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Husband and wife contemplate swapping
When Is It Too Late To turn Back?

by aliveinpr

My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing.

Bonnie and Howard were visiting their long time friends, Joan and Ernie. A usual Friday night with the wives ‘wine tasting’ and the husbands sampling beers and arguing over what ‘team’ was going to win the championship. As usual, they ended up laughing and a bit intoxicated. Ernie became bold and asked Howard, “Has Bonnie ever had a boy friend on the side?” Bonnie turned red and Howard asked, “What the fuck, why would you even ask that? Hell, no, my wife doesn’t fuck around.” Joan said, “Ernie, what are you trying to do? I told you not to say anything.” She turned to Bonnie and said, “I’m sorry that Ernie said that, he’s being an ass. Howard, I’m sorry about that, I think Ernie has had too much to drink.”

Bonnie, a bit irritated, asked, “Ernie, why would you ever ask anything like that? We’ve been friends for a long time, you should know I don’t cheat on Howard.” Joan then added, “Yeah, what a stupid question. Now shut up,” as she looked at her husband, “I told you before...” Bonnie and Howard wondered what was going on. Why such a question and then Joan scolding her husband for asking such a question. Were they trying to accuse Bonnie of cheating? Now, Howard was wondering if their friends had known something about his wife that he did not know, was she cheating?

Bonnie got up and went to the spare bedroom to get their coats. Joan was quick to follow and closed the door behind them. Joan said, “Please Bonnie, I didn’t want Ernie to say anything. It’s too early, we need more time before asking.” Bonnie was upset and asked, “What the fuck, are you guys insinuating that I’m cheating?” “No, please,” said Joan, “let me explain. I think it’s to soon, but Ernie and I are into ‘swinging’ and we just don’t know how to ask you guys. We want you to join our circle.” Bonnie glared and stunned saying, “We’ve know each other for years and had no idea that you guys were into that ‘kinky’ sex shit. What the fuck.”

Joan stopped Bonnie from opening the door to leave and said, “Please, listen to me. Ernie and I have been fantasying about you and Howard. You are so beautiful and Howard is so handsome...well, we want to ‘swap’, or have you join our group of swingers. Please don’t be mad, just think about it.” Bonnie glared at Joan, opened the door and walked to the living room saying, “Howard, let’s go, it’s time to leave.” Without saying their good bye’s, they left.

On the drive home, Bonnie was quiet and then finally, angrily said, “The nerve, Joan and Ernie want us to swap. After all these years, you just don’t really know your so called friends.” Howard said, “So, that’s what that was all about? I had no idea they were into ‘kinky’ sex.” Bonnie thought and then said, “Can you imagine, Ernie wants to fuck me and Joan wants to fuck you.” The rest of the drive home was quiet. Howard began to imagine what it would be like to fuck Joan. Then he got turned on to think of watching his wife being fucked by Ernie. By the time they got home, Howard was fully erect.

When home, the normal routine, Howard secured the house and Bonnie undressed and got her shower. Bonnie was inquisitive as she was running her wash cloth over her body. When at her pussy, she wondered if this was what it would feel like if Ernie’s hand was rubbing her there, smooth and gentile? She shook her head and dismissed the thought of making love to another man, but still her vaginal mussels were pulsing and constricting automatically. Bonnie finished her shower and while drying, her legs began to shake. She didn’t understand why she was thinking this way.

Howard was already in bed watching his wife putting on her nightgown, he thought that he should buy her some new sexy nighties. His cock was hardening as his wife climbed into bed. He hugged Bonnie tight and she felt his penis poking her stomach and she slid her hand up beside his head and began kissing around his cheeks and then took his lips with hers. Howard began to rock his body against Bonnie. Soon Bonnie grabbed her husbands cock and directed it to her pussy. As Howard was entering her, she began to moan her pleasure. Howard began a slow pumping motion as they made tender love. Bonnie whispered, “fill me baby, cum in me and fill me.” Howard reached that point and as his cock began to throb and pulsate, Bonnie began moaning, “Yes, that’s it, so good.”

As they stayed connected, Bonnie said, “I don’t understand. We have known Joan and Ernie for ten or eleven years. We get together, play cards, board games and discuss the world problems, but never was anything said about fucking each other.” Howard just moaned and then said, “I don’t get it. We’ve never suspected or had any knowledge they fucked other people.”

