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Jim is just a regular guy with some extraordinary luck. He values his friends and they value him.
All characters depicted in this story are 18 years old or older

* Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven from many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, a part of Barbra's story, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim.

Being Jim-Ch.07-Barbra’s Wish

By Frodov

* This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past, names and a few details have been changed to provide anonymity for those involved. Discretion is a precious commodity and is becoming rarer every day. I reached way back to relive this story for everyone. At the time I was the ripe old age of thirty. Bear in mind that Cell phones were barely a novel idea at that time. The internet was taking its first baby steps and people were discovering the likes of A0L and to a lesser extent local messaging or electronic “bulletin boards”. How many of you out there remember dial-up modems? Cable TV was still mostly commercial free. Ah, good times. So in that frame of mind enjoy the memory.

* Pulling into the parking lot of my apartment complex I had to sit and wait for the garbage truck to finish tipping up the dumpster and emptying mine and my neighbors’ garbage into its cavernous cargo hold. The sound of the large engine and whining hydraulics accompanied by the banging and clanging of metal on metal only to be accented by the sound of the trash spilling into the truck served to merely irritate me further. I was tired after working all night, a long stressful very humid and hot summer night in late August. All I wanted to do was take a long relaxing shower and then crash into my bed and sleep. The garbage truck was currently blocking the only open parking spaces in my lot and it appeared that the driver was in no hurry to be finished with this particular set of dumpsters. BANG… BANG… BANG… BANG… the metal doors and covers of the dumpster rang as it was tripped over and rocked back and forth repeatedly as the driver shook out the contents into his truck. Then finally satisfied that he had got out all that was going to come out of the metal bin he went through the process of tipping it back upright and lowering it back onto its concrete pad. After he disengaged from the dumpster and backed away to move on to the next dumpster further down the lot I was finally able to pull into an empty parking space.

Stopping at my building’s mail boxes just inside the door I checked my own mail slot seeing that I had some to collect. Sales flyers, ads, junk mail and a couple of bills… I sighed and tucked it under one arm as I climbed the short flight of steps to the second floor and to my apartment door. I unlocked and let myself in, tossing the mail onto my small dining table outside my galley kitchen. I kicked off my steel toed shoes and stretched and flexed my tired feet still in my damp socks as I walked to the refrigerator to get something cold to drink.

Opening the door to the fridge I found one lone can of ginger ale, an empty pitcher that I usually keep filled with iced tea and a nearly empty carton of milk. Grabbing the milk I opened it and took a whiff before bringing it to my lips and draining it. One can never be too careful with milk. Anyone who’s ever taken a big gulp of sour milk will forever more smell the milk before they drink it. This milk was good, but it was all gone now. Looking deeper in the fridge I gave a weary sigh realizing that like the milk carton it was empty as well. Well, one doesn’t really consider condiments like ketchup, mustard, barbecue sauce or steak sauce as food in and of itself.

“Guess I’ll be going to the grocery store later after I wake up.” I spoke to myself… and then getting a whiff of my sweat stained shirt I mentally added a trip to the Laundromat as well. Shower time!

I peeled off my clothes and checked my beard in the mirror of my small bathroom, it wasn’t too bad but what the hell, I might as well take care of it now too. I ran some hot water in the sink and pulled out my razor and shaving cream and lathered up my face. I had just taken the second swipe at my beard when my phone rang in the kitchen. Hanging my head down in resignation I dropped my razor and grabbed a hand towel to wipe my face as I walked the five or six feet down the hall way to my kitchen doorway and grabbed the handset off the wall.

“Hello…” I said in a far more chipper voice that I actually was feeling at the moment.

“Fro! How’s it hangin’ brutha?” Todd’s all too chipper voice came through the line.

“Hey man! Just caught me cleaning up after getting home from work, I’m fine, just tired and hungry and ready to lay my head down after cleaning up. How are you doing Todd… Anne and the kids?” I greeted my friend as I leaned back against the kitchen counter and idly looked through my cabinets making a mental grocery list.

“We’re all good man… I’m sorry I caught you in the middle of something but I wanted to catch you before you went to bed. You are off tonight, right?” Todd told me with a certain lilt in his questioning voice leading me to believe he was up to something.

“Yeah man, last night was three of three, tonight tomorrow and the next night I’m free! Well… aside from getting groceries and doing laundry anyway… I almost hated to ask but I did anyway… “What’s up?

“Oh you know, just the same standing invitation for you to come down and play a little…” Todd chuckled. I could picture him leaning back in his desk chair with his feet up on the desk or on the end of the bed if he were watching Anne. I can’t blame him for that though. She’s certainly worthy of any and all attention, no matter what she’s doing. I sighed internally knowing that the “standing invitation” was well intentioned and sincere but I still felt a little uneasy just jumping into bed… or on the couch or wherever with the two of them. I knew full well it was more of something for Anne as the attention of two men at the same time just really sets her off, and that Todd is as straight as I am so there would be no same gender games but still… for a mostly straight laced guy like me that would just be… well… awkward. Not that I had completely ruled it out I just wasn’t quite ready to make that last step… yet.

“Seriously Fro… Jim… I’m just fuckin’ wit ya man! I was going to ask you if you wanted to come to dinner tonight though. Anne is off and we’re gonna barbecue some burgers and dogs. The next door neighbors are coming over too. How ‘bout it man?” Todd told me with that thick ‘Vuhginnya’ twang of his.

Oh like that’s going to be much less awkward I thought, me not having met their neighbors before but having heard some ‘stories’ about their antics. I grinned to myself before answering Todd.

“Let me get my groceries and laundry taken care of and I’ll see what I feel like after that man. Right now I wouldn’t be presentable to anyone, even friends.” I lamented about my dirty laundry. “I’ll check in with you online at Night Friends this afternoon. Food sounds good though, and you know I’d love to spend any time at all with Anne.” I sighed audibly and then I added… “Even if the two of you are trying to fix me up…”

“Whaaaaaat?” I heard Todd drawl with an innocent tone before devolving into a fit of laughter and saying “…here… you tell him…” to someone. That someone of course had to be Anne. I heard her take the phone from him and tell Todd. “I told you he would know.”

“Hi honey…” She purred sweetly over the phone. I could see those soft blue eyes in my mind’s eye and her wry grin as she smirked at her husband Todd knowing that I would see through his ulterior motives with the neighbors. “We really are going to have a cook out tonight… I’d love to see you if you can make it down.” She added sweetly knowing that I would melt if she asked me to.

“You just getting home too?” I asked knowing that she worked nights at one of the Danny’s locations here in town. I knew she was probably as tired as I was but she still was probably going to stay up a bit and make breakfast for her two kids, and for Todd before she went to bed for a few hours.

“Yeah… I’m whupped. I should have stopped at your house and just crawled into bed with you.” She half teased causing a brief flash back for me to a bad snow storm that hit town months ago. I smiled and sighed before I said anything.

“That wouldn’t have been much better… you might not have had to cook any breakfast but the likelihood of you going right to sleep would probably been less than if you went home.” I laughed knowing that she knew the truth as well as I did.

“Well it would have been worth it all the same.” She said, and then added. “You know I’ll get you again sometime… it’s just a matter of time boy. Here, talk to Todd, I’m going to go make some pancakes.” Anne said with that teasing lilt before she handed the phone back to Todd.

“Brutha you need to come grab this woman…” I heard Todd sigh as he watched Anne slip on a robe to cover her bare body before leaving their bedroom to go to the kitchen, knowing that she flashed him teasingly.

“You know I would man…” I sighed aloud before adding. “I will call you or if you’re online I’ll send you a message on Night Friends this afternoon man. I’m going to go finish cleaning up and go to bed now. And Todd…?”

“Yeah man?” He asked

“When you go into the kitchen, as I know you will in a moment, walk up behind Anne and wrap your gorilla arms around her… gently… and nuzzle her neck and kiss her under her right ear… whisper softly that that was from me… and that I will make good on my promise.” I said warmly to my friend.

Todd laughed and said. “I will brutha… you take care now… and call me later.”

“Good night Todd… and thanks man.” I said before I hung up the phone and stood there a moment picturing the big man walking up behind the diminutive Anne, naked under her robe and embracing her and nuzzling and kissing her neck. Yeah… I wish it was me doing it for real. Shaking my head I went back to the bathroom and reapplied shaving cream to my face and shaved. After a hot shower I stumbled through the blackout curtain into my bedroom, not even bothering to turn a light on I collapsed onto my bed still damp from my shower and completely naked. I was out before my head hit the pillow I think.

My dreams were often clouded with things from my waking life and my imagination. The flow of time and place got confusing and the list of characters coming and going would be enough to qualify as a nightmare for anyone assigned to keeping track of the who’s and when’s and where’s. I often awoke confused and trying to make sense of the events that transpired as I slept. As I awoke today I found it was not so much from something in my dreams but rather from a sound coming from somewhere. There it was again… a “Rat Tat Tat”… In my sleep addled brain I tried to place that sound. “I should know that.” I thought to myself… and then it sounded again. “Rat Tat Tat” Then I sat bolt upright as my conscious mind finally kicked into gear and identified the sound as the door knocker on my door. Someone was knocking at my door. “Who the hell…” I thought as I stumbled out of bed and went through my blackout curtain and was halfway through the kitchen when I realized I was stark naked. “Fuck!” I said aloud and rushed back to my bedroom and flipped the light on looking for at least a pair of shorts or sweatpants to throw on. Hopping on one foot as I dragged a pair of sweats on as I made my way back to the front door, I’m lucky I didn’t fall over and hurt myself. I looked through my peep-hole and gasped. I fumbled for the chain and the lock to open the door.

Opening the door I was greeted by a smiling Barbra holding up a bag of doughnuts.

“Hi lover… Hungry? Or would you like a doughnut instead?” Barb purred with her head tilted down in that hungry eyed wanton temptress way she had when she was on the prowl.

“Pinch me… I’m dreaming…” I said with a smile and opened the door wider to let her in. Closing the door behind her she turned into me and dropped the bag of doughnuts and her purse as she reached up and wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down into a long lust filled sensuous kiss. My own arms found their way around Barb’s waist and I drew her into me gently lifting her slightly onto her toes as our kisses became harder and hungrier. Suddenly the time didn’t matter, the plans of the day were but a fog in the distance. The lips pressing mine, the tongue exploring my mouth, the hands and fingers running through my hair washed away mundane thoughts. The feel of a rising and falling very plush pair of breasts pressing into my bare chest, and the growing desire to feel them bare as well overwhelmed my tiny animal brain. That’s not to say that some small portion of my mind wasn’t working though. That small impervious lust fueled section of my mind was trying its damnedest to guide my body and motions, along with the totally involved Barbra through the maze of my tiny apartment to my bedroom and finally to my bed. Conscious thought or not, clothing was being shed with every stumbling step… that is until I stumbled and fell on my ass over the arm of the lone easy chair in my small living room. Barb, still attached to my lips and wrapped in each other’s arms fell over with me. I found myself on my back with my legs dangling over the arm of the chair with Barb atop of me still writhing and kissing and moaning… and giggling like a teen aged schoolgirl.

Pulling back a bit to catch her breath, Barb looked down at me and smiled as she brushed a few stray strands of hair out of her eyes and back over her ear.

“Hi.” She said sweetly.

“Hi yourself.” I returned with a smile and reached up to stroke her left cheek with the backs of the fingers on my right hand.

“Happy to see me?” Barb asked coquettishly letting one eyebrow rise up and biting her lower lip. Her fingers of her right hand were tracing a soft circle around my left ear.

“You know I’m always happy to see you babe.” I said as I raised my head up and kissed her chin then laid my head back on the arm of the chair. Barb giggled again and then shifted her weight a bit.

“This is not going to work… we need to get up… and move somewhere else.” She said as she let the other eyebrow rise up questioningly. With a bit of a struggle she rolled off the top of me and I clambered back up to a standing position. Taking my hand in hers Barbra led me down the short hallway to my bedroom door and parted the blackout curtain.

Standing beside my bed Barb turned to me and reached up to wrap both hands again around my neck. I leaned in for another simmering sultry kiss, this one a bit tamer and more relaxed as the initial excitement and surprise was now past. As I wrapped my arms around Barb, they sought out the zipper to her skirt. Barb laughed softly into our kiss as she gently swayed side to side with silent encouragement. Soon the short zipper was all the way down and the waistband was lax enough to allow me to push it down gently over her hips and it fell in one motion to the floor to pool around her ankles.

“Oh you clever man…” Barb said with a smile as she pulled back a bit to look me in the eyes. I ran my left hand down her flank over her hip and over the right cheek of her panty clad ass. My right hand had slipped under the tail of her blouse in the back and up her left side, over her bra strap and then along her shoulder where I gripped it and pulled her in tightly again for another round of kisses. Barb kicked her feet free from her skirt and ran a stockinged left leg up the outside of my right leg and hooked it around the back of my thigh. After a few moments of heated tongue lashing she released my head and pulled back to bring her hands to the collar of her blouse. She then pulled her blouse up and over her head and arms and casually tossed it aside giving me that wanton hungry smile of hers.

“Are you awake yet?” She asked in a low husky voice as she ran her hands across my shoulders to my neck and then drew her delicate manicured fingers down through my sparse chest hair, pressing a bit harder to rake her nails across my abdomen. She tilted her head down and looked up through her lashes and licked her lips as her fingers encountered the waistband of my sweatpants. My own hands were also busy, the left sliding back up her right flank to meet my right that had slid down from her shoulder when she removed her blouse. With a deft flick of my right index finger and thumb I sprung the clasp on Barb’s bra and together each hand pulled the straps forward and up freeing her gorgeous full breasts. Her nipples already hardened with her excitement.

“If I’m not awake and this is a dream… I don’t want to wake up yet.” I growled in a lust tinged low voice of my own as I brought my hands up under Barb’s breast to gently lift them and squeeze them. With a flick of her head Barb tossed her long dark red hair over her left shoulder then gave me a sidelong look through her lashes again as she hooked her hands in my waistband and began easing my sweatpants down… as she sank down with them to rest on her knees. Licking her lips once more she looked up into my face to see if I was watching her closely, and I was. I was spellbound as I knew what she had in mind and was nearly trembling with anticipation. My eager anatomy nearly at full mast now and growing since the first kiss in the other room, now unfettered and no longer confined it stood at attention… seeking attention. And attention it got. Barb winked at me and leaned in and kissed the head as one would a baby or a small child, a gentle soft sweet kiss full of endearment and love. Then she kissed it again… just under the edge of the soft sensitive mushroom head… and another and another getting lower down the shaft with each kiss. Barb’s hands were clamped firmly on my hips but as she went lower and lower with her kisses her hands slid around my flanks and took a cheek in each hand and squeezed my ass pulling me closer to her.

As her sweet teasing delicate kisses on my growing erection finally reached the very base, Barb did another little something that she knew drove me crazy. She stuck out her tongue and licked my balls. But she didn’t stop there, oh no… she was out for blood… well… figuratively speaking. Barb sucked on and drew in first one ball then the other… sack and all. She chased them around her mouth with her tongue bouncing them and rolling them as her nose was pressed firmly into the base of my erection, her hands kneading and clenching my ass cheeks as she began to hum. OH MY GOD!!!!!! My knees nearly buckled and I found both of my hands pressed firmly on the back of Barb’s head as if holding onto her for my very life.

With a wet popping sound Barb pulled her head back stretching my balls until first one then the other popped out of her mouth. She looked up at me with an evil grin, her nose scrunched down and her eyes half closed and brows knitted and chuckled. Barb knew by now from experience that I was not likely to ever climax from oral stimulation but that was not to say I did not appreciate it or get even more excited when she did grace me with that particular form of attention. Rising slowly to her feet again she let me draw her in for another long passionate kiss… a kiss of thanks and appreciation indeed. She stepped one stocking covered foot onto my sweatpants bunched about my ankles and urged me towards the bed. With my backside towards the bed I picked her up bodily and held her as I fell backwards onto my bed. Barb squealed with delight and rolled on top of me to straddle my waist. Pressing herself up into a sitting position she looked down at me with a warm loving smile and just… smiled. Her long dark red hair fell about her shoulders and hanging down onto her lovely dangling breasts that swayed a little with each breath she took.

With my hands sliding up her forearms as she rested her hands palms down on my bare chest I caught a glimpse of my wrist watch and noted the time. With a puzzled expression I looked again at Barb questioningly.

“Err…Not that I’m complaining, far from it, but shouldn’t you be at work right now?” I asked

“Yeah, I should but I wanted to see you even more…” She teased with a smile but then went on. “No, the computer system at work crashed and no one was able to do any data entry or any work really and since all my work IS data entry I had nothing to do. My bosses asked all of us if anyone wanted to go home since they had no idea when the computers would be back up and running. I knew last night was your last of three and you were off tonight so I jumped at the chance to spend some extra time with you. I tried to call but the phone was busy.” She said with a mock accusatory tone letting one lovely eyebrow rise towards her forehead.

“That must have been about the time Todd called me then…” I said as I thought back to earlier in the morning. “He and Anne are still after me to come down and… play. They’re having a cookout tonight and invited me down to meet their neighbors. I think I’m being set up.” I admitted suspiciously. Barb laughed then tilted her head to one side and smiled slyly.

“Well? Are you going to go?” she asked

“I might, I told him that I would call or check in with him later after I got my groceries and did laundry. Some things just have to take priority after all. As it is I don’t think I have any clean clothes to wear if I did go down there tonight.” I grinned sheepishly.

“Right now clothes are not a priority…” Barb said with a lustful grin.

“Actually, someone still has too many clothes on…” I added with a smile as I slid my thumbs under the seam of the leg openings of her panties drawing them out and then letting them snap back against her legs. “That is unless you’re just getting them nice and wet to leave them for me to remember you by.” I said with a knowing grin.

“Nuh uh… not today lover… I need to wear these later… but we can… get them out of the way for a while if you like?” Barb purred as she rose up on her knees and allowed me to pull the undergarment down her hips and thighs. In order to take them the rest of the way off Barb had to roll over on her back and extend her legs up into the air. While using this as an excuse to reposition myself I did remove the panties from her legs but I also took advantage of my position and grabbed each of her legs at the knees and spread them wide and ran my hands down along Barb’s inner thighs slowly, teasingly. She of course already knew what I had in mind, this was not our first time together after all. Barb was well aware of my fascination and pure love of indulging in oral worship of her feminine treasures. I loved to make her kitty purr. I loved to taste her as I teased her and drove her over the edge with my mouth and tongue. And to be honest, Barb was only too happy to let me indulge. So worship I did.

I kissed her knees that were still up as she had pulled her feet up and had them flat on the bed under her oh so sweetly shaped bottom. With slow and deliberate teasing I kissed down the inside of first her left thigh, skipping over her sex to kiss my way back up the inside of her right thigh and to her knee. Running my hands slowly once more down the insides of her thighs I looked up to watch the anticipation grow on Barb’s face. She looked back at me with half closed eyes and knitted brows. Her bottom lip was firmly gripped in her teeth as her mouth resembled more of a snarl than a happy cheesy smile.

As my hands converged they stroked over and covered her lust dampened kitty. I paused and took a firm steady grip with both hands, my fingers digging into the soft seam between her legs and torso, my thumbs curled under digging into her soft ass cheeks. Barb let out a slow low moan knowing that this was only the opening act, things were about to heat up. I scooted back a bit on the bed so that I could lay down bringing my face into play. Relaxing my firm grip, I ran my hands up alongside her hot nearly hairless outer lips, my thumbs gliding along the seam where they meet. As my hands pressed upwards her folds opened up revealing those pink inner lips and letting more of her natural excitement seep out. The odor was intoxicating as always. With a low growl in my throat I leaned in and took a long slow lap with my tongue held and pressed flat from the bottom of her cleft upwards through those moist folds all the way to the top and brushed across her awakening lust button. Her clit was just beginning to extend as if shy from beneath her hooded hiding place. As my tongue dragged across it I could feel as well as hear Barbra inhale sharply and her hips rose up off the bed pressing herself forcefully against my tongue and face.

“Mmmmmm… tastes sooooo good!” I purred smiling up at Barb. She had both hands on her breasts kneading and squeezing them as her chest rose and fell with her quickening breath.

Again I leaned down and began another slow lick from the bottom to the top but I let my tongue rock back and forth from one side to the other setting up an entirely different sensation for Barb… until once more I reached her super sensitive clit. As my tongue rasped along that fleshy little nubbin I felt Barb’s hands grasping at the back of my head… so I lingered. I circled my tongue around and around it teasing her. With a long slow stream I blew across it eliciting another low moan from Barb’s lips. I felt her fingers grasping and clenching in my hair. I pressed my face a little closer and closed my lips around her pink stem and sucked it into my mouth. Once more Barb’s hips rose from the bed and her hands pressed my face harder still. With a tentative touch I darted my tongue at and lashed the end of her clit from side to side as I sucked as hard as I could. At the same time I brought my right hand into play by sliding two fingers between the hot wet lips to press inside and explore Barb’s sex. I could feel her tensing up I knew she was nearing the very cusp before her climax… so I stopped.

Pulling my hands away and my fingers out… I released my vacuum hold on her clit and pulled my face back even as her hands pressed harder to urge me to continue… Grinning I knew this would drive her crazy.

“Gaaaaaaahhhh…. Jimmmmmm!” She whined with an exasperated sigh and clamped her legs together trapping my head between them. I chuckled quietly to myself for a few heartbeats then pressed my face back into the fray. I stuck out my tongue and forced it as deeply as I could get it into her wet frustrated opening. Her outer and inner lips both pressing against my cheeks and chin, my nose buried in the folds of both just below her clit. With a slight nodding motion I licked as much as I could reach on the inside and my nose bumped repeatedly against the bottom of Barb’s clit. Each little bump rewarded me with a gasp or a flinch or both. Barb’s hands were again pressing the back of my head, forcing my face tighter against her womanly treasure. Not that I minded, as far as I was concerned I was in heaven or the next best thing anyway. I slurped and lapped and licked and nodded and bumped with abandon. No real tempo or rhythm this time. I knew that all too often I would get into a predictable motion and Barb could almost anticipate my next motion or movement. Oh I wanted her to anticipate but I didn’t want her to know exactly when or how or what was coming next. Right now I had in mind something that she herself had just sprung on me a few minutes ago… I wanted to see if the goose would like it as much as the gander had.

Withdrawing my now quite fatigued tongue, still savoring the sweet salty nectar that was flowing freely from Barb’s excited core… I pursed my lips and sucked her inner lips into my mouth. I pulled back my head slightly drawing them out and away from her trembling sex. When they would stretch no further I let them pop out of my mouth, one after the other. Then before she could adjust or anticipate what I might do next I darted my tired tongue out once more and slashed upwards through her slightly parted folds to lash at her fully engorged clit. Wrapping my lips around it once more I again drew it into my mouth as far as it would go. I gently closed my teeth on it and rolled my jaw from side to side making her clit roll from side to side.

At this point I could feel Barb’s nails digging into my scalp. I could also feel her hips pressing up from the bed and her legs tensing and even trembling. Yes, Barb was once more back or very very near that precipice just before she broke over the edge of climax. So close… it was time. Still rolling her clit softly side to side in my teeth, and sucking with my lips closed about it… my tongue gently brushing the exposed part inside my mouth… I began to hum.

Recently Barb had purchased for me a music album on cassette by 10,000 Maniacs. She had fallen in love with the voice of their singer Natalie Merchant. I found that I too liked the band and the singer’s sound so I picked a song that both Barb and I were familiar with and fond of…. These Are The Days. It may not sound quite the same when hummed especially when the humming is being done into and against a woman’s vagina and clitoris but the effect was quite startling and rewarding. As I hummed Barb just went ballistic… The solid stillness of rigidity just before the spasming and convulsions of a full blown very energetic climax is a beautiful thing to witness and even more precious when it’s brought on by an act of your own on someone you love and cherish. That is… unless your head is clamped in the vice like grip between her clenched and twitching thighs so tightly you actually fear for your neck. One violent twist and it would be curtains for me! Oh but was it worth it? Yes… yes it was!

When Barb’s climax finally began to wind down the pressure on her thighs lessened and she opened her legs back up and I gasped in a long sought after breath… and… I could finally hear what she had been saying or at least the noises she had or were making now.

“…on of a bitch! Wh… Where… Who… OH MY GOD! JIM!” She gasped and panted out trying to form a coherent question or statement, I’m not sure which. I knew that when she finally wound down some more Barb would make it clear what she had been trying to say. She now had one of her hands running through her hair atop her head the other was laying flat on her abdomen. Barb’s thighs and legs were still quivering and jumping ever so slightly. Knowing better but still doing it anyway I ducked my face back down and sank my tongue and chin deep into Barb’s now sopping wet puss and gave her a motorboat rocking my face side to side and blowing hot air into her, inflating her sex. I was rewarded of course with a startled squeal and a reflexive slap on the top of my head as she grabbed me by the hair to bring my head away from her over sensitive privates.

I chuckled as I rose to my hands and knees and crawled up the bed to lie down next to Barb. Lying on my right side, my head propped up on my right hand with arm bent at the elbow, I smiled down at Barb as she continued to gulp air and flinch and twitch from her orgasm. It must have been a good one for her recovery to take this long. Barbra turned her head left to face me and smiled warmly with half closed very contented eyes.

“That was a very nice start.” She said. “Very Very nice.” She added with a bigger smile. “When did you add humming to your bag of tricks?” She asked a little crossly giving me that one eyebrow questioning look.

“Just now… I was inspired… by what you did earlier.” I said with a grin. “Tit for tat kind of don’t you think?” I let my grin grow a little bigger.

“Well you know you will HAVE to remember to do that again in the future… right?” She said with a bit of leer in her grin as she bit her bottom lip.

“Among other… things…” I said with a knowing smile.

Barb took a long deep breath and frowned a bit then shrugged slightly… “I’ll be right back… Nature calls.” She said as she rolled away from me to stand beside the bed and head to the bathroom. Looking over her shoulder as she parted the blackout curtain she gave me a look that promised to reward me for my most recent efforts at pleasing her. I let myself fall flat on my back and stare at the ceiling. The little golden yellow circle formed by the shade on my bedside lamp almost looked like a sun. It reminded me of the early hour and the fact that I had not actually slept much at all yet this day. Now that the adrenaline and initial excitement from my surprise visit had begun to wear off I was feeling the fatigue again. Even my seemingly ever ready male appendage was flagging a little as he slowly began to deflate now that there was no immediate attention being paid to him. I kept my eyes open knowing that if I let them close I might very well drift off to sleep and that would be just rude considering. As I was thinking this I heard the toilet flush and then the tap on the sink turn on briefly, and then off again. Moments later Barb reemerged through my blackout curtain carrying a damp wash cloth in her hands.

She climbed up on my bed wearing only her thigh high stockings and walked on her knees up to my side before rolling to her left hip and lying down beside me once more. With her right hand she brought the warm damp cloth to my face and wiped gently at my cheeks and chin and then my nose. She also wiped at my neck and throat. I smiled and calmly and patiently submitted to her cleaning knowing that Barb was not particularly fond of even her own scent and juices most of the time. That’s not to say that she hasn’t gotten downright nasty and kinky many times when we played together. But, for the most part she’d just as soon have me wipe my face after I indulge in one of my most favorite of activities. With that done she sat up beside me at my waist and rested her right hand on my chest as she gathered her long hair with her left.

“Jim, honey… I know this was unexpected… I would understand if you would rather just go to sleep.” Barb said almost wistfully as she glanced down to see junior slumping to one side as if resting on my left thigh. She used her right index finger and the tip of her blood red polished nail to draw circles around my navel, just barely touching my skin, almost as if her finger were a feather. I groaned and junior twitched and slowly began to raise his head and pay attention.

“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t tired, but you know I’d pass up sleep, food and maybe even oxygen to be with you Barb. If you want to play… I… want to play. I just don’t think it’s going to be a marathon session right now.” I said softly with a sad smile and a slight shrug as I stroked her left thigh with my right hand as she sat Indian style next to me. She grinned down at me wickedly and brought her right hand up to meet her left. Barb pulled her gathered hair over her left shoulder and began parting it into three parts before beginning to braid it. I have seen her do this numerous times and it still mesmerizes me to watch it. The braid grew longer and longer as she got closer to the ends of the long dark red hair. Finally with about an inch and a half left Barb gave the remainder a twist and then flicked an elastic band off her wrist over and around the end of the hair several times securing the braid but leaving a little brush like tail free on the end of the braid. The first time I had experienced that little braided brush nearly blew my mind. With Barb’s hair long enough to reach her waist when hanging freely down her sides or back it was long enough when braided to become just another toy in her toy box of pleasures for any man she cared to… entertain… Yes that braid could be quite stimulating and I had a feeling I was about to experience that again. And junior throbbed and stood a little straighter.

“Wellll… look who’s waking up…” Barb giggled and flipped her braid over her left shoulder and took Junior in her right hand and stroked him gently making him stiffer and stiffer with her warm gentle touch.

“Yes, he is quite fond of you you know.” I grinned. Once more Barb leaned over and kissed my reawakened erection softly on the sensitive head as she held it in her right hand.

Rising up on her knees, Barb threw her right leg over my waist to straddle me. She put her hands palms down on my bare chest and wiggled and shifted herself backwards until she knew she was in the right position to post herself on my waiting volunteer. Reaching back between her legs with her left hand she grabbed my cock and lined it up with her entrance and slowly eased down on me. I groaned from the intense pleasure radiating through my contact with her super heated insides. That velvet snare consumed me inch by inch until we were finally groin to groin.

Barb let out a long low groan of her own as she settled atop me and ground side to side to make sure we were as close as possible for us to be. Through half lidded eyes I looked up and studied the concentration on Barb’s face. Her eyes were closed tightly and her nostrils were flaring with every inhale. Her lips were a straight line and her jaw was firmly clamped shut. With both of her hands firmly planted on my chest her arms formed statue like pillars that framed and pushed together her breasts. Those breasts, those magnificent oh so succulent breast that sagged just a bit, pulled by gravity and their own weight, I wanted at that moment, just as I had many times before, to simply take them, one in each hand and hold them. I wanted to feel their weight and their softness and their warmth… Instead I merely ran my hands up the outsides of Barb’s forearms to her elbows and back down to her wrists to press my hands atop the backs of hers as if to hold them firmly to my chest.

Barb let her face soften a bit and opened her eyes. She tilted her head forward to look down at me and then gave me that wry facetious smile I’ve come to identify as her lust beast coming to the fore. Her brows were knitted ever so slightly and there was a fire in her eyes.

“Are you ready cowboy?” She nearly growled down at me with that lust laden voice that sent chills up and down my spine… and a tingle through my balls.

“Giddy’up girlfriend!” I said with a drawl and then bit my lip to keep from giggling like a school girl. With that Barbra closed her eyes and leaned her head back and she began to move.

At first it was a simply rocking motion, side to side, again as if to get herself seated properly with me as deeply as she could get me. Then she began to undulate at the waist, a rolling wave motion of her spine and stomach. Our groins and our sexes never losing contact, in fact not moving at all, only Barb’s back and stomach moved rolling up and down causing her chest and shoulders to rise and fall as well as roll forward and back… and her insides to grip and clench and do things to my cock that defy de***********ion.

This movement must have been very good for Barb however as she had what at first sounded like a low growl emanating from deep within but it slowly changed into more of a long drawn out moan, broken only by occasional gasps as she inhaled short breaths. Still she rolled… but then stopped, a slight shudder ran through her as if she had had a tiny little orgasm. I suspect she did as I heard her let loose an almost silent little sigh of contentment. But after a couple of moments she leaned her head forward and once more gave me that feral grin with one eyebrow climbing slowly up her beautiful face… the beast was about to come out and come out strong.

I felt Barb’s fingers with those beautiful nails curl into claws as she dug them into the flesh of my chest. Abruptly her hips rose and she clenched me with every muscle inside of her, my shaft felt as if she were trying to pull it off of my body. Hovering there, half on and half off of me she rocked a little side to side then slammed down sinking me deep inside of her again, only to grind some more side to side. Again she rose up abruptly and hovered… rotating around and around as if stirring her insides with my erection… around and around then slamming down hard again with a grunt. Then I realized that the grunt was my own. Barb opened her eyes to slits and grinned at me wickedly knowing she was in control now. Again she rose… rotated and circled only to slam down hard again but instead of settling for a moment she rose again… and rotated… and slammed down… she did this several more times almost settling into a rhythm. Oh but my Barb was far too clever and experienced with me to fall into a pattern. I’m not sure who taught who but we both knew that patterns could not be maintained if we wanted to make things last… and Barb definitely wanted to stretch things out a bit this morning. So as steady as she had been rising and falling on me she stopped and stretched like a cat waking up from a nap.

“Soooo good…” She purred seductively, pulling her hands free from my own and up her abdomen to her breasts to cross her arms as if to give herself a hug. Of course this was just for the visual play of pushing her breasts together for my enjoyment, or teasing me as the case may be. Barb smiled the whole time of course. It was a knowing smile, one that I’ve seen many times before. She was changing gears and I was about to get her next trick. She began to rock side to side from the waist up. Leaning her head back as if to look at the ceiling her long braided hair fell between my legs and tickled my inner thighs. With a slow giggle Barb began twitching her head side to side as if she were shaking her head saying “no”. This movement caused that braid to twitch back and forth across my balls, the tip of the braid, that loose paint brush like end tickling and painting my balls and inner thighs with that feathery light touch.

“OH MY GOD!” I groaned out loud, digging my own hands and fingers into the bedspread on either side of my hips. My heels pressing into the surface of the bed as my legs and hips reflexively pushed upwards to force my cock deeper into that velvet well that was devouring me from my soul outward. Rocking her hips forward and back Barb began to slide up and down my length slowly at first, again teasing me. Each time she shifted forward, sliding off of me a bit, he braid would make full contact and tickle my balls and uncovered shaft. When she shifted backwards forcing me back inside of her the braid would paint my inner thighs tickling the hairs that were standing on end.

Faster and faster she went I knew she wasn’t going to stop this time when her hands came down and gripped me by the shoulders giving herself more leverage. Her tempo sped up and I noted that her breath was coming in short fast gasps and sighs just as mine were. Barb’s braid had fallen forward over her shoulder and was now dangling down and whipping at my chest as were Barb’s breasts. Her nipples were grazing lightly through my chest hair and occasionally rubbing my skin. Opening my eyes to look up at Barb I saw that her eyes were clamped shut and her face a picture of concentration. That bottom lip being bit between her teeth.

“Barb… I’m… almost… there…” I panted. For just a second I saw a flash of a smile before the serious look of concentration reclaimed her features. Faster and faster and faster… until I felt her cascade begin inside of her. I was gripped in a ferocious clench that I could have sworn fused my flesh with hers. Barb suddenly stilled with me at my deepest.

“OH GOD! YESSSSSSSSSS!” Barb screamed at the ceiling with her head wracked back on her neck, the chords and veins standing out both on her neck and her arms. I could feel the same effect on her insides, that ferocious clenching feeling. That is until she tipped over the edge and began to convulse and spasm as if she were possessed. And that’s when I lost it… I triggered and began to spend myself deep within this wild sexy woman. Shot after long shot surged from me into her. The pulsing and pumping was aided by my autonomous hips and legs pumping… as if possessed myself. Again I could hear Barb’s screams.


My universe collapsed, as it almost always does. My perception and consciousness reducing to a pinprick like the light at the end of a long long dark tunnel. That’s why I describe it as tunnel vision. I’ve often, far more times than I can count, have passed out entirely after climaxing. It’s intense, especially with the likes of this wanton sexy beast that just brought me here. Fade to lights out… again.

As my brain came slowly back online and I became aware of my surroundings I found that Barb was nestled onto my chest. Or, at least her breasts were. Barb’s head was lying lightly atop her left hand on my right shoulder silently watching my face for signs of awareness. She smiled when she saw me looking back at her.

“Hi again…” she purred in that sexy well satisfied voice she shares with me at moments like this.

“Oh babe… that was… a good one!” I said with a touch of wonder in my voice. “You just keep surprising me with new tricks.” I added with admiration and maybe a little bit of awe. She simply smiled and winked before letting both eyebrows climb her forehead.

“You should talk lover… I don’t think you’ve even scratched the surface of your bag of tricks. Not that I’m complaining! I’d like to try them all or rather have you try them on me that is.” She chuckled softly as she reached up to stroke my forehead with her delicate fingers brushing a few stray hairs out of my face.

“I’m always happy to oblige milady…” I humbly offered bowing my head ever so slightly to emphasize the point. Then I felt that all too familiar echo warning of the tingling in the backs of my calves. “Oh fun… here it comes…” I muttered and placed my hands on either side of my hips and gripped the bedspread. Barb took a deep breath and watched knowing what was coming. My aftershock overtook my nervous system and threw my body right back into the paroxysms of convulsions and twitching muscles and limbs just like another climax. Although it is not an orgasm, my body does everything associated with an orgasm save for not ejaculating. The racing heart, the heavy rapid breathing… everything… and then it passes and I come back to my senses and my body, now reset, returns to rest, just a little bit more spent from exhaustion than before.

Once more I became aware of my surroundings and could feel my heart rate returning to normal. I took a long deep breath and let it out in an equally long relaxing sigh of contentment. Turning my head to the right I saw that Barb was still patiently studying my face with curious fascination.

“I don’t think I will ever get used to that Jim… Wow… and you’re sure it doesn’t hurt?” She said with just a touch of awe in her voice… or maybe it was reverence I’m not sure but it was sincere and heartfelt all the same.

“Yeah… No it doesn’t hurt. The worst thing is when I forget to tell someone about it that has never witnessed it before. They tend to freak out… Well… most do anyway, some not so much… Like you. I recall you took it better than most.” I said smiling fondly at the memory of the first time Barb and I made love and she witnessed for the first time my curse… or gift… depending on how you look at it I guess.

“It might have been better to know about it first but it’s all over and done with now… water under the bridge.” Barb said with a wistful distracted look coming over her face. Something told me that she was thinking of something or someone other than our first time together at that moment. Of course it was at that moment that my body took control from my conscious mind and let loose a massive jaw stretching yawn. How rude!

“Darling you are worn out… partly thanks to me I know… thank you. I think you need to sleep for a while.” Barb said with a warm almost motherly voice as she again brushed hair away from my forehead and ran her fingers down the right side of my face softly with a tender touch. Again my body tried and succeeded in embarrassing me as my now spent and decidedly flaccid manhood slithered and slipped out of Barb with a wet plop. She giggled and I simply groaned in embarrassment.

“Well that was flattering.” I sighed feeling my face flush.

“Oh hush… I was finished with him anyway… for now.” Barb admonished me with a gentle slap to my chest then she rolled to my right side. “I’m going to go use the bathroom and clean up. Why don’t you take a nap?” She said and then rolled up and climbed off the bed.

“I’ll just lay here and wait for you to come back.” I mumbled through another jaw wracking yawn with my eyes nearly closed. I looked up at that false sun on my ceiling projected by the bedside lamp. It seemed to fade and grow darker.

I groaned as I rolled over and I realized that my bladder was screaming at me to either get up and take care of it now… or it was going to release the pressure of its own accord. “Well I don’t want that to happen.” I muttered to myself as I rolled off the bed and went through the blackout curtain to make my way to the bathroom. I hoped Barb wasn’t still sitting down in there. Oddly enough she wasn’t in the bathroom. “Wh… Where did she go?” I wondered to myself as I let the pressure go in a stream that would have done any horse proud... standing there in the buff. I scratched my butt before finishing and flushing the toilet then washed my hands in the sink.

“Barb…” I called out thinking that perhaps she was in the kitchen… but got no answer. Now I was curious. Did I fall asleep? I took the hand towel from the sink with me as I dried my hands off walking the three steps down the hallway to the kitchen doorway. No Barbra… I went on through to the other doorway into my dining room/living room area. There on my dining table was the bag of doughnuts Barb had brought with her earlier sitting atop a handwritten note.


I didn’t have the heart to wake you when I came back from cleaning up earlier. You were so tired and had been so good to me… Thank you lover. I hope you sleep well. I let myself out rather than wake you up. I’ll call you later or catch you online at Night Friends. I have something I wanted to ask you earlier but I was just as distracted as you were, and had a need that was more than adequately addressed by your attention. You always seem to know what I need and how to make it right for me. I’m so happy you are in my life, again, Thank You.


PS. I took your bag of dirty laundry home with me to wash them for you. Jess is not home this weekend and I’m all by myself. I know you can’t come over, yet, and collect them so I will bring them back either tonight or tomorrow morning if you prefer. Again, I’ll talk to you later and we can make plans. I love you darling.

Rubbing my eyes again and re-reading the note I wondered exactly what time it was now. Turning and glancing over my shoulder at the microwave in the kitchen I saw that it was now a little after two in the afternoon. Wow! I must have passed out, not fallen asleep. I’ve slept for more than four hours. Not exactly a good nights…well… day’s sleep, but enough since I had things to do today. Glancing back at the note I amended that thought of having one less task to do, since Barb was doing my laundry. I smiled and reached for the bag of doughnuts. I walked back into my kitchen and grabbed a glass out of the cupboard and put a few ice cubes in it then ran some water from the tap to fill the glass. Ice water is better than plain water out of the tap if that’s all that you have to drink anyway. Doughnut and water in hand I went through the doorway and then through my blackout curtain across the hall into my bedroom. I crossed the room to my desk and took a seat. The Leather of the chair felt pretty cold on my bare backside as I turned on my computer and monitor to begin dialing up Night Friends.

The warbling sound of the modem brought my attention back to my screen as the connection was made and *********** began scrolling down my monitor.




I typed my password and hit enter and waited for the screen to scroll down. I looked to see who else was online and then checked for messages. I had several from various friends and acquaintances from here on the board. One from Barbra that told me she had run to the grocery herself and would be back by four. She would try to call me then if I hadn’t called her first. I also had a note from Todd reminding me about the cookout that he and Anne were having tonight and that he expected to hear from me one way or the other. I smiled and dropped down into the trivia game room and said hi to some of the regulars that were there playing at the time. I sat and finished my doughnut and wrote out a short shopping list for my groceries as I idly chatted and played trivia for a bit. With my list done and still no sign of Todd or Barbra I made my goodbyes and left the board signing off and shut down my computer. I rummaged through my dresser and found something to wear and got dressed. I walked to my kitchen and picked up the phone and dialed Todd and Anne’s number. Todd picked up on the third ring. I told him that I would come down to the barbecue but I had to go to the grocery first to get some food for later in the week. I also told him that I was thinking about asking Barbra to join me and wondered if that would be alright with him and Anne. He said that would be great if I could talk her into it but to come on down either way. I told him I would and we said our goodbyes. Grabbing my list and my car keys I left my apartment and went to get my groceries.

Coming through my door as I got home, with an armful of grocery bags I heard my phone ringing in the kitchen. I dropped everything on my dining table and grabbed for the phone.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hi there.” I heard Barbra’s voice purr on the other end of the line. “Did you get my note lover?” She asked.

“Hi gorgeous, yeah I got it… Thank you babe. I do kind of wish you were here when I woke up though. I could have sworn I only drifted off for a minute, not for almost five hours.” I lamented.

“Well I knew you were tired and I kind of felt guilty for keeping you… up.” She teased with that low sultry voice that just sent tingles down my spine.

“So you’re on your own this weekend?” I asked thinking back to her note and what she had said earlier that morning.

“Well, kind of. I’m going out to dinner with my son and his fiancé this evening, in a couple of hours actually, but I don’t have any plans for Saturday or Sunday…yet.” Barb said with a not so subtle hint leaving an opening for me to step up and ask.

“So I guess you won’t be joining me tonight if I go down to Todd and Anne’s for the barbecue then.” I sighed knowing that she probably wouldn’t have even if she didn’t have plans with her son.

“No, I’m afraid not. You’ll just have to handle the situation by yourself this time.” She chuckled.

“You’re all heart Barb…” I sighed and leaned back against my kitchen counter crossing my feet at the ankles and my arms at my chest with the phone resting on one shoulder. I closed my eyes and pictured Barb in much the same position on her end of the phone line, but with a teasing smile on her face.

“I’ve got a couple of hours before I am to meet my son and his fiancé, I thought I could at least come by and return your laundry… so you would have something to wear to Todd and Anne’s tonight.” She purred over the phone line. I could almost hear her hold her breath waiting for my response.

“Barb, you know you didn’t have to do anything for me but that was very nice of you to take care of my laundry today. Thank you.” I smiled knowing that she really did do it out of kindness and not obligation of any sort.

“I know Jim, but I wanted to do something for you since you were so wonderful and… giving… to me this morning. I do still want to talk to you about something though. I’ll bring your laundry over in a bit and we can talk then. Is that okay?” She asked with a bit of uncertainty in her voice. I wondered what it was she needed or wanted to talk about, maybe it was something to do with her upcoming divorce proceedings with her soon to be ex Jess.

“Okay babe… I’ll look forward to seeing you in a bit… as always.” I said and she thanked me and broke the connection. I hung up my phone and shook my head still wondering what it was she had on her mind. I went back to my car and got the last of my groceries and returned to my apartment to put everything away. Later I was sitting on my couch flipping through the cable channels looking for something interesting to watch when I heard my door knocker rattle. It was Barb.

Opening the door for her I was greeted with a nervous smile and a laundry bag full of clean clothes. Barb had even washed my laundry bag, interesting. I set the bag aside and took her in my arms for a soft sensual thank you kiss… I was thanking her, and she was still thanking me for this morning… I thought.

“What time are you leaving to go down to Todd and Anne’s house?” Barb asked as we walked over to the couch and had a seat side by side.

“Well they’re not planning on eating till around seven when the neighbors come over so I told Todd that I’d be down around six thirty or so to help out with anything they needed to get ready for dinner… I’ve got a little while before I have to go. You know you have a standing invitation to come down with or without me too, right?” I told Barb. She just smiled but said nothing about that. “So what was it you wanted to talk about Barb?” I finally asked, the question was bugging me since she had mentioned the talk earlier.

“I’m not sure where to start really…” Barb said looking just a little bit sheepish and uncertain. Her hands twisting in her lap as she thought about what to say or ask. She looked around my living room and then glanced at me several times furtively as if still trying to decide. Finally she looked down at her hands and then nodded her head, to herself I think, as if answering some sort of internal dialogue. Looking back up into my face, into my eyes… she began softly.

“When I was a little girl, mom and dad would send Gail and me up to spend the summer with our grandparents in the U.P.” Barb paused seeing the look of confusion on my face. “The Upper Peninsula, of Michigan, that’s where they lived. Anyway we had to ride on a ferry across the straight at Mackinac to get to or from the U.P. That is until they built the Mackinac Bridge. Each year we watched them build the bridge until it was finally finished. Then years later they opened up the bridge on Labor Day for people to walk across it. They’ve done that every year since. I’ve always wanted to walk the bridge Jim. Last year for my fortieth birthday I was going to, we had reservations, Jess and I and my son and his girlfriend. But then I found out about his cheating and… well… everything just fell apart. We canceled the trip.” Barb fell silent as her gaze drifted off to somewhere other than here inside my apartment. Perhaps she was seeing another time and place for a moment.

I got the feeling I knew what she wanted to ask me but I still wasn’t exactly sure what she had in mind, so I waited on her to continue with her story. I knew her birthday was just a week from today actually as we had talked about our birthdays being in the same month, of August. My birthday was early in the month and hers was at the end of the month. As such we had different zodiac signs but only by a few days. Barb shook her head slightly and her hands clasped one another in her lap as she refocused on my face. She smiled a little uncertainly but then went on.

“I have been thinking about that walk since February. My son and I had talked about making the trip to St. Ignace and spending a few days, to visit where my grandparents used to live and where Gail and I used to spend the summers, maybe ride over to Mackinac Island for a day… and to walk the bridge on Labor Day… but now with his new job he’s not going to be able to go this year.” Barb hung her head again looking at her hands then smiled and looked at me. I saw hope in her eyes, and maybe a little fear that perhaps I might turn her down. I realized now what she had in mind, and to be honest, I was open to it. I was feeling the grind at work and I had vacation time available. But I was not going to jump in and volunteer unless she came out with it and asked me to go with her. I mean, there is the possibility that she wasn’t going to ask me and my volunteering would put her on the spot and in an awkward position.

“Would you go if you could find someone to go with you?” I asked not quite committing to the idea but making it clear that there was an opening for her if she wanted to ask.

Barb looked into my eyes and smiled, maybe judging my reaction favorably but she was still having some sort of internal debate as I saw her hands clasping one another while she decided to go for it or not. Looking away briefly then glancing back at me and biting her bottom lip for a moment she dipped her head a bit and looked up through her lashes at me.

“If I asked you… to go with me… would you consider it?” She finally asked in a soft hesitant voice then pulled her bottom lip into her teeth once more. God she was precious when she did that, but then I think she knew that too. There… she had said it out loud, she had asked me to accompany her. Or rather she asked if I would consider it, and that’s really the same thing isn’t it? I paused as if giving it some serious thought but I couldn’t keep the smile from playing at the corners of my mouth and her nervous lip biting grin grew more certain as she realized that I would even before I said it out loud.

