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The next chapter in Michael and Jennifer's story
-Hey everyone! For those of you who waited for a sequel, I apologize. Life got in the way, but I’m grateful for your patience. I have ideas for a third chapter as well, enjoy!-

Michael was at the gun range close by the Sheriff’s Department. He was there to settle a bet with one of the older, more experienced officers. The bet was: who was the better shot? Several other officers, having little to do that day, decided to tag along and see who would win.

Michael wanted to wrap this up fast. He was catching a plane to Colorado in a few hours, and he needed to pick up Jennifer on the way there too. They had been secretly dating for several months now. So far, they’d managed to keep the reporters and the paparazzi out of it. He wondered how long they’d be able to keep their relationship a secret.

Michael wasn’t embarrassed to be dating Jennifer at all. It was just that he valued his privacy, and he didn’t like the idea of his personal life being posted on the internet for 7 billion people to read. A pair of safety glasses hit him in the head snapping him out of his daydream.

“Come on, Roberts. Grab your safety glasses and the ear protection and we’ll see who the better shot is.” Sergeant Chuck Walker said chuckling.

Michael smiled at him and put both safety items on, “Well, my mother raised me with proper manners so age before beauty, Sarge.” Several officers chuckled at that.

“Oh ha ha ha very funny, Roberts.” Walker said mockingly, “Just don’t be surprised if you wind up with desk duty for the next month.” Walker loaded his Glock and took aim at a target 30 feet away. He fired ten shots, dropped the mag from the pistol, locked the slide back, and set it down. He gestured for Michael to commence. Michael followed suit. When he was finished, he and Walker brought their targets back towards the line: the groupings were identical.

“Okay Sarge let’s step this up a notch.” They repeated the process at 40 feet, and then 50. Both times it was a tie.

“Alright, I’ve had enough of this.” Walker said, apparently growing frustrated, “Final set, Roberts.” Walker set his last target back 60 feet, raised his pistol and fired a single shot. He brought it back to the line and there was a single hole in the target’s face where the nose would be.

Michael nodded approvingly, “Step aside, Sarge.” Michael sent it back 65 feet, and fired 7 shots at the target. He brought it back and the target now had 2 eyes and a smiley face. Walker rubbed his eyes not believing what he saw, and looked at Michael.

“Who the hell are you? Martin Riggs from Lethal Weapon?”

Michael shook his head, “Nope, I’m Michael Roberts of the CC Sheriff’s Department.” The other officers laughed and clapped at the performance. Michael collected his pistol and headed out the door, “Take care, Sarge!” Michael said chuckling.


Michael walked into the lobby of the Marriot where Jennifer was staying. He saw her sitting in a chair reading a magazine with her luggage by her feet. She smiled brightly when she saw him approaching. She set the magazine down and walked up to him and they embraced in a warm hug with a few soft kisses.

“I missed you.” Michael said kissing her cheek.

She kissed him on the lips again, “I missed you too.” They smiled at each other and giggled.

“You ready to go?” He asked, while grabbing her suitcase.

“Definitely!” She said while slinging her carry on over her shoulder, “But you haven’t told me exactly where we’re going.”

“I wanted it to be a surprise!”

“Well don’t keep me in suspense!”

Michael reached into his pocket and pulled out 3 rectangular pieces of paper and handed them to Jennifer. One was plane ticket, and the others were boarding passes. They were catching a flight to Chicago and from there to Denver, “We’re going to Colorado?”

“The Rockies!”

Jennifer’s smile was huge and she kissed him, “So I assume you’ve planned our trip?” She asked as they loaded her luggage and got into Michael’s car.

“Yes I have! We’re gonna hike, see the sights, and go horseback riding!”

“I assume we’ll have time for some other activities as well.” She said while resting her hand on his crotch and squeezing.

Michael groaned as he instantly started to get hard. He slapped her hand away, “There’ll be time for that too, ya tease.” Jennifer smiled and laughed.


An hour later they arrived at the airport, Michael parked his car in the lot and paid for the next 10 days. They collected their suitcases and headed for the airport doors. Michael wondered if they were going to get through the airport without tracking attention,

“How do you normally get through airports without attracting attention?”

“I either keep my head down, or I wear sunglasses.”

“It doesn’t always work I bet.”

“No it doesn’t. Last time I got swarmed by a crowd until airport police came by and escorted me to my gate.”

“Well hopefully that doesn’t happen this time.”

“Hopefully.” Jennifer said agreeing. They walked into the airport and checked in their bags. Nobody recognized Jennifer under her dark sunglasses. Going through security would be a different story. They followed the signs for security check while holding hands and walking side by side.

Out of the corner of his eyes he watched her as she walked. He observed how her hair fell about her shoulders, how her eyes sparkled, and how her breasts stood out from her shirt. She was an amazing woman who could have anyone she wanted, and here she was with him.