Howard’s cock was soft and pulled from his wife. Bonnie then said, “How can we get together with them again. So awkward, knowing they want to fuck us. I just don’t know how we could handle that, such a surprise all these years.” Howard rolled over and said, “Just don’t think about it. Let’s get some sleep, tomorrow is getting early, a big day I’m going to have.” It didn’t take long before Howard was asleep.

Bonnie laid wide awake, she just couldn’t get the thought of their friends wanting to have sex with them. ‘How long had they been thinking about this,’ she thought. ‘Joan said ‘swinging’, does that mean they sleep with other people, a club or something for people to have sex with strangers?’ Bonnie kept tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Her mind went back to earlier thoughts. ‘What did Ernie’s cock look like? Did he have a bigger cock than her husband? What if they got together for sex, would she fall in love with Ernie? What if Howard fell in love with Joan? Ernie was good looking, and Joan was beautiful.’ The next thing Bonnie heard, the alarm going off and she got up to begin breakfast.

After her second cup of coffee, Howard had finished his shower and came to breakfast. She looked at Howard and thought, ‘how nicely he was dressed. Would he look this good to Joan? Would he want to fuck Joan? Would Howard want to see me fuck Ernie?’ Bonnie became conscious when she smelled the toast burning. Howard chuckled and said, “You’re not quite awake yet. I guess Mondays are always like that, hard to get started.” Bonnie smiled and said, “Don’t think that way, just think this is going to be a good day. Work hard and impress the boss.”

Bonnie got a loving kiss from Howard as he was leaving for work. Bonnie thought, ‘Would it be like this if he was living with Joan? What if it was Ernie and me? Would Howard enjoy having sex with Joan, more than with me? Would I enjoy sex with Ernie more than with my husband?’ Bonnie’s eyes opened wide, ‘Oh, my God,’ she thought, ‘What about Stephanie? She’s an adult and going to college, but if our daughter knew our long time friends were ‘swingers’, or even if Howard and I became ‘singers’, she would disown us. We brought her up as a moral upstanding woman, she would see us as hypocrites.’

Howard had a hard day at work. His mind was on the revelations by their friends. He thought, ‘I wonder how long Joan has wanted me to fuck her? She has a hot body, if she’s into fucking other people, her pussy is probably shaved clean. How about Ernie and Bonnie, would Bonnie let Ernie fuck her? Would she like his cock better than mine?’ Five o’clock and Howard had no idea where the time went. A very unproductive day. On his drive home, he stopped and bought a dozen carnations for his wife. Bonnie was surprised at the beautiful flowers and asked what the occasion was. Howard said, “Just saying ‘I love you’ doesn’t seem to be enough. I need to let you know more often how much I love you.”

Bonnie began to wonder if Ernie was that romantic with Joan. She thought, ‘He let her freely fuck other men, was that his way of letting her know he loved her? How did she feel when she watched her husbands cock fuck other women? Did their ‘swinging’ improve their love for each other? Were they just ‘over’ sexed, needed stimulation from other sexual partners?’ Bonnie put her flowers in a vase and looked at her husband. Her thoughts turned to recognizing how handsome and sexy her husband was, yes, she could see the attraction to Joan.

Howard and Bonnie finished watching the news and headed off to bed. Bonnie was tired as she didn’t get much sleep the night before. Her mind had been spinning last night thinking what it would be like to be a ‘swinger’. She watched Howard undress, knowing he liked to sleep nude. She really looked at him, he was still in good shape, some ‘love handles’, but not overweight, handsome face and a great smile. She watched his flaccid cock swinging when he walked and she knew what she was going to feel in a few minutes. Tonight, she decided that she would sleep nude with her husband. The tender loving helped her sleep soundly tonight.

Making breakfast, Bonnie was wearing only her short robe. She smiled knowing she still retained her husband’s cum. Howard was dressed for work as he poured a cup of coffee before sitting to eat. Bonnie approached him from behind and hugged his head into her breasts, bending down and kissing the top of his head. Howard thought, ‘If we were ‘swingers’, would Ernie come to the house after I went to work to fuck Bonnie? He didn’t understand, but he became erect with his thought.

