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I published this story a little while ago. I'd say, it didn't get the attention it deserves so i rewrote it.

It should be better now, at least it's readable.
The sign in the middle of the street read, “You are now leaving the USA

As I tried to enter the zone a man walked up to me. He was wearing heavy body armor. At least that's what it looked like. His outfit was very dark and he hid his face with a mask. He was carrying a big gun. I figured he'd be one of the guards that make sure that the police stay outside the zone.

Only when he started talking to me, I realized that he was fairly young. You could hear it in his voice. Without much confidence, he asked me why I wanted to enter the zone. I told him that I saw what was happening here on the news and I wanted to join the protest.

There was something in his eyes. I think he knew that I was lying but he didn’t say anything. Someone probably gave him a list of questions he had to ask anyone that tries to get past the ‘checkpoint’.

“Are you carrying any weapons?”

I nodded. “Is this guy serious?” I thought to myself.

The boy looked surprised. It was hard to tell since I only saw his eyes. "I got to frisk you anyway," he said.

I nodded again and lifted up my arms. He started with my ankles. I got a knife hidden there but he missed it. All in all, he did a horrible job at frisking me. It was painful to watch but I wouldn’t have complained as long as I get in without too much trouble. Finally, he found something. Another one of my knives.

He took a step back and pointed his weapon at me. Man, that boy was on the edge. “Who had the glorious idea of giving this kid a gun?” I thought to myself.

He told me to throw my knife in his direction. I complied. Then he wanted my backpack. I just shook my head. No.

As the situation became more heated another guard came along.

“What’s going on here?” he asked. He was older and more relaxed. Guess he had more to say than that boy I had to deal with up until now.

The kid that frisked me told him that he found that knife on me. He also said that I wouldn’t hand over my backpack.

The older one listened to what the young one had to say. Then he asked me what I wanted to do. I told him that I saw what was happening here on the news and I said I wanted to join.

The older guard took the knife from the young one and handed it back to me.

“Let him pass, can’t you see that he’s on our side?” he said to the young one.

The boy was still a bit hesitant. I guess he had a feeling that he shouldn’t let me in. Got to give it to him. He wasn’t wrong. It didn’t matter, though.

After the older one added, “Or does he look like a cop to you?”, the younger one stepped aside and let me pass.

I was in …

The first thing I did was walk around. I tried to get an overview of the area. I memorized the entrances and some shortcuts that could be useful if I had to get out of here quickly. On my way, I saw the main tent field. I almost was a bit disappointed but then I spotted some people that had set up their tents away from the crowd. Some people gathered around one person. He was speaking to them about his ideas. I didn’t listen. I already saw this viral clip of someone telling all the white people to walk up to a random black person and to give them ten bucks. You can tell me what you want but I don’t think that’s a valid way of fighting racial injustice in this country.

Maybe they are right and it does more good than harm but I don’t see it. If I go around and kick random dudes in the nuts would the solution be to give every dude a dollar or would the solution be for me to stop kicking guys in the nuts? Don’t know. Who am I to tell these people they are wrong? Things are crazy nowadays and if they think what they do helps then why not humor them?

Anyway, in the evening I sat down on some bench. It was tagged. Everything was tagged around there. Everywhere you looked you could read things like "black lives matter" or "ACAB". After a while, I got used to it. It blended in with the buildings. Some people started a fire right across the street on a little green area. The sun went down and I thought it was time for me to talk to some people, maybe find a spot to sleep for the night.

I sat down at the fire. The people that gathered around it didn't even notice me much. They just kept on talking to each other about God and the world. I listened to their conversations and sometimes I even added an idea or two. These guys were pretty open to new people. At some point, it felt like I was a member of their group. Every now and then they asked me questions about myself. It was nice. Not really like camping but to my surprise, I enjoyed the light atmosphere. As I mentioned that it's the first day for me and that I didn't know where to sleep that day, one of the guys offered to let me stay with him.

“Man, he’s naive,” I thought, “He knows me for about two hours. I carry around three knives, I mean he doesn't know me at all. For all he knows, I could murder him in his sleep."

I later found out that he was sharing a tent with his three brothers which makes it better, I guess, but not really. I took him up to his offer and, no, I had no intention of killing him or his brothers. I could have easily stolen their stuff If I wanted to. I didn’t.

In the morning they gave me directions so I could organize a tent for myself. They were nice guys. I liked them but they were naive as hell. I thanked them but little did they know about my real plans.

I wandered around looking for the perfect target. I looked for hours and I almost gave up. But then I found her. A sweet girl, about 21 years old. She wore a hoody trying to hide her looks but it was obvious that she had a great body. I saw her this morning listening to one of the speakers. I thought there was no way that she was here alone but then I saw her again leaving a small tent for only one person. It was far enough away from the rest of the crowd. It was perfect.

I think I was a bit disappointed when I found out that she was perfect for what I had in mind. I guess some part of me hoped I just couldn't find what I was looking for.

For the rest of the day I kept one eye on her and another one on potentially other suitable girls, just in case I was wrong about this one. I didn’t have any luck with others. They all were here in groups or had their tent set up on the main tent-field.

