Science-Fiction, Alien, Ass to mouth, Authoritarian, Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Body modification, Cum Swallowing, Domination/submission, Extreme, Female Domination, Hardcore, Horror, Male / Older Female, Mind Control, Murder, Oral Sex, Stockholm Syndrome, Transgendered, Violence
Author's infos
Gender: N/A
Age: N/A
Location: Michigan, United States
This story is adapted from a particularly vivid and drug-addled dream. I have more visualized/written, but I want to gauge its reception before I post more. This story constitutes my most ambitious erotic fiction to date, and therefore contains a much wider variety of kinks/fetishes than my older works. Please let me know what you think, and if you want to see more!
Chapter 1:
The sky was quiet. Tor Endril stood, unmoving in the cold winter air. He felt the wind’s icy breath on his skin, but it was more annoyance than nuisance. He idly wondered what the Broodmother might be doing. He longed for Her touch, but the icy wind prevented him from imagining Her warm skin pressed against his own. He scowled, the cold finally reaching his dulled senses. His new instincts caused him to raise his arms in defense, but he stopped himself before completing the motion. He could feel the hair on his arms standing on end, and he scoffed to himself.
“To think this species has dominated the planet…” he muttered, still annoyed with the new genome rattling around in his cells. He was still in the process of parsing through it, plucking out the pieces that he deemed unnecessary. After experiencing this new sensation, he was able to pinpoint and remove it. At once all the hair on his body drooped and relaxed, the uncomfortable bumps of skin receding back into his arms. He sighed in relief, glad to be rid of the annoyance.
Tor Endril was an envoy of Her Majesty the Broodmother. She was an ancient being, possibly as old as the universe itself. Even She did not remember. Tor Endril thought She was magnificent. He did not remember how long it had been since he had been saved by the Empress, nor exactly the circumstances of his life before the change. All he remembered is that he had been very small, insignificantly small, even. Not in size, no, but in his place in the universe. He had been meaningless, an unremarkable cog in the machine that had been his society. But She had given him a purpose, a place in the universe. She had shown him the unseen depths of space, and all the knowledge it contained. It had been a glorious revelation. He remembered screaming at the time, his primitive and inferior mind unable to grasp the onslaught of information. But he did not die. It was this survival that had earned him a place beside the Broodmother.
A twig snapped in the distance. Tor Endril was dragged from his thoughts, his core instincts kicking in. The wind was loud enough to muffle his movements through the snow, so he proceeded on foot towards the sound. Voices began to rise up over the sound of the wind, and soon he was standing about 100 yards from a small camp. A thin trail of smoke billowed out from the center, where a tiny fire was crackling and popping. Two humans sat on a bench next to the small flame, each holding a glass bottle and laughing with one another. They were terribly loud, though Tor Endril knew they were capable of communicating more silently. Their conversation and the wind allowed Tor Endril to get even closer, and he dialed back his senses as he approached them. They were loud in every sense of the word, with their scent being almost as pronounced as the noise they were making. To top it all off, each wore a bright hat on their head, so that they stood out like bright flowers in the blinding snow.
Tor Endril did not make the same mistake. He felt his body shift with his will, his skin rippling and contorting with the change. His skin and hair turned a pale white, camouflaging him amidst the falling snow. His footsteps were near silent in the snow itself, and he moved deftly between the trees, crouching against them and falling still whenever the human’s eyes wandered. It felt overly cautious, but he would not risk his mission for the Broodmother. Soon he was several feet away from the two humans. They were both males, as far as he could tell, and they were still deeply invested in the conversation they were having. Tor Endril did not understand the words they spoke, but hopefully, that would all change soon. He waited for the proper opportunity to strike, his eyes condensing into narrow, vertical slits to better gauge the distance to his target. He stood completely still behind the two men, just far enough so that his camouflage made him nearly invisible. Finally, the first man blinked, and Tor Endril leaped forward. His hand swung out in a cutting motion, connecting with the second man’s neck and severing his head from his body. The whole thing was over before the first man opened his eyes, and when they finally did open, Tor Endril’s right hand closed around his face. The man screamed, but the sound was muffled by Tor Endril’s hand, which had grown in size and had several new and unique fingers added.
