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Donna finds a way to completely control her cheating spouse


I’m Donna, and I guess this is the story of how my life changed big time for the better. I had met my future husband just after he had started his commercial real estate company. He was engaging and funny, but I could tell that he was also driven for success. We were married only a month after I had graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, honeymooning in Maui for two idyllic weeks.

I’d had a job lined up, but I never went to work because I was four months pregnant with our daughter Lisa. Unfortunately, there was a problem with the delivery and I was advised to have my tubes tied to avert another pregnancy. We weren’t thrilled, but that’s life. “Que sera, sera—What will be, will be.” We had one child and that would have to be enough.

Our first five years together were incredibly happy times. Mark was a positive upbeat man who was loving and considerate and a great father. Then his business took off and he became obsessed with becoming rich. He worked longer hours and he began to cheat on me. He became arrogant and overbearing, a narcissist who felt the whole world revolved around him. The funny thing about his affairs; many of the women sought counsel from me.

Mark was forcing himself on the secretaries and saleswomen who worked for him. Other than having to spread their legs for the boss all of the women told me that they loved working for the company. The salary and benefits were too good to pass up. At home he became neglectful and often mean, critical, and angry—screaming at our daughter Lisa and me--for no apparent reason.

I’d had more than enough. I was just about to proceed with an action for divorce even though I knew that Mark would try to destroy me as he had done with many business rivals in the past. Then everything changed in my favor.

About four months ago one of those unfortunate women had told me about representatives from a larger international firm meeting with Mark several times over the past month. “I don’t know what’s going on Mrs. Grayson, but they’ve gone over our books several times. Do you think…can I get a transfer to another division so I don’t have to be in so much contact with Mr. Grayson?” That’s what she told me and three weeks later she got her wish. Mark had sold the company for more than eighty-five million dollars. Mark had become rich, but he was also now unemployed. This is where my tale begins.


I’d retired early—at 47, actually—when the firm I’d begun had been sold to a huge competitor. Apparently, they thought it was cheaper to buy me off than to deal with the lost sales and clients. I had beaten them dozens of times. The sale included a “no compete” clause, thus my retirement.

I learned early on that one can only play golf so many times in a week so I had lots and lots of spare time on my hands. Those hands found their way into my shorts to pull and caress my cock. That’s what I was doing now, enjoying the warm sensations as my cock erected, running my fingers over the firm unyielding flesh. I was in the family room, watching a baseball game—Red Sox vs. Yanks, with the Yanks winning—when my wife, Donna. walked in. She’d caught me several times earlier in the week and I knew she’d catch me now—exactly what I wanted.

“Mark! I swear, what the hell is wrong with you? This is the fourth time this week that I’ve caught you with your hands on your cock and its only Thursday morning. Don’t you have any self-control?”

My face was down in apparent embarrassment as I replied. “You don’t know the half of it. Why don’t you sit down so I can tell you?” I patted the cushion next to me and Donna sat, her hands in her lap. Turning to her I started to explain: “I probably spend at least two to three hours a day stroking and rubbing my cock. I wake up early and stroke it for an hour or so. I don’t do it to masturbate, although I can’t deny that I do on occasion. I just like the way it feels. Then I do it during the day like now and again when I go to bed. Hell, I even do it after we’ve made love which is as good, if not better, than ever since I retired. I don’t seem to be able to control it. I need your help.”

“My help? How can I help? What could I possibly do?”

“Ever hear of a cock cage?” I continued when she shook her head to tell me “no.” “Look it up online. You would be my keyholder. You would control access to my cock and access to my orgasms. That means that our dynamic would also change because you’d have me under your complete control. If you control my cock, you control me, too. You would manage everything. I’ll agree to wear one if you’ll release me so we can have sex the same three to four times a week like we do now.”

She looked at me as if to ask a question, but rose from the couch to walk out of the room. “Go ahead, Mark. You might as well keep on playing with yourself. I don’t know what to do.” That was the last I heard of the issue for the next month. During that time, she spent hours online when she wasn’t volunteering at the women’s shelter in town.

You might think I was crazy, but I wasn’t. I had become an extremely successful businessman because of my ability to analyze problems and develop successful strategies to solve them. I was also ruthless both professionally and in my private life, too. I had cheated on Donna dozens of times in spite of my problem. My problem was that I had always harbored strongly submissive desires that I had hidden from Donna for more than twenty years and I had no idea how to broach the subject now. I thought I might be able to force the issue this way. I was just feeling that I had failed when Donna called me to the bedroom one afternoon more than five weeks later.



“Come in and take off your clothes, Mark,” she told me and the tone of her voice told me she was deadly serious. Nonetheless, I was confused and I guessed that my face showed it. “I believe you heard me, Mark. You asked me for help and I’m about to give it to you. Take your clothes off now and fold them neatly on the chair.”

Mark had no idea what was going on, but did as I asked, although I was sure that he didn’t think that “asked” was quite the appropriate term. Once he was naked, I positioned him at the bottom of our contemporary four-poster bed and reached under, pulling a wrist cuff that I attached tightly to his arm.

There was a thin rope attached and I threw that over the top crosspiece before tying it off to its twin on the bottom. Less than a minute later his other arm was secured tightly over his head. Ankle cuffs enabled me to spread his legs until they were painfully wide apart.

As if to emphasize his helplessness, I reached to grab his scrotum and pull it down. It was uncomfortable, I was sure, but not terribly painful. I held his balls tightly while I spoke. “I really have been quite busy ever since our big discussion, Mark. I learned a lot. I’d never heard of a cock cage so I found the subject amazingly new and interesting. I would never have imagined that there would be so many ways to control a man’s orgasms.

“I found a lot to read, too. The sites with fiction were nonsense, of course, but I was able to find several blogs by dominant women and even a few chat rooms. The women there were very helpful. All of the women I chatted with convinced me that you really wanted to be caught playing with yourself. As I thought about it, I realized that they were right. You could have easily hidden what you were doing, but you didn’t. When I asked why they told me that you wanted me to control your orgasms and that only an extremely submissive man would want that.

“That gave me even more research, but my new friends pointed me in the right direction. I’ve even met with a few of them for lunch several times. I’m surprised your ears weren’t burning. You were the topic of discussion every time.

“So, tell me—did you want me to catch you? Tell me the truth. I think you owe me that much, at least.”

If Mark thought his face was red with embarrassment, he would have been right, but I was not going to be deterred. This was the moment that I knew he both wanted and feared—his moment of truth. I waited a few seconds before asking, “Well?”

“Yes,” he barely whispered. “I did. I wanted you to catch me.”

“So, are you telling me that you want me to dominate you—to completely control your every waking moment for the rest of your life? Because if we go this route, I’ll do it right. I’ll make you my abject slave.”

Again, he spoke in what was barely a whisper as he finally admitted the truth of his desires. “Yes, I want to serve you. I want you to control me and dominate me.”

“Well, my new friends tell me that you’ve probably hidden these feelings—this compelling need in your psyche—for many years. That’s true, too, isn’t it?”

He hung his head again as he admitted the truth. “Yes, I was afraid—afraid you’d hate me and divorce me when I needed you so much.”

“Very well; I’m prepared to meet your needs. I’ve been told that I’ll be able to address all of my needs, as well. I’ll be right back.” I walked into the master bath, returning a few seconds later with a large bath towel and a plastic box. I spread the towel between his feet and pulled a warm wash cloth from the box. In a minute I had washed and warmed his entire crotch area. Next, I spread shaving cream over the entire area from just below his navel down almost six inches onto his thighs.

“I’m sure I don’t have to tell you to stay perfectly still while I run this razor over your abdomen, cock and balls. I have no use for a eunuch.” He remained still and five minutes later he was as bare as a baby. Then I moved behind him and shaved the area around his asshole before removing all of the hair on his butt cheeks. I finished my work by applying a soothing lotion with a feminine scent over the entire area.

Moving to his left side I gripped his cock firmly with my right hand and began to stroke him, tightening my grip and increasing my speed until he spurted several times into my left hand. Now I lifted both hands to his mouth. “We have a new rule, Mark. If it comes out of a cock it goes back into your mouth. That means that you’ll clean my hands, my pussy, or even my ass if I’m in the mood. Wherever…you’ll lick it clean. Now’s a great time to start.” I was sure he found the idea disgusting, but he had agreed to serve me so he opened his mouth to clean all of his seed from my hands.

I returned from the bathroom with a warm wash cloth that I used to thoroughly wash his cock and balls. Once I had dried them, I pulled a plastic bag from my closet. In it was a custom-made cock cage from a firm in England. In addition to the usual ring and tube there was also a scrotal clasp below the ring that would tightly secure him, stretching his scrotum until the skin was tight and translucent over each of his balls. Even more important, they would be held securely in place by the slight oval indentations in the clasp.

I put his balls and cock into the device. In his excitement I was sure he would not notice how thick the scrotal clasp really was. It held a very special surprise for my slave husband—one I’d enjoy using over and over.

“I’ve been preparing for this day for weeks Mark. You’re stuck in chastity now until I decide to let you out. Yesterday, while you were playing golf, I had a safe installed in my closet. It’s not huge, but it weighs more than 150 pounds. It’s held in place by three heavy-duty screws that go through the hardwood floor into a block of solid oak underneath. Any attempt to break into it will cause four bolts to seal the door. That’s where I’ll keep the key.

“You mentioned that the dynamic between us would change once you were in chastity. I think that was a truly prophetic statement. I’ll be right back.” A minute later the only keys to Mark’s sexuality were safely locked away behind more than a half inch of solid steel. I was just about to lay down some rules for Mark when the doorbell rang. Checking my watch, I saw that Marianne Brown, an attorney recommended by my dominant female friends, was at the door with the documents I had requested.


I had pretended that I had never heard of a cock cage, but, in truth, I’d been praying for an opportunity to lock Mark up for years. He had been an extremely successful businessman, but he had also been an arrogant overbearing prick and a serial cheater. I had been so pissed off at his last affair—the last of fourteen that I knew of--that I was ready to divorce him even though I knew that he would try to destroy me. Telling me that he would accept a cock cage was the solution to all of my problems, something Mark would learn in a few minutes and something he would learn to regret.

I welcomed Marianne with a sincere hug and kiss on her cheek. She was an

ardent believer in female domination. Her husband had stopped working three years ago so he could transition into a shemale slave—exactly what I had planned for Mark. I knew I would cuckold him repeatedly long before that was done.

In the bedroom I introduced Mark to Marianne. “Marianne, this is my husband who has just agreed to be my slave.”

“How interesting,” Marianne proclaimed. “I’ll have all of the papers ready for his signature in a moment.” She placed her briefcase on the bed and withdrew a thick file. In the meantime, I had pulled a clipboard from my dresser.

Placing the first set of documents onto the clipboard, I said, “Mark, this is a statement that you have agreed to be my slave. I may need it if you get upset sometime when I have to punish you. It will protect me from the police. It states quite simply that you will be my slave and that I have your permission to do with you as I wish. This will enable me to meet all of your needs and wishes. It says that you are doing this freely and without any coercion or duress.” I held it up as I loosened the rope on his right wrist. He could sign, but not really read the document which was somewhat more severe than he thought. Essentially, it stated that he was willingly forfeiting all of his human and husbandly rights in order to live his fantasy as my absolute slave.

“This next one transfers much of your property to me. Everyone knows that slaves cannot own property and you’re no exception. Don’t worry, this is merely a formality. I’m not going anywhere and neither are you, darling.” He signed willingly.

“This next document is for a name change for both of us. I’m reverting to my maiden name and you’re going to be Marcie Elizabeth Jacobs. Yes…I plan to feminize you. Once again, this is really a formality because as a slave you won’t be driving anywhere and you no longer own a car. When you are feminized, the name ‘Mark’ just won’t work. I think you’ll be beautiful as a sexy she-male, don’t you?” Mark seemed unconcerned as he signed the documents.

There were several more, most dealing with Mark’s extensive property holdings—DMV forms for his cars and boat and transfer of ownership for his various properties—several houses that he rented and a small strip mall with seven revenue-producing stores, as well as a sixty-unit garden apartment complex that was always fully rented. Marianne notarized everything before removing her video camera which had recorded the entire transfer of power. At the door, Marianne flashed me a huge smile as she said, “Nice going, Donna—extremely well done. You got everything you wanted which is absolutely everything he had including his life. I’ll make copies for you and, of course, I’ll keep the originals in my safe. When are you taking him to the farm?”

