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Fourth part of either 'Sweet revenge and maybe a bit more (S1)' or 'The girl with the blond ponytail (D1)' This story is about Jenny, Steve's sister, but it also focuses on Daniel and Chloe

Would be good if you'd read the stories S1-S3 and D1-D3 but it's not a necessety. There's a short summerie before the real story.

There's a good amount of character building in this story. I thought it's only fair to tell you before reading. Still, I think it's one of my best stories so far. Enjoy.
What happened before:

Daniel is a guy that just moved in with his uncle in the big city. He can read people's minds which makes things a bit complicated. In his new school he found Chloe, the one girl whose thoughts he can't read. The two got together. (Pretty good story, you should read it :D)

Steve goes to the same school. his parents went on vacation and left him and his stepsister alone at home. She tried to blackmail him, he turned it around and now she's his sexslave (willingly). Steve had a friend called Marie. She already had a crush on him. In a pretty out of the blue turn of events these two got together, too. (Also a good story. You should read it :D)

Did i mention that Daniel and Steve bacame friends over that one week that they knew each other?

Quit living on dreams

Scene 1

Daniel and Steve are sitting outside. The sun is burning on their skins. Daniel sips at his cold soft drink while watching the whirlpool across the yard. Chloe, his new girlfriend, has tied her hair into a ponytail. Daniel has to think about the first moment he saw her. How she just appeared across from that table looking for some small talk.

Steve is sitting right next to him on the terrace. He too is watching the whirlpool. His eyes lay on the beautiful but delicate brunette, Marie. The two of them knew each other for quite a while now but recently they finally got together.

Steve takes a sip of his drink, “You got pretty close to Chloe the last week. How did that happen?”

Daniel laughs it off, "I tell you my story if you tell me yours. You and Marie? I know I just moved here two weeks ago but people talk. You two were friends but no one expected you to actually get together."

Steve thinks for a moment. Does he really want to tell him his story? Maybe mention the story of their first kiss, the bullying, and how they finally ended up with each other? Nah, that’s a story for another day, he thinks, he got a different one to tell, anyway.

After a short moment of silence, both of them just admiring the view, Steve speaks up again, “I got a favor to ask of you. The no strings attached kind of thing. You can say no if you want, no hard feelings. It’s very … unusual. But there is one thing. Don’t tell anyone about this. Can you do that?”

He really wanna do this here and now, Daniel thinks. He already knows what Steve wants to ask of him. It’s been on his mind for a few days but he couldn’t bring himself to talk with Daniel about it.

Daniel tries not to show that he knows his question already. It would be pretty hard to explain to Steve that he read his mind so he just says, “Hey, I’m pretty good at keeping secrets. What is it?”

Steve takes a deep breath. “You know my stepsister, Jenny? Pretty girl, you saw her last Friday. She asked you if you’d come to the party. I even think you got a class with her.”

“Yeah, What about her?”

“It's a long story. Where do I begin? Don't judge me, just listen. Three weeks ago, my parents went on vacation. They left me and her alone at home and they've put my sister in charge. She tried to use her position to control me, without much success. In the end, I pretty much showed her who's the boss. But the whole thing had brought us closer together and she found that she liked to be put into her place from her brother. She sort of agreed to be my … eh … sex-slave afterward."

With played surprise, Daniel interrupts, "You're screwing your sister?”

“Step-sist…” Steve tries to clarify but stops in the middle. Something was off with Daniel’s response. It came too fast. It’s strange. His voice says that he is surprised, his words fit but his face tells a different story. It doesn’t match.

“Fuck me!” Steve says, “You already knew.”

Man, this guy sees everything, Daniel thinks. It’s so annoying but who is he to complain? After all, he can literally read what people are thinking. Well, there is still a sliver of hope that he gets out of this smoothly.

“What do you mean?” Daniel asks.

This time he synchronized his facial expression with his tone and word choice but it’s too late. Steve is already convinced that Daniel is putting on an act. The thing is, he doesn’t know why. But what’s really bothering him is how Daniel could possibly know about him and Jenny.

“How?” Steve asks, ignoring what his friend just said.

Daniel stays silent.

“How do you know about me and Jenny?”

Daniel tries to save himself. He can’t just tell Steve that he read it on his mind. “Jenny told me,” he says. He knows that that’s pretty shitty as far as excuses go.

Steve quickly realizes that it’s a lie, “Bullshit! Man, I’m serious. You got to tell me how you know. It’s fucking important. Who else could know?”

“Nobody,” Daniel says truthfully.

“This stuff has the potential to destroy lives, you realize that. I don’t know about the legality since I’m not related to Jenny but if this becomes public knowledge. You think a future employer would care about the fact that it’s not technically incest? Nah, He’ll just take the next best guy that wants the job. Who else could know about it?”

Not that you’d need to tell Daniel about what happens when a secret comes out and what consequences that might have.

“Nobody,” Daniel says again this time more persistent.

Steve doesn’t buy it, “How can you say that? You figured it out, why wouldn’t someone else be able to figure it out?”

“It’s not that easy,” Daniel explains, “I can assure you that nobody besides me knows about your relationship with your sister.”