“Time to know what you know,” he said quietly and dug the tips of his fingers into the man’s skull. There was another muffled scream as Tor Endril knelt on the man’s chest. Tor Endril’s breath was calm and steady as he tapped into the man’s neurochemistry, routing it through his own human genome and saving the final product into his long-term memory. This only lasted a few more seconds, and eventually, the man died in Tor Endril’s deadly grip. Tor Endril was shaken from his genetic dive, and he scoffed at the corpse below him.
“You wasted no time dying,” he said, this time in English. The language was one of the few pieces of information he was able to successfully withdraw from the man’s brain, and he was glad that he had decided to pull that data first. English had been the only language present, to Tor Endril’s disappointment, but he had been able to piece together a few small fragments of information about the species and the planet, as well as about his current whereabouts. He knew there was a small town about 10 miles to the west; that would have to act as the home base for his new brood. His mind trailed off with future plans, making sure to include backup plans for interactions he could not yet accurately predict. The beginning would be the hardest part of this campaign, and he needed to make sure all was calculated meticulously. Anything less would be a disrespect to the Broodmother and the mission She had given to him.
Chapter 2:
“A conquest?” Tor Endril asked. He was lying naked on the bed, propping his head up with his right arm. Beads of sweat covered his body, rolling down over his currently accentuated curves. His nipples stood straight out from his modest chest, two round and supple breasts arching out from his ribs. His feminine appearance was temporary— he felt far more comfortable in a male body— but he often made this type of switch when the Empress demanded it of him. While it was not his favorite of their carnal activities, there was something enjoyable and freeing about being taken and dominated in this form. His love for the Broodmother transcended his entire being, and so he was overjoyed to be of service to Her in any way.
“You could call it that, yes.” A husky voice drifted its way from the other room, and Tor Endrill could see the shadows of his mistress flicker as She changed. She was like a living mirage, taking on whatever form She pleased on a whim, with hardly any thought or concentration. It was like breathing to Her. Tor Endril had found bio-shifting confusing at first, but the concept had started to stick in his mind. Still, nothing compared to the majesty and mastery that the Broodmother exuded as She stepped from the small bath chamber. Her skin was a pale purple or blue, with similarly shaded hair and eyes. She had told Tor Endril once that Her coloring was not intentional but instead was a side effect of visible light bouncing off of Her body. Her form was simultaneously that of mist and of flesh. Her current chest was much heavier than Tor Endril’s, Her breast's teardrop shape swaying gently as She moved. She smiled at him, and he melted. Wave after wave of euphoria washed over his body, every cell filled with an intense desire to touch and be held by this magnificent being. She was glory personified, and She giggled to Herself as She watched Tor Endril twitch with joy.
She stepped up to him slowly, Her waist at Tor Endril's eye level. His eyes fell from Her chest to the massive phallus swinging between Her legs. It was only partially erect, still swelling with blood, but not yet full enough to stand upright towards Tor Endril’s face. Neither of them spoke, but Tor Endril did not need instruction. His left hand reached out and delicately lifted the heavy member, lifting the head to his lips and wrapping them around its girth. Salty-sweet flavor filled his mouth, and he felt his loins clench in response. The Empress’ seed oozed slowly from his dripping nether regions— a remnant of prior activities— and he longed for something to fill the growing void between his legs. As if reading his mind— which She very well may have— the Broodmother leaned forward, Her right hand moving to Tor Endril’s waiting womanhood. She slipped a finger gently inside, eliciting a moan from Tor Endril as he continued to suck on the head of Her cock. The two were locked in shared pleasure, and all other concerns moved from both of their minds. Their exchange escalated quickly, with the Broodmother growing fully erect, and Tor Endril swallowing Her length whole in response. Despite the massive rod of pulsing flesh plugging his throat, Tor Endril felt cool air in his lungs, now breathing through small slits in his back. He still had difficulty with these types of changes on his own, but this was one that he and the Empress employed often during such activities. In addition to this augmentation, Tor Endril’s gag reflex had been entirely removed, allowing the Empress to slide the entirety of Her eighteen-inch length down Tor Endril’s eager throat without him so much as batting an eye. On the contrary, Tor Endril’s whole body quaked in pleasure as his nose brushed his mistress’ smooth crotch. Her scent filled his nostrils, flooding his brain with a numbing pleasure, and he was dimly aware of Her massive balls brushing against his chin and neck. She cooed softly, and the sound itself was heaven to Tor Endril.