That morning when Michael had woken up, he realized that he loved Jennifer. He thought and hoped that she felt the same way, but he wasn’t sure. He decided to tell her how he felt at some point during the trip. When that would be he wasn’t sure, but it was going to be before they got back to Philadelphia.

Why hasn’t he told me he loves me? Jennifer thought. I can see it when he looks at me. How he holds my hand, when he kisses me, how he devotes himself to me when we’re together. I’ve never met anyone like him before, he’s amazing. Realization hit her like a slap across the face. Oh my God, I love him. How did it take me this long to realize it? I wonder which of us is going to say it first? Jennifer blushed.

“You ok?” Michael asked looking at her closely.

“Huh? Yeah I’m fine why?” She asked frazzled.

“You looked like you were deep thought there for a bit.”

“I was.” She admitted, “I’m happy to be with you.” She admitted smiling.

Michael smiled back and kissed her, “Get your boarding pass out, we’re about to go through security.”

She smacked him lightly, “I know what to do, it’s not my first time at an airport you know.”

Michael smiled, “Just in case you were going to zone out again.” They fell in line behind the other people and slowly proceeded until it was Michael’s turn. The agent looked at his boarding pass, his ID, and then at Michael, finally he was allowed to proceed.

When it was Jennifer’s turn she took off her sunglasses at the agent’s request. His eyes grew big in recognition. Jennifer blushed and put her hand to her lips. The agent nodded and handed her stuff back to her and then looked at Michael, “You’re a lucky man!” They both laughed.

After being scanned through and having their bags checked, they stopped and got some breakfast. Jennifer had quickly put her sunglasses back on after going through security. Surprisingly, nobody else had recognized her,

“Well that wasn’t so bad.” Michael said.

“Nope, it wasn’t.” Jennifer said between bites of her egg McMuffin, “When is our flight?”

Michael checked his boarding pass, “In about an hour. After we finish wanna walk around a little? Give us a chance to stretch our legs before the trip.”

“Yeah, sounds good.” They finished their breakfast and strolled through the airport hand in hand, bringing up fun times on previous dates, and things they were looking forward to on their trip.

Finally, time came for them to board and they gave the attendant their boarding passes which she scanned and wished them a good flight. Michael had paid for priority boarding so they’d be able to get on right after the first class people so they wouldn’t have to wait in line.

They pulled out books and bottles of water for the flight and settled into their seats watching the passengers file onto the plane. After waiting for the plane to fill, and sitting through the safety talk, the plane finally pushed away from the gate and proceeded onto the tarmac. A few minutes later Michael, Jennifer, and the rest of the passengers were pushed into their seats as the plane roared down the runway and soared into the sky.

As the plane climbed to its cruising altitude, the pilot came on over the intercom and introduced himself and said they were looking at a 2 hour flight to Chicago, and to sit back and relax and the flight attendants would be coming around with drinks soon. Michael and Jennifer pulled out their books and settled in.


An hour into the flight, Jennifer poked Michael and said that she had to use the bathroom. Michael got up out of his seat and let her out. Instead of walking past him, she took his hand and led him to the bathroom. They were in the very back of the plane so nobody had noticed them slip in together.

As soon as the door closed and locked, they wound themselves into a tight embrace and began to kiss passionately, “Ready to become part of the ‘mile high’ club?” Jennifer asked.

“Oh yeah!” Michael said as he slipped his hands beneath her clothes and felt her up. She moaned at his touch. He slipped her shirt and bra off, but since there was so little space in the bathroom he set the items down onto the sink. Jennifer yanked his shirt off and began to kiss his chest and run her tongue along his abs. He sighed at the sensation. They unzipped their shorts and slid them down to their ankles. Michael fished his cock out until it was sticking through the hole of his boxers. Jennifer slid her panties to the side and slowly impaled herself on Michael’s rock hard cock. She moaned as he penetrated her.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, somebody had come by to use the bathroom, “Hey, is anyone in there?” The voice was male, and the passenger tried to open the door. Michael and Jennifer froze and looked at each other.

Michael composed himself, “Read the sign, buddy.” He said in an annoyed voice.

“Oh yeah, sorry.” They heard foot steps as the man returned to his seat. They breathed a sigh of relief.

“Shall we continue?” Jennifer asked winking. Michael smiled and nodded. Jennifer resumed sliding up and down on Michael’s cock, moaning in pleasure. Michael slipped his hands underneath Jennifer’s panties and kneaded her ass cheeks as she rode him. He did his best to try and buck up into her, but he didn’t want to do it too hard, because Jennifer’s moans would have given them away.

“Oh my god, your pussy feels amazing, Jen!” Michael gasped as she rode him.

“Your cock is amazing Michael! Oh! I’m about to cum! Suck on my tits!” Michael did as he was asked and his mouth latched onto her right breast and he began to suck away. They needed to wrap this up so they could get back to their seats without anyone noticing.