Something clicks in Steve’s head. It makes absolutely no sense but he thinks that Daniel is telling the truth now. At least, Daniel thinks that he’s telling the truth. Steve spotted his first lie without much of a problem but now he can’t find a single indicator that his friend is lying to his face. Still, why wouldn’t Daniel just tell him how he knows it?

After a short moment of silence in which no one dared to speak up, they fall each other into their words. Daniel signals Steve to go on. "I'm sorry," he says.

“No, it’s OK.” Both boys look back up towards the pool. Marie and Steve’s eyes meet and they smile at each other. Chloe looks over too and smiles but Daniel doesn’t return the favor.

“I can read people’s minds," Daniel says after both of the girls go back to talking to each other. He just drops that bomb.

“What?” Steve asks.

“That’s how I knew that you are sleeping with Jenny. I know that every time you look over to your girl there you think that she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you. That’s why I know about your first kiss in that hallway, in front of these mean girls. I know it because you thought about it.”


After a while Steve says, “OK.”

“Just OK?” Daniel laughs. That’s a new one, he thinks.

“What do you want me to say? It’s hard to deny the fact that you CAN read my mind when you LITERALLY just did it. Don’t get me wrong, it messes with my head in ways I can’t even describe and it pretty much dismantles my view of the world but …” Steve stops for a second, “You already know that, don’t you?”

Daniel can only lift his shoulders apologetically.

“Because you can read my mind,” Steve finishes.

Daniel leaves Steve to work through his thoughts on his own. “So, you knew the whole time. And you’ve never said a word. Does Chloe know?”

“I told you, I’m pretty good at keeping secrets. And yeah, I told Chloe about my ‘abilities’. But it’s a long story for another day.”

Fair enough Steve thinks. Two big revelations and he didn’t even bring up what he wanted to ask Daniel in the first place.

“It means, you know what I want from you?” Steve asks and Daniel only nods, “So, are you gonna rape my step-sister?”

“No,” Daniel shakes his head.

Scene 2

Steve and Marie went back home. Chloe decided to stay a little longer and get in some quality time with her new boyfriend. Daniel is laying on his bed and Chloe has cuddled herself up next to him. Her head rests on his chest. His body feels tense, for some reason, Daniel can't relax.

“What is it?” Chloe asks.

She can feel his every breath, can listen to the beat of his heart.

“Steve asked me to do something for him,” Daniel admits, “but I’m not gonna do it.”

“And now you fear that he’ll be upset about your decision?” Chloe figures.

“No, I already told him and he understood why I wouldn’t want to do it.”

A bit amused Chloe adds, “What is it then?”

“He asked me to rape his sister.” Daniel smiles.

Chloe’s head jumps up from his chest, her eyes are widened, her eyebrows raised. Finally, an expression that’s not up for debate, Daniel thinks, but he also knows that if he doesn’t explain himself further Chloe will get up and call the cops.

“Rape is wrong, Steve knows it,” Daniel says, “I think he’d be the last person to take something like this lightly. It’s just a bit more complicated. From what I can tell, Jenny, his step-sister, is totally submissive and loves to be dominated. One of her deepest fantasies is that someone forces himself upon her. There is more, but let’s just say that she would probably love every moment of getting raped by a stranger.”

Chloe’s expression softens up a bit. She’s still on the edge, though. “None the less,” she says, “Well, I’m not sure how, but ok, she’ll love every moment of it. What’s next? You said yourself, you’re not gonna do it.”

“My problem is: Would it be wrong for me to do it? I mean morally. Let’s disregard the fact that I’m in a relationship. I can’t find a reason why it would be. She won’t give me her consent beforehand. That’s a given, but it’s something she wants. It really hurts my brain just thinking about it. Could there ever be a situation in which sexual intercourse without consent could be morally justified?”

Chloe thinks she understands what Daniel tries to say. She considers her words carefully. Thank god, it’s not a sensible talking point or so. “I think, there is some acceptable gray area. I’m sure you remember the math class in which you decided it was a good idea to slide your hand under my shirt. I liked it but you definitely didn’t have my consent there. Thinking back on it is a different story. It’s been so arousing. All the people that could have seen us.”

“I already told you,” Daniel says, “nobody saw anything. They didn’t even pay attention to us.”

Chloe smiles. She knows that she’s got the right man to do this stuff with. She trusts him and with his abilities the risk of doing stuff like this and getting cached is pretty low.

“And we are together, these things happen in a relationship," Daniel says, "so I somehow had your consent after all.”

“Nah,” Chloe counters, “If it wasn’t for all the people in the classroom, I would have slapped you across your pretty face.”

Daniel has to laugh and the conversation transforms into a moment of silence.

Chloe breaks it, “Why don’t you just do it?”

Daniel raises an eyebrow, “Because we are a thing, you and I, and I definitely won’t just sleep around casually, that’s for sure.” His voice has this ‘Are you serious?’ kind of tone.

Good answer, Chloe thinks. “But you have to admit that Jenny is quite hot,” She adds.

“Eh, No.”

Chloe raises an eyebrow.

"Where are you going with this. You're the only girl I need but I won't deny that other women are beautiful, too. Please tell me that you're not the overly jealous type of girl," Daniel says and rolls his eyes.

Chloe smiles, “Maybe a little bit jealous,” but that’s not her point. She really wants to go somewhere with this line of questioning. “I think you should do it,” she says.

