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HELL in a Motel

I wake up startled. My head hurts all over again. This time it’s a sharp pain in the back of my head. I try to open my eyes, but they’re sensitive to the brightness of the room. My vision is blurred. I have a TERRIBLE headache that’s pounding my head. I’m incredibly dizzy. This feels like my attack at the mall all over again!

I try my best to get up. I struggle in the process of doing so. I quickly realize that I’m stuck. I look down at my feet, as they are both duct taped to a chair. I can barely move them! My arms are also entrapped. They are tied up behind me with ropes on the wooden chair I’m currently imprisoned on.

“Whaa-what the fuck is happening?”

I try to wiggle myself free from the tape and ropes. I then hear footsteps approach me from a corner. I see a figure stand before me. My vision is still blurry but quickly adjusts when I recognize Mr. Clark staring at me with a twisted smile on his face.

“We meet again Luke....glad to see you’re up and about.”

I open my mouth to say something when I stop and stare at the piece of metal he has in his hand. It’s a gun!!

Clark sees me making eye contact with his weapon and he lets out a chuckle.

“Oh don’t worry...I’m not going to kill you....for now. We still have a lot to discuss.”

Clark steps to the side and allows me to look forward to the bed where Violet lays.

She’s passed out laying to her side facing me. Her face is covered in fresh cuts and bruises. Her make up is smeared from her tears. She wears ripped up yoga pants and a familiar undergarment for a shirt. I realize she’s wearing my undershirt from the night we had sex when I first got home for the summer! How stupid it was of me to have forgotten it! That shirt has caused me and Violet so much pain!

“Clark....uh Mr. Taylor...I’m sorry for the troubles I’ve been causing to you and Ms. Taylor. You’re right about there being consequences to sleeping with a married woman. But this crazy! You can’t possibly think you can keep getting away with this! I covered your ass when you assaulted me in the parking lot! Now you’re holding me and your wife as hostages in a shit motel! You can’t possibly think you can get away with this! My parents are going to freak out if I’m not home soon!”

Once again, Clark just smiles at me while he plays with his gun in his hand.

“Luke...don’t worry about your parents. I let them know you’re just fine. I took the liberty of unlocking your phone while you were out cold and texting both of them that you’re out with your friends.

And just to make sure that they won’t be a bother at all while we sit here getting to know each other...I’m going to ask for you to call your father and explain why you’ll be out of town for a few days...more or less.”

My eyes widen in disbelief hearing this. A few days as a hostage?? Stuck in a motel with this psycho??

“You’re a PSYCHO! You can eat shit if you think I’m going to lie to my dad for you!” I tell Clark with a confident boost of anger coming out.

Clark leans into me and I hear a click. He points the barrel of the gun at my forehead. Everything is escalating way too fast!

“Luke...let me rephrase what I just said...I’m not asking you to call....I’m TELLING you to call! And you best sound convincing that you’re ok and not in any kind of danger! Believe me...I won’t repeat myself!”

He continues to point his weapon at me while he takes my phone out of his pocket. He quickly walks around the back of the chair to take my thumb to unlock my phone with the Touch ID. He walks back up to me and dials my dad. He puts me on speaker continuing to hold the gun at me.


“Hey dad!”

“Luke? Everything ok? You’ve been gone for hours.”

“Uh....Yeah, everything is good. Sorry for not staying in touch. and Jacob are actually driving up to LA right now. We decided to uhh....visit some friends we made in Mexico during Spring Break.”

There’s a long pause.

“You’re on you way to LA? You didn’t mention anything of that to me or your mother. Are you up to no good?”

“ we’re fine. It was a last minute thing....Greg and Ethan are meeting us out there. Had to last minute because Greg won’t be available the rest of the month because of his job....”

Another long pause from my dad.

“Well...I would really appreciate open communication here between your mom and I. Thanks for letting me know. I’ll see when you get back. Love you.”

With that, my dad hangs up, leaving me alone with Violet and her psycho husband for the next few days...without any kind of worry of my whereabouts.

“Ahhh....must be great having parents that don’t really worry about your whereabouts and who you spend your time with. You must have had a great time growing up, getting away with a lot of shit...having the ‘time of your life’ all throughout high school and college” Clark tells me.

Pissed off, I start to scramble in my chair trying to free myself again.

“CLARK! YOU SICK FUCK!!! What do you want from me???”

Clark’s face changes to his typical stern expression as he takes his gun and whacks me hard in the head. Everything goes dark......