A long loving kiss between the two and off to work went Howard. Bonnie sat with another cup of coffee trying to organize her day. Laundry first was on her mental list. She finished her coffee and realized she was oozing and her husband’s cum was pooling on the chair. She cleaned the chair and went for her shower. After her shower, Bonnie decided that she would just wear her robe while she was doing her chores. The laundry first. She began to sort the clothes and noted the panties she had worn while visiting Joan and Ernie. She was stunned, her vaginal juices had crusted in the crotch. She had a hard time thinking she had been turned on when hearing her friends were sexual swingers.

She then saw Howard’s boxers and there was dried ‘pre-cum’ in the crotch. ‘Oh, my God,’‘ she thought, ‘Howard was turned on too.’ While she was waiting for the washer, she turned on the computer and searched for ‘swapping’ information. The screen was filled with many cites and she clicked on the first, ‘Why do couples swap’. A quick scan and many times the first reason given was ‘strengthen love between a husband and wife’. The second reason was ‘sexual turn on watching a partner having sex with another person’. She then imagined watching Howard fucking Joan.

Bonnie just couldn’t get the image to excite her. Then she got an image of her pussy being fucked by Ernie. She could picture Howard having an erection, now that turned her on. Bonnie then searched for ‘swapping’ and ‘swinger’ cites. There were many x-rated videos where she saw couples having sex with each other. She watched partners helping insert cocks in other partners. Watching women sucking another man’s cock as her husband watched. Then there were the scenes where the women spread their legs to their partner to show the cum of another man. Bonnie was now getting another chair wet. There was a tingling sensation in her pussy as the vaginal muscles spasmed. The soaked robe was then added to the wash.

A couple of weeks passed and neither Bonnie nor Howard knew each other’s thoughts about the revaluations from their friends. Howard had daydreams of Joan, imagining sucking on her pert nipples as his cock thrust deep into her cervix. Bonnie was having similar daydreams about Ernie and secretly masturbated during the day while Howard was at work. They were keeping their erotic dreams to themselves. Their minds were preoccupied with ‘whatever’ if they did join their friends.

Howard made a stop driving home from work. He purchased two Babydoll nighties for Bonnie. One being sheer lace with matching panties. Bonnie was stunned and was in a hurry that night to try them on. Howard was happy with his purchase. That night was a night to remember as they made love...passionate love. Bonnie laid breathing hard when she was brave enough to say, “Honey, I’ve thought a lot about Joan and Ernie. They’ve remained married and in love, it seems their sexual lifestyle strengthens their love for one another.” Howard looked into his wife’s eyes and said, “You’re right, I never thought about that. But of all the times we have been together, they have been very much in love, no indication of marital problems, or wanting sex with other people.” Bonnie kissed her husband and asked, “What do you think, should we take them up on their offer?” Howard said, “Honestly, I do get hard thinking about it, but I don’t know. We really need to talk more about it.” Bonnie hugged her husband and cuddled him as they fell asleep.

The next evening, they sat and made a list of the positives and negatives. Bonnie talked about the research she did on the internet. Howard was impressed and he agreed that a couples love was strengthened by what he saw of Joan and Ernie. Bonnie said, “But there are some where jealousy creeps in and ruins the marriage.” They both agreed that knowing the other couple, the cheating and jealousy factors could be avoided. Bonnie asked, “Would it bother you if I let Ernie fuck me?” Howard smiled and said, “I’ve thought about that in the last couple of weeks. I’ve pictured your legs spread as his cock inches into you. That turns me on just thinking about it.” Bonnie said, “I have to admit, watching you fucking Joan turns me on a bit. I just don’t know, I just keep thinking jealousy would creep in and spoil everything.”

Bonnie then brought up the subject of their daughter, what would Stephanie say or react about her parents ‘swapping’? Howard said, “We don’t have to say anything. She doesn’t know Joan or Ernie’s sexual activities, nor does she need to know.” Bonnie agreed they wouldn’t tell her anything, their friends were their friends and that was that, no more said. At least one decision made.

The thoughts kept flooding their minds, yes or no, yes or no. The idea of having sex with their friends seemed exciting in their imaginations. Howard seemed more excited with the image of his wife being fucked by Ernie, but Bonnie was less enthused about her husband fucking Joan, she just couldn’t see her husband with another woman. She had admitted earlier, but jealousy kept creeping into her thoughts. Bonnie called Howard at work and told him that she was going to invite Joan and Ernie to dinner where they could talk. They needed to see if there were rules needed, who could fuck who, when and how often. George agreed they needed to get as much information as possible. Neither one wanted to jeopardize their marriage.