Oh, shit. She’s gone mad, Daniel thinks. “Are you crazy?”

Chloe chuckles, “No, think about it. With your abilities, you could really know that it is in fact one of her deepest fantasies. And she won't find any better person than you to live through this fantasy of hers. I don't think I'd mind you fucking her. Just once at least. I know you don’t love her or something like that and I’m obviously more important to you. And I mean,” Chloe grins, “She probably thinks you’re hot too.”

“How could you possibly know that she even thinks I’m attractive?” Daniel asks. There is clear doubt in his voice.

“Because you’re part of the dream team,” Chloe laughs. Again, Daniel raises his eyebrow.

“That’s what the girls in class call you and Steve. They are quite upset about the fact that you two are in relationships. Some would even break up with their boyfriend if one of you would find an interest in them. Natalie even hinted at going straight for one of you two. Yeah, I think Jenny won’t be an exception. They are all jealous of me for my boyfriend.”

Daniel thinks. Then he just says, “I didn’t know that.”

“That’s because you don’t pay attention. You can read minds and you don’t even care about it.”

“True,” Daniel says, “I tried to keep it to a minimum at the new school. But jokes aside. You’re not serious when you say that I should rape my best friend’s sister, right?”

“And what if I was?” Chloe asks with a big grin on her face.

“No,” Daniel says, “no double-speak. Give me a clear-cut answer.”

“I want you to rape Jenny, I like the idea of you helping her to live through her biggest fantasy. It’s exciting,” she explains and adds after a pause, “will you do it?”

Daniel looks into her face. Chloe is serious about it. “One condition,” he says, “You got to do it with me.”

“Let’s do it then. I always wanted to put Jenny into her place,” Chloe says and smiles, “only one thing,” she says, “who is Steve to arrange something like that for his step-sister? I mean I got a brother and I’d skin him alive if he’d do something close to what we are talking about.”

Daniel has to laugh about the image that forms in his mind. He has met her brother and he is quite something. Adorable, mostly, but he can really get on Chloe’s nerves. No doubt that something like that would cross some serious lines for her.

"Jenny is Steve's slave," Daniel explains, "It started a few weeks ago. Long story but now the two, or to be precise, the three of them have an SM relationship. I figure that Marie is in on it. Don’t think Steve would be the guy to keep that a secret.”

Jenny thinks for a second but then she says, “I didn’t expect that.”

“That’s because you don’t pay attention.” Daniel counters and smiles.

Scene 3

"Hey, Steve!"

Daniel catches up to him. It's break time and everyone is heading to the cafeteria. Steve looks over his shoulder and sees his friend coming at him.

“Got to talk to you,” Daniel says and pulls Steve behind the next best corner. Nobody really cares about what these two are up to. The students are happy that their lesson is finally over and they can catch a break.

“I’m gonna do it,” Daniel says.

“You mean …”

“Yeah, the thing with your sister. I’ll do it,” Daniel explains, “But I got two conditions. First, I’m with Chloe. I only do it with her at my side. I can understand that you’re not happy that I involved her but I trust her to keep my secrets. Second, I got to talk to your sister, man. You say that she wants it and you really believe that but I guess you understand that I have to make sure. If that’s alright, I think we can do it.”

Steve is buffed. He has already given up on that idea but of course. “Wow,” he says, “I guess it’s even better when Chloe joins you. I mean I didn’t know how close you two were before our last conversation. I wouldn’t have asked you to cheat but I guess it’s not cheating if she joins in. And about that conversation with my sister, I expected something like that. Everything less would have given me a bad feeling about the whole thing.”

Daniel smiles. It’s strange that they came to an agreement so fast, he thinks, shouldn’t there be more things to discuss with something like that? "You think your sister would mind Chloe joining the fantasy? She could just watch."

Steve has to laugh. Thinking about the way his step-sister looks at Marie every time they play together, how eager she was to lick her pussy. “Don’t worry,” he says, “Jenny is definitely bi. Hell! I would even provide you two with a strap-on, she would totally love it but I think at that point it would be too much and Jenny would know right away that it’s a setup.”

Daniel has to laugh, too. His girlfriend fucking someone with a strap on. He would pay good money to see that. Thinking about it, he probably only has to suggest it. Maybe not. Chloe is pretty unpredictable. That’s what he likes about her. “I see,” he says, “Well, I’ll come back to you when I talked to your sister.”

Scene 4

Daniel enters the almost empty room. The school provides the upper classes with independent rooms to study in their free time. Most of the time they use it, they just try to get through the day and avoid annoying students from the lower grades. Steve’s sister is one of the few that are inside at this time of the day. She doesn't look like she is studying. Instead, she sits in the last row looking at her phone.

Daniel sits down on the other side of the table. He waits till she notices him.

“You’re Jenny, right? Steve’s sister.”

“Step-sister,” she corrects him, “Yeah. And you are the better half of the ‘dream team’. The new guy. Daniel, right? I’ve heard so much about you.”

Irony as a conversation starter, Daniel thinks. Guess if he tells Steve about that she wouldn’t be able to sit down for a few days. Anyway. “Don’t believe a word Steve told you,” Daniel says and laughs.

Jenny laughs too but loses interest in talking to her brother's newest friend. Instead, her eyes wander back to her phone.