“Barb I’d love to go with you. It could be part of your birthday after all… as well as fulfilling your wish to walk the bridge.” I said finally and smiled. Barb’s smile grew tenfold and she leapt into my lap and began kissing my face and neck and then finally locked onto my lips and tried to massage my soul with her tongue. Her hands were holding my head and running her fingers through my hair. I just sat there and soaked it all up and chuckled at her reaction.

“Damn girl! Does this trip mean that much to you?” I asked when she let me up for air as I ran my hands up and down her back.

“Yes, it does. So you won’t have to do anything except maybe share some of the driving. I’ll pay for the room and everything. Are you sure you can get time off that week?” she asked belatedly, suddenly a little worried for not having asked before.

“Oh I’ll have no problem getting the time off. I’m due a vacation since I’ve not used any time this year. I almost had to use a few days a while back when I got the flu but I was lucky enough to get it on my days off. I’ll call my supervisor before I go to Todd and Anne’s tonight and put in for the week verbally and fill out the paperwork Monday afternoon when I go back to work.” I told her.

“Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” She said happily as she again set about kissing my cheeks and all over my face. We sat there on the couch, Barb in my lap kissing like teenagers for some time before she realized that it was getting to be about time for her to leave if she was going to meet her son and his fiancé for dinner. I walked her to the door and of course kissed her goodbye, again thanking her for doing my laundry… and for coming by this morning to… feed me.

“Oh it was my pleasure Jim… I’ll talk to you later tonight or perhaps in the morning sometime if you end up spending… time… with Todd and Anne… or their neighbors.” Barb said giving me that lascivious knowing smile as she ran her right hand down my left side and then across my jeans to fondly brush and grasp at my restrained bulge. I sighed and smiled at her as she released me and slowly turned to walk away and down the stairs to the building’s front door. Damn that woman drove me crazy!

Back inside I went to my bedroom and my desk to find my supervisor’s work number so that I could call him and ‘put in’ for vacation the week of Labor Day. There was no problem as only one other person in my department was scheduled for vacation that week and they were on the opposite shift, day shift so there was no conflict. My crew rotation also had me off the weekend going into Labor Day so I ended up having ten days off, with one week of that paid. After I got off the phone I decided it wasn’t too early to head down to Todd and Anne’s house so I grabbed my keys and wallet and headed out. I figured I’d stop on the way and grab a couple of packages of wine coolers that I knew that Anne liked. I always thought it was a good idea NOT to go empty handed to any party or gathering that one was invited to.

I found myself many hours later sitting on one end of Todd and Anne’s couch in their living room. We had all settled down to watch a recently released movie on VHS from their video rental place. The barbecue had actually been quite pleasant. The food was good of course, and Todd and Anne’s neighbors were very nice, and quite friendly. I distinctly got some interesting hints and signals from the wife, and some knowing smiles and winks from both Todd and Anne. As the party was winding down I was told that they would be happy to see me anytime I came down to visit Todd and Anne. Man! The undercurrent and unspoken hints for more were palpable to say the least. After helping to clean up a bit I was now sitting on one end of the couch and Todd on the other end. Both of us were sipping drinks, me another wine cooler as I needed to stay straight and not get too much of a buzz, and Todd something a little stronger. Anne had just put the kids to bed and walked back into the living room wearing a terry cloth robe. She first sat in the middle of the couch handing Todd the remote for the VCR then turned and laid in his lap and extended her dainty little calloused feet into my lap in a silent request for some attention.

In the darkened room with only the light coming from the television as the movie began to play, I could see her smiling at me and the grin on Todd’s face as he knew that I would make his lady very happy indeed by plying my skills on her sore feet. Always happy to help a lady out I didn’t even question it, I simply took one of those petite little feet into my hands and began to work my magic. Todd idly stroked Anne’s head and neck. My right hand was getting a little stressed as I worked the bottom of one of Anne’s feet, more from the awkward position than from my manipulations. So I paused and asked Anne to lift her feet up for a moment. I pulled my right leg up on the couch cushion and turned my body so that I was sitting half Indian style and now facing Anne and Todd on the other end of the couch. Now that I had a better angle to work with I resumed massaging and rubbing her tired feet. Anne too thought that she could better facilitate my attention by rolling over on her back. As she did so her robe fell open a bit revealing her long sexy legs all the way up to her upper thighs.

With her head in Todd’s lap and her face turned towards the television to watch the movie it was only a matter of time before Todd got the idea to take advantage of the situation of course, movie or not. His stroking of Anne’s head and neck had extended to her chest and he had his left hand inside her robe and was pinching and rolling Anne’s nipples. This in combination with my foot massage had Anne softly moaning and gasping, she was having a harder and harder time trying to pay attention to the movie playing on the VCR. I think I watched the two of them as much or more than the movie. Todd caught my eye and gave me a sly grin and a wink. When a slow part of the movie came around Todd exclaimed that he needed to go get rid of some of the beer and other drink that he had been consuming all night and Anne rose to a sitting position to allow him to struggle up off the couch with a groan. It was rather obvious that it wasn’t just his bladder that was begging for attention however but Anne merely smiled that sexy smile of hers as she watched him shuffle out of the room. Anne leaned and reached over to the coffee table while she was sitting up to grab her drink and take a few sips.

“I wish you could be here all the time to work on my feet Jim…” She purred before bringing her glass to her lips once more, gazing at me with more than just a look of thanks in her eyes. “I told Margie about your magic fingers you know.” She said referring to her next door neighbor that I had met earlier. I thought about the tall willowy brunette and how she eyed me up and down as if I were on the menu rather than dining with them at the picnic table.

“She’s a long drink of water isn’t she?” I commented as I ran my fingers between Anne’s toes with a little more attention than particularly needed for the foot massage. Her wanton smile was answer enough to my manipulations but she went on to talk about her neighbor.

“No, that one is more like a wine cooler than water. Water you can drink all day and it’s still the same… but that one will grow on you and if you’re not careful will knock you for a loop!” She said with a giggle.

“That’s not a bad thing though… if you can anticipate the “kick” that is. Sometimes it’s something to look forward to… right?” I said teasingly as I set one foot down and picked the other up to begin working on it. Anne took one more sip of her drink and closed her eyes and moaned softly in appreciation. About that time Todd came back into the room wearing a baggy pair of shorts and a loose shirt carrying another beer for him and another wine cooler for me. I accepted the bottle and he sat back down on the other end of the couch. Anne leaned over and set her drink back on the coffee table before stretching back out with her head in Todd’s lap once more.

“So y’all talkin’ bout Margie?” Todd asked with a sly grin.

“I was just trying to warn Jim that she might be wilder than he thought she was.” Anne chirped from Todd’s lap.

“Is that so? I thought wild was good though?” He chuckled.

“Wild is amazing, in the right circumstances…” I offered. Anne moaned softly as I pressed the bottom of her tiny foot, my thumbs driving firmly into her sore arch stretching the tendons and working out the stiffness.

“Ah son, you’re workin a nerve there… whatever you’re doin’.” Todd said as he once more extended his hand into Anne’s robe to do some manipulation of his own.

“Oh God! The BOTH of you are making it impossible for me to watch the damned movie!” Anne groaned as she reached up and pinched Todd’s side under his arm that he had under her robe.

“Hey! That’s not very nice… and me trying to make you feel better.” He yelped affecting an offended air, but not pulling it off.

“Well you’re making me feel something but better isn’t the word for it, or your intentions.” Anne smirked then closed her eyes and her mouth opened slightly as she moaned silently before giving a little gasp as Todd switched from one nipple to the other. Anne’s right hand drifted down the front of her robe and slipped in under the belt to obviously touch herself. I had both hands firmly on her ankle at this point, my thumbs sliding along the bottom of her heel. I winked at Todd and leaned over and wrapped my lips around Anne’s little toe, wiggling my tongue between it and the next toe.

Anne stiffened with surprise then moaned out loud as she pressed the back of her head into Todd’s lap.

“And that little piggy went Wee Wee Wee… all the way home…” Todd said with a chuckle. Anne grinned and backhanded Todd’s side with her left hand.

“Oh Jim… You’re driving me crazy!” she said opening her eyes and looking at me with that smoky lusty smile I remember from one snowy afternoon not too long ago. Her right hand never stopped working on her still hidden kitty. I wondered if it was freshly shaven as was her preferred state of being. I might not have been able to see it at that moment but I could smell it just fine. Anne had a wonderful aroma when she was excited. The smell was somewhere between fruity like a fresh melon and spicy like incense.

“Who? Me?” I asked innocently with a grin. I just thought I might taste these little shrimps… They’re nice, but they just seem to be missing something…” I added and winked at Todd who was grinning and watching the interaction. His right hand on Anne’s head or so it appeared.

“Maybe those shrimp just need a little sauce?” Todd offered from his end of the couch… and waited to see if I would take the hint.

I had Anne’s left foot in my hands, and in my face. Her right foot was now on the floor as she had let her right leg hang off the front of the couch to open herself up to her own manipulations earlier. I ran my left hand slowly up Anne’s left shin to her knee and with a feathery touch let my fingers glide along the underside of her inner thigh. Anne’s own ministrations were making noise as her kitty was undoubtedly wet now. Todd gave me another wink and withdrew his hand from under her robe and reached over and untied the belt and drew the edge of the robe to the side to let it fall over the front of the couch too. Anne opened her eyes and looked up into Todd’s face… a slow smile spread across her lovely face as she saw him smiling down at her. Her right hand was rubbing and stroking her freshly shaved hairless kitty, her fingers giving her clit hell. I watched as she snaked her left arm and hand up over her head and began toying with Todd. His erection growing and becoming apparent even under the loose shorts he was wearing.

Todd glanced up at me with that big goofy shit eating grin of his and winked at me. I simply grinned in return then upped the game a bit as I let my left hand glide along the sweet soft underside of Anne’s left thigh, my fingers straightening and then with a soft delicate almost hesitant touch I stroked the sensitive little patch of skin between Anne’s pink rose bud and the seeping wet opening of her treasure. With a startled expression Anne’s gaze jumped from Todd to me… and then the expression went from surprise to one of pure lust and wanton desire. She pulled her bottom lip in to bite it and her eyebrows rose in anticipation and the look asked me if that was all I was going to do… tease? My eyes narrowed and my grin grew a bit more devilish as the tips of my middle finger and my index finger slowly circled that little tasty taint patch, edging closer to the steamy wet opening that her fingers were fanning as she continued to work herself closer to her growing climax. In my right hand I could feel Anne’s foot flexing and her toes stretching and curling alternately.

Contact… my fingertips sank into the opening just a bit then circled back out again. Anne jumped a bit. So did Todd as she gripped his swollen manhood through his shorts. Circling around again, my fingertips slipped into Anne once more but this time I held them there. Gently I pressed them in further exploring the steaming hot wet inner walls. Her cleanly shaven outer lips closed loosely around them as if to embrace and welcome them. Anne’s furious stroking paused for a moment as she stretched and inhaled sharply as Todd pinched and pulled the nipple on her left breast stretching it and pulling the tit out away from her chest. In the background the totally ignored movie was winding down as the credits began to roll and the music got a bit louder. I had just sank my two fingers all the way into Anne’s heated wet honey well when there came a muffled plaintive whine from down the darkened hall way.


In a flash Anne’s right hand reached for and pulled her loose robe over herself to cover her nakedness. My hand and fingers were still tightly ensconced and wiggling a bit inside of her. Todd withdrew his hand and shook his head as he reached for the VCR remote.

“Mommmmmaaaaaa?” again came from the bedroom down the hall. “I don’t feel vewwy good…” Now Anne was sitting up. I withdrew my hand and she smiled at me apologetically before patting Todd on the leg and then standing to go check on their daughter.

“Ahh the joys of parenthood…” Todd lamented as he pulled the leg of his shorts back down to cover his now deflating erection. That made me think of just how tight my own jeans felt at the moment and I shook my head a little sadly too. “You need to get a gal and have some kids of ya own man.” Todd teased, about that time we heard retching from the bath room down the hall and some sobbing gasps and then more retching. They were unmistakable sounds of someone throwing up. Todd got up and took the video out of the VCR. He turned a light on to make sure it was put back in the right box and to look at the other videos to decide which if any to choose next. I glanced at my watch and noted that it was getting late and with sick children thrown into the mix it was probably a good time to be heading home. Truth be known my own gut was rumbling a little and I wondered if perhaps something we ate… all of us maybe… might not be agreeing too well with my system. Oh joy!

I gathered the empty bottles from my own wine coolers and Todd’s beers and took them to the kitchen to put in the garbage. Todd grabbed another beer and asked if I wanted another drink, I declined telling him that I needed to be heading out in a minute so it probably wasn’t a good idea. I could see the disappointment on his face but he shrugged and smiled and said there would always be other times. About that time Anne came into the kitchen. She told Todd that their daughter had emptied everything she had eaten earlier and their son was complaining about a belly ache as well. I asked her how she felt and with a belabored sigh she told me she was frustrated. Todd wrapped her in his arms from behind and nuzzled her neck telling her it would be alright. I made my apologies about taking off and Anne pouted. She pulled away from Todd to give me a hug but Todd stopped her when he realized what she had intended to do. She looked over her shoulder at him questioningly until he took her robe by the shoulders and peeled it back drawing it off of her. Standing there now completely naked she smiled at him and then turned back to me with a decidedly wicked grin on her face as she opened her arms and stepped into me. Oh my! I buried my face in the nape of her neck kissing it as I wrapped my own arms around her to grasp her sweet soft ass in both hands. The kissing and definitely the grabbing awarded me with a long drawn out sigh that was just edging on being a moan. Pulling her head back she looked into my eyes and smiled while telling me that “This is not over you know… just on hold again.” I grinned and she leaned in and locked lips with me for a decidedly passionate kiss including a little tongue dancing before pulling back again. Her smile this time told me that she knew full well that I was on the hook and would be thinking about her until we got together again, but to seal her intent she let her right hand come to rest on my lust fueled bulge in my jeans. Looking over her shoulder I saw Todd leaning against the fridge holding his bottle of beer just grinning. He knew his wife far better than any man alive and he knew that this was a good thing for her and for him… if not for me as well. Anne picked her robe back up and slipped into it before they both walked me to the front door. Anne leaned into Todd at the door and they both waved as I walked to my car. I noticed a curtain fall back into place in the window next door as I opened my car door. Apparently one of the neighbors was watching my exit as well. Could it have been Margie I wondered? Oh well… possibilities… another time.

Once home again I did still feel a little queasy but I didn’t think I was about to toss what I had eaten for dinner. I took a couple of antacids and grabbed a can of coke from the fridge before settling down at my desk and turning on my computer. I kicked off my shoes as the dial up modem warbled and made the connection to Night Friends. Glancing at the clock I saw that it was just going on midnight so I figured that would be a few of the regulars online, maybe I could get into a game of trivia to take my mind off of what might have been earlier tonight.




I typed my password and hit enter and waited for the screen to scroll down. I looked to see who else was online and then checked for messages. I had several from various friends and acquaintances from here on the board. I browsed through and read my messages and made responses where needed then I switched over to join those playing trivia. I had no sooner entered the room that I got a message from my buddy Angelica, that buxom vivacious strawberry blond that rocked my world not too long ago. We’d been friends for a while but when benefits got added into the mix, well, you might say we grew even closer. We aren’t dating or anything really but on occasion the two of us will get together to scratch an itch or work off some built up tension. Hey… what are friends for? Right?

Angelica: “Hey buddy, where you been? I thought you were off tonight?” she teased right from the get go.

Frodov: “I am off tonight, but I told Todd that I’d come down to the barbecue cookout that he and Anne had tonight.” I sent back knowing that I was going to have to give a bit more detail than that. But I was going to drag it out, give it out in small pieces. Angelica hated and loved it at the same time.

Angelica: “Oh… just the three of you? How cozy…” She quipped sending a grin action.

Frodov: “No, not just the three of us. Their next door neighbors were there as well as both families’ kids.” I sent back to her, but I knew that was not going to deter further questioning or insinuations, nuh uh… not Angelica. She must be bored silly at work right now.

Angelica: “So no action at all? What fun was that?” She sent with a pout action then a giggle.

Frodov: “Well it was a family cookout. But I do think that Todd and Anne were trying to fix me up with their neighbor.” I threw here a bone to get her mind racing again.

Angelica: “Oh? And does this neighbor have a name?” She asked prying a little deeper… taking the bait.

Frodov: “Her name is Margie, and she seems nice but there’s this problem.” I teased a little more.

Angelica: “What kind of… problem?” She asked.

Frodov: “Well she’s got this restrictive thing on her hand.” I teased a bit more.

Angelica: “Restrictive… On her hand… What like a cast or something?” She asked trying to figure out what I was alluding to.

Frodov: “No. No. No. More like a band really.” I sent… laughing out loud sitting in my office chair at my computer. I could envision Angelica’s adorable face all scrunched up, her eyebrows knitted and that sweet little mouth and lips twisted into a frown.

Angelica: “Like an Ace Bandage or something?” She asked getting a little short now.

Frodov: “No. Something a bit more… permanent.” I sent setting the trap and readying to spring it.

Angelica: “ARRRRGH!!! What are you talking about?” She finally asked sending a stomping foot action.

Frodov: “Oh Okay… it’s called a wedding band.” I sent and waited… one heart beat… two… three…

Angelica: “JIM! DAMN YOU! You’re awful!” She stormed at me and sent a pout action again. I sat back and chuckled stretching my arms over my head and bringing my hands down to rub my face… What? Oh… My hand. I smiled remembering that I hadn’t actually washed my hands since I left Todd and Anne’s house and as a result I still had Anne’s fragrant, heavenly aroma still on the fingers of my left hand. It’s a shame that tonight ended abruptly as it did. While I was still a little… oh who am I kidding…? A LOT uncertain about joining both Todd and Anne in bed together, the thought still tweaked parts of my brain and certainly parts of my anatomy as to what if. Or more like when. This little adventure would be all about Anne and fulfilling a need or at least a desire on her part. Oh I’m sure both Todd and I would get plenty of attention from that little woman… I just feel a little awkward about it yet.

Frodov: “Well… I knew you were bored and I know you would love to know more about my supposed exploits.” I sent with a chuckle action.

Frodov: “I could have made something up and told you we all got naked in their hot tub or something.” I added.

Angelica: “Wait! What? Todd and Anne have a hot tub?” She immediately asked. Oh my god! She must be bored out of her mind not to see that coming.

Frodov: “Noooo… I’m just saying… I could have lied and made up a story to keep you entertained but it really wasn’t all that to start with. It was just dinner with friends and watching a movie after the kids went to bed. Well… till one of them got sick and got up puking. Kind of put a damper on the evening and I came on home.” I sent to her leaving out the part about the foot massage that turned into a mutual grope fest or had started to anyway. I sighed and smiled sadly knowing that life has a way of throwing us curve balls when we’re not expecting them.

Angelica: “So any other plans for the weekend?” She asked already getting over my toying with her earlier.

Frodov: “Not really, I’m kind of hoping to see a friend of mine maybe but I’ll have to play it by ear.” I offered up cryptically.

Angelica: “Well I’m sorry but this friend is working all weekend to cover for a guy that’s getting married.” She sent with a pout action then immediately sent another text.

Angelica: “Wait, did you mean me or some… other… friend?” She asked, sniffing blood once more. I chuckled and sent back my usual reply along those lines of questioning.

Frodov: “You know a gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell…” I submitted knowing full well she would comment on that.

Angelica: “So you’ll tell me then?” She sent with the insinuating glare and a smile action.

Frodov: “Has anyone ever asked you about you and me?” I asked.

Angelica: “No, and stop changing the subject.” She responded immediately.

Frodov: “I’m not changing the subject… this IS the subject… Me… talking about my… friends.”

Angelica: “What do you mean?” She asked genuinely perplexed I think.

Frodov: “Meaning that I value my friends and my friendship with them more than I do bragging or talking about what we do together. I won’t talk about my friends… to anyone…” I sent and waited for that to sink in. I knew that she would understand my meaning.

Angelica: “Damn you! Fine… Keep your secrets! Arrrgh!!!” She sent back in a huff… again I waited… and smiled when her next text popped up in a couple of seconds.

Angelica: “Jim… Thank you… asshole!” She added, getting that little dig in to let me know that she was still curious and I was thwarting her distractions from being bored at work.

Frodov: “I love you too girl.” I sent her with a smile action, then a hug action.

Frodov: “So… how goes it with… you know who?” I asked with a smile on my face just waiting for her inevitable reaction after my having just called her out on her curiosity and prying.

Angelica: “Whoever do you mean? I know you can’t be asking about a friend of mine. You KNOW I don’t talk about my friends!” She retorted and sent an evil grin action.

Frodov: “That’s my girl!” I sent with another smile action and a hug.

We continued to play trivia with a few other users for a while but soon I was yawning and having trouble keeping my eyes open so I let Angelica and the others know that I was going to log off and call it a night. I explained to Angelica that I hadn’t gotten much sleep earlier in the day when I normally would be sleeping, between groceries, laundry and getting ready to go down to Todd and Anne’s. I signed off and shut down my computer or at least the modem anyway. I had a new screen saver that looked like the stars racing towards the viewer then zipping by… as if you were looking at the window of a space ship. I thought it was pretty cool. Of course the monitor would shut down anyway after a short while, screen saver running or not.

Standing up from my desk I peeled off my tee-shirt and tossed it on the now empty laundry bag making me think back to early in the day and Barbra’s visit… or visits. I smiled and thought again of her request for me to travel with her to Michigan to walk across that big old bridge… the Mackinac Bridge. I’ll have to do some research on that tomorrow sometime I thought. Peeling off my jeans and shorts, I slipped on a pair of sweatpants and pulled on one of the old tee shirts I keep simply to wear for sleeping. In two steps I was at the side of my bed and climbing onto it. Not even bothering to pull the covers back to get in between the sheets I merely rolled over and turned off the bedside lamp and then it was lights out, literally and figuratively.

Some nights you dream, some nights you don’t. That night I did not dream, or at least if I did I couldn’t recall them when I woke up the next morning. Of course since I normally sleep during the day, being awake even in the late morning is odd for me to start with. But awake I was, thanks in part to my rather insistent bladder, and then to a lesser degree my growling stomach. First things first however… After emptying my bladder I had the good sense to drop trow and turn around and have a seat. Whatever it was that I ate last night at Todd and Anne’s that hadn’t agreed with me had run its course and was ready to make an exit… urgently! Thankfully it was not an ordeal and I felt as well as normal afterwards. I cleaned up and made my way to my kitchen. I saw the bag of doughnuts from yesterday sitting on the counter and smiled. I took one of the slightly dried out confections out of the bag and poured myself a glass of milk then made my way back to my bedroom and to my desk. I munched on the crumbly doughnut as I let my computer fire up and the modem dial up the connection to Night Friends.

There weren’t many people online at that time of the morning, on a Saturday anyway, so I just checked my messages. I sent a thank you note to Todd and Anne for having me down to dinner last night. I smiled as I added that we’d have to do it again sometime soon. I sent Barbra a note telling her that I was just going to be a bum today and hang around my apartment. I might pull out some negatives and maybe try to make some prints in my darkroom or I might even just try to work on a story I had been writing as a new pastime. Another friend of mine had challenged me to write an adult story, erotica basically… and I had accepted the challenge. I had an idea that I thought was cute… a teaser of a story really. Something to lead the reader on and get them invested and keyed up with the story and then leaves it abruptly to their imagination. I even had a name for it already, which was kind of what gave me the idea in the first place. I’m going to call it “Pet Story”. I told her I’d let her read it first and see what she thought about it. After sending the two messages I went into the trivia chat room and played a few rounds before I became bored with the game and ended up signing off. I grabbed my pen and a notebook and headed to the living room to take root on my couch and veg out for a while.

Sometimes the words just flow out with no effort at all. Sometimes you sit and think and wonder and scribble then tear out the page and crumble it up and throw it away. Today was one of the better days. Maybe it was the story or maybe it was the fun I thought it would be to tease people by leading them on thinking things were going to get nasty then not. I found myself giggling from time to time as I jotted down the story. In no time it was finished. Of course I’d have to go back and correct spelling and grammar here and there as always… then eventually type it in to my computer. I almost couldn’t wait to share it with some people and get their reactions to it.

Maybe it was the fast food commercials on TV, maybe it wasn’t but my stomach was growling and I realized I hadn’t had anything to eat today except a day old doughnut and a glass of milk. Looking up at the clock display on my VCR I saw that it was noon… No… wait. It’s not noon, the damned clock is flashing off and on. I guess the power had gone out sometime recently and came back on and I hadn’t noticed. What time was it then? I picked up my remote and changed to the information channel. Three PM. No wonder my stomach feels hollow! Scratching my chin I realized too that I was in serious need of a shave, might as well throw in a shower to keep myself civilized. I hit the power button on the Cable remote and turned off my TV and got up to head to the bathroom. As I went through my kitchen the phone rang.

“Hello.” I said after picking up the receiver.

“Hi there.” Barbra’s voice purred through the phone. “So did you have a good time at Todd and Anne’s last night?” She asked with a bit of a curious tone in her voice.

“It was alright I guess. The food was good, I think. The company was interesting as usual but I was getting some not so subtle signals from their neighbor… or the wife anyway.” I said thinking back to speaking with Todd and Anne’s neighbor Margie


“Oh really… Heh Heh… Did she come on to you?” Barb asked with a chuckle in her voice.

“You could say that…” I said sheepishly. “She invited me to visit anytime I came to see Todd and Anne, or to just come see her.” I admitted.

“But… you’re not interested I take it.” She stated more as a question than a fact.

“Not really, I mean she’s not hard on the eyes or anything but I just got a weird vibe from her… and there’s the fact that she’s married…” I amended a bit sheepishly knowing full well that Barbra and Anne were technically married as well. Barb was going through a divorce and Anne and Todd had an open marriage arrangement of sorts.

“Life’s full of complications… Sometimes we just have to try to work around them and enjoy what we can in spite of it all.” Barbra waxed philosophical in a wistful voice as if talking to herself.

“Maybe so but I have an alarming habit of somehow getting involved with married women even when I’m NOT trying to do so.” I lamented. “It’s not exactly something I’m proud of you know.” I professed. Barb remained quiet for an unsettling few moments and I wondered if I had said something that hurt her feelings or offended her somehow.

“Hmmmm… Well I know about me, and I know about Anne… Just how many other married women have you ‘befriended’ anyway?” Barb said with a curious note in her voice. Not a hurt or even an angry note, and not exactly suspicious either, but more just… well… curious.

“Now Barb, you know I don’t kiss and tell. I respect my… friends’… privacy. If I’m nothing else I’m discreet. Besides, I don’t want you or anyone else to think I’m comparing you to anyone else. And I don’t want to sound like I’m bragging, about anything.” I said honestly and in a humble tone.

“Oh Jim, You know I’m teasing you. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious but I know you’re not that kind of guy. And I love you for it. That’s NOT going to keep me from teasing you about it though.” She added with a sultry chuckle. I leaned against my kitchen counter and smiled as I scratched my chin… once again reminding myself that I needed to shave and shower. Looking at the clock on my microwave I saw that it was going on four o’clock now and my stomach was still growling.

“Barb… Have you had dinner yet?” I asked

“Well, no. Not yet.” She said a little puzzled by the sound of it.

“I’m starving! As much as I enjoyed the doughnuts you brought by yesterday morning…” I paused knowing that she was having the same momentary flashback that I was having. “I had the last one this morning but that’s all I’ve had to eat today. I’m about to shave and take a quick shower but I would love to meet you somewhere for dinner if you would like.” I put out there… hoping that she would or could accept.

“Well actually I had a late lunch with Gail and her husband. They took me to lunch for my birthday. They weren’t going to be able to see me on my actual birthday so they treated me today.” Barb explained. I sighed, thinking that this was her roundabout way of saying no to dinner. “But…” I heard her hesitate before continuing. “Some friends of mine are taking me out for drinks in a little bit and well… I’d love for you to come with me.” She said in a meek little voice almost as if she were afraid I would turn her down.

“Friends from work?” I asked wondering if I wanted to mingle with her friends and she still technically married. That’s not exactly the picture of discretion after all.

“Well, not where I work now, but where I worked before this, at the bank… At Least Steven is. His Roommate and a couple of other friends I didn’t work with.”

“Barb I’d love to go anywhere with you, you know that, but I have to ask… I mean being discreet and all, is this okay?” I asked wondering at her reasoning.

“Oh Honey, you don’t know the half of it! Heh Heh Heh… Let’s just say that this is TOTALLY safe as far as discretion goes. And besides, I kind of want to show you off.” She added in that meek little girl voice again. Show me off? Why should I not think that was odd?

“Okay, so where do you want to meet… and what time?” I asked by way of telling Barb that I was open to what she wanted to do. She went on to tell me the name of the bar and grill that her friends frequented and what time they were all planning on meeting up there this evening. She thanked me in that low sultry voice that promised far more than the words themselves. It made my heart skip a beat and another part of my body twitch. Smiling I hung up the phone after ending the conversation. Again I scratched at my chin and remembered I was on my way to the bathroom to shave and shower, now I have all the more reason to do so. I pondered what Barbra’s friends might be like. I wondered how they would feel about me, especially being considerably younger than she is. With an internal sigh I mentally shrugged and set about shaving and cleaning up. The bar and grill we were to meet at was on the other side of town and I’d need to get a move on to beat the traffic even on a Saturday evening.

Some time later I was driving around the mini mall parking lot where the bar and grill was located, looking for a parking space. It seemed that the businesses were busy for a Saturday evening, or maybe the bar and grill was just that busy. Luckily I finally found a space at the far end of the lot from the front door of the bar. As I was walking to the door I saw quite a few people standing around outside the venue talking and possibly waiting on other members of their parties. One of those was Barbra. She was standing with a very sharply dressed somewhat attractive younger man. He was slender almost to the point of being thin, his hair was perfect as were his teeth, he could have been a male model for all I knew. He was rubbing Barb’s shoulder with an almost alarming familiarity and whispering in her ear. Barbra was smiling as if she were being told a wonderful secret. Standing next to or with them was a shorter younger girl. She had an adorable face with a brilliant smile and whatever the male model had told Barbra set all three of them off laughing. The shorter gal was decidedly not thin but rather had abundant curves. I won’t call her fat but she certainly didn’t go hungry. She had an infectious giggling laugh though, even from a hundred feet away.

As I got closer, maybe fifty feet away by this point the three were joined by two other guys. Both were decked out in GQ fashion but something struck me as off about all three of the guys. I had my suspicions when the two new arrivals threw their hands out and practically squealed like girls when they met up with Barbra. Having worked for many years with both girls and guys who were more interested in their own gender than the opposite sex I had learned to pick up on both subtle and not so subtle clues and mannerisms. I of course withheld judgment but I had a very strong feeling that all five people I was approaching were playing on the same team so to speak. Shaking my head I grinned wryly as Barbra finally noticed my approach. All heads turned to get a look. I so had the impression that I was being sized up in more ways than one. Everyone but Barb had their imagination in over drive according to their gazes. I kind of felt again like I was on a menu or something, at least until I looked into those big brown eyes of Barb’s. There I saw open admiration and affection, but with maybe a trace of anxiousness. I kind of got the feeling that though this invitation might have been spur of the moment tonight, she really did want her friends to meet me and for me to meet her friends.

As I neared the group Barb stepped away to meet me with open arms. A hug and a peck on the cheek set the tone for my initial behavior without saying a word. I smiled and looked deep into her eyes and tried to convey that I got the message as I took her hands in mine and we walked the final few feet to join the group. Barbra made introductions.

“Jim, this is Steven and his roommate Karie…” she indicated the younger model guy and little not so little miss giggles. “And this is Tommy and Timmi.” She held her left hand out towards the two GQ wannabes who were shoulder to shoulder conspiratorially as if they were whispering comments to one another. “Everyone, this is Jim. Now he doesn’t know you at all yet so be nice.” She said the last part directed more towards Tommy and Timmi than the entire group. They just smiled like they had just been given a challenge turning their heads slightly to one side and raising an eyebrow as if to say “Who me?” Karie giggled.

“Now Barb… you know I’m ALWAYS… nice…” Steven said with a bit of a pout then grinned much like the other two guys had. Again Karie giggled but covered her mouth this time as well, possibly to hide her growing smile.

“Uh huh…” Barb said giving Steven that one eyebrow raised ‘don’t fuck with me’ look. That just made Steven giggle like Karie and Barb couldn’t help but to grin at that as she slipped her right arm in my left somewhat as a show of possessiveness I thought. Not that I minded. I wisely kept my mouth shut with all the banter and decided I’d remain mostly quiet except when I had to speak to be polite. I figured I needed to get a feel for this group before I said or did something that would either make a bad impression or worse embarrass Barbra.

“I got a call at the shop just before I left to pick up Timmi, Matt was running late and hadn’t picked Tina up from work yet, so they’re going to be late. I say we go ahead and get a table while we can.” Declared Tommy with a flip of a dismissive wrist and a slightly shake of his head as he raised his chin up as if slightly annoyed.

“He’s always running late.” Steven declared as if he was just over it and ready to move on.

“Matt’s always slowing us down.” Timmi added then blushed and grinned as if he said something that he shouldn’t have.

Karie had stepped inside to the hostess desk and asked about a table for eight. She came back out and told us that another party had just left and they were bussing the table but we could be seated in just a couple of minutes. We all stepped inside and the temperature fell by a good twenty degrees or more, much more comfortable. Barbra’s arms broke out in goose bumps and she rubbed her arms to warm them up then leaned close in to me. We were soon all led to a big round corner booth table. Timmi and Tommy slipped back around to the middle followed by Karie and then Steven. Everyone scooted around counter clockwise two places so that Birthday Girl Barbra could slide in then I sat next to her on the open end. That left the other open end available for Matt and Tina when they arrived.

Our waitress was at the table in a flash, and taking orders for drinks and appetizers. Now I’m not a big drinker and never have been so I usually forgo alcohol in favor of soft drinks. I ordered a coke but everyone else ordered some sort of mixed drink or another. Barbra asked for a White Russian. We also ordered several appetizers, wings, poppers, fries, and even some egg rolls. And then the interrogation began.

“So, Jim, where are you from?” Karie asked right out of the gate. All ears and eyes were on me, Barb just smiled and winked.

“Right here actually, born and raised. I did spend a few years living on the family farm my last couple of years of high school and for a couple of years in college.” I offered matter of factly.

“Ooh, a farm boy…” Tommy crooned as he twirled his swizzle stick in his mixed drink.

“Where do you work?” Steven asked as he leaned forward, his elbows on the table and his hands cupping his drink as he looked past Barbra to see me.

“I work out at the plant now and for the past several years but I used to work for Dom’s Pizza before that, for many years.” I told the table.

“So you can cook? Or just deliver… pizzas…” Timmi said with a sly grin and winked at me. I bit my tongue to keep from saying anything nasty and Barb slid her left hand along my thigh reassuring me that I wasn’t alone but to be cool. I smiled and shrugged in way of answering his question.

“How did you meet Barbra?” asked Steven as he took a sip of his cocktail.

“We met online at Night Friends.” I said turning to look at Barb I asked. “That was what, a year ago maybe?”

“About a year, yes, but we didn’t actually meet face to face until after that big snow storm.” Barb confirmed and smiled a quiet knowing smile that told everyone that there was more to the story… a LOT more.

“Oh my god! I remember that storm! I was stuck at home for almost a week!” Tommy said.

“You didn’t seem to be complaining at the time…” Timmi blurted out as if he were offended.

“Oh honey, I wasn’t complaining!” Tommy added with a smile and sipped his drink and waggled his eyebrows at me. That was about when the reportedly always late Tina and Matt showed up. Tina scooted right in next to Tommy and hugged and they exchanged air kisses. It was all I could do to keep from rolling my eyes or groaning. I mean come on… flame much more and someone was likely to pull the fire alarm I thought to myself. Matt slid in on the end next to his wife and looked around reluctantly at the rest before seeing me and realizing that I was not one of the “girls”. I stuck out my hand to shake his in way of greeting.

“You must be Matt.” I said. Barb jumped in with the introductions.

“Matt, this is Jim… a friend of mine. Jim this is Matt and Tina.” Barb said giving what had to be a silent warning to Tina as Tina smiled first at barb but it looked a little forced then it brightened considerable as she extended her hand across the table to shake mine.

“Hi… Jim was it?” She said holding my hand a heart beat or two longer than was necessary to shake it in greeting. Then gave Barb a little smirking grin and levitated one eyebrow up for a moment before turning to the others at the table. “So? What did we miss?” She asked the table at large.

“Oh not much, we were just getting to know Jim a little better.” said Tommy with a sly grin and a wink. Matt put both of his elbows on the table and put his hands to his face as if he had been through this routine before and was pretty well over with it really. That’s when our server came to the table bearing our appetizers. Everyone took a few minutes break on the inquisition and we all ate and drank.

The banter and talk fluctuated between bitching about work and plans for the upcoming week or innuendo for antics they had seen, or been part of. There were several toasts to Barbra wishing her happy birthday early. Barb broke the news to her friends that she was finally going to walk her bridge. They all seemed happy about that but wondered who was going with her since she was divorcing Jess then they all put it together some faster than others that it was I that was accompanying Barb up to walk the bridge. More knowing looks and perhaps jealous leers followed as did more innuendo and thinly veiled suggestions and hints.

Now I’m normally a pretty easy going kind of guy. I’ve been open minded all my adult life and I’ve certainly been around my fair share if not more members of the alternative lifestyles. Usually though I was known to those folks and they respected my orientation as I did their own so they were cool with me. This table though, friends of Barbra’s or not was starting to wear on my nerves, get under my skin a bit. I knew from experience that I needed to stand up for myself if I was going to get any respect from them at all. And, I thought, if I wanted to be in Barb’s life and have her in mine I needed to at least be accepted if not respected by her friends. But how do I do that with this bunch?

These guys… except for Matt apparently were all to one degree or another, bitchy little twats that loved a good cat fight as much as they did breathing. Karie and Tina were wildcards in my mind. Being a roommate to an effeminate gay man could make her a bit of a boss or the other end of the spectrum, a clinger. I was giving her the benefit of the doubt by not judging her at all and simply letting her define herself. So far she had been mostly sweet and unassuming towards me. Tina struck me as a bit of a boss, definitely a girl on the prowl even if she was married. She seemed to be practically ignoring her husband and he seemed to be suffering it as just another day in the life. I won’t judge him either as he seemed sociable enough when we first met a little while ago. So what to do? I remained quiet and smiled a lot and just let it roll over me as I looked for a clue or an opening to work with. I didn’t have to wait long.

Tommy was regaling the table with a lewd story about some “friends” getting nasty at the bar the other night. How one got a little drunker than usual and horny and decided he wasn’t going to wait till they got home to have some fun. So he crawled under the table and began working on his boyfriend right there as the music blared and the show on the stage was in progress. A drag show… go figure. Well apparently the guy was rather talented with his oral administrations and got his friend off in no time but that wasn’t enough to pacify his horny desires at the moment so he moved to the next chair under the table and began to work on him. Only the “him” in question was actually a girl in drag… or going “Butch” as it were. He got a mouthful of surprise! The table broke up laughing and the comments began flying.

“So he was looking for a pole and got a hole!” Steven chirped in.

“Nothing there but hair!” Timmi giggled.

“I’ll bet SHE was disappointed.” chimed in Tina.

“No doubt!” laughed Barbra, as she sat her drink down so as not to spill it.

“Yeah, most guys don’t know what to do with one anyway huh, especially with their mouths.” Tina added in sarcastically. It sounded to me like she had been sorely disappointed before, maybe often. I looked at Matt and he was avoiding everyone’s gaze and sipping his beer.

“Girlfriend! I’ll have you know some of us guys know exactly what to do with our tongues.” catted Tommy as he nudged Timmi with his left elbow causing Timmi to spill his drink.

“Oh hoh hoh… That’s for damned sure!” crowed Barb as she gave that knowing smile and raised a single eyebrow giving me a sideways glance that drew everyone’s eyes across the table from us, to me. I blushed slightly and gave a timid grin and shrugged. This may well be the opening I was waiting for. Tommy fixed his gaze on me as did the rest of the table.

“So Jim…” He licked his lips and glanced around the table with a quick sweep then locked his eyes back on mine. “I think Barbra just said you might have some talent that you’re not sharing. Care to elaborate?” He said and smiled sweetly and fluttered his eyes at me, both of his hands holding his cocktail on the table in front of him swirling the ice and mixing his drink, a lone cherry floating around atop the ice with a long stem on it.

“Well… I wouldn’t want to brag or anything… it is kind of personal after all.” I began humbly.

“Oh he don’t know anything either… he’s a man.” Tina snorted dismissively and rolled her eyes.

“Yeah… He’s probably all talk too…” Tommy said agreeing with Tina. I felt Barb’s hand on my thigh under the table again, almost pleading me to let it go. But… I had had enough. I smiled and raised both eyebrows at Tina and Tommy questioningly and blinked slowly one time.

I reached my right hand out across the table and plucked the long stemmed cherry from Tommy’s drink and said. “Bitch Please! Don’t judge someone if you don’t know anything about them!” and then made a show of slowly popping the cherry, stem and all into my mouth. With my eyes locked on Tina’s except for an occasional glance at Tommy to make sure he was watching as well. I rolled the cherry around in my mouth then pushed it out through my lips only to pull it back in and chew up the cherry and swallow it… then I stuck my tongue out with the cherry stem resting on it sans the cherry. I pulled my tongue and the stem back in and closed my lips raising one eyebrow and used my tongue to tie a knot in the stem. Then, again slowly, I eased my tongue back out to display the stem with one knot on it. That got both a slight rise of the eyebrows from both Tommy and Tina and a grin from Matt. I wasn’t finished yet though. I pulled my tongue back in and winked and then tied a second knot in the stem. Again I slowly stuck my tongue out to show the second knot.

“Woo hoo hoo!” cried Timmi clearly impressed. I saw Karie squirm a little and Steven just kind of whispered something under his breath into Barbra’s right ear. Before further comments could be made however I held up my right hand with my index finger extend as if to say “Wait just a second…” then pulled my tongue back in yet again. I tied, with a little difficulty yet a third knot in the stem between the first two. The look on everyone’s faces when I slowly extended my tongue to show the third knot was priceless. The smiles on Tommy’s and Tina’s faces were mixed… with a little shock and admiration, perhaps mixed with just a hint of envy towards Barb as well. And with that I was now “In” the group and not some interloper that was fair game to pick on and belittle. Barb’s grip on my leg under the table shifted a little to the left and she cupped my balls through my jeans and squeezed with the silent promise of more thanks to come later. I had given her some bragging rights and perhaps a bit of a queen bee status amongst these catty girls be they male or female. I had the feeling that I would be getting to know this bunch a lot better after this evening.

Two more rounds of appetizers and three more rounds of drinks and a couple of hours later the little impromptu birthday gathering broke up. Everyone hugging and wishing Barbra a happy birthday and a happy… time… later. All giving me hugs as well, pushing it in some cases, but friendly all the same. They knew I was spoken for as it were so they behaved for the most part. There were some whispers exchanged between Tina and Barb that I didn’t ask about but the leer I got from Tina before she collected Matt’s arm and they departed was enough to let me know that she would be thinking about my demonstration and the possibilities for some time. Alone at last with barb outside the bar and grill we were standing beside her car. I got the long awaited and much craved kiss from her that I was looking forward to all evening. It was a slow sensual deeply passionate kiss, with her tongue dueling with mine almost stroking it lovingly before we pulled apart to talk a bit as lovers do.

“That, lover, was impressive! I knew that you had a very talented tongue but no amount of praise could have proven it better than what you did with that cherry stem! And what you said!” She giggled remembering my calling out Tommy earlier. “If I didn’t know better I would have thought you KNEW him when you said “Bitch Please!” I thought I was going to pee my panties! That was hilarious!” She grinned looking deep into my eyes with her arms on my shoulders and hands around my neck. My own arms were around her waist and hands resting on the small of her back.

“I’ve been around his type before… a time or three dozen. I didn’t want to piss anyone off, especially your friends but I also knew I had to stand up for myself… and make a statement. What better way to make a point to someone who thrives on shocking others and flying in their faces than to basically do the same to them? He was being bitchy so I called him out on it. And I showed him… and Tina… and the rest I guess that sometimes it pays not to pass judgment on someone before you get to know them first. And I guess I also stood up for you… I mean YOU chose me as your friend, not them. They were belittling your choice by being condescending towards me.” I said with a shrug as if anyone would have done the same.

“You still amaze me. I wish I had met you when I was much younger…” Barb trailed off wistfully.

“That probably wouldn’t have worked out well, I’d been much much younger too… maybe too young depending on how far back you’re talking about. But I’m happy I’ve met you now and we’ve gotten to know one another.” I added with a warm smile and leaned in to kiss her again softly. Her head tipped up and her brown eyes shining in the light of the street lamp in the parking lot.

“Yes, I’m very glad we met too… you don’t know how happy you’ve made me this past year.” She spoke softly after we both came up for air again. Barb was running her fingers through the hair on the back of my head and rocking slightly from side to side as if to rub herself against my chest and abdomen as we stood toe to toe beside her car.

“I hope that you don’t think that there isn’t any more to come… happiness I mean. I will help you in any way I can, you know that right?” I said as I rested my forehead lightly against hers.

“Oh I’m counting on it lover… I feel so alive when I’m around you I just can’t stand it sometimes when we’re apart. I think about you, I dream about you, I wonder what you’re doing…” Barb admitted and then drifted off to silence as if she were censoring her own words.

“I sense a ‘But’ in there somewhere…” I nudged with a quiet assertion.

“But I don’t want you to feel tied down. That you have to feel like I’m demanding all your time, I feel guilty sometimes knowing that you’re a young man and your whole future is ahead of you yet. You don’t need to be tied down to an old woman like me.” Barb tensed in my arms as she admitted this last, closing her eyes and appearing to hold her breath. In my heart I knew that she loved me and more than just a friend and she as much as just told me that standing here in this parking lot. But at the same time she knew that she couldn’t put demands on me because of her marital status and the fact that we both had previously declared that what we shared was unique in a way. Unique in that yeah we were friends, very special friends with amazing benefits but friends that cared about each other beyond physical gratification and the emotions tied to them. I know I truly cared that Barbra was happy no matter how or what we turned out to be, and I knew in my heart that she felt the same way for me. What I couldn’t figure out was why she felt guilty for having my attention and my affection for her. I honestly think that it was new to her. No one other than her own parents had ever loved her unconditionally and accepted her simply for herself before me.

“Barb… I have no claims on you other than my friendship. If we never made love again or even kissed again, you know I would still love you just as much and hold you just as dear in my heart as I do now. I don’t give my friendship lightly, and my love is even rarer still. I make no claims on you and I ask none from you other than, hopefully, the same love and friendship.” I paused and brought my right hand up to her lovely saddened face and gently raised her chin with my fingers as she opened her eyes to search mine. Her big brown eyes glistened in the light of the street lamps over head, her lower lip trembling slightly.

“When you’re ready to cut me loose and not play with me anymore that’s up to you and I will respect that… but if you’re worried about holding me back or tying me down with our relationship stop worrying. If you want to know about anything or anyone else I might play with I will be honest with you and share, up to a point anyway, what you want to know. I will no more kiss and tell with someone else than I would about you. What we have is between only us. That’s the way it should be with anyone really. Up until promises are made and someone becomes exclusive of all others. But you know all that, we’ve talked about it many times. Why are you feeling this way now?” I asked trying to get her to open up and let me in.

“I just… I don’t want you to feel like you have to do anything for me… just because we screw around a little.” She said quietly and swallowed before biting her lower lip and averting her gaze again. There was a little more yet I knew, but I wasn’t so sure she was ready to share it with me just yet.

“Is this about the trip to Michigan… to walk the bridge?” I asked pulling her close to me again and letting her rest her head on my shoulder. I nuzzled her hair, inhaling the fragrance from her shampoo and smelling the slight tinge of cigarette smoke from the bar. I could feel Barb chuckle a bit silently before she spoke.

“I keep forgetting how much of a mind reader you are… Oh Jim. I do so want to go and I want so badly for you to go with me, it would mean the world to me, but I don’t want you to feel like you have to go…” She turned her head again to face me, her eyes searching mine fearful but hopeful at the same instant, her eyebrows knitted with worry.

“Barbra? Do I need to get on my knees and beg you to let me go with you? Or do you want me to bend you over my knee and spank you and tell you that you are going to let me go with you? Or are you going just shut up and rest assured that you are not forcing me in any way to go with you and just be happy?” I asked with mock severity in my voice and one lone raised eyebrow of my own. Barbra giggled and then her smile grew as her eyes softened. She tilted her head slightly to one side and leaned up into me for a slow sensual kiss with her hand pulling my head down to hers.

