tilc told me that she loved to have something inside her vagina as often as possible. It didn’t have to be my cock, just something to remind her that she had a vagina and that it could give her a LOT of pleasure.

Of course I told her that I’d be more that happy to help her out as much as I could.

Tilc told me that the Lush that virtually lived inside her was her only vibrator, she having blown most of her meagre savings on it as soon as she’d been accepted at the university. When I told her that I was going to buy her another vibrator she asked me for another Lush, a different model that had more features. A week later she was riding my cock as she read the instructions.

Tilc was so excited that she could have one Lush inside her whilst the other one was charging. When I quizzed Tilc about having the Lush vibrators switched on she told me that they were switched on all the time that the battery had some power. Not on full power, just gentle, soothing vibrations. Sometimes she’d use her phone to change the vibrations to one of the many patterns that included strong vibrations. That explained some of her body jerks and expressions that I’d seen on her during our last trip to the university to sort out a few more things.

About the third time that I went down to Tilc’s room I found her in the communal kitchen totally naked, apart from her pink antenna, and talking to one of the other girls and a boy who, when Tilc introduced us, told me that they had rooms in the same pod.

I was impressed by Tilc’s lack of inhibitions which obviously didn’t bother the others that lived there. When I asked her about her confidence when naked she told me that for the last 4 years she’d had hardly any clothes, no underwear at all, and her parents made her take her school uniform off as soon as she got home from school and she couldn’t put anything on until she was getting ready for school the next day. I was both impressed and annoyed because I again suspected that she’d been abused when they’d kept her naked.

I’d introduced Tilc to the others that lived in my ‘pod’ of rooms and the next time that we were in my room, her naked as always in either of our rooms, we decided to make a snack and Tilc was the first to my door, and to the communal kitchen without even thinking about clothes. My pod mates were well impressed with the naked chic that I’d landed.

After about a month it was obvious that both of us were in the relationship for the long haul and it helped when Tilc told me that she was giving her body to me to do whatever I wanted with it, whenever I wanted. I was a little shocked, this really cute, beautiful girl would do absolutely anything for me, all I had to do was ask, or tell, and she’d do it for me.

As well as me getting to know Tilc, she was getting to know me and we, quite quickly, could predict what the other was thinking. I quickly got used to her saying things like,

“Yes please?” When I was thinking about turning the vibration on the Lush that she was wearing up a notch. When I was thinking about playing with her nipples she pull her top out of her skirt or undo a button so that I had easier access, even before my hands moved to her little tits

As well as buying Tilc another Lush I also bought her some more clothes. She insisted that I bought only mini or micro skirts and dresses because she loves people seeing her bare legs. There was one exception to the skirts and dresses and that was a pair of cut-off denim shorts. After she’s taken some scissors to them they were really short and she wore them unfastened and with the zip down so that her bald pubes were easily visible and the pink antenna sticking out of the bottom of one leg of the shorts. I say one leg of the shorts, but those shorts are so short that the material around her pussy had been cut right back to the thick denim seam. If she pulls them up the seam disappears between her pussy lips that become visible to anyone who cares to look.

We went out for drinks and dinner frequently and it became common practice when we were in a crowded bar for me to stand behind her and for her lo lean back on me with one of my hands up her top and playing with one of her little tits. If we did manage to get a seat Tilc would sit on my lap and continually grind her butt on my covered cock.

If the light in the pub was poor, we’d got a seat and Tilc was wearing a suitable skirt or dress, she’d slide it up a little at the back as she sat down after I’d get my cock out, she’d then impale herself on me even if she had one of her vibrators inside her.

It felt funny with my cock inside her alongside a pink antenna, but it was rare that I’d cum inside her under those circumstances unless she’d borrow my phone and turn the vibe on and up.

As well as Tilc liking to be naked in our accommodation, she was quite happy being naked just about anywhere.