“I’m planning on Saturday morning. I’ll pick up Lisa on the way. I’m sure she’ll get a big kick out of seeing her miserable excuse for a father locked up and in a cage.” Marianne laughed and told me she’d be there—first to see my slave husband made ready for training and lastly for the monthly meeting of the Dominant Women’s League. I was automatically a member now that I had a slave for a spouse.

“The food is great and we can always get the slaves to eat us out after lunch, or before lunch, or even during. Don’t bother to wear panties; they’ll just be in the way!” She laughed for a minute and I joined her before she continued. “I’m looking forward to meeting your daughter—another future member, I hope.” We shared another laugh and I returned to my new slave.

Mark was smiling when I returned. “Having fun,” I asked. “Well, we’ll see.” I loosened the ropes holding his arms, but once they were low enough, I used a set of handcuffs to secure them behind his back. Then I locked a pink leather collar around his neck and led him to the bathroom by a pink leather leash.

“On your knees, Marci. We might as well get used to your new name. Here, let me help you. Rest your head on this towel and relax. Starting today you’ll begin every day with three enemas. I want you to be completely clean inside and out. You can expect to have your asshole, what I’ll often refer to as your boy pussy, stuffed with bigger and bigger plugs. We’ll deal with your outside after we finish with the enemas.” I filled the bag with warm water and hung it from the top of the shower stall. I lubed up the anal insert and pressed it home, holding it in place while I released the water. I could see her abdomen distort and swell as the water filled her bowel. Once she was full, I allowed her to void the smelly brown mess. Then I repeated until the water ran clear. By then she was exhausted. Unfortunately for her, I wasn’t.

I donned a set of rubber gloves, the kind often used to wash dishes, and rubbed a harsh thick gel over her entire body. I had first placed a shower cap over her hair and swimmers’ goggles over her eyes. This was a caustic industrial strength depilatory that would dissolve her body hair and start the process of killing the hair follicles. That process would be completed while she was in training. I had a few major surprises for her there, too.

After drying her I led her to the living room where I seated her on the floor between my legs. “You’ll find that I no longer wear panties. They’ll just get in the way. This is where I’ll want you—sitting between my legs and staring at my naked pussy. I’ve shaved that, too so you won’t get hair in your mouth when you lick me to orgasm after orgasm. You can start now. After three I’ll want you to lick my anus and push your tongue in as deeply as possible. My new friends have told me that the feeling is exquisite. I can hardly wait, but first—EAT ME!”

Mark/Marcie hesitated so I pulled a short riding crop out from behind the couch pillows and gave her two quick swats on her butt. She screamed in shock and surprise as the crop left two red welts—one on each cheek. Truthfully, I’d never had more fun. Then I changed my mind as Marcie began to eat my tender tissues on the way to my first all-consuming orgasm. After my third I allowed my slave to rest a bit before forcing her to tongue my asshole. I had to admit that my friends were right—the sensations of her tongue in my bowel were exceeded only by the power of the orgasm that followed. I rested a bit before thinking that my slave could use a drink.

I led her to the shower then removed the leather collar. “One of your jobs will be to take my urine on demand. Don’t give me that look. You’re a fucking slave! You do what I tell you to do. Or, maybe you’d prefer a dozen with the crop. I have another in the bedroom. Tell me, Marcie.” She knelt, looked up, closed her eyes, and opened her mouth. I pressed my cunt against her lips and let go. Of course, I didn’t think she would get all of it. That’s why we were in the shower stall. Her punishment for spilling more than half onto my legs was a long cold shower.

She lay there in a shivering heap while I toweled my legs dry. Then I pulled her up and dried her body with the already wet towel. “You’ll have to get much better at that Marcie. We have some time before lunch so I think we should address your punishment. I’m not punishing you for playing with yourself. You had all of these submissive feelings for years—probably as far back as when we met and you never said a word. That’s lying by omission, Marcie. You know how I feel about lying, don’t you? Well, you should. How many times have I addressed your lies about all of your affairs? Too many, I think. Anyway, you’ll get one swat for each year. We’ve been married for twenty-five years and we dated for three years before that so I owe you twenty-eight.”

I had moved her back to the foot of the bed and pulled her arms up tightly behind her back and her legs as far apart as I dared before showing her the instrument of her punishment—a twelve-inch wooden rule. “I think you’re going to need this ball gag. I’m sure you’ll appreciate the soft leather ball. It will keep you quiet without really stretching your jaws.

“I doubt that you’ve noticed this bar over your scrotum, Marcie. The company calls it a scrotal clasp. There are two big curves in the metal that will hold your balls in place when I hit them. That will help with my aim, don’t you think?” I could tell that Marcie was having second thoughts about becoming my slave. Wait until Saturday morning!

Once the ball gag had been tightly fastened in place, I gave her the first swat. On her thigh it wouldn’t have been much, but on her left ball it left quite an impression. She screamed and thrashed around for almost a minute before I hit her again on the other side. Back and forth I went until she had taken all twenty-eight. By then her balls were purple and swollen to roughly triple their original size. I wasn’t worried; my dominant friends had told me that testicles, while extremely painful when struck were also unbelievably resilient—almost indestructible, in fact. I took an ice bag from the freezer in the kitchen and held it up against her bruised scrotum before I made a sandwich for my lunch and poured half of a can of cold canned chili into a dog’s bowl for my slave. She was overweight and was now on a diet. That was just one of the thousands of decisions I would make about and for her in the future.


The next two days passed mostly the same way. I kept Marcie handcuffed, even when she slept on the floor. Then her ankle was chained to the bed frame, too. By Saturday morning she was doing better at taking my urine, but she still had a long way to go. I had continued her enemas and had filled her rectum with one of several butt plugs. This morning I forced a fairly large plug into her ass. It was three inches at the widest part and one at the neck. She’d be able to handle much more by the time her training was completed.

After I had eaten a light breakfast, I placed her pink collar around her neck, attaching a different leash this time. It was made of chromed steel links about an inch in diameter that would come in handy once I led Marcie out to the Escalade. The tailgate was up and inside was a big dog cage, four feet long by three wide and three high. Marci balked at getting in, but I had that covered. A small remote control triggered a terrific electric shock to Marcie’s balls causing her to scream into her gag and fall to the floor where she lay in a fetal position for several minutes.

“Get up now, Marcie, and climb into the cage. This remote has ten settings. That shock was only number two. Want to try it again at level five or six?” Marcie was beaten. She crawled into the cage and I locked the door. After climbing into the driver’s seat, I knelt and opened a small panel on the cage’s front wall. I pulled the leash until Marcie’s head was only an inch from the cage’s bars. Once the leash was pulled taut, I placed a link where it could be locked to the cage’s side by means of a hasp and padlock. Then I turned in my seat and draped a heavy blanket over the cage so Marci would be unable to see where we were going and nobody would be able to see her from outside.

“We have a long trip ahead of us, Marci. Our final destination is only fifteen miles away, but we have to make another stop first and that’s two hours away. Make yourself comfortable…well, as comfortable as you can. Oh…I’m going to love having you as my slave. I’m just going to love it!” I started the big SUV then and opened the garage door. A minute later I was driving away from what had been our home, but was now all mine, just as my passenger was my property now, too. My only regrets were that I would sorely miss the dozens of orgasms Marci had given me over the past three days with her tongue. I thought that the exercise she would receive during her training would probably enable her to lick me for hours every day. That alone would make all of this worthwhile.


I made a phone call when I was about twenty minutes out. “Hi, baby—I just pulled off the interstate.”

“Okay, Mom—I have my bag packed and I’ll meet you in front of the sorority house. I can’t wait to see your new ‘acquisition’ and I’m looking forward to meeting your new friends.”

“I hope you’re dressed appropriately.”

“I am, Mom; top that shows my cleavage and a short skirt with no panties, plus I just shaved there a few minutes ago. I’m looking forward to using some of those slaves you’ve been telling me about.” She laughed and ended the call. I drove with a big smile all the way to my daughter’s sorority. She was changing her name, too. She was my daughter. The male in the cage had donated his sperm, but almost nothing since. He missed her elementary school plays, her middle school dance and her graduation, claiming he had to work. I learned later that he spent those days in marathon fucking sessions with one big-titted bimbo or another. The story was the same for her Senior Prom and her high school graduation. Lisa and I were in all of the photos on those occasions, but her “father” was notably absent—just as he’d been absent from most of her life. Lisa wanted revenge on Marcie almost as much as I did.

She was waiting for me on the sidewalk. I took her small duffle, wedging it between the cage and the side of the vehicle. Lisa hugged and kissed me before we drove away, back to our small city and beyond into what had once been the home of many farms. Now there was only one even though there were no crops growing and no animals there. Instead, the barns and storage buildings had been changed into soundproof training facilities for the slaves of dominant women. I grinned then because I was now one of them.

Lisa sat quietly for about half an hour until her curiosity got the better of her and she turned to look under the blanket. “Well, well…look who’s here! Hi, Marci—a new name for a new slave girl, eh? I like the look of your new jewelry—stainless steel, a great combination of style and utility. I just love that scrotal clamp that Mom got you. Has she shocked you yet? I sure hope so. I don’t think I could hate anyone as much as I hate you. You missed all of the important things in my life, and for what? So you could force yourself on some poor defenseless woman? You really disgust me.” She lowered the blanket and I gave her a fist bump as we both laughed hysterically.


There was security at the farm just as there was every other day. I stopped at the gate and showed my license. The guard, a tough-looking woman whose bearing screamed “military,” checked it carefully before looking on a clipboard for my name. Her demeanor changed when she saw that I was an invited guest. “I see you’re dropping off a parcel, Ms. Jacobs. Go straight ahead to building five and turn left. I’ll call ahead so someone will be there to greet you and we’ll have two strong slaves there to handle your package. Welcome to the club…you too, young lady. You’re never too young to learn how to handle a male.” She smiled and opened the electric gate for us.

Driving down the gravel road I followed directions and found myself in front of a small low building. There we were met by a woman in a white lab coat and two muscular young men, naked if not for the stainless steel surrounding their genitals, thick black leather collars around their throats, and hiking boots on their feet. I parked where directed and raised the tailgate. The two males approached and spoke respectfully, “Morning, Ma’am; may we take charge of your cage?”

They manhandled it easily onto a wheeled platform on the concrete walkway once I had given permission, rolling it toward the entrance, then I approached the woman who introduced herself as Dr. Perkins.

“I’m so pleased to meet you Donna…you too, Lisa. We’re always pleased to get new members. I have here a list of possible treatments and training measures for you to choose from. Do I understand that she has been having enemas every morning?”

“Yes, Doctor. We started Wednesday morning, right after I took possession of my property. I’d like for that to continue, if possible.”

“Not only is it possible, it’s the preferred regimen. Before I forget, I’ll need the keys. I hope you remembered.” I took them from my purse. Marci would get to cum often, but I doubted she’d really enjoy it all that much. That was the first thing we discussed. I liked what Dr. Perkins—Sally—suggested, so I agreed.


“Oh, yeah—Mark always complained that my tits were too small so I’d like her to have some really big ones, as big as her body and skin can handle, nails and hair, too.” We had an agreement half an hour later and I gave her the routing and account numbers to a special bank account I had opened specifically for this purpose. This training and surgery were extremely expensive, but I could easily afford it and I was sure the results would give me everything I wanted in my slave.

Lisa and I walked over to Marci in her cage. “You really were a stupid fool, Mark. This time your arrogance has done you in. I was about to sue for divorce when you told me about the cock cage. I’m not an idiot, you know. I’ve known about them for years, ever since I first learned about your affairs. Getting you into chastity was all I needed for my plans to come together. You’ll spend the next two months here, first with a few surgeries and later with combinations of mind-altering drugs and hypnotic recordings to mold you into a cum-craving whore. I’m told you will come often during your training, but you’ll experience excruciating pain every time you do. Soon you won’t be able to distinguish between pain and pleasure. Of course, you’ll eat every drop from your cock and from other cocks, too as you become an accomplished cocksucker.