“I want to show you so many things Jim… I can’t wait till we go. I’m so happy! I wish I could just go home with your right now and get started tonight!” She said when she came up for air again.

“Well you’re always welcomed at my place, you know that.” I said knowing that she was going home to her own house tonight but leaving the open invitation out there all the same. She simply smiled that knowing smile at me and kissed me again before pulling back and straightening up.

“Are you doing anything tomorrow?” She asked as she fished her car key out of her purse, and looked up at me hopefully.

“Not really, I’m going to type in a story that I wrote earlier today into my computer… Maybe you would like to read it?” I offered.

“What kind of story?” She asked her brows knitting in question.

“Nope… you’ll have to read it to determine that.” I teased her.

“Well maybe I could type it in for you, I mean that’s kind of what I do for a living… data entry for doctors.” She offered with a thinly veiled ulterior motive disguised as a friendly gesture.

“Okay… consider it a lunch date. I’ve got some chicken in my fridge that I was going to cook on the grill tomorrow. You could bring a salad or something if you wanted and we can have lunch before or as you read the story before you type it in.” I suggested. Barbra smiled brightly and cocked her head slightly to one side and winked.

“I like that idea… only I might not read it till I’m actually typing it in to the computer.” She offered an idea. I told her I like that too and then I leaned in and gave her one last kiss before I smiled and turned to walk to the other end of the parking lot to my car.

Later at home I changed into my sweats and tee shirt and got comfortable at my desk and turned on my computer. While my modem was going through its connection process I glanced over at my notebook that I had written my story in this morning. I idly flipped through the pages of my hand writing and recalled the story line. Boy meets girl, girl is intrigued by his mysterious afflicted pet, girl investigates… I chuckled again thinking how many people might read this and get less than what they had anticipated. I also wondered what someone like Barb might think of it as she read it. Smiling, I set aside the notebook and pecked at my keyboard to log onto Night Friends.




I typed my password and hit enter and waited for the screen to scroll down. I looked to see who else was online and then checked for messages. No messages that needed to be responded to and seeing Todd in the trivia game room I joined him and a few others.

Frodov: “What’s up folks?” I typed greeting everyone.

Todd: “There he is!” Todd responded. “I was just talkin about you.” He added.

Frodov: “All good I hope.” I answered sending a smile action.

Todd: “Well, mostly anyway.” Todd confessed and laughed.

Frodov: “What are you doing on here? I thought Anne was off tonight.”

Todd: “She is but she’s tired and she’s sleeping. I couldn’t sleep so I got online.”

Frodov: “Well I’m all too familiar with that situation.”

I went on to tell Todd and the other couple of friends in trivia about my writing a story earlier in the day. They all wanted to read it but I told them I hadn’t typed it in to my computer yet. I would do that tomorrow or actually that a friend was going to do that for me. Of course that got Todd’s attention and he wanted to know all about it. The old hound dog! I told him about going out for drinks earlier with Barbra to meet some of her friends, and to be shown off he added. I suspect that he had spoken with Barb sometime earlier in the day so he was probably aware of my meeting her friends before I was. I told him about the trick with the cherry stem and he was duly impressed, but not entirely surprised, he had after all been regaled with stories from Anne and apparently from Barbra as well. He just chuckled and said something about “birds of the feather” and left it at that. I told him about Barbra coming over tomorrow for lunch and to type my story into the computer for me… and possibly more. I promised him I’d send him a copy of the story after it was typed in and he said he was going to sign off and try to get some sleep. I wished him a good night and continued to play trivia for a while until everyone else left too. The perpetual night owl… With nothing going on online I signed off myself and moved to my living room to watch something on cable if I could find anything interesting.

I woke up on the couch sometime around nine Sunday morning. I think it was a slamming door from one of the other apartments in the building. A heavy set of footsteps could be heard tromping down the stairs to the front door of the building. I stretched and yawned smacking my lips with a dry mouth that tasted a lot like a sandbox. UGH… I was walking down the hall towards my bathroom scratching my backside through my sweats when I remembered that Barbra was coming over later and I was supposed to be cooking chicken on my grill. With a renewed spring in my step I got to the bathroom and did the morning routine. Shave, shat and showered. I brushed my teeth and rinsed before finding a clean pair of sweats and tee-shirt to put on before going to my balcony and loading up the grill with charcoal and firing it up. Stepping back inside my apartment I heard the phone ringing in the kitchen so I went to get it.

“Hello” I answered as I pulled open my fridge to get the chicken out so I could cut it up and get it ready for the grill.

“Good morning lover.” I heard Barb’s voice purring on the other end of the line. “I was just calling to see if you were awake yet.” She added.

“Yeah babe, I’ve been up for about a half an hour or so… I fell asleep on the couch last night watching TV. I think one of my neighbors woke me up slamming their door. Ingrates!” I lamented. “Anyway, I got cleaned up and dressed and I’ve fired up the grill I’ll be ready to put the chicken on in about another half hour or so. I’m getting ready to cut it up even as I speak.” I told her.

“Sounds good to me. What would you like to have with the chicken?” She asked in a distinctively suggestive tone.

“Well… I could forego the chicken altogether, but that wouldn’t be very nutritious and I promised to feed you… so… whatever you might like to accompany grilled chicken I guess. I’m good with most anything.” I practically giggled in response knowing that she knew full well that the food was only that… food… she was the object of my desire and attention. “I am going to throw some garlic bread in the oven when the chicken is almost done, so if that helps with your decision…” I added.

“Mmmm… that sounds wonderful. Maybe I’ll just pick up a salad then, and some desert.” She said wistfully.

“Oh don’t worry about desert… I kind of had YOU in mind for desert.” I chuckled. Barbra replied with a bashful giggle of her own then added.

“Well that’s good for you, but what if I wanted some desert?” She queried teasingly.

“Oh I’m sure we could work something out… of course if you’d like to have some ice cream or something like that I can’t fault your for that.” I said sheepishly knowing that she was just toying with me.

“We’ll see…” She said with a smug sounding little chirp. “I’ll see you in a little while Jim.” She said as she was hanging up the phone. Damn that woman! Even a simple phone call can be a means for her to turn me on and get me going. I had to adjust myself in my sweats and then wash my hands before handling the chicken to cut it up.

All cut up and seasoned, I set plate of chicken aside until the coals on the grill were ready to cook on. I checked my box of cooking wine in the fridge and decided to take a couple of bottles of red out of the closet and chill them for lunch, and afterwards. I am not a big drinker of anything alcoholic but I do enjoy a little whine with food now and again, especially with the company of a beautiful woman. I had split my loaf of Italian bread in half lengthwise and spread on butter and garlic while I let the oven preheat when the phone rang again. Thinking it was Barbra again I answered.

“Hello again Beautiful…” I said sweetly.

“Well hello to you too handsome.” I heard from a voice that was decidedly NOT Barbra’s. Then I heard Laughing. Damn! It was Todd. I rolled my eyes and asked what was up.

“I was just checking to see if you had put that story of yours on the computa yet.” He drawled, slipping into his Vuh Gin Ya laden accent. “I told Anne about yuh story this mornin’ and she wants to read it too.” He chuckled. I took my phone receiver and stretched my new extra long cord into the living room to look out my balcony doors to see if Barb was here yet. I didn’t see her car but as I was looking I heard the door knocker rattle. Sure enough, looking through the peep hole I saw her standing there smiling back at me. Fumbling with the phone on my shoulder and pressed against my ear I opened the door and smiled in greeting as I let her in. She saw that I was on the phone and set her bags on the dining table as I walked over to the couch and sat down.

“Actually Barbra said she was going to type it in for me today after lunch. She just got here as a matter of fact.” I spoke as I looked at Barb and mouthed “Todd”. She took on a decidedly wicked grin and put her fingers to her lips as if to say keep quiet. I looked at her funny and tilted my head questioningly. She merely raised one eyebrow and let her grin turn into that all too familiar feral like snarl.

“So what are you having for lunch… or should I ask WHO?” Todd chuckled in a suspiciously knowing manner. “I hear some appetites never quite get satisfied.” He teased. I heard him talking but my eyes were on Barb as she knelt down in front of me as I sat on the couch. She reached up and pulled my sweats down from my waist and motioned for me to lift up a bit so she could pull them down further.

‘Oh My God’ I thought to myself as I watched her and that determined look in her eyes as my sweats slid down past my knees and towards my ankles. Barb then ran her warm delicate fingers with those exquisitely manicured nails up the insides of my legs past my knees and towards my stirring manhood. Lightly dragging her nails along my inner thighs nearly caused me to pass out. With both hands she gently took my growing excitement lifting him and pulling him towards her. Never taking her eyes off of mine she leaned her head forward and put a delicate kiss on the very crown. I felt a jolt of electricity surge through me, and then another as her tongue came out and dabbed at it and then swirled around the edge… all the way around. Meanwhile Todd is still jabbering away on the other end of the phone line asking me what Barb was wearing today and if her hair was braided up. I gasped as Barbra retracted her tongue and plunged her lips over my crown and slid down the shaft that seemed to be getting longer and harder even still. Oh the torture!

Finally I couldn’t take it anymore and I told Todd that I had to go, Barbra wanted my undivided attention. He laughed at me and told me okay that he’d talk to me later. Hearing this Barbra giggled while still wrapped around me. She slowly withdrew and licked her lips before sitting back on her heels and saying.

“I’m sorry. I just wanted a little appetizer, before lunch.” She giggled in that wanton sexy lusty voice of hers. I felt a shudder go through my whole body as I reached out my hands and beckoned her to join me on the couch. She stood up and put her knees on the couch on either side of me to straddle me. My erection brushing against her panty covered bottom and that fragrant oasis that I so longed to see and taste. Settling down pressing against my chest she wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned in for a long slow sensuous kiss. The kind she knew I really liked. No rush no hurry just relaxed and pure enjoyment.

“Now that’s an appetizer I can get into.” I said as we came up for air. Barbra sat back on my lap and smiled sweetly, her eyes glittering with happiness.

“Barb, as much as I’d love to just forget about lunch altogether and ravish you…” I sighed then continued. “I should get the chicken on the grill now that the coals are hot.” I said as I ran my hands up her sides from her hips to the sides of her chest just inches away from her breasts.

“Those coals aren’t the only things hot.” Barbra quipped. “But let’s take care of lunch first…” She giggled again as she pressed herself up off of my lap and held her hands out to me to help me stand as well. Before I could reach down to pull up my sweats though Barb bent over at the waist and grabbed them for me but as she pulled them up my legs she gave my still torrid erection another little happy kiss on the head as a promise for more to come later. She giggled again as I jumped from the unexpected contact.

I set out two glasses for Barbra to pour some wine as I took the chicken to the grill. I felt rather self conscious standing on my balcony in my sweats with a still very obvious erection tenting the front of them as I put the chicken on the grill to begin cooking. Stepping back inside I took the glass of wine that Barbra handed me. And we sat again on the couch. Glancing at the dining table I saw that she had set out two small tins of salad from somewhere, probably the salad bar at the grocery store near her house. Barb had also set out two plates and silver ware. I smiled thinking that was very nice of her to help out. I felt Barb’s right hand slip into my left as we both sat and leaned back against the backrest of the couch and gazed into one another’s eyes. She told me about making reservations at a hotel in St. Ignace Michigan in the UP for the week of our trip. She told me about wanting to get fudge from Mackinac Island and smoked whitefish from local fish mongers. She told me about longing to swim in the lake where she did as a young girl. She regaled me with stories of her and Gale and a friend of theirs who lived in Michigan all year round and the things they would do.

I tended the grill every few minutes turning the chicken as needed and putting the smoker dome back on to hold both the heat and the smoke in. My appetite was growing each time I came out to the grill and again when I went in to sit with Barb… One made my stomach growl, the other made my inner desires howl. I was beginning to feel a little light headed from the wine. Between the two of us, Barb and I had finished one bottle of the two already and we hadn’t even eaten yet, which is probably why it was affecting me so much. Barb seemed to be doing okay but then I knew she had a higher tolerance for alcohol than I did. When the chicken was nearly done, I put the bread in the oven to toast. As I passed the dining table coming and going from the kitchen to the grill I pilfered bits and pieces from the salads that Barb had set out. There was one particularly large strawberry and I couldn’t resist having a little fun with it.

With Barbra still sitting primly on the couch sipping her wine I clambered onto her lap much as she had done to me earlier, of course keeping most of my weight on my legs. I put the strawberry in my lips and leaned in and pressed it to her smiling lips. Her big brown eyes glittered with amusement and more. We both munched and nibbled the berry till of course our lips met. Barb’s lips tasted even sweeter from the juice of the berry but I’d have kissed them even without it. I was about to comment on this very thought when I felt Barb’s fingers digging into my sides tickling me. OH MY GOD!

I yelped and squirmed and fell to my side where she unrelentingly moved to my abdomen as she let her fingers scrabble and scritch as my arms and hands tried to fend hers off and protect myself at the same time. Finally I managed to grab both of her hands by the wrists and subdue if not completely halt her attack. She roared with laughter smiling at me.

“Oh now you think you’re funny huh?” I protested feigning an indignant grimace.

“No, but I think it’s funny that you are so ticklish!” She chuckled. I brought her hands to my face and kissed them both before releasing them and jumping up to rush outside onto the balcony to tend my chicken. It was finally ready to come off the grill. I piled up my platter and then shut down the vents and covered my grill to smother the coals and put the fire out before bringing the food inside. Barbra brought our wine glasses to the table and I pulled out her chair for her to be seated then retrieved the garlic bread from the oven, it was perfect. I put some on a plate and brought it to the table before I seated myself. Barb had her hands folded atop one another on the edge of the table in front of her plate. I reached over and set my right hand atop hers and bowed my head for a quick silent prayer then squeezed hers and asked her if she wanted white meat or dark and began serving our lunch.

We ate and talked about the upcoming trip to Michigan. I realized more and more that this trip was something very special for Barb, perhaps even more than she let on about it. I would have to keep that in my mind when dealing with everything about this trip. Even the small details that would normally be trivial would take on a life of their own I suspected. Before long we had both eaten our fill and were leaning back in our chairs sipping the last of the wine. Barbra was running one beautifully manicured finger idly around the rim of her glass as she took on a far away gaze while telling me about a time that she and her sister Gale and another friend of theirs had gone skinny dipping in a little cove near where her grandparents lived, off the main lake. The water was much warmer there she explained.

“So… would you go again, skinny dipping?” I asked with a sly grin on my face.

“Not there! It’s a subdivision now… too many houses and people around.” Barbra laughed.

“What about somewhere else?” I teased with one raised eyebrow.

“Maybe… With the right person...” She admitted with a knowing smile.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” I smiled and stood up to start clearing the table and putting leftovers away. Barb rose to help me but I shooed her away. I emptied the last of the second bottle of wine into her glass and pointed her towards my desk. I fired up my computer for her and handed her my note book opened to the first page of my story. I went back to cleaning up.

I could hear Barb’s fingers flying over my keyboard, she really could type amazingly fast compared to my plodding speed. I had hardly finished wiping down the table and counter top as I finished cleaning up when Barb made a loud groaning sound from my bedroom at my desk. Grinning to myself I realized that she had come to the end of the story. I hung my dish towel from the door handle of my fridge and crossed the hall way into my bedroom. Barb had her elbows propped up on the desktop beside my keyboard with her face in her hands as she shook her head side to side. I put my hands on her shoulders as I stood behind the chair and I massaged them gently. She rolled her head back against my abdomen and looked up at me with a wry smirk but a smile in her eyes.

“That was such a tease! You really had me going there right up till the end. I think everyone who reads this is going to be just as… frustrated with you!” She said with a chuckle.

“Barbra dear, you will NEVER have to be frustrated with me… this was just a story for amusement, that’s all.” I said smiling down at her as I continued to grip and knead her shoulder muscles. Barb smiled and closed her eyes melting into my hands. The hands that I brought to gently hold either side of her face and I bent down to kiss first her forehead and then her nose and finally her waiting warm wet lips. When I broke away to breath she smiled up at me again and pushed my hands away so that she could manipulate the keyboard and mouse. Barbra saved the file for the text document she had just typed in for my story and then stood up and turned around to wrap me in her arms. She tilted her head up and with that silent request, we kissed again, slowly, softly, passionately. I felt her hands slip under the waistband of my sweatpants and venture down over the cheeks of my ass, one hand on each.

“If I showed you my kitty… would you pet it and maybe kiss it?” She nearly whispered before biting her bottom lip while looking up at me through her lashes as her head was slightly tilted downward as if shy or embarrassed. She knew that look drove me wild.

“I might… I like it when kitties purr.” I responded with a bit of a sly smile of my own as my hands gently rubbed up and down Barb’s back as we stood between my desk and my bed a few steps away. I felt her fine delicate fingers with those exquisitely painted nails grip and dig into the flesh of my backside briefly before Barb sighed deeply and released me withdrawing her hands from my sweats.

“Hold that thought. I have to go recycle some of this wine you’ve been feeding me before we go any further.” She giggled a little embarrassed. I smiled and stepped aside and motioned with a sweep of my arm towards the doorway.

“I’ll be right here.” I promised with a patient smile. Barb placed her right hand flat on my chest as she smiled demurely and moved to walk to the bathroom. I stretched my arms over my head and shook myself to loosen up a bit. Nerves, even after as many times as I’ve been with this woman, enjoying her company and her charms I still got tense and uptight with anticipation. God it was wonderful! I thought about peeling off all my clothes and hopping on my bed to await her return but I refrained. Firstly that appeared presumptuous and it WAS. Besides I knew from experience that Barb took a great deal of joy in disrobing me, like unwrapping a gift or a surprise. I would do anything I could to increase her joy and pleasure in the time we spent together. I loved to make her happy anyway I could. So I just sat on the edge of my bed and waited patiently for her return. It wasn’t a long wait.

As she came back through my blackout curtain over my bedroom doorway I stood once more and turned to her. Her slow languid walk through the curtain and the last few steps up to me spoke volumes about her own anticipation. She brought both of her hands to my abdomen pressing them flat against my shirt with her fingers splayed and pointing upwards. She rubbed her hands up to my chest and across the tops of my shoulders as she drew her own body closer and tightly pressed against mine. Tilting her head to one side, she looked at me in the face with a sidelong glance with a soft thoughtful smile on her face.

“There are times I still think that this is all just a dream… a very nice, sexy dream, but a dream all the same. Jim, you make me feel so special, like a woman should feel… thank you lover… for everything.” She said and then laid her head gently against my left shoulder as she wrapped her arms around my waist and squeezed softly. I in turn wrapped my arms about her shoulders with my right hand coming to rest on the back of her head and neck. I leaned down and kissed the top of her forehead.

“If this is a dream I don’t want to wake up. You only feel special because you ARE special Barb. Perhaps no one’s ever shown you or told you that but it’s true. There’s nothing special about what I’ve done or said. I just pointed out the truth and shared it with you. I admire you and I adore you for who you are. Don’t ever change. If that makes you happy then it certainly makes me happy to help.” I said in a soft voice. I felt her catch her breath and she squeezed me a little tighter before letting me go and stepping back a half step. Her hands came to her hips as she eyed me up and down. I raised one eyebrow as I tried to figure out what she was thinking.

“Well… first of all I think you have entirely too many clothes on mister!” She said in a firm voice while trying to keep a straight face. “I think I will just have to do something about that.” She added.

“Whatever do you mean?” I asked playing along. “I’m wearing my pajamas aren’t I? I mean if we are going to lie down in bed I should be dressed for sleep right?” I asked playfully.

“Oh, we might lie down in the bed, but I don’t think there’s going to be any sleep involved my friend.” She said waggling one finger in the negative as she stepped up to me again. “Let’s get you better situated for what I have in mind.” She added with an almost feral grin as she reached for the tail of my tee-shirt and began lifting it up over my abdomen and chest. I raised my arms to accommodate her removing it from my body.

“Won’t I get a little chilly with no shirt on?” I asked in almost a timid sounding voice even to my own ears.

“Oh I don’t think you will mind or even notice in a few minutes, don’t worry about it. Now… let’s get these off too.” She winked at me and slipped her fingers under the waistband of my sweatpants and began inching them down over my hips and pushing them lower. My slumbering anatomy was beginning to awaken and take notice of the changing attitudes and temperature. Things were heating up despite the clothing coming off.

“Do you think that you might have a bit too many clothes on as well? I mean, if you’re going to lie down in the bed with me that is…” I queried fighting to suppress the growing grin that was splitting my own face. I know my eyes must have been twinkling as Barb’s smile grew even more. She raised her arms up over her head in a silent invitation for me to peel back her own layers. To open that gift that she was presenting me with… Herself. I smiled like a child on Christmas morning and stepped up to her and gently took the bottom hem of her blouse and drew it up slowly over her tummy and her bra covered breasts, easing the collar over her chin and face. Finally clearing her head and arms I let the garment drop from my hands. Barbra lowered her hands and arms placing them conveniently around my neck and pulled me down into another passionate kiss that started slow but heated up amazingly fast with her tongue inviting mine out to play. My hands rested briefly on her bare shoulders and I marveled at the softness of her skin even there. Slowly I let them drift down her back, my left hand brushing gently over her “hump”, the rise between her shoulder and her shoulder blade along her spine where it curved unnaturally due to her scoliosis. Even now after months and months of my tender touches and reassurances that I did not find it hideous or even noteworthy I still felt Barb tense as I let my fingers brush over it, but then she relaxed again almost immediately as my hand continued down her back to meet with my right hand and confront her bra strap.

A deft flick of my fingers and the fastener was teased open and that restraining garment, supposedly for support was loosened. My warm hands drew the straps forward around Barb’s ribs to dangle tantalizingly between us still covering her wonderful precious mounds, those cursed straps still looped about her arms that were around my neck. Barb gave a little chuckle even as we continued to kiss and dance with our tongues. I noticed that somehow or another we were also dancing somewhat to some silent soft beat, swaying gently from side to side as we pressed tightly into one another. Maybe it was my own heartbeat sounding in my ears but even if it was, both Barbra and I were in sync, swaying to the same beat and rhythm even if it was silent.

Giving up momentarily on the on the cross your heart road block, my hands drifted down Barbra’s flanks. My hands sliding softly down her sides to her hips and to the waistband of her jeans. I slipped my thumbs through the belt loops on her hips and gripped her hips with my hands in a firm but gentle squeeze and pushed and pulled to make her hips rock from side to side to match the beat in my head as we continued to kiss. Barb never hesitated but began to sway with easy grace, from hip to hip rocking her pelvis side to side in time. In time, side to side, rocking, swaying, pressing, kissing, and sighing.

My hands eventually motivated on around to the front of Barbra’s jeans and to the snap and zipper that were keeping them affixed tightly to her marvelous and sexy hips and ass. They had to be loosened and removed… to finish un-wrapping the wonderful gift she was giving me. I popped the snap and drew the zipper pull down slowly… very slowly as we continued to sway and rock and kiss. The waistband loosened enough for me to get my fingers in under it between her panties and her jeans. Keeping in time with our swaying and rocking I eased her jeans down a little each time her hip swayed to that side, and down the other side when she swayed to that side. Back and forth the jeans creeped down little by little until they were below her hips and the cheeks of her rear end. I realized somewhere back in my somewhat distracted practical mind that Barb’s jeans were too tight to simply fall off of her so I would have to assist in their removal, but how? This could be fun.

Coming up for air for a second Barb pulled back slightly and looked deeply into my eyes. Her big brown eyes had that smoky lusty look that made my heart skip a beat, as if right this moment I was the center of her universe. I smiled even as my heart swelled in my chest and spoke quietly.

“Hang on tight.” Then with my left arm around her waist at her back, and my right arm dipping down so that I could slip my hand under her bottom, I picked her up bodily and took the final two and a half steps to the bed and gently laid her down on her back. She pulled me down for another long passionate kiss before I rose up and pulled her arms from my neck long enough to extract that cursed corset want to be of a bra and flung it over my shoulder while I smiled down at her wantonly. Barb chuckled at me. I then put my paws on those gorgeous mounds that had relaxed thanks to gravity and flattened somewhat on her chest and were trying to slip to either side as if to hide from my attention. Gently I pressed them back together and squeezed them with the tenderness they so deserved, trying to reassure them that they were in no danger… other than from being teased by my hands and my lips… and my tongue.

I bent down and kissed each delicately before flicking each nipple with my tongue, both times eliciting a slight gasp from Barbra as she lay there smiling with anticipation. Releasing that wondrously soft flesh I let my hands slide down her chest and abdomen to come to grips with the waistband of her silken panties. Dipping the ends of my fingers under the band I pulled them down ever so slowly while keeping my eyes locked on Barbs. I’m not sure if I was grinning like an idiot or leering like a madman but Barb didn’t seem to mind as her eyes half closed and her smile broadened if that were even possible.

When my fingers encountered the top of Barb’s jeans I hooked them as well and pulled both garments down her thighs as one to her knees, where I stopped for a couple of kisses. Then with no more teasing I all but yanked the jeans and panties the rest of the way off of her legs and let them drop behind me off the edge of the bed. I gazed down at Barb as she lay there smiling, her hands folded over her abdomen, her feet coming to rest atop the bed with her knees still bent and up… together. I put my hands together and rubbed them slowly like a child anticipating something special as I leered at her with one eyebrow rising slowly. Barb matched my eyebrow and sucked in her bottom lip and rocked her knees side to side deliberately taunting me.

I set my hands, palms down on top of her knees, one in each hand. Then, I gently began prying them apart… Barb put up a token resistance but she was only being playful as soon her legs relaxed and laid to one side or the other. I ran my hands down along the silky smooth skin of her inner thighs to that moist heated little oasis that she was trying to keep covered up moments before. I paused just a breath away from touching her outer lips and stuck my tongue out to touch my upper lip to one side as if to say I’m uncertain about doing this. Barb opened her hands in supplication as if to say “Here it is… what you are waiting for?”

I gave her a wolfish smile and winked then gripped her soft inner thighs on either side and pulled her skin tight and away from the center causing her flower to open at the seam. The pink inner folds blossomed outward as I lowered my face to get a closer look, and to taste. The first long slow lick from bottom to the top earned me a long low moan as Barb pressed her head back against the bed top and arched her neck. Her hands came to rest on either leg next to my own. So good, the aroma was intoxicating, the sweet tangy taste made me shudder with delight. On my second long lick from the bottom to the top I moaned aloud into that hot wet treat, Barb’s hips levitated off the bed. I chuckled at a thought and then had to share it.

“What is this… a cherry stem? Oh my… I wonder if I can tie that in a knot.” I pondered out loud hoping Barbra caught it. Then I lowered my head and dabbed at her swelling clit that was beginning to peek out from under her little hood. Barbra moaned and her head thrashed from side to side.

“Ohhhhmygodddddddd” She let loose as her hands moved from her groin to the back of my head. My tongue swirled around and around her little pink nub as my lips drew nearer and nearer. Contact! Another long drawn out moan and Barb’s hips elevated even as she desperately pressed my head harder against her sex. In a kissing motion I drew her little pink power button into my lips and sucked on it fiercely as I waggled my chin and mouth slightly from side to side. Releasing my grip on Barb’s thigh with my right hand I brought first one then two fingers to her wet folds. That heated flesh was practically grasping and pulling to draw my fingers inside. I stroked the inside walls with my fingertips and twisted my wrist so that I could make contact with as much of the inside as I could possibly reach. When I found that little rough patch and Barbra jumped as if she had been jolted I realized I had found my spot, or rather her spot. I began a slow rhythmic stroking with my fingers against and across that rough patch inside while pulling and drawing with suction and my lips stretching Barb’s clit. I released it and it snapped back almost hiding beneath her little hood. But I was not going to let it go without any more attention. Deftly I lashed at it with the tip of my tongue. It seemed to vibrate and resist my onslaught as it was now stiffened and erect as if angry at the assault. Each contact now from my tongue or my stroking fingers caused barb to twitch or jump a little. I knew she was riding right on the very edge of her climax. I knew I was teasing and prolonging the inevitable but I also knew that that very delay would make her climax ultimately stronger and harder.

When I sensed that Barbra was teetering on the very edge, as she began holding her gasping breath, I ceased everything I was doing and pulled back. I pulled my fingers out of her. I rose up to a kneeling position sliding my hands up to her knees and looked down at her and waited. The twitching head stopped moving, her arched neck relaxed her hips lowered back to the bed but her face morphed into confusion and yes frustration. Still gasping with her mouth open and her brows now knitted she opened her big brown eyes and looked at me askingly. I gave her a wicked grin, or at least what I thought a wicked grin should look like. I locked my eyes on hers and slowly deliberately licked my lips before saying in a low growling voice.

“That’s one knot in the cherry stem… shall I tie only a second… perhaps try for a third as well?” Then I stuck the tip of my tongue out at the corner of my mouth and left it touching my upper lip. Barb squinted one eye and her lips began the form the word “What?” but she never got a chance to utter it aloud as I winked again and slid my hands down her inner thighs once more and gripped her legs tightly on either side of her flushed and aroused sex. Then I slid my hands upwards across her lower abdomen, pressing firmly down before reversing their direction and raking my fingers and nails across her skin back towards that unfinished business. Again I dipped my head and face down to partake of the goodness that was Barbra. No pretense this time however, I dove right in. I buried my tongue deeply into her wet and swollen folds, searching for that honey. My face was soon soaked with her essence as my wanton tongue licked and slathered and stroked inside and out. I drew every letter of the alphabet, both upper and lower case. I even did some cursive writing with it along her outer lips. I slurped and sucked and kissed and nibbled and pulled every little bit I could touch. The more I did the wetter Barb got, and the more restless she was. She was by this point squirming and moaning. Her hips were once again levitating up off the bed as she dug her heels into the bed and her legs strained to push herself into my eager tongue and mouth, even as my gripping hands pressed down on her. I knew it was time… time to let Barb reach that ultimate peak and fly with the angels.

Once more I took my right hand and covered Barb’s furry flower and squeezed it with a grip that just bordered on painful. I could feel her juices running out and down my wrist. Releasing my grip I drew my hand down through her folds, my two middle fingers parting her lips and delving deeply into that honey pit. I turned my hand palm up and again scratched and rubbed at that rough spot. I also lipped and kissed at her engorged clit and its hood. Sucking it into my mouth I rolled it and gently bit it between my teeth as I continued to suck on it. Barb’s hands were once more grasping my head, clutching at my hair and digging her nails into my scalp.

“Ohhhhhhhh God… YES! RIGHT THERE! Ohhhhhh GOD! JIM…..” She nearly screamed as I felt her whole body still and tense like a giant steel spring. She was peaking… she was at the very summit…now for the final straw, that last little push that will send her soaring. Still furiously stroking with the fingers of my right hand, sucking and chewing and lashing her clit with my mouth as my chin is nearly buried in her wide spread lips… I began to hum a tuneless song. I imagined my lips and mouth were on a kazoo. When the vibrations hit Barb they struck first through her highly sensitive and overworked clit that was still in my mouth. The results were instantaneous and explosive.

“GAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!” Barb roared as her head and neck wrenched almost over backwards. Her hands were still on my head but they were frozen as if in mid push to push me away, her fingers splayed and straining. Those long glorious legs were straining and pressing into the bed as her torso and pelvis and hips rose and fell in waves and jolts as if she were being electrocuted. It literally got to be too much and I was pushed or thrown aside as Barb’s body spasmed and quaked. I could never get enough of this… of watching this, experiencing her crescendo of physical bliss, the smell of her excitement, the taste, the feel of the way her inner walls grab hold and grasp at my fingers or other parts of my anatomy. When Barbra’s hands fell away from my head to her sides I knew she was finally settling back down as her breathing was almost returned to normal even if still panting. I rose up once more to crawl along the top of the bed and kissed my way up Barb’s body. I made a few delicate kisses here and there along her abdomen, around her belly button, around her rib cage and beneath her side slipping breasts. I paused just shy of kissing or paying attention to her nipples at this time though as I was letting my lady cool down and come back to her senses as it were.

I kissed my way along her shoulder to the curve of her neck, her jaw line and eventually a long slow gentle kiss on her lips.

“Mmmmmm” Intoned Barb as I stretched out to her right lying on my left side , my elbow bent and propping my head up on my left hand. Barb turned her head to face me, her eyes half closed and she had that post orgasmic blissful smile beaming at me.

“So? What do you think? Was that a second or third knot?” I asked playfully wondering if she even got the reference or caught it earlier when I was in the thick of things.

“Oh My god Jim! Really?” She exclaimed and then began to softly chuckle even as she was still trying to catch her breath. Then she reached down with her right hand and latched onto my proud little pistol and asked. “I wonder if I could tie a knot in THIS?” And then she rolled over and pushed me with her left hand on my shoulder to make me lay on my back as she clambered atop of me. Straddling my waist and placing both hands on my chest she leered down at me with that feral grin of hers that told me she was in a highly excited state and I was in for it. What “it” was remained to be seen of course but I was ready and willing for anything she had in mind.

Barb puffed a breath of air to blow a stray strand of her long dark red hair out of her face as she contemplated what she was going to do with me next. Then she paused and reached up with both hands and pulled a tortoise shell hair band out of her hair and off the top of her head to run her fingers through her hair. Once she had it all back under control she re positioned the hair band leaving her face clear and all that long dark luxurious red hair falling down her back and over her shoulders. Once that aggravation was eliminated, if temporarily, Barb again fixed her hungry gaze on my adoring eyes.

“Now then… Where were we?” She asked coquettishly, the sweet smile belying the hunger in her eyes.

“I think you were about to tie a knot in part of my body… but I think it might be a little too… hard… to tie anything with it.” I said with a grin and bumped my hips up a bit to emphasize my readiness for anything else Barb might think of. With one hand resting on my abdomen, Barb reached behind her with the other and grasped me and squeeze. I had to bite my bottom lip to keep from crying out and my eyes got big with surprise. Barb’s smile tightened as she knew that she was now in control and I would eagerly follow her lead. Releasing her death grip on my manhood she brought both hands to my abdomen and pressed down as she leaned down to drag her succulent breasts across my chest as she brought her lips to mine. My hands slowly slid up her sides to just above her hips.

Breaking our soft but passionate kiss barb pulled back smiling and rose up on her knees so that she could reach between her legs and grasp me once again, but gently this time and she guided my eager apprentice to her dripping heavenly gateway. The heat made me shudder as the sensitive mushroom parted those swollen and ready outer lips to find its way to Barb’s core. Her eyes grew slightly larger, as they always did when we joined in this intimate dance. With both hands back and pressing palms flat on my abdomen, Barb lowered herself onto me slowly, wiggling ever so slightly from side to side to get herself situated… or perhaps to get me situated inside of her. She wiggled, little by little until at last I was all in, or mostly anyway. If I twitched my hips a bit rising up a fraction or so more would penetrate that sacred divide. Barb arched her back and twitched her own hips and there… a little bit more… closer still. I could feel her inner walls and muscles clenching and releasing as she consciously moved her insides with kegel exercises or something similar. All I know was that it was absolutely mind blowing. I marveled at the sensations she and I were giving one another. This was not a hurried thing, this was all about feeling every little nuance and sensation shared. It was almost Tantric in nature but I knew it was only the calm before the lustful storm that would soon blow up between us. I watched Barbra’s face as she displayed the wonder and immense pleasure she was feeling, the closed eyes, the sweet almost euphoric smile on her lips. Her face tilted slightly upwards as if searching the heavens. And heaven I saw too… Barb’s tantalizing breast swaying slightly with her every breath, the nipples erect and almost painfully hard and swollen just begging to be touched, caressed, kissed… sucked and even bitten perhaps. I resisted the temptation to take one in each hand and paw at them like a star struck teenager but it was hard to do. I had surrendered the lead to this amazing woman and I would wait patiently to see what she wanted and needed from me to complete this quest. I knew I would get mine in due time. Barb had never left me wanting… well… she always left me wanting more but she took care of me at least for the time being.

I knew the game was on when Barb rolled her head down to look at me again, that beatific smile had shifted again and took on that wanton leer that I knew was the calling card of her beast. That ravenous inner she devil that raged to be let out and take control to get what was hers. She began to move. Those slow oscillating circular motions that centered directly on our joined bodies. It almost felt to me as if a strong hand had gripped the base of my cock and was squeezing and pulling it away from my body in very very small movements. The movement was as enticing to watch as it was to feel. Barb’s waist and abdomen rippled with her hula hoop motion and her breasts swayed and tipped forward and back hypnotically. I released my hold on her hips and brought my hands to each of Barb’s arms wrapping my hands around her wrists.

Barbra tilted her head back, still smiling and rolled her neck from side to side as if flexing before tilting back down to stare into my eyes. Her eyelids narrowed and her brows arched slightly as if to silently ask if I was ready for the next little twist. I just continued to grin like an idiot I’m sure, but slid my hands up her forearms to the elbows and then on up to her shoulders where I gripped them firmly. Barb leaned her head over briefly and laid her cheek on my right hand before straightening back up and pursing her lips. Adding to the gyrations she was already doing, Barb began raising and lowering herself on me ever so slightly. The resulting sensations nearly overwhelmed me, again. I closed my eyes and moaned softly as the new sensations swept over me. I could feel Barb’s fingers beginning to dig into my flesh so I knew she was feeling the same sensations as I. The low moan she let slip only confirmed that thought.

As the sensations grew and intensified, we both grew still hungrier for more, Barb rode higher and higher and moved faster and faster with her building need. Still gripping her shoulders I held on for all I was worth knowing that she hadn’t even hit her stride yet, it would get wilder yet. And it did. Barb released my abdomen and moved her hands up to my own shoulders to give herself even more leverage as she again increased the rise and fall of her hips. I could feel her insides practically vibrating as she moved. She was so wet that each time we came together there was a wet slapping sound now. I too was lost in the rising tide of ecstasy as my own hips were rising in contrast to her motions. As she slammed down onto me I was meeting her with my own thrusts upwards. The only noise I was making was a visceral grunting and gasping in concert with Barb’s almost constant low moaning now as she raced headlong towards her building climax. My hands moved from her shoulders to either side of her neck as I pulled her head and face down to mine. Her breasts smashing and flattening against my chest as she stopped moving for a moment and we locked lips and shared a brief but passionate and breathless kiss.

Barb then pushed herself back up and I released her neck and reached for her hands. We interlaced our fingers palm to palm as she once more resumed her nearly frenetic rise and fall. Both of our mouths were open at this point as we were gasping for air with short ragged breaths. Our eyes locked on one another’s as we both sensed the finish line swiftly approaching. And then there it was… Barb tensed her entire body and all motion stopped save for all those wonderful motions and movement inside of her. Barb’s back and neck arched and she leaned backwards almost as if she would topple over if not for our hands still intertwined and locked together. Her grip was intense. Then the scale was tipped and her body began to convulse and shake as it always did in the throes of her climax. I on the other hand was lagging just a few moments behind Barb as I continued to surge up and down beneath her driving myself as deeply as I could with each stroke until her convulsions tipped me over the edge as well. With one final thrust, my back arched nearly off the bed as I drove home deep inside of Barb’s amazing body I felt my own release begin. Surging and pumping all that I had to give and I gave it gladly. But as always my own release heralded the binding and blinding overload of my body and mind as the light dimmed to a pinpoint and my tunnel vision winked out into darkness.

When I came to my senses again I could feel Barb lying atop of me, her head resting on my right shoulder as she gasped and huffed still trying to catch her breath. I could feel her right hand stroking the left side of my face affectionately. I could also feel myself still inside Barb’s twitching heated sex. Oh god what a fantastic feeling that is. I would never tire of that sensation for as long as I live. Seeing that I was back in the waking world Barb smiled that sweet sleepy thoroughly pleased smile of hers and spoke to me in those hushed sultry whispers that lovers do.

“Hi there…” She blinked slowly and then I felt her chest move with a slow silent chuckle. “So? Was that two or three knots Mister Cherry Master?” She asked teasingly.

“I think that must have been a fourth one if I counted correctly.” I smiled and ran my right and left hands along Barb’s sides and hips to rest on her sweat dampened back side, one hand on each cheek. I frowned a little disappointed as I felt my once stalwart manhood relax and slide gently out of that amazing whetted oasis between Barb’s legs. It came out with a quiet little squishy plop and drooped over to my thigh as if to take a nap. Barb too pouted a little but then resumed that sweet happy smile as she closed her eyes and snuggled her cheek into my shoulder and sighed contentedly.

“Barb?” I started to speak as I felt that all too familiar heralding sensation moving up the backs of my legs. I was about to slip into the paroxysms of my cursed aftershock. I knew that Barb was familiar with them now too as she had witnessed many of them but I still liked to give her a little warning if I could because I knew all too well I had no control over my body when it hits me. I felt Barb stiffen somewhat as she still laid atop of me. I brought both of my hands to my sides and gripped the bed covers. That was my last conscious recollection before my body stiffened and then launched into the brief throes of my aftershock. The spasms and twitching and muscles firing without direction or conscious thought. I saw the fireworks as I always do inside my eyelids… and then it was over. The first coherent thought was that my heart seemed to be beating louder than usual this time, in fact it sounded a lot like a pressure cooker releasing steam and pressure through that little pop-off valve. And then I realized that it was Barbra, she was holding me tightly her head next to mine as she was cheek to cheek and she was repeating softly over and over “Shh shh shh, it’s okay… shhh… it’s okay…”

As my mind cleared and I began to function again I reveled in the closeness and intimacy that Barbra was showering on me. Still astride my waist her bare body pressed against my own, her breasts smashed between us, and her arms… her arms were cradling my head as she ran her fingers through my hair and shushed me like a child having a nightmare. I couldn’t help but to smile at the irony of it all. Her instincts were to nurture me and make me feel better when it was her very own actions that brought me to this seemingly painful conclusion. But despite the appearances it was and is by no means painful for me at all, merely embarrassing when it’s witnessed by someone unfamiliar with it for the first time. Some women freak out and just can’t deal with it, others find it fascinating or even amusing when they realize that it was their doing… or at least partly so. Barb however, for whatever reason tended to be a nurturer. Perhaps it was her maternal instinct. No matter I really liked her fawning over me and I would never berate her or make fun of it.

Barbra knew I was back when she felt my arms and hands wrap around her waist and pull her more firmly into me and I began kissing her neck and shoulder. I actually felt her shudder and heard that almost silent little moan escape her lips at the tail end of another motherly little shushing sound. With the kissing of her neck and shoulder Barbra melted into my embrace and sighed momentarily before pushing herself up to separate our faces enough to look me in the eyes.

“Jim I don’t know if I will ever completely get used to that… In all my life I’ve never known anyone else that has that happen to them.” She said searching my face and looking deeply into my eyes to make sure I was not hurting in any way. I smiled up at her and said.

“It’s all your fault you know… tying me into knots and all that.” I winked at her. “No, seriously, it’s not painful at all… just an aggravation at worst. Just hang on when it happens.” I added and shrugged, not knowing what else to say about it all. Barb just gave me that soft smile and then grimaced and pulled her bottom lip into her teeth to bite it.

“Well lover I need to get over something else at the moment, let me go so I can run to the bathroom.” She said and leaned down to give me a peck on the lips before rolling to one side and clambering for the edge of the bed. I watched her stand up and step to the blackout curtain and part it, her naked body flowing like a bit of physical poetry. I listened for the audible signs of her progression… the toilet seat cover coming up and smacking the water tank behind it the whooshing sound of an overdue bladder release and the little soft sigh of her relaxing. There was a brief rattle of the toilet paper roll being pulled and then a moment or two later the inevitable flushing sound. I heard the vanity door under the sink open and some rummaging sounds before another brief pause to be followed by yet another whooshing sound but shorter lived this time. There was more rattling and then another flush. Something was tossed in the wastebasket beside the sink and then water running. Moments later Barb came back through the blackout curtain and she was smiling contentedly as she climbed once more onto my bed and walked on her hands and knees over to me and then lay down next to me throwing her right leg and right arm over me possessively.

“All freshened up?” I asked conversationally.

“Yeah… I figured I might as well get it over with.” She responded as she snuggled her cheek into my right shoulder and idly ran the fingers of her right hand through the sparse hairs on my chest as she made tantalizing little circles around my left nipple.

“So… no round two this afternoon?” I opined with a bit of a silent chuckle.

“Lover if you want to go again I will be happy to join you but I do have to be going soon, I have a few errands to run before I call it a night and I do have to work tomorrow morning.” She said with a sigh.

“I think I’m fine for the time being. You do seem to take a lot out of me… when we are together.” I tilted my head to the right and lightly bonked her forehead.

“Well I’ll take anything you want to give me you know.” She chuckled and teasingly pinched my left nipple playfully. “So you’ll put in your paperwork for vacation tomorrow evening?” She asked.

“Yeah, I’ve already spoken to my supervisor on the phone, there are no conflicts with the schedule so there won’t be a problem. The paperwork is just a formality.” I confirmed.

“So when will your vacation start? What day?” She asked quietly, her mental gears turning, she was in planning mode.

“Technically, it begins Next Sunday night, a week from tonight at 11:00 PM. But as my regular days off this week will be Thursday, Friday and Saturday, I will have a total of ten days off in a row.” I explained.

“Oh that is nice!” Barb said in a happy tone. “So you wouldn’t have a problem leaving say Friday morning?” She asked giving me a hopeful glance with her right hand now resting flat against my chest.

“No problem at all.” I admitted. “Is that when you want to leave?” I asked.

“Maybe, I still need to find out about the reservations in St. Ignace, what with it being a holiday weekend and everyone trying to find a place close to the bridge for the walk… I had asked for Friday night through Wednesday morning making it five nights in all. As of this morning I hadn’t heard back yet but I’m calling again in the morning to double check on things.” She said as she slipped into thought again.

“Five nights? Wow Barb, that will be the longest I’ve been away from home in… well… longer than I can remember. I think I was gone five days once on spring break when I was in school at the University but that was only four nights and one of those we spent sleeping on the beach.” I chuckled.

“Well I don’t think you want to sleep on the beach on Lake Michigan but we can have a picnic if you want. In fact I had kind of planned a day trip that would involve just that… if you want to that is.” Barb offered, her words trailing off in that almost little girl voice that was laced with uncertainty and a little pleading perhaps. I knew that this trip meant a great deal to her and she really really wanted it to be special. So, I wanted it to be really really special for her and anything I could do to make it that way I would be more than happy to do or go along with.

“Barb… babe… You don’t have to worry about me. This is YOUR trip. I’m just along for the ride to keep you company and… well… happy if I can. I would be honored to accompany you to the beach of Lake Michigan for a day trip or any other kind of trip you might have in mind. Just tell me what I can do to help make it special for you.” I said softly as my right hand stroked the back of her head gently, hopefully conveying the sincerity of my words. I felt Barb stiffen slightly beneath my touch and through her body draped over mine. Then I felt a warm wet drop on my right shoulder and realized that Barb had teared up just before I heard her sniff softly. “Hey hey hey… what’s with the waterworks?” I asked a little confused and a lot concerned.

“Oh Jim… I’m just so happy.” She blubbered a little and almost gasped as she inhaled and squeezed me fiercely. “From the very start you have been so kind and understanding, I’m just not used to all that. You make me feel so special and so loved that… sometimes it just…” She sniffed and squeezed again. “Sometimes I just think I’m dreaming and it’s not real that I will wake up and I will find myself back where I was before we met.” I could feel more tears on my shoulder but I just lay there silently and returned her squeezing hugs. My left hand patted the top of her right arm on my chest as I leaned over and softly kissed the top of her head as she burrowed into my shoulder and neck. “Jim… I… I lo… Thank you…” She said finally and the wet sloppy kisses on my neck began finding their way up the side of my face and finally to my lips. Her cheeks were wet from tears of happiness but they still tasted salty on my lips.

“You’re welcome Barb… You’re always welcomed. You don’t know how much you mean to me but I intend to find some way somehow to show you.” I said while looking deep into her dark brown eyes, never wavering. Her smile was all the answer I needed but she still leaned back in for another soul searching lip searing passionate kiss. It was the sound of a slamming door somewhere else in my building that brought us back to the present a few moments later. Barb sighed as she pulled back and lay down beside me looking up at the ceiling but seeing something else far far away. There was a soft smile on her face as she turned her head to face me again.

“I really do have to go lover… Thank you… for just being you.” She sighed and pulled herself into a sitting position and reached for her hair band again. She pulled it out of her hair and set it in her naked lap before running both hands back into her hair and massaging her scalp and fluffing her hair. She scratched and scratched and shook her hands and her head then tossed her head forward to throw all of her long dark red hair over the top to hang in front of her face. Barb then scratched at the base of her head at the top of her neck before running her fingers through her hair combing it out somewhat. She then gathered it all together into a bit of a reverse ponytail and then tossed it back over her head to hang down her back. Reaching for the tortoise shell hair band she raked it back through the hair from her forehead to just above her ears positioning it to keep the hair out of her face once more. I was fascinated with the whole procedure, but then I could sit and watch Barb play with her hair all day.