I start to regain my consciousness again. My vision is clear this time but my head feels like it’s about to explode! The nausea is too much for me. I lean over to my side and start to vomit. My eyes feel like they are going to pop out of my head from the pressure of me puking my brains out! This felt like I was waking up from the WORST kind of hangover ever! As I try to regain my breathe, I begin to smell the air in the room. I smell the aroma of bacon and maple syrup, and my fresh vomit of course. I look to the corner and see Clark eating away at the little desk in the room. He has a to-go bag from a local breakfast diner with a large tray. He sits down eating pancakes with eggs and bacon. He looks up at me and smiles.

“Oh Hey Luke! Rise and Shine! You must be starving! Why don’t you get up and come grab a plate?”

He laughs when he says that last part. He’s completely right though....I’m starving and dehydrated! It’s been about a day since I’ve been trapped here!

I look over to the bed and see Violet. She’s wide awake and is sitting upward with her back to the bedpost. Still tied and gagged, she stares at me, silently weeping.

Clark gets up and makes his way to me. He has a bottle of water in his hand.

“Where are my manners Luke? You MUST be thirsty! Here...have a sip.”

Clark takes the bottle and dumps some water on my face. He chuckles as he makes his way over to Violet and does the same.

“My beautiful wife must be thirsty take a sip.”

I’m FUMING on the inside with rage!!! This pyscho seriously thinks he’s going to get away with holding us hostage...he has another thing coming.


I can’t finish my sentence as Clark slugs me straight in the face. He punched me so hard, I bit my tongue and immediately started to taste blood.

“SHUT UP! STOP YELLING! You scream one more time, and you’re going to watch me beat my wife to a pulp! Understand??”

I can hear Violet starting to weep louder in the background as Clark regains his composure.

“Now...I think that you deserve some answers Luke. You’ve been here long enough and you’re starting to piss me off with your agitation and questions. So....let us begin.”

Clark pulls another chair and sits across face to face with me.

“Luke...I told you to stay far away from Violet for your safety...but here’s the catch: SHE is the reason why we are all here spending some quality time together.

You see Luke....Violet won’t even make eye contact with me anymore unless spoken to. She won’t talk to me, and does NOT make an effort to satisfy me when we’re having sex! So....out of rage, I rough her up a bit demanding to know if she’s still seeing you. And you know what she does?? Violet...My WIFE OF ALMOST 25 YEARS spits on my face and screams to me how she’s in love with you...and how she can’t STAND THE SIGHT OF ME!!!”

I can see the look of anger and hurt on Clark’s face. I look to Violet as she’s bawling her eyes out. My head is racing with millions of thoughts and regrets. I am flooded with a wave of guilt as I stare at Clark. His face is flashing red but I can see tears forming in his eyes.

“Luke...I’ve been away overseas for a really long time...the only communication with my wife is via phone and video chat. My whole marriage and having my kids...I’ve been in and out of their lives. Always away overseas....working. Sacrificing my time with my family for this country. It’s been an honor doing so but has NEVER been easy for me being away for months at a time from my family. I’ve missed many important holidays, birthdays, graduations, you name it!

I decide I’m sick of always missing out on my family...and being away from my lovely wife who I LOVE dearly...and you know what I do? I spend the last TWO YEARS racking up paid time off from work and decide to come home and surprise my wife.....and spend some quality time with her for as long as I can. And guess what I come home to? An affair, emotional drama, and now...betrayal!”

As I listen to Clark spitting his anger and hurt out at me, I sit with my head down to the floor, soaking it all in. I know this is all my fault. He continues on.

“’ve cost me so much in the very little time I’ve known you. You are to blame for wrecking my marriage and taking away the love of my life.”

Clark gets up and walks to the desk. He picks up an object and makes his way over to Violet on the bed.

She stares at Clark while she tries to catch her breath from all the crying.

“So dear...Luke is the love of your life huh?” He takes the object and holds it upright in the air for the both of us to see. It’s a knife! More specifically, a pocket knife with a large, sharp blade.

He then pulls out a small torch from a bag he has on the desk and plays with the switch, exposing the flame. He walks right over to me and lets me hear the hissing sound of the flame when he plays with it.

“I’ve suffered enough dear. All this has been very painful for me. I figured it’s time I shed some of that pain and suffering....and share it with the love of your life.”

My heart hits the ground in terror. I don’t know what he means when he says he wants me to feel his pain. I’m guessing it involves his knife and lighter.

I hear Violet start to shout, but her voice is muffled due to the gag. Clark pulls my chair forward to the bed and faces me to her. Nervously, I try to calm her down as she starts to whimper.

“’s going to be ok. Whatever happens.”

I look up at Clark as he laughs sarcastically.

“Luke, I’m not so sure you will be, but it’s a cute thought.”

He takes the torch and heats up his knife in hand. I start to break down.

“Clark...please! You don’t have to do this! I’ll cut all ties with her I swear to God!!! I won’t tell ANYONE about this!!! I’ll leave you two alone!! I’ll spend the rest of my summer away from home and not come back!!! Think about what you’re doing Clark!!!”