“Best of all, you’ll remember your prior life, but you won’t be able to do anything about it. You’ll hate yourself for sucking cock, but your craving for sperm will be so great it will be an overwhelming compulsion—something you just have to have. You’ll also crave eating pussy and getting fucked in your ass—so much that you’ll live to drink the semen that drips from your own ass. Good thing you’ll have those daily enemas.

“After the meeting Lisa and I will go home to pack up all of your clothes for Goodwill. Tomorrow, after I’ve driven Lisa back to school, my boyfriend will be moving in. That’s right, while you’ve been forcing those poor women to become fucking bimbos, I’ve met someone who really cares for me. He’s a lawyer who works with the women’s shelter and--yes—I have already cuckolded you several times. He’s the same age as me and he’s bigger than you and a much better lover, too. Enjoy your training, Marci!” Lisa and I laughed crazily as we walked away.

While I was speaking, Dr. Perkins had opened the cage’s door and given Marci her first injection. There would be hormones, especially massive doses of estrogen for Marci, but her balls would still produce lots of testosterone because I wanted her to have womanly skin, hips, and ass yet still be constantly horny and frustrated. I thought it would be a just punishment for all the years of cheating and all of the embarrassment I’d been forced to endure. Marcy could have the occasional orgasm, but her cock would never leave her cock cage. I had a huge strap-on I’d bought for that purpose. Even then I’d clamp her nipples or shock her balls—no orgasms without excruciating pain!


The meeting and luncheon were everything I had hoped they would be. I introduced Lisa to Marianne Brown and she in turn introduced us to many of the other women although I already knew several from my work at the women’s shelter, clubs or charities I’d been involved in. Three were members of my church. All were ardent supporters of female domination, just as they kept their husbands in chastity and had taken younger and better endowed lovers. “I haven’t done housework of any kind for more than twenty years,” one woman told us, “and we can’t afford a maid.” We all laughed as we took our seats for the luncheon. I had two orgasms during lunch and my hot young daughter had endured three as we enjoyed an excellent ***********ion of cold meats, cheeses, and shellfish with bread and rolls and a variety of salads. Lisa and I also enjoyed several glasses of an excellent Chardonnay.

We left at three, waving warmly to the guard at the gate. Marci would be here for two months or longer until her training was completed, but I would come every two weeks to consult with Dr. Perkins and to observe Marci behind a two-way mirror where she couldn’t see me. My first visit was an eye opener, for sure. Marci owned the biggest pair of tits I’d ever seen. Her bra was an engineering marvel which exposed her nipples for nipple clamp torture every time she was masturbated. That happened three times during my two-hour visit. I noticed another change three weeks later—Marci’s tongue had been pierced three times front to back so that she lisped terribly whenever she spoke, which was rarely. Her lips had also been treated so they were big and puffy, perfect for blowjobs. I saw her give four during my visit. She swallowed every drop, yet craved even more.



Fuck! This wasn’t going anything like I had planned. My cunt wife had put me into chastity, using a heavy cage that severely stretched my scrotum and this morning I learned why. The fucking thing was designed to shock the hell out of my balls. The shock I had received was enough to paralyze me for several minutes before she forced me to crawl into a fucking dog cage.

Now I was in some kind of slave training facility. Even with the blanket over the cage I could see that security was tight. There was no chance of escape from the Escalade with my hands cuffed behind me and my head chained to a hasp at the front of the cage.

I had thought that I might be able to run when they transferred me from the cage, but they’d thought of everything. I felt a shot in my butt while Donna and Lisa were berating me. It didn’t knock me out, but I found that I couldn’t control my muscles. I couldn’t stand up on my own when they released me, let alone run away. Fuck! I was so fucked!

They led me to the center of what appeared to be a shower room, my wrists still locked behind my back. There my wrists were fastened to a chain hanging from the ceiling. It was all I could do to stand as they were pulled up toward the ceiling. Once in this position my legs were pulled apart by two thin ropes. I stood there hunched over and totally helpless while a shower cap was drawn over my head and swimming goggles placed over my eyes. I was suddenly bathed in what I thought was the same thick white goo that Donna had used on me. The only difference—this was even thicker and they used even more. Twenty minutes later one of the male slaves used a hose to wash the horrible goo from my body. My skin glowed a deep pink once it had been removed and my skin burned terribly until a warm perfumed lotion was spread over my entire body.

I was led (dragged) to another room where I was seated and my head was clamped into place. Once my ears were swabbed with alcohol, they were pierced three times with two studs placed into the upper two holes and a long bangle placed into the lowest. My tongue was pulled out and held in place by a vise grips by one white-jacketed technician while another pierced my tongue. Three piercings were placed along the length of my tongue and they were filled with large heavy gold studs that were permanently glued into place.

Next were my eyebrows which were plucked and permanently tattooed over my eyes. That was followed by permanent eye shadow. The final treatment was to my lips. They were thickened with something that was injected.

“Perfect,” the technician said. “Now you’re ready to give your first blowjob…well, in a day or two when the pain goes away.” Then she chuckled. “Unless your Mistress has already given you that opportunity. No matter…soon you’ll crave cock and the smooth succulent flavor of semen. The mere sight of a hard cock will put you on your knees in anticipation.” Then she released my head and I was led to another dog cage. I was able to kneel with my head through a circle at one end. No sooner was my head through the hole than two metal rods were pushed over and under my neck to hold my head in place. I felt like an animal in a pen.

“You’ll get used to it soon enough. Now…here is your water on the left—the white cock--and your nourishment on the right—the big black cock. Just suck on the dildo and you’ll get what you need. Of course, the harder you suck, the more you’ll get. Today you’ll need to suck three inches of the dildo, but by week’s end you’ll be deepthroating. Take note of these two speakers. I’ll inject you with hypnotic drugs several times each day to make you more receptive to the suggestions you’ll hear for at least sixteen hours a day. Okay, here’s your shot for tonight.”

I felt the alcohol swab on my butt followed by the injection. There must have been a lot of it because it seemed to take forever. I became drowsy as the speakers droned, “My name is Marci. I used to be a successful businessman who cheated repeatedly on my wife. That’s why my clit is locked up. All I want now is to serve her in every possible way. I love to worship her pussy and her ass, but I live to suck cock and drink cum. I love the taste and texture of semen as it rolls over my tongue. I can never get enough cock or enough semen. I fall to my knees to take a hard cock deep into my mouth and throat whenever I see one.” On and on it went—over and over—and the hypnotic drugs I was given made me believe every word was true. I heard that and more for hours every day and every night until it was part of who I was.

That night my cock cage was removed and replaced with a heavy ring made of stainless steel that fit onto my scrotum just above my balls, stretching the scrotum until the skin around my balls was shiny and translucent. The weight of it was enough to cause my balls to ache terribly, but that wasn’t the half of it. The technician tested it, giving my balls a horrendous electrical shock that would have forced me into a fetal position if I had been able to move. Next a device like a milker on a cow’s udder was attached to my cock. Its vibrations stimulated me to an erection then to an orgasm. As the orgasm neared, the shocks on my balls became stronger and stronger and when I finally came the pain was excruciating. I momentarily recalled Donna’s comment about cumming often, but only while experiencing severe pain. My semen was saved and pumped up to the water dildo. I soon learned to drink it quickly to avoid an even worse shock than the one that accompanied my ejaculation.

I had hated the idea of sucking on a dildo for food or water, but I was hungry and thirsty. Donna hadn’t given me anything to eat or drink this morning and my thirst was terrible. I hadn’t realized how cruel she could be. I tried only the slightest touch in the hope of getting a drink, but nothing happened. It wasn’t until I gave it a healthy suck that I was rewarded with a cool mouthful. After that I found it easier to drink. I sucked that big dildo like my life depended on it—and I guessed that it did. Little did I realize that I was also sucking in more and more drugs to make me compliant and susceptible to post-hypnotic suggestion. My “food” was a thick paste that tasted like some kind of fruit like strawberry or raspberry. I had to suck forcefully to get it out of the big black cock.

My handler returned some hours later to tell me that the food and water were shut down for the night. “You know the rule—nothing to eat or drink after midnight when preparing for surgery. Do try to get a little sleep, dearie.” She turned out the lights and closed the door behind her. My recorded message played all night, even when I fell into a shallow sleep that ended early the following morning.

I felt that I had to take a leak badly, but my handler had already thought about it, the “milker” was removed and she pushed a long catheter up my penis into my bladder. I assumed that I wouldn’t be cumming again anytime in the immediate future—not until my surgery was completed. I was released from the cage and forced to back out. Then I stood momentarily until I was placed onto a gurney and strapped into place so I couldn’t move. I doubted that I could have moved much anyway after being cramped in the cage all night.

An IV was begun just below my left elbow and I started to feel groggy. That was the last thing I felt until I awoke some hours later. My face and neck were heavily bandaged with only a tiny hole over my mouth. I felt a heavy weight on my chest, my extra-large breasts, no doubt. Right on cue, my handler appeared with a straw. “Just take a little drink, dearie. Everything went exactly as planned. You have the most incredible tits now. All the women will be so jealous and your lips have been finished now, too. Anyone who sees you will know that you just live to suck cock and swallow semen. Here, take another drink. It’s your very own semen from last night. Oh, I can

see that you love it already. You’ll do great at your first party. All of our regular male slaves have been saving it up just for you. There are nine of them, all in chastity, just like you’ll be eventually. Until then you’ll cum over and over, confusing the pain in your balls with the pleasure of your orgasm. I’ve seen it plenty of times, but you’re the best—a real natural. Once we have you programmed, you’ll suck cock better than any real woman. I saw you last night. You had to take in three inches, but you took five and you looked like you were really enjoying it. Like I said—a real natural.”

She left me alone then and I rested. There were no windows in the room and no clock so I had no idea of the time, not that it mattered. Time has no meaning for a slave and that’s what I was going to be—a mindless bimbo cock-sucking slave. Why? Why had I dreamed of anything like this? What the fuck was wrong with me? Even as I thought this, the message began to play in my ears.

It wasn’t long before my resistance faded into dust. When questioned, I always responded that “my name is Marci and I am a cum-loving sissy slave for my mistress—Mistress Donna. I live to serve her in every way I can. Her pleasure is why I am alive.” As Donna had told me, I still remembered being a successful businessman, but that life was of no importance to me. It meant no more to me than an ant on the patio. I began to live my life as Marci, the slave maid.

I came often—five or six times every day—but without fail, every orgasm and every ejaculation were accompanied a strong shock to my balls and/or extremely tight clamps on my nipples. After a month I couldn’t tell the difference between pain and pleasure. All I knew was that I wanted to drink that delicious semen.

I had advanced quickly on the dildos that provided my water and food and within a week I could easily take six inches of the thick cocks into my mouth. I was tutored daily on how to deepthroat and within a month I was ready to give Linda Lovelace a run for her money. I loved feeling the hot firm flesh in my mouth, washing the hot tissue with my tongue until I got my reward—thick ropes of delicious cum deposited onto my welcoming tongue. I gladly gave blowjobs to the male slaves, taking their hard, thick erections and stimulating them with my mouth and tongue until they gave up their thick creamy treasure. I never wasted a drop, usually licking several droplets that had fallen onto the floor before pulling out the final droplets from their wilting cocks.

I learned to treat all women as goddesses, falling to my knees to kiss their feet when they entered a room. I couldn’t wait to show my homage to my mistress and her daughter.



Lisa and I left the meeting and drove home, planning our disposal of my soon-to-be ex-husband’s clothes. “I have lots of big black trash bags in the garage, Lisa. I think that’s all we really need…no sense in carefully folding everything. I do think we should go through the pockets first. There’s no way of knowing what he might have stuffed in them. Why don’t you start in the attic and I’ll handle his armoire and closet?”

Lisa chuckled before responding. “Don’t you mean ‘her’ armoire, Mom?” I joined her in a hearty laugh just as we pulled onto our street. Lisa moved my BMW convertible out of the way so I could back the Escalade into the garage. That reminded me that I had to dispose of all of Marci’s golf equipment and supplies. I dropped the second- row seats before grabbing two boxes of trash bags and opening the door to the kitchen.

After dropping our purses on the counter, we took the bags upstairs—me to my bedroom, Lisa up the circular stairs to the attic where we had several storage areas erected—one for each of us. This was where we kept our out-of-season clothing and outerwear.

I started in the closet, pulling the golf shirts from the hangers and dropping them into the gaping maw of the extra-large bags. I did pull several hundred dollars and seven slips of paper with women’s phone numbers on them from the pockets in the shirts.