Jennifer began to ride him harder and harder, he could feel her quivering as her orgasm approached. He knew it was going to be intense. He frantically felt around for something for Jennifer to bite on, but he came up empty. In a panic he stuck his hand sideways into Jennifer’s mouth as her pussy contracted around Michael’s dick she bit down onto his hand to keep from moaning too loud.

Michael didn’t feel the pain in his hand as he grunted and shot his load into Jennifer’s pussy. As they came down from their orgasmic high he removed his hand from her mouth and rubbed it where her teeth marks were left.

Jennifer frowned slightly, “Sorry about that.” She took his hand and kissed it.

“Don’t worry about it, I’m just happy you didn’t draw blood.” They laughed softly. They gathered their clothes and got redressed. They slipped out of the bathroom again without being seen and settled back in their seats. They looked at each other and smiled and giggled. No words needed to be said. That was a fuck to remember. Jennifer leaned her head on Michael’s shoulder and they closed their eyes and let sleep take them.


After their layover at Chicago O’Hare Airport, the plane’s wheels met the tarmac at Denver, Colorado. Michael, Jennifer, and a few other passengers let out a small cheer. Their long day of traveling was coming to an end. The plane taxied to the gate, and the passengers disembarked.

They followed the signs for baggage claim and after retrieving their bags they headed to the bus terminal. After a few minutes of struggling with the ticket kiosk, they sat on a bench and waited for the bus to take them to Boulder. They didn’t have to wait long, only 15 minutes. During that time they chatted to several other travelers. Jennifer kept her glasses on the whole time, lest someone recognize her. Eventually the bus pulled up, the driver got out and announced the stops they would be making along the way, and loaded the passenger’s luggage into the hold beneath the bus.

Michael and Jennifer settled in and took in the passing scenery and discussing the upcoming parts about the trip, “You know, I have family in this area.”

“You do?” Jennifer asked.

“Yep, an Uncle and a Cousin. I told them that they we were heading out this way and they said that if we had time we should see them.”

“Of course! I’d love to meet your family.”

Michael smiled, “Alright it’s settled then. When they find out who I’m traveling with they’re going to freak out!”

“When are we going to meet them?”

“I’ll call them and set it up once we check in to our hotel. We can relax for a bit and then we can go out, see the town, and get some dinner.”

“Sounds good to me!”

After arriving and checking in to their hotel, they set their bags down and laid down on the bed enjoying the comfiness of the mattress. They kissed for a few minutes and smiled at each other, thinking their own private thoughts. They grabbed their room keys and headed out.

They wandered around town checking out various restaurants, watched street performers, and checked out products being sold at a street market. After a light dinner and a few drinks they headed back to their room for the evening.

Jennifer set her clothes aside for tomorrow while Michael got ahold of his relatives. He hung up and plugged his phone in to charge, “Well I just talked to my uncle and my cousin.”


“My cousin and her husband want to meet us tomorrow morning before we leave. They’re bringing their 2 year old son. I haven’t met him yet. My uncle wants to meet us before we get to Estes. He told me a place where we can meet him. He just asked to give him a call to let him know when we were coming. He also asked if it would be possible for us to spend the weekend with him before we go back.”

“I don’t have a problem with it. Do you?”

“No, of course not. I just wanted to know how you thought about it before I said anything.”

Jennifer smiled at him, “You’re so considerate. I’m fine with it.”

Michael smiled, “You’re the best. I’ll tell him tomorrow when we meet him.” He grabbed a pair of boxers from his suitcase, “I’m gonna go take a shower.” He walked into the bathroom, stripped and turned the temperature to hot. He sighed as the hot water hit his skin. Then, he felt 2 arms wrap around him and 2 soft breasts and stiff nipples press into his back.

“What’s a shower without me?” Jennifer breathed into his ear.

“Good point.” Michael said. He turned and kissed her, pulling her tightly against him. Jennifer moaned and slipped her tongue into his mouth. Her hand found his rapidly hardening erection and began to stroke it. One of Michael’s hand slipped down to her ass and cupped one of her cheeks and grasped her breast with the other. Jennifer maneuvered his cock to her pussy while he raised one of her legs. He slid into Jennifer and they both moaned.

Michael pistoned in and out of Jennifer. He enjoyed the sight of her jiggling breasts as he assaulted her pussy. Jennifer kissed him hard and rubbed her clit to provide further stimulation. Driving her further towards her orgasm. He grasped her by her ass cheeks, lifted her off the shower floor, and began to pound her like a pile driver. The sounds coming from Jennifer’s mouth increased with each thrust,

“Oh God, yes! Fuck me, baby! Fuck me! Fill me with your cum!”