He shakes his head with a look of disapproval as he ignores me. I can smell the heat of the blade as he continues to fire it up. Violet shakes the bed as she tries to free herself from her cuffs, shouting for her husband to stop with her gag on.

Clark then shows me the blade of his knife. It’s so hot, it’s red! He smiles as he holds the knife to my ear. I can hear it sizzling.

“So part of my work in the military Luke...let’s just classified. One thing me and my team overseas do are interrogations. We interrogate those that hold onto information of our enemies. We’re good at squeezing the truth out of them, one way or another. This right here is a SPECIAL technique that works like a charm. It’s my favorite! By the time my knife is SCORCHING HOT and sizzling, you should see how fast people weep like little pussies and cave in giving us the information we need.”

This is it God...just make this quick. This isn’t the way I wanted to go out but please....make it quick. I try to calm myself down preparing for what’s to come. “Violet my as I make the TRUE love of your life suffer and beg for mercy!”

With that, he takes out duct tape and covers my mouth as a gag. I try to scream for him to stop but my words come out muffled.

Clark takes the knife and presses it against my cheek. It burns SO BAD! I scream in pain as he takes the blade off and presses it against my other cheek.

I can barely hear Violet as she hysterically begs for him to stop. Clark then takes the blade and begins to make slow but precise incisions down my face. I can feel the blood trickle down running down my face as the pain stings.

I continue to scream from the pain of the burns and the slice wounds. Clark is still not done! He takes the knife, grabbing my shirt. In one quick motion, he cuts down the middle, splitting my shirt in half.

Clark then starts to slice my chest with the blade slowly down toward my abdomen. The burning sensation was enough to make me feel faint. I start to lose consciousness as I feel the knife carving into my skin. Clark slices me up with the blade, drawing lines down my chest and my arms.

I can still hear the faint cries of Violet as Clark continues to press the burning hot blade on my flesh and cut me with the knife.

I hear him shouting.


She begs him to stop, crying hysterically.

Eventually, Clark stops.

Seeing how weak I am, he yanks off the tape from my mouth. I have little to no energy left inside me to talk. Much less scream for help.

“So Luke, is this BITCH worth the pain and suffering you’re starting to feel? That’s right, I said STARTING! I’m not finished with you yet. I want you to feel the EXACT amount of pain you’ve caused me.....this right here is just child’s play.”

I look up at Clark slowly as he stares at me with a disgusting grin on his face.

With all the energy left inside me, I spit on him.

He laughs aloud as he wipes away the bloody saliva off his face.

“Oh this is going to be so much fun Luke! You’ll see.”

He winks at me, and begins to walk away.

I’m able to let out a few words slip out.

“ you pla....plan on ge-getting away wi-with this? You caa.....can’t expect me to ke...keep my mouth shut!”

He stops, turns, and walks back to me.

He leans in and whispers.

“I don’t expect you to keep quiet.”

He looks to Violet, who continues to weep silently with a scared apologetic look on her face at me.

“I’m going to kill you...slowly. I think it’s my wife’s turn to start to feel the pain and suffering we both have going on. Once I make you disappear, me and Violet are going back to my base overseas. She will live with me, where I will have complete control and be able to watch out for her EVERYDAY!”

After the hell I’ve endured so far and the pain I feel getting worse, I don’t try to fight or plead. I saw this coming from afar. I take one last look at Violet before I feel the familiar strike to the back of my head with his gun.


I awaken the next morning to the sounds of crying and gagging. I hear Clark grunting. I open my eyes. I can barely move. I look down my chest and see dried blood splashed over me. My slice wounds have begun to clot. I can still feel the burn marks on my face, chest, arms, and abdomen. My entire body is sore! I’ve lost all feeling in my legs from being tied for nearly two days! My arms are weak from being tied behind me as well. For a moment, I’m disoriented as I look at my surroundings not knowing where I am, only feeling the astonishing amount of pain I’m in. The sounds of cries, choking, and Clark’s grunts and moans quickly bring me back to reality...or hell I should say!

I look over to the bed where Violet is. The sight that’s in front of me leaves me in horror! I see Violet laying completely flat on her chest at the end of the bed with her head hanging over the edge. Her hands were cuffed behind her, while her feet were tied with rope up in the air. Clark stands at the rear of the bed, shoving his cock up and down her throat! He holds her head while he thrusts his dick in and out of Violet’s mouth with violent force! Her face is completely red, covered in sweat, semen, and spit. Clark stops his thrusting often to ram his rod all the way to the back of her throat and leaves it there while she gags and chokes, trying to escape his hold to breathe. Only when she starts to turn purple, he releases himself from her throat and continues to violate her mouth. Violet has tears shedding down her face as she pleads for him to stop every time he takes his dick out of her mouth. She pleads and begs coughing and gasping for air.