A Saturday night was a nervous night for Bonnie and Howard. The plan changed at the location with Joan and Ernie hosting. Dinner was good, but there was a quiet, tense lull as Bonnie and Howard had questions to be answered, but both didn’t know exactly what questions they needed answered.

Joan was the first to speak after they sat with wine in the living room. Joan said, “I know you have questions about our lifestyle. First thing, safety from STD’s, since you have been monogamous, that’s no problem. But Ernie and I have been with other people sexually, we get tested monthly, the same with those in our circle. It’s up to each individual or couple the choice of condoms or raw sex. Ernie and I prefer raw sex, I like the feel of having my womb filled and Ernie loves to see me oozing where he can lick and clean me, and that turns me on.”

“The second thing,” said Ernie, “if someone doesn’t appeal to you, just politely say ‘no’. No one in the group will force you, ‘no’ means ‘no’. Bonnie asked, “What if I see a guy with a nice cock I want to try, and he says ‘no’?” Ernie said, “Then you look for another ‘nice’ cock. Just because you get a ‘no’ from him, doesn’t mean he won’t change his mind later. Let it be and he may end up fucking you later.” Joan added, “Sex outside your marriage must always be with the group. No partners visiting when you are alone. That’s where cheating begins and the marriage trust falls apart. Only with your spouse present, even if in separate rooms, but with full knowledge of your activity.

Howard then asked, “What about jealousy or maybe your partner falling in love with another in the group?” Joan said, “Truthfully, that has happened, but, like you guys, a real solid marriage is needed. You have to remember, you are always going home with your TRUE LOVER.” Ernie added, “You are not making love, you are just fucking another person. At first you will feel jealously, but you know you are with your husband or wife, it will turn you on to watch the passion and ecstasy in their joy. Once you get home, it is important that you relate your feelings, those of your intimacy with another and the feelings when watching your partner.” Joan said, “Remember, you are there together, agreement between the two of you, so there is no cheating involved. Being together is a sign of your love.”

Bonnie asked, “Joan, you said Ernie licks your pussy after you have been fucked. Howard has never licked my pussy after he has fucked me. I don’t know if he could do that.” Ernie said, “I was the same way, but I got so excited to see cum oozing from Joan, it was automatic for me to suck another man’s cum out of her, I didn’t even think about it.”

Joan said, “Communication with your spouse is important. Be open, discuss how other techniques gave you pleasure, then use it on each other. I learned how to shift to get a really long cock in me without discomfort, God I love that eleven inch monster.” Bonnie said, “My God, eleven inches. I don’t know if I could let another man use his finger in me, let alone put his cock in me, especially that long.” Joan chuckled and said, “I was nervous at first and felt like that. I discovered that not all cocks are alike, each one feels different. It was the third one when I squirted, it was the first time ever and we had to change the bed it was so wet. With that first time, I seem to squirt a lot now. You don’t know the intense orgasms I have when I squirt.” “I can attest to that,” said Ernie, “she is a screamer as she thrashes and shakes, and the geysers shooting from her, real hot to watch.”

Bonnie could not keep her hands off her husband‘s covered erection as they drove home. Bonnie gave her husband a wicked smile and asked, “You really want to fuck Joan, don’t you?” Howard quietly said, “Honestly, yes. How about you? You want to know what Ernie’s cock feels like, especially when he pumps your womb full of cum.” Bonnie moaned her answer as she rubbed his cock harder.

Once at home, Bonnie and Howard were excited. They were naked by the time they got to the bedroom. “Take my cock Joan”, moaned Howard. “Yes, Ernie”, said Bonnie, “fuck me hard”. Both were shaking and sweating as Howard’s cock was spasming his cum deep in his wife’s womb. Bonnie laid back, eyes closed as she was smiling. Her legs were spread as Howard pulled out leaving cum pooling in her vaginal opening. Howard imagined the cum beginning to ooze out was cum from Ernie. Bonnie stiffened as her eyes opened, her legs began to spasm when she felt a tongue thrust inside her. Her hands went to her husband’s head pulling his hair and face into her vagina as she had an unexpected orgasm. Howard attached his lips to her vulva as he sucked to clean the cum from her canal.

