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First time taken by a dog
Today is the first warm day in this years’ spring. So the first day of this year with a denim short skirt to get the first tan on my legs. Out of tradition the first time a short skirt also means no panties either. This always give me a special, horny feeling. I decided to do some errands, just to walk pass men with in my mind my bare naked pussy. This is such a turn on for me

First, let me introduce myself. I am a southern, blond businesswoman with cobalt green eyes. My length is 5 feet 8 with a ravaging cup C and a beautiful round ass. People used to call me red because of the prefer to red velvet clothing, nowadays I am more of a daisy duke shorts type with tank tops. And when the summer really starts to heat up here in the south, I start to heat up.

I am walking back from the market. Just finished buying a few groceries for dinner. I decided to take a little detour to visit my baby brother. Half way, to my surprise, the sidewalk and the street are breeched and they improvised a kind of a wooden trail. “Just perfect”, I thought, “I have to be careful with my high heels”. I step up on this trail and carefully walk on. Just after a few steps a dog jumped on the trail and starts to walk behind me. It was a mid-seized male golden retriever, named Hector. His owners are a big black guy and his three sons, who live a few houses next to me. After a few yards I look back to see if the dog is still following me. He is, slowly and sniffing the air. I become insecure because of the unstable trail and because I know the dog smells the bitch in heat I am. For a moment I don’t pay attention to the unstable trail,stumble and while I try to stay on my feet, the high heel of my left shoe gets stuck between two wooden shelfs. I fall on one knee, bump my head on a low branch of a tree and then it happens.

I feel a wet slurp all the way through my slit. The fog in my head caused by the bump slowly subsides. Before I realize what is happening, I feel yet another thrust, all the way from my pussy to my ass. I shriek with terror what makes the dog Hector jump aside. I try to get my left leg under me, but the heel is still stuck between the shelfs. Hector sniffs me again and return to what seems to him the perfect honey. He starts slittering his tongue again around in my pussy and after a few licks It starts to arouse me. Unbelievable how deep a dogs’ tongue go and I moan with pleasure. In my brain I repulse the idea of a dog licking my pussy, but it feels so good! This is so obscene. But this is so good! I can feel an orgasm building up. My brain screams this can’t be, my body gives me a very different signal. It feels so, so good.

Hector is unaware of the mixed feelings in Red’s head. He keeps thrusting his tongue in this bitches’ slit, where the nectar starts flowing. His cock is coming out of the shaft showing the red, cone formed tip. At that moment Red orgasms to the max. She moans loud, is trembling frantic and she almost loose consciousness. Then, for a moment, Hector stops licking, and Red can take a deep breath.

But not for long.

Hector steps up, place his front legs on her back and closing in to her. Red notices in disbelieve the dog’s cock, searching for his mark. His precum spreads between her legs, which makes the whole area wet and slippery. Then she feels the tip of Hectors’ cock in her ass. “Oh no, not my ass”, runs through her mind. Pure instinctive she moves her ass away with give way to her wet, moist pussy. In one hard thrust Hector pushes his thick, long piece of meat into her. The large cock of the dog finds an easy way in because of her pre-existing wetness, the hard licking of Hector what made her fluids float, and the pre-cum. In one, hard thrust the thick large dogs’ cock slams all the way through the cervix. Slam!

In the distance she hears a boys’ unintelligible calling.

Hector starts pounding her with hard, fast and deep thrusts. Red was just recovering of her first orgasm when all this violence of Hectors’ pounding growns on her. There is no way of escaping because the heel of her left foot is still firm stuck in the wooden trail. Slowly she adepts to the violence and once again the pleasure kicks in. She starts moaning and tries to get in the rhythm of Hectors’ fast pace of fucking her. Her tits swing back and forth with every hard thrust of Hector. Again, the excitement of Red grows more and more, when she feels something hard at the entrance of her cunt. It feels like a big tennis ball tries to find its way in. Red let a scream out, when the hard ball is pushed in fiercely. The pace of Hectors’ fucking slows down to a complete stop. She now realizes they are stuck together, knotted. The warm sperm of Hector is flowing into her womb which, together with the knot presses against her g spot, gives her a last orgasm. With a deep sigh she rests her upper body on the wooden shelf, when she hears the calling for Hector is getting more and more nearby. The voice is of the youngest, 18 years old son of the black neighbor, calling for Hector. “Oh no”, she thinks, “the boy cannot find me like this”. But Hector is still knotted in her, resting on her back. When Hector hears his name, he makes a turn leaving Red and himself ass on ass. And with her feet still stuck, Red has nowhere to go. Then a mighty shadow hath over her.

“Well, well”, she hears a dark brown voice, “so here you are... Hector. Just fooling around.”
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