“Clark, PLEASE!! I’m going to pass out!”He then takes his dick and puts it back into her mouth. He begins to thrust in and out at a rapid pace! The sounds of his grunts and her choking and gagging drives me insane!


As weak and exhausted as my body is, I have the strength to shout again.

Clark stops what he’s doing and looks to me.

“Ahhh Luke! Glad to finally see you’re awake! C’mon, the party is just getting started...I think you’re going to like it!”

Clark makes his way over to me completely naked. His body and massive, and covered with tattoos. His dick is almost twice my size and almost looks like another muscle as it’s thick and veiny!

He grabs his duct table on the desk along the way. He rips some off and covers my mouth, taking away my ability to speak again.

“Now Luke, come and watch as my wife and I, or your lover I should say, are just getting started.”

He takes my chair and pulls me closer to her next to the bed.

I look at Violet as she lays flat, her clothes ripped up even more. She doesn’t look at me as she lays down trying to catch her breath.

Clark grabs her feet, taking off the ropes that bound them together. He then grabs her and shoves her roughly upward. He removes her handcuffs, revealing bruises on both her wrists from the tightness of the grip. Clark then picks up his underwear off the floor, and folds it into a ball. He shoves the underwear into her mouth gagging her up. Violet doesn’t even try to fight anymore. He laughs while he turns her over leaning her forward to the bedpost. Clark grabs the cuffs and ties both her hands to the bedpost. He takes her legs and spreads them. He positions her ass up into the air as he tears off the remains of her yoga pants. Clark then violently yanks off her panties, tearing them in the process.

“Hmmm...I think I’ll give these to a trophy” he tells me. Clark then rips off the duct tape on my face, and replaces it with her ripped panties in my mouth. With a smile on his face, he spits on his hand multiple times and rubs his cock.

He gets on top of the bed and bends down over Violet. It doesn’t take a genius to know what’s to happen next.

I hear Violet start to silently weep again as he grabs two of his meaty fingers and violently thrusts them into her asshole.

I can barely make out the words she cries out but hear a “please stop” amongst other words with her cries.

Clark grunts as he fingers her ass roughly taking them as far deep into her as he can and quickly pulling them out. He does this for a few minutes and then abruptly stops.

“Luke, you lucky bastard! Not only did you get to screw around and enjoy my wife. But she let you fuck her in the ass!! I BEGGED her for YEARS to let me! But she was too scared to try it supposedly. You really hit the jackpot, you know that?”

I try to just ignore him as I know I’m too weak to even try and fight what he’s going to do.

“I need you to really focus now. Here’s where the fun really starts to kick in!”

Clark then takes his dick and positions it with Violet’s tight asshole. Once his tip is in, Clark rams the rest of this meaty cock all the way into her going balls deep!

Violet screams in sheer pain as he starts to thrust in and out of her ass violently shaking the entire bed. He fucks Violet with such force, she bumps her head against the bedpost each time he thrust into her. I close my eyes trying to block out the vision of this nightmare unfold before my eyes. I wish I could block out the sounds of her cries and his grunts! He sounds like a fucking annoying animal. If only I could grab his gun right now and knock his lights out!

As Clark continues to sodomize his wife for what feels like an ETERNITY, I finally hear him howl! He’s reached his orgasm.

“OH SHIT! HOLY SHIT LUKE!! I just tore your lover’s asshole apart!!! MAN was she tight!!” Clark pulls himself off of Violet and stands up next to the bed.

Violet has her face to the pillow screaming in agony. Her legs shake on the bed while she shakes her body around in discomfort. I look at her ass which oozes out the remains of Clark’s jizz with some blood.

“Well Luke. She is your lover. I shouldn’t be the only one here having all the fun! Now it’s YOUR TURN!”

With that, Clark comes forward and starts to grab my belt. He yanks it off and unzips my pants. He pulls them down and my boxers as much as he can, revealing my cock which is completely hard to my surprise. Having a mind of its own, my erection formed at the sight of Violet’s brutal assault. I felt ashamed and dirty.

“Would you look at THIS dear??”

He grabs a key and removes her handcuffs from the bedpost. Clark grabs Violet by the hair and yanks her forward to the side of the bed where I’m facing. She has bloodshot eyes and swollen eyelids from all her crying. Her face is covered with tears and sweat. She looks at me weakly with no expression on her face. It’s as if her soul was already dead and there was just a being in front of me.

I turn my head away as I feel hot tears start to form and drop down my face. The tears burn my cheeks making their way down my knife wounds and burns on my face.

“Look at your lover BITCH!! You see this??? Luke is AROUSED! He enjoys seeing a WHORE like YOURSELF getting treated the way you DESERVE!!!!”