When Barb was finished with her hair she set her right hand down atop of mine that I had resting on her thigh. “Help me find my clothes… I need to get dressed and get a move on if I’m going to get everything done I need to do before the day is gone.” She said and I turned my hand over and squeezed hers by way of answer. We both clamored off the bed and began retrieving discarded bits of clothing from floor around the bed. I slipped my sweats back on and pulled on a tee-shirt as Barb pulled up her jeans. I handed her bra to her and smiled sadly as she reattached that garment covering up her delectable breasts once more. After holding up her blouse so that she could slip her arms through and then slip it over her head she pulled it down into place and then pulled her hair out of the collar and let it fall down her back. Now dressed except for her shoes that were beside the couch in the other room, Barbra stepped up to me and wrapped her arms around my waist pulling me in tight. I in turn wrapped my arms around her and squeezed gently holding her close and leaning down for the upturned set of soft lips waiting to be kissed. It was a long slow soft kiss just tender and sweet. I let my forehead rest against hers after we separated to breathe again.

“This is always the hardest part of seeing you babe… letting you go and saying goodbye until the next time.” I said softly. I heard her sigh long and slow.

“Damn you Jim! You don’t make leaving any easier when you say stuff like that.” She said with a sad smile and kissed me again then released me to step back and we headed to the living room. Barb toed her feet into her slippers and then picked up her purse and dug her keys out. I watched as I leaned against my door before opening it for her. She paused as she stepped through the open doorway for one more sweet short kiss before waving silently and turning to go down to the main entrance to my building. I watched her until the door swung closed behind her and then I closed my door and walked over to my couch and plopped myself down and reached for the remote for my TV. I idly flipped through the channels not really paying any attention as my mind was wandering. I replayed the events of the day in slow motion. I must have fallen asleep there on the couch as the next thing I knew it was dark both inside and out. The glow from my TV bathed the living room in its bluish light, and my stomach was growling. I looked at my watch and saw that it was going on eleven PM.

I stood up from the couch and was suddenly aware that it wasn’t just my stomach that was demanding attention, so I made my way to the bathroom to relieve some pressure. Washing my hands I looked in the mirror and realized that I was still smiling from earlier in the day. Ah Barb, you’re a marvelous woman. I pulled out some leftovers from our lunch date and heated up enough for a meal in the microwave before grabbing a can of coke and taking my plate to the desk in my bedroom. I fired up my computer and dug in to the leftover salad and grilled chicken while my modem did its electronic dance to connect with Night Friends.




I typed my password and hit enter and waited for the screen to scroll down. I had several messages waiting in my email and before I could even open it up I began receiving messages from others on line who wanted me to join them in the trivia game room. I breezed through most of the email not needing to respond to anything but had to pause when I saw a missive from Todd asking about my plans for next weekend. “Hmmmm… What to tell him.” I wondered aloud thinking that apparently he hadn’t spoken to Barbra or her with him about plans to go to Michigan. I saw that Todd was in the trivia room so I didn’t bother sending an email back to him. Instead I just closed out my email and joined the trivia room.

Todd: “Fro!! How’s it hangin’ pard?”

Frodov: “Oh a little to the left but I’m not complaining.” I responded.

Todd: “So you had a little bird this afternoon did ya?” He sent with a grin action.

Frodov: “Yeah, I cooked some chicken on the grill earlier for lunch… for a friend of mine and myself.” I responded not giving any names.

Todd: “Oh okay pard, I know you don’t like to talk about things like that, good on you man. But that friend wouldn’t happen to have long red hair would she?” He pressed still digging for a little information.

Frodov: “Well that still might be too much information my friend, I mean… what if that friend was a guy?” I responded with a wink action still teasing the eavesdroppers a bit. I knew full well that Todd knew that Barb had been here today for lunch… and more… but the others in the Trivia room didn’t know that and I intended to keep it that way unless Barbra told them. Sometimes I think that Todd just got a kick out of testing me and playing with those other nosy busybodies. I chuckled to myself as I reached for my can of coke to wash down that last bight of reheated garlic bread.

Todd sent a private message telling me that he was sorry for yanking my chain publicly and that he was glad that I was still conscientious about keeping my friends private business private. I told him that it was cool and I understood. I too play with the overly curious once in a while. I asked him if he’d seen Barbra online this evening. He said no he hadn’t and asked if there was something wrong. I smiled and told him no, I was just curious. She had said she had some errands to run and stuff to get finished before the day was over. My guess was that she was in bed sleeping already. Todd said that that probably wasn’t a bad idea for him as well since it was pushing midnight by this point and he had to get up with the kiddos in the morning to get them off to school before Anne got home from work. I told him goodnight and to give Anne a kiss for me in the morning. Then I told him that I might just do that myself this evening as I’d be up till late or possibly even till morning myself. I might just take a drive over to Danny’s and see his girl at work. My left over chicken probably wasn’t going to hold me through the night. Maybe some bacon and eggs would hit the spot later on. He said he’d tell her to look for me then and he signed off leaving the board.

I stayed and played trivia for about another hour hoping I might see Angelica or another couple of my closer friends from online. Unfortunately they all must have had other things to do tonight and I got bored with trivia after a while and I too signed off. I pulled up the file that Barbra had typed my story into this afternoon and read it again from the top as if I were a new reader. I thought about how someone or perhaps many people would someday read it and get invested in the story and anticipate some steamy sexy action only to be left hanging when the story suddenly ends before the hot stuff started up. I smiled to myself as I closed the file and shut down my computer. I picked up my notebook and a pen and opened to a blank page and leaned back in my office chair and put my feet up on the edge of my desk. I had the notebook in my lap and my elbows on the armrests as I idly twirled the pen in my right hand as I stared vacantly off into space somewhere far beyond the dull off white painted ceiling. What to write about… what indeed?

My last story, the one Barbra typed into my computer earlier was a tease, pure and simple. I thought it was hilarious but I knew that it would not qualify as the “adult” story that I was challenged to write. At least two of my friends on Night Friends had challenged me to write something quite a bit racier than my simple “Pet Story”… they wanted adult content… they wanted SEX. Honestly I had thought it was a joke because I had been making fun of some of the stories that are available online for “adults” to read. Oh sure, they have sex in them but that’s about all there is too. No story, No plot, No character depth at all… just explicitly described sex acts and even that was crass and vulgar… and frankly, tasteless in my opinion. So the challenge was put to me. To write something better and still be sexy. Hmmmm… What to write?

I finally decided that it would be a work of fiction but based on some of my own personal experiences. A little kink worked in to spice it up a bit perhaps. I drew on a memory of an exercise with a very important teacher from my past, and a vivacious woman that I had had the good fortune to know intimately a few times not quite so long ago. In my mind I sketched out a fictional evening after a stuffy formal event that she and I (the characters) had to attend but were glad to be home afterwards. Drinks in front of the fireplace… A common theme, perhaps… but with a twist. The introduction of blindfolds to enhance the nuances of the sensations of touch, and smell and hearing, and even taste… Yes, that would work nicely I thought. I put my feet on the floor and set my notebook on the desktop and began writing.

Sometime later I set my pen down and leaned back once again as I pondered the steamy interlude I was depicting in my story but I was having trouble concentrating due to the noisy rumbling of my stomach. I realized that it was getting into the wee hours of the night… or perhaps the morning depending on how you look at it and I was indeed hungry. I also became acutely aware that I needed to empty my bladder as well. Tossing my pen on the desk I got up and made my way to the bathroom and answered the call of nature and then washed my hands and looked at myself in the mirror. A little scruffy maybe but not too bad yet I thought. I brushed my teeth and put on some deodorant and then returned to my bedroom to put some clothes on, other than my tee-shirt and sweats. A pair of jeans and a sweatshirt sufficed as I slipped on my tennis shoes and grabbed my wallet from my desk. I paused for a moment and then decided to take my notebook and pen with me as well. I grabbed my keys on the way through the dining area off the table and then I was out the door.

I drove to Danny’s restaurant where Anne was working the night shift. As usual there were a smattering of late night or early morning patrons scattered around the dining room. I waved away the hostess on duty when she recognized me and smiled, I indicated that I was going to sit at the counter tonight. I had just slid onto the stool and set down my notebook when Anne appeared around the corner from the office carrying a ledger of some sort. She happened to look up and notice me and then she broke into a dazzling smile that made her eyes crinkle a little at the corners.

“Hey stranger.” She said by way of greeting as she stopped on the other side of the counter from me.

“Hello gorgeous.” I replied with a sheepish smile about the same time my stomach growled loudly enough to be heard by anyone close to me. I blushed a bit and held my hands up as if to silently say “What can I say?” Anne grinned at me and said she’d be back in a moment. She waved over one of the waitresses and showed her something on the ledger she was carrying and asked her about it. Then nodded and made a note. Closing the ledger she said something quietly to the girl who nodded and came over to me as Anne went back around the corner to the office I suspect.

“Hi there! What can I get you tonight?” The girl asked as she idly wiped the counter in front of me with a clean towel. I smiled at her and almost bit my tongue to keep from saying the first words that popped into my head.

“Honestly my first thoughts were to ask for your name and phone number but I see your name on your tag… and I really don’t know you well enough to presume to ask for your number so I guess I’ll just start with a coke. I’m going to order something to eat in a minute or two maybe. Is the fried chicken cooked to order or is it under a heat lamp back in the kitchen?” I asked in a stage whisper. Lena, the name on her tag anyway, looked side to side in a conspiratorial manner and leaned across the counter to stage whisper back.

“It’s partially cooked then kept in the fridge until someone orders it then we drop it in the deep fryer to finish cooking it.” She smiled and giggled and gave me a wink. Seeing my notebook and pen on the counter she reached over and opened the cover and wrote a phone number down and then closed it back up and gave me another wink and turned and busied herself filling a glass with ice and coke for me. About that time Anne came back around the corner and then went around the counter to my side and found the stool next to me.

“So what brings you out on a night off… besides getting phone numbers from my waitresses?” Anne asked with a sly grin on her face as she half turned on her stool to face me putting her left elbow on the counter and draping her hand and forearm off the edge to be grasped by her right hand. I half turned to face her with my right elbow on the counter with my forearm and hand hanging off the edge but I kept my left hand lying on my thigh.

“Two reasons… and getting a phone number wasn’t one of them… that was just a bonus.” I grinned. “I was bored playing trivia and didn’t feel like sleeping on the couch if I tried to watch something on cable TV… and I was hungry. I knew you were working tonight so I thought why not come have a visit and get fed at the same time?” I said and shrugged while smiling shyly.

“Well speaking of phone numbers…” Anne looked over her shoulder to see where Lena was. “You might want to hold off on pursuing that one, she might be fun but she has an extremely jealous boyfriend. I had to call the cops on him for making trouble for a customer last week.” Anne said and rolled her eyes and shook her head.

“Point taken… and thanks. I don’t need any kind of trouble with anyone.” I said with a shrug. I watched as Anne’s eyes noticed the notebook and pen on the counter by my elbow and she looked at me with one raised eyebrow. “Oh… I’ve been writing a little bit. I wrote a short story last night and Barb typed it all into my computer this afternoon for me.” I smiled with a slightly wistful look that got a low throaty chuckle from Anne.

“She typed it in for you huh? Is that all she did?” Anne asked with a knowing leer.

“Well I did cook lunch for us both, and we talked about our trip to Michigan next week.”

“Uh huh… well I guess you’re still true to your word about not kissing and telling… even if it’s written all over your face.” Anne said with another chuckle punctuating her statement. About that time Lena came breezing up to the other side of the counter with her little notepad and pencil out.

“Do you know what you want to eat yet?” She asked.

“I think I’ll try the fried chicken dinner.” I replied.

“And your sides? Mashed potatoes or fries?” She asked.

“Mashed potatoes.” I responded.

“Salad or steamed vegetables?” She smiled sweetly waiting for my answer.

“Let’s have the steamed veggies.” I offered.

“Biscuit or roll?” She queried.

“Biscuit… and could I get a small side of white gravy too?” I asked.

“Sure, no problem. I’ll get that started and get you a refill on you coke… back in a sec.” Lena said with a coquettish smile and sashayed off to put my order in with the cooks in the back.

“Oh yeah… she’s on the make tonight… watch yourself Jim.” Anne said in a low voice that sounded more amused than upset.

“Nothing wrong with a little flirting but I think that’s as far as I’d go with her anyway, I really don’t get any kind of vibes from her.” I said with a half smile towards Anne and shrugged my shoulders.

“So tell me about this story you wrote.” Anne said changing the subject. I shrugged again and turned and picked up my notebook and opened it up to the first page of “Pet Story” and handed it to her.

“This is it?” she asked.

“Well it is a short story.” I chuckled. “You could probably read it in all of about fifteen minutes… well if you can read my handwriting that is.” I admitted a little self conscious of my utilitarian looking penmanship.

“I can read it fine… Can I take this in the office and read it? I need to look like I’m busy even if I’m taking a few minutes for myself.” Anne said with a smirk.

“Sure, I’ll be eating in a few minutes anyway.” I said with a smile, knowing that Anne would get into the story before the rather teasing end.

“Okay, I’ll be back in a little bit.” Anne said as she got up and walked to the end of the counter and went around and into the office around the corner.

Lena came back with a refill of my coke and was about to launch into some small talk but then another customer came in and she had to go attend to them. Just as well I thought, Anne wouldn’t steer me wrong with her suggestion to avoid anything serious with a potential trouble maker. I thought it was a little bit of a shame though as Lena was kind of cute. Standing about five foot six inches tall, not exactly slender but by no means fat. She had a nice curvy waistline and a nice bubble butt that just kind of rocked and rolled as she strolled along. I thought she might have been a little lacking in the breast department but I knew from experience that the size of a girl’s breast was not a deal breaker by any means. Lena did have a cute round face that was framed by a head full of straight dark brown hair cut to look almost like a ball with a straight line for her bangs just above her eyebrows. Natural eyebrows I might mention, not like a lot of girls who pluck theirs out then draw them back in where they think they should be. I never understood that. But Lena’s were natural and they rode above some very bright blue, almost icy blue eyes. Her little bump of a nose, so cute, perched just above some very pouty and promising lips that she had highlighted in a bubblegum pink gloss. Yeah… it was a shame that she invited trouble by way of a jealous boyfriend. Maybe I shouldn’t fault the guy though, he might know something about the girl that I don’t. Oh well… There are plenty of other girls out there guy, I’ll leave yours alone.

In a few minutes Lena came back around with my dinner. She asked if I would like another refill and I told her that I’d just like a glass of water if it wouldn’t be too much trouble. She smiled and sashayed off to get it for me. I just shook my head and smiled and dug in to my fried chicken. It really was good, even if I was simply very hungry to start with. I dipped my biscuit into the side of gravy and tested the taste. Excellent! I spooned some gravy onto the mashed potatoes and all too soon those and my mixed steamed veggies were but memories. I was just nibbling the last remnants of meat off of my drumstick when Anne came around the corner from the office with a very wry grin on her face carrying my notebook. I looked at her with one eyebrow raised in silent asking of what she thought of the story. When she was standing across the counter from me she took my notebook and swatted me on top of the head with a glancing blow.

“Damn you Jim!” She said but couldn’t hide the smile on her face. “I thought I was going to get into that story and then you just STOPPED!” She said as she tossed the notebook back onto the counter beside my now empty dinner plate. I looked up at her and just grinned knowingly.

“But did you like it?” I teased still grinning.

“It started off great but like you said it was just a tease. I started reading the other story in there and it’s hot! I want to read the rest of it when you’re done with it. It made me think of staying over at your place, not being able to see anything because it was so dark. It does kind of make it kinky doesn’t it?” Anne said with a smile and a faraway look in her eyes as she recalled our one and only little adventure during a big snowstorm not too long ago.

“I kind of thought it was the company that made it so hot and exciting, but if the dark works for you I’ll remember that too.” I said smiling at her and winked.

“So tell me about this trip to Michigan you mentioned.” Anne said softly as she put her elbows on the counter and interlocked her fingers and rested her chin on her hands as if waiting for a story to begin. I knew she was fishing for information and while I would share some information I would still censor myself because that’s just what I do, I keep private stuff private.

“Well I got asked to accompany a friend up to Michigan to walk the Mackinac Bridge on Labor Day.” I told her knowing that I was going to have to come forth with more than that but I was in no hurry to tell everything.

“That would be Barbra, right?” Anne said with a knowing smile, reminding me that women talk… a truth that has reasserted itself time and time again in my life. I could only smile and shrug then proceeded to tell Anne what Barbra had told me before asking me to accompany her. I retold how she had watched the bridge being built as a child then wanting to walk the bridge for so many years and not being able to. Lastly I related how she had planned to walk it last year but then discovered her soon to be ex had been cheating on her and that pretty much ruined the whole idea of a vacation. Anne just rolled her eyes and commented.

“Men can be such assholes…” She said derisively, and then amended the statement by smiling at me and adding. “Well, some men can anyway.” I merely shrugged and nodded my head.

“Most men or even ALL men at some point or another would be closer to the truth. Even me, I’m no angel, I’ll admit it. I do try to be better than that though.

“Well from my experience at least you are a cut above the rest and to that I will testify.” She added smiling sweetly as she stood up and busied herself with collecting my plate and empty glasses. She told me she would be right back, before she went around the corner and into the kitchen. Lena breezed by and wiped the counter in front of me giving me that cute little smile of hers but sensed that there was something between Anne and I so she was behaving herself, for the time being anyway. She did tap my notebook and then gave me that universal sign language hand signal to “call me”. Then smiled and sashayed down the counter and around the corner. Yeah. I watched her swish and sway in that oh so exaggerated feminine way. No sooner than Lena had gone around the corner then Anne came around from the other direction back towards me and she had a small plate with a piece of hot fudge cake and some ice cream on top of it. Oh my! And a long stemmed cherry on top of that. I couldn’t help but to smile. I might just have to give her a little something to think about.

“Do you have room for desert?” Anne asked as she set the plate down in front of me.

“For food… or for you?” I asked with a straight face but a twinkle in my eye. Anne looked around the restaurant to see if anyone was within earshot as she kind of squirmed, shifting her weight from one hip to the other before looking me dead in the eye and whispering softly.

“I would much rather it be me, but this will have to do for now. Sometime soon though…” She said with a wink. I smiled and held up the cherry by its long stem making sure Anne got a look at it before I popped it into my mouth but never losing eye contact with her. I quickly chewed the cherry off and swallowed it before tying the stem into a knot and sticking my tongue out for her to see it. Anne let one eyebrow ride up and squinted her eyes just a little. I held up my right hand with the “wait a second” signal before pulling my tongue back in and tying a second knot in the stem and sticking my tongue out to show her. Now both eyebrows went up and she turned her head ever so slightly and looked at me out of the corners of her eyes with a tight little smile on her face. Again I held my hand up and pulled the stem back in… it took a little longer this time but I did manage to tie a third knot in it but it was so close to the other two that it really looked, and felt like one big knot. I stuck my tongue out again and plucked the stem between my thumb and index finger to hold it up for examination. I winked and smiled at Anne. Anne shifted from one hip to the other again and I heard her moan almost silently as she grimaced before smiling at me and mouthing the word “tease.” She walked away to tend to some other customers as I dug into the hot fudge cake knowing I had just made a promise that I fully intended to make good on when the next opportunity presented itself. And Anne knew I would make good on it too.

It seemed that the early morning crowd was starting to filter in and Danny’s was getting busy. I didn’t want to distract Anne anymore than I already had and it was after all getting close to when I would normally be getting home from work and therefore bedtime. I had Lena ring up my ticket and paid up. Anne had made the hot fudge cake a freebie so that was cool. I gave her a hug on my way out as she was between tables. She told me to be careful on my trip with Barbra but to have fun. She’d talk to me again soon.

At home again, I changed into my usual sleep attire, a pair of sweat pants and a tee shirt. I used the bathroom and brushed my teeth and decided to just all it a night and go to bed a little earlier than usual. I figured I could use the sleep. I set my alarm for three in the afternoon just in case I slept late then turned off the bedside lamp and I think I was asleep before my head even hit my pillow. And I dreamed… Oh boy did I dream! Cherry stems, pony tails, flashing bright eyes of blue, brown and green… wait… green? Who do I know that has green eyes? There was a face that I did not recognize, bright green eyes, bright ruby lips, long ebony hair and freckles on a cute little button nose with a quirky little smile with a slight gap in her front teeth. Who was that? I don’t know anyone like that. Ah dreams… the mysteries and wonder of them will always fascinate me.

The next three days seem to drag by in slow motion from the time I woke up and to get ready for work till the time I got home from work and started to unwind and relax only to go to bed and repeat the cycle again… and again… and again. By Thursday morning I was quite literally dragging my butt through the door to my apartment and so very glad to be home and done for the week. I had to smile when I realized that it was actually the beginning of my vacation as well. While my vacation didn’t technically begin until Sunday evening but as far as I was concerned it started NOW. I kicked off my steel toed boots and made my way into my kitchen to see what was still edible in the fridge. Standing there with the door open surveying the carnage of left over pizza and take out boxes I didn’t see anything particularly appetizing so I just grabbed a can of coke and closed the door reached for a jar of peanut butter and some crackers from the cabinet. As I was reaching for a knife to spread the peanut butter with the phone on the wall began to ring.

“Hello.” I said picking up the receiver and placing it in the crook of my shoulder and holding it with my head as I began putting peanut butter on some crackers.

“FRO! How’s it hangin’ man?” I heard Todd’s Virginia drawl on the other end of the line.

“Good morning to you too Hoss.” I replied.

“So Anne tells me you are turning into a writer… when you gonna share some stuff dude?” He said plaintively. I knew that he gets bored playing trade wars and trivia so often online especially when there are few to no people online at the same time.

“Well it’s nothing new really, I’ve been writing on and off to amuse myself for years but nothing serious.” I said with a shrug and felt silly knowing that Todd couldn’t see the shrug.

“Anne said she liked what little she read the night you stopped in for dinner. But she wouldn’t go into detail. She said I’d have to read it myself. So… when can I see something?” He asked.

“Well the story that Anne read is in the computer so I can send you a copy of that one here in a few minutes but the other story is barely even started. I’ve been working the past three nights and I’ve not written any more of it yet.” I said as I screwed the top back on the jar of peanut butter and put it back in the cabinet. I put the dirty knife in the sink and took a sip of my coke.

“Okay cool. Anne also said that you were going on a little trip this coming week.

“Yeah, Barbra asked me to go with her to Michigan to walk the Mackinac Bridge on Labor Day. I told her I would.” I explained. I gave him the short story of why she wanted to walk the bridge and about the previous year’s canceled trip.

“You’re a good friend bud. Ah hope you two have a good time while y’all gone.” Todd said. “Maybe it’ll be something to write about someday.” He added with a soft chuckle.

“Well I don’t know about that, but I’m sure it’ll be a trip to remember anyway. I mean, I’ll be with Barb right?” I asked.

“Oh I’m sure it’ll be memorable no matter what happens.” Todd added with another chuckle.

“Well my friend I’m going to get off this phone and take a quick shower before I lay down to sleep a while. I’ll send that story to you in an email before I go to bed though. Let me know what you think about it. I’ll be online later.” I told him while stifling a yawn.

“Okay bud… I’ll catchya later.” Todd said and broke the connection. I hung up the phone and decided to send the email now while I ate my improvised meal of peanut butter crackers and a can of coke. I put my crackers in a paper towel and carried them to the desk in my bedroom and fired up my computer. I was pulling up the file on the computer while my modem made the connection to Night Friends.




I typed my password and hit enter and waited for the screen to scroll down. I ***********ed the email and opened up the message program. I entered Todd’s information and attached the file before sending it. I checked for messages for me then read and in some cases answered them. I was just logging off when I saw Angelica had logged on to the board. I sent her a private message saying hello sunshine.

Angelica: “Good morning to you too stranger.” She sent with a wave action.

Frodov: “Hi babe… just getting in too?” I asked.

Angelica: “Yeah, another long boring night.” She lamented.

Frodov: “Nobody online last night to harass?” I sent with a giggle action.

Angelica: “Harass? Who? Me? Asshole!” She sent back and I had to laugh.

Frodov: “Well if the shoe fits…” I teased.

Angelica: “I was soooo bored! And no, there was nobody on line last night to keep me company.”

Frodov: “You need to do something else to distract yourself when you get bored like that.” I said.

Angelica: “Like what? Needlepoint, crocheting maybe?” she asked in a huff.

Frodov: “Well maybe not that extreme but something, you could work some puzzles or draw… or maybe write a story.” I suggested and thought about my own story that I had just emailed to Todd. I told her to hang on a second and dropped out of the chat room and went back to the email server. I quickly entered in Angelica’s contact information and attached the Pet Story file and sent it on its way to her. I then went back to the chat room.

Frodov: “When you get a chance, read this story I just sent you. Let me know what you think.” I told her.

Angelica: “What is it?” She asked

Frodov: “Just something I wrote the other night…” I told her but didn’t elaborate any further.

Angelica: “Okay, maybe this afternoon when I get back up. I’m going to bed now… alone…” She told me and added that little tease knowing that it would make me think about her. I smiled remembering calling her bluff before and spending some very wonderful time with her one morning.

Frodov: “Yeah… alone here too, but probably just as well, I’m worn out. But I’m off for the next nine days… uh… well… nights… oh hell, you know what I mean.” I sent.

Angelica: “Nice! You on vacation?” She asked leaving an unspoken suggestion hanging out there.

Frodov: “Yeah, but I won’t be in town for most of it. I promised a friend I’d go with them on a trip.” I told her but knowing that I was going to have to elaborate a little more.

Angelica: “A friend? Hmmmm would this friend happen to be female?” She asked coyly.

Frodov: “Maybe… but be nice, you know I don’t talk about my friends.” I teased her a little more.

Angelica: “ARRRGGHHH! You’re such a tease!” she cried… well… typed anyway.

Frodov: “Oh Hush, you know I’d tell you eventually besides, there are other people that know about it, but only a *********** few… who are discrete…” I added implying that I thought she was trustworthy enough for that information if she was patient.

Angelica: “And your point?” she asked sending a raised eyebrow action.

Frodov: “Sometimes I think you just try to get under my skin a little… maybe you need to be spanked or something.” I said facetiously.

Angelica: “Yeah yeah promises promises.” She sent with a giggle action.

Frodov: “Oh you know I would… spank you that is. Even if I had to kiss it and make it all better after words.” I sent with a wink action.

Angelica: “There you go teasing again.” She said with a pout action.

Frodov: “One of these days girl… Seriously though, yeah I was asked to go to Michigan to walk the Mackinac Bridge on Labor Day.” I told her.

Angelica: “Walk a bridge? I don’t get it. What’s that all about?” She asked.

Frodov: “Beats me too but I guess it means a lot to her, so…” I admitted before I caught myself.

Angelica: “…’Her’…?” She sent with another raised eyebrow action.

Angelica: “I knew it! It is a woman!” She sent with a smile action.

Frodov: “As a matter of fact yes, but I would have told you that anyway so don’t act so smug.” I sent with a grin action.

Angelica: “So when are you going up? I mean Labor Day is Monday you know.” She asked.

Frodov: “We’ll be leaving sometime this weekend, I’ve not heard from her in a couple of days between her working and my working. I suspect I’ll talk to her this afternoon when I get back up.” I typed in and yawned again.

Angelica: “Yeah, I need to get my butt to bed too, I have to work again tonight.” She sent with another pout function.

Frodov: “Sucks to be you… having to work again tonight that is… Probably a good thing that your butt is alone though, or you might not get much rest… if you know what I mean.” I sent knowing it would get a smile from her.

Angelica: “God! You’re a tease!” She lamented and sent a laugh action.

Frodov: “Good night girl. I’m going to bed now too.” I sent with a smile action. We both signed off and I powered down my computer and drained the last of my coke from the can. Standing up I decided to wait until later to shower as I could hardly keep my eyes open. I peeled off my shirt and jeans and pulled on a pair of sweats before crawling onto my bed and crashing. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow I think.

There are two things that are pretty much a given in my life, or at least at this particular point in my life anyway. One, my stomach, when feeling empty or neglected will wake me up of a morning or rather after I’ve slept sufficiently that is. And Two, it is almost inevitable that I will awake with part of my anatomy already awake and raring to go… morning wood in other words. That regularly and aggravatingly complicates simple matters like relieving one’s rather full and demanding bladder of a morning. Groaning I rolled out of bed and stumbled my way through my blackout curtain and turned right to go into my bathroom. Looking down at my still tented sweatpants I turned on the cold water tap in the sink and splashed cold water onto my face waking myself up a little and diverting some otherwise impeding blood flow. By the time I had dried my hands and face and then brushed my teeth, morning wood was but a memory. Thankfully I dropped my sweats and emptied my bladder… then on second thought I turned and sat down to empty other things as well. Again I washed my hands and then finally stumbled on to the kitchen feeling a little lighter but still far too empty.

Opening my fridge I surveyed the barren wasteland within, and remembered that I hadn’t gone to the grocery this week as I had planned on being gone for a week with Barbra. This thought brought a smile to my face as I wondered what she was doing at this very moment. Turning to look at the clock on my microwave I realized that she would have been off work and possibly at home by now. My stomach growled again and I reached for a can of coke, a butter knife from my silverware drawer and finally the crackers and jar of peanut butter from my cupboard. I carried it all back into my bedroom and to my desk. Sitting down I fired up my computer and set my modem to dialing up Night Friends as I opened the jar of peanut butter and grabbed a cracker. I had just stuffed the first cracker into my mouth as the logon prompt scrolled down my screen.




I typed my password and hit enter and waited for the screen to scroll down. I had several messages waiting in my email. I clicked down into email and opened them up one at a time and read them. The first few were from regulars online inviting me to join them at various times to play trivia. There was one from Todd that blasted me for the story I sent him this morning, Pet Story. He had pretty much the same reaction that everyone who has read it already has had. Disappointment in that I got everyone all worked up and then ended the story before anything happened. I laughed out loud and closed the message. The next email was from Barbra, she told me that she would call me this evening around eight and to try to not be online at that time. I looked at my clock on my headboard and noted it was only four thirty. I wondered if I had time to get dressed and go grab a bite to eat down the street at Frische’s, as I looked at my rather stale tasting cracker with peanut butter smeared on it. My growling stomach pretty much settled that debate for me. I screwed the cap back on my peanut butter jar and pulled up a list of who was currently online at Night Friends. After seeing no one that I wanted to talk to immediately anyway I went ahead and signed off and powered down my computer.

Forty minutes later I found myself digging into a plate of meatloaf and mashed potatoes with a side of green beans. It wasn’t the best meatloaf I’ve ever had but then I didn’t have to cook it and it wasn’t at all bad, if just somewhat mediocre. I soon had my plate cleaned and had decided to go to the grocery while I was out to get some pantry staples, like crackers to replace the stale ones I had at home. Some drinks to keep in the fridge and maybe some freezer foods that I could microwave in a pinch if I didn’t feel like cooking. I hadn’t planned on getting any fresh foods like produce or meats as I reminded myself I wouldn’t be home next week to consume them anyway. Of course that had me thinking about Barbra and wondering what kind of plans she had in store for us on this trip. I could imagine some things of course and I smiled knowingly, but the details of the few things that she “wanted to see” were vague at best. I figured I would just roll with the flow, it was after all a trip for her and I wanted her to be happy. I paid my bill and headed to the grocery store.

The phone was ringing as I came through my apartment door later with an armful of bags. I set them down on the dining table and grabbed the phone from the wall.

“Hello…” I said a little breathlessly.

“Well hi there!” I heard Barbra’s happy voice through the earpiece.

“Hello there Beautiful… hang on a second.” I said and set the phone down on the counter to go and close my apartment door. I grabbed my bags on the way back and set them on the counter too before picking the pone back up. “I’m back… I had to close my door. I’m just getting back from the grocery store.” I said a little awkwardly as I had the phone cradled between my ear and my shoulder as I started putting stuff away from the bags.

“I figured you might have gone out for something. I tried to call a little while ago and there was no answer.” Barb confided but didn’t seem put off about her wait.

“Yeah, I woke up hungry and I didn’t have anything in the cupboards but some peanut butter and some stale crackers, so I went down the street to Frische’s for my breakfast. Then I went to the grocery store to stock up on some stuff like crackers and freezer foods.” I told her.

“I’ve been dreaming about some smoked whitefish with cheese and wine…” Barbra said wistfully.

“I’ve never had smoked whitefish. Is it anything like smoked salmon?” I asked as I put the last of my groceries in the freezer and closed the door. I leaned back against the counter and crossed my legs at my ankles and took the phone from my shoulder with my left hand and rotated my head and neck to loosen the tension.

“No, no, no, nooooo… it is sooooo much better. Especially with white cheddar cheese and some stone ground crackers or even some dark rye bread. My dad used to put brown mustard on the bread and make a sandwich out of it but I always thought the mustard was too strong.” Barb said enthusiastically, ending a little sadly when speaking about her father.

“Well I’ll have to make sure you get some smoked whitefish while we are up there next week.” I offered knowing that she already had plans just by her mentioning it. I could almost hear her smiling on the other end of the phone line.

“About next week… How would you feel about leaving Saturday morning?” Barbra asked sounding a little hesitant or uncertain.

“Barb… babe… I’m all yours until Sunday of next week my vacation officially starts Sunday at seven o’clock in the evening this weekend, and ends next Sunday evening at seven o’clock in the evening. My crew rotation when I get back is Saturday night, Sunday night and Monday night. So, Sunday at seven PM I need to report to work.” I chuckled a bit knowing that my schedule, mostly because it was a night shift, was hard to follow for most people. “Are you confused yet?” I asked.

“No, I think I got it… So you are all mine from Saturday to Saturday?” She all but purred into the phone, I could envision her smiling as thoughts raced through her head.

“How should I pack, I mean clothes wise?” I asked her.

“Well it’s still summer but it’s a little cooler in the UP than it is here Just jeans and tee shirts, maybe a sweatshirt of a light jacket for the evenings. And bring your bathing suit.” She added.

“Bathing suit? You mean we’re not going to go skinny dipping?” I teased a little.

“Well… I’m not ruling that out completely but we’ll have to wait and see. The hotel has a heated indoor pool and I figured we’d take a dip or two while we were there.” Barb said somewhat absent mindedly obviously considering the skinny dipping yet again. Oh the seeds of suggestion must be tenderly cared for.

“What time do you want to leave then?” I asked as she pondered the sprout from my seed of suggestion.

“I have to pick up the rental car Saturday morning when they open at eight. I could get it Friday after work but that would just tack on another day’s rental and that just seemed silly to me to have it sitting in my driveway overnight. So probably around eight thirty or close to nine in the morning. I’ll drive straight to your place after I leave the rental office. They are picking me up so I won’t have to worry about moving my own car.” She said, warming back up to the excitement of the trip.

“I can be ready by then, maybe stop somewhere on our way for breakfast or an early lunch then.” I replied. “Are you working the full day tomorrow?” I asked.

“Yeah, I thought about taking off early but I’ve already got everything arranged and I’m all packed. My son is going to come by the house and feed and water my dogs while I’m gone so I’m all set.” Barb spoke… I could almost hear her vibrating through the phone line. “Oh Jim! I’m so excited. You don’t have any idea how happy I am right now! I can’t wait till Saturday morning!” She gushed finally. I had to smile again.

“Are you going to be able to sleep tonight?” I teased her, I couldn’t help myself.

“Oh stop!” Barb exclaimed and chuckled into the phone on her end. “I can’t help it… I can’t wait!” She added a little more softly. I told her that I would try to adjust my sleeping schedule so that I’d be more awake during the day time hours while we were away. I would not stay up too late tonight or tomorrow night. Barbra asked me what I was going to be doing tonight and tomorrow night and I told her that I really didn’t have any plans. I had thought about running up to the farm to see my folks Friday for a little while and to let them know I was going away for a week. Other than that I figured I’d just hang around my apartment and do some more writing maybe. Barb thought that sounded good and she wanted to read whatever I wrote when I was finished with it, but she chided me to please not make it a tease like the last story. I laughed a little bit but promised her I would not tease anymore… well… not much anyway with my stories. We chatted about this and that and pretty much nothing for a little while but then Barb said she had to go get ready for bed since she was going to be working tomorrow. I wished her a good night and told her that I sent a kiss and a hug along with the wishes for sweet dreams. She all but purred into the phone. After I hung up my phone I checked the clock on the microwave for the time. It was going on nine thirty and I was wide awake.

Deciding on trying to go to bed around midnight if not earlier I determined that I needed to avoid caffeine or anything sugary. Instead I pulled a package of microwave popcorn and fixed me a big glass of ice water. When the popcorn was finished I took my plunder to the bedroom and to my desk. I powered up my computer and settled in while it warmed up and my modem connected to Night Friends. I leaned over and popped a cassette out of my trusty old boom box and flipped it over back to side one and reinserted it in the machine. Pressing play I listened to the brief static before that all too familiar stringy guitar began strumming the intro to Take it Easy by the Eagles. Yeah I was standing on that corner in Winslow Arizona… in my mind… watching that girl my lord, in that flat bed Ford, slowin down to take a look at me… Opening my eyes again I saw that the logon screen for Night Friends had scrolled down my screen and the cursor was sitting there blinking patiently waiting on my input.




I typed my password and hit enter and waited for the screen to scroll down. Only one email message waiting. Just a friend asking if I’d join them to play trivia Friday evening, “maybe” I thought. I joined the trivia room with a game in progress. After saying hello to everyone and playing a few rounds I found myself getting bored and my mind wandering to the story I started last weekend. I made my goodbyes online and then disconnected. I pulled over my notebook and opened to the page where I had left off writing. I turned a couple of pages back to the beginning and re-read what I had written already to refresh my memory. It was a quiet evening at home in front of the fireplace. A man and his woman… married couple? I didn’t elaborate but I might have to, I’ll consider it anyway I thought as I made a note in the margin. Well dressed, as if coming from a formal engagement, a dinner perhaps. Oh yeah, I have to mention the red hair, I’m a sucker for red heads, I always have been I guess. Maybe there was a cocktail or a glass of wine… or both. Yes, a cocktail for him and a glass of wine for her. There was lots of touching and caressing, slow and sensual, even better. Hmmm… a twist maybe… but what? I smiled as I recalled a very special couple of ladies from my past that taught me many wonderful things about life, dealing with others and myself. One lesson, actually there were two but along the same theme just two different sides of the coin so to speak… involved blindfolds. It’s amazing how taking away the sense of sight heightens and enhances the other senses, especially the sense of touch. I smiled as I picked up my pen and began writing.

Two hours and over a dozen pages later, I set my pen down and sat back in my chair and stretched my arms up over my head and arched my back. I rubbed my eyes and then thought to look at the clock by my bed. It was twenty till one in the morning. I guess I kind of got carried away with the writing and lost track of the time. My bladder was telling me that I need to pay attention to something other than the time at present so I got up out of my chair and stretched some more and stifled a huge yawn as I stumbled towards my bathroom. After relieving myself I washed my hands, and then decided to wash my face and brush my teeth after running my tongue around my gums and feeling a popcorn husk here and there. So brush, floss, rinse and spit. A little Listerine goes a long way for dental hygiene. Feeling somewhat fresher now I decided that I would just call it a night and go to bed. I turned off lights as I went from room to room and finally the bedside lamp after I crawled onto my bed. I grabbed a hand full of throw blanket and flipped it over my legs and hips and then promptly fell asleep. And the dreams came.

Maybe it was my recalling the exercises with the blindfolds with my wonderful teachers so many years ago, or my incorporating that into the story I was writing tonight… maybe it was all the experiences leading up to now and the added anticipation of spending some quality time with Barbra in the upcoming week and our trip up North… But I found myself wandering around lost and helpless in many ways, blinded. I had to rely on my senses of smell and hearing and touch to know where I was, or what was going on around me. Not all of it was unpleasant, even if it was frustrating. In one part or segment or whatever I was splashing around in water. Was it a pool, or a lake or something else? I could feel the bottom but couldn’t tell you what it was. The water was a little over chest high causing me to keep my chin up to keep water out of my mouth. I was looking for Barbra, she was laughing and teasing me saying “over here!” and then moving, only to repeat the phrase from another spot. Like playing Marco Polo I guess. However, in this game I was butt naked I could feel the cool water sloshing around my privates. I was under the impression that Barbra was naked as well… even if she were just out of reach and teasing me so. I kept trying though to find her to grab a hold of her and draw her to me… but she remained just out of reach. Instead of finally catching her, sadly, I woke up.

I sat up and swung my legs over the edge of the bed and palmed my eyes with my hands, rubbing them. What a bizarre bunch of little dreams, and what was that with not being able to reach Barbra? I have wondered time and time again about the meaning of dreams, or even sometimes if they really did have any meanings. I mean the mind is an incredibly complex organ and when you combine all the ordinary daily influx of stimulation and add to it matters of the heart you just never know what the result will be. Your subconscious mind takes control when your conscious mind goes to sleep. It takes control and plays back memories, thoughts, emotions, fears and joys and hopes and… well… dreams. It stirs them all up together and tries to sort them out or make connections that the conscious mind simply refuses or is unable to make. To hear someone say of an idea that “It came to me in a dream” is not nearly as farfetched as one might think. And the term “I’ll sleep on it” takes on a whole new significance. Still though, making sense of a dream or dreams is perplexing at best and as much or more a matter of interpretation than anything reliable or close to a science. Puzzling, indeed.

Prodded by my bladder I made my way to the bathroom and once more had to redirect some blood flow before being able to relieve the pressure that woke me in the first place. Washing my face and brushing my teeth did the trick. After a quick shake and then washing my hands again I headed the next most urgent bodily message, my stomach was empty and grumbling about it. To the kitchen sir! I saw the clock on the microwave and was a little surprised that I was actually up at this hour, without an alarm in fact. Eight in the morning, wow! Normally I would just be getting home from work or maybe a little before eight anyway. Hmmm… That means Barbra was at work by now. I smiled knowing that she’d be on pins and needles all day thinking about her big trip and our leaving tomorrow morning. And my stomach growled again. What do we have in the fridge, not much. I didn’t get any fresh foods last night when I did my grocery shopping as I recalled. But I did get some freezer foods and pantry staples. How about some oatmeal? I could probably do with a little fiber anyway. So I set out the canister of oats, and pulled out my medium sauce pan and lid and measured the water and added a dash of salt and set it on the stove to bring up to a boil.

Later I was returning my empty bowl to the kitchen to rinse it out in the sink when the phone began to ring.

“Hello.” I answered.

“Good morning. I was wondering if you would be up and awake by now.” Barbra purred over the phone line.

“It is unusual, that’s for sure, but I wanted to run up to the farm and see my folks today and let them know I was going out of town this week.” I told her

“I remember you saying something about that. I just wanted to call and tell you that everything is set. I pick up the car in the morning and then I’ll be coming to your house to pick you up.” She said with a wistful lilt in her voice. I could envision her sitting at her desk with the phone held between her ear and her shoulder as she typed away at her computer, a big dreamy smile on her face.

“Is there anything at all that you might want me to do or pick up?” I asked

“Nope, just be ready in the morning.” Barb responded.

“I will be babe. I can’t wait.” I told her.

We made our goodbyes and ended the phone call. I cleaned out my bowl and put it in the dish rack to dry then got dressed to drive to the farm. I stopped by my landlord’s office/apartment and told her that I was going to be out of town for a week. I figured it was best if she knew just in case there was an emergency or something with the building. She asked me if I had stopped my mail from the post office and I had to admit that I hadn’t even thought of that. Thankfully my landlord Judy and I were on very good terms as far as tenants and management go and she kindly offered to check my mailbox a couple of times next week and put anything in my apartment. Now that is above and beyond in my book… I thanked her and as I was leaving I asked her if she liked fudge. She got a dreamy look on her face and admitted that chocolate fudge with walnuts was a weakness of hers and then got a puzzled expression on her face that I would ask. I smiled and told her I would see her when I got back and thanked her again.

It was a pleasant day to be out and about, though it was sunny and hardly a cloud in the sky it was a little breezy and therefore not too terribly hot. The drive to the farm was no shorter than any other day but I guess my mind was elsewhere as I drove so it seemed as if I had no sooner pulled out of my parking lot at the apartments than I was pulling up to my mom and dad’s house. It was a happy homecoming though I did catch a little grief about it being several weeks since my last visit. Everyone caught up on our goings on and I told my folks about my trip to Michigan with a friend. Of course both knew that there had to be a woman involved so the questions kept coming until I at least gave up a name and promised to call and let them know that we had arrived safely, and to call again when we got home of course. I headed home later that afternoon.

I stopped on my way home and got a chicken dinner from the Colonel. I sat at my desk and ate as my computer came to life and my modem made the connection to Night Friends.




I typed my password and hit enter and waited for the screen to scroll down. I checked my email messages and responded to a few of them. Then I went to the Trivia game and settled in to play and chat for a while. There were a few regulars but mostly friends that I didn’t see very often due to my working nights and sleeping days. We all caught up a little bit and played a little bit. More often than not the game itself was inconsequential, it was just an excuse to socialize with friends really. An hour or so later I was tiring of playing trivia and the chat was growing less interesting so I was just about to make my goodbyes and log off. That is, until Wildone logged on. I smiled and sat back and waited for Barbra to join the trivia room.

Wildone: “There you are, I might have known that you would be online.” Barbra sent as soon as she entered the trivia room.

Frodov: “Hello to you too beautiful.” I sent with a smile action. A couple of the other players, girls, ‘aww’d’ appreciatively. I had to chuckle to myself wondering what they would have thought if they knew how well Barb and I knew one another.

Wildone: “I tried to call you several times but your phone is busy so I got online to check here.” Barb sent… I sensed a little bit of ire perhaps and sent her a private message.

Frodov: (whispered) “Do you want me to log off and then call me?” I asked.

Wildone: (whispered) “Yes please.” She replied. She said hello to a couple of the other players and then said goodbye. As she was logging off I made my goodbyes as well and logged off soon after.

I leaned back in my desk chair and rubbed my eyes then stood up and gathered up the remnants of my dinner and took it to the kitchen to put in a trash bag that I would take out to the dumpster in the morning. As I entered the kitchen my phone began to ring. I smiled and reached for it.

“Hello Beautiful.” I said by way of greeting.

“Fro! I didn’t know ya even cared! Ya makin’ me blush! Stop it!” I heard Todd chuckling on the other end of the phone. I hung my head and shook it in disbelief wondering for the thousandth time perhaps how Todd always managed to catch me when I was trying to talk to Barb or Barb talk to me or a visit or whatever. It’s like he has a sixth sense or something.

“You old goat!” I barked a laugh. “Bud, let me call you back in a few minutes, I’m expecting a call from someone.” I told Todd, knowing that I was going to have to expand my reasoning a bit more before he would disconnect though.

“Oh really? An’ it wouldn’t happen to be a certain red haired lady friend would it?” He teased.

“As a matter of fact it is… I’ll tell you more later. I gotta go. She’s already rousted me off of Night Friends for the call.” I prompted.

“Oh son… Okay pard. Call me back when ya done talkin’ to her… or she done chewin’ ya up and spittin’ ya out.” Todd chuckled again as he disconnected on his end.

I had no sooner hung up my phone when it began to ring yet again.

“Todd! Really man I’m waiting on a call…” I began, only to hear amused feminine laughter on the other end of the line. It was Barbra.

“Well that answers that question I guess. Hi there.” Barb spoke.

“Hi babe… sorry, I was expecting your call and Todd got in under the wire before you. I had just gotten off the phone with him and the phone rang again. I thought it was him calling back to aggravate me a little more.” I sighed into the phone as I leaned back against the kitchen counter and crossed my legs at my ankles and my arms over my chest.

“It’s okay. I just wanted to say good night. I’ve already got my bags packed and ready to load into the rental agent’s car when they pick me up in the morning. They’ll transfer it to our rental at the lot.” She told me distractedly. I knew that she was still going over her lists in her head. Barbra was no different from most any other woman I’ve ever known in that respect… over thinking and over packing. I did know better than to voice this opinion however so I simply smiled and held my tongue.

“Actually I was about to log off from Night Friends when you came online. I too am all packed and ready to go after I get up and shave and shower in the morning. What time should I expect you in the morning?” I asked.

“I’ll be the first customer for the car rental in the morning, and they open at eight, so I should be at your place by nine if not earlier.” Barb informed me.

“Okay, I’ll be ready to go. I wish you were here tonight… I’d much rather wake up next to you than to an alarm going off in my ear.” I lamented.

“Tomorrow night lover… and all next week.” Barbra purred seductively

“I guess I can wait one more night then… all alone… missing you… dreaming about you…” I teased.

“Jim! Go to bed!” Barb chuckled “See you in the morning babe.” She added.

“Good night Gorgeous… I’ll see you in the morning.” I offered and then we both hung up.

I emptied my bladder and then washed my hands and face. I brushed my teeth and rinsed then made my way back to my bedroom. I set my alarm for seven thirty in the morning and turned off my bedside lamp and closed my eyes. As I began to drift off to sleep I wondered what kind of dreams if any I might have tonight.

