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Covid 19, city shut down but I'm in construction, residential electrician and still working. I'm finishing up a big remodel job that I took over from a guy who didn't know what he was doing and lots of things are wrong. I could be here for weeks.
The Fosters. husband and wife working from home, two or three daughters? I go back and forth from the panel to all different locations in the house, starting on the ground floor in the morning.

Later I'm working in the upstairs bathrooms, including one of the daughters' bedrooms. I knock on the door but no answer. I open and say hello. She's lying on her bed under a blanket with headphones on and typing on her laptop. Distance learning perhaps? I look at her for a second before she notices me. Long, light brown or blonde hair. Clear skin.

"UH, Can I work in your bathroom on the outlets?" She's obviously wearing pants and a sweatshirt in bed but I didn't want to risk anything untoward. I tend to be very head down, not interacting with the customers more than necessary. Not into chit chat.

"Oh, ya, sure, ok,go ahead, ya..."

Later I go past her hanging out in kitchen. Is she in high school or college? Not sure. Not a good judge of ages anymore.

"You're like one of those models who makes grey beards look sexy"

Whoa. I wasn't expecting that.

"Those guys spend a lot more time on grooming I assure you."

I get a phone call in the middle of a tricky operation and after I talk I put my phone down on the counter and walk to another room. I come back and see her placing my phone back where I'd left it. My screen locks and needs a fingerprint to open but she might have grabbed it before that happened. I don't say anything, just retrieve my phone and get back to work.

The mom is working at her desk outside her daughter's bedroom door when I go in the next time. She's in sweatshirt and yoga pants, not great looking but not fat either. Wearing headphones. The husband downstairs is wearing headphones too. Everybody's wearing headphones. The house is really quiet, just my footsteps.

Sitting on her bed the daughter smiles at me again and it feels a little different, lingering. I think she's the highschool one.

Back to the kitchen, past the Wife, work on stuff. Back upstairs, daughter's bathroom, chasing down an intermittent fault. I see a pair of panties laying on the tile floor that I'm sure weren't there the last time. Red silk with ruffles and embroidery. Fancy panties. Not stay at home in sweatpants panties. I leave them be but my face feels tingly. If I didn't think I was maybe being set up, didn't think I would get caught, I would totally pocket those and take them home with me. I've done it before with client's undergarments. It's just a kink I have.

Anyways , I go back downstairs and the girl seems to follow me only a few minutes later but her Mom is in the kitchen now.

"Go put some clothes on. You can't just be in your pajamas all day. There's people working here."

She goes upstairs and changes into a different sweatshirt and a pair of very short very soft mini shorts. Her legs are long and slim. When she walks I can see the under curve of her ass cheek. I don't make eye contact but if she's wanting to be seen then ya, I'm looking.

Unfortunately I have to work on outlets in her bedroom some more. She sits on her bed, ostensibly doing remote schoolwork on her laptop but I feel her staring at me. I hope she likes my ass in my Carhartts as I'm on my hands and knees. Those shorts have my imagination if not my direct attention.

I'll be returning the next day I tell them and leave. Later when I check my phone I see there's been an outgoing call to a number I don't recognize. A call I didn't make.

Bleep goes my phone later that night as I'm home alone in my apartment.

Text From Emma. Ok, so it's Emma, the other one is Hannah. I'm not sure if I've even seen her or could really tell them apart. Maybe I haven't seen them in the same place at the same time.

Text "Is this the attractive older man who was working at my house today?"

Text back. "I do electrical work when I'm not a beard model."

She sends a picture of a 30 something model dude with ripped abs and styled hair and a professionally trimmed salt and pepper beard. "Like this?" she asks.

Text back. "Older."

Picture of her. I recognize the bedroom wall in the background. She's in bed in a thin v neck tshirt which I sense has been pulled down so it shows her collar bones down almost to below her sternum. No bra evident. She's staring into the camera and her face is a little flushed, like she summed up courage to do this.

"I like older guys" reads the text banner. She's just kind of cute. I've seen way cuter highschool girls taking risque selfies on multiple amateur sites. But this one is being sent to me alone. It's exciting, I can't deny.

Text. "You never smile" Picture, her sitting back on her heels in the middle of the bed, threadbare v neck pulled tight over her chest lumps. Pouty face.

Next text. "don't you like me?" Eyebrows arched, lips pursed, she's twisting her body and the v neck is pulled super tight and poking nipples are very apparent.