One time I took Tilc out for a meal and when I went to collect her we left her room Tilc didn’t have a bag of any sorts with her. I asked her about it telling her that since she didn’t have her phone with her I’d have to control her vibrator with my phone. Tilc told me the batteries on both vibrators were flat but I could control her in a limited way.

As an explanation she told me to phone her. Puzzled, I did and was a little surprised to only just hear her phone. As she was wearing only a thin dress I thought for couple of seconds then said,

“You haven’t?”

“I have, and it’s on vibration with the audio volume on low as well so I want you to keep phoning me all night.”

I did, and when we got back to her room a couple of hours later I watched her squeeze her phone out of her pussy.

I soon added a third vibrator to her collection, an Ohmibod that had slightly different features but the antenna looked equally good hanging down below her very short skirts. I also bought her some Ben Wa balls which she often wears when she’s forgotten to charge either of her vibrators.

We’d spent many times going out somewhere, restaurants, pubs, parties university lectures, you name it, with me using my phone to keep Tilc aroused. It was rare that I would take her to the stage where her body was dancing about, just ‘simmering’. Sometimes I set the vibration level such that Tilc has trouble eating and people around us would get their meals after us, eat them and leave before Tilc had eaten half of her food.

We don’t go to many parties but when we do go Tilc loves it when I undress her in a room full of people. Embarrassment is something that Tilc just doesn’t understand.

Sometimes at those parties I’d increase the vibrations and she’d start dancing about tearing her clothes off (if she still had any on) and holding her tits and / or her pussy. Her naked body shaking and jerking about as the vibrator causes her to loose control. The people who hadn’t seen her like that before, or didn’t know what the pink antenna was, often asked what she was on, thinking that she took drugs. That always amused us. I would keep the vibration going as fast as they would go until she finally orgasmed and often dropped to her knees. When she finally recovered she’d come and hug and thank me. She never got dressed until it was time to leave.

Our classmates didn’t realise that we were an item for quite a while because we rarely sat together in the classrooms or the lecture hall. Tilc and I made an agreement early on in our relationship that we wouldn’t cling to each other in classes, and as such we decided to sit apart in classes and lectures but always where we could see each other. Apart from Tilc being able to flash her pussy to me, and possibly other classmates, I could easily watch her and if she looked to be getting bored or even sleepy, I’d give her a quick blast with the vibrator to wake her up.

A few times Tilc has jumped in her seat and gasped drawing attention to herself.

Another reason for our agreement was that it would have been difficult for me to keep my hands off her and also, if people thought that she wasn’t with someone they were less likely to stop staring at her when she flashed her goodies, and Tilc likes it when people stare at her goodies.

Not appearing to be together also allowed the other guys there to talk about her freely in front of, and to me. Needless to say, all the guys soon commented on her very short skirts and her lack of a bra, and it wasn’t long before they started to realise that she never wore knickers and that they were seeing her bare pussy not some flesh coloured knickers. There were soon questions about that pink thing that was sticking out of her vagina but one of the guys had seen a vibrator like that before in a porno movie and educated the other guys.

There were also comments about Tilc’s name and a few of the times Tilc got asked where the name came from. Her usual answer was to say that it was of Swedish descent. One time when a group of us guys were sat in the cafe and talking about her and her name, one of them said that she was named after a guy in some sci-fi TV program but he couldn’t remember what it was called. I’d already dome some research into the name Tilc and told the guy that he was thinking of Stargate SG-1 and the character Teal’c but he was a huge, bald man.

“Well Tilc has a bald pussy, does that count?” the guy asked to a little laughter from some of the guys.

I, of course, never let on that Tilc was my girl and it took a party about a month into the course for us to be seen together by someone in our class at a party, one where I undressed her in front of dozens of other students leaving her uncontrollably shaking with her vibrator feeling like it was turning her insides to jelly. Tilc only returned to normal when I turned the vibrator off after she had cum, but she didn’t put her dress back on and stayed naked until we left.

After that it was obvious that quite a few of my classmates were quite jealous of me. Some even told me so, but I missed them talking about her when it was just a group of us guys.

