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Part 1 from Ramona's perspective.
Authors note: I am not a writer and I am not writing a book. I simply like reading and thought I’d give this a go for fun. So criticize if you must, I can take it ;) If you are like me and can’t get emotionally invested in characters without a bit of back story then this might be for you. I’m not sure where this story is going but I will tell it from two perspectives in multiple parts. I will try to upload once a week. Not every part will have sex but we’ll get there.

EDIT: I'd like to add that this is an alternate part one. The original part one told from Gabriel's perspective was supposed to be published first but it's still pending.

I’d heard my parents arguing the night my dad hired Gabriel. My mother didn’t want me hanging around the shop with a teenage boy. My dad tried to calm her down but she refused to let it go. She called him an “Illegal immigrant” and warned that my father could get into trouble for hiring him. It finally ended with my dad telling her he wasn’t changing his mind. Gabriel had come to him honest enough asking for work.

I was intrigued to say the least. I was only partially aware of why my mother didn’t want me around a teenage boy, but this boy was different from the other boys. He had an accent I tried to mimic secretly when I was alone, and he was polite.

He was quiet, and always working. He shadowed Tim, our inspection mechanic, closely and seemed to be remembering everything. He adored my father who never had to ask him twice to do anything. He even held respectful conversation with my mother when she visited. But he ignored me, almost blatantly. It became my obsession. At first I tried to get his attention through flattery and kindness, bringing him water, and telling him he did an awesome job. When that failed to get me the amount of attention I was use to, I began showing off. Talking back to my dad, slacking on work and basically doing whatever I could get away with.

The first time he spoke my name it was to ask me where the trash was. Needless to say he wasn’t happy about the candy wrappers I’d been leaving around.

Gabriel had a mother and baby sister he went home to every day. He never spoke about them but I heard my father once tell my mother that all the money he paid him Gabriel gave to his mother.

We grew up going to different schools. I went to Vance Prep and he went to Stem High, but at the end of the day we were both covered in the same dust and grease watching as my dad showed us how to repair a fuse box or replace a power steering fluid line. Several years like this and we slowly began to form a sort of sibling rivalry. So Seeing Grace’s car parked outside the shop that night was a little bit of a surprise, but not much. Last I’d heard she and Gabriel were on the outs after she found out about his two year double fiesta with Wendy. I walked in and set my book bag down in the office listening for the sound of Grace’s voice.


I walked into the shop and found it also strangely quiet. Ever since my dad had begun teaching Gabriel the in’s and out’s of car repair he’d barely left the shop. But the familiar metallic and electric sounds were missing and so were Gabriel and Grace.

I noticed the door on the other side of the shop was ajar. It opened up to the fenced-in back of the shop and the small patch of forest between us and Main street. I don’t normally consider myself to be the irritatingly nosey type, but curiosity got the better of me. Were they getting back together? Was Grace just coming by to yell at him again?

I silently crept up to the crack in the door and peeked outside. The first thing I saw was Grace’s red jacket lying across an old lawn chair. The second thing I saw was Grace herself. On her knees. In Front of Gabriel. With her mouth full.

I quickly stepped back feeling my face turn red. What the actual heck?

I dared another peek just in case my eyes had deceived me.

Gabriel was leaning against a wall, he was sweaty from his day of work and his dark hair was falling loose and damp in his face. Grace was indeed on her knees on the broken concrete with her perfect blond hair pulled back in a flawless ponytail despite the humidity of the day. Her perfect mouth was wrapped around Gabriel’s dick, her expensive looking nose pressed into his dark mass of curls while her sky blue eyes looked up at him fiercely.

I’d never seen Gabriel's face so relaxed. He looked down at Grace in awe as if she were a goddess gifting him immortality. She began to pull away from him and that’s when I realized the extent of Grace’s talents. Her lips slid over the length of him until all eight inches were pointed at her nose dripping in her saliva. His dick must have been far down her throat or dicks didn’t function the way I thought they did. He let out a sound I’d never knew he was capable of making. It was almost a word and not quite a groan of pain.

I felt my insides melt at the sound of his voice and would later remember it and find myself wondering what he would feel like in my mouth. What would he taste like? Could I make his face look like that?

“Come in my mouth.” Grace said with her husky voice then swallowed his dick again. His hips thrust forward and she bobbed her head back and forth quickly using one hand to steady his dick at the base. It was Grace’s set of perfectly manicured cherry red nails that brought My attention to his balls hanging heavy between his legs.

I’d never actually seen one in real life before. The diagram at school had not prepared me and I felt myself jerk embarrassingly. That’s when I knew it was time for me to go. I wasn’t even supposed to be there. I quickly left the shop and I waited outside across the street in front of the Crazy Cat ladies house for Grace to leave. She did, almost twenty minutes later. I began to wonder how long sex like that took and if her knees hurt or her jaw was sore… or maybe Gabriel had returned the favor… Grace certainly looked satisfied as she exited the shop backwards with his tongue down her gagless throat.

For some reason it left a dark feeling over my already raging teenage hormones. I waited until Grace pulled out of the shop in her daddy’s jeep then headed for the shop where Gabriel sat outside smoking like an idiot. I’d come to ask him for a ride home, but could barely bring myself to look at him let alone ask for anything. I did what every spoiled rich girl does when embarrassed, I challenged him and tried to gain back some of my confidence and power.

Checkers was our poison. We played almost every day after school. And just like the horney teenager he was he bet me a kiss if I lost. I lost. He kissed me. My first kiss. Later, for years, I would sit and think horrified of how deep the kiss had gotten, sure he could tell it was my first. Had I actually ground myself against his knee? Had he noticed the stupid desperate sound I made? God I must be the brunt of all his jokes now. One thing was for certain. I never EVER thought of Gabriel as a brother again.


2020-11-13 23:22:51
So I'd like to mention that there is a second part one that I actually published first. I didn't realize that it had been rejected. I just edited it and resubmitted it. This is why this part seems to end in an abrupt unexplained way.

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