I turned up more money and even more phone numbers from the slacks. I was more than a little surprised to see that I recognized two of them as close friends from the country club. I had an idea then how I could kill two birds with one stone. It was a devilish idea that would humiliate my soon-to-be ex and eliminate those women and my snobby in-laws from my life once and for all. The more I thought about it the more I found the idea more and more to my liking.

Lisa had tossed three bags down the stairway and walked down with two hands-full of cash and phone slips. I had four bags by the time I had emptied the closet and armoire. When we counted the cash, we found it came to almost $2,000. There were sixteen slips with phone numbers, too. I shared my idea with Lisa and she agreed it was almost perfect. It would be Marci’s coming-out party in more ways than one and Lisa had an idea that would make it even better.

I phoned Rob once we had loaded the bags into the Escalade and he asked me to dinner, asking if he could bring a young associate from his firm as a “companion” for Lisa. “More important than that, bring your clothes so you can move in. I am so ready for some lovin’ tonight and every night after, too.”

“Sounds outstanding to me, Donna. How about we meet you at Del’s at seven? Don’t wear too many clothes. They’ll just get in the way.”

“Funny, I was just thinking the same thing. I’ll be very disappointed if you’re not commando tonight.”

“You got it. I love you. See you then.” I repeated his sentiments, even kissing him through the phone before ending the call. Lisa and I hopped into the Escalade for the short drive to Goodwill where we unloaded the nine big bags, all of the golf stuff, and took a receipt in less than ten minutes. We were back home and taking long hot showers less than an hour later.

I shaved my legs and my pits and, on impulse, shaved my cunt bare. I had always kept it neatly trimmed, but I was getting a new chance at life. I was born with a naked pussy, so why not have one for my spiritual rebirth? I dressed in an all-lace open cup bra and matching thong. Then I said, “What the hell! Maybe I can flash Rob a few looks at my naked cunt” and then I pulled them down my legs. My white blouse was deliberately sheer—so transparent that my hard nipples could be easily seen—just the look I wanted. My navy-blue skirt was pleated all around and came only three inches above my knees. I finished my outfit with a pair of four-inch patent leather heels—red, of course.

Lisa laughed when she saw me. “Sure you’re not trolling for cock tonight, Mom?”

“I am trolling, but I’ve already caught my fish. I want to be sure that he comes here and ravages me all night. Oh, he’s bringing a young associate for you.”

“Yeah, right! I think he just wants you all to himself. Well, I’m ready.” We hopped into my Beemer 4-series convertible for the five-mile trip to Del’s. It was a fine dining restaurant on the other side of town—actually fairly close to the farm where I had dropped off my future slave for intensive training. I had to spread my legs to get out of the car and my skirt rode more than high enough to give the valet a good look at my private treasure.

“Way to go, Mom. I just hope he doesn’t jerk off in the car.” We walked up the sidewalk, two very sexy and slutty-dressed women. Lisa was a hot young woman of nineteen with the same bra size that I wore—34C—and the same long slender legs that I had. As a woman of thirty-eight I had bigger hips and a bigger ass, but I knew that men still found me desirable. I’d been hit on any number of times at the country club, rebuffing all of them, not because I was a cold fish, but because I’d already found the man I was going to cheat with.

Rob had never made a real move on me, possibly because we worked together at the women’s shelter—a haven for battered and abused women. I worked as a translator because I was almost fluent in Spanish while Rob gave his legal services pro bono. He could afford to; he was, at thirty-eight, a junior partner at one of the area’s major law firms.

We had worked hard all day on a human trafficking case with the state police and the county sheriff’s office until almost 9:00 in the evening. Mark had phoned to tell me that he had “late meetings,” which meant that he’d be fucking his latest victim. I suggested that we grab a bite and a drink and Rob agreed.

We had just finished eating and had ordered a second drink when I looked him straight in his eyes and said, “Know what I need right now? A really hard fucking. My husband is with some bimbo so why don’t you take me next door to the motel and give me a really good one.”

“You’re kidding, right?” My look told him that I couldn’t have been more serious. I dropped a hundred bucks on the table and took his hand, pulling him up and out the door.

He was just about to speak when I moved into his body, placed my hands on both sides of his head, and pulled him down into the hottest kiss I’d ever had. “Why don’t we talk later. You know…after.” I took his hand and wrapped his arm around my body. He already knew about my relationship with my husband. I thought that everyone in town did because he was anything but discreet.

Rob and I showered together, exploring each other’s body freely as we kissed and touched, slathering each other with plenty of soap. He spent a lot of time on my breasts, pussy and ass, but I spent even more on his big hard cock. Mark was bigger than average at about seven and a half inches, but Rob was longer and, more importantly--thicker. I also learned that night that Rob was a much more considerate lover. Mark always wanted me to blow him, but he rarely reciprocated. Rob went down on me willingly and with incredible skill, bringing me swiftly to my first searing orgasm. Then he crawled between my legs and slowly entered my sopping cunt. He moved slowly despite the flood at the “Y,” gently stretching my tender tissues around his considerable girth. I loved every second of his entry just as I loved every second of what followed.

I had wrapped my long legs around his back, pulling him into my depths. I couldn’t believe his endurance, but he held off until he knew I was sated with my third big “O” before he asked if it was safe to cum in me. “Oh God, yes,” I screamed. “I want your hot cum inside me. I want it to run down my legs all the way home.” He grunted several times as he sprayed my vaginal walls. Rather than collapse on my body he rolled us over so I could rest on his.

It was almost ten minutes later when I was able to speak coherently. “How is it that nobody has scooped you up?”

“I’ve been concentrating on my career and I’ve never found anyone I really wanted to settle down with…until now. Unfortunately, you’re married.”

“Probably not too much longer. Mark is a habitual cheater. At home he’s abusive. He doesn’t hit me, but I have plenty of emotional scars and he’s totally neglected our wonderful daughter. She’s a junior at Duke.”

And that was how it started. Every time we worked together we finished the day by making love. Sure, we fucked a few times, too. But that was just as exciting and just as fulfilling as our gentle loving experiences. I had started this, so I felt that taking the next step was also my responsibility. I was lying on top of Rob, my cunt oozing our combined fluids onto his thigh when I lifted my head and looked into his steel-blue eyes. “I’m falling in love with you and—no—it’s not just the sex although that’s pretty spectacular, too.”

“What are you going to do about your husband? I understand that he can be really ruthless and you’ve already told me how abusive he can be. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“I don’t know yet, but now that he has sold his business and is retired, I have the feeling that there are going to be some changes. He has had a problem of playing with himself lately and I’ve caught him any number of times. The other night I confronted him and he asked me to help him by locking his cock up.”

“Really? You’ve got to be kidding.”

“No, I’m not. I played dumb—like I had no idea what a cock cage was—and I’ve been doing a lot of research online. I’ve even met a few women on a female domination site.”

“I hope you’re not planning to try that on me.”

”No. I’m saving that for my asshole husband. He doesn’t know it yet, but I’ve ordered something extra special for him that will put him completely under my control. With luck I should have it in two weeks. Once I have it, I’ll send him to school so he can learn to be a cock sucking, cum eating, and big-titted slave. I’ve met a few of the women I met online and they’ve been a big help. They all have boyfriends or lovers, so you’ll be fine when we get together.”

“Well, I’d love to see him get what he deserves, because I don’t want to share you. I want you all for myself.”

Now—tonight—Rob would move in with me. Mark was transforming into Marci, my sissy slave maid, and I was going to be with a real man who I knew really loved me and only me. Lisa and I had driven to the restaurant with a huge smile on my face. I parked and we strolled leisurely to the entrance where Rob and a tall good-looking young man awaited us.

I kissed Rob, pushing my tongue deep into his mouth and holding it long enough that Lisa laughed. Breaking it at last, I stepped back as I held Rob’s hand. “Rob, this is my daughter, Lisa. Lisa, this is Rob.”

She was laughing as she replied, “I think I already figured that much out on my own.” Then she stepped forward to extend her hand. Rob took it gently, telling Lisa what a pleasure it was to meet her at last.

“You’re just about the only positive thing she’s told me about her family since we met. Now it’s my turn. Lisa, this is Geoff Maybin. He’s a promising young associate with my firm.” Geoff stepped forward with his hand extended, but Lisa tiptoed up to kiss his cheek in greeting. Then taking his arm they followed us into the restaurant.

Dinner was fun. Rob and I split a bottle of a very smooth Merlot, but Geoff and Lisa opted for Pepsi. Lisa was underage and Geoff told us that he rarely drank. “I did enough in college to hold me for another couple of years.” I thought it was a cute remark, but Lisa laughed as we checked the menu one last time before ordering.

I asked for the French onion soup, salad with Italian dressing, and a petite filet, medium rare, with baked potato loaded. They call it “petite,” but it’s small only in comparison to the regular filet which is listed as fourteen ounces on the menu. Lisa, ordering next, asked for the same. Rob ordered the large ribeye at twenty-eight ounces, also with soup and salad. Geoff asked for the regular filet, joining the rest of us on the extras.

Once the menus had been collected, I jokingly mentioned to Rob, “I hope all that food doesn’t put you to sleep.”

Rob smiled as he replied, “No chance of that. I think I’m going to need my strength tonight.”

“And tomorrow,” I added slyly as Lisa laughed, commenting that she hoped we wouldn’t keep her awake all night. The rest of the dinner, the discussion centered around Lisa’s classes at Duke and Geoff’s at Stanford. I begged off, claiming that I couldn’t remember that long ago. After dinner I drove home with Rob following. Lisa took off with Geoff to a club he knew. Apparently, they had gotten along quite well at dinner. I was thrilled to have Rob to myself at last!

We emptied his SUV and hurriedly placed his clothes into the closet and armoire. His toiletries and razor went into drawers in the bathroom. Minutes later his hungry cock was fed into my equally hungry cunt. We didn’t make love. That would come later. Instead, we fucked like wild beasts. Rob took me and made me his woman. I knew as he thrusted into me that I’d be his forever. The lust between us was matched only by our love. I knew that by the way he held and caressed me once we were done. Instead of rolling off to sleep he rolled me over so I lay on his chest as he ran his fingers through my hair.

“That was incredible, Donna…almost as incredible as my love for you.”

“Yeah,” I kidded. “You were pretty good, too.” Rob looked at me and smiled. Then he shut me up with a kiss as I led his growing organ back into my oozing pussy. Now we made love. It was slow and tender as we spent more than twenty minutes coupled. I came three times until I begged him to finish before he crippled me. We slept that night just as we would every night in the future, with my head on his chest and my left leg draped over his. Most nights my cunt was oozing all night as his thick cum dripped onto his thigh.


I spent much of the following week either at court with Marianne Brown handling all of the legal work involved with changing my and my husband’s name and transferring all of his property to me. When the judge asked why we were doing all of this and where my husband was, I simply answered, “He is at a private hospital undergoing sex-change surgeries and recovering from them. This is what he wanted. This statement outlines his wishes in this regard.” I stood there at the table while Marianne passed the form in which he had surrendered all of his rights. Unknown to him at the time was the permission to undergo the various surgeries and trainings. The judge shook his head, but accepted the document into evidence for all of the transfers.

Once that was done, I spent several hours at the Department of Motor Vehicles changing the ownership of my vehicles and arranging for new titles. Thank God I had Rob to remove my stress every night.

I had mixed emotions as I drove to the farm for my first official visit. After passing through the gate I drove to Building 5 where Dr. Sally greeted me.

“Welcome back, Donna. We have a lot to show you this morning. Marci will not be able to see us, but she will be able to hear, so once we’re in the observation room—absolutely no talking. I’ll give you a pad and a pen for issues you want to discuss later.”

“I do have one big question now—does she still identify as Mark or is she now Marci?”

Sally just grinned as she answered, “She responded to her conditioning program magnificently. Between the recordings and the medications, I’d say that Mark disappeared forever after about nine days. By then she had recovered from her surgeries and her training as your cook and maid had begun. Today we’ll test her desire for cock and cum. You picked a great day to visit. Let’s go inside.”