It wasn’t just our classmates that got to see up Tilc’s skirt of down her loose blouses. I watched quite a few of the teachers realise what they could see and then continuously stare at her pussy whilst she just sat there like she was wearing a nun’s habit.

Me, I studied the different teachers and soon got to know which ones liked seeing her bald pubes and slit. Sometimes I watched as the teacher would try to hit on Tilc thinking that her display was a hint that she wanted to fuck them, and it was always amusing to watch their reaction when she knocked them back.

As most of you will known studying anything to do with computers at university involves project work, both on your own, and in groups. All the guys in our class wanted to be in the groups that Tilc was in and they loved it when Tilc’s group met at her flat and worked in the common area. You see, Tilc wasn’t going to change her ways just because some of her classmates were visiting her pod of rooms and within a couple of months all our classmates had seen Tilc totally naked.

Tilc could have easily got the guys to do her share of the project work but Tilc isn’t like that, in fact she usually end up doing most of the work because the guys can’t concentrate.

There is only a small number of girls in our class and never once have they said anything about Tilc’s flashing or nudity, in fact Tilc tells me that 2 of them have told her that they wished that they had her courage. But to Tilc being naked in a group of clothed people is nothing new. She has told me that her parents and brother often had people round and she got used to having to run around after them whilst she was naked.

It wasn’t just to eat and drink and party that we went out for, Tilc had never learnt to skate or swim and I wanted to put that right so we went and I taught her.

To go skating I bought her a skater skirt, thin, very short and very ‘A’ shaped. When she first put it on she said that she felt bottomless and that she loved it. Tilc never once complained when the skirt rose up as we sped along or when she fell over ending up on her bare butt with her legs anything but closed. She always giggled when she was on her butt flashing her pussy to other skaters.

As for swimming, we went to both the university’s own pool and the local leisure centre. Tilc looked odd when we were at the pool, you see she insisted on wearing a bikini cover-up skirt that only just covered her butt and pussy, with nothing underneath. To go with it she got me to buy her a red bralette, mesh and quite see-through if you get close to her.

Standing at the side of the pool she looked decent and great, but a bit odd as all the other girls there were wearing bikinis with no cover-ups. In the water it was different, her skirt would easily float up around her waist but being in the water made it difficult for any one to determine just where the skirt was on her or exactly what it was covering. He bald pubes helped in that a triangle of darker hair would be quite visible..

For me it was different, I was teaching her how to swim and that involved putting my hands under her and I used to use use my fingers on her pussy to distract her from her fear of sinking and that meant that she learnt quite quickly.

Every time that we went to the leisure centre we changed in a family cubicle and every time that we went in one we’d fuck each other silly with other people nearby and sometimes us banging on the thin wooden partitions.

We weren’t so lucky at the university pool as it has separate changing rooms.

It didn’t take long for Tilc to be able to swim and skate but we still kept going because Tilc liked the risk of being seen showing something that the other girls weren’t.

It was rare that we talked about Tilc’s past, she didn’t really like talking about it, but I did learn that she’d had a rough time. As I mentioned earlier, she’d been kept naked most of her home life since reaching puberty, but I also learnt that she’d been beaten and raped by her father and her brothers. I hate to say it but I wondered if those facts contributed to her insatiable desire to be naked and to have sex with me as frequently as she does. I often studied her without her knowing, to see if I could see any traces of scars from her past, but thankfully I never can.

By the end of the first October I just knew that Tilc and I were going to be together for ever and I started thinking about the practicalities of Tilc’s name. I knew that she would be learning to drive and that I would be taking her abroad as often as I could, so, after discussing it with her one night with her still impaled on my cock, we decided to get her name changed by Deed Poll. After some internet research and discussion about what she wanted to be called, and numerous silly and sexy suggestions, we started the process and Clit Cummings became Tilc Cummings.