Clark continues to scream at Violet while she looks away. She’s too weak to even cry.

“Look Luke! Look at your lover! Look at this WHORE!! She’s too weak to even try and continue our fun! Well, lets wake her up!”

Clark grabs an opened bottle of water on the nightstand. He grabs her face and opens her mouth. He pours water down her throat until she starts to choke and cough. He takes the remainder of the bottle, and dumps it on my face. I’m severely dehydrated, but the splash of water helps revive my energy a little more.

He then starts to slap Violet. Hard! He slaps her face full force with the front and back sides of his hand. He grabs her neck and starts to choke her while roughly shaking her head back and forth.

At this point, Violet begins to scream and cry again.

“Ohhhh...THERE WE ARE! Now you’re back! That’s the way I like it! Ok Luke! Violet is ready to continue our fun!”

I look away trying to ignore him. If I could untie myself right now, I would murder him. Without a doubt.

“Luke! It’s time for us to fuck your lover together!” I immediately start to plead with him begging for him to stop. Telling him that she’s been through enough, but he ignores me and laughs.

“Luke you’re obviously aroused! Now whether you like it or not, we are going to fuck this bitch together!”

I look him straight in the eyes with a look of pure hatred and disgust.

“Go fuck yourself you DISGUSTING PIECE OF SHIT! You’re a fucking monster! You can kill me now if you think I’m going to participate in your sick game!!”

Clark just sighs and shakes his head with a smile on his face.

“I’m just trying to make this fun. Give you a little bit of pleasure before I kill you. I believe you though. I know you’d rather I kill you before you join me. But trust me when I say you’re going to fuck this bitch with me.”

Clark pulls his knife from the nightstand. I immediately feel the sensations of that burning blade on my body all over again. Instead, he takes the blade and slices Violet’s exposed breast with it. Hard! I see blood flowing down her body to the bedsheets. Violet covers her face with one hand as she sobs in pain. It’s an ugly cry. I feel this rip inside my chest as I shout at Clark to stop.

“OK OK!!! I’ll do whatever you want! Please just put the knife down!!”

Clark grins as he puts down the blade.

“That’s what I thought. Now dear, get up and sit on top of your lover before I grab my gun and bust your head open.”

Violet weakly gets up and gets onto my lap. I wince when I feel her body press against mine due to my injuries. We both have a brief passionate moment as we stare at each other face to face. She reaches up slowly to touch my face and feels my knife wounds. We press our foreheads together and close our eyes. Our brief moment of tranquility is interrupted when Clark yanks her upward forcing her to stand. He grabs my cock, still hard, and aligns it for her with her pussy. He then grabs her shoulder and shoves her all the way down onto my shaft. Violet lets out a quick painful gasp as she closes her eyes. Tears begin to come down her face again. I close my eyes in horror as I try not to cry myself.

“Now RIDE AWAY BITCH! Ride his dick!!” Clark commands.

Violet slowly starts to move her body up and down my shaft. It kills me to admit how good it felt. Slowly she continues to ride me. Up and down. Clark stands and watches with a sickening look of pleasure on his face. He starts to stroke his cock while watching her fuck me.

After a few minutes of her weakly bouncing up and down on me, Clark tells her to pause.

“Ok, I think it’s time I crash this party!”

He then pulls her off of me and shoves her to the floor. Clark grabs my chair and leans me backwards against the side of the bed. My upper back and my head lay against the bedside as the two front legs of the chair are up in the air. Clark then picks Violet off the floor and forces her to get back on top of me, this time facing forward like I am with her back to me. She gets on top of me and sits back down on my cock with no trouble.

“I told you I’m going to crash this party, so dear I’m going have to ask you to switch holes. Put Luke’s cock into your ass and I’ll put mine inside your lovemaker.”

Clark had a very calm tone of voice when he said so. It was sickening. Obediently, Violet pulls my cock out of her vagina and puts it underneath straight into her ass once again with no trouble.

Fuck she’s so tight! Last time I fucked her ass was during my last days of Spring Break! Of course, this was a very different situation though. One I wish we both were not involved in. Clark quickly gets on top of us and spreads open her legs. He grabs his cock and shoves its entirety up her pussy.

“Luke, I know you’re tied down but you can wiggle your hips and fuck this bitch with me at the same time! So you better do so or else I’m going to take this blade and replace your dick with it and shove it inside your lover’s ass. Understand??”

