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Not so bright girl goes to live with her stepbrother in his university accommodation and discovers sex.
My not so bright stepsister

by Vanessa Evans

Part 04

Eva was full of energy when she woke up and rode my morning woody to wake me up.

It was another full day at uni for me so I didn’t see Eva until the evening. She told me that the postman had stared at her and the pink antenna when he delivered what she assumed was her new phone but she didn’t open it because it was addressed to me.

Eva had gone for another walk in just a dress with the antenna sticking out of her pussy. She hadn’t noticed anyone looking at her which had left her a little disappointed, but she did tell me that she felt good being dressed like that.

I was starting to think that Eva was going to get to know the neighbourhood better than I did.

That evening I asked Liam and Jackson if they wanted to help me tying Eva to the table in the kitchen and soon Eva was on her back, spread eagle on the table.

“This isn’t like the cowboys and indians that I used to play. Then I was tied to a tree outside but I wasn’t naked then.”

“We could do that, but we’d have to find somewhere with a tree big enough.” I said.

“There’s the park up the road and there’s lots of trees there.” Eva replied.

“Would you like that Eva?” I asked.

“Yes, it sounds fun, but you’d have to dance round me.”

“We’d do more than dance Eva.” Liam added.

“This is more like the doctors and nurses but I was never tied down when I was the patient.” Eva told us.

“And I bet that the doctors never did to you what we are going to do.” I said.

“What’s that?” Eva asked.

“Why do you think that your head is hanging over the end of the table?”

“I have no idea.” Eva replied

“You will in a few minutes.” Liam added.

Ankles and wrist secured I stood back and looked at Eva, she looked very vulnerable laying there, but also very inviting.

“Right guys,” I said, “are we off to the pub?”

Liam and Jackson both gave me a puzzled look. I looked at Eva who just didn’t know what to make of my statement. I could almost see her brain working, not believing that we were going to leave her there like that.

“Relax Eva,” I said with a grin on my face, we’ll leave the front door open so anyone walking by can come in and have a play with your tits and pussy.”

Eva was still confused but the guys had realised that I was joking. Then Liam had an idea,

“Shall we put a blindfold on her so that she can’t see who comes on and plays with her body?”

“Brilliant idea.” I said and got a clean tea towel and tied it round her head.

“Okay guys, let’s go.” I said.

By then I was sure that Eva was getting a little concerned because she said,

“Luke, please don’t leave me like this, anyone could come in and do anything to me.”

“Isn’t that what you wanted Eva?”

“Only with you around to protect me.”

I really had thought about us going outside and letting Eva think that we had gone to the pub, then for us sneaking back in and abusing her body, but I chickened out. Instead I said,

“Okay, we won’t go, but we’re leaving the blindfold on so that you can’t see who is doing what to you.”

“Okay, just so long as you are here. That should be more fun than the doctors and nurses that we used to play.”

The 3 of us did have quite a bit of fun using her body, I think that the only thing that we didn’t do is fuck her with our cocks. I was happy that we’d charged up her vibrator because we discovered that her body can still jerk and shake even when she’d tied down. We also discovered that holding the vibrator against her nipples gets her all worked up, but not as much as holding it against her clit. She had 3 orgasms with us doing that.

Eva also swallowed the cum from all 3 of us as we took it in turns to fuck her mouth and throat.

I said that we didn’t fuck her pussy with our cocks but we did with some kitchen utensils including a rolling pin that none of us had ever used for what it was originally intended.

Eva was still begging for more when the 3 of us guys had had enough. Liam and Jackson went and did whatever whilst I gently caressed Eva’s body to wind her down slowly. Perhaps I was too good at it because Eva fell asleep laying there with her head hanging back off the table. I had to wake her to get her up to the shower to wash off all the sweat. She was still groggy throughout the shower and was fully asleep within seconds of her head hitting the pillow.


It was my turn to wake Eva by going down on her and she woke with the words,

“Fuck me.”