A few minutes later I found us in a narrow room with a large picture window. My stylish and sexy clothes were replaced with a grey jumpsuit and grey sandals, both of which would blend in with the drab grey walls behind us. Sally held her finger to her lips as a door to our right opened. I knew this was my former husband, but—even then—I found it difficult to believe. Standing before me was a tall and slender woman with the biggest tits I had ever seen.

I wrote “lose weight?” on my pad as Marci slowly walked in front of us to check her makeup and lipstick. I read a note that Sally had written—Strict

diet! More later.”

We hadn’t been there more than a minute or two when another door opened and the two male slaves I had encountered when I dropped Mark off walked through another door with a woman Sally later identified as a “handler.” They knelt before her and kissed her shoes as did Marci, standing only when instructed to do so. The handler, a mid-twenties woman, unlocked the taller slave’s cock and balls. I could see Marci drooling at the sight of the engorging organ. I couldn’t hold back a huge grin as Marci knelt in front of the closest slave and swallowed his hard cock in a single gulp. While she was sucking madly, the other slave had lubed up his cock and had begun pushing it into her anus with ever increasing gusto. I think the term “spit-roasted” must have been invented with Marci in mind.

I could see the slave in Marci’s mouth freeze for a second before thrusting wildly into her mouth and throat. Still, Marci licked and sucked until the poor slave had been completely drained. Then she whipped around to orally attack the nine-inch cock that had been in her ass. Mere seconds later she received her reward, eagerly sucking river after river of sperm-laden semen into her mouth. I could see her savor the slick viscous crème over her tongue as she rolled it back and forth between her cheeks. No sooner had she swallowed than she orally attacked the first slave in an effort to bring him back to hardness so she could begin anew. That was when I felt Sally tap on my shoulder. It was time to leave the room and compare notes.

“Incredible, Sally…absolutely fucking incredible. How is she at eating pussy? Mark always either refused or just did a cursory job.”

“She’s done incredibly well. She sucked me to four orgasms this morning and gave Megan—that’s her trainer—another two when she was done with me. She’s had plenty of orgasms over the past month, but each and every one was accompanied by incredible pain either in the form of an electrical scrotal shock or extremely tight nipple clamps. We’ll start to taper down now so she won’t expect them so frequently, but she’ll still crave the pain that she associates so closely with pleasure. I think we’ll be done with her in another three weeks…max!”

“That’s great. I do have one favor. Would you have her sign these papers and then put them into the mail for me?”

“What are they?”

“Divorce papers. I’ve found her replacement in the lawyer who works with me at the women’s shelter. He’s everything that Mark wasn’t.” Then I told her about my plans for her coming-out party. She laughed then asked if I could invite her. Of course, I agreed immediately.


I opened the mail a few days later to find the completed divorce papers. A few minutes later I was in the Escalade on the way to Marianne Brown’s office. She welcomed me with a smile that only grew broader when she saw the executed papers. Of course, Marci got nothing in the agreement although I did promise to provide her with care for the rest of her life, although that didn’t specify a standard of care. I’d whip her back raw if she didn’t give me, or Rob, or even Lisa total obedience.

I returned to the farm almost a month later to take possession of my property. By now I was a well-recognized dominant female at the security gate and was waved through quickly. Once again, Dr. Perkins—Sally—was waiting for me outside Building 4. We hugged and then she proceeded to give me the latest update on my now fully-trained sissy slave.

“She lives now willingly in her cage. Did you get that electronic lock I suggested?”

“Yes, and I even tried it out a few times, setting it overnight for a time when I knew we’d be up. It works perfectly, not that I doubted you. Still, it’s great to know that I can lock my slave away for the night.” Marianne continued then with the rest of her report.

“She hasn’t taken a real bowel movement since she’s been here. Truthfully, I doubt that she still remembers how. She’s still on her estrogen, but I’ve discontinued the testosterone blocker so she’s been extremely horny and frustrated for the past ten days. She’ll do anything to cum…absolutely anything to cum and, even more important, she’ll do anything for cum. As many as I’ve trained, I doubt I’ve ever encountered anyone as submissive or who craves semen as much as Marci. She’ll be due for a milking in another ten days.”

“That will be perfect. I’m planning a big party on Saturday, the 16th—you’re invited—sort of as Marci’s debut. I’ve invited her parents and two sisters. They’ve always looked down on me for reasons totally unknown to me and I’ve hated them even more than they’ve hated me. After the party I doubt that I’ll ever see or hear from them again. That’s exactly what I want. I’ve also invited two women ‘friends’ from the country club who fucked Mark behind my back. I think they’re in for a big surprise. Is Marci ready for me?”

“Almost; she was just finishing up her last enema of the day when I came out to greet you. She’ll be completely dressed and her suitcase packed when we go in to get her. Plus, I think you’ll have a pleasant surprise.” She turned and we walked together into the building. We stopped at a large room where she ordered the two male slaves I’d met on my initial visit to the farm to carry Marci’s cage out to the Escalade. Marci followed a few minutes later, falling to her knees to kiss my feet until she was excused. Then she climbed into the cage in the rear of the big SUV.

I had closed the rear hatch when I commented, “Very impressive, Sally…very impressive.”

“Yes, she’ll do that every time you walk into the room and she’ll do it for your lover and Lisa, as well. Just command her as you would anything else. I’ll be looking forward to your party. I can hardly wait to see Marci’s snooty parents when they see their “son’s” marvelous new look.” We laughed and hugged and I was on the way home.


Marci carried the cage into the kitchen pantry. “This is where you’ll sleep, Marci. You’ll continue your enemas every morning when you arise and then you’ll dress and prepare breakfast for me and for my fiancée. You used to know him as Rob, the lawyer who works with me at the women’s shelter. He’s a wonderful man and an even better lover. You’ll kiss his feet whenever you see him as you do with me.”

“Yeth, Mithtreth. I will alwayth obey you and Mathter Rob.

“There will be others, too…my daughter Lisa and the members of the household staff although I don’t want you kissing their feet when you see them. You’re at the bottom of the pecking order. Just obey and you’ll be fine. Now, I think you should clean the powder room and the bathrooms. Jane, my cook will provide your meals. You’ll eat at 6:30 each morning, right after your daily enemas and again at 5:00 in the evening unless I have some special event planned.” Marci placed her few garments onto the pantry’s shelves and began her work.

Marci worked her way into the household over the next week, following her training to the letter and becoming hornier by the hour until the day of the party when she’d get satisfaction in two ways—blowjobs on eleven of Lisa’s fellow students and an actual orgasm from a really hard ass-fucking courtesy of a thick nine-inch black strap-on. I’d finally put Mark’s arrogant parents and sisters in their place. I’d been forced to listen to their constant boasting while putting me down for the past twenty years. Now, I’d be rid of them in a single afternoon. My two former friends—the ones who had fucked Mark behind my back would be gone, too.

I answered the door for Marianne Brown at 7:30 p.m. on the dot. “I wouldn’t want to miss any of this. I hope I’m the first to arrive.”

“Sorry, but Lisa’s eleven guys came by earlier for burgers and fries. Seems that Lisa told them that it would build their testosterone levels.”

“And they believed that?”

“No, but I think they’d do anything for a free meal. Besides, Lisa told them they could tap Marci’s ass after all of the other festivities.” Marianne laughed and it wasn’t long before I joined her. I walked her to the living room where Rob poured us each a cold Chardonnay.

Of course, my former in-laws were late, but that was the norm for them. They walked in like they owned the place, but that attitude would be short-lived. My two sisters-in-law complained bitterly about the quality of the wine even though it was the same wine they had extolled the last time at their parents’ home. The difference was that I had served it to them and I was clearly inferior in their twisted minds. I had greeted the two women who had fucked Mark as though they were really friends, even though I now knew better.

We had all been in the living room about twenty minutes when my former mother-in-law asked, “Where’s my darling baby boy?” Adding, “stupid bitch” under her breath.

“I’ll get her, Mom,” Lisa replied with a huge smirk on her face before walking swiftly to the pantry to retrieve my slave.

Marci was dressed in her most revealing maid’s dress—one that was better suited for porn than for actual work with her huge tits hanging out and her nipples protruding from appropriately placed holes in the outfit. It was going to be an outstanding debut for her. She was wearing four-inch black heels and fish-net stockings, the combined effect of which made her look like a cheap whore.

I had written for Rob what I thought her asshole father’s first remarks would be and I was right on target as Lisa led Marci into the living room by the pink leather leash attached to her pink leather collar. “What the fuck is this? There’s no way that’s MY son!”

Marci fell to her knees to kiss my shoes first, then Lisa’s and finally Rob’s. I had instructed her NOT to kiss either her mother’s, father’s, or sisters’ shoes, but to greet them cordially, which she did once she was finished with Rob.

“Hello, Mother…Father. It ith wonderful to thee you. Hello, Thandra. Hello, Rothalee. I am pleathed that you could come today. I am tho pleathed to thee you again.”

“Listen, you bitch! What have you done with my son? I don’t know what you are trying to pull, but I’ll see to it that you are destroyed for pulling this trick on us.”

That’s when Rob and Marianne stepped forward. “I don’t know what you do for a living, Sir, but making terroristic threats can be considered a felony and there is no shortage of witnesses who saw and heard you.”

“Who the fuck are you, asshole? You wouldn’t speak to me that way if my son was here.”

“Oh…I assure you that he is here,” I replied. “Just not in the form you were expecting. And, I can prove it to you. Marci, remove your dress and you might as well remove your bra and thong, too.” Then I returned my attention to my in-laws. “What is the one sure way to identify your offspring? Wouldn’t you be able to identify him even if his hands and head were cut off? Yes, of course, you could tell by his birthmark—the reddish-purple doughnut on his right butt cheek. Turn around, Marci so your parents can see your cute little butt.”

Marci turned and his/her mother gasped. I thought that she and her husband would faint. “Thee, Mother, it really ith me.”

Marci’s father could barely get the words out as he gasped. “What the fuck have you done to my son and why is he suddenly lisping so badly?”

Marianne stepped forward then. “I’m Donna’s personal attorney and I assure you that everything was done with Marci’s nee Mark’s permission and approval. There are signed permission documents asserting his desire to become Donna’s slave. Once that was determined, it was Donna’s decision what to do with him. She decided that she wanted him feminized and you see here the result. So far as her lisp is concerned…Marci, open your mouth and show your parents your tongue.” She continued once Marci had complied. “Marci, why do you have those studs on your tongue?”

“To give better blowjobth, Mithtreth Marianne. They give more pleathure to the man I am thervithing and, in return, he giveth me much more yummy themen with lotth of delithiouth thperm. I can’t wait to do Mithreth LItha’th friendth from college. I hope they have big cockth that will shoot thraight into my tummy.”

“Do you enjoy blowing men, Marci?”

“No, I don’t. I hate mythelf for doing it, but I MUTHT have yummy thperm. I’ll do anything for a yummy mouthful. I love it. I have to have it!”

I spoke up then. “You know, Marci, virtually all of the changes to your body and, maybe even to your mind, could be reversed. If you’d like to go with your parents, I’ll gladly let you and I’ll even give you more than enough money to get it done and support you well for the rest of your life. Just say the word.”

Exactly as I expected, Marci fell to her knees and kissed my shoes repeatedly. “Pleath, Mithtreth Donna…don’t thend me away. I want more than anything to be here ath your thlave. I live to therve you and Mathter Rob and Mithreth Litha. Pleath! Don’t thend me away. I beg you.”

I put my hand on her head and told her kindly, “You needn’t worry, Marci. You are welcome to spend the rest of your life here with me and my husband, Rob.”

“Husband!” I can’t believe that you just callously threw my son away and especially after he made you a rich woman.”

“You just heard me tell her that I wasn’t casting her aside, but perhaps you have noticed that she is a transgender woman. I have her in a chastity device because her hunger for sperm is insatiable. Without it she’d just jerk off the entire day and night—anything to get the precious semen. She’ll get it tonight once the young men have been satisfied. How does that sound to you, Marci?”

“Wonderful, Mithreth Donna!”

You’re welcome to stick around for the festivities. I’m sure it will be better than any porn movie you’ve ever seen. Oh…that’s right! You don’t watch porn. It’s disgusting. Well, in that case, feel free to leave anytime you like.” I pointed to the door even as I waved the first college friend to a position right in front of Marci. Less than ten seconds later she had his hard cock deep in her mouth as those gold studs did their work. He grunted as he blew into Marci’s mouth and unsurprisingly, she swallowed every valuable drop. Once the kid’s organ was clean, she moved immediately on her knees to the next one.

