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Please see the introduction and previous chapters to see how we got here.

As before, feel free to leave comments about what you like or dislike. I am writing this as fast as I am posting, feedback might steer future chapters.

The next morning was strangely euphoric. It was the best morning I could remember since… ever. And that was a strange thing to realize when talking about being stranded in a damaged lifeboat drifting somewhere in the depths of space after narrowly escaping a planetary-scale disaster. But it was.

I woke up content. I cannot now accurately describe my relationship with sister at that moment, and certainly could not do so at all then, but the closest I can come is to say that we found the best parts of being siblings and the best parts of being lovers, and somehow jammed them together to create something amazing.

Tiff had not at all stopped being my sister. The previous two nights had not taken away a childhood of play and teasing and rivalry, or my feelings of protectiveness, or the sense of the absolute permanence of our relationship, however it might evolve. Nor had she become some kind of girlfriend. There were things we could never experience, like that magical first meeting you see in the holos, and there were things we could never do, like get married or have children. What we had was secret, and weird, and wonderful, and even though that morning I had no idea what it was or what it would become, somewhere inside I was happy that it had happened.

We certainly noticed each other more. I know I had been stuck in my own head since the escape, and I’m sure Tiff had been as well. We had been interacting, but more out of an unspoken desperation for human contact or the simple necessities of living in a confined space. We had been playing games with each other because those games needed two players and because at some level we didn’t want to be alone enough to get lost in our thoughts. But starting that morning, we actually started living again.

It was still awkward, of course. As the morning crept on, concerns started to poke their way into my consciousness around the euphoria. The previous night had involved some revelations that would need exploring.

The first was Mom. I had been shocked when Tiff had mentioned the drugs she was taking, and not just because I hadn’t realized that they were available from the ration dispenser. We had all been acting weird, and I hadn’t thought to wonder about all the time she spent in the secluded rear of the boat or her ability to sleep through some nighttime noises that should have been audible and alarming to a mother sleeping a normal sleep.

She was already awake when Tiff and I got up – we had been up pretty late, after all, and needed to sleep in a little. Besides, there weren’t any alarm clocks. She had said nothing about the seemingly chaste embrace in which she found us, and while she gave us some strange looks they didn’t suggest anything more than some vague uneasiness. She was still having those little bouts of (apparent) anxiety, and now that I knew to watch, it was easy to see when her subsequent trips to the dispenser for a cup of water also included an additional request and something small discretely pulled from the little dispensing tray. It was worrying, but I couldn’t begrudge her a little help in coping, and as good as I was feeling my euphoria had made me neither a physician nor a psychologist, so I don’t know what I would have done anyway.

Regardless, despite my new awareness of her struggles, Mom acted more or less the same as she had since the disaster. So I shelved that particular concern for the moment.

The second thing to be solved was Tiff. Hey, there were only two other people on the damned boat, who or what else could it have been? Our coupling the previous night had taken some turns I would never have expected when I had laid down to not sleep. That first night had been unplanned and tentative and desperate, both of us trying to feel something and escape the reality in which we had been trapped. The second night had been… well what the hell had it been? Tiffany had been the instigator the first night, the follower the second. The first night she had asked me to “fuck her hard”, on the second she had said only “yes” and had gotten a far harder fucking nonetheless. And she had appeared to enjoy it. No, more than enjoy it. Love it. And love me, in a much more complicated way than before.

I couldn’t solve Mom yet. But I had to try and solve Tiffany.

I got my first chance midmorning, while Mom was off in the back doing whatever the hell she did when she was off in the back. Tiff and I had already started playing a game of Go, but I think we were both just killing time in anticipation of Mom’s departure.

“We need to talk.”

She didn’t respond, not even to look up at me.

“Seriously, Tiff. I need to understand this.”

She looked up at me, her face carefully neutral.


“Why? Because… because! How can you even ask that?”

She took a measured breath, staring down at the game board.

“What do you mean?”

“C’mon, Tiff. I need to understand this. And I need to understand it in the cold light of this lovely daytime lighting scheme. We can’t keep doing… what we’ve been doing and not talk about it.”

She made a move on the board, which I steadfastly ignored.

“Okay. Ask me a question, then.”

It is easy to say you need to talk, much harder to actually do it. Where to even start?

“What do you want?”

She smiled a little and made another move on the board. For me, I realized. She was playing herself now.

“You asked me that last night. I already answered.”

“I asked if you wanted me to take you. To use you.”

She blushed a little despite her devotion to the appearance of merely playing a board game.

“And I said yes.”

I sighed and leaned back in my seat.

“And that is still what you want?”