I did, and I made her cum again in the shower when I was shaving her pussy.

It was another full day for me at the uni but both Liam and Jackson had free days. When I got home I found the 3 of them watching a movie on Liam’s laptop, and Eva was sat on Liam’s lap grinding her butt into him.

“Hey Luke.” Eva said when she saw me, “Liam and Jackson have been showing me a new way to fuck, Liam’s fucking me now, can you tell?”

“You’re naked and I can see that Liam’s jeans are down by his knees. With you sat where you are its a pretty good assumption that you 2 are fucking.”

“Oh, I thought that you wouldn’t be able to tell. Can you fuck me like this sometime?”

“Of course I can.”

“Liam and Jackson have been showing me pictures of some other positions that people fuck on the internet and I want to try some of them with you later.”

“Sounds good to me, I’ll look forward to that.” I replied then I left them to it and went up to my room.

When I went back down about an hour later, It was almost a repeat of when I walked in on her and Liam earlier except that it was Jackson underneath Eva.

“Hey Luke,” Eva said, “just making Liam and Jackson even.”

“Okay.” I replied and kept walking to the kitchen.

A short while later I heard Eva’s muffled screams of delight and guessed that she was cumming with either her ball gag on, or Jackson’s hand over her mouth.

I finished what I was doing and went into the lounge to find Eva laying on the sofa, Jackson having gone upstairs to his room.

“Move over lazy bones, make room for me.” I said as I went and pretended to sit on top of her.

“Shall we setup your new phone now Eva?”

At hearing that Eva jumped up and ran for the still unopened package.

“You’ll need your vibrator as well Eva.”

“Oh yes.” Eva said as she ran upstairs.

An hour later Eva’s phone was setup, linked to her email account, had the contact details of everyone that I thought she might need, and had the vibrator app installed and linked to the vibrator.

I demonstrated how to use the app with the Lovense on the table and Eva appeared to follow what I was telling her although I had a vision of her setting it to the most intense vibrations then loosing her purse of forgetting that she had her phone with her and collapsing in a heap as the vibrator took her to climax after climax until the battery went flat.

Then came the acid test. I slid the vibrator into her vagina and handed Eva her phone. Seconds later I was putting the ball gag on Eva as her body shook, seemingly, totally out of her control.

Somehow she managed to reduce the vibrations via her phone and she tried to speak to me. Eva quickly realised that it was only garbled speech that was leaving her mouth and she went back to tapping and sliding.

I watched her through 2 orgasms then decided that she needed a rest so I reached forwards and pulled the vibrator out of her.

“Whwe w’ejk ekj le wgle wehj?” Eva asked.

I smiled, tweaked her nipples then unfastened the ball gag.

“What did you do that for Luke?” Eva again asked.

“Because I thought that you needed a rest.”

“Oh, I could have kept going and it was so much fun.”

“I know that you could have Eva, but I don’t want you totally exhausted when we go to bed, I want you bouncing up and down on my cock.”


“No Eva, when we go to bed. When did you last eat?”

“This morning, I think, I suppose that I am a bit hungry.”

“Let’s get something to eat then.”

We did, then we did up in my room, finally, both of us exhausted, falling asleep.


The next day was party day at Mike’s place. Eva woke me by taking advantage of my morning woody then me seeing how far I could stretch her clit using my teeth. I think that Eva might be right, her clit is getting bigger.

Eva was both nervous and excited all through the day and she kept asking all 3 of us what people would do to her whilst she was tied to the table. Each one of us told her the same, more of what we’d done to her. When Liam told her that one time Eva replied,

“But you’re not a girl.”

“True,” I replied, “so are you worried that a girl might do something to you that a guy won’t?”

“Well at school some of the girls turned on a bitch girl and really beat her up.”

“Eva, relax, the girls at the party will be a lot nicer to you, but just in case I will be near you all the time, I’ll even hold your hand all the time if you want.”

“Would you Luke, that would be nice.”

“What if anyone there tries to put something into my pussy that’s too big?”