Shortly after we got confirmation that she was legally Tilc Cummings we filled in the forms to get Tilc a provisional driver’s licence and a passport. Tilc wasn’t too happy that I was paying for everything but she agreed to pay me back with a thousand blowjobs and a thousand fucks. I asked her what about the next year.

We started the repayments straight after we agreed on the repayment method and in the afterglow of our orgasms I told Tilc that I was going to take her to Key West in America for the Spring Break holidays and that she would enter some of the crazy events that go on during that week, and then back there again the first October after we left university for the renown Fantasy Fest. I was really looking forwards to her being naked in public and on display for the whole world to see.

Tilc opens up – and I’m not talking about her legs.


One Saturday night in early December, I’d taken Tilc out for a drink or two and then we’d fucked in her room. She was laying half on me and idly playing with my cock and I was idly playing with one of her nipples when I mentioned Christmas and asked her if she’d be going home for the holidays. It was then that Tilc opened up about her past.

Things started to change one day shortly after her fourteenth birthday which her parents hadn’t even mentioned. At school, one of the boys had commented on her nipples tenting her worn thin, tight blouse and Tilc asked her mother if she could have a bra. She didn’t get the response that she expected.

It was one of those rare occasions where the whole family was sat eating a meal at the same time and when Tilc asked her mother for a bra her father told her to stand up.

“Fuck Clit, you’re growing up. Take your clothes off and let us have a proper look at you.” Her father ordered.

Tilc knew not to argue, she had many painful bare bottom spankings in the past and didn’t want another one so she slowly took her blouse off.

“Fuck boys, look, your little sister has got some tits, well, I suppose that those bumps can just about be called tits.”

All 3 males started at Tilc’s little AAA cup breasts and hard little nipples. Tilc couldn’t understand why her nipples were so hard, nor why they were tingling a little bit.

After having to stand there for a couple of minutes her father said,

“Take your skirt off girl, let’s see if your pussy is still just a little slit.”

Tilc slowly unfastened her skirt and let it drop to the floor.

“And the knickers.”

Tilc put her thumbs inside the top of her knickers and slowly pushed them down revealing a small number of hairs that were slightly darker than those on her head.

By that age, Tilc’s pussy had started to develop as well. Her clit was starting to grow and show through her labia, and her hips and pubis were starting to grow out to the slim, curvy shape that she is now.

“Spread your legs girl.” Tilc’s father ordered.

Tilc did, and she felt her pussy open a little, get wet a little and tingle a little.

“Fuck Sandra (Tilc’s mother), you’ve got some competition now, your daughter looks like she’ll be a good fuck.”

“Yeah, she does. Does that mean that you’ll let me have some sleep occasionally?”

“Tilc, go and get every pair of knickers that you have and bring them here.” her father ordered.

Tilc did and was told to give them to her brother’s who were then told to cut them all into shreds. The naked Tilc just watched with her mouth wide open. When there was nothing but strips of cotton left, her father said,

“From now on Tilc you will never wear knickers and you will be naked all the time that you are in this house. Have you got that girl?”

“Yes daddy.”

“If I catch you wearing anything your backside will get so red that you won’t be able to sit down for a week.”

“Yes daddy.”

“And start shaving off those silly looking hairs on your cunt. I want to see it bald all the time.”

“Yes daddy, can I have a razor and some shaving cream please?”

“Sandra, get the girl what she needs to keep herself hairless.”

“Yes honey.”

That was the start of Tilc’s naked at home lifestyle. At first Tilc told me that she was really embarrassed, especially when her father or brothers told her to open her legs and let them get a good look at her pussy, but over the next few weeks the embarrassment faded and she started to get that tingling feeling more often.

A couple of months later the sexual abuse started one evening after one of her brothers dropped a plate and blamed Tilc for it. Tilc was told to get over her father’s lap and she had to endure, not just a bare bottom spanking which she’d had numerous times before, but a totally naked bare bottom spanking that ended with her father finger fucking her and breaking her hymen.