Bonnie fell limp as her husband rose up. His face was covered with his cum and her juices. He was smiling and licking his lips and moaned, “Ernie’s cum tastes great.” He laid his head back on her thigh and ran his hands up her body and began squeezing her breasts. Bonnie began moaning quietly, “Yeah baby, so good, don’t ever stop loving me.” Howard moved his head back and began to suck on her clit causing Bonnie to buck her hips to his mouth, her head fell back on the pillow as she began to mew like a kitten. Another orgasm hit her as her body shook, legs spasmed and her hands grabbed her husband’s hair again pulling him tight into her groin.

“I’m sure now,” Bonnie said, “when we do it, I want to watch you fuck Joan. I want to see you cum in her pussy. I want to watch my husband giving her an orgasm.” Howard smiled and said, “I want to watch Ernie make you squirt, to give you that super orgasm Joan talks about.” Bonnie rolled over and got on her knees, raising her ass high in the air and said, “FUCK ME HARD, FUCK ME, FUCK ME.” Her husband spread her labia open and thrust his cock deep into her making Bonnie squeal with pleasure. Once again, Howard licked and cleaned his cum from Bonnie. Bonnie pulled her husband up and opened her mouth as she kissed him hard tasting the mixture of his cum and her juices. Once they broke from the kiss, Bonnie licked her husbands face clean.

Sexually spent and panting with sweat rolling off their bodies, they discussed what they learned from their friends. Bonnie said, “Joan said there is a doctor and his wife in the group. A visit to his office around closing time we can get examined and tested for STD’s for a nominal fee. If we let him know, he will be sure his wife is there as his nurse. Sometimes the fee is a good deep fuck. He also can prescribe contraceptives to us women.”

Almost two weeks passed and each night Bonnie and Howard roll played. He was Ernest and she was Joan. They tried every sexual position they could think of, even some they learned by watching internet porn. Bonnie looked at her husband and said, “Ah, er, this is embarrassing, but I want to see that guy Joan said had an eleven inch cock. I’ve been wondering just how much of that cock I can get inside me.” Howard smiled and said, “We’ll have to ask Joan when you can meet him. I want to watch you taking it and watching your orgasm.” “Don’t get mad,” Bonnie said, “I’ve been using long cucumbers while you are at work. Those that are close to that length, they are also real fat.” Howard asked, “did you enjoy them?” Bonnie started to giggle and said, “Oh, you bet I did. By the way, they were slices up in our salad tonight.” they both laughed.

Thursday Bonnie got a call from Joan. Bonnie felt her vaginal juices flow when she saw the caller ID. Joan invited Howard and Bonnie for dinner, they needed a pair to play Bridge. Joan said, she would chill the wine and beer. She planned spaghetti with meat balls and garlic bread for a fast dinner. Bonnie said she would check with Howard and let her know, but she was sure Friday night would be OK. Bonnie thought, ‘This might be the night.’ She called Howard and got the OK, his schedule was clear. She then pulled her panties down and masturbated thinking tomorrow night she might feel another man’s cock pumping deep in her pussy.

Howard getting ready for their dinner date with their friends, his mind was thinking of the possibilities. Was tonight going to be their initiation into ‘swinging’? Would he chicken out, maybe Bonnie would chicken out, or maybe both of them? His cock was stirring with his thoughts. Earlier, Bonnie picked up a bottle of a special wine they all liked to go with dinner. Howard was in a good mood when they got dressed. As they were walking to the car, Howard looked at his wife and then asked, “You’re wearing heels and a mini skirt?” Bonnie stopped and said, “Oh, I didn’t realize what I picked out. I’ll change if it bothers you.” Howard thought and said, “No, that’s OK. You just usually wear your ‘skinny jeans’ showing your nice butt, but the skirt is nice, you look beautiful.” Howard thought, ‘I wonder what Bonnie would say if I asked her if she was wearing panties?’ Bonnie thought, ‘Oh, God, was I dressing to please Ernie?’ During the drive, Bonnie was squirming in the seat as she wondered if she unconsciously dressed to please another man.