“Eva, you’ve had that rolling pin in your vagina and I’ve never seen a cock that big before, but I will watch what they are doing, you won’t get hurt, I promise, but the ‘doctors and nurses’ there will give you a thorough examinations.

By early afternoon I decided that Eva needed something to help her relax so I took her up to the bedroom and we tried a few more sex positions that we’d found on google. Eva particularly liked the one where I stand and Eva has her arms round my neck and her legs round my waist. My hands go under her butt and lower and raise her up and down on my cock. I like it too.

Finally it got time to leave for the party, but Mike phoned just before be were about to leave to tell us that everyone was meeting in a pub. Eva had already asked me what she should wear to go to the party, and as the house that Mike lives in is only about 100 metres down the road I’d said,

“Well, since we are only going down the road I think you should wear just some shoes.”

Eva seemed quite happy with that and she had already put her shoes on ready to leave when Mike phoned. When I told everyone that we were going to the pub first, Eva just said,

“Let’s go then.”

As much as I would have loved to take Eva to the pub just wearing a pair of shoes, I thought that it was a little bit too risky so I sent her upstairs to get something to wear. She came back down wearing just a ‘firm’ fitting tank top that barely covered her butt and was so thin that it clung to every little curve and was slightly see through.

“Put your hands up in the air Eva.” Liam said.

She did and we could all see her slit and clit sticking out between her lips.

“Okay,” I said, “let’s go.”

It’s only about a quarter of a mile to the pub but Eva walked with an arm round me and Jackson later told me that walking like that make the tank top rise up and from behind he could see her butt and her clit as she walked.

There were about half a dozen of the party goers already in the pub and those who hadn’t already met Eva wanted to know who she was and was she the girl who had let guys finger and grope her at the last party.

Eva happily said that she was, and the way that she said it made everyone clear that she wasn’t at all ashamed of what she had done, and that she’d enjoyed it. I was thinking that Eva doesn’t understand shame. Everyone wanted to shake Eva’s hand which usually meant that she had to bend over a little to do that, much to the delight of the people behind her. I wondered if Eva was aware of her exposure, but I was sure that she wouldn’t have minded even if she did know.

Almost as soon as we’d entered the room I saw phones coming out and get pointed at Eva. She must have seen them, and couldn’t have failed to notice the flashes of light that came from some of them but she seemed totally unconcerned.

I noticed that one girl, Jenny, had got up and was stood next to and talking to Eva. Eva looked happy so I didn’t worry and continued talking to Mike..

More people arrived, all wanting to talk to the girl wearing just a tank top. As I was talking to Mike I was looking around the room and saw a few older drinkers who were looking at Eva. I smiled and hoped that they enjoyed the view.

One of the guys asked if he’d got time for a game of pool to which Eva said that she liked pool. I thought that if Eva got playing pool no one would want to go to the party so I spoilt her fun telling her that we had a party to go to and that we could play pool anytime.

Eventually we left the pub and headed for Mike’s place. It was dark by then and one of the guys asked Eva if she would take the tank top off so that everyone could see what she’d got under it. Well Eva isn’t a girl who is bothered about where she gets naked, and she likes to please people so she just whipped the top up and off and carried on walking next to me. I took the top from her and put it in the little backpack that I was carrying as I guessed that it would be quite a while before she wanted it again.

Eva again, wasn’t at all concerned at the camera flashes that lit up her front and back as we walked.

Quite a few people were starting to get ‘happy’ by the time we got to Mike place and the music started even before I had got through the door. Most of the girls there started dancing almost as soon as they got inside, and Eva joined them. I noted that Jenny was dancing close to Eva and looking at her quite a lot.

Eva appeared to be copying her dancing from the other girls so I went and told her to do some pussy thrusts. Some of the guys had been watching the naked girl dancing and there were even more when she started thrusting her pussy forwards. A couple of girls started copying Eva’s thrusts and word soon spread that Jenny was knickerless under her short skirt, what’s more, some of the guys were going in front of the girls doing the pussy thrusts and taking photographs.