30 seconds later Michael groaned loudly as he came deep inside her, filling her to the brim. The couple moaned and kissed as Michael’s seed leaked out of Jennifer’s pussy. Over the sound of the water and their labored breathing, they heard a knock at their door. Michael got out of the shower and toweled himself off quickly and slipped into a pair of shorts. He opened the door and found the hotel’s receptionist standing there,

“Sorry to bother you, sir, but several people have called complaining of noises coming from your room. Is everything alright?”

“Yes, everything is fine. Sorry for the disturbance.”

“Alright, have a good night, sir.” Michael closed the door and laughed.

“Who was that?” Jennifer asked, toweling herself off. Still completely naked.

“It was the receptionist, noise complaint apparently.”

Jennifer giggled, “I guess we’ll need to keep it down.” Michael smiled at her with a twinkle in his eye. He took in perfect body. Her flat stomach, her full breasts, her glistening pussy, and every detail about her beautiful face. She noticed how he was looking at her, “What is it?”

He didn’t say anything. He stepped forward and took her in his arms and kissed her softly and passionately. Jennifer dropped the towel and wrapped her arms around him. Michael couldn’t keep it to himself any longer, it was time to tell her.

“I have a confession to make.”

Jennifer looked slightly worried, “What?”

“I’m in love with you.”

Jennifer smiled widely as tears came to her eyes. She seized him and they kissed hard, “I love you too! I can’t believe it took me this long to realize it.” They stood there for a few more minutes hugging each other.

“You know…” Michael said when they separated, “She said we should keep the noise down, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we have to stop.”

Jennifer blinked and shoved him onto the bed. She quickly climbed on top of him and they began to make out, preparing to go again. They went again, and again, and once more after that throughout the night. Eventually, a little after 2 in the morning, exhausted from the long day of traveling, and the intense sessions of sex, they wrapped their arms around each other and let sleep take them.


The alarm on Michael’s phone roused them from their slumber. Both groaning in unison, Michael gently moved Jennifer off of him and turned it off. He got out of the bed and opened the curtains letting a stream of early morning sunlight into the room. Jennifer grabbed a pillow and covered her face. Michael smiled and looked at her beautiful naked body, “Come on, sweetheart.” Jennifer removed the pillow and raised an eyebrow, “Let’s take a shower, get dressed and get some breakfast.” Jennifer took his extended hand and the couple took a nice hot shower together, dressed in their clothes for the day, and left.

After researching the various breakfast restaurants in the area, only one was open at the moment. After a short walk they found it. It was a New Orleans style restaurant, and the food on the menu looked very good. Michael ordered an omelet while Jennifer had eggs and toast.

Michael’s phone beeped, and he pulled it out and checked the text he received, “That was my cousin Jess. She and her husband are meeting us at the park in 30 minutes.”

“I’m looking forward to meeting them!” Jennifer said smiling. Michael returned her smile and they finished their breakfast talking about the day’s itinerary. Jennifer paid for breakfast, after insisting, and they left heading towards the park.

Michael’s cell phone rang and he answered it. After he hung up he looked at Jennifer, “She told us to meet them over by the stage.” A few minutes later they reached the park, but there were two stages so they stood between the 2 keeping an eye out for his cousins. Then, he saw them walking towards them carrying his baby cousin. Michael smiled and he and Jennifer walked up to them. Michael hugged Jess and shook her husband, Jeff’s hand. Michael finally focused on his baby cousin, Jeremy, “Hey there, Jeremy! I’m your cousin Michael! It’s nice to finally meet you buddy.” Jeremy just looked at him. Everybody laughed.

Jess and Jeff focused on Jennifer, “So this is your girlfriend. The famous Jennifer Lawrence. We love your movies!”

Jennifer laughed, “Thanks! It’s great to finally meet you.”

Jess looked at Mike, “Why didn’t you tell us you were dating such a gorgeous woman?”

“We wanted to keep it quiet.” Michael said simply. Jess smiled and said that made sense.

“So, wanna take a walk?” Jeff suggested. They walked around the park catching up and exchanging stories. Jeremy was especially cute running around. They spent about an hour together before Jeff and Jess had to get going. They were told that if Michael and Jennifer were ever in the area again that they should stop by their house and they could spend the day together. Mike and Jennifer agreed that it was a good idea. They exchanged hugs, and Michael said goodbye to his baby cousin and they parted ways.

Mike and Jennifer headed back to the hotel, packed their suitcases, and left the room. Jennifer waited in the lobby while Michael went to go rent a car. It was cheaper getting it in Boulder than at the airport. 15 minutes later Michael returned with the car and they loaded their luggage and the groceries that Jennifer had bought into the car. Mike put the car in gear and headed towards Estes.

Along the way they stopped and met up with Mike’s Uncle Jim. The man was a typical hippie. Long hair in a pony tail, all black clothes, leather jacket. He brought his dogs too: a min pin, and a Chihuahua. They were very friendly though. Jennifer warmed right up to the Chihuahua whose name was Emma. He told them that if they had time, they were more than welcome to stay with them for a few days. Michael and Jennifer said that they would love to, and that when the time came, they would call him and tell him where to pick them up.

