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Iliafray returns home to recover
The journey back from the matriarch’s quarters was slow and painful for Iliafray , several times she had to stop and lean against the wall to recover her strength. Fortunately the route she was taking through the mansion was not well used and she got back to her suite without meeting anyone along the way. On reaching the door she struggled with the lock finally getting it open she staggered inside.

Her lounge was brightly lit by drow standards although to a human it was dimly lit and indeed that was important as seated in a chair reading a book was her Iilafay’s personal body slave for the last eight years a young human called Sophia. Sophia was stood about 5 foot 8 inches tall , she had long curly red hair reaching down below her shoulders, her skin would have been pale under any circumstances and after a decade without seeing the sun her pale whiteness was a startling contrast when compared to any drow although she had managed to retain a pattern of freckles across her face, her breasts were large by drow standards but no more than the large size of average for a human. Sophia was naked except for the silver welded wrist and ankle bracelets typical of a slave, a collar of the same silver material her body had been depilated with not a trace of body hair and silver loop piercings of her nose, tongue, breasts, naval , clitoris and multiple piercings of the labia. As the door opened she looked up and let out a gasp of shock upon seeing the state of Iliafray she dropped the book to the floor and leapt to her feet rushing to help “My lady , you are hurt “, Iliafray gave a faint and whispered response “You noticed, help me to the couch, and I hope the Matriarch sent a gift including a potion”.

Iliafray staggered towards the couch supporting her weight on the shoulder of her slave, reaching the couch she half fell, half reclined onto couch which had been covered by a sheet to protect it in anticipation that Iliafray would not be in the best condition when she returned, as she slumped on the couch she finally passed out worn out by the pain and suffering of the previous few hours. With her mistress resting on the bed Sophie headed over to a carved chest resting on a coffee table opening it she found a small blue bottle and a pair of scrolls picking up the bottle she headed over to Iliafray. Bending over the comatose form of her mistress she unstoppered the bottle and poured the contents into her mouth, then watched anxiously after a few minutes she saw the wounds slowly closing.Then she noticed the needles sticking out of her mistress’s body and realised that until they were taken out the wounds could not heal properly , slowly and carefully she pulled each of the needles out carefully watching a her mistress twitched each time a needle was pulled out, but finally she managed to get the needles out without waking Iliafray . Relaxing now that her mistress looked to be recovering Sophia headed into the large bathroom and began running a bath for her.

Sophia was relieved that Iliafray was recovering, there were many reasons for this the most obvious reason for this was that Iliafray was by drow standards a truly wonderful owner and in truth as slave owners go she probably was good by any standards, Sophie had her own bedroom and bathroom , a ***********ion of books and had been tutored in musical techniques. She had become a drow slave years ago when she had been kidnapped in a drow raid on the surface, she had been bought by a dealer who took new slaves and trained them up as pleasure slaves, that had been horrible but it could have been worse after a year she had been sold to a merchant to whom she had lost her carefully preserved virginity, he had been cruel and it had taken magical healing to remove all the marks she had received from him then after six months she had been serving drinks when he did business with a noblewoman ,Iliafray. She had demanded that Sophia be handed over as part of the deal, which had terrified her. Then she had been moved into Iliafray’s chambers and discovered how much better her life had become. Since she had moved here there had been no brutality or cruelty indeed her mistress had arranged for continued education, and training in her musical and even her minor arcane talents. To her surprise Sophia had begun to genuinely care for Iliafray as she realised that Iliafray had no one else she could talk to and in many ways was in as bad a situation as Sophia, she even suspected that Iliafray had feelings for her although nothing had ever been said.

Sophia settled down on a low bench in the bathroom and waited for her mistress to wake up and come for her bath. In the lounge Iliafray slowly returned to consciousness, she felt vastly better she was still sore and tired but it seemed all , of her wounds had closed , so at least the matriarch had delivered the healing potion, she was relieved to discover the needles gone, taking them out after the flesh had healed around them would have been most unpleasant, Sophia must have taken them out, good thinking on her part. Iliafray then stood up feeling the stiffness and soreness in her muscles and limped into the bathroom to be greeted by the sight of a hot steaming bath run in the pool set into the floor , and the attractive sight of Sophia resting on her bench. She slid herself into the pool feeling the warmth relaxing her muscles, she considered asking Sophia to come sponge the filth of her skin and massage her aching muscles but decided that after the rest of today she was not ready for where that would probably go instead “My Pet, play me some music, while I soak” using terms like pet was so much easier than using names it kept things safer as mistress and slave a simple arrangement. Sophia replied “Of course my Lady “ before standing up departing the room and returning a few minutes later with her harp and settling down to play a soothing tune, one Iliafray recognised as being one of Sophia’s own devising. Relaxing Iliafray soaked in pool feeling the grime start to soak off her skin, to speed things along she muttered the words of a cantrip which helped to clean her skin and hair, it was a convenient spell but somehow she never felt as clean after using it as she did after a proper bath. Reluctant to leave the bath she stayed until the water began to grow cold, leaving her with the choice of getting out or using some magic to heat the water, what settled the matter was the combination of her fatigue and also the grime starting to settle on the surface of the water as it came of her skin. As Iliafray rose from the bath Sophia stopped playing the harp and came forward with a towel to help dry off her mistress.

Once dry Iliafray headed towards the bedroom were her large 4 poster bed was waiting for her, she could hardly wait to lose herself in it’s luxurious warmth and sleep away today’s events. “My pet your duties for today are finished, you may retire to your room or sleep in my bed with me”. Walking behind her mistress Sophia smiled at being given the choice. “If it pleases you my Lady I will sleep with you tonight”. The bed was easily big enough for two in fact it looked like it was designed to sleep four or five maybe even more if they were affectionate. Pulling back the spider silk sheet’s they both climbed into the bed , Iliafray keeping a small distance from Sophia indicating that tonight all she wanted was to sleep, once in bed Iliafray dimmed the lights with a word leaving the room pitch black , her elven sight could still make things out but Sophia was left blind in the darkness, sometimes that could be used to make things more interesting but tonight the darkness was just to aid sleep. Sophia listened as Iliafray’s breathing deepened and became more regular as she slipped into an exhausted sleep, then Sophia moved forward snuggling up along sider her mistress and draping her arm over the sleeping drow. She knew that if Iliafray woke up first she would be angered at the show of affection but she also knew from the nights after previous sessions with the matriarch that holding Iliafray would help her sleep easier with less nightmares disturbing her in the night.
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