After a while I went and whispered in Eva’s ear and we went into the kitchen where it was a little quieter. I opened my backpack and brought out Eva’s vibrator and her phone.

“Are you going to turn my insides into jelly Luke. That would be so cool doing that here.”

“No I’m not Eva.”

“Can I do it then?”

“No Eva.”

Eva looked disappointed as she spread her legs to let me put the vibrator inside her.

“Go back to your dancing Eva.”

Eva did, albeit a bit down.

“What the fuck was that you just stuffed up her cunt?” A guy near me asked.

“Vibrator mate. If you haven’t seen one of those before you should go and watch her.”

He, and the guy he was talking to, went and watched the girls dancing, Eva, Jenny and another girl doing some pussy thrusts as they danced. I watched them for a couple of minutes and saw that Jenny was indeed knickerless, her bald pussy shining nearly as much as Eva’s was. I also saw the knickers of the other girl doing the pussy thrusts, they looked like a transparent thong.

Then I got Eva’s phone out of my pocket and opened the vibrator app. Giving the vibrator a quick blast of full intensity, I watched Eva’s dancing stop mid thrust and her body started shaking. Jenny was next to Eva and she saw Eva shaking and smiled. I guessed that Jenny had seen the vibrator’s antenna, realised what it was, and knew that someone had just activated it.

Jenny looked around and our eyes met. I held up the phone and we both smiled. Jenny indicated that she wanted to use the phone to control Eva so I passed it to her. Soon, Eva was surrounded by people watching her shaking, trying to squeeze her legs together and pulling on her nipples.

It didn’t take Jenny long to take Eva over the edge and Eva’s shaking was combined with jerking and her shouting her head off so much that people could hear her over the music.

Other’s watching soon wanted to control Eva and her phone got passed round lots of people, Eva being brought to 2 more orgasms within minutes.

It wasn’t just Eva’s phone that were in people’s hands, photos and videos were being taken by quite a few people.

When Eva dropped to her knees looking shattered, I searched for her phone and shutdown the app. Turning to Eva I saw that she was back on her feet using Jenny for some support.

“Are you okay Eva?” I asked.

“That was fun.” Eva replied, “do you think that everything inside me will still work or will it have been turned to jelly?”

“Relax Eva, I’m sure that everything will be okay.” I said as I took Eva from Jenny, putting an arm round her, holding one of her tits and leading her into the kitchen to get a drink of water.

I sat her on my lap to have a bit of a rest and after taking a drink, Eva turned her head and gave me a big kiss on my lips, putting her tongue in my mouth and exploring my mouth with it. When the kiss broke I asked Eva what that was for.

“To let you know that I love you and I am very happy that you brought me here.”

“Thank you Eva, I love you too and I am so happy that my mother asked me to look after you for a while.”

“Can you look after me for ever please Luke?”

“If I can I will Eva.”

Eva pulled my head to her chest, one of her tits pressing on my face.

I enjoyed the feeling and licked her hard nipple for a few seconds then said,

“So Eva, do you still want to be tied to that table and let everyone explore your body?”

I felt Eva’s body shudder a little as she replied,

“Yes please Luke, I was starting to think that you’d forgotten. Can you blindfold me as well please, I think that I might enjoy it more if I can’t see who’s hands are on me.”

“I’m sure that I can arrange that. Let’s go and find Mike. How are you getting on with Jenny and the other girls?”

“They all seem nice, one girl said that she wished that she was as brave as me but I don’t think that I’m brave. Jenny is really nice, she says that she might get naked later on, when she’s had a bit more to drink.”

“That will be nice, 2 naked girls to look at.”

“Aren’t I enough for you Luke?”

“Eva, all men like looking at girls, especially naked girls, just the same as girls like looking at men. Don’t you like looking at the bulges in men’s trousers?”

“I never really thought about it until I came to live with you Luke, you started me thinking about things like that.”