I text. "I concentrate on my work. Not there to make friends."

Text. "I want you to be my friend" Picture, her face is out of the frame but the v neck T is pulled down so hard that her right breast is exposed. It looks like a cupcake with a cherry on top. My pulse thumps in my groin. I'm being sexted by a teenager. If I had absconded with her red silk panties when I had the chance earlier today I would have them wrapped around my cock right now, feeling the silky smoothness and imagining the part of her body it had been touching last.. I don't know for sure if she meant them for me to take with me. To be seen certainly, but should I have them in my possesion now? Thinking about her smooth legs walking around the house and how they disappear up into her short shorts. I don't think it wise to respond to any more texts. This could be a troublesome situation. Keep it professional.

Early next morning I talk to my Boss and tell her I should see a different customer today. I'll get back to the Foster's house tomorrow.

Bleep goes my phone later that afternoon.

Picture. Her face in the mirror with a questioning, accusative look. I can't tell what she's wearing, it's just a head shot. Text "I thought you were coming back today."

"On a different job site"

Picture. She's on her back on top of the covers, eyes and nose just out of view, her lips and chin and a curl of hair at her throat. One arm and elbow, a bracelet on the wrist. Two naked cupcake breasts, small soft nipples. Smooth belly sucked in, oval belly button and then hairless plane of her abdomen down to the slit of her smooth labia. Text. "I've been waiting all day in bed for you" There's an emoji of a sad face.

I have a hard time concentrating for the rest of the day. Thankfully there are no more pictures and eventually I get me work done.

Early evening I'm back home.

Text. "Do you think my Mom is hot?" Picture of the girl with the Mother in the background sitting at her desk oblivious to her daughter's lifted shirt and bare tit.

My text. "She's in pretty good shape for her age."

Text. "She's forty six."

Shit, that's younger than me.

About me. I'm almost 50, single, never married. I exercise and do physical work so I'm in good shape. I quit drinking a few years back and it had a great effect on my abs and belly fat. I usually go to the gym three times a week but they are all closed now. I go running in the evenings in stead. I haven't had an exclusive girlfriend in a while but I have several "Friends" who like to hook up from time to time. The are all younger than me but that means late twenties to maybe early forties. And they are all unavailable right now for the obvious reason, COVID. I suppose I'm a little hard up so the reality of this young girl sending me naked selfies is... very interesting to me. Like the next one that comes in about half an hour later.

Picture, taken in the mirror, just out of the shower, wrapped in a grey towel, flesh steamed pink, distant look.

Picture one second later. Towel fallen open but still gripped in her armpits, tits like dumplings out of the steamer, curved supple belly, no hint of hair on her snatch, phone covering most of her face.

My skin gets hot and I don't feel the need to have any clothes on. I sit naked on the bed and await any further correspondence from this teenage girl. My dick is poking up to see what happens next. We only have to wait a few minutes.

"If you were here now you could be in my room and no one would know."

Picture. She's standing in front of her bedroom mirror, rumpled bed in the background. She's fully naked, hair slightly covering her tits but her quim is totally visible, folds of her labia slightly opening. Like most teens taking a selfie she is looking intently at the image on her phone, not looking in the mirror to actually make eye contact.

This view of her has gotten me hard though. I'm gripping my boner and I text back with one hand. "Very nice young lady" I keep stroking and manipulating, eager for what might come next. Is she just teasing me? Obviously not.

Video. It's her masturbating with a hairbrush. I see it nestle in between her lips and go up and in. She jams it in and pulls it out rapidly. It only lasts about 30 seconds. It's grainy because it's low light and so close up that that it looks more like a medical film but it's her, a teenage girl sticking a fake phallus up her pussy. Is she thinking about that object being my dick thrusting into her? I'm jacking off now, no excuses. I'm imagining my meat penetrating her young body, plumbing her depths, hot and tight. I imagine the feel of her slim body wriggling beneath mine. I throw caution to the wind and send a picture of me gripping my hard on in my fist. It is angry and purple. My abs and chest hair look pretty good as far as I can tell.


Picture. It is much better quality than the grainy video, skin tones are rosy and natural, the light and shadow definition is highly sensual and realistic. She is lying on her back, phone held above her in one hand, the middle finger of her other hand is delving into her cooch. Her face is visible from the nose down, mouth wide open and tonge lolling out in a curved shape which would be ideal for fellatio. I imagine it tickling the fuzz on my balls. I can tell just what her skin feels like. I get a buzzing up the sides of my shaft and I feel ready to spurt.