I reply back by weakly moving my hips up and down, fucking Violet’s ass. Violet winces in pain each time we thrust into her. Clark smiles as he fucks Violet with me. I’m able to pick up the pace little by little. I try my best to speed up my orgasm. The faster I cum, the quicker this bastard gets off of me and Violet. I try to flood my mind with positive memories I have had with Violet so far. Memories start to come of when we first met. Memories of how she last minute joined my friends and I in Mexico for Spring Break. Memories of me and my best friend Jacob fucking her together on the beach. Memories of the random hookups I had that same week. Memories of her sister Linda coming to town for a visit and getting to fuck them together. And then of course, memories of the night not so long ago we declared our love for each other. The weekend we spent together while her husband was away on a fishing trip.

It doesn’t take long for me to start getting the feeling in my sack of an orgasm approaching. I pick up my pace, with all my energy left in me. Violet moans in pain while I continue to thrust up and down. I feel terrible about it but I need to finish so I can get Clark off of me and her. Clark starts to grunt like a wild animal again as he tries to stay at my pace. No such luck. With my hands tied behind me and my legs tied in front, my hips are going berserk as I try to squeeze out an orgasm.


I scream out loud.

Violet’s cries of pain actually calms down a bit with a silent hint of pleasure.

I keep grunting as I slow down to let Clark know I’ve reached my climax. Eventually, he pulls himself off of me and her. He picks up Violet off my dick, popping it out of her asshole with my spunk dripping out of her. He tosses Violet onto the bed like a rag doll and pulls my chair upward, away from the bed. He turns it around so I can face her.

“My turn again to cum on this bitch!”

Clark pulls Violet towards him. He grabs her hair and yanks it to pull her face to his cock as he strokes himself with intense force. Violet closes her eyes as he starts to howl. Clark hits his orgasm and Violet is greeted with masses of semen to her eyes, nose, and mouth. This guy had an orgasm not too long ago and yet he spills massive loads of semen onto her! Clark then takes his hand and rubs his spunk all over her face.

“Now lick my hand off cunt!!”

Violet does what she’s told to do and licks off Clark’s cum-covered fingers one by one.

With a look of satisfaction, Clark grabs his underwear gag he made for her and shoves it back into her mouth. He then grabs the cuffs and ties her hands upward to the bedpost. He makes his way over to me and drags me closer to her. We both stare at each other. Both of us share the same look of apology and regret.

“I’ll let you two lovebirds spend some quality time together.”

With that, he walks away to the bathroom whistling. Minutes later, he comes back out dressed up.

“I have some errands to run. You both better be on your best behavior.”

Clark walks past us and then stops. He looks at me and smiles.

“Can’t forget this huh?”

He reaches for Violet’s ripped panties and shoves them back into my mouth gagging me once again.

“Just a little precaution to make sure you don’t do anything stupid while I’m away. Now, take care of each other. If you behave, I’ll bring you some water. You must be parched!” Clark winks at me as he steps out of the room and leaves us.

Funny how this is the only time I’ve ever seen him leave. Every other time, I’ve been knocked out cold.

I stare over at Violet. She looks at me with sadness and tries to muffle an apology. She waves her head at me and nods in the direction of the door, her way of telling me to try and free myself and get out of here.

I make an effort at loosening up my hands but make very little progress. Between the knife wounds, dehydration, and starvation, my body was just too weak. My head was throbbing from the pressure of me shaking my body up and down fucking Violet against my will. I’m almost positive I have another concussion from all the times I’ve been pistol whipped. I still haven’t fully recovered from my first one back a couple weeks ago in the mall parking lot!

“ look at me.”

I’m shocked to hear Violet talking! She was able to spit out her gag.

“Luke....I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.”

She takes deep breaths between each sentence as she talks. She’s having difficulty talking to me because of her lack of energy as well. She’s probably just as dehydrated and starved as I am.

“ need to fight. You need to fight your way out of here! Free yourself!

You don’t deserve any of this! Right now, your life depends on it! Go be with your family. Don’t worry about me. I need you to find the strength and the courage to free yourself. I need you to live! I would never forgive myself if Clark gets his way and kills you. Please baby, you need to go!”

I listen to Violet speak. I start to weep as she stares at me begging for me to leave. I can’t just leave her! I love her! What will Clark do to her if I escape and leave her behind? Regardless if I convince her to come with me, we would have to run away. But life would just not be enjoyable knowing that he’d hunt her down.

She takes her right foot and extends it to my face. She turns her foot into a claw-like shape and grabs her panties that are lodged deep in my mouth. It takes her a few tries but she’s able to pull them far back enough for me to spit them out completely. She gives me a smile as she starts to cry with tears of relief.

“Talk to me baby.”

I look at her with tears in my eyes.

“Violet...this man...this monster! I can’t leave you here with him. If I leave, you have to come with me. He will kill you! Maybe not today. Nor tomorrow. He’s dangerous! A deranged lunatic! You deserve deserve the world...YOU are my world! I love you with all my heart! I need you in my life and I’d rather die here than live the rest of my life without you!”