After that evening 2 things happened, firstly the sexual abuse started, not only by her father, but by her brothers as well, and it expanded to include her father’s and her brother’s mates. Her family were whoring her out to their mates and they were getting money, booze or drugs in return. She became an involuntary prostitute who never got any of the rewards. Well apart from the orgasms, because Tilc started to enjoy what she was being forced to do.

The other thing that happened that evening was that Tilc decided that she was going to get out of that place just as soon as she could. Tilc started planning her escape.

It took her a while to work out that the best way to escape was to work hard at school and get into a university. Of course Tilc considered just running away but she’d heard too many stories and seen too many TV programs to want to end up like the girls that she’s heard about and seen on the TV.

No, Tilc decided that she could endure the abuse until she was 18 when she could escape. After all, she was starting to enjoy having people look at her naked body and to abuse it.

Tilc kept her head down, worked hard and planned.

Although Tilc didn’t have a computer at home she spent many hours on the school’s, and the local library’s computers researching university entry and the requirements.

Her school life changed. As she got used to being naked at home she also got used to being underwearless at school. It soon never bothered her when boys commented on her pokey nipples or the fact that they had looked up her skirt and seen her bald pussy. Most of the other girls in her class had some sympathy when she told them that her father forbid her from wearing any underwear. Only a few girls called her names but Tilc was tough enough to ignore those girls.

Even the accidental flashing to the boys and teachers in PE lessons soon stopped bothering her and in fact Tilc admitted that a lot of her flashing became deliberate accidents that made her feel good, Tilc just acted like nothing was wrong.

On the academic side of things, Tilc worked hard and soon got a reputation for being a swot who’s head was in a book or in front of one of the school’s computer’s most of the time, and her grades improved so much that she was soon one of the top students in her class.

Tilc soon realised that she got on well with computers and managed to talk the school into lending her a laptop and she managed to hack into a neighbour’s Wi-Fi making her research easier.

Tilc realised that she’d need some money and information about her parents to be able to get started at university and to claim the loans that she would need. Tilc started looking for the documents and money left laying around at home and started stealing from her parents and brothers. She only took small amounts guessing, correctly, that they would never notice.

Life, the abuse and the sometimes not so accidental flashing continued for the next 3 years with Tilc never once discussing her plans or her grades with anyone, her parents never even asking about how she was doing at school.

When it came to the time to apply for a place at university Tilc did everything without her family even knowing that she wanted to go to university.

The end of Tilc’s miserable life started to be in sight when Tilc got the notification that she had been accepted at not one, but two universities. Her spirits rose and she happily got over her father’s lap a couple of days later for yet another unjustified spanking, finger fucking then proper fucking by her father then her brothers. She also happily submitted to similar treatment from two of her brother’s mates when they came round the next day.

The time to apply for loans for courses and subsistence came around and Tilc was happy that she had ‘acquired’ everything that she need to create accounts in her parent’s names and complete all the applications in their names. All the information that she provided was accurate so she was happy that she wasn’t committing any fraud, just not doing it in the right way.

Without saying a word to anyone, Tilc bought herself a decent phone, the vibrator that she had been coveting for a while, packed her meagre belongings into a bag, and left home for the last time.

On the train to her university accommodation Tilc was so happy that she slipped her vibrator inside her vagina whilst she sat on the train and used her phone to bring herself to 3 orgasms before the train got to her stop.

Back to that night in bed with Tilc..


By the time Tilc had finished her story she was up on her knees straddling me with my cock deep inside her but we were both knackered and she lay forwards onto me and we both fell asleep.

I woke to the feeling of Tilc riding my cock and I hoped that it had been hard and inside her all night, but realising that she was probably just using my morning woody.

In the shower I spoke to Tilc about what I had intended to before she opened up about her past. The Christmas break was coming up and I asked Tilc what her plans were. She told me that she would be staying at university and getting on with her course work.

“Oh no you are not Tilc,” I replied, “you are coming home with me, I’m going to show you off to my parents and brother.”

“Like this?” Tilc joked.

“I would love to, but my mother would have a heart attack.” I replied.