She looked up, looked me dead in the eye.


“Okay. Why?”

She looked up at me again for a moment, then turned back to the board. It took several moves on the board before she answered.

“You don’t know what it’s like. Podarok was not the most enlightened place for us to grow up. Hell, Mom was a beauty queen, most places don’t even do those sorts of things anymore. They had the engineers make me for sex, I think Mom wanted me to enjoy my life and I think Dad wanted me to be the kind of girl that could attract the kind of guy he would want as a son-in-law – so basically some fantasy version of himself.”

She sighed and leaned back to look at me.

“But then after all that, they’ve spent my whole life telling me to be good, to follow the rules, to be careful. It’s exhausting. They think girls are supposed to be the responsible ones while the boys run wild. I’m supposed to be a saint, but that isn’t what they built me to be, and not what I want to be.”

I had an idea of what she meant. I mean, I didn’t have her perspective, but I had certainly noticed how our parents and the other people we knew treated us differently. I had always felt a little sorry for Tiff the way Mom and Dad had tried to cage her in.

“I’m sorry.”

I leaned in towards her.

“But I think there’s more.”

She stared at me for a moment.

“I… can’t. My whole life they’ve been telling me what I had to be. That isn’t something I can just let go. I’m supposed to think sex is dirty, to think that I should save my self for marriage. The hypocrites built me like this and I… all I can do is let go. “

“Let go?”

She nodded.

“Completely. The night before last was the exception, I’ve slept with 3 guys and 2 girls, and the only way I could enjoy it without hearing Mom in my head was to let them drive. If I let them just… do stuff, I could enjoy it. If I tried to start anything, I couldn’t get her out of my head enough to really enjoy it.”

She made another move on the board and looked up at me.

“So that’s what I want. To say ‘yes’ and mean it. To be taken and… used. However you want.”

I leaned back again, something nagging at me. Honest Johnson was telling me to leave it be, but I couldn’t.

“Because I’m the only one here?”

That made her smile.

“Dumbass. No. I mean, I think it would have had to take something like this for me to even consider you - no offence, but cute ass or not, you’re a dumbass – but no, not because you’re the only here. You love me. I know that. I can trust you, and I know that too. And a couple of nights ago you showed me that you can offer a little more than Derek ever could.”

If she only knew…

“So you’re serious. You want me to use you, however I want? Want to draw any boundaries on that?”

She shook her head, slowly.

“I want to say ‘yes’, one time, and to not ever have to say it again. I want you to still be my brother, because that is what you are and that is why I can say it. But I also want you to do this. Use me, abuse me, I’m not fragile and being bad feels really, really good.”

I paused for a minute.

“Just while we’re on this boat?”

She smiled.

“We’ll deal with ‘after we’re rescued’ after we’re rescued.”

I nodded my head.

“Okay, I think I understand.”

I looked around the room. I wasn’t really that horny, I guess talking these things out hadn’t been much of an aphrodisiac, but my mind was spinning with what she had said and I wanted to do… something.

“Change seats with me.”

She cocked an eyebrow at me.


I didn’t respond, I just sat there looking her in the eye. After a few seconds she flushed a little and got out of her seat. We traded places, putting her back to the rear of the boat and letting me have a view of where Mom would have to emerge.

“Now show me your tits.”

Her blush deepened, but she hesitated only a second before slowly lifting the low hem of the shirt over the tope of her tits. She brought her hands up under her chin, self-consciously shielding them from the sides, as if there was anyone else to see. I just looked at them for a minute, taking in their pale, perfect beauty, her small, dusky nipples seen for the first time in good lighting and in a clear state of mind. They were magnificent.

I looked back to the board. She had been playing both sides well, so I quickly made a move. What it was wasn’t important, just something to do while she sat there, tits out.

We played quietly for maybe five more minutes, neither of us really paying attention to the game, before I saw Mom coming up the aisle from the back.

“Mom.”, I said, quietly.

Tiff quickly and discretely tugged the shirt back down. Mom just smiled, completely oblivious to what had happened.

I spent the next couple of hours getting hornier and hornier, and I could tell by her furtive glances and uneven breathing that Tiff was feeling it as well. Things had changed between us, and I think we were both eager to see where things would go.

Mom must have been picking up on the tension, if not the cause, because she started to get anxious again as well. She stopped by the dispenser for a glass of water and, I noticed, a discrete dose of some medication. After a minute, she turned towards where the two of us were trying to at least look like we were playing another game.

“I’m going to take a nap, I think.”, said Mom, quickly walking towards the back again.

“Okay, Mom,”, I replied, “I think I’m going to take my shower.”