Text "Are you gonna cum?"

I don't send the picture of my slimy, cum laced midriff right after I groan and hurl a bucket of pearl juice all over myself. That image of her naked body was more than a guy like me could stand after keeping myself on the edge for so long. I send a text.

"Like a fountain."

I get there first thing in the morning but the daughters don't seem to get up and show themselves until noon. Parents are on conference calls. I go about my business and consider the fact that I may not even get a glimpse of my little sexting temptress from last night.


I'm working under the sink in the kitchen and as I'm on my back, staring up at a garbage disposal I feel a foot in between my legs, the heat of it mostly, not actually touching me.

"There's a switch in my room that doesn't work right." says my teenage text mate, standing over me. She's in fuzzy fleece sweatpants with monkeys on them and a baggy sweatshirt. Her light brown hair is long and all over the place.

"Emma, that's inappropriate. Come on Hun, social distancing!" calls her mom sharply as I hear her shuffle into the room. I don't think she could tell just how close her daughter was to me or where her bare foot was positioned, right at my ball sack.

"I was telling him about the switch that doesn't work in my room."

"I'm sure he knows about that already, it's his job. Leave him alone... he's got lots of work to finish."

Bleep goes my phone 20 minutes later after they have both left the kitchen.

Text. "This is the switch that needs flipping." Picture is of her, sweatpants pulled down from her waist in front showing her smooth shaved labia and prominent clitoris "switch"

My heart rate went way up and my throat felt tight. Oh trouble.


Picture from arms length showing her bare ass from behind. "here is another angle so you can see the problem" Her butt cheeks were rosy and her wet slit looked pink and delicious. My cock felt a spring of terror and lust.

I collect my tools, straighten myself and go upstairs, past her mother at her desk as my firmness is filling my tight pants, enter her room and close the door, but don't lock it. I drop my tool bag in front of the door so anyone opening it will be slowed down just enough by it's impedance to give a little warning I hope.

The teenage girl is on the bed with her clothes in place. She smiles. She's maybe a little cuter than I gave her credit for earlier.

"Show me your cock again" she says in a barely audible voice. "I wanna see it in real life" The house is so quiet it almost seems loud. My pulse is pounding in my ears. My pulse is pounding in my penis too.

I can hear her mother on the other side of the door talking on her headset. She sounds so close.

I ease towards the edge of the bed. She rolls onto her hands and knees and crawls toward me. I unzip my fly and push the waistband of my breifs down below my ballsack, letting my prick and my tightening nads spring out into the open air.

"Oh god... It's big!" She looks a little taken aback but then I see her jaw start to slacken and her tongue tip darts out and licks her lips.

She closes the distance and then it happens. The tip of my penis disappears into her mouth. I feel her tongue on the underside and her hot exhale against my abdomen. I hold perfectly still and she advances, enveloping my cock one centimeter at a time. A murmer escapes and her head bobs forward and back a few times. I almost want to reach out my hand and run my fingers through her light brown hair but she might think I was forcing her to go down on me and I have to be positive this is all consensual. Her mouth works on me for a few short, exquisite moments but she pulls off then and looks up at me. Her eyes flash with excitement.

"And it tastes like Man!"

Emma goes back for more thickening meat. She doesn't engulf my whole length but some slurping noises come from her sucking mouth and then she pulls away and looks up at me again.

Her voice quavers as she says "I want it. I want it inside me"

Things happen with expediency. Fuzzy fleece pants are pulled down to her knees. I grasp her thighs and pull her ass to the edge of the bed. This is going to happen. She shows no sign of resistance. She breathes deep and gazes at me with excited eyes.

I hold her legs up and together and bump my cock head against her wet bulging labia. Then with just the right tilt and angle I sink it into her. I feel her inner tunnel widening and accepting faster than it went into her mouth, and deeper. To the hilt. Till my balls touch her asshole. She grunts softly at the exertion of accepting my turgid member. I'm hard as a granite obelisk. I can feel her insides completely. I look at her face and her eyes are wide and silent. I have to widen my stance a bit to get at the right level for fucking her. Then I start rocking. I feel every ripple of texture on the tight skin of my prick. Holy fuck!