“Are you ready to get on the table then Eva?” Mike asked.

“Finally, I’ve been all squidgy down there since we left your house.”

“Up you get Eva, Mike and I will take care of the rest.”

I watched Eva tweak her nipples then climb up onto the table, then I went and got my backpack containing the things that we needed.

Five minutes later Eva was spread eagle on the table with her wrists and ankles firmly tied to the 4 corners of the table. A few of the guys were already stood around the bottom of the table looking at Eva’s spread, very wet pussy complete with her clit sticking out for all to see.

“Would you like to take the vibrator out of her Mike?” I asked.

Smiling, Mike did then handed it to me to put in the backpack along with her phone.

“Eva,” I said just before I put the ball gag on her, “I’ll be close by all the time and I’ll keep taking hold of your hand. I f you want to stop just squeeze my hand hard and I will stop everything.”

“Why would I want to do that?”

“Well if you do you know what to do, are you ready?”

Eva nodded and within 2 seconds her mouth was full. Mike spread one of his T shirts over her face the turned the music right down.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” I shouted to get some silence, then when it was quiet I continued.

“Eva, my stepsister, has decided that it would be nice to see what it would be like to put her body at the mercy of a group of young people. She welcomes any attention that you give her but I have a restriction on what you can do to her. There is to be no climbing on the table to fuck her. Not because I’m not sure that the table can take the weight of 2 people but because I want to limit the number of people who are fucking her.”

“That would be you then Luke?” One guy asked.

“Yes.” I replied, then continued, “Eva has a ball gag on and her face is covered. The covering is because she thinks that it will be more exciting if she can’t see who is groping her and that ball gag is because she gets a bit noisy when she gets aroused.”

“A lot noisy.” Liam added.

“If you want to put something in her mouth you may remove said items but please put the ball gag back on her and cover her eyes afterwards. Right guys, she’s all yours.”

“So this is sort of the practical side of Sex Ed 101.” One guy said.

“Never thought of that, but I guess so, we all may learn something,” I replied.

There was deadly silence for a few seconds and I was looking down at Eva’s pussy watching her juices bubbling out of her vagina. I was proud of my stepsister. I took her hand and gently squeezed it. She squeezed mine back.

Jenny was the first person to step forward. As she put a hand on Eva’s bald pubes she leant over and whispered something to Eva, then her hands went to Eva’s tits and pussy and got to work.

I knew that Eva was quite aroused already but I didn’t expect her to cum within seconds. Her butt rose up and stayed up for a good 10 seconds with her body just frozen before her whole body relaxed then started jerking and shaking.

Jenny kept rubbing throughout all this bringing Eva to a second orgasm before letting her relax for a few seconds. When Jenny backed away 3 guys moved next to the table and their hands went to her pussy and tits.

Soon, Eva had more hands in and on her. She gently squeezed my hand and I knew that she was happy.

Over the next 30 to 45 minutes the party guests, girls included, brought Eva to 3 more orgasms and just about everyone at the party had either photographed her, videoed her, or both.

The Eva squeezed my hand firmly so I told the people around the table to back off and I took the T shirt off Eva’s face. She didn’t look distressed but she did look exhausted. When I took the ball gag off her Eva said,

“Thank you Luke, I’m okay, just tired, I need a rest.”

“Are you okay Eva?” Jenny asked as she walked over to us?”

“Yeah, just needed a rest.” Eva replied.

“It’s your turn on the table now Jenny.” I said.

“What, no, I couldn’t do that.”

“Why not?” Eva asked.

“I just couldn’t.”

“Why not Jenny? I’m up here and I’m not as clever as you are.”

“You may not have the academic qualifications Eva,” Jenny said, “but you make up for that in other areas.”

“I don’t understand.” Eva replied.

“Beauty and an apparent lack of modesty, embarrassment and a general love of your body Eva. “I don’t have those qualities.”

“But you could have Jenny.” I said. “Come on, help me untie Eva the you can strip and get up there.”