There were beautiful views along the way so they made several stops to take pictures. Eventually they arrived at Estes and pulled up to the Misty Mountain Lodge. They checked in and took their bags up to their room. They set their suitcases down and fell onto the King-sized bed sighing in comfort, “This bed is even more comfortable than the last one we slept on.” Mike mused.

Jennifer giggled and kissed his cheek, “We didn’t get much sleep on the last one though.”

Mike chuckled and kissed her softly, “Right you are.” They cuddled and kissed for a few minutes before Jennifer suggested that they go out and explore the town and find a place for dinner. Michael agreed and they grabbed their room keys and headed out.

They walked around, taking in the local life, explored a few shops, watched a band play at the town’s park, explored the ruins of a home on top of a hill, and took several pictures of the fading sun behind the mountains. They had dinner at a local pizza shop without drawing too much attention before heading back to the room.

After showering together, they curled up on the room’s couch and watched a movie that they rented from the hotel. Michael chose The Green Mile. It had a great cast and was very well done. When it was over they got ready for bed. Michael stripped down to his boxers and laid down with his eyes closed and his hands behind his head. He felt Jennifer’s warm body sliding up alongside his and he opened his eyes. She was completely naked and gave him a knowing grin. Michael lifted his hips off the bed and Jennifer slipped his boxers off. An hour and 3 orgasms later they pulled the sheets over their bodies and let sleep take them.

Over the next few days they went on several hikes throughout the area. Michael chose ones that were easy or moderately difficult, because they were still adjusting to the altitude. Each evening they watched a movie in their room, or walked around town and enjoyed jumbo smores over a campfire with the hotel’s owner and his teenage kids. During one of the days they went horseback riding at the YMCA of the Rockies. They were in a very small group. Only 6 including the guide. The trails were a bit hairy at some spots, but Michael was quite confident while astride his horse named Rex. He and Jennifer both took snapshots during the ride. By the time they got back to the camp, they were both in intense pain in their legs from the constant change in the terrain.

Finally, it was time for them to leave. They rose early and had breakfast and packed their things. Michael loaded up the car while Jennifer went to go drop off the room key. When she returned they buckled up and hit the road. They had a nice time in Estes, but Michael’s plan for the next part of the trip was going to be even better.

Their next destination was Georgetown and it still had a functioning railroad and a tour of the old silver mine. A short time later, Jennifer was reading through one of the travel books and she came across something that she thought Michael would like, “There’s a really cool hike in here and it’s practically on the way to Georgetown.”

“Really? What is it?”

“The trails are relatively flat, but it says here that one of them goes right past an old abandoned silver mine!”

Michael’s sense of adventure kicked in and he grinned, “Well if we push it we can probably squeeze in the hike and find the mine and still make it to Georgetown in time.” Jennifer smiled at him and directed him to where they needed to go. Finding the correct trail was a bit difficult, because the guide book was a little vague on where the trailhead was. They came across a couple of Park Rangers standing next to their truck who told them where to go when Michael pulled over and asked them.

They grabbed a couple of water bottles and one of their cameras and started along the trail. 20 minutes later, despite walking at a brisk pace, they still hadn’t found the abandoned mine. Mike looked at his watch, if they didn’t find it in the next few minutes they’d have to turn around. Then, they found the evidence they had been looking for.

An old, rusty mine car was sitting off to the side of the trail. Michael looked up the steep slope covered with loose rock. He looked off to his right and thought he could make out a trail leading up. At seeing the treacherous terrain Jennifer handed him the camera and said she would wait down there for him. Michael double-timed it up the slope, sticking to the firm ground for as long as he could. Slipping and sliding while making his way across he came to a solid out-cropping of rock and found the entrance to the mine.

It was barred over so there was no getting in, but for the first time in his life he was face-to-face with an old mine entrance. He was panting heavily from the climb so he took a moment to catch his breath before taking several pictures with the camera and then a couple more with his phone. He yelled down to Jennifer about what she found. She replied that she was looking forward to seeing the pictures.

After about 2 minutes Michael headed back down the slope and showed the pictures to Jennifer. She thought it was really cool and said he was brave for going up there. Michael agreed that it was sketchy in some spots, but it was worth it. They hiked back to the car and continued their journey to Georgetown.

About 2 hours later they arrived in Georgetown. As they drove, they noticed the numerous remains of old mine shafts in the surrounding mountains. Michael imagined hearing the blasts of dynamite echo throughout the mountains and seeing miners removing carts of silver and other minerals.

They pulled in to the parking lot at the Georgetown Inn and went to check in. There was no receptionist at the desk however. Michael looked at his watch, “Well we’re a little bit early for our check in. I guess we can go tour the mine and then come and check in once it’s over?”