Daniel leans on the table. He taps his fingers on it. One at a time. Finally, he says, “You’re as bored as I am right now?”

Jenny looks up again, “Probably,” she raises her shoulders, “not much to do here except wait till my friends come around. Why?”

“Wanna hear an interesting fact?”

Jenny doubts that Daniel can make it any less boring for her but what does she have to lose. Her friends are out to get some lunch, she didn’t feel like it and ate in the cafeteria. The only alternative now would be to study and she definitely doesn’t want to do that. Let’s humor the new boy. Steve has said he’s a smart guy and a real hard ass. For some reason, he also told her that she should stay away from him but she doesn’t understand why. He himself is constantly around the new guy, so how bad could he be?

“Shoot,” she says.

Daniel smiles. He holds back for a second. Steve told her that he's a 'real hard-ass'? Guess he has already put in some work to sell the whole rape story. Let's just play along.

"It's been a while since I heard about it so don't look too closely at the numbers but basically there was a study in which people should rate crimes by numbers. I still remember that murder was at seven but I'm not sure if there was anything worse than seven. It's not so important. The participants were asked to rate how bad it was for a woman to get raped." Daniel pays special attention to Jenny’s thoughts as he mentions rape, "The interesting part was that there was a discrepancy between the answers the woman gave to the answers the man gave. Take a guess. What would you say about how bad rape is experienced as yourself, a woman? Scale of one to ten?"

One, Jenny thinks but, of course, she knows better than to say that. “four,” she says instead.

Daniel smiles, “The average woman said six but it was closer to seven as to five.”

Fuck, Jenny thinks, she should have gone higher. But she just had to imagine how helpless she would feel in such a situation and how much it would turn her on. “That’s a real study?” Jenny asks.

"Yeah, it's a real study. I got it from a German psychologist, Vera Birkenbihl. She’s got some great talks. Too bad that she’s already dead. I think people could still learn a lot from her. She only quoted that study, though. She didn’t conduct it herself. But I didn’t even tell you the best part about it,” Daniel says, “The male participants were asked to rank rape from the perspective of a woman. Their average was at three.”

Jenny tilts her head as she has to think about what she just heard. With that, Daniel stands up, knocks on the table, and goes away.

As he walks out of the room he says, “You should have gone higher than four. From your face, I'd say you’re not bored anymore. I’ll let you be, see you around, Jenny.”

Scene 5

It's Friday. The last bell of the school-week rang almost ten minutes ago. Most teachers are already out of the building and certainly, most of the students are. There are only four exceptions.

Jenny is still taking a shower in the female changing room. Steve, her master, gave her a special task for today. She should film herself masturbating after PE. Denying herself the orgasm, of course, since he likes to make her suffer. That’s what she thinks at least. Normally she would be spot on with this assessment but today is different.

A bit frustrated about the fact that she doesn’t get any release, Jenny goes back into the changing room and starts to dress. That's when she hears someone knocking at the doorframe, "Anyone still in there?" a voice asks.

She knows this voice. It’s Daniel, the new guy. What is he doing, she thinks? “Yeah, one second.” Jenny quickly gets into her shirt as Daniel already walks in on her. She could have been naked, she thinks. And she would have been if he’d entered a moment earlier. A bit confused she looks up.

“I got to lock the changing room after everyone is gone,” Daniel explains and shows Chloe the keys.

“Doesn’t Miss Jones always do that?” Jenny asks.

Daniel smiles, “I told her I’d do it so she could leave a few minutes earlier today. Which means,” a grin spreads across his face but Jenny doesn’t know why. “We are all alone,” he finishes.

Jenny got to swallow hard. Something about the way he said that makes her uncomfortable. Her instinct is to scream but if he is telling the truth no one can hear and actually help her. Maybe she is just imagining things but she wants to get out of here as quick as possible.

Jenny takes her backpack and tries to get out of the changing room. “I got to go anyway,” She says. But to get out, she has to walk past Daniel. He has positioned himself in that short hallway in front of the door, basically blocking the way for her. She tries to squeeze herself beside him but he doesn't let her pass.

He puts a hand on her chest, saying, “Not so fast, you wanna leave so soon?”

Shit! Shit! Shit! That’s not good. Steve has warned her about him and she didn’t listen. Like mad Jenny tries to hold onto her thought that all of this is just a misconception on her behalf and that she is simply overreacting. But Daniel doesn’t move an inch, making sure that Jenny can’t get out of the room.

She looks up and tries to persuade him, “You don’t want to do this, Daniel.”

“What do you mean?” He asks, “We’re only having a simple conversation, right.” His smirk gives Jenny the rest.

“I’m serious, let me go or I’ll scream!” She says forcefully, hoping that this would be enough to stop Daniel from whatever he tries to do here. She remembers their last conversation. Back then he talked about rape. Fuck! She had brushed it off, how could she be so stupid.

“Scream for who?” Daniel laughs, “we are the last people inside the school. You’d only make me angry. Tell me, do you want me to be angry?”

Oh man, Jenny thinks. It’s really happening. She tries to remember everything she knows about self-defense. One of his arms is lifted. Wasn’t there something about pushing your fingers forcefully in his armpit making him shy away and then hitting him as hard as she can under his chin? Maybe she could only use the first part to distract him long enough so she could get out of this situation?