As they entered the house, the usual hugs were exchanged and Howard thought, ‘Joan seemed to shove her pelvis hard into me. It won’t take long to get hard.’ Coats were taken to the back bedroom again where Joan hugged Bonnie and said, “I’m so glad you guys came. We’ve missed you guys, you’re the best bridge players we know. We need the challenge.” Bonnie said, “So much has been going on. Stephanie at school and now planning to expand our rear deck. Busy...busy.” Bonnie noticed Joan was wearing a mini skirt similar to hers. They both chuckled with their good moods and joined the men in the living room.

Joan was congratulated for her tasty spaghetti and Joan said, “It wouldn’t have tasted the same without that special wine.” George and Ernie set up the card table while the wives got wine and beer ready. An hour of bridge and Bonnie kept looking at Ernie and thought that she had never seen him as handsome, so enjoyable as they sat next to each other. She leaned close to him as she gathered the cards for a new game, she was fascinated by the smell of his after shave, so intoxicating and sexual.

Joan was smiling as she watched Bonnie interact with Ernie. Joan then dropped a couple of cards and leaned toward Howard’s legs to bend down and pick them up. She made sure to put her hand on Howard’s thigh as she was getting back up. Howard felt her hand close to his crotch and he was getting aroused. Her hand lingered and then he saw her eyes as she smiled and slowly pulled her hand away. Joan kept glancing at Howard’s crotch knowing he was erect.

Bonnie was overcome and fascinated by Ernie’s after shave. She began to squirm in her chair and finally got up and went to the bathroom. Bonnie sat on the toilet as she felt her soaked panties. She tried to dry her panties and pussy as best as she could, but she felt sexually turned on. She returned to the game, her face flushed and her mind far from playing bridge.

Joan went to the kitchen to refill their drinks. As she returned, she took the drinks to the coffee table and announced that they should take a brake, claiming Howard and Bonnie were having a hard time concentrating on the game. Bonnie agreed as she rose and went to the couch, unconsciously sitting next to Ernie.

Howard sat on the couch with Bonnie between the two men. Joan sat in the easy chair across from them. They began to laugh talking about feeling like ‘newbys’ at playing Bridge. Howard noticed that Joan was slowly spreading her legs and then he saw she wasn’t wearing panties. Bonnie also saw the move and knew her husband’s eyes were focused at her open pussy. Bonnie placed her hand on Ernie’s thigh.

Howard watched his wife begin to knead Ernie’s thigh. Howard got up and asked Ernie if he needed another beer. As Howard was walking toward the kitchen, Bonnie got up and announced she was going to refill her wine. Howard said, “I’ll get it for you honey,” thinking he wanted his wife to keep working on Ernie’s leg. Bonnie said, “That’s OK, I’ll get my wine.”

When in the kitchen, Bonnie asked, “Is this it? Joan’s ready, no panties, she wants you.” Howard said, “You were getting close to Ernie’s cock.” His wife said, “Yes, I think I want to see his cock... no I want his cock.” Howard nodded and asked, “No turning back now?” Bonnie smiled and said, “This is it, no turning back when I have his cock in my hand.” Before they returned to the living room, Bonnie lifted her skirt and pushed her panties to the floor. She stepped out of them and handed them to her husband. Howard, taking her panties, said, “God, you’re really wet.”

Bonnie returned to the couch sitting next to Ernie feeling the heat from his thigh. Ernie shifted and was facing more toward Bonnie and he put his hand on her bare thigh close to the hem of her skirt. Bonnie was getting more aroused and allowed Ernie to massage her thigh. Bonnie thought, ‘I’m glad I took my panties off, now Ernie can feel my pussy.’ Bonnie turned her head to Ernie and pushed her lips to his as his hand moved to her soaked pussy. She shifted her hips where his fingers entered her pussy.

Joan got up and offered Howard to sit in her chair. She then sat in his lap and rested her head on his shoulder and said, “Your cock is growing. Why don’t you take it out for me.” Joan rose slightly so Howard could unzip his fly and pull his hard cock free. Joan sat back down with her labia surrounding his cock. Howard could feel the wet heat of her vaginal fluids on his cock. He turned his head and their lips met as Joan began squeezing her legs around Howard’s cock.

Howard heard a moan and turned to see his wife, legs spread and two fingers from Ernie pumping rapidly into her. They were passionately kissing as Ernie’s other hand then grabbed Bonnie’s covered breast, squeezing hard. Another loud moan as his wife spread her legs as wide as possible. Joan then whispered, “Isn’t that a beautiful sight? Do you want to see his big cock fucking her?” Howard moaned as Joan rose up and grabbed his cock and aimed it at her wet pussy. Joan impaled herself, full force of her weight screaming, “FUCK YES, FUCK YES, I’VE WANTED THIS COCK FOR A LONG TIME.”