Jennifer shrugged, “Sounds good to me.” They got back in the car and followed signs for the Georgetown railroad. A few minutes later, after struggling to find a parking spot, Michael went up to the ticket booth and gave the women his name. She handed him his tickets that he’d paid for with his debit card. He thanked her and they waited for the train to arrive with about 30 others.

Jennifer turned Michael’s face towards hers. She looked deep into his eyes and pulled her to him and kissed him long and softly. Their arms wrapped around each other. When they separated, she looked into his eyes again, “Thank you for bringing me here. I’m having the best time of my life.”

Michael smiled at her, “So am I Jen.” They smiled at each other and hugged tightly, losing themselves in their love for each other. Then, they heard the sound of the train’s whistle as it approached the station. After the passengers disembarked, Michael, Jennifer and the others got on. Michael and Jennifer chose one of the covered cars as opposed to one of the open ones. Some nasty looking rain clouds looked like they were moving in. Sure enough, once the train got rolling the clouds opened up and soaked the passengers in the open cars. When they arrived at the mine they got off the train and looked for their tour group.

When they were all assembled, the guide introduced herself and told them what they were going to see in the mine today. She went over a few safety tips and told them that they were to stay together at all times, photos were permitted, and that a hard hat was required when they entered the mine. When she was finished they all grabbed their hard hats and entered the mine.

As they got deeper into the mine Michael noticed that the temperature was dropping rapidly. Jennifer complained that she was cold so Michael removed one of his jackets and handed it to her. The cold slowly seeped into his body, but Jennifer being warm was more important. She thanked him and kissed him as a thank you.

They saw lots of things throughout the tour. Remains of old mining equipment, leftover tools, old shafts descending to lower levels, and the guide even pointed out a small vein of silver in one of the walls. Michael asked if he could take it home with him. The guide laughed and said any silver that they may find on the tour had to stay inside the mine.

She gave them history about the mine’s production, the working conditions, and the eventual plummet of the price of silver which led to the end of the mine’s production. She finished up with a couple ghost stories which creeped Michael out a little, because he had an experience with ghosts years prior and he knew how freaky it could be. Eventually they emerged back in the sunlight and Michael pulled out his phone and looked at the photos he had taken during the tour.

“That was so cool!” Jennifer said as she slid up next to him.

Michael smiled at her, “Glad you enjoyed it! I thought it was pretty cool too!”

“So what’s next on the agenda?”

Michael looked at his watch, “Well we head back to the hotel and we check in and how about we hit the restaurant next door for some dinner?”

“I like that plan!” They re-boarded the train and enjoyed the short ride back to the station. They drove back to the hotel, checked in to their room, and then headed to the restaurant for some dinner. Everything on the menu looked delicious, but they settled for their own pizzas. Michael ordered his with pepperoni, while Jennifer ordered hers with onions and peppers. They were delicious, and after a long day they were both famished. Both of them ate their entire pizzas save for 2 slices each. They got them put in a box and headed back to their room where they made love twice before retiring for the night.

Around 9 the next morning, Michael’s cell phone rang waking him. He groaned and opened his eyes to find himself lying naked on his back with Jennifer lying half on top of him equally naked. He gently rolled her onto her back and snatched it off the nightstand,

“Hello?” He said while yawning.

“Morning Mike, sorry did I wake you?” It was his Uncle.

“Had a late night, Uncle Jim. Don’t worry about it. What’s up?”

“Just double-checking when I’m supposed to pick you up at Boulder.”

Mike did some quick math in his head, “Say around noon. We still gotta pack up, eat breakfast and check out before we get on the road. When you pick us up, maybe we can get some lunch?”

“Sounds good! I’ll see you then.”

“See you then, Uncle Jim.” He hung up and put the phone down and rolled onto his side to see Jennifer smiling at him,

“Good morning handsome.”

“Good morning, beautiful.” He said back kissing her softly, “How did you sleep?”

“I always sleep well when I feel you pressed against me.” She said kissing his cheek.

Mike moaned and squeezed her tight, “You’re such a sweetheart. Come on, let’s get a shower, eat some breakfast and get out of here.” Jennifer groaned as he helped her out of bed. They slipped into the shower together and they cleaned each other thoroughly, and Michael deposited another load deep inside of her before they got out. They ate a light breakfast of cereal and some fruit before checking out and heading back to Boulder.

A couple hours later they arrived back at the Rental Car Agency and after signing a couple of forms and paying for the Rental they waited outside for Mike’s uncle to arrive. They didn’t have to wait long. A short time later his uncle arrived in his camper, the dogs looked out the window at both of them. Mike and Jennifer laughed. Mike hugged his Uncle and loaded their things into the camper. Mike offered the front seat to Jennifer while he rode in the back with Emma on his lap.