She tries to strike, Daniel already knew what she was about to do and grabbed her arm. He looks at her and says, "You shouldn't have done that." He pushes her back into the room. Jenny almost falls.


Daniel grabs her and puts a hand over her mouth. Her screams become nothing more but a mumbled mess. He waits till she calms down a bit and whispers, “There is no one that is going to come. There is no one to help you. So, don’t make this harder than it already is. It would be a shame if I had to hurt your beauty.”

Jenny wiggles, trying to break free but he is so much stronger than her. As she gives up Daniel pushes her again, further away from the door. She has to get out of this situation. But how? She could try to make a run for it but what if she fails. It could end up being worse for her. Maybe she should just go along? If you can't beat it, join it. It could be that Daniel isn't even a half-bad fuck, Jenny thinks.

She moves backward as Daniel comes closer. She bumps into the wall behind her. Daniel grabs her chin and forcefully makes her look up to him.

What about Steve, Jenny thinks? He’d be furious when he finds out what happened. He’d probably be angry at her for going along with this. Again, Jenny considers fighting her way out of this situation. Her chances don’t look good but at least she would have tried. Daniel has his hand still on her chin. Jenny presses her lips together because she knows what Daniel is about to do. He’s going to kiss her.

He leans in but stops. Jenny tries the same thing again. Pushing her fingers into his exposed armpit. Daniel dodges the blow.

Jenny’s eyes widen, how did he expect that? She looks like a dear in the headlights. Daniel's eyes look as if they are on fire.

“Ok,” he says, “that’s it.” Surprisingly enough, his voice stays pretty calm but there is a force behind it that Jenny only knows from one person. Her brother.

Shit! Jenny thinks as Daniel grabs her arm and pushes her down the floor. It hurts a little when she hits the ground. She tries to stand up again but Daniel puts a knee on her back forcing her to just lay there.

“I tried to be nice,” Daniel says, “but you just have to resist.”

There is no way that she pushes Daniel off of her so she tries to roll away. Of course, he doesn’t let her do that. As he counters her struggle by simply putting on more of his weight on her back, her breasts get pressed on the hard and cold floor. It hurts. Jenny realizes that there is no way that she is going to overpower that guy. And even if he would let go of her for a second. There is no way that she’d be fast enough to get out of the changing room. Steve will be furious, Jenny thinks. Her last will to resist fades away.

“I’m going to get my knee off of your back,” Daniel says, “Will you try to run away again?”

Jenny’s head sinks to the floor. “No.”

“What was that?”

“No! I won’t,” Jenny repeats louder.


Daniel does as he says and releases the pressure of his knee. Jenny doesn’t move. Daniel smiles. The moment in which Jenny had the chance to stand up passes quickly since Daniel basically sits down on Jenny’s butt a few seconds later. Kneeling over her. One leg to her left one to her right. He pulls her shirt up, revealing her beautiful lower back. He orders her to extend her arms forward. It hurts as the fabric that was trapped between her skin and the floor gets ripped from underneath her.

“Ah,” she screams, “you don’t need to be so harsh. I’m cooperating!”

"You had your chance," Daniel mumbles more to himself than to her. He had a backpack with him and is now looking for something in it. At least that’s what it sounds like. Maybe he is even going through her stuff? Jenny can’t exactly see what he is doing with her face to the floor.

Her hands get pulled to her back and she feels something thin. *k*k*k*k*k*k*

Cable Binders? She tries to move her hands but the slim plastic cuts into her skin. Daniel really brought cable binders to school? Did he plan on doing this? No way, Jenny thinks, how could he know that she's the last one in the changing room? But then it hits her. He didn't choose her as a target, she thinks, he was looking for ‘someone’ and it’s just bad luck that it was her. There is no other way. He asked Miss Jones to lock the room for her so he’d be alone with the last girl. Shit, he has thought this through. And she is just the next best girl for him. Somehow the thought of this turns her on.

Jenny hears a door open. As she looks up, she can see the feet of someone walking in on what’s happening to her. It’s a girl. Someone must have come back, Jenny thinks. She is relieved and concerned at the same time. It’s not like they are now two against one, since Jenny is pretty much useless with her hands tied to her back. Considering that, the girls that just walked in on them would probably end up in the same situation as herself, Jenny thinks. Exposed and tied, lying on the cold floor of the changing room.

“Run!” she screams from the floor, “Run and call for help!”

To her surprise, the girl from who she can only see the feet doesn't move. Did she freeze? Fuck! Jenny doesn't get what's going on.

“So, you’ve started without me?” the girl that just arrived asks. Jenny knows this voice. It’s Chloe. She heard that they are close, the new guy and Chloe, but what does that mean? For some reason, Chloe isn’t going to help her. Jenny realizes that.

“Chloe?” Jenny asks confused.

Daniel grabs her shoulders and helps her to stand up. He’s got an arm around her. It’s like he wants to show Jenny something.

“Why isn’t she helping me? What is going on?” Daniel imitates Jenny’s voice to the best of his abilities. “You’re probably trying to figure out what’s going on in Choe’s head,” he adds, “Why is she acting the way she does? I can’t blame you. I’m trying to do the same thing from the moment I first saw her. Keep at it, eventually, you'll get a hang on it."