I awoke sometime in the wee hours of the morning with a start. My heart was racing and I was both sweating and… I had been crying I think. At least my face was wet and not entirely from sweat. The dream was still fresh. I closed my eyes and I could still see her eyes like fading beacons from years gone by. Those haunting blue green gems with the little gold flecks. I could hear her laughter fading into silence once more. God I miss her so. It seems that every time I let my heart open to the point that I might begin to fall in love again, she would come to visit me in my dreams. Sometimes she would be accompanied by our dear teacher as well. Not this time however, she was alone. Never is there anger or ill feelings, it’s always a sense of love and acceptance but my heart wrenches every time. “Oh Michelle, I still love you too.” I thought to myself and got up to go wash my face and use the bathroom. As I washed my hands I thought to myself that this thing with Barbra is growing to be more than a friendship. Sure, we’ve fooled around, friends with benefits of the highest order, but is this turning into more? Would I give my all for her? Does she feel the same for me? Life and love can be confusing and tedious when the bar was set so high early on in life. Shaking my head but not in any way clearing out all those thoughts I went back to bed and eventually back to sleep again. Thankfully this time it was dreamless, or if I did dream they were innocuous and certainly not memorable.

My alarm went off at seven thirty… like clockwork. I groaned and fumbled for it on my bookcase headboard before I managed to locate and silence the offending noise. I lay there for a few minutes flashing back to the dreams that I had earlier in the evening. I guess it sort of a recurring dream. It’s not like I have it very often but it’s always poignant when I do. I wonder if it’s my heart saying that I’m letting my guard down or my mind telling me that some feelings are the same. Maybe this coming trip and week will help me define this relationship with Barbra. I smiled and realized that it was time, time to get my butt in gear and get ready. This little adventure was about to start. I rolled out of bed, and took a moment or two to make it. I’d be gone for a week but there’s no sense leaving my place a mess, especially if my landlord might be popping in while I’m gone. I tossed the clothes that I wore to bed in my dirty clothes bag and headed for the shower. After bathing and cleaning up the bathroom behind me I came back to the bedroom and got dressed. I cleaned off my desk and looked around for anything else that might be out of place. Moving on to the kitchen I made sure there were no dirty dishes in the sink and after picking up a few things in the living room off my coffee table, I tied off the garbage bag from the kitchen and put in a new bag. I took the garbage out to the dumpster and was making my way back across the parking lot when a big ol’ Mercury Marquis pulled into the parking lot edging slowly along looking for a parking space no doubt. “Good luck” I thought to myself as I started up the stairs into my building but then I noticed it was Barbra behind the wheel. She saw that I finally noticed it was her and waved. Pulling up even with the steps leading into my building she rolled down the passenger side window as I stepped down to the car.

“Hi there!” She said in a cheery voice. “What do you think?” She asked indicating the car.

“Wow! This is a LOT of car… for just the two of us… but then… I like the big back seat.” I said with one raised eyebrow and a sly grin. Barb tilted her head a little and her eyebrows scrunched up a bit in a look of confusion then she looked over her right shoulder at the back seat and the gears began turning in her mind. A wry grin spread on her face as she looked back and me and let one lone eyebrow of her own rise up in silent question then winked at me.

“Are you ready to go?” she asked.

“Yeah, I was just taking the garbage out so it wouldn’t sit in my apartment and stink while we are gone. Let me run up and grab my stuff and lock the door. I’ll be back in a second.” I said and jogged up the steps and entered the building. I checked my mailbox but there was nothing in it this early on a Saturday so I went on back up to my apartment. I had one more quick look around and determined that I was good to go. I picked up my gym bag and my camera bag and backed out of my door. I checked to see if the door was locked then turned and headed down the steps to the door of the building. Coming out onto the steps I saw that Barbra had turned the car around and was waiting now with the car pointing the other direction. She popped the trunk and I tossed my stuff in and closed it as I made my way around to the passenger side door. Barbra looked at me for a long moment with a shy smile then it grew till it was beaming. She put the car in gear and we were on our way.

It wasn’t long before we were on the freeway around town then exiting onto a connector road before taking the on ramp onto the interstate North. Barb was practically vibrating she was so excited. Giddy is the term that came to mind. I just smiled and enjoyed her happiness as we talked about the things she wanted to do while we were in Michigan. Well, she talked mostly and I mostly listened. She spoke of the summers she spent growing up and the adventures she and her sister had had when staying with their grandparents. She mentioned a few friends that they had made when staying there and how some of them have stayed in touch over the years. She was hoping that we might actually get to see a couple of them while we were in Michigan this week.

Soon we were passing by or more correctly through Cincinnati Ohio, having crossed the bridge over the Ohio River on our North bound journey up the interstate. It had been about an hour and a half since Barbra picked me up at my apartment and my stomach was beginning to make some loud demanding noises. Barbra thought that was amusing but agreed to pull off the interstate and find somewhere to have a late breakfast. She herself had had nothing but some coffee so far that day as well. We found a Frische’s off one of the exits and we were soon enjoying a hot breakfast. I paid for breakfast much to Barbra’s protest. We both made use of the restrooms before we headed back out on the road to continue our journey north. I was behind the wheel on this leg of the trip. I must say that car was bigger than most vehicles I’d ever driven but it handled like a cloud on wheels. I could get used to that.

We had lunch at a Tim Horton’s just south of Toledo later that afternoon. We were both ready to get out and stretch our legs and empty our bladders too. After filling up the gas tank at a local station we were soon on our way again for what would be the final leg of our journey. Barbra was behind the wheel again and that gave me free reign to take in the sites. There really wasn’t much to see really but I was trying to stay alert and awake so I looked and I observed. After seeing the same billboard or at least similar billboard for the third time in less than an hour I was thinking that perhaps my mind was slipping a little. Barb must have noticed the puzzled look on my face when I saw the fourth such billboard and deduced what I was thinking about. She started chuckling and before long was laughing out loud to the point she nearly had to pull over. The billboard was advertising the best pasties anywhere! They were hot and delicious! Stop now and get yours! “What the hell?” I was thinking. The only reference I had for “Pasties” were applications to a woman’s nipples when doing burlesque dancing or strippers… I envisioned some woman “twirling” tassels with her tatas. When Barb finally caught her breath and could speak more than two words without laughing she explained that they were meat and potato filled pastries much like fried apple pies I was more familiar with. Early Cornish settlers to America had settled in the region to mine copper and brought their “Pasties” with them. I told her I had to try them some time now, and grinned sheepishly at her. Yeah I was broadening my horizons on this trip for sure.

The shadows were getting long by the time we reached Mackinac City Michigan and the approaches to the bridge. But there it was… the bridge that Barbra had watched being built as a little girl and had wanted to walk ever since it opened up. I really had no idea just how big this thing was until we finally made it to the bridge. I had read a little bit about it from what I could find but none of the pictures really did it any justice. I was almost awestruck as we drove across the bridge crossing from Lower Michigan onto the U.P. It was only a few minutes longer before we were exiting the interstate into St. Ignace. We followed the trip tick from AAA to find the hotel that Barbra had booked us into. We checked in and hastily relieved our bladders before unloading the car. I used the room phone to make a call to my folks to let them know we had arrived safe and sound. I was just hanging up when Barb reemerged from the little bathroom. I handed her the phone so that she could put in a call to her son for the same reason. She smiled at me and began dialing the number as I made way to the bathroom. We were both starving by this point so we soon found ourselves some place to have dinner. We ended up at a local eatery that doubled as a bakery and they had both whitefish and pasties on the menu. The fish wasn’t smoked but it was very good all the same, lightly breaded and fried with fries and slaw on the side. I ordered a pastie as well and a small cup of brown gravy at the suggestion of the waitress to accompany it. Barb and I sampled from each other’s plates and we both enjoyed our meals. Now with our bellies full and still a little strung out from the long drive from Lexington we decided to call it a day and go back to the hotel room and get cozy.

The bathroom in the hotel room was designed more for single person usage at best, cozy would be roomy by comparison but to Barb and I it was wonderful. No sooner than the door was closed that clothes started falling off, of each of us. No rhyme or reason, no sensual teasing or undressing to heighten the anticipation this time. We were both naked and smiling before we set foot in the bathroom. Barb turned on the water in the shower to let it warm a bit as we held one another and lost ourselves in the first long awaited kiss of the trip. There was no groping or exploration, only holding each other comfortably and in no hurry. Breaking the kiss and noticing steam coming from the shower we stepped inside and remained intimately close due to necessity of the close quarters. It was no matter though. We were carried away in each other’s embrace and we soaped and lathered one another with fond familiarity. Barbra seemed to especially like my washing her hair and the dedicated scalp massage that went with it. With her back to me she pressed into me and her hands reached behind her to grip my hips and hold herself close. The teasing gentle sway of her hips and sweet back side rubbed and massaged at my full masted eager male appendage. With her hair thoroughly rinsed we turned off the water and maneuvered ourselves safely onto the tile floor outside of the shower to begin toweling one another dry. Barb first bent over at the waist to let her long wet hair dangle in front of her she took one towel and rapped it loosely around her hair and her head then twisted it and flipped it over her back turning it into a terry cloth turban of sorts. I’d seen that trick before but it still fascinated me to no end. There was more drying more kissing more fond embracing.

We both put on our sleep wear and Barb sat on the edge of the bed and removed her towel from her hair, surprisingly it was mostly dry by this point. She took her comb and began pulling it through the ends of her hair going a little closer to her head with each stroke. I rolled over and put my legs on either side of her and scooted up behind her. I gently took the comb from her hand and began slowly pulling it through her hair at the scalp and drawing it through the full length. Stroke after stroke it had a soothing effect on her and she was making small grunting noises and literally purring her praises as I worked the comb through her hair. Barb eventually stilled my hand and took the comb from me and kissed my hand. Then she flipped her hair over her shoulder and gathered it, divided it and began to braid it. Of course my male member, still fully erect and raring to go actually pulsed with added excitement from muscle memory alone knowing what Barbra liked to do with that braid. While she braided I used my idle hands to massage her neck and shoulders. This had the effect of causing more grunting and purring and contented sighs even as she busied herself braiding her hair. When she was finished she reached up with both hands and held mine to her shoulders as she leaned her head over on her left shoulder onto my hand. I leaned closer and kissed her on the crown of her head. Excited or not we were both tired and I suggested that if she would prefer we could wait till tomorrow to fool around.

Barbra released my hands and stood up turning to face me, looking down with a tired smile. A smile as warm and inviting as any I’d ever seen her share with me but there was something even more endearing in this one as it held both thanks and a promise that understanding and generosity has special rewards indeed. I stood up and pulled the covers back and laid back down Barb sat on the edge of the bed and turned off the bedside lamp then curled up into me like a spoon. She took my right hand and brought it around her waist to hold between her breasts clutching it tightly. I slipped my left arm under the pillow and we both shared it, my chin resting neatly atop the back of her head… like that we both drifted off to sleep. I’m not sure that I didn’t dream that night, but I do know that I awoke, somewhat, on several occasions throughout the night to find my body being held or wrapped up or otherwise intimately entwined with Barbra’s. It warms the heart and stirs the blood to have a lover in your arms all night.

I was pleasantly awakened in the morning by the smell of hot chocolate and warm croissants, and more noticeably hot breath tinged with the smell of coffee. Barbra had awoke before me and slipped from the bed to dress and leave the room while I continued to sleep. She had gone to the lobby of the hotel and got first herself a cup of coffee, then a cup of hot chocolate for me and a few fresh warm croissants with some honey and butter and brought it all back to the room. She then pealed all her clothes off and climbed gently back into bed with me to awaken me with some slow sensual kisses. When I finally emerged from the warm cocoon of sleep she had me sit up Indian style in the bed and proceeded to feed me the croissants one buttered and honeyed nibble at a time. She would pinch off a little bit, dab it with butter and then dip it in the cup of honey then feed it to me with her long slender manicured fingers. Gently placing each morsel on my lips and holding it there until I opened my mouth as if to kiss it. She would hold her fingers there until I eased my tongue out and delicately lick the honey from them. Although Barb was sitting there in front of me with her legs crossed and completely naked I never took my eyes off of hers. I studied her intently watching the emotions and even I dare say thoughts in her eyes. Barb was enjoying herself, and enjoying me and my attention. That wanton smile that bespoke of mischief yet to come, and promise of all pleasure she could give me.

When the last morsel of croissant was polished off I took the butter and honey and set it on the nightstand I took a couple of sips of the now only warm hot chocolate and Barb finished off her coffee as well. I set those two cups aside and turned back to Barb. Her smile told me that now was the time for desert. She reached over to me and grabbed my tee shirt by the tail and lifted it up over my shoulders and head and tossed it over her shoulder without a glance. Her eyes locked on mine as she ran her delicate hands and fingers over my chest, her nails dragging ever so slightly across my skin. I looked down at her crossed legs and then reached down and gently took her right ankle in my left hand and uncrossed her leg placing it on my left side. I repeated the procedure with her left leg placing it on my right side. I then lifted my hands to her shoulders and after gripping them firmly for a moment I let my hands trail down her sides to her hips, then around to her backside. I gripped her bottom in either hand and lifted and pulled her towards me effectively placing her in my lap. Were it not for my still having my sweat pants on at this point I’m sure I would have easily penetrated her as she was very aromatic and extremely wet and ready for anything I might have in mind. And I had a lot in mind but I was in no hurry.

With her legs now wrapped around my waist and her body pressed against mine, her breasts brushing at my bare chest. I lifted my arms to encompass her waist and my hands as high as her shoulder blades, my hands held flat and fingers extended for maximum contact. Our faces came together and our lips engaged. Despite the hunger and the lust that was simmering close to the boiling point, the kisses were slow and sensual. Slow but not timid at all, this was the kind of kiss that feeds the soul. Our souls were hungry so we nourished one another as only lovers can do. Yet, even as soulful and loving as that is… the lust was growing more insistent in both of us, it was no surprise to me then when Barb let her tongue slip between my lips and tease my own tongue out to play. I could feel Barbra’s hands and fingers running through my hair on the back of my head. Her arms were wrapped around me under my arms with her hands between my shoulder blades and her hands working their magic on my scalp.

It may have been the tongues, it may have been the dropping oxygen content of our blood, or the speeding pulses of our beating hearts but things were definitely heating up, as they always do. Pulling back to look one another in the eye and to catch a quick breath it was as if we were of one mind at that moment. Fueled by lust and prodded by wanton need it was me that drove the next step in an unusual fashion for Barb and I. With Barb’s long braid hanging down her back and my hands conveniently right there I grasped it in my left hand and pulled not so gently causing Barb’s head to tilt backwards exposing her throat. I of course attacked her with my lips and even nipped at her neck with my teeth as well. Her gasp was and moans were music to my soul. I pulled more insistently leading Barb to lean backwards away from me until she was nearly supine with her legs still locked around my waist, her bare breasts exposed in all their glory and they looked so damned inviting at that moment.

As I kissed and nipped and tongued my way down Barb’s neck and across the hollow of her throat to the upper reaches of her chest I brought my right hand around and took her left breast in a full but gentle grasp to squeeze. Another gasp and low moan brought a smile to my lips even as I continued to assuage my lustful hunger. I finally released that braided pull string of her hair and brought my left hand around to mirror what I had done with my right. Barb’s shoulder blades were now pressing against my own ankles that were behind her. Those beautiful magnificent tantalizing breasts in my hands being pushed upwards and together were the stuff of many a wonderful dream but they far exceeded any night time imaginations I had ever had. The reality of them was nearly overwhelming, those nipples, hardened with Barb’s excitement and begging for attention gave me an idea. Releasing her right breast from my left hand I reached over to the night stand and retrieved the little cup of honey that we had used on the croissants earlier. Barb was oblivious to this however as her head was still tilted back and her eyes closed lost in the moment and the sensations I was giving her.

I released my hold on her left breast with my right hand and dipped my right index finger in the cup to gather a bit of honey. I then brought my finger to first her left nipple and then to her right. The new sensation must have puzzled Barb for she opened her eyes and raised her head up to have a look. Seeing me holding the cup of honey, and adding the sensation she realized finally what I had in mind and drew in her bottom lip and bit it before laying her head back onto the bed once more. I set the cup back on the nightstand and licked my finger, perhaps as a primer, not that I needed it, my mouth was already watering. Once more I reached out and grasped Barbra’s breasts and squeezed and massaged them, pushing them closer together making them rise to their full height. I leaned down and teasingly ran my tongue around and around her areolas. The honey was warming from Barb’s body temperature and beginning to run if somewhat slowly, as it spread away from the nipples I would lick it off of her flesh. Never quite touching those erect little beacons, Barb was beginning to express her growing frustration and anticipation with a low almost growling sound mixed in with the gasps and low moans. She flexed her legs squeezing my waist in silent insistence to proceed. When I felt her hands on my forearms and her fingers beginning to dig into my skin I knew it was time to up the game a bit. I darted my tongue out and flicked first one then the other nipple before once more circling them both teasingly. Before she could complain or prod me further however I flicked them both again, and again… The honey was so sweet, but the gasping and the way Barb arched her back was even sweeter.

When all the honey was licked clean from her nipples I kissed them both gently, at first, worshiping them with my lips. I began to draw on them, sucking at them with my lips closed about them. More moans and gasps ensued but when I closed my teeth about her right nipple and gently pulled it away I suddenly found my head being grasped by both of Barb’s hands, her fingers locked in my hair and pulling me towards her. She released her leg lock about my waist and raised her head up and in a raspy panting voice told me that I was still over dressed. I smiled up, or rather down at her and released my hold on her bountiful bosom. Placing my hands on either side of her I did a bit of an acrobatic press and pulled my legs out from under her before rolling to one side. Before I could even begin to remove my sweatpants Barb had taken charge. She grasped both legs and pulled. I had the presence of mind to raise my hips and let the garment be pulled from me. We were now both lying on our backs but my feet were by Barb’s head and her feet were by mine. Before I could sit up or turn around Barb once more took charge. She rolled over my legs so that she could rise up on her hands and knees. Looking over her shoulder with her bottom lip firmly clenched in her teeth and a mischievous twinkle in her eyes she wiggled her ass at me and then began backing up with her chest lowered so that her breast would drag along my legs and eventually my stalwart male appendage that was eagerly standing at attention… waiting for attention.

Slowly she eased herself backwards, inching along kissing my shins and my knees and my inner thighs. All the while I’m staring at the full moon and the center of the universe, Barb’s dripping wet heaven on earth. It got closer and closer and my mouth was literally drooling. I licked my lips and brought my hands up to grab a cheek in each and squeeze. I caressed and petted and let my fingers slide down the cleft in those silky smooth fleshy cushions. Barb did not have a big ass as far as rear ends go, it was certainly not a bubble butt, but it was a joy to behold and even more of a joy to HOLD. To pet, to squeeze, to caress, and yes to kiss! And kiss it I did when it was close enough for me to strain my neck forward enough for my lips to make contact. Of course her ass was not my only focus, no far from it. And Barb knew my fascination and affection for her honey pot. It didn’t matter to me if I were on top, right side up, sideways upside down and or backwards, my lips and tongue would dance and taste and tease and tickle as much honey out of her as I could get. Barb however had plans of her own that would test my concentration.

Feeling your erection surrounded by soft warm supple breasts is something that will distract even the most studious male. Add to that the sensation of hot wet lips and a decidedly devious tongue into the mix and it’s hard to remember your own name let alone what you were just doing three seconds ago. Oh my GOD! Barb! Oh but she was a multitask wonder for sure. While she was blowing my mind she was determined to get as much enjoyment out of it as she could as well… She wiggled and ground her lust sodden sex into my face encouraging me to reciprocate. And that I did, with gusto. I gripped her ass cheeks and pulled them apart from that cleft between them spreading the area and allowing me greater access to that amazing pallet of flesh and goodness. I dove in with my tongue and lashed and lavished her even as she continued to drive me mad with her own oral fixation. It was now a race… one I knew I’d win because of past experience. Despite how wonderful Barb was making me feel with her dedicated attentions I knew I would not climax that way. Barb on the other hand was nearing her first peak even as I thought this. When I let my tongue slip down and whip at her now swollen and exposed clit the race was done. I could feel Barb tense to the point of rigidity, all movement stopping even with her mouth wrapped around my proud member. I must say however when she began quaking and shaking and that long soulful moan emanated from her core, the vibrations felt through that oral connection nearly caused me to pass out from ecstasy.

Barbra pretty much collapsed atop of me as she wound down from her climax her head lying to one side on my thigh as she gasped for breath. My own breathing was still fast but I was not yet recovering, rather I was raring to go. Taking one more long lick to taste the fresh nectar now oozing from Barb’s sodden treasure, I rolled barb bodily to one side and slipped out from under her. She opened her eyes and looked at me without moving her head and gave me a half smile as she wondered what I had in mind. Getting to my knees I grabbed Barb by her waist and pulled her up into a kneeling position much like she was moments ago but this time I was behind her rather than being straddled by her. I bent over and kissed first one cheek, then the other as I caressed and fondled her ass fondly. With her hands pressed flat to the bed Barb began to push herself up but I put my hand on her back and pressed down gently to keep her shoulders and chest to the bed leaving her ass higher up and open to my attentions. She giggled and shook her ass teasingly as if to say “well come on then big boy!” I caressed each cheek again gently, lovingly then drew back and smacked first one then the other cheek smartly with a little cracking sound. Barb gasped but remained motionless. I waited a couple of heartbeats and then lovingly, softly ran my hands over the now reddening hand prints on her creamy white cheeks. Again, faster than she could anticipate I smacked each cheek in almost the same spots. My palms and fingers felt the sting as did Barb and her cheeks. This time it wasn’t a gasp but a low moan that came from her lips. I noted that her fingers were digging into and clutching the bed covers, her eyes were closed and brows were knitted in concentration. Barb’s mouth was open but not in a grimace of pain but rather a look of surprise. Once more I caressed and this time I even leaned down and kissed each cheek repeatedly before straightening back up and edging a bit closer.

I ran my hands from Barb’s reddened cheeks up to her hips and then down along her sides, my fingers bumping along over her ribs. When I got to her shoulders I grasped them and squeezed possessively before relaxing and sliding my hands together down her spine slowly all the way back to her ass. Looking down I moved my hips to position and align my eager and ready cock to Barb’s silky lips. That treasure was about to be plundered as I thrust my hips slightly to press the bulbous head through those outer lips and into that velvet furnace within. Again, the long low moan escaped Barb’s lips and she pressed herself backwards onto me as if to spur me on. Now with my hands on her hips, I began the dance. Easy does it, forward gently, sway side to side and slowly backwards just teasing the lips with my mushroom. Again I eased forward and side to side almost a circular motion before withdrawing a bit and beginning again. Setting the pattern making it familiar, until Barb could anticipate my movements and counter them with pushes of her own, I would press in and she would press backwards to hasten my movements. Trying to take charge, trying to take control, her lust driven need wanted more and more, faster and faster. Time to change it up, time to take back the control.

I lunged in to the hilt and stopped, Barb ground backwards against me pressing. I pulled her hips and just stayed there for a couple of heartbeats then began to grind. I ground up and down, side to side but never moving in and out. My cock was stirring her cocktail, mixing it up, but I knew the best drinks were often shaken, not stirred, so another change was coming. I stopped moving entirely as Barb released another groan this one sounding somewhat frustrated. I began pulling back out slowly, very slowly… then just when I was almost all the way out. I stopped again. I could feel Barb’s hips tensing and even her outer lips seemed to tense anticipating my driving back inwards. Instead, I pulled completely out with a little wet pop. Another groan and again Barb began to push herself up from the bed. Again I pushed her down insistently but along with a sudden plunging of my cock back into her, all the way to the root. I reached out my left hand and grabbed her long braid and wrapped it around my wrist like a rodeo rider does the lead on a riding buck. Pulling back on the braid brought Barb’s head up off the bed and a loud surprised gasp from her mouth. I pulled almost all the way out again but with no hesitation this time I slammed back all the way in again only to hear Barb grunt. She grunted again when I repeated it, and again and again. All the while I’m pulling that braid and slowly she would ease up from the bed only for me to press down again keeping her chest to the bed and her ass in the air. Slam, Slam, Slam, faster and faster I went I knew my own climax was now boiling away in my balls and I was nearing the end of this little rodeo.

“Oh… My… God… Jim… Yes… Yes… Yes… Oh… God… Yes… Yes…” Barb growled in time with every thrust. And when she stopped making any noise at all she also stopped moving, frozen in place, rigid just before tipping over that orgasmic peak and beginning her cascade down that delirious nervous system overload. Every muscle twitching and jumping, the feel good endorphins flooding the brain… They are addictive… better than any drug ever made by man and man I was right there to enjoy it with Barb. Both her climax and mine as well because just after she tipped over that peak I got triggered myself by her spasms and antics. God what a ride! What a rush! I somehow released my grip on her braided hair and was clutching at her hips for my very life. It felt as if my core, my very soul was spending itself through my cock still buried deep within Barbra. I could feel her inner walls contract as if milking me with every spasming spurt. The last image I had was of Barb’s head turned sideways against the bed, a look of ecstasy on her face, her hands still grasping at the bedclothes… then it all dwindled down to that pin point of light as the tunnel vision set in and then everything went dark.

When my senses returned to me and I became aware of my surrounding again, I found myself lying on my side and Barbra was spooned up against me, her back to my chest. She had my left arm wrapped around her waist and my hand clutched in both of hers as she gently kissed the back of my hand and fingers. My breathing was still ragged and fast, my heart was still racing and I could hear it thundering in my ears with each pulse. I could also feel the nerves in my now deflated manhood jumping and jangling with each pulse as well. I closed my hand around Barb’s fingers and bent my head close to hers and kissed her on the crown of her head as she was facing away from me. She realized that I was back and aware again.

“Hi there… Cowboy.” She said and giggled.

“Hi yourself babe… Oh my god Barb, that was… awesome!” I said between panting breaths.

“That was something new… I liked it though.” She said in that low husky sexy voice that told me as much as her words that that little trick was definitely going to be a repeat performance for another time, perhaps with further variations.

“Being with you just inspires me sometimes.” I said honestly. “Sometimes new things are fun, sometimes old things just seem new, but they are still fun now and then.” I said as much to myself as to Barbra.

“Mmmm… I like new things, with you anyway. I always feel safe with you.” Barb said and pulled my hand in to hold tightly to her chest between her slightly sweat dampened breasts and she kissed my fingers again.

“Well you make most anything fu…” I began but then my curse reared its insistent head and demanded the toll for my pleasure. The electric charge came racing up the nerves in the backs of my legs. “Barb… it’s…” Was all I could get out before that charge flashed into my balls and then coursed up my spine to slam into the back of my brain. My aftershock hit with full force sending me into another round of paroxysms and spastic twitching of every muscle fiber and nerve in my body. It was again this time, as it is every time, just like an orgasm but with no ejaculation… and somewhat shorter thankfully.

After seemingly an hour or so had passed, when in reality it was only a handful of seconds at most, I again regained my awareness of my surroundings. Oddly I found myself still lying on my right side. My left arm still captured and held by Barbra who was still spooned up to my front and I her back. I breathed deeply as my pulse slowed and my breathing became more regular.

“Are you back yet?” Barb all but whispered almost apprehensively as if she had been holding her breath. I bent my head forward and kissed the top of her head and squeezed her gently with my left arm.

“Yeah, I’m back, and I’m glad you’re still here with me.” I said softly into her hair as I nuzzled her gently with my lips and chin.

“As many times as I’ve witnessed… that… it still makes me wonder if you are hurting when it happens.” Barb confessed quietly.

“As many times as I’ve experienced it I still am amazed when a girl doesn’t completely freak out when she witnesses it… thank you babe.” I confessed in return. We both lay there quietly lost in our own thoughts for a few minutes, and lost in one another’s arms and warmth, that wonderful afterglow, serenity. As with all things wonderful however, this too soon passed as Mother Nature reared her ugly head and both Barb and I soon had to make that call. As always, ladies first is my motto I opened my embrace so that Barbra could roll out of bed and proceed to our rooms little bathroom. I could hear the toilet seat cover lifted and smack into the tank on the back, and then the jet powered steam hitting the water in the bowl accompanied by the long low sigh escaping Barb’s lips. I smiled, some things are universal. A rattle of the toilet paper roll announced that Barb was nearly finished so I too rolled out of bed and scratched my backside as I ambled towards the tiny little bathroom. I eased around the door and then Barb as she stood at the little porcelain sink washing her hands and then her face. I couldn’t resist wrapping my arms around her waist and nuzzling her neck and shoulder kissing that sweet tender spot just beneath her right ear. I saw her eyes close and that sweet sweet smile spread on her lips in the mirror.

“Gorgeous.” I said softly as I released her and stepped over to raise the toilet seat up before releasing my long suffering bladder. A curious note… while most men are fascinated and amazed by the powerful yet seemingly short female urination time… women are likewise curious and fascinated by the long steady streams that men normally produce when emptying their bladders. Barb looked over at me from in front of the sink, first eyeing the steady stream I was producing and then making eye contact and letting one eyebrow rise slowly, questioningly. I just kind of gave her a half grin and shrugged my shoulders silently. She silently shook her head and turned back to the mirror to scrutinize her eyelashes and whatever else it is that women evaluate before considering doing their makeup or hair styling for the day.

“So it’s Sunday… the Bridge Walk is tomorrow, what did you have in mind to do today babe?” I asked. She half turned and smiled at me and I could see a busy day ahead of me in her eyes.

“Oh, I don’t know, just some sightseeing and touristy kind of things I guess. How about we visit Mackinac Island?” She asked. Having finally finished and shaken the dregs free, I closed the seat and the lid of the toilet and flushed. I stepped over to the sink and Barb scooted off to the side a bit to allow me access so that I could wash my hands. I then washed my face and determined that I should probably shave before going out. I also sniffed and thought that perhaps a shower was in order as well. Barb smiled an almost predatory smile as she handed me my toiletry bag and squeezed around me to open the shower curtain and turn the water on. She then stood up and took her braid and began rolling it into a coil that she pinned atop her head with a long bobby pin before stepping into the shower. I assumed she was not washing her hair again this morning after just washing it last night. I went through the motions of applying cold cream to my face and shaving my stubble clean then rinsing in first hot water then cold. Smooth and cleanly shaven again I stepped over to the shower and pulled the curtain back to step in with Barb. She was just soaping up her front when I took the soap from her hand and began enthusiastically applying it for her. I made sure her breasts were thoroughly lathered as well as her abdomen and that furry little oasis between her legs. Barb steadied herself by gripping my hips with both hands and lifting first one then the other leg for me to get complete access. She then took the soap from my hand and applied it to my chest and abdomen and then lovingly to my still swollen but completely relaxed if not completely flaccid penis and jewelry bag. I steadied myself by holding her shoulders with my hands. She reached around behind me to soap and lather my backside and pressed herself into my chest. My hands slid down her shoulders to her elbows and I grasped her arms and lifted firmly but gently causing Barb to raise her face to look at me, I of course leaned in and locked my lips onto hers when she did. I probably would have been happy to just stand there in the shower kissing Barbra all day but after a few moments she broke the kiss and pinched my side playfully knowing it would cause me to jump. She giggled and then made sure the both of us were rinsed clean of the soap before turning the water off and we stepped out and began toweling off.

Once dry it was only a matter of a couple of minutes and I was dressed and ready to go and begin today’s adventures… but I was with a woman… Barbra first attended to her abbreviated make up routine, foundation, eye shadow, curling her lashes, mascara, and a little lip gloss and finally styling her hair. She went with the relaxed look today, unbraiding her hair and collecting in into a tortoise shell hair clip that gathered her long red hair into a pseudo pony tail that hung freely down her back but kept the hair out of her face. I liked the look. Then there was some time spent deciding on what to wear. I bit my tongue and refused to comment or question on anything to do with her process. I have learned a few things in my time. Do NOT rush a woman when she’s dressing… ever! Patience will be rewarded. White slacks, white tennis shoes, a loose baggy bold printed blouse… Barb was the picture of casual leisure. I on the other hand, was wearing pretty much my usual standard dress… jeans, a rugby style jersey over a knit polo shirt, oh and tennis shoes. I offered Barb my arm and she smiled taking it as I opened the room door and we stepped out to begin our day.

The first thing I noticed as we stepped through the door was that it was foggy. It was very foggy… like you can’t see more than twenty feet in any direction foggy. The second thing I noticed was the heavenly smell of something wafting on the thick pea soup air. I detected some sort of bread and a sweetness like maple or some other syrupy goodness along with something savory and smoky… like ham or sausage perhaps. My mouth began watering and my stomach growled. Barbra just laughed at me and hugged my arm and steered me towards the dining room of the hotel. There was an open breakfast bar, and a waffle and omelet station where the cook prepared your omelet to your specifications. Barbra had an egg white omelet with cheese and some cooked white fish. I had a pile of scrambled eggs, some bacon, sausage and some sliced tomatoes. I also had a couple of fresh hot waffles with some butter and maple syrup. Barb had some more coffee and I had two cups of hot tea and a small glass of milk. Satiated, we both groaned and decided we needed to walk off some of our breakfast so that’s just what we did.

We walked the waterfront road from the hotel to the ferry landing down the road about two miles away. We stopped in several obvious tourist trap souvenir shops and a few craft shops where they made their wares. There were fudge shops, candy shops, soap shops, leather goods shops, there was a jewelry shop that made custom pieces like bracelets, rings, toe rings and of course pendants and earrings. They also made sleeves for cigarette lighters or name tags and the like that could all be personalized by engraving. Barb suggested that we just look today. We could stop back by another time if there was anything that we decided we absolutely had to have. I agreed and mentioned that I would be getting some fudge for my landlord before we headed home. Of course I then had to explain why I was getting some fudge for my landlord but Barb agreed that it was a good idea and that I was thoughtful for even considering it. I liked that she rested her head on my shoulder as we walked arm in arm down the street of shops. Eventually we reached the depot where people queued up to buy tickets for the ferry ride over to Mackinac Island. Barb had to explain to me that it was the only way to get to the Island in the warmer months. In the winter when the lake freezes over you can drive across to the Island or ride snow mobiles or just walk. A long walk but it’s possible. So we bought tickets for the ferry and saw that we had time before the ferry returned and unloaded before loading for the next trip to the Island. So we decided to play some miniature golf that was conveniently right next door. As we stepped out of the depot I saw one of those dime store mechanical horses where you put in a quarter and your child can pretend to be riding some magnificent steed or galloping along like a cowboy. With a grin I pulled out my camera and asked Barbra to climb aboard. At first she thought I was kidding but I told her I was serious so she humored me and climbed up in the saddle. The foolish self depreciating smile she gave me was genuine and in my mind precious. I captured it on film, and I would treasure that picture for many many years to come.

Halfway through our game of mini golf the fog finally dissipated and the sun came out. It was going to be a beautiful day it would seem. I spoke with a couple who were also playing and following us as we made our way through the course. I asked them if they wouldn’t mind taking a couple of pictures of Barb and I, they obliged after I promised to take a few pictures of them with their camera as well. It wasn’t much longer before we had played the whole course. It was fun but Barb and I didn’t even keep score. We soon joined the line loading onto the ferry for the ride over to Mackinac Island. Barbra wanted to stand by the rail during the crossing so we made our way to the upper deck at the back of the ferry. With a slight breeze coming off the water it was a little chilly so of course I wrapped my arms around her to keep her warm… nuzzling her neck and ear just turned up her thermostat a bit as we made the crossing.

I was to learn that aside from an ambulance and a fire truck there were no motor vehicles allowed on the island. All travel was by foot, bicycle, or horse power as in horse drawn carts, wagons, or horseback. Barb and I bought tickets for an all island horse drawn wagon tour. It was relaxing and the scenery was beautiful. My companion was enchanted. To see the look of joy and wonder in Barbra’s eyes made everything worthwhile. We did a mini tour of the Grand Hotel where the movie Somewhere in Time was filmed. We actually had lunch in the Grand’s dining room at the end of the tour. Afterwards we browsed the gift shops and stores as we waited for the ferry for the return trip to St. Ignace. Barbra purchased a few post cards to send home to friends and to herself as souvenirs of the trip. I had never thought of that before but I must say I liked the idea really.

After another breezy ferry ride back to St. Ignace, Barb and I walked back to our hotel and deposited our souvenirs and used the bathroom. As it was getting late in the day our thoughts turned to dinner and I asked Barb what she wanted to do. She got a dreamy look on her face and told me again about smoked whitefish and how good that would be right about now. I asked her where we might find some and that’s what launched us on our next quest. Grabbing the keys to the car we headed out again with both bellies growling and minds on the mission. Barb directed me to get on highway two and head west out of St. Ignace. She said that there should be dozens if not hundreds of small mom and pop shops along the route. We may have to stop at several along the way. The first shop we stopped at had just begun a new run of fish and unfortunately sold out of finished stock. The smell of the raw fish and new smoke was to me overwhelming to say the least. I don’t know what I expected, having grown up around smokers of beef, pork and chicken but that much fish… wow! It almost put me off the whole idea, especially of eating any of it. The next two shops were pretty much the same way, having sold out and beginning a new run of smoking, however the last shop gave us the name of a relative’s shop down the road that still had good stock for sale, so off we went.

Barb and I sampled several species of fish that had been smoked at this relative’s shop. I was impressed with the taste and textures, I actually favored the smoked yellow perch but sadly they only had a couple of those left and they had been promised to a regular patron. However, they threw in an extra filet (half a fish) with our purchase of a medium sized whitefish. Barb was practically drooling. We also stopped at a nearby pastie shop and got a couple of pasties to go and a cup of brown gravy for them. We made one more stop at a package store for a couple of bottles of wine, some cheese and crackers and we were soon heading back to our hotel with our bounty. Wine, cheese, crackers and smoked whitefish, oh… and a couple of fresh pasties made for an interesting dinner indeed. Barbra was in full homecoming mode now and went on and on about her early memories of her summers here in the UP and all the things she and her sister used to do. I’d heard most of the stories at least once by now but I never interrupted her as she was enjoying herself immensely as she shared with me. Later after we put the remnants of our smoked fish and cheese away for another day’s snacks and cleaned up after ourselves, we both decided that the day was pretty well over. We dressed for bed and brushed our teeth etc. I would have been happy just to cuddle up with my girl and slip off to sleep but Barb had other ideas. She was feeling particularly appreciative and was going to make sure I knew just how much so.

As I lay on my back on the bed with my hands folded under the back of my head Barb crawled across the top of the bed with her night shirt on and little else. Her hair was in that familiar braid so I suspected that she had plans at least for part of the evening before we finally succumbed to the call of sleep. Standing on all fours she hovered over my chest and face and began giving me butterfly kisses about my neck and face. Her breasts hung enticingly even within her night shirt and with nipples hardened and erect as she brushed at my chest teasingly. When she finally laid her lips on mine the fireworks soon began. No matter how softly and sweetly Barb began kissing me it always evolved into a more hungry and passionate exercise in short order. At some point, perhaps it was after she first let her tongue slip into my lips I found my hands holding her head gently as I reciprocated in kind. When I felt Barb’s hand slip under the waistband of my sweat pants and wrap around my growing erection the fires of lust roared in both of our ears. Barb moaned softly into my mouth and then pulled back to let her intense brown eyes stare into my own as her breath came in ragged gasps.

“Grab my shirt.” She told me as her other hand found the edge of my waistband and began pushing my sweats down at least till they were clear of my wanton and waiting erection. I of course obliged and pulled her night shirt up to her shoulders, and when she released my sweats and raised her arms I pulled it up over her head of off. Barb threw her left leg over my waist and straddled me, then reached down with her left hand and guided me in to her wet and ready sex. She impaled herself on me and slid down with no fan fair but with a long satisfied sigh as she closed her eyes and sat there bolt upright but looking down at me with smoke clouded eyes and a sweet sexy smile. Reaching down with both of her hands she took mine by the wrists and brought them to her breasts. I needed no further encouragement but she kept her hands pressed against the backs of mine anyway. I gripped them in each hand with a gentle but firm squeeze and rubbed my thumbs back and forth over her sensitive nipples causing Barb to jump and twitch. The twitches I felt deep within her as well. Oh my! Barb drew her bottom lip into her teeth and bit it as she began to rise and fall on my prod.

Eventually Barb had to move her hands down to my shoulders to steady herself as she continued to rise and fall on me and got faster and faster. This I knew was not going to be a marathon love making session tonight as she was just too urgent in her need. Her need to express her happiness and gratitude for my making the trip with her I think. I was not going to complain about anything at this point. As I could feel her nearing that peak of excitement I released her breasts and grasped her chest with each hand just under her arms and began pumping up with my hips to meet her downward thrusts. Each thrust causing Barb to grunt and gasp that was accompanied by that familiar wet squishy slapping sound of our two intimate sexes merging as one. Just as Barb crested that orgasmic high her head dipped down as she seemed to be nodding in time with our combined thrusts, her braided pony tail flipped and flopped about the pillow around my head only to still as she stopped moving when she reached that elusive climax. Her fingers dug into my shoulders her inner walls clamped down on my manhood. A thousand… no a million little fingers were stroking me deep inside of Barb. She may have stopped moving but I was still hammering away as I raced towards my own finish… only a few heartbeats after her. My tunnel vision was fading to dark as I felt Barb collapse on top of me, her face coming to rest alongside of my neck, her breathing thundering in my ear.

As I came around I could feel Barb’s lips kissing me along my jaw and neck. Her left arm curled over my right shoulder and her hand running her fingers through my hair atop my head. I must not have been out of touch long as I could still feel myself twitching still inside of Barb. She giggled a bit as I shifted my hips. She sighed as I slipped out of her with a wet little pop, and she brought her lips to mine for a slow sensual kiss. A kiss that took what little breath I had been able to catch… her tongue was actively probing my mouth as I gasped out when I felt my aftershock setting in. When I returned to awareness once again I found Barb’s right hand running her fingers through my hair and she was lying on her back next to me panting a little.

“Well! That was a fun one!” She half giggled when I turned my head to the left to look at her.

“Was it?” I asked, curious as to what might have been different this time from any other time.

“You almost threw me off the bed you were twitching so hard.” She said with a smile.

“I guess I had too much pent up energy, I mean you did most of the work this time.” I chuckled a bit and reached over with my left hand and patted Barb on her right hip affectionately. Barb captured my hand with her right hand and brought it to her lips. A soft sweet kiss on the back of my hand then turned it over and kissed the palm of my hand and my fingers before pressing it to her chest. “Barb… Thank you.” I said solemnly.

“I should be thanking you Jim.” She said and smiled before sitting up and crawling off the bed and walking to the bathroom. I heard the now familiar sound of a bottle of douche being opened and applied, followed by whooshing sounds in the toilet bowl followed by a rattle of the paper roll and then the inevitable flush. Barb washed her hands and face then dried with a towel before coming back into the room and reaching for her night shirt by my pillow. She didn’t bother to put on any panties though. I smiled and held out my arms after throwing the covers back. I had pulled my sweats up while she was in the bathroom. I knew I would get up shortly and have to answer Mother Nature’s call but for now all I wanted was to cuddle with this incredible and sexy woman. Barbra climbed into bed and curled up tight next to me spooning me with her backside. I pulled the covers over us and wrapped my right arm around her and held her tightly and kissed the back of her head.

“I could get used to this Jim… this is so nice.” She said in a dreamy small voice as if she were almost afraid to admit it.

“It is wonderful babe… YOU… are wonderful.” I mumbled into her hair and squeezed her gently. I think we were both sound asleep in moments. I only stirred when my bladder finally demanded to be relieved or suffer the consequences. I slipped out of bed and into the bathroom closing the door before turning on the light. I emptied my bladder and then took a washcloth and wet and soaped it up then cleaned myself after lowering my sweat pants. I probably could have waited and took a shower later when we got up but in case something similar to this morning were to occur again it would be nice to be clean and fresh for Barbra I thought. Cleaned and dried I pulled my sweats back up and washed my face before turning out the light and going back to bed. I snuggled up close to Barbra and was soon back to sleep.

The morning came all too soon in my opinion. I wasn’t awakened as pleasurably as the morning before but I wouldn’t complain about it even if I had to. To awake in the loving arms of a warm and affectionate lover will always be a plus in my book. To feel soft hands caressing your face and running fingers through your hair has an appeal all of its own. I opened my eyes to find Barbra’s face lying on the pillow next to me, mere inches away. Her deep warm brown eyes studying me through sleepy half closed eye lids and a heartwarming smile on her face.

“Good morning lover.” She purred when she realized that I was awake.

“Yes it is… you’re here with me, so yes. Yes it is.” I smiled just before she moved closer and kissed me softly on the lips then rested her forehead against mine.

“How do you do that?” She asked.

“Do what?” I asked in return.

“How do you make the simplest words sound like compliments and flattery?” Barb said with that warm smile.

“I’m not trying to flatter you I’m just speaking my mind.” I said as I shrugged my shoulders. Barb leaned in for another soft slow kiss then pushed off of me to roll over and get out of bed. She stood and stretched like a cat then smiled that beguiling sexy little come hither smile and slowly pulled her night shirt up over her head and turned to walk slowly towards the bathroom. She looked over her shoulder as she stepped through the doorway and raised one eyebrow as if to say “Are you coming or not?” I needed no further prompting as I tossed the blankets aside and rolled out of bed too and followed her shedding my tee shirt and sweat pants along the way. I could hear the water in the shower being turned on and thought to myself “The water isn’t the only thing turned on right now.”

The shower was very nice, although there was lots of caressing and touching and fondling it was just a shower… with perhaps promise of other things later but just a shower in the end. Barb was giddy with anticipation of finally getting to walk her bridge. We dressed comfortably for the walk and then headed out. The first stop of course was the hotel restaurant for some fuel, coffee for Barb, some hot tea for me along with more of those fresh croissants and some butter and honey. We both sat in silence sharing the rolls and some very knowing smiles.

Again today, like yesterday it was foggy. The dense moist air made it feel considerably cooler than what it actually was. Not that I was complaining, it gave the perfect excuse to cuddle as we walked towards the starting point for the bridge walk. We picked up a pamphlet from an information booth and fell in line as we joined the masses of others who were there for the walk as well. I browsed through the pamphlet and saw that including the approaches on either side of the bridge the walk is just a shade over five miles from start to finish… provided you only walk one way. Many, claimed the pamphlet, turn around and walk back across the bridge effectively doubling that distance. I saw too that there were shuttle buses running until noon the day of the walk for people only wishing to walk one way. I mentioned to Barb that we might be riding back across, she agreed that that might be a good idea.

With the fog it was hard to tell how impressive the bridge was as we walked towards it, but there was a slight breeze blowing and you could tell that the fog was soon to be just a memory, like yesterday. At about the halfway point, maybe a little short of that the fog finally dissipated. The sun was shining and we could see down through the drainage grates and roadway grid work all the way to the surface of Lake Michigan. WOW! You could also feel the bridge give and sway ever so slightly. I looked over at Barb and she was literally beaming with happiness. I swear she was almost skipping as she walked along holding my right hand in her left. I saw a young couple taking photos of each other and stopped to ask them if they would trade photographer duties. I would take some pictures of them together with their camera if they would take a few of Barb and I with my camera. They agreed happily and so Barb got a picture of her walking the bridge or pausing during the walk to have her picture taken anyway. We continued onwards towards the Mackinaw City side of the bridge.

It was just a few minutes shy of two hours from our start on the St. Ignace side of the bridge till we reached the end of the walk on the Mackinaw City side of the bridge. While both Barbra and I were in pretty good shape we were very interested in finding a place to sit down and rest our feet a bit. So we were both quite happy to spot an event vendor not far from the shuttle bus staging area that had seating for folks who wanted to sit and eat. A hot dog vendor, they had regular hot dogs, smoked sausages, brats, corn dogs and of course all the condiments or toppings you could imagine. I got a couple of plain dogs and applied some yellow mustard and a little sweet pickle relish. Barbra chose a foot long corn dog and grabbed a couple of packets of mustard and some napkins. I got a couple of cans of sprite for us and then we found ourselves a seat under the pop up awning beside the vendor’s trailer. It felt good to sit down for a spell. I almost inhaled my first hot dog but the second one was going to take a while as I was totally distracted by Barb and her antics.

After opening one of the mustard packets Barb squirted a line of mustard from the tip of the corn dog to about halfway down to the stick. She then locked her eyes on mine and brought the corn dog up to her mouth where she began spreading the mustard with her tongue. Beginning where the mustard left off about the halfway point she slowly licked and dabbed at the mustard teasingly towards the tip. She knew she had me wrapped around her little finger when I could feel myself blushing and shifting uncomfortably in my suddenly tight feeling jeans. Near the end of the corn dog she began spinning it slowly, twirling her tongue around the end of it. She narrowed her eyes a bit and then literally kissed the end of the corn dog. I swallowed and felt almost faint as the kiss evolved as she slowly opened her lips and let the end of the corn dog slide into her mouth before slowly pulling it back out. Barbra winked and then bit the end of the corn dog off. I gasped and shuddered. Barbra began to giggle and had to put the corn dog down on the table so she wouldn’t drop it. I think she would have continued teasing me had we not been joined by a couple of other folks under the awning. Barbra just winked at me again and went about eating her corn dog normally. I sighed and resumed eating my own hotdog that just didn’t seem to be as interesting now. Soon we were heading to the bus stop to catch a ride back across the bridge to St. Ignace.