She hugs a pillow to her chest and bites on a corner of it. I am not going to last long in this silky teenage twat. The feeling of hot slick bareback thrusting tingles me all over. Her Mom can still be heard talking real estate on the other side of the door. I go a little faster but the bed squeaks so I slow back down carefully. Emma, Emma it is, Emma's pussy keeps getting wetter. I slow down and hold myself back. I grip her legs and push them into her chest. Her eyes are closed. All I hear is her breathing and it is deep and rough and sometimes grunts from down in her core, the spot that I'm thrusting at with my rigid member. I angle to try and bump her g spot with each thrust. I look at my inches disappearing into her past her flushed pink pussy lips. My rod is shiny with her wetness. I can't stand this much longer. I see her belly ripple and clench. She groans into the pillow. Her cheek and neck are red. I hope that's her cumming 'cause I'm right there and I can't hold it any more.

At the last second, as I feel the surge and the wave cresting over me I pull out of her hot tunnel and squirt my cum up in an arc onto her pajama pants. I clench and buck silently and juice her fleece sleep pants with copious semen. With barely time to recover I need to quickly put myself back together. I'm sure I leak some more into my briefs. I back out of the room and walk past the mom with my tool bag held close in front of my tightly filled pants. Oblivious she is. I just stuck it to her daughter not 15 feet away!

A while later on I'm back in the laundry room at the electrical panel. Settled down and doing actual work now. The Mom is in the kitchen where she likes to do her work some of the time and the daughter walks right past her and into the room I'm in.

"I need to do a load of laundry"

"Ok. But stay out of his way." pipes the mom.

The pajama pants with my spunk on them go in the washer last I can see. She winks at me and her tongue pokes out a little. I think I'm getting hard again.

. . . .

Later that night.


Picture. She is kneeling in front of her full length bedroom mirror and turned 3/4. Topless but wearing stretch pants. Long hair falling in front. Peering intently at the phone screen. Text "That felt so good! I keep thinking about it"

"You're a hot little thing" I text her, getting a firm feeling in my gym shorts and taking things into my own hands. Light fingers on the outside of the nylon mesh keep the blood pumping and collecting.

She sends a video with sound in the background, a lewd hip hop song with the word pussy in it a few times. She has added a sporty top to the stretch pants and sets the phone on the bathroom counter facing her. I can see from her head all the way down to just below her crotch. She sways to the music and immediately slides her pants down showing a flowery pair of boyshort bottoms. Right after that she pulls the top up over her head, swishes her hair and then leans forward into the camera, lolling out her tongue and licking her lips, dainty and girlish. It's a young girl strip, not a craven slut, not even fully adult. Regardless, the bottoms are shucked off soon after and I see the lips I parted with my penis earlier that day. She hikes one leg up on the sink and drags her fingers across herself but then swivels to show me her ass which she smacks and jiggles with both her hands before turning back to face the camera. She leans in, darts her tongue out once more and then the video ends. Hot little tease! So short but so sweet!

Text. "that's all for now sexy man"

I send a picture back. Thick and hard and glistening with the baby oil I'm jacking off with. All I get is a text. "Nice. I want that again"

I watch her strip video once or twice more and cum looking at her pointed tongue in the frozen last frame.

. . . .

Late the next morning I've been working for a while and I'm at the electrical panel in the laundry room. She walks straight to me and hugs me and settles into my chest. I feel like a big teddy bear. My hand slides down to her ass, tiny fluffy shorts again. I cup an ass cheek and her leg hikes up my side and my fingers slide into her. Fingers are not clean. Her slit is slippery.

She reaches up to my face and her hands go in my beard.

My fingers are in her but the position is awkward and doesn't allow me to reach the spots I'm aiming for. I push her against the washing machine and she drops both feet to the floor, spreading her legs at the knees so my hand can work on her girl bits. I crouch a bit to get a better angle and she presses her face into the side of my neck and breathes hot and hard. Her hand is up and gripping my beard again. My first two fingers are up in her wetness but I can add a new feature. I bend my ring finger out of the way and straighten my pinky and wiggle the tip of it on the spiral entrance to her butt hole.

"Geeeee" she breathes into my neck. I feel her sucking on my skin. I prod inward with my little finger and her muscle ring lets me in.

I have two in her goo and one in her poo. I move my digits with constant precision and feel her breathing speed up. She seems to be building quickly to an orgasm. She huffs and whinges and her legs start to shake and then she goes over the edge from my prodding, twiddling fingers.