They stopped at a Subway for lunch and afterwards they headed to Mike’s Uncle’s mountain retreat. He had built the house himself over a period of several years. His Uncle had put together a slideshow of the whole process and showed it to him years earlier when he was visiting back East. A short distance away from the main house was a smaller house. Mike’s Uncle had lived in there while he was building the house. It had it’s own bathroom, shower, kitchen, and living area. Jim told them that he’d let them get settled and invited them to the house for dinner in an hour.

They carried their suitcases in and looked at what they had to sleep on. On the main floor there was a couch, on the second floor, accessible by a ladder, was a small bed. Mike laid down on it, but it was barely wide enough to support him, and his legs were hanging off, “I think we’re gonna have to share the couch.” Mike said from upstairs.

“It’ll be cramped, but I like being close to you anyway.” Jennifer winked at him from the base of the ladder.

Michael chuckled and winked back, “Same here!” They unpacked and took a shower together and then headed over to Jim’s house for dinner. Michael was recruited to make burgers for everyone on the grill outside. He stood out there, admiring the beautiful view of the valley and mountain range in the background. The sliding door leading to the deck opened and his Uncle emerged carrying a small bottle of whiskey. He shared a drink with his Uncle and they caught up while Jennifer got to know his Uncle’s girlfriend. Jim elbowed Mike and nodded at Jennifer through the window,

“I only have one question: how?”

Michael chuckled and shrugged, “It was a meeting by chance, and we just clicked. She’s amazing, Uncle Jim.”

“You seem like you really care about her.”

“I do, Uncle Jim. We have a good thing together.”

“Is it going to get serious?”

Michael was silent for a minute before he reached into his pocket and pulled out a spare key to his apartment, “I had this made for her. I’ve been wanting to ask her to move in with me, but I’m not sure if it’s the right time yet, or if she feels strongly enough to take that step.”

Jim put his arm around Michael and they looked out at the mountains together, “Mike, you don’t need to worry. I can tell how she feels when she looks at you. Just ask her, I bet she’ll say yes.”

Mike nodded and flipped the burgers and slapped a slice of cheese on each, “Good point, Uncle Jim!” Jennifer poked her head outside saying that the table was set and the salad was ready. Jim asked Jennifer to join them outside and he asked her several questions about her movies, how long she’d been acting, what she liked to do, until the burgers were done. They had a nice meal and they watched a movie and smoked a bit of Jim’s pot before retiring for the night.

Mike stripped down to his boxers and removed the back cushions on the couch and arranged the pillows on the end. Jennifer stripped down to her bra and panties and they shut off the light and laid down together, holding each other tightly, “So what do you think of my mountain family?”

Jennifer laughed, “They’re really nice. I’m envious of the setup that your uncle has here!”

“Yeah I know! I’d love to wake up with a view like this every day.” Mike slid his hand along Jennifer’s body until he was cupping her cheek, “And I’d love to have the most beautiful woman on the planet waking up next to me every morning!”

Jennifer’s heart skipped a beat and she leaned forward and kissed him softly. They sighed and their tongues entered each other’s mouths, “Take me now.” Mike’s hands unfastened her bra and she shrugged it off and tossed it aside. She grasped one of her breasts and pointed it at Mike’s mouth who gratefully latched onto her hard nipple and began sucking away. Jennifer moaned and slid her panties off. She could feel Mike’s erection growing between them. Her pussy became even wetter and she helped Mike slip his boxers off. His erect cock sprang free, ready to slide into Jennifer once again.

She rolled them over until she was straddling Mike and they continued to make out. Mike slid his hands up and down her body, squeezing and cupping her ass, while Jennifer ran her hands along Mike’s muscles and stroked his cock. When she felt he was sufficiently hard enough she raised her body up and lowered herself down on Mike’s cock, moaning softly.

When their pelvis’s pressed together, instinctively, their hips began to rock. Mike’s cock was sliding in and out of Jennifer. They started out slow at first, but then went faster and faster, building up speed, the audible slapping noises created by their bodies getting louder and louder. The couch creaked noisily from their motions.

As their fucking resumed, Jennifer raised her body up, and thrusted down more forcefully on Mike’s cock. He reached up and cupped and squeezed her jiggling breasts before pulling her down to him again and sucking on her breasts making Jennifer moan even louder. After several minutes Mike pushed Jennifer up and positioned himself behind her. He squeezed and slapped her ass several times before sliding balls-deep back inside her.

He slammed into her over and over again, it seemed as if her pussy was contracting after each thrust. Her juices were leaking all over them and the couch cushions, they would have to scrub the cushions later. With each thrust she seemed to move closer and closer to the edge of the couch, finally she reached out and gripped one of the arms of the couch with both hands and pressed back against Mike’s thrusts.