She nodded at me as she headed into the back. Once she had lowered herself below the tops of the acceleration chairs, I leaned down to whisper to Tiff.

“When she falls asleep, come join me.”

Her breath caught for a minute and her eyes widened as she nodded once, quickly. She stood up, took one of the portable game boards, and somewhat awkwardly walked over to the row of acceleration chairs where she could discretely see into the darkened rear where Mom was just laying down.

I went into the bathroom, relieved myself as well as I could with a rapidly hardening dick, and tossed my trousers into the laundry. Stepping into the shower, I keyed the simple controls to the wash cycle and dialed up the heat, enjoying the feel of the hot, soapy water cascading over my skin. Hey, who doesn’t love a hot shower?

It was just a few minutes later when I saw the door to the bathroom open out of the corner of my eye. I saw a silhouette drop something into the laundry and start it, before the shower door slid open and Tiff, completely naked, joined me. Her eyes were wide, looking at me expectantly.

In the wake of our earlier discussion, and with the shared tension of not knowing when Mom would awake, I was not inclined to be subtle, or gentle. I pulled her in tight to me, kissing her deeply. I felt the tension in her body for a second before she started to melt into me. The feel of her soapy tits sliding across my chest and my soapy dick sliding across her thighs was more than enough to bring Honest Johnson fully to life. I had a twinge of regret at not having brought Tricky Dick to the party, but I knew that that particular experience would need a little more time and care than we would have before Mom woke up.

I pulled her away from me and turned her around so that she faced the wall. Sliding my hands down her arms, I took her arms and pushed them against the wall, bending her over slightly and moving her head out of the water. She took the hint and stayed in that position, her ass pressed against me with my cock rising like a rocket from between her cheeks. I slid my hand down her back, brushing her damp braid out of the way, feeling her tiny, tight waist leading to that voluptuous ass.

I briefly gave that ass a squeeze before taking Honest Johnson in my hand. Without giving her any warning, I lined him up with her little pussy and drove into her with one long push. She let out a little surprise grunt, followed immediately by a high-pitched squeak as I bottomed out deep into her abdomen. She was so thin in her waist that the hand still resting there could feel her abdomen distend as I penetrated her.

I knew I had to be quick, so I didn’t waste any time. I started stroking into her, not too fast, just long and deep. She was up on her tiptoes, rocking back and forth from the friction of the stroke, not doing anything besides keep herself upright and up to the level of my cock. She started to shake almost immediately, the start of a long, drawn-out orgasm that must have started building long before she stepped into the shower with me. I was having trouble keeping myself from grunting with the exertion and excitement, and was not surprised when she started to grunt, moan, and squeal under the heavy assault. I took my left hand off her waist and moved it up to her mouth, muffling her sounds just as I felt her moans drop an octave as she hit the deepest part of her orgasm.

I glanced down the length of her glistening body, watching the little vibrations as she shivered with pleasure. Her little asshole was staring at me in the bright lights. I had never tried anal before, my only previous conquest being patently unwilling to take my monster by that path, but I was suddenly intensely interested in trying it out. She had said to use her, right? Fuck her hard, don’t even ask? Time to put her to the test.

I slid Honest Johnson out of her pussy, the soapy water washing her juices off but, I realized, offering their own lubricants to my plan. I pulled my hand from her mouth, shifted the head of my dick up just a little, and pressed it against her anus. Her head jerked up as she realized what I was planning, and she turned her head a bit to the side, to try and glance at what I was doing, but offered no objection or resistance. I didn’t really know what I was doing, so I just pushed it against her rosebud. When it failed to open, I started to bounce against it, pushing a little before relaxing and then pushing again, over and over, a little firmer each time. She gradually started to open up to me, and finally the enormous head of my cock popped into her ass, making Tiff jump a little and eliciting another squeak. I kept stroking, little by little increasing the depth, the soapy water lubricating my cock each time.

I looked up and met her eyes. She was staring at me, looking back over her shoulder, her mouth slightly open as a quiet little “uh!” emerged at the deepest part of every stroke. I was only halfway in her, but something about the look on her face, the pleasure she was experiencing at what I had been told would be an intensely unpleasant experience, well, it got to me. I pushed in the rest of the way in one go, watching her eyes widen more than I had ever seen, her mouth stretched in a silent scream, her eyebrows furrowed against a pain that had finally broken through the pleasure. I paused there for a moment, groping her right tit and staring her in the eye.