Daniel positions himself behind Jenny, looking over her shoulder, seeing what she sees. He points at Chloe’s face and says, “Let me help you. You see her? On the outside, she is pretty relaxed. Well, maybe a bit tense but it’s not what you’d expect from someone that just walked in on such a scene. Guess, she already knew what was going on in here which means,” Daniel pauses for a second, ”Well, It’s not good for you, that’s for certain.”

Chloe crosses her arms. She’s curious where this is going. The poor exposed girl, struggling to stay on her feet as Daniel takes the last bit of hope from her is a hard picture to take in. Chloe doesn’t mind that he talks about her like she’s not here. She never knew that he watches her that carefully or is he lying? It’s fascinating.

“But there is more,” Daniel goes on and points at Chloe’s face, “You see that slight red on her cheeks there? Maybe she’s uncomfortable with seeing you half-naked in this vulnerable situation. Maybe she even has doubts about all of this. She could rethink it and decide to help you but,” another pause. ”No. There, did you see that? The slight sliver of a grin. If you try to fool someone and it works, you’ll probably do something like that. It’s pretty hard to fake. What it means is up for debate but in my opinion, it's also not a good sign for you."

A tear runs down Jenny’s cheek. “Chloe?” she repeats again because she doesn’t know what else to say.

“You tied her up already?” Chloe asks Daniel.

“Let’s just say that this girl has some fight in her but don’t worry, I think we’ve already seen the last of it. You wouldn’t try something in the presence of a girl? You wouldn’t hurt Chloe, right?”

Jenny’s head sinks in resignation. “No.” I guess she has given up, Daniel thinks. But Jenny is still considering her options even though she already knows deep inside her how all of this is gonna play out.

To Jenny's surprise, she finds herself the slightest bit excited about getting used by these two and about the fact that there is nothing she can do about it. Then she remembers. Of course, she does. She masturbated to this fantasy for months on end but that stopped recently since she’s no longer allowed to masturbate on her own. All part of the sweet torture of her brother aka her dom.

Jenny gets brought back to the here and now with a hard slap on her butt. Unexpectantly enough, it wasn’t Daniel that through this mean swing. Chloe walked up to them, greeted her new boyfriend with a passionate kiss and the trembling mess beside him with a hard slap on her still not so exposed ass.

Chloe laughs as Jenny jumps in surprise. It's too cute. A last look into Daniel's eyes to get the OK and Chloe takes the lead.

"I think, she's still wearing too many clothes, don't you think?" she asks.

“I’ve waited for you. Thought you might enjoy unwrapping the present.” Daniel says. And although Jenny can’t see his face, she can hear his dirty grin in every word he spoke. Present, Jenny thinks?

Chloe grins and smirks at Jenny. She lets her hands wander over Jenny’s body as if they didn't know where to find the button of her shorts. A shiver runs down Jenny’s spine but she couldn’t say if it’s a good or a bad feeling. She enjoys the touch of the so familiar but also so foreign girl. It’s as if she doesn’t know Chloe at all. Jenny would have never guessed that her classmate would be able to do such a thing. To her.

Finally, Chloe’s curious fingers find the place they wanted and she unbuttons Jenny’s bottom. Chloe drops to her knees and takes Jenny’s trousers down with her. She gives the now slightly more exposed girl a kiss on her thighs. It feels amazing. Especially since Jenny didn’t expect such an intimate gesture after being treated so harshly. It took her by surprise.

Chloe goes on and pulls down Jenny’s panties. As she sees the light reflecting from the already wet pussy in front of her, Chloe stands up again, looks into Jenny's eyes, and says, "Good luck." Chloe turns to Daniel, "You're turn. Hope you don't mind me just watching at first.”

That’s something you don’t need to tell Daniel twice. With some harsh movements, Daniel bends the naked girl over the bench next to them. Since she can’t support herself with her hands, she loses balance and falls to her knees. The way he treats her is pretty much the polar opposite of Chloe. Everything soft and affectionate is now nothing but rough and … efficient.

Chloe can feel Daniel’s cock as he slides it through her butt cheeks. She tries to look back but flexibility can only bring you so far. She can see his face, though, and it scares her a little. A smile. She expected at least some traces of guilt but …

His cock enters her vagina. It hurts. Steve’s rough with her sometimes but at least he cares about Jenny. This feels different. The pace of Daniel’s movements is relentless and nothing that Jenny does seems to have an effect on what Daniel is doing to her backside. No matter how much she struggles he doesn’t slow down. That’s when she realizes. It’s not about her. He just uses her for his selfish desires and it turns her on like hell. Getting fucked like that consumes her mind nearly to the fullest extent. But there’s still enough room for her to see in the corner of her eyes that Chloe has taken of her shorts and is now masturbating to the picture of her boyfriend fucking the living shit out of her.

Jenny looks at Chloe with pleading eyes, Chloe looks at Daniel for a moment and then moves closer.

“Let’s put her mouth to good use,” Daniel says and his girlfriend is more than willing to comply. She sits down right in front of Jenny’s face. She pulls her hair together making sure they are not in the way. Also, that way, she has control over Jenny’s head.

“Have you ever done something like that?” Chloe asks.