“That’s it, fuck my pussy, baby! Fuck me hard!” Jennifer cried. After several minutes they switched positions again. Mike sat back on the couch, Jennifer faced away from him and sat in his lap, sliding his cock into her again. His hands went up her body and squeezed her breasts as he resumed fucking her again, “You love this pussy don’t you baby?” Jennifer said between moans.

Mike grunted as he struggled to hold on, “Yes! Your pussy is divine! Makes me want to fill your womb with my cum!”

Jennifer felt herself get even wetter and she grinned. An idea suddenly flashed through her mind, something she hadn’t considered until now. Briefly thinking about it, she embraced it as Mike’s thick cock continued to pound her, “You’d fill my little cunt with your seed? Would you knock me up and put your baby in me?”

That question made Mike pause momentarily. He loved Jennifer more than any other woman in the world and he wanted a future with her. The idea of knocking her up with his child was the hottest thing he could imagine. He resumed fucking her with new vigor, his cock seemed even harder than before as it reached new depths inside her, “Yes! I would absolutely love to put my baby in you!”

Jennifer moaned and reached around behind her and grasped a thicket of Mike’s hair as she felt her orgasm approaching, “Then do it! Cum inside me! Knock me up! Give me your baby!” Seconds later the couple cried out as Mike felt as if his entire being was shooting into Jennifer’s womb. Her pussy juices coated both of them as she moaned hard. Panting heavily, they both caught their breath and kissed each other over and over. They lay down on the couch together cuddling and kissing softly. Jennifer reached down and rubbed her stomach, smiling, picturing it growing with their child.

Mike rubbed her back and leaned forward and kissed her cheek, “Did you mean it when you said you wanted me to give you a baby?”

Jennifer looked back at him and smiled, “Yes, Mike. This trip has been the most amazing one of my life, and it’s made me realize how much I love you, and I know how much you love me. This isn’t a decision I make lightly, but I’ve never known another man like you before, I would love to have a baby with you.” As she finished, a single tear ran down her cheek.

Mike wiped the tear away, and kissed her softly. Jennifer twisted around and hugged him tightly as they kissed, “I love you too, Jen. More than anything in the world. I would love to not just have a baby, but start a family with you.” Jennifer blushed and kissed him again and hugged him tighter.

“So would I.” She said softly.

Mike pointed to his clothes that lay on the floor, “As a matter of fact, I have something for you in my pocket there.” Jennifer gave him a questioning look before turning around, and rummaging through his pockets. Her hand pulled out a single silver key and she turned back around facing Mike and holding it between them, “That’s a key to my apartment. So if you’re not working or anything, you can stay with me. My apartment has some empty space that you can use.” Mike said smiling.

Jennifer began to cry again and wrapped her arms around him again, “Everything is just so wonderful right now, I can’t believe it! Yes, I would love to move in with you!” Mike hugged her tightly again and then they suddenly became aware of how sticky they both were and how soaked the couch was.

“We better get cleaned up and scrub the couch before we get to bed.” Mike said.

Jennifer nodded and as she stood, a big glob of Mike’s cum fell from her pussy, and she looked at him with a twinkle in her eye, “You know baby, one load of cum tonight might not be enough to put a baby inside me.”

Mike shook his head incredulously, “Jesus woman, I think you sucked everything out of me during that last round, if we go again I think I’ll be a raisin by then!” But he was smiling nonetheless and his soft cock was already beginning to harden once again. Jennifer smiled, took his hand, and led him to the shower.

After getting clean and depositing another load of cum inside Jennifer, the two lovers got dressed and cleaned up the mess from their love session. Mike sprayed air freshner to get the smell of sex out of the room and wiped the cum stains off the floor while Jennifer sprayed and scrubbed the couch cushions. The cushions were too wet to sleep on so they simply flipped them and lay down together and fell into a deep and loving sleep.

They spent a couple more days with Jim and his girlfriend before the morning came to head back. They packed up their things, got into Jim’s camper, and he drove them to a bus stop in Boulder which would take them to the airport. Jim hugged Mike and Jen goodbye, and they thanked him for his hospitality. He said they were welcome back at any time and that it was wonderful meeting Jennifer and he hoped to see them again soon. Jim left shortly thereafter and it didn’t take long for their bus to arrive.

The trip to the airport and the flights back were uneventful, although they did manage to sneak a round of sex in the bathroom during both flights. After they landed in Philadelphia, they collected their luggage, loaded up Mike’s car and left. The trip had been even more amazing and wonderful than they had imagined, and like all good things, they must come to an end. They would just have to schedule other trips together in the future.

When they finally arrived at Mike’s apartment, now their apartment, he smiled at the thought of being home. They grabbed their suitcases and Mike opened the apartment door and smiled as Jennifer walked in. He marveled how much his life had changed since that first time he met her in the theater. As he closed the door behind him, his smile grew even wider as he could only imagine what the future had in store for them.
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