Howard then saw his wife quickly shift to the floor and begin to tear at the zipper of Ernie’s pants. She couldn’t wait, she had to have his cock, she wanted it in her mouth. Bonnie now had Ernie’s cock in her hand, a hard cock similar to her husbands. She looked at her husband who was now fucking Joan as she bounced on his lap. Bonnie smiled and ‘mouthed’, “I love you”. Howard smiled and kissed his lips toward her and then threw his head back and groaned.

Bonnie couldn’t remember any time in her life when she was so excited. She had a hard cock of another man’s in her hand and her other hand was caressing his balls, all in front of her husband. Her tongue was quickly licking the pre-cum as it oozed from his urethra. She ran her tongue up and down his eight inch veined cock and then engulfed as much of him into her mouth as she could. She heard Ernie say, “you are so wet, I know you want my cock.” “Yes,” said Bonnie, “I want you to fuck me all night.”

Joan rose off Howard’s cock and said, “Get over there. Grab Ernie’s cock and guide it into your wife’s pussy.” Ernie was now bending Bonnie over the couch. Howard was quick to respond. He was excited as he was helping another man fuck his wife, watching another cock slide into her vagina and listening to his wife’s joyful moans.

Joan laid on the floor, her skirt above her waist, legs spread wide when she called Howard. “Fuck me now, get that beautiful cock back in me.” Howard knelt between her legs, but bent down and placed his lips on her vulva, fucking his tongue as far into her as he could. “OH, FUCK, OH, FUCK,” yelled Joan. “STOP TEASING, FUCK ME. I’VE WAITED TOO LONG TO HAVE YOUR COCK IN ME. FUCK ME NOW!” Howard also heard his wife screaming to be fucked hard as he rose up and placed the bulbous head of his cock at Joan’s vaginal opening. Joan thrust into him as she pushed forward to get more of his cock into her.

Ernie was thrusting hard into Bonnie, a new sexual conquest. She was going to be a new member of their small group. He saw his wife now on the floor with Howard’s cock pumping in and out, hearing the slapping of their flesh and the wet squishing sounds of her wet pussy juices. Joan was now moaning, “Yes baby, fuck this pussy, fuck me hard.” Joan felt Howard’s cock begin to swell and she yelled, “DON’T PULL OUT, FUCK ME, SHOOT YOUR CUM IN ME.” Bonnie looked at her husband, saw him lunge hard and hold his groin against Joan. She saw her husband’s balls constrict knowing he was pumping his cum into another woman.

Howard withdrew from Joan and moved up to his wife, his lips licking her ear as he said, “Yes, baby take his cum.” Bonnie was excited as her vaginal muscles squeezed Ernie’s cock as she peaked with her climax screaming, “FUCK ME, FUCK MEEEEEE HARD. YES, YES, GIVE IT TO ME, CUM IN ME.” Ernie thrust hard and she felt his cock expand and begin pulsing. She felt another man pumping his seed deep into her womb. “OH, GOD YES, FILL ME, FUCK ME,” she screamed as her legs and arms spasmed. Ernie slowly pulled from Bonnie, as she sank down on the couch. She then turned onto her back and spread her legs, looking down and watching another man’s cum ooze from her.

Howard quickly knelt between her legs and began to lick and suck Ernie’s cum from her, cleaning her of the mixture of her juices and Ernie’s cum. Bonnie pulled his head tight to her groin moaning, “Oh, yes, yes, eat me baby.” Ernie was now on the floor with his head between his wife’s legs licking and sucking her oozing pussy. Joan said, “Yes, clean me, get me ready for more of Howard’s cum”. Howard looked up at his wife, she smiled and said, “Yes, he’s going to fuck me again,and you’re going to fuck her again too.”

Ernie had Bonnie get on her knees and began to swab lube around her ass and into her rectum. She had never had anal sex before, but she was not about to stop her new lover from his task. Howard was awed that his wife was not objecting when Ernie handed him the bottle of lube. Howard got the idea and began greasing Joan’s ass. Joan groaned and pushed her ass toward his fingers as he worked the lube into her.