They sat like that for a moment, the tip of the Broodmother’s cock pressing stiffly into Tor Endril’s stomach, all while She hooked Her fingers into his twitching slit and pressed on his insides. Climaxes were indistinguishable amongst the constant sense of pleasure, but Tor Endril could still feel himself clamp down on the hand at his crotch whenever the crashing waves of ecstasy reached their peak. After what seemed like an eternity, the Empress began to move Her hips, bucking softly into Tor Endril’s throat. With each small thrust, he felt Her impressive length stab at his insides, but in this scenario, even this slight discomfort was intensely pleasurable. The light throatfucking was relatively gentle at first, with only a few inches of the massive length sliding in and out of his throat at a time. As before, however, things escalated quickly, and the Broodmother grew more aggressive with Her thrusts. Until now Her left hand had gently caressed the back of his head, with Her right hand still lost between Tor Endril’s legs. She continued to tease Her lover’s crotch, but Her left hand had now moved to grip the back of Tor Endril’s neck, holding it in place for Her use. Her thrusts had increased in length as well, with now nearly half of Her large genitalia slamming into him with each thrust. She was methodical and gentle, and despite the rough treatment She still knew the limits of Her toy.
Where more primitive beings would have suffocated by now, Tor Endril swam in the overwhelming sea of ecstasy that flooded his mind, savoring the sensation of the Broodmother’s stiff flesh sliding against the walls of his throat. He was blissfully happy and continued to lay there as the Empress built to Her own climax. This was typically how it went. Tor Endril would get lost in the abundance of his own pleasure, but his true joy was in knowing that he was an integral tool in the Broodmother’s pleasure as well. He was hyper-aware of Her pleasure, despite his own mind being almost drowned in his own. He did not have to act on this awareness— nor could he with only this small amount of thought possible during such intense lovemaking. But he knew if he allowed himself to be used by Her, that She could utilize his body to reach Her own spectacular climax.
The Empress had been wasting no time doing exactly that. As Tor Endril wandered amongst his lust-addled thoughts, the Empress felt Her own orgasm welling within Her. Her cock twitched sporadically inside Her lover’s throat, and there was a feeling of belonging as the walls of his esophagus gently gripped Her pulsing length. She could feel the pure adoration exuding from him, and his pleasure helped to fuel Her own. She had stopped fingering him, now gripping his neck tightly with both hands as She fucked his throat mercilessly. Her skin grew more sensitive with every thrust, acutely aware of the sliding sensation every time She buried Herself to the hilt. His face was smashed constantly into Her smooth groin, while Her balls swung up and slapped him in the throat each time She buried Herself. She felt their weight crash into Her length through the thin, warm wall of flesh, which added to Her arousal. He did not choke or sputter, but rather hummed contently as his throat was filled and emptied in rapid succession. As this motion continued, She felt that turning point of Her pleasure, one that She knew would lead to orgasm. Having successfully prolonged the experience, She began to thrust faster and harder than She had up until this point. Her hips were a blur of motion, though She maintained a constant control of Her thrusts as to not break Her lover’s face. Skin slid against slippery skin as Her cock pistoned up and down Tor Endril’s throat, and when She had finally cultivated Her orgasm to the peak of pleasure She released it, shuddering as the waves of pleasure washed over Her. Her toes curled on the floor beneath the bed, and She stiffened slightly, throwing Her own head back as She held his pressed tightly against Her groin.