Violet gives me a passionate smile as she tells she loves me too. I need to embrace her! I need to feel her touch and kiss her. My passion for her is enough to give me the strength to pull hard on the ropes behind me. I yank them harder and harder. I yell in pain as the ropes loosen up their tight grips on me. The ropes burn and cut my skin as they begin to snap. It takes me awhile for me to really loosen up the ropes! I’m finally able to pull out my left arm from behind me! I grab my right arm and pull off the remainder of the rope. My hands were free!! I reach over to the night stand and grab the knife. I start to cut away at the duct tape that has bounded me for days! Alas, I’m free!!!

I stand up from my chair and immediately fall over to my side. My legs were too weak from the loss of blood flow sitting in a chair tied up for days, having absolutely no movement!

“Luke! Are you ok??”

I stay on the floor for a few moments and then use whatever strength I have left to reach up to the bed to use as support to pick me up.

“I’m ok...I just need a moment to breathe.”

I’m slowly able to regain my balance. I can’t feel my legs at this point and my arms feel like jelly. I grab a plastic cup next to the television and make my way to the bathroom. I turn on the faucet and pour the tap water into the cup. I start to drink up and hydrate. Words cannot describe how dry my mouth is!! After about ten cups of water, I pour a cup for Violet and make my way to her.

I pour the water down her mouth for her. She drinks it down, relieved to finally replenish her thirst!

“Luke, if you want me to escape with you, you’re going to have to use that knife and cut these cuffs off of me! Clark always takes the key for the cuffs with him! Just know that it’s not too late for you to escape and run away! You have a full life ahead of you! If you don’t leave in time, he’ll kill us both! I’ll never forget about you! I’ll always cherish the time we spent together! I need you to know that.”

I look at Violet, she’s all bruised up. I can see the look of fear and desperation in her eyes. I reach over and touch her face. I lean my head into hers and for the first time in what felt like an eternity, we share a kiss. It’s a deep passionate kiss, but it feels so different. It almost feels like a goodbye.

Determined, I grab the knife.

“I’ll get you out of here Violet! I will NEVER leave you!”

Violet smiles weakly and nods her head. She understood. I immediately start slicing at the chain of the handcuffs cutting as hard and fast as possible. After going at it for almost half an hour, I was making little to no effort. The knife was already dull after the hell that Clark had put me through with it. My hand starts to get tired from the force of me trying it cut the metal chain in half. I eventually decide to stop and figure out another plan.

“This isn’t going to work. There has to be SOMETHING else in this room to do the job!”

Violet suggests I use a bobby pin of hers to try and open up the latch where one would insert the key to lock and unlock the cuffs. When I grab the clip, I notice something shiny from the corner of my eye. On the other side of the desk, I see Clark’s gun! I grab it and take it with me, placing it on the nightstand where my chair is positioned. Violet looks at me with concern.

“Luke, I don’t think that’s a good idea. Something bad can happen.”

I look at her taken aback.

“Something bad can happen? Something BAD can HAPPEN? Violet look at us! This is Bad! This entire situation is HORRIFIC! As of right now, we’re both screwed!”

Before she can respond, we hear footsteps approach the room from outside. Immediately, I hide the gun. Violet tells me to quickly put the gag back in her mouth. I’m barely able to do so, as I hear the door start to unlock. I grab the remainders of the ropes that tied me and place my hands behind the chair. Just as I’m stuffing my mouth with Violet’s panties, the door swings open. We both pretend to be asleep as Clark makes his way over to Violet. I open my eyes slightly to see what he’s doing. To my utter surprise, he takes the key to the cuffs and unlocks her from the bedpost.

“Wake up!”

He slaps her hard against the face. Violet jolts up in surprise. Clark then makes his way over to me with a bottle of water. I see it coming but still act surprised when he splashes me with cold water to the face.

“Did you both miss me while I was away?”

I ignore him while I do my best to hide my arms behind the chair.

Clark stops cold in his tracks when he looks down at my feet. I forgot about the duct tape!


My heart is pounding. I see him!


He screams at me and reaches for his pocket knife on the bed. That same knife that he has used to slash my cheek, arms, and chest. The cold water to the face gives me enough adrenaline to grab the gun on the nightstand. He shoves me to the floor. I hit my head with a loud thud! My vision starts to blur as we wrestle, both of us trying to overcome each other.

Suddenly, the gun goes off. BANG...BANG!!!

I hear Violet screaming in the background. I look over to my side. There lies Clark in a pool of blood. Dead. I feel the cold metal of the gun in my hand. I can’t move. I can barely see as my vision is blurred. I’m in and out of consciousness, wondering why I can’t get up. I’m starting to feel the familiar sensation of faint sweeping over me.

“LUKE!!! Oh my God! Oh my God!!! Please don’t die!”