Howard then heard, “It hurts, stop.” Looking at his wife, she had the head of Ernie’s cock in her ass. Ernie remained still and then began to push more of his cock into Bonnie, hearing, “Slow, it doesn’t hurt so bad now.” Ernie pushed more and then Bonnie said, “Oh, yeah, more.” Howard was now easing his cock into Joan’s ass and she reached behind him grabbing his ass and pulled him into her. Joan said, “Yes, I love it in my ass, fuck me.” Howard now heard his wife say, “YES, YES, fuck me, fuck my ass good.”

Anal sex was new to Howard and the grip around his cock made him cum quickly, pumping cum deep into Joan’s bowels. Joan moaned, “Yes, oh, yes, that’s so good.” Bonnie was now screaming, “FUCK ME, FUCK ME HARD. PUSH DEEP, FUCK MY ASS HARD,” as she was shaking from another orgasm. Ernie was pumping hard into Bonnie as Howard watched knowing his wife now enjoying anal sex.

Joan pulled Howard over and had him lay on his back. She sucked his cock hard and then straddled him and guided his cock back into her ass. With her back flat on his stomach, her husband quickly pulled from Bonnie and thrust his cock into Joan’s pussy. Joan was now double penetrated as Bonnie watched in awe. Bonnie began to masturbate watching Joan taking two cocks. She knew she wanted to be fucked like that next.

Bonnie did get double penetrated causing the best orgasms. Her body shook her legs and arms flailed and spasmed while she made gurgling sounds before her eyes rolled back and she lost consciousness. When Bonnie woke, she was nude in Joan’s bed with Ernie licking her prissy and ass. Her husband and Joan were in the 69 position next to her, moaning and grinding into each other. Bonnie moaned and said, “Fuck me, I want your cock deep in me. FUCK ME, FUCK ME.” Howard watched Ernie rise up and thrust his cock into his wife’s wet, well used pussy. Ernie pumped hard with Bonnie screaming to be fucked, wanting more cum.

That next morning, all four were moving slowly as they decided to shower. Howard and Bonnie were the first to shower. As Howard was soaping his wife, running his hand down to her pussy, she rested her head on Howard’s shoulder and said, “I want to meet their group, Ernie’s cock was good, I want to try the others now.” Howard said, “I know. Watching you was keeping me hard. Too bad they didn’t say anything to us about the group before. I loved watching you with Ernie.” Bonnie smiled and said, “You looked good too, I loved the way you made Joan cum.”

Still naked, the four had breakfast as they continued to touch each other intimately talking about the group. Joan and Ernie said they should get together a few times before joining their group. Joan explained, “You need to be more relaxed to be naked with other people before we introduce you to our friends. Bonnie said, “But I want to meet your friend with the eleven inch cock.” Bonnie said, “Oh, you will. When you meet the group, you’ll have an audience, we will all watch you with him. It will be a great show to see you get that entire cock in you. I know your husband will be mesmerized watching you take his cock and screaming to be fucked.”

Their ride home, both were smiling and Bonnie said, “Hurry honey, my pussy is a bit sore, there’s my ass if you want, but which one you pick, I want you to fuck me when we get in. I haven’t had your cock all night, I need it and I need your cum filling me.” Howard smiled and squeezed her thigh knowing their lives have been changed. Howard had visions of his wife fucked by an eleven inch cock while he and the group watched. He thought ‘maybe I’ll take my video camera.’

Reed Van KleveReport 

2025-01-23 23:11:37
George popped up a couple of times with wanting questions answered. Who is George. I was surprised once by a visit to my wife’s friends house where the three of them had been planning a swap. I was left out of the loop on planning. The night before the actual swap my wife’s friend was laying on the floor next to me as we were all watching tv. My wife excused herself and went to bed. In just a matter of minutes her friend shifted around and quickly unzipped and opened my pants. Completely catching me by surprise as she reached in and freed my cock. I don’t know why but I let her jerk me off right in front of her husband on the couch behind us. I tried to tent the blanket she had covered us with. She worked my cock fervently until felt my nuts release a huge load, which she continued to smear all over my balls and stomach. I couldn’t help it, I loved it.


2020-11-26 06:07:50
Bonnie was DPed

Dudley DowrongReport 

2020-11-24 03:12:02
Where is Ch 2, when Bonnie is DPed?

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