This one had to do. Luckily for me, it seemed like she called it an early night. Someone was playing drums next to one of the fireplaces. For a second the scenery reminded me of one of these Asterix movies, something with Indians. It was a stupid thought.

I got rid of my hoody and stuffed it into my backpack. All-day long I tried to blend in but at that moment I had to look friendly and open. The next part would be way easier if she'd trust me.

She was on her way back to her tent. I followed her. “Can I talk to you for a second?”

She didn’t hear me or at least she pretended to not hear me. I speeded up my walk to catch up to her and tip her on her shoulder. “Miss, Can I ask you a few questions?”

She was unsure about what I wanted but there was no fear in her expression. “Would you be willing to answer some questions?” I repeated myself.

“I guess,” she said but you could see that she was a bit weirded out by the request. I looked around to see that no one overheard our conversation.

“You’ve heard that people make fun of this zone. They don’t take us seriously. Some even say that this here has become a horrible place to live. I’m a blogger that tries to clarify a few things and give the outside world an alternative picture to what they believe,” I said. Her expression became more understanding so I asked again, “Are you still interested in answering some questions?”

She smiles. I guess she bought that shit about educating the public because she answered, “Yeah, of course. They definitely paint a bad picture about us.”

"No, they don't," I thought, "it's nothing but a summer of love. A block party," as they say outside. I kept it to myself, of course. Instead, I asked her if there was a place where we could talk in private. "People around here are suspicious of people like me," I said, "sometimes rightfully so."

From what I was able to tell in the dim lighting she understood what I was implying.

“Well, I was just going back to my tent.” She said, “It’s pretty small but we could talk there. It’s also away from the crowd so no one will bother us.”

I told her that this would be perfect and she led the way. She got in first and switched on some kind of light inside. The tent was really not that big but to my surprise, we were able to both sit comfortably a few feet apart.

“What’s your name?” I asked.

“Sarah, yours?”


She smiled and I thought to myself that she’s oddly comfortable with having a stranger inside her tent.

“You’re staying here alone. Aren’t you afraid something might happen?” I asked. Sarah tilted her head a little. She didn’t get what I was implying. God, she was so naive. I wondered if I could really do that to her but who was I kidding. I wouldn’t have stopped there. No chance.

While taking off my backpack I clarified, "Like people stealing your stuff?"

“Ah, that’s what you mean. No, everyone is so nice around here. They wouldn’t do that.”

It was fascinating. She said that as if she had never even thought about the possibility.

I opened my backpack and said in a calming voice, “I’m sorry Sarah, you shouldn’t scream.” She didn’t know what I was saying. It was too out of the blue. I took out a bottle of vodka and drank a good portion of it. Then I took out a knife and Sarah at least understood that something bad is going on.

“What are you …”

That was as far as she got. I ordered her to take off her sweater. Her chin dropped as she heard my request. I think she knew that there was no way for her to get out of this situation. I was blocking the entrance of the tent and if she'd scream there wouldn't even be a guarantee that someone would hear her, nor that he could help her fast enough.

She had no choice but to comply. She took off her sweater.

“The bra, too,” I said. She hesitated but complied again. I reached into my backpack again and took out a set of wrist cuffs. I threw it to her and told her to put them on. I saw it in her face. She knew exactly how vulnerable that would make her but what else could she have done?

Slowly, she put them on. And there she was. Self-conscious and confused.

With her hands cuffed I had put the knife behind me. She looked at it for a second, maybe she tried to figure out if she could reach it. Doesn’t really matter. She wasn’t able to and it wouldn’t have done her any good anyway.

I signaled her to stay silent as I got closer. I took her hand and ran my fingers over her soft skin. It made her shiver. I checked that the cuffs were put on properly so she couldn’t slip out of them.

I realized that she hasn’t said anything, yet. No words of protest. “Maybe she is waiting for an opportunity to break free or maybe she has already surrendered,” I thought. I still had to be careful, though.

With my right, I was holding her hands while I reached for her breasts with my left. She tried to lean back, she struggled to escape my hands but there was no way. Her breasts were nice and warm. I looked up into her face and realized that she was staring at me. I didn't know what it was, shock, anger, fear, or maybe even all of them. I guess it should have played to my humanity making me realize that I'm doing something wrong but sadly it was exactly why I was doing all of this.

I decided it was time to take it a little further. I pushed her on the ground so she was laying on her back. As I tried to unbuckle her trousers, she finally found her voice again. "No," she pleaded, and as I didn't stop she added, "Don‘t”

I stopped and I think she really believed I gave up. I reached into my backpack again and took out a red ball gag. Her eyes widened in surprise. I think she didn’t even realize what she was doing. As I tried to put it in her mouth she didn’t protest. I reached behind her head and tightened it up.

The moment my hand went back to her trousers she started to struggle. She pressed her thighs together. I unbuckled her pants and tried to pull them off but she was persistent. I reached for my knife again. I made sure not to cut her by accident as I lowered it to her neck. She stopped wiggling around.