My former in-laws had already left in disgust, but—surprisingly—the sisters seemed to be enthralled by the spectacle. I strolled over to where they were standing. “Interesting, isn’t it?”

“You have no idea. Our parents always acted as though his shit didn’t stink. It’s great to see him…er, her brought down. You don’t mind if we stick around, do you? Okay if we take a few pics or some video?”

“Be my guest,” I replied. I’d been embarrassed by Mark dozens of times so a little payback, especially to his parents would be perfect. I returned to Rob’s side and watched as Marci began on her fourth yummy blowjob in quick succession.

I asked Lisa if any of the guys might want to go twice and she laughed. “Yeah, all of them!” Still, when there were just two to go, I excused myself to change my outfit. I needed a corset and my big black strap-on for what I thought might be the grand finale. But, before leaving the festivities, I asked Sandra and Rosalie if they would want a complimentary cunt-eating courtesy of Marci once she was finished with the students. “Hell, yeah,” Sandra responded for both. “Can she do us right here…at the party?”

“Of course, and feel free to film the entire event. If you enjoy it, and I’m sure you will, feel free to stop by at any time for an encore. Marci will be happy to oblige you. She does Lisa and me on demand. She also takes our urine and never spills a drop. I usually have her do that before she eats me. It’s a great way to start the day.” They both laughed even as they reached under their dresses to pull their panties down and off their bodies. This was turning out even better than I had hoped.

Marci was well into the second round of the young guys when I returned, fully adorned in my dominatrix outfit. I only wore this when I was planning to take Marci beyond her limits, if she even had any by now. Marci had just finished the last student when I asked, “Anyone want another? A third round in her mouth?” There were no takers so I asked if anyone wanted a shot at her plump ass. Not surprisingly, there were four who expressed interest. “She’s going to service her sisters—vaginally and anally so you can push into her anytime you’re ready. Okay, Sandra, why don’t you go first? Just sidle up to the edge of the couch so Marci can reach your cunt. One you’re had enough you can either direct her to your asshole or pass her off to Rosalie. You can always get her again once Rosalie is sated. Then it will be my turn.”

Sandra and Rosalie used their former brother ruthlessly for almost forty-five minutes with both experiencing their first anal orgasm. “We can’t possibly thank you enough, Donna. I know I speak for both of us when I say this was the pinnacle of our lives. Did you really mean it when you said we could come back any time?”

“Of course. Just phone first to make sure that one of us is here. Marci can’t open the doors. That’s the only restriction. Otherwise, feel free to use her at any time. What are you going to do with the videos?”

Rosalie was laughing when she responded. “I’m going to open an account on g-mail or some other online site and send them to our parents. They’ll go fucking crazy when they see them. I’ll probably edit them so they’re shorter and so there are more. I can probably open a couple of dozen email’s and their skills are minimal, so they’ll drive them crazy.” I grinned as I thought of their snobby parents being tormented by the sight of their “grossly superior son’ sucking cock and eating pussies and assholes.

“Are you going to stick around for the grand finale? You might want to film that, too. Trust me, it will be worth the wait.” They agreed and I signaled Lisa. She returned a minute later with a large Corning Ware bowl. I slipped into a huge strap-on, telling Marci to kneel, head down, in the center of the living room. I lubed up the huge dildo that hung obscenely between my legs and moved up behind Marci. A few seconds later I was pressing firmly against her sphincter. The dong was so big that I had to hold tightly onto Marci’s hips to gain entry. It was slow going, but I did win, forcing the huge artificial cock into her rectum. Once I had broken through, I was able to fully penetrate her bowel. I knew that standing tall would force the ribbed surface into Marci’s prostate.

Fucking her doggie while standing as tall as possible drove the dildo down—exactly where I wanted it. Marci had grimaced at first, but in time she felt the rhythm on her anus. There would be a pleasurable feeling from this fucking, but no real ejaculation and certainly no orgasm. Lisa held the bowl under Marci’s chastity device as her imprisoned cock began to leak. After about four minutes there was a steady stream dripping into the bowl which was rapidly filling until Lisa signaled me to stop. Just as well because I was getting tired and I desperately wanted to save a big part of myself for Rob.

I pulled out of Marci and dropped the harness to the floor. It clattered there as Lisa spoke, “Here’s your treat, Marci. There’s quite a lot so…enjoy. We’ll sit here and watch while you lap it up like the dog you used to be.” She placed the bowl on the floor and signaled Marci that it was time for her feast. I was smiling and leaning against Rob’s shoulder while Marianne, Dr. Sally, and Marci’s two sisters filmed her degradation—lapping up a big bowl of semen like the dog of a husband she had once been. Lisa’s friends sat by in shock at the display before them. How could any living being sink so low?

Marci was sent to her cage once the treat was consumed and that was the signal that the party had come to an end. All of the women hugged Donna and Lisa and said good-bye to Rob. The students left with Lisa for the two-hour drive back to Duke. They all had expressed their appreciation to their hosts with one senior commenting that he had never believed it would actually happen despite Lisa’s promises. “If I didn’t have it on video, I’d still never believe it. Wait until my roommate sees what he missed just so he could study for an exam.” Then he shook Rob’s hand again before walking out the door.

Sandra and Rosalie were the last to leave. They thanked me repeatedly and finally Rosalie told me, “I think I would have shot Mark if he put me through what you went through. I like your solution better. You got a maid who eats a mean pussy and you got our asshole parents out of your hair, plus you got a handsome man who obviously loves you.”

“Yeah,” I replied, “and I got all of Mark’s property. As we all know, slaves don’t own….” Rosalie and Sandra chimed in before I could finish with, “ANYTHING” as we all laughed. We hugged again and they left.

I looked up at Rob and asked, “Well, what did you think? Was I successful?”

“I’d say so. Did you see the expressions on the parents’ faces as they left? It was clear that they were disgusted. I thought that Mark’s mother was going to throw up in the middle of the room and his father was going to have a coronary. Finally, Marci was destroyed. Any thoughts that Mark would return to his former glory have been completely extinguished this evening. I think we both need to take a leak, but can we make it all the way to the bathroom? That is the question.”

“Why would we want to when we have our personal toilet just around the corner?” I began to laugh and Rob joined me. I was kissing him hotly as he carried me into the kitchen. I opened the electronic lock and told Marci to get to work. I leaned against the counter as she took my urine then licked me to a delicious orgasm right before her tongue pierced my asshole and she brought me to a second wonderful climax. Rob was right next to me and I knew I wanted his cum in my pussy so I warned Marci not to make him cum. She looked up at me with sorrowful eyes, but tough shit. She was the slave; I was the mistress, and there was no way she would ever forget it.


It was the Tuesday after the party. Lisa and her friends had returned to Duke, the boys with plenty of stories to tell and Lisa, as a result, getting even more attention from the opposite sex than normally. Marci had cleaned the house from top to bottom so there was no trace that a raucous affair had taken place. I’d even received phone calls from Sandra and Rosalie, thanking me for the oral sex they had received from their formally pompous brother.

I was relaxing with the newspaper and a delicious cup of Kona coffee, flown direct from the Big Island of Hawaii when the doorbell rang. I ignored it, knowing that Marci would answer. She appeared about thirty seconds later, a worried look on her otherwise vacuous face. “Mithtreth Donna, there are two polithe offitherth at the door, Ma’am.”

“Very well, Marci. Continue with your duties. I’ll deal with the gentlemen.” I walked to the foyer to find two men in fairly cheap suits and clip-on ties waiting there. “Good morning, I’m Donna Jacobs. May I see your identification, please?” While they dug them from their pockets, I was busy calling Rob for advice.

“Rob, there are two detectives here—a Sergeant Miller and an Officer Robertson. Oh, okay. See you soon.”

“Please come in to the living room, gentlemen. Would you care for coffee? It’s an excellent Kona blend that we have flown in special. I won’t answer any questions until my fiancee is here.”

“What’s the matter? Have something to hide?”

“No, Sergeant, but he’s an attorney so he’s better at understanding and protecting my rights than I am. He’ll be here soon so we have time to enjoy some coffee and perhaps you’d like a pastry, too.” I called for Marci using my phone, telling her to bring a tray of pastries and five cups for coffee.

Ten minutes later Rob walked in with an older friend. “I’m Rob Thompson and this is Jonathon Andrews. Let’s see your ID’s, please.” I could see the detectives faces wilt as Jonathon dialed a number from his contacts.

“Hi, Chet, I’m with Rob Thompson at his home with two of your detectives…Sgt. Miller and Detective Robertson. No, I have no idea why they’re here, but we’ll find out soon enough.” Then, turning to the detectives he asked, “So, tell me, Gentlemen—why are you here? Don’t you have some serious crimes to solve?”

I could see that Sergeant Miller was upset. “I’ll ask the questions here. Who the hell are you and where do you get off trying to tell me what to do?”

Rather than respond verbally or angrily, Jonathon simply passed a business card to the Sergeant. I already knew what it said—Jonathon R. Andrews, J.D., Justice of the New York State Court of Appeals. It is the state’s highest-ranking court and Jonathon was one of the higher-ranking justices. “That tells you who I am. On the other end of this call is your commissioner, Chet Ridley. Okay, Chet, I’ll put you on speaker.

“Miller, what the hell are you doing there?”

“Um, sir, we had a phone call this morning from a woman who swore that her son was being held here against his will and that he was a slave to Ms. Jacobs.”

We could all hear Chet explode over the phone’s speaker as he called Miller one of the stupidest people he’d ever encountered.

Finally, Rob spoke up. “I think I can resolve this in less than ten minutes, Commissioner, if that’s okay with you.” Apparently, it was because Rob called for Marci.

“Marci, please relax and just answer my questions honestly. Do you recall the party we had last Saturday—the one where your parents and your sisters attended?”

“Yeth, Mathter Rob.”

“Did Donna ask if you wanted to leave with them?”


“Did you want to leave with them? Do you want to go to them now?”

Marci was near tears when she answered. “Oh no, Mathter Rob. I want to thtay here with you and MIthtreth Donna and I want to therve you every day.”

“You weren’t always a woman, were you?”

“No, I wath Mithtreth Donna’s huthband, Mark, but I wath a bad man. I cheated on her all of the time. I wath a mitherable perthon, but now I’m happy. I love being her maid and thervant.”

“Marci, I want you to lift your skirt and drop your panties so the detectives can see your chastity device.” Rob continued once everyone had seen the device. “Why does Donna keep you in chastity, Marci?”

Marci’s head was down in embarrassment as she replied. “Becauthe if my penith wath free all I would do all day would be mathterbate tho I could get all of the yummy themen. I can never get enough themen. I love the tathte and the texture and how it thlideth over my tongue.”

“One final question, Marci. Why do you lisp?”

Marci, in response, smiled as she opened her mouth to show the three piercings on her tongue. “Thethe are 14 karat gold. I have them tho I can give great blowjobth.”

“Thank you, Marci. I think you can return to your duties now. Any questions, Commissioner?”

“No, I don’t want my people wasting any more of your time, or theirs either.”

They apologized for wasting our time and assured us that the matter was closed as far as they were concerned. I could see them getting a real tongue lashing from the commissioner before the day was over.

I escorted the detectives to the door then returned to thank Rob and Jonathon. “If you really want to thank me,” Jonathon said, “I wouldn’t mind one of those special blowjobs from Marci. That is some rack on her, too. I wouldn’t mind playing with them, too.”

I was smiling as I responded. “I think that will make both of you very happy.”

I summoned Marci, telling her, “Marci, take the judge into the guest room and suck him dry. Remove your dress and bra so he can play with your tits.”

Marci was smiling when she took Jonathon by the hand and led him away. I tried to convince Rob that he needed a “nooner,” but he told me that he had pressing business at the office. “I will take a raincheck for tonight, though,” he said as he kissed me good-bye. “Jonathon has his own car,” he said as he walked out to the driveway.

I next saw Judge Andrews an hour later and he looked to be totally relaxed.

“Damn, Donna…she can really suck cock and I’ve never had a woman suck up my cum so completely.”

“Well, feel free to stop by again. Just phone first so you know that I’ll be here. You know that I work at the women’s shelter and, of course, I do shop occasionally.”