She cums with great vocal restraint. I feel her sucking on my neck to muzzle herself. My hand is pretty wet with her cum secretions. I lick my fingers. Girl twat tastes so sweet , like honey. She looks at me with a slight twinge of embarrassment.


We hear a noise. She bolts from the room immediately and I turn to face the panel again.

It's the Mom in the kitchen.

"Leave him alone, he needs to get finished"

Oh God, don't make me turn around. My dick is so hard! My pants look like a tent. I can't go anywhere for a while! Have to face the wall. That was hot! And close! I leave that afternoon without seeing her again. But I get a bleep that night.

Picture. The phone/camera is behind her and all I can see is her ass and one hand reaching around, the middle finger gingerly grazing the edge of her rectum. Text "I liked your finger in my butt."

I text. "It's three degrees warmer you know."

Text. "Than my cunny?!"


"I'll do anal with you. I think it would feel great!" Picture. The camera is still behind her but she's sprawled on the carpet and turning her face back towards me. The hand looks like it's missing a finger. I think I need to jack off now.

"Hannah doesn't believe I would do it" she texts. My heart stops. Did she fuckin tell her older sister!?! Shit!

"JK. Just kidding. I didn't tell her." I don't know if I believe her or not.

Picture. Sharpie pen sticking out of her little beige rectum. My cock would stretch that out considerably. I'm stroking that cock and looking at the pictures she's sent. And keeps sending.

Picture. She's bent over and spreading her ass cheeks apart, showing me the blue capped sharpie pen sticking out of her bootie hole, right above the cleft labia and moist slit of her smooth pink twat.

"all the kids do it these days?" I inquire, keying slowly with one hand while the other is yanking at my pecker.

"Well ya, totes"

The hand stroking my cock is the same one that was in her wet gripping orifice today. I squeeze my throbbing meat even tighter and imagine it piercing the little anus I see on my screen and I groan and cum a torrent of hot spew.

. . . .

Nobody but the dad is about when I get there at 7:30 and start working downstairs. He's on headphones and a conference call.

Just about 9 am I see the mom leaving in her athliesure wear and taking the dog for a walk. Again, she's not great looking but not fat either. Fit. Lean, at least it looks that way in the stretchy contouring outfit she wears. And the bitchiness is kind of a turn on for me.


Picture. She's on the floor in front of her mirror, facing away but holding the phone between her feet. I see ass and thighs and her sweet split peach filling up my screen. Very creative! Text. "mom took the dog for a walk. How fast can you fuck me?"

I proceed immediately to her room, do the tool bag by the door thing again and pull my carhartts and boxer briefs down to mid thigh. She whips the covers aside and she's bottomless, working her slit with the fingers of her left hand.

"I have a place for you to put that"

She twists sideways and I get a similar view to the phone pic just minutes before. I divide her smooth puffy lips with my rigid shaft and penetrate her teenage vagina.

"Oooohhhh that's good!"

"Hot Hot Pussy. Your little body feels so good." I say in appreciation. We still need to keep our voices down. My hips move in slow, deep thrusts. I look down entranced at my veiny hard shaft pumping in and out of her young tight twat.

"Hee hee... I'm glad you like it... it's been waiting all morning for you."

I thrust slow and long, like seven inches long. Little cunt feels so good. Damn!

"Try it in my butt"

My cock is super slick from porking her wet teen pussy so I might as well try it in her ass. The hole is right there waiting for me. I go directly for it but can't make it in. I get the tip very very close to entering but it seems to need a lot of force and she's in danger of squealing a little too loud. I probably should have started with a finger or two but when a nubile girl looks over her shoulder at you and says to put it in her ass, you just go for it!

"Wait Wait OWW! Ok never mind mr. BigCock!"

After that I walked into the bathroom and washed it off.

"Why'd ya do that."

"Not good to go from ass to pussy little one."

"They don't tell you that on instagram."

I hoist her like a sack of potatoes with her rump up in the air. I guess her weight at right around 120. She's about 5'5" and not rail thin, still some baby fat. She giggles and I reapply myself to her vulva and thrust inside her yielding vagina.

I fuck her doggy style with her face down in the pillows. I get to look at her little brown pucker hole as I slide steadily in and out. I wet my thumb in her slime and press it against the hole that refused to yield to my cock earlier and it opens and takes it in.