Knowing my parents, I had to do something about the almost permanent pink antenna sticking below Tilc’s skirts and Tilc’s solution was to bend it backwards and push the end of it up her butt, or wear both pairs of the Ben Wa balls that I had bought her. Even with that I just knew that my brother, and probably my father, would quickly discover Tilc’s lack of underwear. That certainly didn’t worry Tilc and it didn’t bother me. What’s more I doubted that my father would object and my brother, Josh, certainly wouldn’t complain. My only fear was that my mother would discover Tilc’s secret and then disapprove of her.

My parents and Josh welcomed Tilc with open arms, literally, giving her big hugs when they first met. When asked where her unusual name came from Tilc explained that it originated in Sweden and that it meant that she was loving and caring, which I could testify was true. Tilc was overwhelmed with the kindness of my parents, they even got her a Christmas present.

I was right about my Josh discovering Tilc’s lack of underwear. Late on the first day Josh collared me and told me that I was a lucky bastard and that he hoped he could land a girl who didn’t wear knickers. Then he asked me if it was just my Christmas present or if Tilc went sans knickers all the time. I told him that she never wore them and that she didn’t really like wearing anything.

Josh often followed Tilc around hoping to see up her skirt again and Tilc never did anything to stop him seeing her pussy when she caught him looking, but to start with she didn’t deliberately ‘accidentally’ flash him.

Although my mother is a prude, she didn’t have a problem with Tilc sharing my room whilst we were there. The way that my parents house is designed is that my parent’s bedroom has its own en-suite bathroom at the front of the house and the other bathroom is big and has 3 doors, one to the landing and one to each of Josh’s and my rooms.

When I lived there full time the door to the landing was always locked but the doors to Josh’s and my bedrooms were never locked. This was never a problem and we sometimes walked into the bathroom when the other was already in there. It was never a big deal.

Tilc had never had any privacy at her old home, the doors never having any locks on them, and at university she often forgot to lock the door to her room and over Christmas Tilc never locked herself in the bathroom.

Four times over the 8 days that we were there, Josh ‘accidentally’ walked into the bathroom when Tilc was in there, and each time she just said “Hi Josh,” and carried on doing whatever she was doing, even if she was sat on the toilet.

One time Josh walked in on me fucking Tilc in the shower and he watched us. I was taking Tilc from behind and Josh could see her full frontal as I just about lifted her up as I rammed into her.

Getting back to my parents, it wasn’t long before my father realised that he could often see Tilc’s bald pubes and slit, all he said to me when we were alone was that I was a lucky bastard and to hang on to Tilc.

My mother on the other hand was a bit of a challenge, I guessed that she would get upset if she knew that she had a knickerless female guest in her house. She’d given Tilc a disapproving look when she’d seen the 2 bumps in her top when we’d first arrived but she’d soon got over that and seemed to accept that young girls these days often don’t wear bras.

As for Tilc’s short skirts, I’d asked Tilc to try to remember to keep a hand between her legs whenever she sat down if my mother was there, and she’d agreed to do that, but doing that was almost alien to her and she often forgot. I had 3 ways of avoiding my mother seeing Tilc’s bald pubes and slit, firstly I would attract her attention and then put my hand on my balls. Secondly I would drop a magazine or something on her lap, and thirdly I’d get my phone out and give her vibrator a quick blast at full power. Tilc would gasp then remember where she was.

My parents present to Tilc was some perfume, something that Tilc rarely uses but she wore some every day after she got her present. My main present to Tilc was a sybian which I got delivered to her university room, but to please my mother, I also bought Tilc a new watch.

I just knew that my mother would want to know why Tilc hadn’t got to her parents place for Christmas and I’d told Tilc that my mother would ask when she couldn’t contain her curiosity any more. Mother lasted 3 days before she asked.

Tilc and I had agreed that she would tell my parents that her parents would be ‘out of it’ for Christmas, implying that she meant out of the country. The truth probably being that they would both be out of their brains all of the time and that Tilc would have been expected to do all the cooking and housekeeping whilst she was there.