I hear Violet panicking over me. I want to get up, hug her, and tell her everything is going to be okay. I try to move, but my body is paralyzed and I feel a sharp nasty pain jolt from my neck up to the back of my head. My head is spinning. My vision begins to shut down as I my last glimpses of Clark’s corpse and Violet standing above me start to fade. I hear her in the distance once my vision is completely gone.

“Yes hello? JEFF! Oh my God, I NEED YOUR HELP! This is a matter of LIFE AND DEATH! You need to send help right away!!”

I hear the name Jeff one more time as Violet’s frantic voice on the phone disappears. Then....complete silence.


I wake up to the sound of a monitor. I’m in a bed with an oxygen mask on my face, and a bunch of tubes around me. I register by the gown I’m wearing and the smells, that I’m in a hospital bed. I see a nurse standing by my bedside as she gasps.

“Oh My! You’re awake! You finally woke up!”

Before I can ask her any questions, she quickly leaves my room and steps outside the door. I hear her calling someone over the phone.

“Hello? ......Yes! .......He finally woke up! ........Yes, I’ll monitor his vitals until you arrive. ......sounds good, see you soon.”

She comes back in to check up on me.

“How are you feeling sir?”

Truth be told, I couldn’t answer her. I have no idea where I am, or how long I’ve been out. I try to move my body around. I’m barely able to wiggle my hands and arms. I try to wiggle my toes and realize I have no feeling in my legs and feet.

“I can’t move...why can’t I move?” I ask her.

The nurse walks up to me and brushes my hair with a kind smile.

“Oh just awoke from a coma. It’s natural that you won’t have any feeling in your body for some time. You’re going to have to retrain yourself to be able to walk again and continue on with normal life activities.”

I’m completely distraught by the news I just received. Did she just say coma??

“Coma? How long....have I been gone?”

The nurse tells me to be patient as she had to go find my doctor to give him the news that I’m awake. She tells me that I’ll have a visitor coming to see me very soon. With that, she walks out of my room and I’m alone.

About ten minutes go by and then I hear a knock at the door of my room. I look up to see a tall Black man in a business suit with a briefcase.

“Welcome back Lucas.” He speaks with a thick British accent.

“Where...where am I? Who are you?”

The guy smiles and introduces himself.

“My name is Jeffrey Font. I’m an old friend of Violet Taylor’s. You’ve been in a coma for five months!”

I’m laying there trying to figure out what the last thing I could remember was. All of a sudden, my mind flashes back to those final moments at the motel with Clark. I hear the two gunshots and Violet’s screams. I remember her giving someone a call named Jeff right before I blacked out.

“Where am I Mr. Jeffrey? Where is my family? Where’s Violet?”

Jeffrey gives me an understanding smile.

“Lucas, I will give you an answer to all those necessary questions in due time. For now, you must continue to heal. You lost a lot of blood that night we found you, on top of the SEVERE blunt force trauma to the head you experienced. It’s a miracle you’re even alive! For now what I can tell you is that you’re in a secure hospital room in Washington DC, and that your family is ok and Violet is doing a lot better each day.”

I’m thankful to hear that my family is safe and that Violet is well. But I’m still confused as to why I’m by myself on the East Coast on the opposite side of the country.

“Why is my family not here Mr. Font?”

He smiles at me and asks me to just call him Jeff.

“Lucas, I must warn you what I’m about to tell you is not going to be easy. Just bear with me ok?”

I take a deep breath and nod preparing myself for the worst.

“Ok Lucas, where do I begin? Your family and Violet are all safe. However, in order for us to keep it that way, we had to give you a new alias. Me and a team of people had to fake your don’t need to worry about the details. Just know that your family believes that Lucas Kelly Smith (my full name) is dead.”

I’m horrified by the news.

“Jeff, why would you need to fake my death?? It’s not like I murdered Mr. Taylor! It was all in self-defense!”

Jeff continues.

“I understand that. However, the US Military most likely wouldn’t. Clark Taylor was a respected soldier amongst the Navy. He was part of an elite Special Ops team that did ‘not exist’ per say. As of right now, his status is just MIA. Me and my team of people were able to properly dispose of his body and clean up all the evidence of him ever being at that motel the day you shot him. If people knew he was dead, you and your family would highly likely be at risk of retaliation caused by any rogue military officials. Especially if this case went to trail! You would most likely already be gone if Clark was found dead.”

I soak in all this new information. I can’t believe what I’m hearing.

“I know it’s a lot to digest right now. I’ll give you some time to think about all this. I’ll check up on you in a little bit to give you information about your new identity.”

With that, Jeff walks out of my room and leaves me. I feel sick to my stomach. I’ve just woken up from a 5-month coma!! I feel like I was gone for years! Nothing feels real anymore!

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