Jenny is a bit distracted and can’t bring herself to answer. Daniel doesn’t stop for her. HOT. A wave of pleasure runs through her body. Jenny just came but no one seems to care. Daniel is still at it and Chloe gives her a wake-up slap on her face.

“Did you ever lick someone’s pussy? Answer me!” Chloe says. Jenny can hear Daniel laugh behind her. He gives her a hard slap on the ass.

“You heard the girl,” he says.

“YES!” Jenny screams.

“Good,” Chloe says and pushes Jenny’s face into her pussy, forcing her to lick. Jenny is happy to do so.

She is well past the point of thinking in coherent sentence structures. It's so much and it's so good. At some point, she switched into a feeling of complete ecstasy. It's hard to describe.

Chloe moans. It seems like Jenny does a pretty good job at satisfying the lady. No idea how she manages that, Daniel thinks. Judging on how limp her brain is right now he’s surprised that she’s not passed out yet.

Daniel finishes first. He pulls out and cums all over her lower back and tied hands. Jenny whimpers in frustration. I guess she was pretty close to achieving a second orgasm. She keeps rubbing her thighs together and it works. Unbelievable. With her face still buried deep into Chloe’s cunt she experiences her second orgasm of the day. Maybe it was the thought of Daniel not giving a fuck about her and only being a selfish dick. Maybe she just likes to eat out girls. Probably both, though.

“I think she is going to pass out,” Chloe says between two moans.

“Oh, no you don’t,” Daniel says. He grabs Chloe’s shoulders and brings her up to her feet. He has to support her. She is just too shaken up to stand on her own. "You won't pass out before you've satisfied my girl, too," Daniel explains.

Chloe is surprised, she was pretty close herself but, in the end, doesn’t mind. She trusts Daniel. She has to since he is the one that knows what’s going on in Jenny’s head right now. It’s probably for the best.

Jenny is still wearing her shoes. Her pants hang around her ankles. They didn’t get in the way so no one cared about them. But now they have to go.

Finally, butt naked, Daniel cuts through the cable binder. In this state, Jenny doesn't even think about getting away. Daniel grabs Jenny and carries her to the showers.

Oh shit, Jenny thinks but then she already feels the cold water waking her up from her trance. She is shivering even more now. No idea if she’s cold or if it’s the adrenalin. As she sees Chloe’s exposed pussy she remembers. With an eagerness that surprises both, Daniel and Chloe, Jenny falls to her knees, grabs Chloe’s hips, and buries her tongue inside her warmth.

Not that Chloe would complain. She leans back at some wall and decides to let the tormented girl that already endured so much have a little bit of control over her situation.

Daniel enjoys the show.

Chloe looks at him and this look can’t be misunderstood. She wants him, so bad. Daniel can’t give her exactly what she wants but he at least tries. He walks up and kisses his girlfriend with all the passion he can manage. Chloe is trapped, kneeling between the two love birds.

Not that she’d mind at all. The taste of that sweet pussy in front of her alone is loan enough to endure all of this.

What is she thinking? She just got raped by someone she thought she’d know and someone she just met. They forced themselves upon her and didn’t give her a choice. They made her feel so helpless and hot at the same time. The way they didn’t care. And the way she still came multiple times.

The shower is still running but instead of the cold water, Jenny feels a warmth coming up from the wet floor. Daniel must have turned up the heat of the water. Why?

She doesn’t get to finish this thought as Chloe’s pussy already cramps up underneath her tongue. She’s cumming. So soon?

Satisfied, Chloe pets Jenny’s head. “Good girl.”

Scene 6

The sun is shining through the window, drawing itself on the floor of the hallway. Daniel and Chloe are sitting on a bench. They are waiting. After they were finished with Jenny in that shower, they called Steve in. He was positioned in the hallway as a lookout.

They left the two siblings. Jenny was sitting on the floor crying. Steve brought a towel. He sat down next to her and took her into his arms. Jenny's head fell onto his chest. The last thing Daniel and Chloe heard before they left was the comforting voice of Steve telling his sister that it's alright and the shaken voice of Jenny that sniffed and said she's sorry.

Now they are just waiting for Steve to reveal the fact that the whole rape thing was planned. Daniel insisted that he'd stay in case Jenny wanted to talk to him afterward.

They wait in silence. At least that’s what Daniel thought.

“You’ve scared me,” Chloe says.

Daniel just stares into the air.

“The way you acted in there. I’ve never seen you like that. Not just fucking her but the way you smiled when she lost hope. The way you didn’t give her a break. It was like you were enjoying her suffering.” Chloe’s voice breaks. It’s hard for her to put what she saw in words. She didn’t recognize her boyfriend anymore.

Finally, Daniel says something. “I didn’t”

“You didn’t what?” Chloe asks.

“I didn’t enjoy it.” Daniel sights

"You got a strange way of showing that," Chloe says.

“Listen Chloe. You got to understand something. I grew up knowing what people were expecting from me. I recognized that sometimes the best thing was to do what they wanted me to do. I got good at convincing people of something. I knew how they expected me to act in certain situations. I’m a good actor.”

Chloe stars at Daniel. She sees that something is bugging him about what he just said.

“And that’s a bad thing?” she asks.