“I will, thank you. I must say that Sally Perkins really does magnificent work. Those breasts are incredible and so is the rest of her body.” He continued when he saw the shock on my face. “Do you know who started the Club and the Farm?”

“No, but I assume it was a couple of women.”

“Well, it was one woman—Helen O’Neill—but she had some help from her lawyer brother. Helen is my sister. Her husband was like Mark—a man who couldn’t keep his hands off of women…any woman. Helen abided it for years until he passed a disease to her. He gave her syphilis that he picked up from some cheap street whore. Helen came to me with an idea and a bucket of hope. She wanted to make sure that everything she did was legal. I was a senior partner at Rob’s firm then so I developed all of the consent forms, even running them by two of my female associates.

“Helen and I bought the farm from the widow of the farmer with the promise that we wouldn’t sell it to one of the big developers, but would keep it for private use and that’s exactly what she did. Her husband was the first to be treated there, not by Sally, but by her predecessor who is now retired. Unfortunately, there is no shortage of cheating men to submit for feminization. I’m not one of the cheaters. My wife gave up sex more than a decade ago and, knowing that I still had masculine needs, she gave me her permission to fool around as long as I’m discreet.

“So, Donna, thank you for an extremely enjoyable morning, but now I must get back to work. I do have an important case to hear this afternoon. I’ll see you soon. I’ve agreed to marry you and Rob. I’m looking forward to that. I hope you’ll make Marci available for a few minutes.”

“You can count on it,” I said as I escorted Johnathon to the door. Having friends in high places was always helpful. I returned to my bedroom to find Marci dusting and washing the windows. “Did you have fun this morning, Marci?”

“Oh,yeth, MIthreth. Judge Jonathon has delithithous themen.”

“Well, he’ll be back in two weeks. He’s going to preside at my wedding to Rob. He’ll want some private time with you then, but you must be discreet. His wife will be with him.”

“I underthand, Mithtreth.”

“Good. There will be caterers for the drinks and food so you’ll be able to get away. Maybe you’d like for him to fuck you then. How does that sound?”

“Wonderful, MIthtreth Donna. Are you going to the Women’th Thenter now?”

“Yes, Marci. I should be back in two hours. Continue with your work. You may have something from the refrigerator for your lunch, but not too much. A girl has to watch her figure, doesn’t she?” Marci had lost more than forty pounds since her transformation, making a big improvement in her figure. Of course, having H-cup breasts helped a lot, too.


I never know what to expect at the Women’s Center where my duties primarily consist of translating to and from Spanish and English. Today was a bad one. The police brought in three Hispanic women who were victims of beatings courtesy of their husbands who were now in the City Jail. I barely made it home in time for dinner that evening.

I had just sat at the table when I summoned Marci. “Get under the table and lick me. I’ve had a really bad afternoon and I can use some stress relief.” Of course, Marci complied immediately. I dismissed her once I was finished eating. She would eat now, use the downstairs bathroom to shower, and retire for the night, securely locking herself in her cage until early tomorrow morning when she would administer her daily enemas and dress for her duties. Cleaning the house was a lot like sorting mail or painting a big bridge. It was a never-ending job. By the time you finish, it’s time to start all over again.

Rob helped me into a hot bath that was very relaxing. Once I was clean, he helped me to bed where he plowed his big hard cock into me until I had come an additional two times. Then he kissed me gently and pulled the blanket and sheet up over our bodies. I fell into a blissful sleep, partially draped over his fit, muscular body.

I knew that the next two weeks would be extremely busy. I had bought my dress for the wedding—a sleeveless silver dress that came to my ankles with a short-sleeved bolero jacket. Now I only needed to get my shoes dyed to match.

The other big issue was Lisa returning home for the Summer break. Normally, she would leave her clothes and her furniture—a small couch and area rug—in her room, but the entire interior of the sorority house was going to be painted so she had to bring it all home. She had told me that several of her male friends would help at Duke, but we’d be on our own here at home.

I dropped Marci off at the farm on Wednesday morning for a one-week “refresher” course. She’d do advanced work in cock sucking and ass tonguing, skills that any sissy should know and master, and this was the time for that extensive training.

On Friday, Rob and I were up early for our two-hour trip to Durham. Up at six, I only made a pot of coffee to help us to get the day started. Rob drove for an hour until we stopped for a quick and mediocre breakfast at a small local restaurant. He then drove the rest of the way. It was a warm and sunny day in mid-May and Lisa’s friends had already carried the small couch out to the sidewalk so all we had to do on arrival was lower the rear seats in the big Escalade and push it in. Rob dumped the rug on top and we managed to fit her TV in next to it.

Lisa had my BMW convertible and all of her clothing had been packed into it by the time we had arrived. The entire operation had taken less than twenty minutes. Lisa hugged her friends and we began the trip back, stopping for lunch at KFC once we were back in the city. As expected, we were home a bit before one. Rob backed the Escalade into the garage and we unloaded the rug and couch, placing them to the side of the huge four-car garage. Even with Rob’s car we only needed three bays.

Later that afternoon I phoned out for pizza and Greek salad so Lisa and I would have a chance to rest before our hour-long trek to Wilmington to meet my mother’s plane tomorrow morning. I had rarely seen my mother because she and Mark had never gotten along. He had been rude and abusive to her and nothing I had ever said to him had made any difference. My phone call to her had been pretty funny. “Hi, Mom…I’d love to have you visit in mid-May and even stay for a week or two.”

“Donna, if I had to put up with that asshole husband of yours for even a day I’d probably wind up in prison for life. You know I can’t stand that bastard.”

“Mom, I’m not going to argue with your assessment of Mark. He’ll be here, but I can guarantee that he won’t be any problem. It’s a bit complicated to explain, but the bottom line is that I’m getting married. Mark and I are officially divorced.”

“I’m glad to hear that you finally came to your senses, but isn’t this a bit rushed?”

“No, Mom; I’ve been seeing Rob for more than a year and, yes, that included while Mark and I were still married. I’m hardly sorry after all the fucking around Mark did for years and years.” I told her when I wanted her to come and when the wedding was scheduled. “It’s going to be a small affair officiated by a judge Rob and I know well. There will be about forty people there and we’re using the living room for the ceremony and drinks. The cocktail hour, dinner and dancing will be on the rear patio. We’ll have a big tent in case it’s hot or rainy.”

“I don’t know how you can be sure that Mark won’t be as crude and abusive, the way he was in the past.”

“Mom, like I said—it’s complicated and I doubt that you’d believe me. You’ll have to see it like Mark’s parents and sisters did last weekend, and—no—the parents won’t be there. The sisters will, but you’ll find them very different than they’ve been in the past when their behavior was affected by Mark.” Eventually, she did agree so tomorrow would prove to be an extremely interesting day.


Rob and I made our usual sweet love that evening, turning in early, as did Lisa. I knew she was looking forward to the weekend when her boyfriend would make his appearance. We hadn’t yet discussed the sleeping arrangements, but I wasn’t worried. I was sure that he and Lisa had been intimate as they’d been dating for almost six months. Lisa had explained that he was unable to meet us when we picked her up because he was taking a late exam necessitated by a scheduling conflict.

We were in the car at 9:00 for the drive to the Wilmington Airport when I just said, “I think we should have Adam stay in the bedroom that shares your bathroom. I think your grandmother will be more agreeable to that, don’t you?”

“Funny, Mom, but I was going to suggest the same thing. At least we’ll be able to sleep in a dry bed that way.” She laughed as I scowled, giving her a light punch on the arm. We arrived about twenty minutes early because the parking lots are a long way from the terminal and the shuttle service is slow and sporadic. Still, we only waited outside security for about ten minutes, sitting in two of the comfortable chairs. Wilmington is a small airport with only about six gates and three baggage carousels.

Lisa was up with a leap when Nana came into view. They hugged and then I hugged my mother. A young man helped us get her suitcase off the carousel and we were on our way home less than ten minutes later. “Okay, Donna; tell me what’s so hard to understand about the asshole.”

“Mom, it all began when Mark sold his business. He had a lot of time on his hands, and that’s not all.” Lisa giggled then as I continued the story.

“So, what could they do at this ‘farm’?”

Lisa laughed like crazy. “You’ll be amazed, Nana. You won’t even recognize the bastard. His parents didn’t three weeks ago and neither did his sisters. You won’t recognize him either. Take my word for it. There will be two huge surprises for you.” We both giggled as we continued our drive. As expected, we pulled into the garage just before noon. I told her to leave the bags in the car and Marci would take care of them as soon as I directed her to.

We had barely stepped into the living room when Marci greeted us by kissing our shoes, probably shocking my mother whose health hasn’t been the best in recent years. “Marci, get the suitcases from the Escalade and take them up to the first room on the right.”

“Yeth, Mithtreth,” she said as she hustled out to the garage as I walked my mother out to the kitchen for lunch.

“I swear, Donna. I have never seen boobs anywhere as big as hers. She must have backaches every day. It’s hard to believe that someone could be born to have tits like those.”

“She wasn’t born with them, Mom, but I will introduce you to the doctor who made them at the wedding. Remember how you asked about the farm? That’s just one of the services they provide. You just met my former husband.”

“That? That was Mark?”

“No, Nana; that was Marci. She’s what is commonly known as a she-male. She looks like a female, but she still has male sex organs, but they’re safely locked away in a chastity device. Mom has to do that because Marci has an insatiable thirst for semen. She gave blowjobs to eleven of my classmates at the party three weeks ago. I think she did all of them two or three times and, of course, she swallowed everything.”

“Incredible,” Mom said. “Why does she do this? I mean, she has millions. Why not just take off?”

“Well, Mom,” I replied. “First of all, she doesn’t have a penny. I have all of the money, all of his properties, cars, boat…basically, everything. While she was at the farm she was injected with hormones and hypnotic drugs. Think, brainwashing to convince her that she wanted to be my little slave girl. After three months she totally believed it. Lisa mentioned the party. When her parents bitched about him, I offered the chance to leave with them with more than five million dollars. She refused, kneeling at my feet and crying like a baby. Her parents complained to the police a few days later and Rob gave her the opportunity again, but again she refused. She truly believes that she lives to serve me, Rob, and Lisa.

“Her service does include some special stuff. For example, she will drink my urine on request. That comes in handy on occasion. She’s great at eating pussy, too, but her real strength is sucking cock. I phoned Rob when the cops came and he brought a friend, Judge Jonathon Andrews. You may see him before the wedding. He usually stops by a couple of times a week for some sexual service. His wife hasn’t provided for him in years, most of the time for a blowjob, but occasionally for anal sex.”

“Ew, isn’t that filthy?”

“Normally, it would be, but Marci hasn’t moved her bowels since this whole thing began. She has three enemas every morning. It’s part of her morning routine—enemas, shower, hair, dress, and a tiny breakfast before bringing mine to me in the bedroom. I always leave the menu on the refrigerator. You can do the same, Mom.”

“Damn, Donna; this is just incredible.”

“It is, Nana,” Lisa commented. “Mom drove to Duke to pick me up when we dropped him off at the farm. That’s when I met Dr. Sally, Marianne Brown, and the other dominant women. We had a great luncheon with wine and plenty of orgasms courtesy of the slaves.”

When I saw the expression of shock on Mom’s face, I felt that I had to speak.

“There’s a club, Mom, of dominant women—women whose spouses are either serial cheaters like Mark or weak wimps who are well suited to become sissies—men who dress and behave like submissive women. They’re all trained at the farm. Judge Andrews’ sister is the founder of the club with a lot of legal help from him. Once they were established, Jonathon was elected to the bench and he turned farm’s legal business over to Marianne Brown. She’ll be at the wedding, too.

“What was most surprising, Mom was learning that members of my church and women’s clubs in the city were also among the women at the farm that day. I’ve been to a few meetings since then and I’ve met even more. One thing we all have in common is that none of us do any housework or laundry or cooking. The sissy slaves do all of that and most of them work, too.”

“Wow! I guess they really are slaves, aren’t they?”

“Yes, Mom and most also bathe their mistresses, shave their legs and armpits, and do manicures and pedicures. I used to hate laundry and ironing, but Marci is surprisingly skilled at both. She also sews loose buttons.”

“Damn, Donna, you were right. I had to see it to believe it. Even now, it’s hard to believe.”