The ride back across the bridge was short but very sweet as Barb sat close to me and rested her head on my shoulder the entire ride holding my right hand in both of hers. I couldn’t resist leaning over and kissing the crown of her head. Back in St. Ignace we got off the bus and walked back to our hotel. The day was still young and I asked Barb if she wanted to do anything else today. She got a dreamy look on her face and then smiled brightly and said “Let’s take a drive.” And so we did.

Barbra played navigator to my driving and took me on a tour of some of her old stomping grounds when she and her sister would spend their summers here in the U.P. with their grandparents. The first stop was the old homestead that formerly belonged to her grandparents before they passed away many years ago. We then drove to the little park that she and her sister spent a great deal of time hanging out at until they got older. We went by an old drive in theater where Barb told me that she had nearly lost her virginity to a local boy one summer when she was 14. I asked what she meant by nearly and she explained that her sister had gone to the same movie with some of their girlfriends and had just happened to stop by the boy’s car as he was attempting to seal the deal so to speak. Her knocking on the boy’s car window startled them both and pretty much ruined the moment. Barbra said she was pissed but the boy was spooked and they ended up leaving before the movie was over. I simply smiled to myself knowing now a little more about both Barbra and her older sister Gail. The faint smell of Barbra’s perfume and the mention of her sister Gail brought back a brief but pleasant memory of one afternoon that we shared together. Something that I would probably never share with Barbra as both not to confuse or hurt her but also because I made a solemn promise to Gail that our time together was forever to be only between us. One brief moment in time that I will always cherish just as much as I cherish every moment I’ve ever spent with Barbra.

I asked, after a little silence as she was obviously lost in memory somewhere, when she ended up losing her virginity. She told me it was a couple of years later and back home in Lexington, not while spending the summer with her grandparents. She didn’t elaborate and I didn’t press it for now. I knew if it were important she would tell me in her own time. Still under Barb’s directions we drove on down the road to another old haunt, it was an old campground near a small lake. There was now a small subdivision of sorts built up around the lake, much like some of the gated communities back home. We parked near a picnic area and got out to walk around a little while. We walked down along the edge of the lake along its pebbled shoreline, no sand here. There was a small dock and pier extending out from a concrete boat launch so we walked out to the end of that. Barb and I sat down and took our shoes and socks off and dangled our feet in the water. Barb remarked that this was a small lake so the water is naturally warm, at least much warmer than the big lakes. I didn’t really think much about that but I would find out exactly what she meant later.

Sitting there on the end of that wooden pier idly dangling and kicking our feet in the warm lake water, Barbra related some of the things she had done here when she was far younger. This was the lake that she, her sister Gail and a couple of the local girls that they were friends with had gone skinny dipping as teenagers. Of course there were no houses around here then and it was usually a good bet that no one was around, especially at night. I smiled thinking of Barb and Gail and only imagining a couple of other girls getting completely naked and wading out or simply plunging off the end of the pier to swim. Barb glanced over at me as I smiled and looked out at the lake with a dreamy expression on my face.

“Picturing it in your mind’s eye are you?” She asked with a smirk in her voice.

“You know it!” I said turning to look at her and grinning like a little boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

“I’ll bet you’d like to see a bunch of girls swimming naked wouldn’t you?” She teased.

“Oh I’ve seen you naked a few times… but everyone else is just pure imagination… a very good imagination, but purely hypothetical.” I admitted with a shrug, still smiling as I turned back to look out across the lake.

“It’s too bad there are so many houses and people around here now… we might have tried to slip in a little swim while we were here.” Barb said wistfully. I turned slightly and gave her a sidelong glance wondering if she were just thinking out loud or hinting at a suggestion. She still had that dreamy little smile on her face but her eyes were not seeing anything here and now. She was once more seeing the past. A breeze from across the lake carried the smell of someone cooking on a grill. The aroma was wonderful and a reminder that it was getting late in the day, the sun would be going down soon and Barb and I both were hungry. As if on cue my stomach growled and Barb chuckled. We pulled our feet up out of the water and picked up our socks and shoes and walked back to the car. We stopped at a picnic table along the way and put our footwear back on. I asked Barb where she wanted to go for dinner and she said she wasn’t particular, we’d find somewhere on the drive back to the hotel.

We ended up stopping at a small diner outside of St. Ignace, it was not a national chain but the food was good and the service was friendly. We both had baked whitefish with roasted veggies and dark bread. Barb said she had worked here one summer as a waitress but the place had changed hands since then and she didn’t know the new owners. There was one of those tourist information display stands near the door as we came in that had all those little pamphlets for the different tourist attractions. I grabbed a handful of them before we found a booth. While we were eating we looked through some of them. One was for a place in Sault Ste Marie called Antlers, Barb said she’d been there before and we should stop there if we go up to cross the border into Canada. I had to pause and look up at her, I had no idea that this was going to be an international trip. She just looked back at me and smiled. Apparently it was customary for her and her sister to make a pilgrimage to the Mall on the Canadian side of the locks in Sault Ste Marie each year they visited their grandparents for the summer, at least since they were teenagers anyway. Again with the dreamy look in her eyes… I just smiled and nodded and gave a little shrug. Why not?

Upon getting back to the hotel Barb suggested we go try out the heated pool. I thought that was a wonderful idea so we both changed into our suits and grabbed a couple of towels and were soon headed to the pool. There was one other older couple lounging beside the indoor pool when we arrived but they soon departed leaving the entire pool to just Barbra and I. There’s just something about warm water and a hot woman that will forever rank high on my list of favorite things to experience. There wasn’t a whole lot of swimming going on of course, more like just a lot of watery cuddling and lots and lots of very hot kissing. We were like a couple of teenagers making out, I could have happily stayed in that pool all night with Barbra’s arms and legs wrapped around me and her lips playing with my own. Of course that much kissing and fondling will cause other parts of the body to perk up and pay attention and well… demand attention. Just about the time that Barbra had decided that we should move back to the room a family came into the pool area, great. With a raging erection I could not get out of the water until a certain body part relaxed considerably. Barb just grinned knowingly and separated from me then proceeded to get out of the pool and towel off. I on the other hand decided to swim a few laps to redistribute some of my blood flow.

Eventually the tent in my swim trunks receded and I was able to climb out of the pool and not draw any undue attention to myself. I toweled off and Barb and I headed back to the room. With the sun having gone down and the cooler air coming off Lake Michigan the night had become quite cool, by the time we reached the room door Barbra and I both were shivering a bit in our wet bathing suits. Barb asked me for the room key and I put my hand in the pocket of my swim trunks… but it wasn’t there! I checked the other pocket, but no joy there either. What the hell? Immediately my mind jumped into problem solving mode… when was the last time I remember dealing with the key? Barbra had handed me the key earlier as we walked from the room to the pool, I had put it in the pocket in my trunks. I remembered feeling it sticking into my leg as Barbra had wrapped her legs around my waist in the pool while we were making out. I didn’t remember it being in my pocket when I got out of the pool however. I told Barb that it must have fallen out while I was swimming laps in order to get my erection to go back down. She began laughing and we both headed back to the pool. Sure enough, once back at the pool, the family now gone as well, the water was calm and clear I walked around the edge of the pool until I spotted the key and its fob lying on the bottom of the deep end. I kicked my shoes back off and dove in and retrieved it. After toweling off again and putting my shoes back on we once more went back to the room, Barb clinging to my arm and chuckling the whole way.

We were both shivering again as we entered the room so without even talking about it we both headed to the bathroom and to a hot shower. What a wonderful shower indeed, more fondling and kissing, lots more kissing. It wasn’t long before the steam started to rise and fill the room, and not all of it was from the hot water coming out of the shower head either. I was a bit surprised however when Barb broke our kiss, and breathlessly suggested I back up a bit. As she was under the shower head that meant my back was against the back wall. Barb turned her back to me and deliberately, slowly bent over at the waist… and backed up into me. Now I might be a little slow on the uptake sometimes but the message was quite clear at the moment. Feeling her hands grasping my revived erection only confirmed that silent message as she guided me into her ready and waiting reception.

Barb placed both hands on the wall under the shower head and pressed back into me and began to rock backwards and forwards on my willing member that she was impaled upon. I placed my own hands on the wall behind me and thrust my hips forward to meet her motions. Barb was not interested in slow and steady or building up or teasing, no she was all out from the beginning. Our bodies were slapping and clapping in the steamy wet shower as our grunts soon replaced the sound of the water spraying. Somewhere in the back of my mind part of me was still coaching that I hold back, hold on, hang on… let Barb get hers first before letting myself go. I didn’t have to wait long however I felt Barb clamp down hard from the inside out, she slammed back into me and stopped moving… well… on the outside anyway. Her insides were a raging volcano and the eruption could only add to the steam from the hot water. Her inner walls clamped and stroked and massaged my turgid erection with all the frenetic motion that she was moments early contributing with her whole body. That was all I could take, I tipped over the edge and my climax sent waves and waves of my own fluids into that steaming cauldron within her. We were both shaking and twitching with little control of our own bodies at this point. It was any wonder how neither of us collapsed or slipped and fell in that shower just then. Barb had her head hanging down between her arms as she was still rooted against me and her hands on the shower wall. We were both heaving and trying to catch our breath. Barb was the first to catch her breath, as usual.

“Oh… my… god!” She panted as she pulled herself off of my now flagging erection and I sagged backwards letting my back come to rest against the back wall of the shower. She stood up slowly and stretched her arms high over her head as she turned to look at me with that big silly self satisfied smile of hers. I just stood there leaning against the wall with a silly grin of my own, still panting.

“Babe… you… are just… amazing!” I managed to get out. Barb stepped closer to me and brought her hands together wrapping them gently about my drooping exhausted warrior. She lovingly stroked him and cleaned him off before bending down and kissing the reddened mushroom head before releasing him. She ran her hands up my hips and sides as she pressed her breasts into my chest and locked her lips once more upon my own. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight. Knowing it was coming I bent my knees and let myself slide down the wall to where I was pretty much sitting on the back edge of the shower/tub. Barb must have realized what I was doing so she just stood there and kept her arms wrapped about my head and neck pulling my face into her loving basket between her breasts and abdomen. That’s when my aftershock hit. I’m sure it was brief just as it is every other time but I really don’t know for certain as just like every other time I literally check out mentally. The overload is too much for my brain I guess. When I did finally return to awareness I was still cradled in Barb’s loving arms and she was stroking the back of my head.

Eventually the water started to cool and we both had an unspoken agreement that it was time to get out of the shower. We toweled one another off and adjourned to the other room to get dressed in our sleep wear. Barb returned to the bathroom and used one of her little bottles of Massengill to clean up before she did her nightly routine of brushing teeth etc. We both crawled into bed and naturally conformed into a spooning embrace to go to sleep… before I drifted off I heard Barb murmur quietly.

“Thank you Jim… you have made me so very happy… I… I love you.” She nearly whispered. I must have tensed if even only for a heartbeat because I could feel Barbra tense in my arms. I could sense her apprehension as palpably as if she were holding a bright neon sign and talking with a bullhorn. I knew in my heart that she didn’t mean she was in love with me but that she truly cared and loved me all the same but she was afraid that she had misspoke and was thinking I would take it the wrong way. I kissed the top of her head and squeezed her gently but firmly in my arms.

“Barbra… babe… You know I love you too. I will always be there for you. I only want the best for you and if there’s anything I can do to make you happy you know I will do it if there’s any way possible to do so.” I whispered into her hair as I nuzzled her gently. I could feel her relax in my arms and then shudder with a small gasp and I heard her sniff and then sigh contentedly as she pulled my right hand to her chest between her breasts. I’m not sure who fell asleep first but we both drifted off and were fast asleep before long.

I awoke the next morning to an empty bed. I listened to see if I could hear Barb in the bathroom but it was too quiet, she was not even in the room. I sat up and wondered if she had slipped out like she had the first morning to go get some coffee and croissants. I stumbled to the bathroom and relieved my straining bladder as soon as my usual morning wood… would allow it. I had just flushed the toilet and was washing my hands as I heard the room door open and the sound of a passing car on wet pavement announced Barbra’s return.

“Hello!” I heard her call as she set down her bounty on the little table on the far side of the bed beside the TV.

“I’m here.” I said as I came out of the bathroom drying my hands on a hand towel. Barb practically skipped over to me and threw herself in my arms, her arms around my neck as she tilted her head up and kissed me full on the lips. She was practically vibrating with excitement. I could feel the cold dampness of her sweater on my arms as I gathered her up to squeeze her gently as I lifted her up off her feet while returning her kiss.

“Oh My!” said almost breathlessly as she broke the kiss and I gently set her back onto her feet. “I like that! I REALLY like that!” She said with a big smile even as I leaned down for another kiss.

“Out getting coffee?” I asked when we broke again to breath.

“Yes, and some of those rolls with butter and honey. There was no more hot chocolate this morning though, is tea okay?” She asked

“That’ll be fine.” I told her as she took me by the hand and pulled me over to the little table. We both sat and she handed me the foam coffee cup with hot water in it then produced a couple of tea bags from the sack along with a couple of packets of sugar. I opened the wrapper on one of the Twining’s Irish breakfast tea bags and put it in the cup. Barb pulled out four wax paper wrapped croissants and a small Styrofoam cup of whipped butter and another with honey in it. Instead of adding sugar to my tea I put a teaspoon of the honey in my cup and stirred it while the tea bag steeped. It might not have been as romantic or exciting as being fed bite by bite in bed… but the rolls were fresh and warm and very delightfully tasty especially with a little butter and a dab of honey on them. My tea was merely warm by the time I drank it but that’s okay, it still tasted fine.

“So we’re going shopping today…” I said watching Barbra as she finished off the last bite of her croissant. She smiled sweetly and her eyes lit up.

“…If you want to.” She said sweetly. I knew she was being coy now so I didn’t comment any further but rather I just smiled knowingly.

“How far is the drive to Sault Ste Marie anyway?” I asked.

“It’s a little over an hour from here. I was thinking we could go to the Mall first and then come back across into Michigan and have lunch at Antlers. Maybe we can check out one of the museums or two even there in Sault Ste Marie.” She said with an almost giggling voice. Yeah, she was excited.

“Sounds good to me.” I said. “I guess I need to get dressed so we can get a move on then.” I added as I wiped my lips with a napkin. Barb leaned over and kissed me sweetly on the lips and then jumped up and went to the bathroom to fix her makeup and start getting ready to go.

It wasn’t long before we were both ready to leave. I had cleaned off the little table after our breakfast feast. We got in the big rental car and headed over to the interstate on ramp down the road. Soon we were rocketing along northbound on I-75 towards Sault Ste Marie. There was a lot of open ground alongside the interstate… marshy wetlands, a few homesteads and or farms spaced about here and there. There were a few smaller communities with their own off ramps and signs proclaiming their local interests and places to visit, just like most anywhere else in the US. About twenty minutes into the drive Barbra unbuckled her seat belt and slid over to snuggle up to my right side. I put my arm around her and she sighed contentedly and we rode in silence for nearly an hour. As we got closer to Sault Ste Marie however she straightened up and started paying attention to the road signs and pointing out things off the interstate. I followed her directions and we navigated towards the border crossing into Canada.

It wasn’t long till we made it through the border checkpoint and then a little later found the entrance to the Station Mall parking lot. Inside, though I really didn’t know that I had expected, I discovered that it looked pretty much like any mall back home, same stores and retailers even. There were some different pricing on things though as the American Dollar was a bit stronger than the Canadian Dollar at the time. Fortunately for me the price tags all had both Canadian first and US second on them. Barb, like any and every other woman I’ve ever known loved to shop, and shop she did! Store after store after store… I think I was there just to carry bags for her. I didn’t mind though, I just smiled and carried on. It seemed like we had made the circuit of the entire mall by the time we got back around to the food court area. Barbra suggested we sit for a bit and maybe have something to drink. I went to a stand to get us some fountain drinks and saw my first offering of “poutine”. At first I thought it was something along the lines of chili cheese fries, but instead it was French fries with cheese curds and brown gravy. Intrigued I ordered a serving of it. Barbra said she’d had that before but wasn’t a big fan of it. She had a funny look on her face as we sat and sipped our drinks and I picked at my dish of poutine. I’d seen that look before and knew that Barbra was consorting with the devil… conniving… making plans, probably for me at some point in the near future. With that devilish little smile she stood up from the table and told me to stay put and not go anywhere, she’d be right back. I gave her a curious look with one eyebrow arching up questioningly as she turned and walked back down the mall on a solo shopping mission. Curious.

About twenty minutes later Barbra reappeared around the corner coming back into the food court. In her hands was a bag sporting the Victoria’s Secret logo complete with a pink ribbon tying the bag shut. She still had that devilish smile on her face but it was a self satisfied “I’ve got a secret” smile to be sure. She asked me if I was ready to go. I asked her “Go where?” She just smiled and I stood and we collected the rest of the shopping bags and headed off to find our rental car. Everything went into the massive trunk of the Grand Marquis, including Barb’s secretive Victoria’s Secret bag. Soon we were crossing the bridge from Canadian Sault Ste Marie back into the Michigan side of Sault Ste Marie. We followed the signs until we found The Antlers restaurant. The place was hopping even for the late lunch hours. I was just about to give up and look for a parking space down the street when a big old truck began backing out of a parking space two spaces from the door. That was luck! Or Karma maybe, I don’t know. We parked the boat and then went inside. Yeah, it was hopping alright.

Someone had the jukebox cranked up with some Eagles, Take it Easy was blasting out of the speakers. Yeah, that familiar corner in Winslow Arizona was being touted and so was that girl in the flat bed Ford… Good tunes! Not waiting for a hostess to seat us Barb and I spotted a couple of places at the bar so we grabbed them. We found that we could order our food while seated at the bar and when a table came open we could be seated there and served our meals. That worked out just fine. I ordered us a couple of fountain drinks while we waited, it wasn’t a long wait though as we were shown to a table, a booth really, but that was fine too. As we were waiting on our appetizer a gal with short dirty blond hair walked up to our table holding a note pad and a pen, she was looking at Barb curiously.

“Barbra? Is that really you?” She asked getting Barb’s attention. Barb looked up puzzled a bit then recognition flashed in her eyes and her expression went from cautious curiosity to amazed elation. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes got huge then she squealed and wiggled out of the booth seat and leapt at the gal throwing her arms around her and dancing around in a circle.

“PENNY!” She squealed in delight. They pulled back still locked arm in arm to look at one another. “Girl! What did you do to your hair?” Barbra gushed. And they began talking a mile a minute as I sat there a little confused but amused at the scene even though part of my mind and my heart did a little flip at the name Penny… remembering someone from my own past that was very very special to me. I shook off the brief pang of sadness and refocused on Barbra and this Penny.

“Oh you know, sometimes you just have to make some changes. Besides I’ve always heard that blondes have more fun… and it’s TRUE!” Penny said and then squealed again as the two embraced again for a long hug. When the separated again. Barbra slid into the booth across from me and Penny slid in next to her. Penny was eyeing me curiously but politely waited from Barb to make introductions.

“Penny, this is Jim… a very special friend of mine.” She said with a knowing smile. “Jim, this is Penny…” Barb paused and looked at Penny’s ring finger not seeing a ring then glanced at Penny’s face in askance.

“I took my maiden name back after my divorce, Penny Davis.” Penny said as she extended her hand across the table to shake mine. I took her hand in mine and shook it politely then turned it palm side down and pulled her hand to my lips and kissed the back of her hand lightly before releasing it. She withdrew her hand with her mouth agape and honestly a little shocked and not knowing what to say.

“As you can see, Jim is something of a romantic… and very encourageable. You might want to watch out for him.” Barb said with a chuckle. Penny smiled shyly and half turned to Barb but glanced back at me a couple of times still somewhat distracted.

“Nice… nice to meet you Jim… BARB! How have you been girl? It’s been so long since I’ve seen you!” Penny finally built up more steam and resumed her excited greeting and interrogation ensued. Apparently Penny’s long time marriage had ended a year or so ago and she made some changes aside from just her last name and living arrangements. Like the hairdo, she had previously been a strawberry blonde with long curly hair… and another pang shot through my heart before I could divert my mind… From the sound of it, her divorce had gotten ugly after her ex had been caught with another woman in their own bed. Instead of losing it right there and then, she had turned around and left, only she had taken the keys to his truck and backed out of the driveway to get a running start then t-boned his truck into the side of the other woman’s car. She then calmly got out of his truck and threw his keys into the woods beside their house before climbing into her own car and driving away. The police report was all the evidence her lawyer needed to win almost all the concessions to the divorce proceedings. She got the house and half of everything he owned, and then she promptly sold the house and moved on with her life.

Of course Barbra told of her ongoing divorce proceedings with Jess, her soon to be ex. She went on to explain about how we had met and how wonderful I had been for her. Yeah I was blushing but I remained quiet and let the two girls catch up. Penny asked about Barb’s sister Gail and how she was doing. Barb told her she was still happily married and all was well. Barb went on to tell Penny about having wanted to make the Bridge walk for so long and how she had planned on walking it last year only to find out about Jess and well, how the trip never happened. Then she looked at me with those big brown eyes brimming with joy and love and told her how she had asked me if I would come up with her this year and walk the bridge with her and that… well… here we were. Penny turned and studied me a little more intently as Barb went on and on about all that we had done since arriving Saturday night. Of course she didn’t quite go into detail about everything, but did make some allusions as to making her very very happy.

Eventually the subject got around to what Penny was doing here in Antlers of all places. We learned that she had moved to Sault Ste. Marie after her divorce and had been working here part time as a favor to the manager who was a family friend of hers. She still worked out of her home as a travel consultant as her primary employment. Someone at the bar caught her attention and she said she’d be back in a few minutes and got up to go do something. Barb just looked at me and smiled like she was having the best day of her life. She reached her hands across the table and took mine into them and squeezed in silent thanks. About that time our appetizer showed up and we happily began eating. It was a sampler platter of potato skins, Buffalo wings, some smoked whitefish and onion rings. I know, weird combination but hey, what can I say? We had just polished off the last wing when Penny came back to the table bringing our dinner order, a couple of fried whitefish sandwiches and fries. Penny served us then rejoined us in the booth after going to the bar and coming back with some drinks. Drinks we had not ordered but were welcomed all the same. For Barb it was a tall white Russian, one of her favorite drinks. Penny had a long Island iced tea, and for me it was a highball with rum and coke… and a long stemmed cherry. I simply smiled and thanked her but continued to eat my sandwich as the two girls caught up some more. Eventually the talk turned racier and memories of their past sexual exploits and adventures got retold for my benefit. I can’t be sure but I really think Penny was testing the water so to speak, as it was made clear that Barb and I were obviously fooling around but that we were not exactly a committed couple at this point. At some point the virtues and joys of oral sex came up and things got a little heated… for me anyway.

“Oh I know all about how good it can be… This guy here has taught me things I had no idea were even possible.” Barb said with a wanton and knowing smile as she glanced sidelong at me. Penny’s eyebrows went up questioningly as she too gave me a sidelong glance and tilted her head slightly at Barb in silent question to elaborate. Barb started to say something but then stopped and looked at me and smiled before tucking her bottom lip under her upper teeth and reached over to my highball glass and pushing it in front of me and winked. I looked down at the glass and then back up at Barb and smirked. I looked at Penny and smiled then shrugged my shoulders and plucked the long stemmed cherry from my drink and held it up and looked at it intently. Penny tilted her head quizzically her eyes narrowing as I studied the cherry. I looked at Barb and asked.

“Two or three? Two easily, three maybe.” I said and smiled looking straight into Barb’s eyes. She smiled back and said.

“Two would be plenty, three would be showing off.” And then she smiled and turned to look at Penny who was glancing back and forth between us. Again I shrugged and then popped the cherry, stem and all into my mouth. I chewed up the cherry and swallowed then stuck my tongue out briefly with the stem on it to show Penny. Again she tilted her head in a little confusion but continued to watch me. I worked the stem around in my mouth and tied first one knot in it then extended my tongue again to show her the first knot. Penny smiled and then looked at Barb with a single raised eyebrow.

“Oh wait… it gets better.” Barb said and turned back to me. I tongued the stem around in my mouth and managed a second knot on the opposite end of the stem. I extended my tongue once more and showed the second knot. I glanced and Barb and raised one eyebrow of my own as if to ask should I go on. Barb smiled and nodded her head and elbowed Penny in the side. “And now… for the kicker…” she said. I pulled my tongue back into my mouth and made a show of concentrating and manipulating the stem around and around until I knew I had the third and final knot tied. I looked at Barb and winked then turned my glance to Penny and looked her in the eyes… her pale Wedgwood blue eyes… another pang through my heart… then I smiled before sticking my tongue back out to display the stem with three knots on it. I plucked it from my mouth and set it on a napkin on the table between us. I then picked up the highball and took a long sip of my drink. The look on Penny’s face was priceless as she started making connections from curiosity to amazement then to envy as she turned to stare into Barb’s eyes.

“Bitch! Why do you always find the GOOD ones?” Penny exclaimed and giggled. Barb’s face lit up with that million watt smile and she laughed along with Penny.

“Oh baby… trust me, that cherry stem doesn’t even come close to what it really feels like! Oh My GOD!” Barb squealed.

“I’m not sure I even remember what it feels like honestly. Even before I caught my ex fuckin’ that whore in our bed it had been a long time since he even touched me. Bastard.” Penny lamented

“Surely you’re not starved for company now. I mean a good looking gal like you probably has more attention than you have time to fool with.” I said speaking up for the first time. Penny looked at me and smiled coyly. Barbra just grinned at me and winked.

“Oh My Barb honey, you didn’t tell me he was a charmer too.” Penny declared as she leaned her head towards Barbra conspiratorially.

“Yes he is Penny… but it’s not an act, he really is that sweet.” Barb said looking me in the eye and smiling sweetly.

“Well I get hit on a lot. Lots of guys try to pick me up but I’ve not met anyone worth considering let alone fooling around with… lots of drunks and sailors.” Penny said looking into her drink as she held the glass in her hand and swirled the contents. Barbra reached up with her right hand and rubbed Penny’s left arm from the shoulder to the elbow and back reassuringly. I sensed a girl talk moment and seeing as my bladder was talking to me anyway I excused myself to go to the restroom. Barb gave me a curious look but didn’t say anything as I slid out of the booth and headed off towards the restroom. The restrooms were down a little hallway off the end of the bar. At the end of the hallway was an exit door as in many such restaurants and bars this hallway also had doors to the kitchen, the manager’s office and a storage room. There was also a payphone on the wall near the bathrooms. The hallway itself was not well lit and the one of the two fluorescent overhead lights was flickering and dim. This flickering combined with the various stuffed and wall mounted wild animal heads made for a visually interesting stroll to and from the restroom indeed. After emptying my bladder and washing my hands I once more strolled the strobe lit menagerie back into the main room of the restaurant. On every wall, shelf and most of the horizontal or merely flat surfaces there were all manner of stuffed animals and fish and fowl. I guess that’s how the place got its name or maybe the animals were just donated or purchased to tie into the name of the place.

As I slid back into the booth I still felt like I was interrupting a very intimate and special conversation between the two old friends. Barb and Penny were holding hands on the table top and their heads were pressed so closely together that they could have been kissing if they were any closer. They both glanced towards me as I slid into my seat and gave me soft if sheepish smiles both averting their eyes quickly as if a little embarrassed. I merely smiled at the both of them and sipped my drink and pretended to look around the room studying everything in it but them. Their conversation continued but it was very hushed and in parts mere whispers in one another’s ear. Out of the corner of my eye I caught Barb glancing at me from time to time and every now and then so did Penny. Yeah, I got the feeling that I was being talked about at least some of the time… I wondered if the occasional giggle was appreciatory or derogatory however. I mean no matter how secure a guy is there is always room for worry especially when women are talking. “Oh well, nothing new there.” I thought to myself and forced myself to not worry about it overly much. Just go with the flow and see where it goes. I was not ready for this particular incidence however.

The whispers began to get a little more intense and then some extended periods of silence as the two girls considered what was being said and looking at one another very intently as if to judge what the other was saying. At one point I happened to let my gaze wonder back to the table as I took another sip of my drink only to find that both girls were looking at me again rather intently. Barb had that soft loving smile of hers that made my heart melt and Penny’s was maybe a little uncertain but with a hint of curiosity that I’ve seen on the lips of other women in my life. That’s when I knew something was up and I think it had something to do with me. Good or bad I wasn’t sure at that point but I didn’t let it show on my face. I simply looked into both ladies’ eyes, from one to the other and back. Penny looked at her wrist watch and then around the room as if taking stock on how busy the restaurant was at the time, which it wasn’t really. Looking back to me once more Penny smiled shyly then turned to Barb and tilted her head in silent question. Barb smiled at Penny and winked and nodded. This caused Penny to nod as well and then they both turned to look at me and smiled yet again. Uh oh… something is going on for sure.

Penny scooted over and stood up from the booth’s bench on that side, Barb too scooted over and stood at the end of the table once more taking Penny’s hands in both of hers and squeezing them before releasing them and leaning over to whisper in my ear.

“Jim… I have a favor to ask of you. I will understand if you say no… but it will make me very happy if you agree.” She spoke quietly into my ear as she laid her left hand on top of my left hand that held my drink on the table in front of me. Her right hand was running through the hair on the back of my head as she wrapped her fingers around to toy with my right ear. Of course she knew little touches like that turned me into putty in her hands. I closed my eyes and tried not to tilt my head into those magic fingers but sat still and listened on for what she was about to ask of me.

“Barb, honey I…” I began but Barbra nibbled on my left ear just enough to silence me and get my full attention.

“Lover, I know you well enough to know that you both love and care for me. I also know that you love and care for other women in your life so I am even more appreciative of any attention you give to me. I know how you make me feel like I’m the only woman in the world when you are with me, no matter what’s going on or where we are. Now this might sound weird but I want to share that feeling with one of my oldest and dearest friends in some small way. I don’t think she’s ever experienced that from any guy she’s ever known before.” She continued and I could feel my pulse speeding up and the wheels in my head were spinning so fast I thought my head would explode with all the thoughts turning in my mind.

“Barb… I don’t know wha….” I began only to be cut off again by more nibbling and toying with my other ear. She went on after I fell silent and was obviously paying attention again.

“I want you to go with Penny. I want you to hold her and kiss her like you do with me. You can pretend it’s me if you want but I want her to at least experience it, experience you and what it feels like to be that only woman in the world if only for a few minutes. I’m not asking you to have sex with her but some heavy petting wouldn’t be a bad thing either if you want…” she said in a rush then paused before sealing her request in such a way that I couldn’t refuse. “Please?” she asked as she pulled back enough to see my face and I hers. I could see the pleading look in those deep brown eyes, the seriousness of her request. The smile on her face was both genuine for her friend and at the same time tinged with uncertainty in what I might say or do. I sat silently for a few heartbeats, knowing that this really did mean a lot to Barb and that it took a lot for her to even suggest it so I had to be careful with my next words… and actions. Glancing from Barb’s smiling if somewhat worried face I saw Penny standing just a step away nervously fidgeting with her note pad and pen, all but wringing her hands trying desperately not to look nervous. I had the distinct impression that she was seriously considering bolting rather than following through with Barb’s suggestion. Internally I’m shaking my head as if to clear my thoughts and understand how in the hell I find myself in these kinds of situations… I’m getting pimped out by my girlfriend to kiss another woman as a favor to her? Wait… girlfriend? Do I really consider Barb my girlfriend now? To my knowledge neither of us had even suggested being exclusive to one another at any point, in fact Barb has made in clear in the past that she doesn’t want me to consider her a burden or a responsibility by being exclusive to her. Still though… she’s asking me to make out with a friend of hers just for the experience? Shouldn’t I feel a little awkward about the suggestion alone, let alone doing anything like that? On the other hand… Barb has encouraged me to explore things with our friends Todd and Anne. I guess the only difference here is that I hardly know Penny. Maybe it’s a trust issue on my part. All these thoughts only took a few heartbeats of course but even that seemed like an eternity to Barbra as she glanced nervously at Penny then back to me.

“Barbra… Penny… I’d be honored to… assist… in this matter. I am your humble servant.” I said and smiled somewhat sheepishly at the both of them as they again looked at one another and smiled, Barb stepped back from the booth to allow me to scoot out and stand up. Barbra wrapped her arms around my waist and tilted her head back to look up at me silently mouthed the words “Thank you.” She then released me and slid back into her seat in the booth. I stood looking at Penny briefly, for the first time sizing her up as more than just a friend of Barb’s. She was a tall drink of water for certain, whereas Barb stood just five foot three in her bare feet, her forehead level with my chin, Penny stood a good two inches taller than me. Her frame was not exactly skinny but she was thin of the waist but broad in the hips. Her chest was not overly large but nicely proportioned to her frame. Her short blond hair did little to hide the blush that crept up her neck to her cheeks as she looked at me almost shyly before looking back to Barb again to get reassurance yet again. Barb smiled that million watt smile and winked at her giving her that little “shoo shoo” hand motion with one hand as she reached for her White Russian to finish it off. I Looked at Penny and offered her my right arm. At first she didn’t know what to make of that and looked decidedly puzzled and even glanced back at Barb again before cautiously slipping her left hand into my arm.

“Yes, you are a charmer aren’t you Jim?” Penny said with a smile.

“I wouldn’t say I’m a charmer but I do try to be a gentleman, especially with lovely ladies.” I said with a shrug. “Is there somewhere we could find a little… privacy perhaps?” I asked. Penny let her smile get a little bigger and she gave a little “come this way” nod of her head and began walking with me towards that strobing hallway to the bathrooms again. We walked past the pay phone and both of the bathroom doors, on past kitchen door and paused at the manager’s door. Slipping her hand out of my arm for a moment she opened the door and leaned in to say something to the manager or whoever was in charge. She informed them that she was going to take a break for a little while since it was slow. Apparently she got consent and she stepped back and closed the door and slipped her hand back into my arm and looked at me. I noticed that she was biting her lower lip, much the same way Barb does. Penny led me to the next door and opened it and held her right hand out as if to usher me inside.

This room was both a storage room with several racks of canned goods and boxes of foodstuffs as well as apparently a break room for the staff of the restaurant and bar. There was a small card table with a couple of folding chairs. There was an old fridge a small black and white TV that was currently turned off on a side table next to an ancient plastic box AM/FM radio that was playing some talk show at the time. There were a few metal lockers for personal clothing like coats or whatever standing next to a small couch or maybe it was a loveseat I’m not sure. Penny let go of my arm and walked to the small side table and turned the round plastic dial to change the station to some music. She flipped through several stations some in English some in French before finding a station playing a song by oddly enough the Eagles again. The opening bars of “Desperado” began to crackle softly out of the small radio as Penny straightened back up and turned to face me again. She hugged her arms, her hands on the opposite’s elbow as she bowed her head slightly to look at me with that shy smile again. Her teeth clamped lightly on her lower lip, her eyes almost fearful but curious at the same time. I was struck again at the similarities of her blue eyes to the Penny I knew many years ago and I felt a little pang in my heart that made me swallow a lump in my throat. “Say something” my fore brain was saying in my head. This woman is… is what really? She’s curious for certain, but hesitant as well. She’s got her own doubts and insecurities just like anyone else even if she’s hiding them well. She’s Barbra’s friend and for Barbra to even think about this let alone suggest it means that she is both important in Barbra’s life and worthy of my own friendship as well if by association if nothing else. And look at those eyes. Sure, they are beautiful, blue and attentive, but they are almost bashful. “Say something…” My brain repeated.

“Penny… You don’t know me, and I hardly know you… but we both know Barbra and she chose both of us as her friends so that must mean something to you as much as it does to me. If Barbra knows, loves and trusts you I can’t help but think that I can do the same for you as well… at least as a friend.” I spoke softly, my gaze locked on those lovely blue eyes. I moved another step closer to Penny.

“Jim… I really do love her. I don’t want to do anything to come between you and her though. I’d never want to hurt her.” Penny said just as softly as I had spoken.

“Well, that’s one worry you can set aside then. Nothing you do can ever change how I feel about Barbra. She is my friend and I will always be her friend. I do love her, honestly I do, but we are not in love with one another. I would be happy if we were but it is what it is. That she even suggested this to you should tell you that she’s not possessive of me to that extent.” I said as I moved another half step closer now just a handsbreadth apart. To her credit Penny didn’t back away or bolt in panic, instead she took a half a step closer to me so that we were almost touching now. It was unusual for me to have to look up into a woman’s face. Oh it wasn’t the first time and I’m sure it probably won’t be the last time but it was unusual. I tilted my head up slightly lifting my chin but waiting for her to come to me. I had the feeling that she would appreciate it more if I let her take the first step, make the first move. In the background Glen and Don and the boys were crooning about letting somebody love you… before it’s too late. Penny must have heard it and took the verse to heart as she leaned forward and hesitantly brushed her lips against mine.

I felt a spark of electricity from those hesitant soft warm lips… I suspect Penny did as well as she pulled back with a slight gasp and her eyes were wide. Just as the song ended… the radio station must have been playing the Eagles greatest hits album or something as the next song began to play… “One of These Nights” For Penny it could have been a commentary on her own love life I suspect.

“Are… you sure… you want to do this Jim?” She asked in almost a whisper. I looked at her and raised one eyebrow and tilted my head slightly to one side.

“I am always open to exploring possibilities with a new friend, but I would understand if you had second thoughts. I suspect that you are asking that question of yourself more than you are of me.” I said softly as I brought my right hand up and gently rubbed her left arm from shoulder to elbow. Her harms were still crossed across her midriff as if hugging herself so her right hand was clutching her left elbow as my hand came to rest on it. Penny looked down at my hand then back up to my face. Seeing the couch directly behind her I placed my left hand on her right elbow and gently guided her backwards to sit on the arm of the couch. This brought her face and head down to just below my own. Looking up at me Penny blinked a couple of times as her eyes seemed to be watering a bit suddenly. Her lower lip was quivering slightly and she seemed to be trembling all over. I raised my right hand to gently lift her chin up and I told her.

“Penny… I will not force myself on you. I will not take advantage of you. I will however give you attention and affection freely and honestly. You have nothing to fear from me. If you would rather we just sit and talk a bit that would be okay too. Just say the word…” I told her.

“Kiss me again.” She said and swallowed again. So I did. Still holding her chin gently in my right hand I leaned in and kissed her softly and slowly pressing my lips gently to hers. She responded in kind, her own lips becoming animated and pressing back into mine. I let my right hand slip away as Penny’s enthusiasm and interest seemed to be taking on a life of its own. Her tongue was the first to breach our lips and soon mine met hers to begin that familiar dance. After a few moments she pulled back and looked me in the eyes again. Her eyes were just as beautiful as before but now her gaze had taken on a different emotion, there was no longer fear or uncertainty but interest and… well… for lack of a better de***********ion… longing. Penny uncrossed her arms and she raised her hands up to place them on either side of my face to draw me back down to her as she closed her eyes and her lips parted ever so slightly in anticipation. Again we kissed but it was a little more aggressive this time. Our tongues still twirled and darted about teasing one another. I drew her bottom lip out between mine and let it slip slowly back through. We changed sides of our noses to try a different angle and found it just as agreeable. I brought my hands to rest on either of Penny’s shoulders and she shuddered at my touch. Penny’s hands slid down the sides of my face to my neck and then together down the front of my chest her palms flat and pressing but not pushing me away.

Our breathing was getting short and fast, as it often does when passions rise in two people locked in a passionate kiss. I found my hands had moved of their own volition to hold Penny’s head gently in my two hands, my fingers reaching around the back of her neck and my thumbs resting just in front of her ears. My hands were cradling her head not controlling it. This time when Penny drew back to catch her breath I did not, instead I kissed her jaw line and then down her neck on her left side. I lifted my right hand so that I could kiss the tender areas around and just under her ear. She gasped and let out a low almost silent moan.

“You certainly know how to kiss Penny… I think any man would be proud to be on the receiving end of your lips.” I whispered into her left ear as my right hand again stroked her arm just below her left shoulder.

“I was right earlier, you are a flatterer Jim…” Penny chirped out almost breathlessly but smiled as she pulled back a bit to look me in the face again. “But Barb was right too, you are an amazing kisser, so gentle but still so exciting and passionate. It would be easy for any gal to fall for you.” She said a little wistfully as she licked her lips unconsciously signaling a desire for more. Who am I to deny a beautiful woman the service of my lips? I willingly leaned in and reengaged in our lip play. Both of my hands were on her shoulders once more and Penny was all but standing up from the couch as she leaned into me searching for something and apparently finding it in my kiss. She did stand up from the arm of the couch and she wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled herself in closer to me. I let my hands and arms slide down from her shoulders to the small of her back and pull her into me as well. A gasp and a small moan escaped Penny’s lips as she paused briefly when her breast and two very hard nipples pressed into my chest. Her thin blouse and sheer bra did little to blunt their rigidity, nor did my knit shirt.

“Oh Jim, I am so turned on right now. You can’t imagine how much… it’s been so long since a man has done this to me, or even looked at me…” She trailed off with some definite embarrassment in her voice as she rested her head against the crook of my neck. That put my face in the crook of her neck and shoulder as well as she was just a bit taller than I. I of course nuzzled and kissed her exposed neck lightly eliciting yet another low moan.

“Penny, you are a beautiful woman, any man alive would be happy, thrilled even to pay attention to you. You are exciting.” I purred into her ear.

“Jim you are wonderful and very nice but I think you’re just saying that.” She half choked the words out. I stopped moving at all, stopped kissing and nuzzling… stopped breathing even for a moment or two wondering what else I could do to show Penny that she was still attractive and exciting. I felt her hardened nipples again against my chest and then it came to me. What is the easiest way for any girl to know that I guy found her exciting? I pulled back away from Penny a bit and reached around behind me to take her by the wrist, her left as I was using my right hand. I pulled her hand and arm around between us, first bringing it up to my mouth were I kissed the palm of her hand. Then looking her in her eyes and not breaking that gaze I lowered her hand to my crotch. I pressed her palm against the growing bulge in my jeans and held it there. Penny could feel my pulse pumping through my contained erection. Her eyes widened in surprise and then narrowed in realization that I was not kidding when I told her she was exciting.

“Penny I don’t mean to be crude but you should know that the body doesn’t lie. So when I tell you you should never doubt yourself or your affect on a man, believe it! You have the looks, you have the skills, own it girl!” I said all without blinking. Penny looked deep into my eyes and with her hand still feeling my erection through my jeans her bottom lip began to tremble again. Releasing her hand from my right, I brought my right hand up and touched my index finger softly to her lower lip to still the trembling. I then shifted to take her chin gently in my fingers and I leaned in and kissed her softly once more, tenderly and slowly. When I pulled back again she stood there stunned and gasped once then held her breath. She swallowed and stepped back from me to hug herself again much as she had earlier but this time there was something new in her posture. A smile began to spread on her face, slowly at first but it grew and grew. I saw a new light in her eyes along with a slight sheen… tears? Oh no! Not tears! I can’t stand making a girl cry. It always breaks my heart. My face must have reflected my concern because Penny half chuckled and lifted her hands to wipe her eyes.

“Oh Jim… I’m not crying because I’m sad… you just made me so happy. How did you do that with a few kisses and a few words? If Barbra ever decides to part with you I want you to know you can always come see me…” She began but then stopped and stood up straight once more. I need to get you back to Barb. I need to thank her and tell her she was right… Jim…” Suddenly Penny looked uncertain again and shy, perhaps a little worried. “I… I want to thank you… for…” I cut her off with my index finger once more pressing softly against her lips. I smiled at her and shook my head.

“Penny, I should be thanking you. You gave me your trust, and you showed me just how exciting and wonderful a person you are. Remember that feeling and believe in yourself. That’s all the thanks I need.” I said sincerely and offered her my right arm. She smiled and took it and we headed to the door. I paused after a step or two and used my left hand to… readjust… my apparent bulge in my jeans to make it less noticeable. I looked to Penny and smiled sheepishly and shrugged. “Beautiful women… I can’t help it sometimes.” I said and we opened t he door and walked back down the hall way to dining room.

Barbra saw us emerge from the hallway and she studied us both intently, a poker face to compete with the pro’s that one was for sure! She couldn’t hide the question in her eyes however. When we reached the booth Penny patted my arm with her free hand and then disengaged and scooted in next to Barb. I resumed my seat across from the two ladies. I saw that I had a bit more of my drink remaining in my glass, so I finished it off in one go. Penny took Barb’s right hand in her left and squeezed it as the two studied each other’s eyes and faces in silent communication for a moment or two. Penny nodded and smiled if a bit sheepishly and Barb’s face split into a big happy grin. Penny leaned over and whispered something into Barb’s right ear and her eyebrows rose and she gave me a sidelong glance before turning and whispering into Penny’s ear. Penny bit her lower lip and gave her head a very brief shake in the negative then whispered into Barb’s ear something more. Barb nodded her head slowly then smiled a sweet if sad smile, her eyes shined with the reflection of a building tear. The two ladies wrapped their arms around one another and hugged for a long minute or so rubbing and patting one another’s backs and whispering in each other’s ears. Finally they separated again, red faced smiling and shedding tears… of happiness? Barbra handed Penny a piece of folded paper and Penny took it and looked at it then put it in her pocket. Penny then scooted out from the bench on their side of the booth and stood at the end of the table straightening herself out. She then leaned over and whispered in my ear.

“Thank you Jim, you really are a gentleman and I’m so happy for Barb. Remember what I told you though… look me up anytime.” And with that she kissed me on the cheek and stood back up… she gave Barb one of those little bye bye waves and a big smile and went back to work, she stopped at a table halfway across the room and greeted the customers that had just seated and began taking drink orders.

“Jim… are you okay?” Barb asked from across the table, both of her hands laying flat on the tabletop. Her beautiful nails almost looking wet as they were so shiny… and red… I shook my head at the momentary flashback from another time with another woman. It’s funny how some things can trigger memories.

“Honestly? Never in my life would I have thought you would ask me to do such a thing as you did today.” Barb’s face began to crumble but I held up my hand in a “hold on” motion before I continued. “I’m not upset or anything babe, really, just a little… I don’t know… stunned maybe? To think that you trust me that much… it’s really humbling Barb.” I said sincerely. She smiled that sweet loving smile again and reached both of her hands over to grasp my right hand and squeeze it.

“I already paid our bill, are you ready to go?” She asked. I shrugged and smiled at her and nodded.

Barb and Penny hugged once more before we left. Penny gave me a hug too, though this time there were no hard nipples pressing into my chest. She did wink to me though and blush slightly. Penny promised to call Barb. Arm in arm Barb and I walked to the car. We drove around a bit and eventually stopped at what is advertised as a floating museum. The Valley Camp, a retired freight and ore hauler had been converted into a floating museum housing and displaying maritime exhibits. Paintings, and exhibits of things from everyday life aboard freighters, clothes, personal items used by the sailors were displayed everywhere throughout the ship. The ship itself was a display as well, the different compartments, berths and galley, the bridge… the holds were where most of the exhibits were set up of course. One interesting exhibit was of the Edmund Fitzgerald that sank in a winter storm in 1975 including a model of the ship that sank and two of its lifeboats as well as other wreckage recovered. Not exactly a cheery exhibit but still interesting. Towards the end of the self guided tour Barb and I found ourselves standing on the aft decking at the fantail railing looking out across the water of St Mary’s River. There was a cool breeze blowing but there was no rain at the moment so we just stood there and relaxed a bit. Barbra cuddled up close to me to ostensibly keep warm but we both knew that she was just as much being affectionate in the moment. I wrapped my left arm around her shoulders and hugged her gently all the same.

“Jim… Penny told me that you told her that you loved me.” Barb spoke softly as she leaned her head against me.

“That’s nothing new to you is it?” I asked and kissed the top of her head, and took a long sniff of her hair relishing the floral scent of her shampoo.

“No. No it isn’t, but it feels nice when I hear it from other people.” She admitted and gave me a squeeze with her right arm. “You know I love you too… right?” She asked in a quiet timid voice. I kissed the top of her head again and hugged her with my left arm.

“Yes I do. I’ve known for quite a while actually. I know we’ve declared that we are only friends… well… special friends I guess… but even if we never fooled around again Barb you know I would still love you just as much. We may not always be lovers but you will always be a friend… a very very dear friend… and I yours.” I said softly. We stood there a while longer in silence, both lost in our own thoughts perhaps, enjoying one another’s closeness. It was the first few raindrops pattering about the deck that drew us back to the present and we agreed it was time to go. Back through the ship museum to the entrance and then to the car we walked hand in hand, both with smiles on our faces.