Daniel keeps on starring into the air. “It took over. My character. I acted how others thought I should act, how I thought I’d get the most out of it. I acted. There was that point where I didn’t know what was me and what was imposed by others. I can still remember it. A family dinner was coming up, someone’s birthday, or so. My aunt brought her new friend. I wasn't in a good place. I tried to hide it but that new friend of my aunt saw my sad face. He talked to me and wanted to know what was wrong. I snapped out of it and told him what he wanted to hear. Some made-up story about school. He looked me in the eyes and said bullshit."

“Peter, your uncle?” Chloe asks.

“Yes. He saw right through it. He was the first person that wasn’t happy with what he wanted to hear. What he really wanted was the truth. He wanted to know me. And I felt helpless because I didn’t know who that person was that he wanted to know. Sometimes I think I still don’t …”

It hurts Chloe to hear his story but she’s also happy that he is opening up to her. She can hear his doubt, how hard it has to be sometimes. You’d think someone with his abilities has nothing to complain about but he struggles. Chloe can see that.

She falls around his neck. She grabs him and holds him as tight as she can. She tells him that everything is alright.

Daniel does nothing. But it feels good to hear it from someone other than Peter.

Steve clears his throat. He’s alone. Jenny’s probably still inside the changing room.

“And?” Daniel asks.

“She’ll be fine,” Steve says, “She did enjoy herself. Her biggest concern was for me to be angry with her that she didn’t fight back enough. Also, she admitted that she came multiple times but she didn’t really remember the exact number. Give her a day or two and she’ll probably say that she loved it. Either way, I made it very clear that it was my idea so she should be angry with me not you two.”

“She did fight back,” Daniel clarifies.

“So, I’ve heard,” Steve says and smiles, “She didn’t hurt you two, right?”

“No,” Chloe says.


“Can I talk to her?” Daniel asks.

“I don’t think that that would be a good idea,” Steve says, “Go home. Give her time, she’ll come around.”

Steve walks away.

“It’s been two.”

“What?” Steve asks.

“Orgasms,” Daniel says.

The door to the changing room opens and a fully dressed Jenny walks out with her gym bag. She looks over to Daniel and Chloe. She’s got a sad face. Her thoughts are all over the place. Steve puts an arm around her shoulder and leads her out of the school.

Scene 7

The doorbell rings. Daniel opens the door. He didn’t expect what he finds in front of him. It’s Jenny. She is looking a bit insecure.

“Can we talk?” she asks.

Daniel tries to find a clue on what Jenny wants to talk about in her thoughts but didn’t find it fast enough. “Of course, come in,” he says.

Jenny enters the hallway and seems lost. “I ended things with Steve,” she says.

Shit, Daniel thinks. Seems like Jenny wasn’t as OK with Friday afternoon as Steve said she was. “Let’s go into the living room. Or do you want to keep talking in this hallway?” Daniel says.

“Someone home?” Jenny asks.

“No, my aunt and my uncle are out. Don’t even know what they are doing but they won’t come back before dinner.”

Daniel leads the way into the living room and tells Jenny to take a seat. He asks her if she wants something to drink and she accepts. A second later he brings a bottle of water and two glasses. He takes a seat on the sofa right across from her.

“You ended things with Steve, why?” Daniel asks.

Jenny takes a sip of her water. Then she says, “I don’t think I want it anymore.”

“Is it because of Friday?”

She nods. Daniel still isn’t sure what she is saying. Her thoughts are complicated. He can’t make sense of them. “You didn’t like it?” Daniel asks.

Jenny blushes, “No, I liked it. I liked it a lot.”

“So, you didn’t like that he set it up without asking you?”

Jenny takes her eyes from the ground. “No, I liked that too. He just wanted to cheer me up, I think.”

“Then why would you end it all?”

Jenny smiles. “You know,” she says, “I asked Steve the exact same question almost a month ago. It’s when all of this started. I didn’t see it either even though it was pretty simple. I don’t think I want to be the person I am right now. Steve the dom was a great fantasy but that’s what it was. A fantasy that controlled my life.”

“How’s Steve?”

“He understands,” Jenny says, “How did I describe our relationship once? More like masturbating than real love. We both knew it.”

“Why are you telling me that?”

“I wanted to thank you,” Jenny says.

Daniel raises an eyebrow. She wants to thank him? For what?

“I know it’s strange, but I do,” Jenny explains, “You … eh … forced yourself on me and I know that it was planed and you didn’t mean me no harm but I didn’t know that at the moment. You more or less showed me that the world wasn't a girl's dream about fairytales and rainbows. It made me think about where I was in my life; I dared to look at myself and I didn't like what I saw. That's why I stopped our thing. I mean Steve and me. I decided to change and I wanted to thank you for that."

Jenny looks up and sees Daniel’s big eyes staring at her. She chuckles because that reaction is nothing like the Daniel she remembered from Friday.

“And you think it’s that easy? You decide who you want to be, just like that?”

“It has to be,” Jenny says, “don’t know why not.”

Daniel tries to find the right words. “How does it feel?” He asks.

“A little bit lonelier.” Jenny’s smile vanishes for a second but then it comes back. “I’ll survive. I got friends. I have a brother that loves me and wants the best for me. I think that’s enough.”

“Is it?”

“It has to be,” Jenny gives Daniel a comforting smile, “at least for now.”
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