The next week flew by, especially for Lisa now that her boyfriend Adam had arrived. He was a good-looking young man about six feet tall with a slender athletic physique. Lisa was obviously glad to see him as she ran to his car and jumped into his arms for a long tongue-laden kiss. Mom seemed a bit embarrassed, but I laughed. I usually had the same reaction when Rob came home from work.

Jonathon did stop by twice during the week, staying for an hour with Marci before leaving with a huge smile on his face. I usually smiled, as well, even though Mom thought it was revolting. “Mom, his wife has given up on having sexual relations with him and he’s a man with a man’s needs. She has given him permission to get his satisfaction elsewhere so long as he is discreet. There is nothing more discreet than Marci, is there?” Even Mom had to agree with that.

Lisa, Mom, and I had appointments at the salon to have our hair and nails done on Saturday morning and, following the age-old tradition, I refused to allow Rob to see me in my dress until the ceremony. Jonathon and his wife Sheila arrived around noon for the 1:00 ceremony. Complaining of a minor headache, he allowed Marci to show him to one of the bedrooms upstairs to “rest.” He seemed to be in much better shape when he returned forty minutes later.

“Are you okay, Jonathon,” his wife asked.

“Yes, my dear; I’m feeling a great deal better. I don’t know what happened. I felt fine when we left the house, but something seemed to come over me when we got here.”

“As long as you’re feeling well now, dear. You’ve missed out on a lot of the delicious hors d’oeuvres. They have caviar on melba toast, fresh boiled shrimp, bacon-wrapped scallops, and some delicious cold veggies with a creamy ranch dressing, among other things. Oh, here comes one of the waitresses now.” A few seconds later Jonathon had taken several boiled shrimp and cocktail sauce in addition to a glass of his favorite Scotch on ice.

The actual wedding would take place in the living room in front of the big stone fireplace. Rob would wait there with his brother while, first Lisa, and then I would walk down the stairs from the second floor to stand in front of Jonathon with the crowd of friends and relatives behind us.

When Jonathon asked, “Who gives this woman in marriage?” Lisa stepped forward and said, “I do,” which we all thought was hysterical. Still, Jonathon continued, and since this was a civil ceremony and not religious, there were no prayers before or after the vows. Rob’s brother, Mike, produced the rings as we said, “With this ring, I thee wed.” Jonathon finished by saying, “By the power invested in me by the State of North Carolina, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride, Rob. I know that’s your favorite part of this ceremony.” Everyone laughed, but Rob did pull me into a long embrace as I tiptoed up to spread my bright red lipstick all over his mouth.

Of course, we were swamped by well-wishers with hugs, kisses, and handshakes. That lasted for more than twenty minutes. During that time, I was introduced to the senior partners at the law firm and I introduced Rob to my dominant friends. Later, once the actual reception had begun, I introduced my mother to Marianne Brown and Dr. Sally.

We began with a half-hour cocktail party with even more hors d’oeuvres—mostly hot ones now—as we waited for our luncheon to begin. Eventually, everyone found their tables and took their seats. We had a small band playing a variety of dance tunes, mostly from the forties, fifties, and sixties. I was emotionally and physically thrilled to dance with Rob, my body molding to his.


We had finished eating, having skipped all of the corny reception activities we had seen dozens of times before, when I saw Jonathon looking a bit down. His wife was being a bitch, turning down his attempts to dance with her and even avoiding conversation with the rest of us at the head table. “Jonathon,” I asked, “are you feeling okay? Would you like to lie down for a while? I could have our maid show you upstairs again and see to anything you needed.”

Jonathon gave me a knowing look before agreeing. “I’m afraid it’s my stomach.” His wife used this as a cue to excuse herself, telling all of us that she would go home and that Jonathon would be able to find his own way later. I called Marci to us and gave her the instructions once again to provide for all of Jonathon’s needs. I had dressed her in her most modest uniform which was not terribly modest, but was still better than having her tits hanging out like they did most days. Jonathon and Marci disappeared for more than an hour before he reappeared looking somewhat more relaxed, if not refreshed.

“I can see you’re feeling better, Jonathon.”

“Yes, I rarely take a nap, but there’s something about lying down in that room.” I had to laugh and was still chuckling fifteen minutes later when Marci reappeared. She whispered discreetly, telling me that she had changed the sheets and remade the bed. I thanked her and suggested that she grab a bite in the kitchen where the caterer had provided a meal for her.

The party broke up by six with all of our guests giving Rob or me envelopes with what I was sure were cash gifts. I was embarrassed because we obviously didn’t need anything and were probably richer than any of our guests, even the law firm’s senior partners. Nonetheless, we accepted the gifts with smiles and thanks as everyone made their way to the door.

I had just let the last of our guests leave then I had turned to Marci. “Well, Marci, I assume you had a lot of fun with Master Jonathon.”

“Oh yeth, Mithreth Donna. I mutht have thwalloed a gallon of hith delithious themen while I was thucking hith big cock and when he fucked me I wath able to cum twithe. I wath able to lick that off the floor. It wath a wonderful day, but I with I could have given you and Mathter Rob a gift.” She dropped to her knees and began to kiss my feet.

I ran my fingers through her hair as I leaned down to kiss her head. “Oh, Marci; you have given me the most incredible gift—one I have cherished and will treasure for many years ahead. Your total submission to me is just about the best gift I have ever received.” She looked up at me with tears in her eyes as the thanked me repeatedly.


Rob and I were relatively young and might have tried to have children of our own if only I had been able. Instead, we decided to adopt, thinking that we would want older children who were otherwise unlikely to be adopted. Normally, adopting children of any age can be a long and difficult process. However, when the Chief Justice of the state’s highest court is one of your best friends a lot of the red tape just melts away. So it was that we adopted our son, ten-year old Dominic, a black Hispanic boy from Colombia. His parents had died on the long and dangerous journey north.

Dominic had been skittish at our first meeting, hiding behind the social worker until we suggested going out to eat at McDonald’s. He and the worker sat in the rear seat with Rob double-checking that he was securely belted in before we drove down the highway. It was a warm sunny day so I suggested that we put the top down. He was amazed and delighted, but not as much as he was when we walked into the restaurant.

Despite the huge gaps in his schooling, he knew quite a few words in English and, especially Coke and chicken nuggets and fries. The huge smile on his face just made our day. We ate and got acquainted and when the social worker asked if we wanted him, we didn’t hesitate even a second. “YES!”

There were papers to be prepared and filed with the court, but they were just formalities. The social worker had visited us at our home and, yes, Marci wore her most modest uniform then, too. We had been interviewed and the worker had even asked me, “Who do you know? You jumped all the way to the top of the list.”

“Maybe that’s because we’re willing to take some children that nobody else is interested in. That’s something no child should have to endure.” She agreed immediately and sadly. Two days later, after we had taken Dominic home with us and had shown him to his room, we sat down for lunch. I gave him several choices and he took peanut butter and jelly. After lunch I explained that we had to register him for school and then I would take him shopping for some new clothes.

Walking him into the school was fun as he held my hand the entire time. Clearly, he was completely overwhelmed. Several months later when his language skills were much better, he told us that his school was bigger than his entire village in Colombia.

Dom was an eager learner and quickly learned to use his laptop, but he was only allowed to play games for an hour a day and, even then, only after his homework had been completed. Two years later he got a sister, an eight-year old black orphan. She was also disadvantaged until we took her in and then she was privileged. Rob and I were thrilled to have a family, even if people stared at us whenever we walked into a restaurant or theater.

By the time we had adopted Nevaeh, Lisa was almost finished at Duke’s outstanding medical school. We proudly attended her commencement program, cheering wildly when her name was called. Once the program had ended, we grouped together, the younger children running to hug and kiss their older sister. After photos of our whole group we all went out to eat at one of the area’s finest restaurants. I had made the reservation months in advance, just as I had with the hotel where I had reserved a three-bedroom suite. Lisa had taken a position as a staff pediatrician at our city’s hospital and as a member of one of the area’s largest practices. Rob and I couldn’t possibly have been prouder.

Unfortunately, that was also the time that we learned that Jonathon’s wife, Sheila, had contracted pancreatic cancer. Jonathon had told us that she hated seeing the doctor, so by the time it was diagnosed it had already reached Stage IV and had metastasized, impacting most of the critical organs in her body. She lived less than a month before passing. During that time Rob and I had many long and serious discussions with Jonathon.

Mom came to visit about two weeks before Sheila passed so she could stay with the kids. Neither Rob nor I wanted our young children at a funeral. They just wouldn’t understand. Jonathon and Sheila had no children—he said the result of refusing sex during most of their marriage--so he would now be alone. That had been the subject of most of our discussions.


We had just returned to our home after the funeral and interment when I walked upstairs to our bedroom. I wanted to change my clothes and, in the process, to take the blue suitcase from my closet. I brought it down to the entry hall before taking a seat in the living room and calling Marcy to kneel between my long slender legs.

“Marci, you are to go with Master Jonathon and serve him as you would me. He is alone now and he needs you more than I do. Officially, you will initially be his maid with a small bedroom down the hall from his. In reality, you will be his mistress. You will serve him sexually in addition to cleaning, handling the laundry, and cooking. You will have a driver’s license so you can shop and buy all of the food you will need. Also, you will wear regular clothing, not a maid’s uniform. I already have several outfits in the suitcase at the door. I am sure you will enjoy being with Master Jonathon. I know that he will want you to suck his cock several times a week in addition to fucking you so you will get plenty of semen. You will also sleep in his bed with him so you can start each and every day by blowing him. I believe it will be an exciting and rewarding time for you. You are to follow every command given you by Master Jonathon just as you have for Rob and me. Now, kiss my feet and follow Master Jonathon to your new home.” Marci obeyed without hesitation or question and meekly followed Jonathon to his car.

Mom, Rob, and I relaxed in the living room until the kids returned from school. They ran in, excited as usual about everything that they had experienced and eager to share their adventures with us. Of course, they wanted to know where Marci was.

“Marci has gone to help Mister Jonathon. You know that his wife died and now he is all alone. He needs someone to care for him—to clean his house, do his laundry, and cook—so Marci went to live with him. She’ll be staying there from now on.”

“Who’s going to care for us,” Nevaeh asked.

“I’ve hired a new maid and we already have a cook and, most importantly…we have each other.” They looked at each other and smiled before running into my and Nana’s arms. Apparently, they agreed completely.


So began our lives without Marci, nee Mark, although I did visit with Jonathon often. He told me what a wonderful experience it was to have his own personal slave and how much he enjoyed waking up to an eager blowjob every morning. Marci also appeared to be extremely pleased with her new experience. She was getting a mouthful of her treasured semen at least one a day, and even more on the weekends. Jonathon was sure to give her an orgasm at least once a week which he said she looked forward to eagerly, slurping all of her warm semen from a bowl immediately. Only once in the first month did he cane her and that was as much to show her who was the boss as it was for an infraction.

By then Rob had advanced to one of the highest positions in his firm—Managing Director. Several senior attorneys had retired and one had died at his desk from a heart attack. Thanks to Mark’s fortune, we didn’t need the money, so the primary benefit was that he worked a regular nine to five day—five days a week. He had the occasional civil matter—mostly wills and estate planning, neither of which required long hours or overtime. More than eighty percent of his work involved the supervision and payroll of the firm’s sixty-two employees.

Rob and I still made love often and I had learned to love occasional anal. The orgasms were so intense that I could only manage it once a week, usually on a Saturday night so I could relax the following day while Rob played golf, usually with one or both of our children. They learned to love the game, both playing on their high school teams before heading off to college—Dom at UNC and Nevaeh at North Carolina State. Their rivalry led to many an interesting holiday dinner with the teasing and joking staying good naturedly.

Rob and I were empty nesters by the time we were in our mid-fifties. Jonathon had passed by then and Marci was taken in by one of my dominant “sisters,” as Rob called them. Rob retired because money had never been an issue for us and our time together was. We bought a beautiful waterfront home in Palm Beach, Florida where we spent our years entertaining our children and grandchildren on virtually every holiday and summer vacation.

I received a sad phone call from my dominant sister that Marci had passed in her sleep. I was sad, of course, but I also felt joy—joy that Marci had had a productive life of total submission—exactly what she told me she had craved so many years ago. Rob and I sat outside in the screened porch that evening and drank a toast to the memory of my dutiful slave.
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