“I don’t know.” Jenny replied, but she did start untying one of Eva’s wrists.

When Eva was free she sat up next to Jenny and started to lift her top off. Jenny resisted a little as Eva said,

“It’s awesome not knowing whose hands are on you and in you Jenny. You’ll really enjoy it.”

Jenny’s resistance faded and soon she was wearing only her skirt. As Eva unfastened it Jackson came over and said,

“If you are getting on the table Jenny, can I be the first to finger you?”

I saw Jenny blush and the way that she was looking at Jackson made me think that maybe she had a thing for Jackson so I said,

“Jackson, please can you lift Jenny up onto the table.”

“I can mana ……..” Jenny started to say but it was too late, Jackson already had her in his arms and Jenny wasn’t complaining.

As Jackson lowered Jenny onto the table I said,

“You tie her ankles Jackson, I’ll tie her wrists.”

As Jackson and I moved to the ends of the table Jenny put herself into the spread eagle position. I’d deliberately gone to the head of the table so that Jackson had to go to Jenny’s feet therefore getting a good look at Jenny’s spread pussy.

“Do you want the ball gag or the T shirt Jenny?” I asked.

“No thanks.”

“So are you ready for this?” Eva asked.

“Will you go first Eva?” Jenny asked.

“I’ve never touched another girl’s tits or pussy.” Eva replied.

“Just do to Jenny what you like me to do to you Eva.”

Eva looked at me and I smiled then nodded towards Jenny. Eva’s hands went to Jenny’s tits and slowly started caressing them.

“Do you like it when I get a bit rough with your tits Eva?” I asked.

Eva took the hint and Jenny’s nipples got the same treatment as I give Eva’s

Instinct must have taken over because Eva started using her mouth on Jenny’s tits and one of her hands went down to Jenny’s pussy. I heard Jenny gasp then moan then I looked around to see lots of eyes watching, most of them attached to arms that were holding mobile phones pointed in Jenny and Eva’s direction. I was pleased that I’d manoeuvred Eva round to the side of the room when Jenny first got up on the table so that people’s view of Jenny’s naked body wouldn’t be hidden by Eva.

I bent over and whispered to Eva,

“Relax, you won’t hurt her, make her cum like I do with you.”

As I was saying that my right hand slid down Eva’s back then butt. I squeezed each of her cheeks then moved my hand between her legs. Eva gasped then I saw her hand get even busier on Jenny’s pussy.

Soon both girls were cumming, Jenny first then Eva shortly afterwards.

As Eva got her wits about her again I manoeuvred her round to between Jenny’s legs then bent her over so that her face was right in front of Jenny’s pussy. Instinct must have taken over as I heard Jenny gasp as Eva’s tongue licked between Jenny’s swollen lips.

I looked down at Eva’s butt with her dripping, swollen, inviting pussy staring back at all the people looking at it and so wanted to fuck her right there and then but something was stopping me, I guess that I’m not as liberated, no, that’s not the right word, as shameless, no, that’s closer to what I mean, but you know what I mean, I just couldn’t fuck her right there and then.

Before long Jenny was cumming again.

Orgasm over, I lifted Eva up and out of the way. Turning to Jackson I said,

“I didn’t think that you’d mind Eva going first mate.”

“Fuck no, that was totally awesome.” Jackson replied as he bent over the end of the table to start his tongue work.

I led Eva into the kitchen and was pleasantly surprised to see no one else there so I bent Eva over the kitchen table, got me cock out and rammed it into her.

Soon Eva was making more noise than Jenny and 4 or 5 people came to see what was causing Eva to be so vocal. It was funny, when the guys saw what I was doing to Eva they turned and went back to watch Jenny, and maybe get their turn; but when the girls saw us fucking they stayed and watched. Having a female audience spurred me on and soon Eva orgasmed and I felt her vaginal muscles contract and relax on my cock which helped me cum as well.