Seed poured out in gallons into Her lover’s stomach, quickly engorging him with Her sticky fluid. He was full within seconds, the excess pouring out into large puddles on the bed and floor. The Empress felt the torrent of seed push against Her cock, which She still held firmly in place inside of Tor Endril. It flowed out around the seal of his lips, oozing down Her balls in a constant flow, coating the inside of Her legs in sticky fluid and forming a rapidly expanding puddle on the floor below. She took a brief moment to look down into Her lover’s face. Cum exploded from his mouth and nose, covering Her entire crotch with Her own seed, but his eyes maintained that ever-present look of lust and ecstasy. On the other side of the bed, more of Her seed flowed rapidly out his ass, the translucent white liquid looking for any route of escape from its fleshy container. Tor Endril laid completely limp on the bed, his body unable to regulate any of its typical functions. He was still alive, She knew, but it would be several minutes before he regained any sense of consciousness or intelligence. She was in no rush to end the show in front of Her, so without removing Her cock from its sleeve, She flipped Tor Endril onto his back, his small breasts angling up into the light above. This position also gave the Empress a better look at Her lover’s privates, which were utterly soiled in a combination of their fluids. Her balls had come to rest in his eye sockets, sitting comfortably while his nose gently prodded at the base of Her cock, an action which She swore coaxed an extra few spurts out of Her. She reached down to lift Her lover’s backside to Her mouth so that his body was in the position of a headstand. She felt Her cock angle upward as She lifted the sheath it lay inside, and more cum oozed out from his mouth and nose below. She parted his legs— which now hung limply out— and stretched open the pretty pink pussy that hid beneath the layer of salty-sweet ooze. The liquid immediately drained down into the new opening, and the Empress licked Her lips. She pressed Her lips to his, sliding Her long tongue into his waiting insides, tickling his inner flesh and eliciting more moans and coos from Her unconscious partner, though She could only tell from the subtle vibrations in his throat. She swabbed him clean of Her seed, then She did the same with his ass, snaking Her long tongue down inside of him and licking up the warm inner coating. She would not be expanding Her brood today, and it would not do to be so wasteful. After several minutes of this, She decided to dismount him, stepping back and letting Her now flaccid member fall out of his throat with a wet 'pop'. A torrent of cum followed, Tor Endril’s body spasming reflexively to empty his stomach of the foreign liquid. His face was now coated in Her seed, and She sat there admiring his supple form, unconscious and drenched in cum. She leaned over him on the bed, running Her long and talented tongue over his entire body, licking up any excess seed that remained. She then lifted him from the bed, carrying him to the other room where a large bath was waiting. She released him into the water, and he floated for a few moments before sinking to the bottom. She proceeded to clean Herself, and after a minute or two Tor Endril rose from the water, massaging his throat with his thumb and forefinger.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get fully used to how amazing that is,” he said, chuckling. He craned his sore neck and took a seat at the edge of the water, idly rubbing the last remnants of cum from his face and hair. He laughed again, “I also don’t remember what we were talking about. Something about a world you want me to visit?” He looked at Her expectantly, and She turned to face him.
“Exactly. A large piece of machinery crash-landed onto Homeworld just last night. It seemed to be an exploratory probe from a planet called Earth.” Her eyes did not meet his, instead focusing on the task of cleaning Herself. “Contained in the probe was a DNA sample from a sentient race. They quite remind me of what you used to be when I found you, if not slightly more primitive.” Even when they weren’t looking at him, Her eyes captivated him, and he could not help but listen to Her every word. She lifted a hand, and he watched as her skin turned a pale beige. The hand seemed weak and frail, and each finger was tipped with a small, flat nail, likely a remnant of claws the species once possessed. “This will be your first task as my Broodfather. I want you to travel to this planet and conquer it in my name. But you can’t kill the population— that would defeat the purpose.”
“And what purpose would that be, Empress?” Tor Endril replied eagerly. This time Her eyes did meet his, and he felt a slight stirring in his nether regions. She stepped closer to him, and placed Her hand on his chest. Had he not been standing in water he may have collapsed, but he managed to stay upright. He felt a surge of heat where Her hand rested on his skin, and a second later he felt the sensation spread throughout his entire body. When he looked down, his skin resembled that of the hand the Empress had manifested. He looked back up at Her, Her intense gaze still captivating him completely.
“The purpose,” She continued, “Is to harvest the sentience of the planet and integrate them into the brood. Your discovery has piqued my interest as to whether there might be others like you.” Tor Endril felt a brief pang of jealousy at the thought of having to share his mistress, but Her gaze held strong, and he forced the primitive emotion down. She eyed him a moment longer, then continued. “Even if that is not the case, I will have a whole population to serve as drones on Homeworld. You have learned much since coming here, and I am confident in your abilities.” She finished bathing, eventually stepping out from the bath. Tor Endril watched Her go, captivated by the mere shape of Her. Her curves bounced back and forth with each step, but She stopped before she reached the door.
“Can I count on you, Tor Endril?” She said, calling over Her shoulder. Tor Endril snapped himself from his daze.