"UuuuuGghhhhhhh!" she groans into the pillows. I feel her thrash back against my thrusts and speed up my hammering to try and climax as her tunnel flutters with orgasm and her sphincter muscle grips at my invading thumb.

I cum in her with hard jacking spurts and when I lurch back gasping she pulls up her pants and drags the covers up over her to hide. She peeks out and watches me as I pick up my tools and get out the door.

"Thanks sexy Man"

I work unmolested for the rest of the day. My dick is crusty from her juice and my cum.

At home after a run that evening.


Picture. Creamy goo dribbling from a fresh fucked twat. Mine and hers respectively. Text, "this is you from today." She probably took that shot right after I left the room. I cream pied that little pussy.

"I remember that feeling little sex pot. Your pussy was sweet."

"I showed Hannah your cock"

"JK?" I text back. Oh shit.

"She doesn't believe I'll get it in my bottom. We have to try again tomorrow."

I'm more than a little taken aback by the thought of Emma sharing pictures and stories with her older sister. She's seen my dick pics? This could be bad... but maybe not?


Text. "you're coming tomorrow right?" winking face in the picture.

Text. "I mean you're probably cumming right now looking at this" Picture. She's stretching on the bed with the phone held up over her head and I see her twisting torso and erect nipples and her right leg flipped aside to show her delicate labia where I was thrusting merrily this afternoon.

"I'll be working at your house tomorrow, yes."

"Good. I'll practice"

Surprise surprise, my cock is firming up again. I get out of my shorts and start pulling it long, fattening it up. Send me some more pictures little one.

Text. "are you jacking off? Picture. She's squeezing her little boobies together with one hand and arm. They look firm and tight enough to burst like little water balloons. Her nipples look like raspberries.

Text. "Look at this." Picture. Torso shot with a dainty middle finger tapping at her clit. Teasing it. My dick feels teased to tightness and rigidity.

Text. " And this. what is your impression?" Picture. She's in front of the bathroom mirror with one leg up on the counter, two fingers spreading her lips to show me her red inner slit. She gazes intently at the camera screen. Her breasts are delicate and pale in this light.

"I'm hard and throbbing and about to lose control of myself"

Text. "Show me your cum."

I figure out how to shoot a short video on my phone and send it to her. It is about 5 seconds long and shows a spurt of milky white shooting out of my tumescent, veiny cock as I squeeze the base of my shaft in my hand. The semen flows down my engorgement like white lava.

Text. "You're HOT" Hearts and long tongue smiley faces. I'm gasping for breath.

Text a little while later. I haven't even quite recovered yet, just laying there on my bed with my cum turning cold on my abdomen. "Big enough?" Picture. There is a larger object in her ass. Smooth plastic and easily the size of my thumb but not at all enough to accommodate the girth of my still hard, dribbling cock. I just lay there in a cooling mess and feel about to doze off.


"I'm gonna finger myself"

I'm treated to a grainy, close up video of Emma's fingers digging away at her pussy. Deep penetration and frantic clit swirling with ample and audible wetness. Slurping, sloshing noises. She gets herself off in a few short minutes and the soft cooing and whimpering sounds almost get my cock stiff again but I drift off to sleep.

. . . .

Early morning at the Foster house. Just the grownups are up and about.


"I'm so bored! Can we have sex again?" Picture. She's on the floor in front of the mirror, sitting with her ass presented to the camera and her legs in the air, knees together and feet splayed out so her ass and thighs and calves and feet resemble the shape of a bunny head with ears. Her arm reaches around and two fingers are jammed in her little coochie with one finger hovering near her bung hole krinkle. Her face is peeking around from behind her knees with a slight smile and deep eyes. She really looks pretty cute and I wanna put my dick inside her.

"I have to keep on this task for another half hour at least" I reply from the outdoor sub panel. I've been outside most of the morning and I'm sweaty and a bit dirty.

"Send me a dick pic; I wanna masturbate"

So she's up in her teenager bedroom, in her teenager bed, wanting to twiddle herself while looking at my middle aged guy penis. Thinking about my middle aged ass fucking the shit out of her. This thought gets me firm as a 0/0 gauge wire and I decide to put my other tools down and bring just the one of them into the house and up the stairs to the door of little Emma's room. I passed the Mom in the kitchen, she had her laptop on the counter and could probably be trusted to stay down stairs for at least ten minutes. Dad never ventured upstairs, the master bedroom was on the ground floor, that was his domain. I moved about almost invisible. I was going to fuck their daughter in that rosy little pussy she was offering me and they were just going to keep working, knowing nothing.