“It doesn’t get any easier if you struggle,” I said.

She understood and opened her legs a little. I put the knife away again. I stripped off her pants and took off her panties.

As I unbuckled my own pants, I looked at her. Her eyes appeared glassy, it’s like she’s in shock and doesn’t know how to put what’s happening into her worldview. It’s like it’s the first time she is confronted with real evil. My eyes wandered a little lower. Her tits looked nice and she didn’t even dare to close her legs.

As I positioned my hard cock in front of her pussy, Sarah looked terrified. Pleading for me to not do it but at the same time, she knew that I'd go through with it, no matter how frightened she’d look.

She muffled into her gag as I entered her. I signaled to stay silent and she complied. Trying not to make it too uncomfortable for her I started off slow. As she got used to the situation I went faster. Sarah wasn't able to hold back some moans.

I asked her if she was turned on by this. She realized that I wasn’t mocking her and for a short moment she looked away in shame. But then she just nodded. I still don’t know why she admitted it maybe she thought it couldn’t get any worse so why bother lying? I asked her if she’d want to cum then. I know the irony of the situation and I believe that she asked herself at that moment why I'd give two shits about her reaching orgasm while getting raped.

She nodded again and I felt that at least some tension left her body. I tried not to finish too early and I held back twice, I think. I started to touch her body. She wasn't very fond of that but got used to it. I think she came. I'm not sure though. I didn't finish inside. I pulled out and finished on her belly.

We stayed in that position like we were frozen. I guess she just waited for me to make my next move. I reached behind her head. At first, she shied away but then she realized what I was doing. I took off the gag. She moved her jaw like you do when your mouth is forced open for an extended period of time.

“Why?” she asked.

I gave her a halfhearted smile. I was too tired to give her a good answer.

Instead, I said, "I don't have a tent of my own. I'm going to sleep here. Don't worry I won't do anything else. I'd even take off your cuffs but I'm too afraid that you'd murder me in my sleep. I think you can understand that."

“Why did you do it?” Sarah asked again. She can’t wrap her head around the fact that someone that seems so normal in one moment could be this cold and evil in another.

"Ask me that tomorrow, I'm going to sleep now. You should try to get some yourself," I said. Her eyes lit up with fear again as I came closer. I lifted her up carefully and put her into her sleeping bag. I asked her if she was comfortable and she just nodded. I took my place next to her on the ground. I got into my hoody so it wouldn't be too cold overnight.

The next morning, Sarah woke up as I was preparing to leave. I was waiting for it. While looking into my backpack I said, “Yesterday you asked me why I did it. There is no reason that would be satisfying for you. The only thing I asked myself was, Why not? Everyone has an evil part inside of them. When I heard about this unlawful zone in the middle of Seattle, cleared from all cops, I couldn’t find a single argument that prevented me from living out my darkest fantasy. I’m sorry it had to be you, I really am. But that's life. It sucks." I threw the keys for the cuffs in her direction. I was about to open up the tent as Sarah said, "You're wrong! Not everyone is evil. Don't use others as an excuse for the things you did. The people here are good people. You're an asshole for taking advantage of that!"

I sighted. She still can’t see the truth. The world isn’t a nice place. Humans are never inherently good. Nothing is so simple.

“Everyone has the capacity for evil,” I said, “let me show you.” I opened my backpack again and took out a red MAGA hat. Sarah’s eyes widened in surprise as I put it on and left her tent.

The first person that saw me began yelling. I don't remember what. Soon there was a crowd that gathered around me. I said nothing to defend myself, there was nothing I could have said. I think I saw a familiar face. One of the brothers from the tent I slept in yesterday was part of the group. He looked surprised. Someone pushed me and somehow, I found myself on the ground. At that moment my hat was already gone. They accused me of being a racist. I didn’t fight back. After what I did to that girl, I deserved everything that was coming to me. My silence must have seemed ignorant. I tried to get up but another member of the group pushed me back down.

I saw how the tent I just left opened and Sarah stepped outside. She was shocked. With her hands in front of her mouth, she gasped for air. I think she already saw what's going to happen. I felt a harsh pain in my stomach. Someone kicked me. I crumbled on the ground.

A second kick. People started to ask the man that was kicking me to stop. I simply lied there smiling at Sarah. I think that was the moment she understood. A third kick, and a fourth.

Everything went black. I lost consciousness.

I woke up in a hospital. I asked a Nurse what happened and she told me that I was beaten within an inch of my life. I probably would have died if it wasn’t for a blond girl that dragged me all the way out of the CHOP zone so the medics could get to me. That nurse told me that the girl left her number for me to call when I get back on my feet.

The police were here. They wanted to know what happened. I didn’t press any charges. I called the number the girl left me hoping she’d only wanted to yell at me for what I did. She should have been angry, why did she save my life?


2021-05-01 21:16:20
It's been a while since I wrote this but I'm sure she didn't consent which makes it rape. I can see where you're coming from since it's not the most hardcore rape story on this site. Still, in my eyes this makes it better than others.


2021-04-11 23:28:02
It's not really rape, is it?

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