The drive back to St. Ignace was mostly quiet as Barb snuggled up close to me and rested her head on my right shoulder. Pulling back into St. Ignace I heard Barbra’s stomach growl and I couldn’t keep from chuckling. At which point my own stomach growled and she started laughing. She tilted her head up to me and we both said “Dinner?” and then both started laughing. We both asked one another what they wanted and I told Barb I would defer to her judgment as I didn’t know the area like she did. In the end we decided to go to a restaurant named The Galley. The restaurant was on the shore overlooking Lake Huron, and not too far from our hotel.

For dinner we both opted for the broiled whitefish with small house salads on the side. I think I was developing a taste for whitefish on this trip, in several different forms, smoked, fried and now broiled as well. The meal was filling but not heavy so we both had room for a desert and decided to get a piece of cheesecake with strawberries and glaze. Barb finished with a cup of coffee and I had a cup of hot tea… well sugared of course. The cheesecake was so good I ordered two more servings to go before we paid our bill and made for the parking lot. We walked to the edge of the lot overlooking the bouldered shoreline and the waves lapping off the lake. There was a cold breeze blowing in off the water so we didn’t linger long.

A short while later we were back at our hotel and we cuddled up on the top of the bed with the TV on. I couldn’t tell you what was on though as I was not really paying attention to the boob tube, but rather to the woman in my arms. We were spooning of course, much like… no… exactly like we had been sleeping the past few nights, only we had our clothes on this time.

“I have a confession to make…” Barb almost whispered as she clutched my right hand and arm to her breast with both of her arms. I wasn’t sure if I needed to speak or simply wait for her to explain or go on. After a prolonged silence with only the sounds of our relaxed breathing and the almost muted sounds coming from the TV I finally gave a verbal nudge.

“About…” I made the one word into a question. I could feel Barb take a deep breath as if to steel herself for what she was about to tell me.

“Asking you to kiss Penny today… It… it wasn’t the first time.” I felt Barb tense as she awaited my reaction.

“Funny… I don’t remember you asking me to kiss Penny before… or anyone else for that matter.” I tried to make light of the mood still wondering exactly what Barbra was referring to… Not the first time?

“Not you silly.” Barb said with a small sigh resigning herself to give further explanation. “It’s not the first time I’ve asked anyone to kiss Penny… or for that matter she asked anyone to kiss me.” She added and with that she now had my utterly undivided attention. There was a story here and I wanted to know it.

“Oh? Care to elaborate a little more on that statement?” I asked now that my curiosity was piqued. I felt Barb chuckle silently as she once more squeezed my right hand and arm.

“We’ve known each other since we were little girls, spending every summer up here but you know that part. Penny, Gail and I and a couple of other girls used to run around together. We had boyfriends almost every summer too but no one serious really. But we girls are curious and we like to trade notes and… well… talk.” She chuckled not quite silently this time. I had to smirk myself as she mentioned one of the truisms that I’ve come to know in my life… Girls (Women) TALK.

“And?” I again gave a little verbal nudge for Barb to continue.

“And sometimes we would share… more than just de***********ions. You know sometimes words just don’t do a feeling justice… it just seems lacking. So… so we would share the actual thing.” Barb said either still beating around the bush a bit or having trouble putting what she wanted to say into words. I wasn’t sure which it was really, but I was starting to get an idea what she meant.

“So you’re trying to tell me that if one or the other of you were impressed with say a certain guy’s… kissing… you would ask him to do it to your girlfriend so that she would know what it was really like?” I proposed. I could feel Barb at first tense briefly then relax into me and snuggle all the closer if that was even possible.

“Yes…” Barb confirmed but I sensed that there was more that she hadn’t put into words yet.

“And possibly you’ve ‘shared’ more than just a good kiss from time to time?” I left the question open to interpretation to see where she might go with it.

“Oh it was usually just kissing… but there were a few times that we tried other things, but that was pretty rare.” Barb admitted but as she didn’t tense up or even relax more I figured that it must not be a source of regret or concern other than what my reactions might be.

“So, now knowing a bit more about your shared history with Penny, I shouldn’t have been shocked or even surprised by your request this afternoon?” I asked in a light voice tinged with amusement. Barb hugged my arm furiously and then brought my right hand to her lips and kissed it softly before speaking again.

“Jim, I would trust you with my life. I knew if you agreed to what I asked that you would be just as kind and gentle and loving with Penny as you’ve been with me. I… I wanted to show Penny a little bit of what I’ve found in you… I wanted to share that feeling of… of… complete acceptance and trust… of… love.” Barb finished quietly and I could feel her take in a breath in a bit of a gasp. Again she went silent waiting on my reply. I lay there spooned behind her, my right arm trapped in her grasp clutched to her breast as if holding on to a lifeline. I could almost feel her heart pounding through her back … or maybe it was my own heart? It was beating rather strongly as if swelled by the words describing me. Then again, maybe it was my head that was swollen, I mean I’m just as susceptible to flattery as most any other guy I suppose.

“Well I hope I made the impression you were trying to make then. Still though… it was rather unusual, certainly not something that I’ve experienced much of. I will say this much for Penny however, she’s certainly wonderfully skilled at kissing… at least after she loosened up a little anyway. She was rather tense, but then I think I probably was as well.” I confided to Barbra a little sheepishly.

“Oh you made an impression alright! Especially when you put her hand on your crotch and she felt your growing interest in her.” Barb chuckled and then reached behind her to check me out herself…her hand groping my semi erect manhood through my jeans. “You know guys can say anything and not mean a word of it, they can kiss you and make you think that they are interested in you… but the crotch doesn’t lie. Penny knew that everything you told her was true and from the heart. You have no idea how much that meant to her. Thank you Jim.” Barb cooed and she squeezed my arm again.

“Barb…?” I prompted and waited…

“Yes?” She asked softly

“If you ever do anything like that again… give me a little warning first… okay?” I spoke softly but earnestly and then kissed the top of her head again. I could feel her relax in my arms, and snuggle a little closer still.

“I will lover… I will. I promise.” Barb said with a smile in her voice and though I couldn’t see it at the moment I’m sure she had a smile on her face as well. We both lay there together on the bed enjoying the warmth and comfort of each other mindlessly watching some TV show, I couldn’t even tell you what it was, it was that impressive. At some point, sometime later, Barbra spoke again.

“Jim… let’s go to the beach tomorrow. We can stop and get some hotdogs and buns and stuff and have a picnic on the beach.” She said but it sounded more like a question or a request anyway. I couldn’t find anything wrong with the idea though so I told her so.

“Sure babe. That’d be great. Hey… if we find a secluded spot maybe we can go skinny dipping.” I suggested mostly in jest but I think she took it seriously.

“Oh…. I think you might change your mind when you get in the water… but we’ll see.” She said somewhat cryptically. Hey… she didn’t say no though, so there’s that to maybe look forward too I thought. Eventually Mother Nature put in a call to Barb and I and we both had to get up from our comfy repose and make a pilgrimage to the bathroom to relieve ourselves. Ladies first of course… I began changing my clothes, taking off my jeans and shirt and slipping on sweats and a tee shirt. Then we traded places… only Barb wrapped me in her arms as she came out of the bathroom. Ordinarily that would have been wonderful but an extra squeeze on my waist was not very comfortable on a full bladder. She giggled and let me go so that I could take care of that little problem. I went ahead and took care of all my business while I was in there… why not? Washed my hands afterwards and my face… went ahead and shaved again and brushed my teeth and flossed.

When I came out of the bathroom Barb was sitting up on the bed with our two take home containers of cheese cake from the Galley. I took my place next to her and she handed me a plastic fork and then my box with the cheese cake. It was just as good now as it had been earlier in the evening… and sharing it with my present company made it even better I think. Of course tasty bites between sweet kisses are always a plus. Alas, it doesn’t last… well… the cheese cake didn’t anyway, we soon had it all put away and had nothing left but a few crumbs from the crust and a sweet after taste in our mouths. It was almost a shame that we both had to brush our teeth again, but a must is a must. After we were done this time we decided to call it a night. Turning out the lights and resuming our comfy spoon cuddle we were soon both sound asleep. I had some interesting dreams that night, I must admit.

In the wee hours of the morning I was awakened… I’m not sure if it was by my bladder or the dream I was having. I was with Barbra and her little circle of friends back in Lexington at the bar and grill where I first met them. Much like Barb had with Penny the day before she had asked me to share with her friends… to kiss them. The words were not expressly spoken, she didn’t actually ask me to kiss them but somehow in the dream it was implied. Now the thought of kissing the girls… biological girls that is… wasn’t too over the top for me… unusual yes but not against my nature really. But kissing a guy was just not going to happen! I rolled out of bed, reluctant to remove myself from that oh so comfortable spoon with Barb, and made my way to the bathroom. I emptied my bladder and splashed my face with water after washing my hands. Shaking my head to clear the thoughts of that dream-scape that had unsettled me I then crawled back into bed and before I could spoon up next to Barb again she rolled over and literally draped herself over me her left arm and left leg crossing over me possessively and her head and face burrowed into my shoulder. It was very nice. Soon I was back off to dreamland but at least I wasn’t being asked to kiss any guys this time. Rather, I found myself in the act of skinny dipping with Barbra… and Penny… and Gail. Oh my! The power of the mind and imagination can be so… entertaining!

I must have really been out of it after I went back to sleep the second time as I never felt or heard Barbra get up the next morning. I took stock of my surroundings as I became aware of where I was. It was quiet in the hotel room… too quiet. No sound coming from the bathroom so I assumed Barb had dressed and slipped out early as she had before. I stumbled out of bed after sitting on the edge for a few moments taking stock. Morning ablutions had just been completed when Barbra reentered the hotel room as I was exiting the bathroom.

“Hi there sleepy head!” Barb all but sang with a big smile on her face. She was dressed in the same outfit she’d worn to walk the bridge with the addition of her baggy sweater. In her immaculately manicured hands she held a sack of what I hoped were more of those fresh croissants and a cup carrier with two coffee cups with lids.

“Hello beautiful.” I said returning her smile. “Out and about already I see, and returned with bounty as well!” I said as my mouth watered from the aroma of the rolls.

“Yes I have… I woke up after having dreamed about them so I got dressed and went and got some for us. They had hot chocolate this morning too.” She added sweetly as she placed the bounty on the small table and took off her sweater just before I wrapped my arms around her from behind and nuzzled her neck kissing her below her right ear. Barb wrapped her arms about mine and leaned back into me relishing the fond embrace. “Oh my god Jim! I could really get used to this… you spoil me.”

“No Barb, you spoil me! I’m just showing you a little appreciation for the things you do.” I murmured into her ear as we both slowly swayed side to side locked in our embrace.

“It’s nice to be appreciated.” Barb sighed and began to turn in my arms to face me. She reached her hands and arms up around my neck and pulled me down into a sweet loving kiss and pressed her forehead to mine, nose to nose. “Come on, let’s eat.” She said with a smile. I pulled out her chair for her and she smiled again and sat down and began unpacking our breakfast.

“Is it still foggy out?” I asked her as she passed me the cup with the hot chocolate.

“Yes, but it’s lightening already. It’s supposed to be a pretty day today, not like yesterday.” Barb said as she unwrapped the croissants and opened the Styrofoam cups with the honey and butter in them.

“A good day for the beach then.” I quipped as I broke one of the rolls open and steam rose from both halves. Barb nodded her head as she sipped her coffee, holding it both hands as if it were the most precious thing on this earth. The look that crossed her face was almost orgasmic as her eyes closed and that smile spread on her face. I chuckled and realized that sometimes there’s no substitution for life’s necessities. I spread a bit of butter on my roll and took a tentative bite and savored the moment myself.

“Oh… that’s good…” Barb commented approvingly as she cracked her eyes back open to see me watching her with amusement. I handed her a half of a roll with some butter on it and she accepted it reluctantly giving up one hand from her coffee cup to do so. A silent nod of thanks sufficed and we both enjoyed our petite breakfast.

When the last crumbs had been picked up off the wax paper and the last drip of honey fingered out of the Styrofoam cup I gathered the debris and put it all back in the sack that Barb and brought it in. I then stood up and began taking off my sleep wear in order to begin getting dressed. Barb too, rose from the table but she had other things in mind. She wrapped her arms about me from behind and hugged my nude body as if worshiping a statue. Her hands splayed flat against my skin as she rubbed my abdomen and lower with her left hand and my chest with her right hand. She had her head turned sideways so that the right side of her face was against my bare shoulder blades. For a moment I just stood there like a statue both reveling in the attention and allowing Barb to control her own actions. There’s a lot to be said for simple human touch from one to another. I learned many many years ago that even the lightest caresses can be amazingly wonderful for both the one being caressed as well as the one doing the touching. With my unspoken permission Barbra was being generous in both her giving and taking while exploring my body with her touch. Her right hand delved lower running her fingers through my pubic hair to encounter my not quite totally flaccid manhood. She encircled it with her fingers and squeezed gently feeling it pulse and begin to grow in her hand. Her left hand was now toying with my left nipple, gently pinching and rolling it between her thumb and index finger as she turned her face and began kissing the bare skin of my back. A low soft moan escaped my lips as I closed my eyes and let my head tilt back on my neck enjoying Barb’s manipulations.

“You know lover… it’s a little early yet to go to the beach…” Barb all but whispered as she again squeezed my almost fully engorged erection. Her verbal cues and blatant dexterous attentions were guiding me to understand her intentions for the time being. I took her hands in mine, her right with my right and her left with my left to halt their movements no matter how wonderful it felt. I then turned to face Barbra looking down into her upturned face and those big beautiful brown eyes seeing only adoration and love… well… and a lot of smoky lust to be sure. That sly quirky little half smile that she always got when she knew that the message had been well received and agreed upon grew into a full blown smile that lit up the room. That is just before my own lips collided with hers and time seemed to vanish as it often did with Barb.

Barb’s hands met at the back of my neck as she reached up and pulled my head down with lust fueled intensity. My own hands first took root at her hips but then sliding up to her sides just below her rib cage to squeeze and lift her bodily to her toes. Barbra pulled her head back for a moment and gasped looking into my eyes before tilting her head to the other side and resuming our kiss. It was a kiss that went from sweet sensuality to hungry wanton desire in less than a couple of heartbeats. I released my lifting grasp on her sides and let my hands fall to the bottom of Barb’s sweater and grasped to lift it up and off of her body… forcing our lips to part again long enough for the sweater to clear her head. To my delight I found that the sweater was all Barbra had on, at least her upper body anyway. Soon my hands were working on the snap and zipper of her jeans only to feel myself being pushed backwards and tipped over onto the bed. With a lascivious smile on Barb’s face she undid her jeans herself and pushed them and her panties down as one and stepped out of them before crawling onto the bed and straddling my body. She leaned down, her breasts hanging and their flushed and hardened nipples dragging on my bare chest as she once more locked her lips upon my own and resumed our passionate kissing. My right hand grasped the back of Barb’s head and drew her more forcefully into my kiss and my left hand rested firmly on her bare waist at her right hip. The next sensation I had was Barb’s right hand grasping my now raging hard on and aligning it with her already wet and swollen lips at the entrance to her wanton sex.

I did a mental shrug after realizing that this was one of those times when there was little to no foreplay required by either partner as the pace of this race was predetermined by the flames of passion. Still though, I gasped as I felt the wet heat of Barbra’s inner sanctum as she impaled herself upon me with little hesitation. My low moan was met and echoed by one of her own as Barbra broke our kiss to sit up erect to seat herself and place me as deeply as she could get me in this position. Her jaw was a little slack as her mouth hung partly agape and her brows were knitted in concentration when she looked down at me with those big smoky brown eyes. I lifted my hands to meet hers palm to palm with our fingers interlocked. When Barb drew her bottom lip in and bit it I knew this race was underway. She began slowly, as usual, grinding forward and back and side to side as if still trying to get me rooted deeper still inside those passionate depths of her feminine furnace. The first rise and fall took me by surprise actually but I soon joined in with my own counter motions as I dug my heels into the surface of the bed and pistoned myself into and out of her. With an unspoken understanding that this was the epitome of a quickie neither of us was holding back. Soon our bodies were making the fast wet slapping noises of two lovers nearing the end of that passionate race to climax. Barb’s hands untwined from mine and she gripped my chest in a death grip, her nails digging into my flesh. My own hands had gripped her waist at either side and were too grasping for dear life as we pounded into one another with abandon. It was close but Barb was the first to reach the finish line, her breathing ragged and gasping she was able to grunt out the words “Oh… My… God…” interspaced by a gasp between each word. Then with a seizure like expulsion of energy she tensed completely rigid for a heartbeat or two then went completely spastic on my cock still buried deep within her. That was what drove me finally over the tipping point of my own climax, as her inner walls and muscles clamped and released a thousand times a minute about my shaft and the sensitive head. I got the usual tunnel vision and my last impression was of Barb’s head wrenched back on her neck, her mouth agape as she screamed in silent exultation of the moment. My own spasms sending shot after shot of my own expression of passion deep within Barb. This was one of those times that I simply checked out for a few moments, the lights went out… fade to black.

When next I was aware of my senses, my brain coming back on line so to speak, I realized that Barb was lying on her back next to me on my right. Her left hand was idly twirling and running her fingers through the hair on top of my head. Her left leg was draped over my right leg and both of us were still breathing heavily as if we’d just ran across that big bridge that we had traveled all the way here to walk across. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears, even though it was beginning to slow down a bit post climax. I began to chuckle a bit which caused Barb to raise her head up off the bed and turn to look at me questioningly.

“Well that was an unexpected morning delight! WOW! I guess that qualifies as a quickie.” I said and chuckled a bit more. I could feel Barb let her head fall back to the bed and she herself chuckled a little as well.

“Sometimes a girl just wants what a girl wants…” Barb said a bit cryptically

“Did she get it?” I chuckled a bit more after the question. Barb stopped twirling her fingers in my hair and playfully slapped the top of my head then dissolved into another fit of giggles, deep throaty giggles. I had just reached out with my right hand to touch her side at the hip… to run my hand flat over her abdomen and through her dark red bush of pubic hair above that steaming cauldron of her sex… when that all too familiar sensation began in my toes. The electric charge tingled through my feet and up my calves and into my thighs.

“Oh Barb! Here it…” I barely had a moment to utter an announcement to hold on when the lightning flashed from my groin up my spine and into my brain. I seized up rigid, tense and unmoving like an over tightened spring. My aftershock overloaded my brain and my senses in an intense echo of my climax just a minute or so ago. Then the spasms and jerking muscles and twitching limbs all just like the orgasmic throes combined… minus the ejaculation. Again, the tunnel vision and the blackout struck me.

This time when I came around Barb was still lying beside me but she had rolled over onto her left side with her head propped up with her left hand as her elbow was pressed into the bed. Barb’s right hand was idly running the tips of her fingernails lightly across the skin of my right side and abdomen.

“Welcome back.” She said when she noted that my eyes had fluttered open again.

“Hi there… Did I miss anything?” I smiled sleepily and practically purred out the question.

“Just the usual show you put on with that thing you do… I still don’t know whether to be frightened by it or envious of you and your aftershocks.” Barb said matter of factly. I gave a little shrug.

“It’s all I’ve ever known. I guess there’s no way I could fake it is there?” I asked and began laughing. Barbra chortled too.

“No, there’s no faking that.” She admitted and stretched long and languidly like a cat. I smiled enjoying the sight. There’s just something about a woman’s form as she stretches like that, either from just waking up or… just relaxing in the afterglow… that strikes a chord deep within me. I just want to sweep them into my arms and gently possess them, lovingly of course. Before I could act on my impulse however Barb rolled over onto me and locked those luscious loving lips of hers to mine once more. This was a gentle loving sensual kiss however, the heat had passed after all. Breaking the kiss Barb pulled back a bit and looked down into my face smiling.

“I’m not going to shower just yet. I’ll freshen up of course but let’s get dressed and go find a beach where we can relax and sun ourselves for a while.” She said.

“Okay… and maybe some skinny dipping?” I couldn’t resist inquiring about. Barb grinned and leaned down and bit my chin before giggling and rolling off of me to scamper to the bathroom. “Is that a yes?” I shouted after her, grinning like a fool. I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed and sat there a few moments collecting my thoughts and marveling at this woman. The longer I know her the more I learn about her and just how many facets she has… like a gemstone maybe? I stood up and padded towards the bathroom, shower or not I still needed to clean up my stuff or it would itch and smell later, never pleasant or welcomed in polite company . I heard an empty bottle hit the trash can and the toilet flush as I reached to knock on the door. Lovers or not privacy was still to be respected after all. Barb opened the door smiling and stood on her tip toes and bussed my lips before scampering out of reach before I could grab her again. I shook my head in amusement and went about my business, emptying my bladder again and then grabbing a washcloth from the rack over the toilet to wet and soap it in the sink with warm water before thoroughly cleaning my privates. I tossed that cloth into the tub and grabbed another to wash my face with. I judged I didn’t need to shave just yet so I merely brushed and flossed my teeth before heading back to get dressed. Barb was already dressed in the same jeans and sweater that she had on earlier but was sitting on the edge of the bed brushing out her long dark red hair. She had one of those larger bags from our shopping trip yesterday to use as an improvised beach bag. She had already put in her swim suit, mine and some other items. She asked me after I had pulled my pants on to grab a couple of towels from the rack in the bathroom, I brought three as they were a little on the small side after all. I pulled on a tee shirt and began putting on my shoes. Barb tossed her brush into the bag and then pulled and gathered her hair into a pony tail and tied it with one of those elastic scrunchy things she seemed to materialize out of thin air. Female magic I think. I gave a mental shrug and held out my hand to help her to her feet. Smiling, she took my hand and stood where I wrapped my arms around her and just hugged her tightly.

“Barb… I almost forgot to say it… but thank you… for earlier.” I spoke softly as lovers are want to do.

“Jim. As long as I’ve known you and still you treat me like a gift… I’ve never known anyone like you before. You don’t need to thank me you know, it was as much my wanting as it was yours.” She said happily.

“I know babe, but I will always and ever appreciate you and it is still a gift therefore something to be thankful for. So tough… Thank you!” I chortled a bit and kissed the top of her head as she snuggled her face into my chest and squeezed me tightly in return.

“Come on… let’s go get some hot dogs and stuff for a picnic.” She said with a hint of excitement as she separated from me and grabbed the bag with our beach stuff. I grabbed the room key and the car keys and followed in her wake, smiling to myself.

Later after having stopped at a local grocer we had some hotdogs and buns, some chips and a can of pork and beans. We also had some cold drinks and a small bag of charcoal in the car as we cruised up the road on the Lake Michigan side of the Big Mac as I learned the locals referred to the bridge. Barb was of course a running dialogue of her childhood and teenage years summering up here. Most of it didn’t mean much to me but it did to her so I was attentive all the same trying to be impressed or awed in the appropriate places. It wasn’t hard really, just being with Barb was enjoyable for me and when she was happy it was even better.

We eventually found a stretch of lake shore that was easily accessible from the road but secluded enough as to be somewhat private as well. The parking was safely off the road also which was a plus. We grabbed our improvised beach bag and the picnic supplies and made our way down to the shore. I’m not sure what I was expecting really but the “beach” was not like anything I had really envisioned. It was more of a pebble strewn interface between the land and the water. I didn’t guess we’d be building sand castles or anything like that. Not that sand castles were what I was thinking about anyway. I let Barb pick where she wanted to set up for our picnic and it didn’t take her long. Being “the man” I handled the fire for the cooking arrangements. I gathered some larger pebbles and created a bit of a fire pit some ways back from the lapping waterline. I used crumpled up newspaper and the bag the charcoal came in to create the starter for the fire then stacked the charcoal briquettes atop that to form a bit of a haphazard pyramid. I lit the paper with a bic lighter and it smoked a bit before burning and catching the edges of the briquettes on fire. It would take a while for them to be ready to cook on however so Barb and I decided to walk the “beach” and just enjoy the breeze and the sunshine.

The breeze died down till it was almost still really, that’s when I was first introduced to Northern Michigan’s state bird… The heinous BLACK FLY. Or rather black FLIES, there was never just one. Oh no… that would be like a vacation I would discover. No, these pesky little blood suckers were viscous on their own, but when they swarmed in a cloud they were… Well… they were beyond annoying. Mostly the breeze kept them off of us but as I said the breeze died down and their presence was suddenly a thing to be dealt with. UGH!

Back at our picnic spot the coals were ready to cook on and I went off into the edge of the woods nearby to find a couple of suitable sticks to use to roast our hot dogs on. I was slapping and swatting at black flies the whole time and getting more and more annoyed by the minute. I could hear Barbra swatting and slapping and cursing as well. I found a couple of worthy sticks by breaking off and cutting and sharpening two sprigs, not big enough to be called saplings really. As I was sharpening them to a point on one end I had a thought that I remembered from years ago. Being an old Boy Scout I knew that smoke kept most flying insects away. A smudge pot with a smoldering twig or some leaves in or at the edge of your tent could and would keep mosquitoes from feasting on you as you slept. I wondered if that might apply to these pesky little biting blood suckers too. I went back to the edge of the woods and gathered some foliage, mostly green twigs and lots of leaves. I put a handful of leaves on the coals as we roasted our hot dogs. The smoke did seem to do the trick but then the breeze was just enough to keep blowing the smoke around, first one direction then another. It must have looked like Barb and I were dancing around the fire or something from a distance. We managed to find the fun in it though and we smiled and had our little feast even while swatting and slapping at the black flies.

After we ate we were sitting on our towels contemplating getting wet. Barb and I had changed into our suits but she was in no hurry to get wet so she encouraged me to test the water so to speak. I should have known something was up by the mischievous grin on her face as she said it then as she watched me walk over to the waterline. Walk, yes, but gingerly so to be sure, no sand remember? Those pebbles might be smooth but they are still rocks and stones and they aren’t the most comfortable feeling under bare feet. My toes of course were the first to encounter the water of Lake Michigan as it lapped upon those very pebbles I was hesitantly trodding across. Where it was lapping at the sun warmed stones it had warmed of course so there was no instant shock or anything even if it was a bit cool to my bare feet. So onward I trod into the water deeper and deeper with each hesitant step. About six foot from the edge of the water it was barely knee deep, at least at this little stretch of shoreline anyway. The temperature of the water however was decidedly DEEPER as in colder… as in DEEP FREEZE COLD! It took a few moments for my brain to register that all those pins and needles stabbing the skin of my feet and shins up to my knees was actually cold water! So cold that it almost burned! That is, until my skin went numb anyway.

The look on my face as I discovered all this must have been priceless as Barb had her hand covering her mouth as she shook and clutched her side with her other arm with silent laughter. She couldn’t resist asking with a shout.

“Still want to go skinny dipping?” She wiped a tear from her eye and still shook with the giggles. I on the other hand rose to the occasion, well verbally anyway and I challenged her.

“I will if you will.” I shouted back and wave with a “come on” motion of my arm. To my surprise Barb stood up and stepped delicately over to the water and she too waded out to her knees to join me… her eyes got big but trying to keep a straight face until she was standing by my side and then turned to face me.

“There’s no way… in hell… I’m getting naked in this stuff.” Barb said with her teeth beginning to chatter. My own teeth would have been chattering too if I didn’t have my jaw clenched tightly closed as I tried to man it out. Well it wasn’t that hard really as I said my legs had gone numb but it was still freakin cold. Wow! I had no idea that even in September the water would be this cold. But there we were. Even with her lips trembling as her teeth chattered Barb wrapped her arms about my waist and tilted her head back and up to face me as I leaned in to kiss her lightly on the lips.

“You knew full well that the water was this cold but you didn’t tell me… you little trickster.” I said with a wry grin.

“Yep, some things you just have to experience to appreciate.” She said with a half smile and I felt her shiver in my arms. I couldn’t help but to flash back to last night and Barbra’s telling me about her and Penny and even Gail sharing their boyfriends’ kisses and sometimes more. I wondered if they appreciated those things… because they had experienced them. I couldn’t fault the logic of the statement however so I just set that mental speculation aside for another time.

“Come on, let’s clean up our mess and get out of here. It’s lovely to look at but I’m pretty much done with these black flies… and I can’t feel my toes.” I said and Barbra giggled a bit.

“Good thing nothing else got wet then huh?” She teased again as she made for the waterline to get out of this cold cold water. I followed her a bit woodenly as well, I couldn’t feel my toes.

It wasn’t long before I had doused the fire and scattered the now cold embers and remaining briquettes as well as our stones used for the fire ring. We gathered our trash and packed it out with us along with the leftover food. Instead of changing our clothes we simply pulled them on over our suites, well, all but the underwear anyway. I asked Barb where to head next and she just pointed her finger up the road and shrugged her shoulders.

“Let’s just explore a bit.” She suggested.

“Fine by me.” I replied and off we went.

Barbra and I drove up the Southern shoreline of the UP headed north by west along the waters of Lake Michigan. We stopped at all the touristy spots and simply enjoyed ourselves often walking hand in hand or arm in arm like the lovers we actually were. The smiles we got from perfect strangers were kind and friendly and I know I was not the only one who noticed them. Barb didn’t say anything but I know she enjoyed it all.

In the late afternoon, with the shadows getting long Barb and I decided that it was time to head back to our hotel and maybe decide what we wanted to do or where we wanted to go for dinner as we drove. I asked Barb if there was anything that she had wanted or craved to have while she was here visiting and reminiscing. We ticked off a few things like the smoked whitefish, the pasties, fudge of course. The croissants that we had had for breakfast two, no three days now were not originally on Barb’s list but they would be now and forever more she said. I smiled knowing that now it was a memory that I too would share with her. I would never see another croissant and not think of our time here in the U.P. together. We passed a lot of now fairly familiar local eateries as well as national fast food chains as we got closer to St. Ignace but just before we got back to our hotel Barb told me to get on the interstate going south. We were going to go across that bridge to Mackinaw City. There was a restaurant there that her parents and even grandparents would stop at from time to time when she and her sister were coming or going or staying up here for the summers. Barb wondered if it was still open.

As it turned out it was still open, the big sign by the road proclaimed that Audie’s was a family restaurant. I know I was hungry but when we got out of the car we were enticed and entranced by the wonderful aromas coming from the place. It was probably from the exhaust fans from the kitchen but the smells were mouthwatering to say the least. It wasn’t a long wait to get seated but it took a while for Barb and I to make our choices from the menus the hostess had given us to look through. It didn’t help that most everything had such beautiful pictures of the items and dishes. Honestly, Barbra and I both would have sampled everything on the menu had we the time and disposition but in the end we decided on something different between the both of us and agreed to share and sample as we wanted from each other’s plate. There was that idea again… sharing… I just shook my head mentally and let it go. Barbra ordered a beer to have with our appetizer of onion rings, deep fried smelts and fried clams. I really wanted something like an Ale-8-one, ice cold but I knew that that local soft drink from home rarely makes it over the state lines into Tennessee, Ohio and Virginia or West Virginia. There was no way they would have it this far north so I ordered a ginger ale and just tried to enjoy it.

We had ordered half orders of the appetizers but we were still impressed at the amount of the food that was brought to us. It’s a good thing we only ordered half orders, especially when our entree’s showed up. Barb’s New Orleans Chicken looked amazing but then so did my Lamb chops. I had opted to substitute the sweet potatoes that were on the menu for some garlic mashed potatoes with a side of wild rice and of course some brown gravy. I did order some mixed greens on the side. Barb just wrinkled her little nose at that but I just shrugged, hey! I like vegetables, what can I say… even if greens aren’t probably considered vegetable per se. The food was amazing, the company, as always, was wonderful. Barbra while enjoying her meal was also having a great time teasing me and being even more suggestive that she usually is around me. I mean just how sexy can a girl make taking a fork full of chicken and putting it in her mouth? Those big brown eyes were burning holes through me, not so much from anger but rather from lust and anticipation… silent promise for intimate affections of the highest order. I was getting highly distracted even though I was trying to keep my wits about me and be cool. Barb got a chuckle when at one point while watching her antics I put my fork in my mouth with nothing on it.

Eventually we did finish eating, and we did not request a doggie bag for any leftovers. I did leave a nice tip when we paid our bill however as the food and the service were outstanding! The sun had set by the time we had finished our meal and left the restaurant. Barb suggested we check out the old Mackinaw Point Lighthouse since it was just a couple of blocks away from the restaurant. So we got in the car and drove the two blocks and parked. The lighthouse has long been retired but it’s a landmark and there is a small park around it where you can view the southern end of the Mackinac Bridge. We strolled hand in hand over to the lighthouse and around it then through the park to the overlook near the shore. As we were to the eastern side of the bridge Lake Huron was to our right and Lake Michigan was to our left… well… to the left of the straights anyway. Big Mac was all lit up from the traffic going across it in both directions. Barb and I leaned against the hand rail and just gazed at it.

“Can you believe we actually walked across that thing?” Barb said in a small voice filled with awe… and perhaps something else. I gazed at her face as she looked towards the bridge. She was looking at the bridge for sure but I suspected she was seeing many other things than what was before our eyes at that moment, perhaps a lifetime of other things. That beautiful face was still and serene with the faintest of smiles turning up the corners of her beautiful lips. If I closed my eyes I’m sure I would have heard her heartbeat, slow and steady and strong. I wonder how many times she crossed these straights on the ferry and then later on this very bridge, as a very little girl to a teenager, to a young woman and now a mature woman looking back through the years. It may have been a trick of the light but I thought I saw a bit of a tear building in the corners of her soft brown eyes as she looked out… or back through time. Barb smiled then and edged a little closer to me and leaned her head on my left shoulder. I wrapped my left arm around her waist and held her softly and continued to remain silent. This was not a time to talk I thought. Her question a few moments ago was rhetorical and needed no response from me. We watched as a big vessel, perhaps an ore carrier steam past us navigating the straights and passing under the bridge on its way from Lake Michigan to Lake Huron.

A short while later we decided that we were both ready to go back to our hotel and call it a day. We walked back through the lighthouse park to our rental car and then navigated our way back to the bridge and across we went.

It felt wonderful to kick off our shoes when we got back to our room. Barb and I both sighed and then looking at each other we both said “Bathing suits!” and laughed. We still had our suits on under our street clothes from where we had went wading at the “beach” earlier in the day. They didn’t actually get wet so they had been comfortable enough to just keep wearing throughout the day but now they had to come off. It was time to dress for bed anyway. Barb grabbed a bag from her previous shopping and pulled out a couple of scented candles that she had purchased. Adored the smell of lilac and when she found the candles at one of the shops she had to have them. She lit one and set it on the little table that we had shared our croissants. The second candle she brought to one of the night stands beside the bed and lit it as well. She turned off the lamp on that side leaving only the lamp on my side of the bed to light the room. Barb then grabbed another shopping bag and excused herself to the bathroom to change and get ready for bed. I didn’t think anything about it as I peeled off my own clothes including the now long worn bathing suit. I sat on the edge of the bed and grinned thinking back to earlier in the day… and to think I had entertained thoughts of skinny dipping in the lake! I shivered at the thought of that ice cold water. I pulled on a clean tee shirt and had just pulled up my sweat pants and sat back on the bed with the TV remote when Barbra opened the door to the bathroom… it took me a moment or two to finally look over because she didn’t just come right out. The sight made my jaw drop and my eyes nearly pop out of my head!

Barb was leaning against the door jamb with her left shoulder. Her right hip was cocked to her right in a provocative pose. Provocative in that she was standing there with her hair down, her left foot planted firmly on the floor supporting her weight as her right leg slowly ran her foot up the side of her left leg. Did I mention that both were clad in dark nylons or hell from a distance of half the room they very well could be silk I supposed, but stockings of the oh most sexiest imagining. They clad her legs from the toes to just over mid thigh where they were clipped to a set of lacy garter straps that were in turn connected to a lacy garter belt that hugged her waist. There was a very small and delicate looking black panty also at her waist and diving closely along the seams of her legs to cover her private treasure, at least from full view. My eyes slowly climbed higher still taking in the fact that Barb had omitted a bra and that left her beautiful breasts in full display as they sat proudly on her chest in all their glory. Upwards my eyes traveled following the sweep of her right arm as it was bent at the elbow and her hand was trailing her fingers through a swath of her long dark red hair as she were slowly flipping it over her right shoulder. Her head was leaning on her left arm that was running straight up along the door jamb from her shoulder… those gorgeous finely manicured delicate fingers and nails reflecting the light of the lone lamp and the two candles that flickered. I stared in awe and admiration… stunned into silence… stunned into… well… not breathing.

“Lover, you have to breath.” Barb purred from the doorway, a smile of satisfaction playing across her lips and her eyes dancing with glee at my reaction to her display. I think I did breathe again, perhaps after I gasped a few times. I know my heart literally skipped a beat or two as I drank in the sight of this sexy goddess before me.

“Well what do you think?” Barb asked as she slowly peeled herself away from the doorway and slowly strolled across the room, first towards me and the bed then veering over towards the small table with the candle flickering on it. She trailed her left hand slowly across the table top with only her nails making contact with the surface. Barb’s right hand was resting easily on her right hip accentuating the slow rhythmic roll of her hips as she then slowly strolled towards me on my side of the bed. All the while my eyes tracked her and my head turned to follow her as she moved about the room. I was in awe, dumbstruck, my mouth hanging agape.

Barbra edged closer to me I could hear the nylons or silk stockings whisper with each step on the cheap carpet of the hotel room and as her thighs rubbed slightly against one another. Once beside the bed she reached out with her left hand and switched off the lamp leaving only the two candles to emit their flickering light to the room. This made this marvelous display seem even more dreamlike as the shadows played and danced with the light of the flickering candles. I as much felt as saw Barb then lift her left hand up and place her fingers delicately beneath my chin and gently lift it up to close my mouth. She then raised her right hand up and stroked my left cheek with the backs of her fingers before leaning in and meeting my lips with hers in a soft gentle oh so sensual kiss. Barb’s big brown eyes never lost their hold on my own.

“Oh Wow!” I finally exclaimed as she pulled back for a moment to let us catch our breath.

“You like?” She asked… such a silly question. Barb knew full well I was completely blown away.

“Oh baby, you know I do! Wow!” I repeated as I reached up and finally put my hands on her upper arms to be able to pull her closer for another kiss. This kiss was not so timid and gentle as the last even if it was just as sensual. This kiss began to express the appreciation that my words so inadequately conveyed moments ago. I had to lean back as Barb pushed me forward, or rather backwards from my perspective as she climbed onto the bed with her stocking clad knees. Her knees were to either side of me as she straddled my waist to sit in my lap. My back was against the headboard with a few pillows behind me where I had been sitting flipping through the now long forgotten television that was off and silent.

“I saw these at the mall the other day and I thought I might dress a little sexy for you to thank you for being so sweet and coming with me up here to walk the bridge and reminisce. You’ve been more than wonderful Jim I just want you to know how much appreciate it… and you.” Barb said as she ran the nails and fingers of her right hand idly across the front of my tee shirt and chest.

“Barb, honey, you never have to dress up to impress me, you know I love you just the way you are.” I said but then I noticed her face fell just a bit from perhaps disappointment and I added. “But you certainly know how to make a man sit up and take notice… again… WOW!” I said with a sincere smile as I ran my hands down her sides across that garter belt and then down her thighs across the silky coverings of her legs. Barb looked back up to meet my eyes and smiled appreciatively before winking, and then leaned in for another kiss. This one started off slow and soft but as soon as Barb’s tongue breached my lips I knew this was going to heat up fast. I felt her hands encircle my head and neck as she powered on, her tongue dancing with mine and our lips dancing nonstop.

I could feel my own heart beat pounding in my chest as our excitement grew like a fire out of control. Barb still sitting on my lap was grinding herself against my growing excitement still covered by my sweatpants. Her bare breasts were mashed into my tee shirt clad chest until I gathered a handful of that long hair of hers hanging down her back and pulled it. This caused Barb’s head to arch back on her neck and she to pull away from my lips and lean back to follow the tug. My lips left hers of course but they never stopped moving. I kissed my way down her neck and throat to that little hollow at the top of her chest. My right hand was holding a handful of hair but my left was splayed with wide stretched fingers across the small of her back half supporting her weight as I kissed my way down her chest and through the valley of her cleavage. With a beautiful magnificent breast on either side of my face I was torn between which way to turn first.

I needn’t have worried about it though as Barb perhaps sensing my dilemma, still with both hands about my head turned my head and guided it to her right breast. Of course I kissed my way across that brief expanse to find he nipple, already hardened with desire and lust, standing tall and proud ready to be addressed. My lips made my reintroduction and then proceeded to get better acquainted once more. As I wrapped my lips around it and drew it into my mouth Barb let out a low moan and pressed my head all the more firmly against her breast. I rolled it with my lips and flicked at it with my tongue then gently closed my teeth about it and drew slowly away from her chest dragging my teeth long that soft pliable sensitive tissue. I was rewarded by a gasp from Barb then was nearly given whiplash as she steered my head to her left breast to repeat my attentions. To say that I acquiesced would be a bit of an understatement as I willingly and very enthusiastically applied similar attentions. By this time I had fully released Barb’s hair from my grasp and my right hand had joined my left in grasping Barb about her waist, just above that lacy garter belt actually.

Barb brought her head forward once more and gave me a steely eyed stare that let me know her beast was rising. I almost shuddered both from delight and anticipation as I knew things were heating up fast. Releasing my head with her hands she reached down between us and grasped the bottom of my tee shirt and drew it up my torso to pull over my head as I raised my arms for her. With my arms still up over my head, Barb ran her hands down my arms from my forearms to my shoulders drawing the tips of her blood red nails slowly across my skin. Once at my shoulders she drew in her bottom lip and gave me that feral grin as she began raking those nails across my chest and through my chest hair, her eyes never once breaking contact with my own. The flickering candlelight giving her an almost otherworldly air as the light danced in her eyes.

Now with bare skin to bare skin I pulled Barb tight for yet another round of heated hungry kisses. And still she squirmed… I could feel a dampness growing on the front of my sweatpants as I know that little black panty that barely covered her crotch was now sodden with her excitement. I think Barb too realized this as she pushed away breaking our kissing as she breathed hard in short excited gasps. A wicked grin crossed her face as she stood up on her knees and began walking backwards away from me, down from my lap across my thighs and then just below my knees. Reaching up with those red tipped fingers she clasped my waistband and began dragging it downward. I had to press up a bit to allow her to clear the pants from under my backside and begin sliding them down my legs. She didn’t bother taking them all the way off but rather left them bunched up around my knees as she leaned forward putting her hands on either side of my hips. Lowering her head and keeping her eyes locked on mine till the last possible moment Barb brought her lips to my now free and standing at attention love appendage. My proud little peg got first a gentle if wet buss from her lips as if in greeting. Then I felt her hot wicked little tongue lash out and stoke the sensitive head right around that even more sensitive edge around the sides. I gasped and moaned and pressed back into the pillows and headboard as my hands grasped at the bedspread on either side of me.

When Barb giggled and drew me into her hot wanton mouth I nearly passed out. The feel of that wicked excited tongue of hers lashing and lapping at the underside of my member as she slowly bobbed up and down on me made my toes curl. In the back of my mind I knew that this was going to be short lived as Barb well knew that as much as I enjoyed oral attention, just like any other guy, I have never been one to finish that way… at least not easily. So, if anything, this was just a bit of an appetizer if you will. Sure enough, after having had my eyes roll up in the back of my head and my breath utterly and completely taken away from me, Barb sat back on her heels at my knees and delicately wiped her lips with the back of her right hand as she smiled at me teasingly before drawing in her bottom lip to bite it knowing how I just adored that look.

“Mmmm… I never get tired of that taste.” Barb purred letting one eyebrow rise in somewhat of a challenge. I grinned, still breathlessly and returned her look with one raised eyebrow of my own.

“I know… something… that tastes… good… too.” I said between panting breaths then drew my own bottom lip in to bite it just like she was doing. Barb had to release her bottom lip as her grin turned into a full blown smile as I reached out and grabbed her wrists to pull her to me. Barb squealed like a little girl and jerked her wrists out of my hands and scampered back off of my legs to stand at the edge of the bed. Still giggling she grabbed my sweatpants by the ankle cuffs and yanked them off my legs, then held them up at arm’s length and casually dropped them without looking at them. Instead, she was looking at me, in the eyes. I saw an unspoken challenge there as if she were saying “Now what big boy?” with that one lone eyebrow creeping up questioningly again.

“Oh is that how it’s going to be?” I asked challengingly. “If I chase you, I will turn you over my knee and spank you.” I said in a matter of factly tone of voice… the statement in itself both a promise and a question as to how she wanted to play this evening. Barb’s smile grew almost wicked as she placed both hands on her hips defiantly and rocked those gorgeous hips tantalizingly from side to side as if taunting me. Seeing this as non verbal confirmation to my challenge and telling me she wanted to be disciplined a little perhaps… I knew the game was on! Feigning weariness I closed my eyes and leaned back against the pillows and headboard taking a deep breath before I sprang up and bounced off the bed to begin the chase.

With a shrieking giggle Barbra dodged my first lunging grasp at her waist and danced to the side closer to the little table before darting past my side and leaping onto the bed to stand there and turn and challenge me again with that look. Defiantly placing her hands on her hips and cocking them to one side as if to say “HA! Nice try!” Her shadows from the two separated candles danced on the ceiling and the walls, the reflection of the flames danced in her eyes that were shining brightly with glee… and lust. I stood there near the table, a few feet from the bed, my arms loosely at my side, my feet spread shoulder wide and my excited male anatomy standing proud before me like a pointer showing me the way. I slowly took first one then a second step closer to the bed. Barb giggled a bit and took matching first one then a second step further away from me from the center of the bed to the far edge on the other side. I side stepped to the foot of the bed as if I were going to go around it and Barb lunged as if to leap from the bed where I had been standing a moment before. Instead I side stepped back and caught her in my arms in mid air and spun landing on my back on the middle of the bed with her securely wrapped in my arms squealing and giggling like a little girl. I couldn’t help but to laugh along with her as we both lay there on our backs, me on the bed, and Barb on my chest, again catching our breathes a moment. I kissed the back of her head and I heard her ask.

“Does this mean you’re not going to spank me now?” she asked in an almost a disappointed little girl voice full of pout and sadness.

“Not at all… It never crossed my mind… not to.” I spoke matter of factly as I powered myself up to a sitting position with my legs hanging over the edge of the bed. I turned Barb, kicking and squealing around so that she was face down on the bed her gorgeous little backside now in my lap with my stalwart male anatomy no doubt poking her front somewhere in the vicinity of her sodden panty covered crotch. Barb tried half heartedly to cover her backside with her hands until I gathered both of them by the wrists and held them with my right hand at the small of her back. She pleaded playfully into the bedspread at my side.

“Noooo no no no nooooo” sounding as much like a chuckle as a plea for mercy.

I brought the palm and fingers of my left hand down flat against her right butt cheek. SMACK!

“Noooo” She squealed and wiggled.

SMACK! Came the second swat to her left cheek this time, again she squirmed on my lap and squealed. The third blow was a tease, it wasn’t a blow really not even a smack as I let my left hand alight gently on her cheeks and I rubbed firmly and completely first her right cheek and then her left ending with a little full finger gripped squeeze before releasing it. Barb must have sensed that I was not quite finished yet as I felt her tense up on my lap and literally hold her breath.

SMACK! Sounded the third swat as her left cheek bounced beneath my hand.



SMACK! Came three more successive blows alternating from cheek to cheek in quick succession then I paused once more. Barb shuddered on my lap and I heard and felt her gasp in both surprise and… something else. I again petted and gently stroked her now reddened cheeks pulling the thin black material of her little panties into a line that sank into that little crevice between her cheeks like a thong might do. Indeed I could begin to discern fingers in the red swelling skin of Barb’s creamy white backside. I again gripped first her left cheek and then her right in my left hand, my thumb sinking into that crack and brushing against both her covered little rosebud and pushing up against that heated wet material barely concealing her sex. Barb gasped with each grasp, her hips pushing up off of my lap as if to meet my hand halfway. I couldn’t stand it anymore, I’m not into pain at all and this was as much as I would ever indulge Barbra or anyone else honestly. I released my hold on Barb’s wrists and scooped my right hand and arm under her waist and did the same with my left before lifting Barb’s waist and more importantly her backside up to my chest so that I could kiss her ass. And kiss her ass I did, first one reddened swollen cheek then the other. I tenderly kissed and kissed and kissed to the sound of moaning. At first I thought it was my own voice making the noises but then I realized that it was in fact Barbra. I looked to my right and down at Barb’s upper torso and chest pressed firmly into the bedspread, her hands gripping the bedspread in clenched hands as she moaned with each successive kiss.