Knock Knock

"Come in" The covers are thrown aside as soon as I close the door and I get to see her pale creamy nakedness.

"I got it warmed up for you." She's playing her fingers through her flushed lips and working the slick sauce around them.

"I see that. I want it."

She flops her legs apart and I behold her spread labia and the opening of her pink tunnel. I start to undo my pants and move to the edge of the bed. My clothes are quite grimy from the outside work I've been doing that morning.

"I'm dirty."

"I like it"

I know I'm sweaty, probably salty.

"You've been working hard and you deserve something soft."

"I want to put my cock in you little girl." I hold my boner pointing straight out towards her and her scootches her butt toward the edge of the bed .

"Yes please sir!"

She presents her flower to me and I pierce it. Stretch it. Delve into it and snap my hips a few times but then I have another idea.

I drop down to my knees and stab into her with my tongue. She hisses in a stage whisper,

"OH YESSSS EAT MY PUSSSSSSSSYYYYY!!!!!" I do and damn she is sweet. I bat her clit and plumb her vagina with my tongue as far up inside as it can reach but my goal is just a little lower. I bathe her puckered ass hole and then push insistently on it demanding entry. I taste her spicy insides. She makes restrained gasps and mews and her hole relaxes and I pry into it with my tongue like a crowbar. I wriggle it open. It needs to yield to me this time. I pump it and ream it and she's opened and ready when I'm finished. I've got a lot of her in my beard.

This time my cock fits in her ass.

"YESYESYESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" she rasps through clenched teeth as I force myself in one inch and then pull out a half, force one mor inch in and pull back a half. Her eyes are closed and her brow is furrowed. I push on into her bowels. I want my dick all the way in her. I have to pause and drip a glob of spit onto the intersection of my rod and her anus, then another inch.


The feeling of it is transcendent. Teenage pussy is so sublime, how can this feel 10 times better? I feel my guts quaking and my legs shivering. How many strokes can I get before I explode? Her steaming hot insides want my cum, I can feel it. I'm all the way in. I can feel the wet of her spread gash against my abdomen. I pull back and it yanks a bit of her anal sheath along with me. I pull out four inches of rigid cock and bathe it with her pussy juice using my thumb and then lean into her again and she yields, easier this time and now I'm fucking her ass. The feeling is more than I can stand. I could cum holding perfectly still. I know it's going to happen. My chest tightens. The skin of my face buzzes and tickles. I thrust anyway, it's too late to stop, I'm going to flood her with my cum. I gasp a deep breath and almost let it out in a roar but I clamp down and something more like a whimper escapes through my nostrils as a pulse of semen shoots out of me and into her. Her shriek is muffled by her own hand over her mouth. My vision is a little red and blurry but I see her wide eyes staring at me when she feels my first and second and third contraction blow sperm up her poop shoot.


It's much much slicker in there now and I pump back and forth many more times before the exquisite texture of her tight tush over stimulates my dick head and I have to pull out of her with a pop. Once again, as soon as I am disengaged, she covers herself with her bedclothes and hides from me, her anal invader. My legs are wobbly and I'm feeling dazed and I have to remember to pull up my fucking pants and repackage myself. I'm not clear on what happened the rest of the day but when I pulled my dick out later to have a piss I smelled Emma's ass hole wafting up to my nose. It was sexy as fuck!

Later that evening.

Text."That hurt soooooo bad." Picture, pouty lips like a sad duckling. Her boobs are in a pink striped cotton bra. She looks really young.

Text."Your big cock in my ass"

Picture fingering her butt. Animated hearts flutter all over the screen. "Thank you for showing me a new way to make love.


2021-02-02 01:32:13
The uploader will not let me give you the rest of this story! It cuts off at the same place EVERY GODDAM TIME!!!!!!!


2021-02-02 01:30:19
I don't know why this fucking website will not upload the rest of this story!!!!! I have been trying for months!


2020-11-15 18:50:27
Great story! Really love the narrator's voice -- and extra points for getting the word "turgid" in there, I always like that! Would love to see a "part 2" to this story!


2020-11-14 14:57:47
Nice, soooo hot, lucky you!!!


2020-11-13 17:00:49
Hellova dick jerking story. Do we get to meet her sister in part 2?

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