Even standing still, I knew I wasn’t far from exploding into her. The conversation, the brief fucking, the feel of her rectum clamped around my cock, it had all been building me up. I started stroking into her again, long hard strokes like before, coming almost out of her before charging back in. She kept staring at me, her teeth gritting but offering not an ounce of complaint as I hammered into her ass. Even as I was trying to hold back my own eruption, I saw her eyebrows lift and her mouth widen as orgasm number two started to fire through her body, making her shake and grunt as my hand again found her mouth to shut her up. She started to go a little limp, dropping one of her hands from the wall and barely putting any force behind the other, making me hold her up to keep her from collapsing in the shower. My own orgasm started to rocket through me, quieting my own grunts as I fired spurt after spurt into her ass. The feeling was so intense I started to worry that I would black out myself, and I pulled her body upright against me with one hand as I used the other to steady myself.

We stayed like that for a minute or two before I pulled slowly out of her with a little “plop”. She forced herself upright, clearly spent and sore, and for another minute I just held her underneath the shower. I started to rub all over her body and mind, spreading the soapy water to some newly dirtied areas, before reaching over to cycle the shower through rinse and dry settings.

I helped her out of the shower and as she stood there in her full naked glory I pulled our newly-laundered clothes from the laundry. Wobbling a bit, she managed to don her g-string and shirt as I slipped easily into my trousers. Giving me another intense glance, she stepped out of the shower and went back to the game board as casually as if nothing had happened at all. I quickly joined her, relaxed and happy from the best shower experience I had ever had.

I noticed she was shifting slightly in her seat.

“Are you okay?”

She glanced around and leaned towards me smiling, instinctively trying to speak in confidence even when there was no one else to overhear.

“I’m a little sore!”, she whispered, grinning a little despite her discomfort.

Whether she had awoken naturally or if our muffled cries of pleasure had penetrated her sleep, Mom emerged from the back about five minutes later. She looked a little disheveled and groggy, but staggered over to collect a ration bar without giving any sign that she knew what we had been up to. I mentally thanked the engineers who had designed the modern shower – the warm dry air of the final cycle had even managed to get the moisture out of Tiff’s long, thick braid, the one sign of our tryst that had worried me.

After a few minutes, with Mom sitting in one of the front command seats and staring at some arbitrary spot on the wall, Tiff started to get up.

“I’m going to shower.”, she announced.

I quickly motioned her to lean in towards me. She glanced quickly at Mom, still lost in some thought, and leaned down.

“I want my shirt back.”, I whispered to her.

Her eyes widened a little, but she nodded once to show that she understood. She stood up, glancing around for a minute, obviously thinking things through. She walked over to the side of the bathroom, where Mom’s shopping bags had been hastily piled for convenient access. Mom emerged from her reverie for a moment.

“What are you looking for, dear?”

“Oh, just a change.”, said Tiff, not even looking up.

Mom just nodded and went back to her own thoughts. Tiff apparently found something that satisfied her, and walked into the bathroom holding one of the bags. I watched her silhouette go through the typical motions, toilet, laundry, and then into the shower, where she seemed to take a little extra time. When she emerged from the shower, still mostly hidden by the frosted panes of the bathroom walls, I could see her pull things from the bag and go through some complicated and time-consuming motions to get dressed.

When she emerged, my jaw dropped. Literally dropped.

Tiff was an intoxicating vision in white. She was wearing white heels and white thigh-high stockings, held up by short straps leading to a garter belt cinched around her tiny waist. Over the straps, so as to be easily removable, was a tiny white g-string of the same design as the black one she had worn for the last few days. Above the garter belt was an underbust corset, basically little more than another belt, wide and boned, nestled underneath bare breasts that needed no support to stick out straight and proud. Over the whole ensemble she was wearing a white, thoroughly transparent robe that served only to ever-so-slightly shade everything underneath. She was holding my shirt in one hand.

I realized that Mom had noticed when I heard the sharp intake of breath from the front of the boat.

“Tiffany! What are you wearing?!”, she said, glancing meaningfully over at me.

Tiff glanced at me and affected her best teenage disdain, although I could see her struggling to contain a smile. Even with our recent recreational time, I could feel Honest Johnson howling for a rematch.

“What? It’s not like he didn’t already see everything, Mom. Besides, “, she said, tossing me my shirt, “he needed his shirt back.”

It was going to be a fun night.


2021-04-20 10:38:58
Waiting for part 4. Please post it. Awesome story. Thank you!!

Dirty SamoneReport 

2020-12-14 08:14:50
Is mom going to get some of Honest Johnson?


2020-12-10 03:00:34
I hope you'll keep going with this series.

Wintery LoveReport 

2020-12-09 15:34:52
When is Part 4 coming out?


2020-12-08 12:23:23
Keep it coming is a great story

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