I had to fall backwards onto the bed and I pulled Barb’s legs and backside with me as I went. This rolled barb over so that she was on her back as well with her waist lying atop my own at a right angle to my body. She reached over with her left hand and gripped my right shoulder and made sure I saw her smiling at me. My hands and arms were still beneath her however and I was not finished, not by a long shot. Oh I might have been finished with the cursory spanking as it were, but I had other ideas in my mind that I intended to follow through with. Some unabashed worship for one, I could smell Barbra’s wonderful feminine aroma rise as I had spanked her bottom. It made my mouth water, it made me… hungry. So I bench pressed Barb’s body lifting and rolling her up from my waist to my chest and further to my face. Barb was now nearly on all fours again as she pressed up with her elbows and knees to begin to rise up. I grabbed her by her hips and stilled her for a moment. Craning my neck and lifting my head up I buried my face in her damp panty covered crotch and snuffled and moaned as I got an up close and personal whiff of her intense pheromone laden scent. I guess my moaning had an agreeable affect on Barb as she too moaned and gasped.

“Wait.” She said giving me pause. I released her hips and she spun around so that she was now parallel with me and let me bring my hands up to get a hold of the waistband of her panties and pull them down over her hips and thighs. She raised one leg and pulled her knee and lower leg through effectively freeing her legs and baring her delights. That was enough for me as I grabbed her hips and guided her down to all but sit on my face. In my mind it was time to make amends for the spanking even if it was in fact Barbra’s wish and her idea, it just went against my nature. This however, this was inexorably my nature, to worship and give pleasure however I could for the woman I loved. The fact that I truly loved performing oral affectations and the taste of this particular woman was only a bonus. As time and time before I was not disappointed with her reactions or her copious flow of excitement and honey.

Barbra gifted me with two tremendous and exciting climaxes… or at least I was rewarded for my efforts to help her achieve them at any rate. Before there could be a third however she tore herself from my iron like grasp about her hips and rolled to her side panting and her chest heaving as she tried desperately to catch her breath. I simply lay there on my back and sighed and licked my lips savoring all that I had managed to catch and taste. Truly my lower jaw and my tongue were beginning to be fatigued but oh what a wonderful feeling indeed! I felt Barb’s left hand and fingers running lovingly through my hair. I found her left leg with my right hand and caressed her stocking covered leg loving the feeling of the silky material under the touch of my skin.

“How… how did my trying to do something special for you end up with my getting all the attention?” Barb asked to the ceiling as she gripped my hair facetiously for a moment. I had to giggle a bit.

“You should know by now lady, the more you give, the more you get… at least with me anyway.” I responded and turned my head to look over at her as she studied my face with a contented smile and a twinkle in her eyes.

“Yes you do have that way about you, but I’ll keep trying all the same. Come to think of it, there’s a certain point of interest that has been sadly neglected for too long this evening.” Barb said and drew her bottom lip in to bite it knowing that it would again as always, drive me crazy. Barb once again rolled to her side and rose on all fours. She arched her back and stretched in such a feline way I almost expected her to meow… she did purr however only cementing the illusion in my mind.

“I think… it’s time… for you to get a little personal attention… from me.” Barb nearly growled as she stalked herself over to straddle me once again but this time face to face and sex to sex. My long ignored member still standing proudly at attention was now brushing at the curly whetted hairs around Barb’s well tasted and very ready feminine treasure. With her hands firmly gripping my shoulders Barb maneuvered herself in such a way that her outer lips were kissing the head of my cock and slowly dressing him as if drawing him in to that fiery furnace. The heat was breath taking, I know from just moments ago actually having it taking my very breath with every kiss and lick and taste. Now however it was taking my breath away without my doing anything at all. Barb’s eyes were half closed with concentration but she still had them locked on my own eyes as she watched my reactions and the emotions on my face. I know in my heart that she may have intended to go slowly and to tease me but I think that about the halfway point she gave in and just went for broke. I felt her settle completely onto me and ground her sex onto mine as mine was inside of her.

Barb arched her back and her head tilted far back on her neck that was stretched far back over her shoulders. This move brought her lovely breasts forward to press between her rigid arms that were still anchored by their claw like grip on my shoulders. It was in this position that Barb began her familiar dance, the grind and rock and slide, forward and back, side to side, around and around grinding and pressing herself onto me as if to use my rigid penetration as her own personal swizzle stick to stir her insides to still hotter boil. Her inner walls were squeezing and gripping me like a living thing with a mind of its own. Of course I was soon moaning in both appreciation and overwhelming sensations being given to me in a most intimate and personal way. What seemed like hours and hours was probably more like just mere minutes but however long or short the time it was magical all the same. Barb’s motions went from slow and deliberate to faster and more erratic as she lost herself in both her own pleasure and in giving me the same. I could feel both her temperature rise and her body nearing her point of climax yet again, the race was nearing its end. Sweat was running and dripping off her breasts and face… her face set in a ferocious snarl of concentration and determination. I knew she was holding her own climax off as she strived to get me to my own before allowing herself to finish.

In the end it was she that lost control. I was within a few heartbeats of reaching that wonderful goal line but I was more than happy to let Barb cross first as the show and the sensations were amazing to behold… especially laying flat on my back and my hands free to touch and feel and watch the look on her face.

“Oh My God! Jim! Oh My… God! OH! Yes! YES! OH!” she roared and then went rigid and stopped moving… well… all but her insides anyway. When the waves began Barb collapsed onto my chest. I could feel the muscles in her abdomen clenching and releasing, her arms and legs twitching, her sex clamped down almost strangling my poor steadfast member buried deep within her. Barb’s copious hot flow trickled out around me and ran down over my balls and the crack of my ass. When she finally began to still once more I deliberately twitched my hips and chuckled as she gasped and clenched again about me.

“Damn it! You held off didn’t you?” Barb stated more than asked as she panted, her head lying on my right shoulder a veil of her damp dark red hair almost obscuring her face before she puffed out a jet of air to blow it clear. Again I chuckled a bit and twitched. “Jimmmmmm” Barb growled.

“It’s okay babe, I can still get mine… if you wouldn’t mind changing positions a bit.” I all but whispered to her. I was awarded with another puff of air to clear more hair out of her face and she gave me a wink and a knowing smile. I felt Barb begin to rise up off of me once more pressing herself up onto all fours. I of course slipped out of that sodden velvet furnace of hers as she lifted her right leg to allow me to roll over out from beneath of her. I rose up too on my hands and knees and crawled over to position myself behind her. At first Barb spread her legs wide to allow me to crouch between them but seeing my still pink hand prints on her bare ass cheeks I had another idea. I grabbed her right ankle and motioned for her to bring her legs together and draw her knees further forward pressing her beautiful rear end backwards and arching her back so that it rose up. Barb lowered her chest and face to the bedspread and gripped the covers with her hands readying herself for what was to come. I think I surprised her however by leaning down and kissing her ass on each cheek several times mostly about those pink hand prints of mine. Her skin must have still been sensitive, possibly still stung with my contact but I’m pretty sure the kisses were very appreciated as she let lout another long low moan as if surrendering once more.

I straightened up and grabbed my erection with my right hand at its base and positioned myself at her still wet and swollen entrance. Without ceremony or design I merely slipped it in to the hilt and ground my hips against her sweet cheeks. Taking a hip in each hand I then began to pump and grind. There was no style or skill this time, no tricks or teasing this was just about a fast dash to the finish line to complete this race. Barb did not have my own thoughts in mind at least as far as not doing anything special. She did have in mind only my fast and utter completion. As I got faster and faster pumping her hips and ass as hard as I could she was squeezing and gripping me for all she was worth I could hear her grunting each time I bottomed out and gasping as I withdrew only to repeat again and again. The candles flickered, the light and shadows danced merrily about us and off of us as we were both slick with sweat I knew the point of no return had been passed when I realized that my eyesight had taken on the familiar tunnel vision that preceded my completion. And there it was! Starburst and fireworks in my brain and behind my eyes, my body seizing up and spasming even as my spend shot over and over deep inside Barbra’s willing and wanton well. I could hear through it all a long very happy sounding moan but I’m not sure if it was from me or from Barb to be honest… it was my last conscious awareness before everything went black.

When the lights came back on, or at least my brain began to function again, I realized that I was now lying on my side. Barb too was lying on her side as if we were spooning. My right hand was still locked on her right hip and I could feel my left arm and hand under myself and Barb’s left hip. What’s more is that I realized that I was still currently inside Barb even though I could feel my happy appendage now shrinking and beginning to slip out. Barb actually sighed and then giggled when it did slide out with an almost silent little pop to droop down along the back of her left butt cheek and leg.

“Mmmmmmm” Barb purred. “That was wonderful Jim…” She added in a languid happy quiet voice.

“Yes it was.” I agreed and leaned forward a bit to kiss her bared neck near her right shoulder. I brought my right hand, since it was not being compressed beneath us as my left hand was, up along Barb’s right flank to wrap around and slide up her bare abdomen and chest to nestle between her warm damp breasts where her own hands and arms were clasped together almost as if praying.

“Barb…?” I whispered.

“Yes?” She asked in reply

“Thank you.” I whispered and kissed her neck again as if to emphasize the sincerity. Instead of saying anything she only sighed and wiggled to snuggle closer still before she purred out a long “Mmmmmmmm” again.

I think we may have both drifted off to sleep for a bit but we both awoke some time later with distinct and familiar urges. Mother Nature was calling to both of us, and urgently. I of course let Barb go before I did, ever the gentleman… whenever possible anyway. Barb made short work of it of course and knowing that I was probably ready to burst she called for me to come and relieve myself. I stood shakily out of bed and walked to the bathroom and gladly complied. Barb retrieved a bottle of Massengill from her toiletry bag and after I was finished she went through her routine of rinsing and purging as she freshened up. With that done, we both washed our hands and brushed our teeth before going back to bed. We both simply crawled back into bed nude and were soon spooning again under the covers and fast asleep.

To awake in the arms of a beautiful woman is something to be truly savored and cherished. Not only was that the case on this morning but I also felt a warm hand wrapped gently around my perpetual morning wood. It was a soft caress… a loving caress but not a sexual touch I suspected, merely fond admiration and perhaps a bit of wonder. At some point during the night both Barbra and I had tossed and turned a bit so that I ended up on my right side and Barb was now spooning behind me. Her left arm was draped around my waist and her hand, was lovingly wrapped around my stalwart male member. I must have made a sound or some other sort of signal that I was awake as Barb began kissing the back of my neck.

“Good morning.” She murmured.

“Any morning I wake up in your arms and… hands… is a good morning. Yes!” I agreed softly.

“What do you want to do today?” Barbra asked me.

“That’s not fair. To ask a question as open ended as that when my mind is so obviously distracted.” I lamented with a bit of humored sarcasm. Barb just muffled a girlish giggle against my shoulder and squeezed me playfully with her left hand.

“Honestly I’ve seen just about everything I care to revisit but we have the room for one more night.” Barb spoke contentedly.

“Well I’m happy doing whatever makes you happy babe, you know that. I do want to pick up some fudge for my landlady before we go home… and maybe some smoked whitefish for me.” I added with a chuckle. Barb chuckled a bit too knowing that she had made a convert for the affection of that smoky fish goodness.

“Well let’s get up and get dressed and go get some breakfast. Then we can get our smoked fish and the fudge and whatever else. Maybe we can go swimming later.” Barb offered.

“Not in that damned lake we won’t!” I said and involuntarily shivered. Again Barb chuckled and gave me another teasing squeeze before releasing my man-wood and scampered out of bed to sashay her naked butt to the bathroom glancing over her shoulder enticingly. Hmmmm… perhaps a shower was in order this morning.

I rose out of bed and followed her. While Barb sat and took care of morning business I ran some cold water in the sink and washed my face and hands… a trick I had learned and used to get my morning wood to relax enough so that I might relieve my own screaming bladder before getting into the shower. Barb and I changed places after she had finished. She twisted and coiled her hair into a bun and pinned it on the top of her head at the sink while I emptied my bladder. I opened the shower curtain and turned on the water to let it get hot. Barb stepped over to me and wrapped her arms about my waist, leaning back to look up into my face. Her face was a soft endearing smile and her eyes though half closed, sparkled with happiness. Those deep dark chocolate brown eyes looked into mine with love and affection. Of course I had to lean down and kiss those smiling lips softly and oh so affectionately. The small bathroom was beginning to turn into a sauna with the steam coming from the shower as we both stepped in and got wet. We took turns soaping and scrubbing one another with the wash cloth. It probably would have been a much shorter shower had we not been so distracted and fascinated with each other’s body and the lips of course. Kissing is like breathing sometimes, you just have to do it and it’s not even a conscious thought, it’s automatic.

Finally clean, we both got out of the shower and toweled one another off until we were dry, or mostly so anyway. I opened the door to the small bathroom and the steam began to dissipate as it mixed with the slightly cooler air from the main room. Barbra stepped up to the sink and wiped the fogged mirror with another towel before beginning her makeup and beauty affectations. I got dressed and was sitting on the bed flipping through the TV channels with the remote control when she finally emerged and began to dress herself. She picked up the discarded thigh high stockings and eyed me with a smile as she rolled them into a little ball and put them in her suitcase. Perhaps I would see them again sometime I thought with a smile of my own. Once dressed Barb grabbed her brush and came and sat in front of me. She handed me the brush and she turned her back to me and undid her impromptu bun and let her hair down. I was swift enough to realize that she was asking me to brush her hair for her and I eagerly complied. Stroke after stroke from her scalp to the ends of her long dark red hair I lovingly petted this woman, my lover, my friend. Once done, Barb leaned back into me and sighed contentedly and said thank you before sitting up again and affixing a hair band through her hair back over her scalp to just behind her ears. This allowed her long hair to hang loosely down her back but kept it out of her face.

We left the room and walked down to the dining room of the hotel to take advantage of their continental breakfast. Yes, more of those hot fresh croissants with butter and honey, coffee for Barb, and hot tea for me. We ate mostly in silence but were all smiles and furtive glances as we were both obviously enjoying the present and remembering the past few days spent together. After breakfast we walked back to the rental car and began our quest for goodies and souvenirs.

I ended up getting three pounds of fudge from one of the premier fudge shops in St. Ignace one pound of a variety mix for myself. I was told that it kept well in the freezer for months, and that was what I had intended to do. I also got two pounds of mixed variety but with lots of chocolate and walnut for Judy, my landlord in appreciation for the wonderful person she was, and for collecting my mail and checking my apartment for me while I was away. Late in the afternoon Barb and I both bough some smoked whitefish to take home with us when we left Saturday morning. For lunch we crossed the bridge once more into Mackinaw City to go to Audie’s restaurant. Another appetizer of the deep fried smelt and onion rings. We both had the roasted chicken and veggies as our entrées. We finished by splitting a piece of cherry cheesecake. As we waddled out of the restaurant Barb suggested we walk down to the Lighthouse Park rather than drive. We could both stretch our legs and work off a little of the huge meal we had just consumed.

As we had the other night we once again found ourselves at the railing overlooking the straight and the bridge. This time Barb was pressed up against the rail and I pressed myself up against her back with my arms around her shoulders and my chin nuzzling her neck. Barb literally purred with contentment for the moment.

“Barb, did you get to see everything and do everything you wanted to do this trip?” I asked in all sincerity. Barb leaned her head back against my own and sighed.

“Yes. Yes I have, and then some. Thank you so much for coming with me Jim. Honestly, it’s been wonderful. You… have been wonderful.” She said.

“I just wanted to see you happy and help any way I could. I’ve had a wonderful time as well though. Thank you for inviting me to come with you.” I told her and kissed her head near her head band. Barb reached her right hand up and patted my hands and then squeezed them gently in silent acknowledgement. Before long we turned and walked back to the restaurant and our car. Once more across the bridge we went.

As I started to pull off the exit into St. Ignace, Barb touched my arm and asked me to keep driving north. Not sure what she had in mind but allowing her the whimsy and her way I continued driving on the interstate. I was directed to pull off the exit for state 123 and then go west along Brevort Lake road. Barb was uncharacteristically somber but I soon realized why as I was directed to slow down and then turn into a small cemetery. We parked alongside small grounds keeper’s shed about halfway down the gravel lane. Barb got out of the car and stood looking around to get her bearings. I could see in her eyes she was looking back in time as much as looking around in the present. After getting her bearings she looked to me and held out a hand for me to take and then she led me through the grave markers and stones to a small family plot. Like most of the markers and graves here in this small cemetery the ones that Barb and I stopped at were, sadly, not well tended. Barb released my hand and knelt before two stone markers and began pulling weeds and some overgrown grass from the front of the markers. I noted the names and dates on the stones and deduced that these were her grandparents’ graves. I guess not enough family still survived to make the trip to tend these graves anymore. I felt saddened for Barb. I too knelt and began cleaning up a bit by pulling weeds and grass.

With both of us working we had the overgrowth tamed and cleared in little time. Still on her knees in front of her grandmother’s marker Barb bowed her head and prayed or reflected or perhaps both I’m not sure really as she was silent. I didn’t intrude on her moment I just stayed there near her ready to lend my support if and when she needed it. I did notice the dates on the markers and wondered about them. It showed that her grandfather had died first and then her grandmother followed by less than a month later, the same year. Barb spoke softly, almost as if she were in church, with a reverence to match the mood.

“Pap died after he had a stroke… actually it was a second stroke. The first one only slowed him down. Gran joked that the first one only let time catch up to him…” Barb paused and swallowed a couple of times. When she continued I could hear and almost feel the emotion in her voice.

“Gran couldn’t stand him being gone. She was mad that he had died and mad at him for leaving her. She said he had always promised to be there for her and would never leave her alone… It killed her Jim… being apart from him. She died of a broken heart.” Again she swallowed several times before continuing.

“My mom and dad tried to get her to move to Kentucky to live with them after Pap died but Gran wouldn’t have anything to do with that. She said that she was going to be with her husband no matter what.” Barb noticed a lone wildflower struggling through the high grass off to one side of the stone and she reached over and picked it. She brought the lone blossom to her face and sniffed at it then brushed it against her cheek with a faraway look in her eyes. Again I couldn’t help but to think that she was seeing or thinking of a different time and place for that moment. A sad smile split her face as she leaned forward and gently lay the blossom atop her grandmother’s marker stone then she stood up and offered me her hand once more. Standing beside her, Barb took one last look at the grave markers and then turned and we walked back to the car in silence. I opened the passenger side door for her but before she got into the car she turned to me and wrapped her arms about my waist and hugged me. Resting her face against my chest she took a long deep breath and I felt her shudder a bit before she spoke again.

“Thank you Jim. I saved this part for last… I almost didn’t come at all. I miss them both so much. I know it sounds awful but I miss them more than my own parents really.” I heard and felt her sniff after she spoke as if to stifle some tear or two that threatened to leak from her sad brown eyes. Not knowing what to say or even if anything needed to be said I simply remained silent and held her in my own arms till she was ready to go.

The drive back to St. Ignace was quiet as Barb continued to reflect on perhaps a lifetime of visits to the UP and to live with her grandparents over the summers of her youth. Aside from her gripping my right hand steadfastly in her left I was just along for the ride mostly. I felt she needed this time though so I simply waited… and drove. Upon returning to the hotel though Barb seemed to come back to the present and her mood improved drastically. Gone was the sullen reflection and sadness from her eyes and the joy and mischief had returned. The sun was going down as we parked the car and went inside. I noticed that the parking lot seemed to be almost vacant now as most of the other guests had long since left and the new arrivals for this coming weekend had not… well… arrived yet.

Barb busied herself packing up some of the stuff she had bought and things she had unpacked while we had been here all week. I had very little to pack so I just settled on the bed and idly flipped through the TV channels. That is, until Barb came over to sit on the bed next to me. She had her bathing suit in her hand and a suspicious little grin on her face. Standing up she patted my leg and said she’d be back in a few minutes, and then she tossed her bathing suit in her suitcase and went to the room door and went out. I wondered what she had in mind but figured as usual I would soon find out anyway.

About fifteen minutes later Barb returned to the room. She said she had gone to the desk and asked about the pool. She had inquired as to the hours that the pool was available and was told that ordinarily they closed the pool at nine in the evenings to keep children from using it unattended. However adult patrons were welcomed to use it all hours of the night if they liked. The access door was keyed to accept any room key for the hotel. Barb was telling me all this as she curled up next to me sitting on the bed walking the fingers of her left hand up my chest teasingly.

“So… Maybe you might like to go swimming again tonight? She asked with a straight face but I sensed she had something up her sleeve yet.

“Sure, if you want to.” I replied with an uncertain smile still curious as to what she had planned.

“Maybe we can go later, when most people will be going to bed and not swimming…” She teased a little more. I had a pretty good idea now what she had in mind but I was not going to project my own fantasies onto or into whatever was on her mind.

“Sounds like a plan to me.” I offered with a smile.

“Great.” She said and then rose up and reached over to the night stand and collected the phone book before coming back to my side and opening it up.

“You going to make a phone call babe?” I asked curious what she was up to now.

“I thought we might just have dinner in the room tonight, maybe order a pizza or something, I was looking to see what’s available.” She said but never looked up from the phone book as she thumbed through the restaurant offerings.

“That works for me.” I said and watched her smile as she continued to look through the phone book. We settled on a local mom and pop pizza shop that did in fact deliver not just pizza but their entire menu. Barb ordered a mixed chef salad and a medium pizza with toppings that we both liked. She also asked for a couple of cups with ice and a two liter bottle of soda. She was given the price and an estimated time for the delivery and she hung up the phone. About forty minutes later the food arrived with a knock on our room door. Barb wouldn’t let me pay for the food but I insisted on at least contributing by way of providing a tip for the delivery person. I knew from personal experience how that extra fiver could be greatly appreciated and helpful.

We settled at the small table and dug in. The salad was excellent and the pizza was surprisingly very good as well. After we both had had our fill we covered up the leftovers and retired to the bed to sit up at the headboard and watch some TV. We caught the local news and then the nightly national news. Barb got up during a commercial break and went to the bathroom and when she returned she handed me her brush again and sat in front of me. I didn’t need to be asked of course and after she pulled her hair band off of her head I began stroking her long luxurious red mane. After a while Barb stilled my hand on her shoulder, covering it with her own hand in silent thanks. She then pulled her hair in front of her and began her now familiar ritual of dividing and then braiding her long dark locks. When she had gotten down to the end of the braid she tied it off with a rubber band that she had around her right wrist. The braid now secured, Barb stood up and turned to smile at me. I got the idea that she had plans and they were now in motion. She smiled that smile and turned slowly away and sashayed towards the bathroom casually reaching out and plucking her bathing suit off the top of her open suitcase and flipping it over one shoulder before turning to look at me again and give me that smile. A single eyebrow rose up before she turned and went into the bathroom and closed the door. I understood this to be an invitation or suggestion anyway that I should slip into my own swim trunks and get ready to go swimming. So I did.

When Barb reemerged from the bathroom she was still wearing that smile but she was also wearing her bathing suit. She had collected a couple of larger towels to use once we got out of the pool and she slipped her feet into her sandals to wear for the walk over to the pool house. I grabbed the room key and opened the door for her and offered her my arm. Together we strolled to the pool to find it empty of other patrons and the lights turned down low. The door was locked but we knew now that our room key would open it, and it did. I started to turn the lights up but Barb said to just leave them as they were. We could see fine and the low light and shadows did give an air of seclusion and privacy. I didn’t realize how much that mattered until I had already entered the water and was turning to watch Barb as she was about to join me. Standing near the walk in steps and hand rail, Barb set her bundle of towels down on a deck chair and kicked off her sandals. She then casually strolled over to the edge of the pool and held the hand rail as she dipped the toes of her right foot into the water to test the temperature. There it was again… that smile… then she drew her bottom lip into her teeth and stepped back from the edge of the pool and reaching up to bring her right hand to her left shoulder. I watched in rapt fascination as she edged her fingers under the shoulder strap of her one piece bathing suit and pushed it slowly over her shoulder and down her arm. With her right arm crossed over her breasts she held the suit up as she reached over to her right shoulder with her left hand and repeated the same process with that shoulder strap. Turning away from me she hooked her thumbs under the straps and pulled them down her arms to her waist. She flipped her head and her long braided hair whipped over her right shoulder to fall down her back as she looked over her shoulder in askance if I were paying attention. Oh lord was I! I could feel my heart skipping beats with every other breath as I had already deduced that she was taking her swim suit off.

Barb smiled that wicked knowing little grin at me and actually winked as she turned her head back to face away from me. She bent over at the waist to pull her suit slowly down over her hips with a little wiggle from side to side, inching the suit down little by little. Just before they began to pull away from her crotch however she once more turned to face me. One arm still strategically placed to cover her now otherwise bare breasts. Her head was tilted to one shoulder as she smiled coquettishly and rolled her shoulders as she rocked and swayed enticingly from side to side in slow dance like motions. Her hips rocked and rolled to an un-heard beat or rhythm. Leaning forward towards me, at the waist Barb pushed her suit down past her backside and it slipped downward between her legs to fall to her ankles in a small material pile. As she rose back up to stand she held her hand strategically to modestly cover her now bare sex.

I’ve seen Barb nude, completely naked many times by this time but seeing her seemingly modestly covering herself now was beyond titillating it was exciting in ways I could not really even describe properly. This complicated, complex woman was not just teasing me but being hesitant in baring herself to me as a form of a gift of sorts. A gift indeed, Barb was giving herself to me. She slowly stepped down the entry steps into the water of the heated pool. Her eyes never wavering from their lock on my own even if my own eyes were flying around trying to take in this incredible vision… her. When the water was up to her waist she brought her hand up to join her arm over her breasts… until the water was up to her breasts and then she opened both arms and lowered herself to her chin in the warm water. Closer she moved towards me, that bottom lip still sucked into her teeth and her eyes alight with… something. There was a sparkle there to be sure but there was also a little uncertainty for some reason and that I didn’t understand… at least not yet. I was sure that I would learn why it was there but there didn’t appear to be any hesitancy in her actions at this point so I didn’t worry too much about it.

When Barbra had moved up to within arm’s reach of me she stood up to her full height which brought her breast just to the surface as they seemed to be floating with some buoyancy of their own. Those nipples had hardened quite nicely even in the warm water of the pool and they were almost magical as they pressed into the bare skin of my chest as Barb edged closer to stand toe to toe with me. I brought my right hand up to caress her left cheek as I leaned in to meet her lips with my own. I watched as Barb’s eyes closed as our lips met. The soft moan that escaped those luscious lips did not go unnoticed either. I was a bit surprised however when I felt both of Barb’s hands as they alighted on my own hips and her fingers slipped beneath the waistband of my swim trunks. Barb gave a low soft chuckle even as we kissed as she began pushing my trunks down. I had to assist however by using my left hand to reach down and lift the waistband over my eager torpedo that was standing at full attention after watching Barb strip her suit off and enter the pool.

Barbra laughed as she broke our kiss and pulled back slightly as I hopped about on one foot and then the other as I shuffled off my swim trunks. Once free of them I wadded them up into a small ball and tossed them to the edge of the pool by the stairs where Barb’s own suit was still lying on the deck. That done Barb once more edged close to me and we wrapped one another in our arms.

“So… Now we’re skinny dipping.” Barb chuckled in that low throaty feminine affectation that set my blood to boiling.

“So we are…” I agreed and ceased her talking with another long sensual kiss. It was eagerly met and joined of course and soon our tongues were dancing and turning up the temperature even further. It wasn’t long before Barb moved her arms up to encircle my neck and the next thing I knew she had pulled herself up and her legs were wrapped about my waist. Still we kissed. Water is a wonderful thing with the buoyancy of our bodies while in it. Barb certainly had no problems lifting and lowering herself against my body with just her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. Sliding her body closely and yes intimately with little muffled moans and gasps as she pressed against me. My own body was accepting and entranced with her motions. Our sexes grinding against one another even as I widened my own stance so that I might maintain an upright standing position there in the pool.

We pulled our faces back from one another to catch our breath. Barb’s eyes were half closed and that warm sexy knowing smile was plastered on her face. I’m sure mine was a study in admiration if not shock and awe. I couldn’t resist baiting her a little however.

“So is this how you remember the last time you went skinny dipping?” I asked as I tilted my head forward to rest my forehead to Barb’s.

“Actually, it’s close but not exactly the same. I was… we were at a lake and the water was much cloudier, and it was darker.” She said in a thoughtful voice as if remembering while she spoke.

“Well to be honest I kind of like it the way it is now. I mean I can still see well enough to admire everything I can see, and I dare say the water is warmer here than where you were the last time. Or am I wrong?” I ended with the question.

“Yes you are right, it’s much warmer here but I don’t think I was too concerned with the temperature of the water back then.” She half giggled and sucked in her bottom lip again as her dark brown eyes looked up at mine through her lashes in an almost shy affectation. Again I just groaned internally as that look just made me want to… well… I was holding her already…

“You know you didn’t have to do this for me Barb.” I said quietly as I stroked my right hand up and down her back. My left hand firmly gripped her right butt cheek as if to support some of her weight even though it wasn’t necessary.

“And what if I wanted to do this for me?” She asked playfully and squirmed a little side to side.

“Oh I have no problem either way really and you know I’d do most anything for you… I was just saying that if you thought you had to do it for me you… didn’t have to… that’s all… I mean…” I was silenced by Barb’s lips as she leaned in and crushed her own against them and invaded my mouth once more with her tongue in a passion fired round of kissing that literally took my breath away. That and feeling her left hand snake down between our two wet bodies to grasp my erect male member and align it with her submerged Garden of Eden. While the water about us was warm, almost like a bath, Barb on the other hand was steaming hot cauldron as usual. I couldn’t help but let out a moan as she impaled herself upon me. Her bumping and grinding took on a whole new dimension now that I was joined with her in this most intimate way.

“Back up… slowly” Barb huffed out against my ear as her face was beside my own now that she was concentrating on her movements.

Unbeknownst to me or at least unnoticed anyway I had turned or rather we had turned about a few times after Barb had climbed aboard so to speak. My back was now towards the near side of the pool not far from the steps leading in and out of the pool. I complied with her request and with short slow steps I guided us back to the edge of the pool until I felt Barb’s shins and feet brush the wall behind me. Barb pulled back and looked me in the eye. Her eyes were alight with the fires of lust and that all too familiar look. The beast was about to emerge. That look of concentration consumed her as she unhooked her ankles from behind me and let her feet and legs slide down the backs of my own legs to just behind my knees. Now with my back against the side of the pool Barb began to gyrate and rise and fall in a slightly different manner but it was still very effective as far as I was concerned. I moaned in delight as she gripped the side of the pool with her right hand and the back of my head with her left hand as she pulled her face and lips to the side of my neck to kiss and nip at my neck. Both of my hands were now supporting or at least holding onto Barb’s backside as her motions caused the water between us to cavitate and splash up between us and around us. Never being one to rest easily on the receiving end of so much intimate attention I of course was trying to return as good as I was getting. I was nipping at and kissing Barb’s neck as well as squeezing and gripping her ass as my own legs began to meet her motions with thrusts of my own.

There’s something about water… well… several things really that one doesn’t even think about until you’re in the middle of something. One, as mentioned earlier, is the buoyancy effect, that’s actually quite handy. Second, is the heat transfer. Water is very efficient at transferring heat away from the body. As in Lake Michigan the other day, it’ll suck the heat right out of you, and fast. Fortunately the here and now that was not an issue as the pool water was indeed heated. It was cooler than our bodies to be sure but it wasn’t that big a difference. The last thing that I would mention is that water is a solvent. It likes to break down other more viscous liquids and that would include bodily fluids. Normally sex generates copious amounts of natural lubrication from both male and female partners… ahh… but this was not a normal situation. Barb and I were submerged in this heated pool and the water was doing a number on our fluids, or more to the point, to Barb’s natural fluids. The friction between my member pushing in and out on Barb’s most delicate feminine flesh of her own sex was intense to say the least. It was nearing the point where it was almost painful. In a way that extra friction only added to what would for me anyway be a most memorable experience. Barb and I both nearly stopped but thankfully we both reached that climax just before it became too painful to continue. The added influx of bodily fluids, both hers and my own certainly was an immediate relief for the both of us.

We continued to cling to one another for a while after we climaxed, me with my back to the side of the pool, Barb clinging to me and the edge of the pool with one hand. My now spent member was still rigid and standing at attention… and still very much and very deep inside of Barb’s quivering body. Suddenly Barb reared back and looked me dead in the face.

“Oh Jim! We need to move! Your aftershock!” She said with a worried voice as her eyes darted about.

Fortunately we were just a couple of feet from the steps and I side stepped over and was taking the first step up when I felt the beginnings of my pending echo. Barb had pulled herself off of me at this point and I lowered myself to a sitting position and gripped the hand rail with my left hand. Barb slid in next to me and that’s when I lost awareness of anything other than the fireworks going off behind my eyelids and in my brain as my body went though the aftershock. I’d never experienced my curse while in the water of anything bigger than say a large bathtub… but that is a different story from a different time. I guess it could have been dangerous, if I had been alone or with someone who was not familiar with this part of me. But then being alone would probably preclude this ever happening in the first place. I was glad I was with Barbra this time however.

When I did return to my senses I realized that my head was cradled on Barbra’s shoulder, her face was cheek to cheek with my own. I could feel her hands, the left rubbing up and down slowly on my back and her right was on the back of my neck and head as she ran her fingers through my hair.

“Mmmmm… I could get used to this.” I purred.

“Well… you’re back.” Barb said softly as she pulled back to look me in the face and check my awareness and sobriety perhaps. I couldn’t help but to smile sheepishly releasing my death grip on the hand rail with my left hand and reclining back on the steps and taking a long long deep breath.

“Jim… I’m sorry. I should have thought of this before I…” Barb began to apologize. I stopped her by raising myself up and taking her right hand in my left and bringing it to my lips.

“Don’t.” I said but even to me it sounded a little harsh so I kissed her hand and then expanded.

“Barb, it’s okay babe, this is not your problem. Thank you for not freaking out and for, well… being here for me when I came out of it… but it will never EVER be your fault. Okay?” I asked to make sure she got the point.

“I know but I still should have thought about it before I…” She began again but fell silent when she looked into my eyes. I raised one eyebrow questioningly.

“Fine!” She said and smiled a lopsided smirking kind of smile but there was joy in her eyes I stood slowly and still holding her hand I helped Barb walk up the steps to exit the pool. I bent over to pick up my sodden trunks and I also picked up Barb’s and handed it to her. She looked around and then reached for the pile of towels she had brought with us. As I twisted and wrung out my wet trunks of as much water as I could Barb toweled herself off. I too took a proffered towel and dried off a bit before pulling my damp trunks back on and slipping my feet into my shoes. I wrapped the towel around my shoulders as I watched Barb wrap her wet braid in a dry towel and then roll it into a bit of a turban. She then stepped first one foot then the other into her still dry swim trunks and pulled it up to her hips. She then slipped first one hand and arm through the arm hole and then the other and pulled the suit up over her torso and did that little dance women do to get their breasts to align and nestle into their swimsuits. Finally she stepped into her sandals and turned to me. I knew or at least thought she was about to ask about the room key so I had it in my right hand dangling it as if to say “It’s right here.” and smiled at her. She chuckled and turned to look out at the pool once more and sigh before we walked around the edge to the door and let ourselves out.

It wasn’t long before we had both changed into our sleepwear and taken care of bedtime rituals. Barb had flushed herself clean after our little aquatic interlude, remarking that it was her last bottle of Massengill. I told her that she probably wouldn’t need another one, at least until after we had returned home and I knew that there was a ready supply at my apartment. Barb just smiled at me as she knee walked across the bed and curled into my arms in our now familiar spoon position. I pulled the covers over us and then relinquished my right hand and arm to be clutched and drawn between Barb’s breasts and held tightly in both her hands. We lay there with the lights out for several long moments in silence. I had taken a deep breath and managed to say “Barb…” as I was about to add but I was cut off by an exasperated and somewhat amused Barbra.

“Jim! I swear to god… if you say thank you one more time I’m going to rip your right arm off and beat you with it!” She said but couldn’t hide the chuckle that was rocking her whole body. I sighed and then said.

“Okay… I won’t say it then… but you DO know that I think it right?” I asked in all seriousness. Instead of replying verbally Barb simply, tenderly pulled my right hand to her lips and kissed first my fingers then the back of my hand and she returned it to her core and squeezed even tighter.

“Okay then… one more thing though, in case you doubted it in any way… I love you babe.” I added softly and kissed the back of her head. Again Barb squeezed my right hand but she didn’t say anything after that, she only shifted a bit closer and sighed contentedly.

I’m not sure if it was the thunder or my bladder that woke me up the next morning. Yes, Mother Nature was working all the angles it seemed. I carefully pulled myself out of Barb’s sleeping embrace and rolled out of bed to pad across the room and into the bathroom. I could hear the thunder roll and the sound of heavy rain coming down outside. I washed my hands after I had finished and was standing there at the sink looking at myself in the mirror when I felt Barb’s warm hands and arms encircle my waist and her body press into my back.

“Good morning.” She said softly into my shoulder as I brought my right hand down to caress her arms at my abdomen.

“I was trying not to wake you.” I said softly in return.

“Oh you didn’t, but I did feel a little cold after I realized you had gotten up already.” She explained. Another rolling peel of thunder almost shook the building.

“I wonder how long it’s going to be raining. It might put a damper on any sigh seeing plans for today.” I stated as Barb released me from her grip and side stepped over to have a seat on the toilet to tend to some urgent business of her own.

“Mmmm… you are probably right. I was thinking though… I’ve pretty much seen everything I wanted to while I was up here and I’m kind of missing my dogs and my own bed. Would you be upset if I suggested we head home today?” Barb asked. She pulled off some paper off the roll and stood up just enough to reach under her sleep shirt and wipe herself dry. She flushed and stood up and I wrapped my arms around her shoulders as she pressed herself into my chest.

“No, I don’t mind either. It has been fun being here with you, but the place doesn’t matter to me, it’s you that matters. If you want to go home let’s go home.” I said softly while we both just sort of stood arm in arm and rocked gently from side to side.

“It is still kind of early though, even for check out. Why don’t we lie back down for a while longer?” Barb asked by way of suggestion. Stifling a yawn I mumbled my approval and we separated long enough to walk back to the bed and climb in. Spooned up close and soon we were both back to sleep as the rain fell and the thunder rolled.

An hour or so later we both woke again but continued to lay snuggled up together in that now familiar spoon. The Sound of the falling rain had been replaced by the hissing sound of car tires on the pavement as they drove passed the hotel on the wet roadways. There was no more thunder to be heard so it was a safe assumption that the storm from earlier in the morning had moved on. In the back of my mind I was thinking that would make it easier to load up the rental car with our stuff before we left.

“I’m going to miss this most of all Jim.” Barb said softly with a hint of sadness in her voice.

“What, exactly?” I asked a little puzzled.

“This… The closeness, going to sleep in your arms… waking up in your arms. A girl can really grow to like those things. You make me feel so… safe. So wanted.” She said with a sigh.

“Yeah, I could get used to it too. Maybe I’ve lived by myself for so long that I really didn’t appreciate the difference… till this trip. I have so much to thank you for Barb…” I was going to go on to say more but in a flash I suddenly found myself being beaten about my head and face with a pillow. Barb had literally growled and spun out of my arms grabbing the very pillow we had both been sharing a moment before and standing on her knees began to pound me with it.

“I WARNED YOU!” She said growling and giggling as she continued to swing the pillow at me time and time again. I was finally able to grab it and arrest her assault, at least with the pillow because the moment she relinquished control of that she went on the attack with her fingers. TICKLE ASSAULT!

I squirmed and batted and swatted and tried to fend her off but she was determined and very energetic. It wasn’t until I literally fell off the side of the bed that she stopped trying to tickle me. I lay on the floor beside the bed panting and trying to catch my breath.

“Wh… What… Was that for?” I asked breathlessly.

“It was for you… being… YOU!” Barb growled with mock severity as she lay flat on her stomach looking over the side of the bed at me on the floor, her hands hanging loosely over the edge as she too tried to catch her breath. She couldn’t hide the smile on her face though, or the twinkle in her eyes. All I could do was look up at her and grin in response… but I couldn’t resist just pushing a little more…

“Barb… I love you too.” I said and blew her a kiss.

“Oh My God!” Barb bemoaned and rolled over on her back and sighed as if in surrender. I got up on my hands and knees and leaned over the edge of the bed and kissed her forehead as she looked up into my eyes with those big brown eyes of hers. The soft serene smile on her face, even looking at it upside down, was a sight to cherish. She brought her hands to either side of my face and pulled me down to kiss her lips. It was one of those long sweet soft kisses that just melt your heart.

“I love you too Jim. I always will you know.” She declared when we parted after the kiss.

“Now come on. Let’s get a move on and get ready to go home. You can pack some while I use the bathroom.” Barb said and she rolled over and scooted back across the bed on her hands and knees then turned and went into the little bathroom.

Just like packing to come up here in the first place, I didn’t have much to pack back up to take home. Oh sure there was the fudge and smoked fish and a few souvenirs I’d purchased but it wasn’t that much and I was going to use the little Styrofoam cooler we’d bought to take on our beach picnic earlier in the week. Might as well put it to use I thought. I set my gym bag on the foot of the bed and left it open to toss my sleep clothes in after I peeled them off. I was about to ask Barb if she was going to take a shower when I heard her turning on the taps. I smiled and peeled off my clothes and tossed them in the bag and padded my naked butt into the bathroom to join her.

“I was wondering if you were going to take the hint or not…” Barb chuckled in that low sultry voice that told me I had made the right decision.

“Actually I thought you just might need an extra hand or two to clean up before we got dressed” I offered casually. The grin on her face was priceless as she stepped into the shower and held the curtain open for me to join her.

I could go on to describe the showering and cleaning and the love making we did that morning but it was just as exciting and fulfilling as most any other time Barb and I were intimate throughout this trip. Even my aftershock couldn’t dim the pleasure we gave and received from one another. It was brief as things go as we both had in our minds that we had a long way to travel that day to get home. We dried one another off and got started on our preparations to leave for home. Barb of course took a bit longer in the bathroom with hair and what little make up she wore. I dressed and finished packing all of my things and took them to the car. I returned in time to carry Barb’s finished packing to the car as well. Standing in the room we both held one another and looked around at where we had lived together all this past week and replayed our adventures in our minds, or at least the highlights… I know I did. A short mental review of the most wonderful vacation I’ve ever had up to that point. Turning back to each other we looked into one another’s eyes, perhaps sharing the same thoughts, certainly sharing the moment in love and affection for each other. Of course there was another long sensual kiss to seal this memory as well. Barb leaned back in my arms and looked intently into my face one last time and in a solemn sincere voice she spoke softly to me.

“Jim. This week has been one of the most wonderful that I’ve ever had with anyone. Since I’ve known you I have felt more loved and accepted than in any other time in my life. You will never know how special you are or how much I love you. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to thank you enough for just being yourself and sharing yourself with me.” She said never breaking eye contact. I began to respond of course but I was tutted before I could utter a word. “I know you’re going to say thank you and that you mean it but I’m not looking for thanks from you, only acceptance for what I just said. So don’t even start! Now come on, let’s go before I start crying. I’m so happy I could explode.” Barb said with a genuine if a little sad smile. She turned me towards the door and clung to my left arm as we walked out of our little hotel get-away for the last time. We got in the car and drove around to the hotel office where Barb went inside and settled our bill and got a one night’s refund since we were checking out early. Soon after we were on the road headed home. We crossed that bridge, the Big Mac, one more time headed south. Barb had her left hand clenched in my right as we crossed over that last time. She was looking out the window but I don’t think she was seeing the scenery at the time. That faraway look in her eyes was for a different time… recent or long ago I don’t know but she was smiling that sad sweet smile all the while.

Our drive home was much like the trip up to Michigan… several stops for restroom and to eat, and of course to get gas for the car. Nothing noteworthy stood out about the trip really and it did seem to go by faster than the trip was coming up to Michigan. The shadows were getting long as we finally pulled into my apartment complex parking lot that evening. Barb had to use the bathroom something awful by then so she came inside with me after I parked the car and unloaded my stuff. We had talked about taking her stuff to her house first but then I was reminded that we still needed to maintain our discretion a bit longer before her divorce was finalized. Barb explained that the rental company was coming to her house to pick the car back up anyway, all she had to do was unload her bags and stuff when she got home and she was done with it.

Inside my apartment I found a stack of mail placed neatly on my dining table, courtesy of my landlord Judy. There was also a note telling me she had been here the day the pest control company had come to spray the buildings. Barb said that was nice of her. I agreed. Barb wrapped me in her arms once more by the door after she had taken care of business in the bathroom. She was reluctant for our time together to be over but she was also anxious to get home and see her dogs and call her son. That reminded me I needed to call my own folks and let them know I was home safe and sound, if a little early. We shared another long soul searching kiss before Barb parted and I opened the door for her. She smiled that sweet loving smile and reached up and touched my face gently with her right hand. Instead of saying goodbye she simply said that she’d see me soon. I stood in my door and watched her turn to go… down the stairs to the main door and then out. Yes, I would see her soon indeed.

I did call my folks of course, and spent a while telling my mom about the trip to Mackinac Island and walking the bridge and the sights and things. She got a laugh out of my story about the “pasties”. Of course I didn’t go into any detail about anything else Barb and I did while we were up there and my mom didn’t ask. I guess she knows her baby boy better than I ever thought. I put all my stuff away after unpacking and then went through the fridge and cupboards to make a grocery list for tomorrow. By then the long day and all that driving was beginning to catch up with me but I knew I had to check in with my other family and friends, those that were online at my electronic home at Night Friends. I had a seat at my desk and fired up my computer for the first time this week. As my modem did its electronic dance and connected with the board I sat and reflected on my time spent away with Barbra this week. I was smiling as my monitor displayed the log on screen and awaited my input.




I typed my password and hit enter and waited for the screen to scroll down. I looked to see who else was online and then checked for messages. Granted it was early for a Friday evening but I was still a little disappointed to find so few people online at the time and most of those I wasn’t really acquainted with so I didn’t message anyone. I did read and respond to several emails before sending some emails to a few friends that I wanted to let know I was home safe and sound after my vacation. That would have included Todd and Anne of course, and Angelica and a few others that I talked to on a regular basis or even saw as friends from time to time. I then dropped down into the trivia game for a few minutes but I was still somewhat distracted and couldn’t concentrate, and there was no one else really chatting other than just to play the game so I left there and logged off the board. I spied my notebook lying on the desk next to my keyboard and noticed that it was opened. I frowned thinking to myself that I was pretty sure that I had closed it when I had stopped writing in it the last time. Hmmm… I wonder if Miss Judy had taken a peek at it. I smiled to myself and thought that if she had then she may have well gotten an eye full. I hoped that she had read Pet Story but the page opened was for the latest story involving the use of the blindfolds. My My My… Curiosity is a wonderful thing but you might learn things that you never suspected. With a mental shrug I closed the notebook and stood to begin changing out of my street clothes and into my sleep wear. I pulled out a clean pair of sweatpants from my dresser and a clean tee shirt, that done I collapsed onto my bed and barely remember turning out the bedside lamp before I was sound asleep.

The next morning I awoke to the sound of keys rattling in my door. At first I was confused and my mind a little befuddled but then my brain kicked into gear. Who would be trying to get into my apartment? I thought, and then it dawned on me that I had in fact returned home early and my landlord was simply doing what she had said she would, collecting my mail and leaving it in my apartment for me. So Judy was a little startled when as she was setting yesterday’s mail on my dining table and I appeared around the doorway in the kitchen, still sleepy and my hair standing up with a severe case of bed head.

“Surprise.” I said with a goofy grin. Judy nearly jumped out of her shoes before she realized that it was me.

“Oh My! You nearly scared me to death! I didn’t think you were getting back till this evening Jim.” She said at first startled but recovering quickly.

“And you would be correct. No, I came home a day early, it was late so I didn’t bother calling you, I’m sorry Judy. I want to thank you though for being so kind and collecting my mail… and letting in the pest control guy too, Thank you.” I said earnestly and then remembered that I had in fact got Judy a thank you gift while I was in Michigan. “Oh! By the way… Hang on a second, since you’re here you can save me a trip to your office.” I said turning to the fridge and opening it to pull out the bag with the fudge I had bought for her. I turned and gave Judy the bag and expressed my thanks for being such a wonderful landlord.

“Oh Jim, you didn’t need to get me anything.” She said while beaming with delight, her eye glittering a bit but from happiness of maybe a tear I wasn’t sure. She opened the bag and peeked inside seeing the fudge she all but licked her lips before smiling even bigger. “Thank you Jim.” She said. Then she politely excused herself and left. I smiled knowing I had made her day, or at least made it a little brighter.

I went back to the kitchen and was again looking in my fridge only to realize that I’d yet to go to the grocery and I had nothing to eat in there. Oh wait! There was something, the smoked whitefish I had bought for myself. Smiling I took it out and got some crackers out of the cupboard and went to my desk with a can of coke. I had some fish and crackers and worked on my latest story a bit. I would call Barb later and then get dressed and go to get some groceries. I’d have to be up all day and late into the night to get back on my regular sleeping schedule for work… Damn… work… I had to go in Sunday night. Life goes on…
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