Christmas dinner was a bit of an ordeal for Tilc as she struggled to keep her composure and a straight face whilst her Ohmibod was driving her crazy. Her looking at me, grinning and with an expression that told me she thought that I was a naughty little boy.


Tilc’s Christmas present to me was her body. She told me that I could do whatever I wanted to to her wherever we were and whenever I wanted. Needless to say that she didn’t tell me that when we were all opening our presents I knew that Tilc would be a little embarrassed about her lack of being able to afford a material present for me at our traditional present opening session so I’d wrapped up a new laptop that I’d bought myself and written on the label,

“To Luke with all my love, Tilc.”.

Tilc said nothing when Josh handed me the wrapped laptop box but the expression on her face told me that I’d be getting my reward later.

We had a wonderful time at my parents home and after many requests I promised to take Tilc back home soon.

Our university course work was going well, giving us time for other things. We organised driving lessons for Tilc from an ex police driver who always had a smile on his face when he came to pick up Tilc who knew that she wasn’t to deliberately flash her goodies to him but his smile and eagerness to give Tilc cut price lessons told us that he liked looking at her bare legs and pokey nipples, and that he was observant enough to spot Tilc’s bare pubes and slit occasionally, even though she promised me that any flashing wasn’t intentional.

Anyway, Tilc passed her test the first time that she took it, and after only a couple of dozen lessons. We celebrated with a night of passion, me thinking that I was celebrating my life with Tilc every day.

The swimming and skating wasn’t enough exercise for Tilc. She’d loved PE lessons at school and wanted more exercise to keep her body as fit and lithe as it is, so we started going to the university’s gym. Not for organised lessons, just as a couple wanting to play some sports.

Tilc’s school had never given squash or badminton lessons and Tilc wanted to try them so we booked courts and hired the equipment. She’d also enjoyed gymnastics at school but the university didn’t have the facilities. I joked with Tilc about her doing gymnastics at school in a short PE skirt with no knickers and she admitted that being knickerless and flashing her butt and pussy to the male gym teachers was part of the attraction.

Anyway, Tilc got out this old, short tennis skirt to wear for squash and badminton, telling me that that was what she wore for PE at school. I could instantly see her doing gymnastics in that skirt and it inverting every time that she tumbled or did other gymnastic moves. I could see why she liked PE, and why her teachers never complained about her attire.

The first time that we went to the university sports centre was a Monday morning when we hadn’t any course lessons. It was very quiet there and we were soon in the big hall, where there were half a dozen badminton courts, all on our own. As I taught Tilc how to play she, well both of us, soon realised that her skirt kept going up revealing her bare butt or slit.

Jokingly, Tilc said that she’s show more if it was a loose fit tennis dress that she was wearing. I made a mental note to get her one of those.

It turned out that Tilc has good eye to arm co-ordination and she was soon showing that she was a natural. Forty-five minutes later we left the still empty hall and went to the squash courts.

These have a glass back to them with lots of seats for spectators and I wondered if the courts were used for competitions. The overhand shots were soon revealing her butt and slit and I deliberately hit shots that would require her to reach up to make the return. Tilc realised what I was doing and looked through the glass rear of the court and saw what I had seen, a group of 4 male students watching us, well watching Tilc’s bare butt.

Tilc smiled at me and from then on whenever she missed a shot and had to bend over to pick up the ball she made sure that her butt was facing the students. It was smiles from both of us from then on.

Tilc had enjoyed her first squash and badminton lessons and wanted more, The only drawback was that there were separate changing rooms. We usually went to the sports centre at least once per week from then on, with Tilc wearing the new tennis dress that I bought her, and choosing times when the centre was busy so that we’d quickly get an audience that Tilc could perform for.

That semester went quickly, but not too quick for us to book a couple of weeks holiday in Key West and get all the visas and documents that we’d need.

Maybe I’ll write about the fun that we had there.
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