I stood there in post coital euphoria for a minute or so then pulled Eva back and we sat on a chair, Eva on my lap. She put an arm round my neck and gave me another long, French kiss. When her mouth broke contact Eva said,

“Thank you Luke, thank you for every thing, I’ve never been so happy.”

“So what was it like caressing Jenny’s body and making her cum Eva.” I asked.

“A bit weird at first, I didn’t know what to do but after you told me to do what you do to me it was good.”

“And you made her cum.”

“Yes I did didn’t I?”

“You should be proud of yourself Eva. You did so good that I think that Jenny wants some more from you. I might just invite her over to the house. I know that Jackson would like that.”

“Why is that?”

“Well if she gets naked Jackson and Liam and I would like that, and I think that Jackson fancies her.”

“Does he? Shall I ask to come over and tell her that if she does come she has to take her clothes off?”

“If you like, but we’ll expect the pair of you to do a 69 for us.”

“Isn’t a 69 for a man and a woman?”

“It can be for 2 girls Eva.”

“What about 2 men?”

“Yes them as well but we’ll not go there.”

“So I’ll ask her over if she promises to get naked and do a 69 with me?”

“Yes Eva, I think that she’ll like that, I think that she fancies you.”

“I like her too. Okay, do you think that the people out there got some good photos and videos of me Luke?”

“I’m sure that they did Eva, do you want me to get a copy of some of them for you to watch?” I replied, guessing that Eva didn’t understand my comment about Jenny fancying her.

“Would you Luke?”

“Of course.”

“Thank you Luke, will you fuck me again?”

“Let’s go and see how Jenny is surviving?”

We did, and Jenny looked to be quite happy as she was, one guy’s hands on her tits and one girl’s fingers fucking her.

Most of the people there were either watching or playing with Jenny but Eva had found a reserve of energy so she turned the music on and started dancing. Some others joined her and I went to keep an eye on Jenny who looked like she was still happy.

After a while there was a lull in the demand for her body so I decided to take my turn. Whilst I was finger fucking her and caressing her nipples I looked at her face and asked her if she was okay.

“Fuck yes Luke, I’m so pleased that you let Eva come and live with you.”

“You like her don’t you Jenny?”

“Yes I do, I’m a bit jealous of her.”

“Sharing my bed?”

“Well that a little but she’s so open about her body, she, oh, don’t stop doing that Luke, she made me realise that I shouldn’t suppress my desires. Will you fuck me please Luke?”

“Sorry, but I know a guy who would love to, probably every guy here actually, but one in particular.”

“Who would that be because I don’t want to be gang banged.”

“That wasn’t what I was thinking, what do you think of Jackson?”

“He’s cute. Why did you stop doing that? Please keep doing that.”

“Don’t move Jenny, oh, you can’t, good.”

I left Jenny and went looking for Jackson. Two minutes later Jackson was exploring Jenny’s tits and pussy again and I decided that it was time to take Eva back home. I told Eva that we were going and I told Jackson to bring the ropes when he was done with them, then I packed the rest of Eva’s things into my backpack and led Eva outside.

“Not that I want to, but shouldn’t I put something on Luke?” Eva asked.

“Yes you should really, but let’s see if we can make it home with you like that Eva.”

“Okay, Eva replied as she linked arms with me as we walked.

We made it home without seeing anyone other than a couple of very drunk young men who stopped staggering and stared at Eva, but that was it. Well it was around 3 in the morning.

I told Eva to have a shower which I joined her in, and fucked her, then we went to bed.


Eva must have been really tired because my cock had been going in and out of her pussy for ages before she woke up. She smiled, lifted her legs round my waist and said,

“That’s another new position that we can fuck in again.”

“Wait until I put your legs over my shoulders.” I replied.

Not a writerReport 

2021-01-02 04:54:17
Another great series you have going, Vanessa. I've enjoyed your stories for a few years now. Keep it up.

Doozy woof HunterReport 

2020-12-11 17:51:51
LOVING this story!!!!!

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