Comments from budman72

Date Story title Comment
2020-09-14 15:29:41 HOBO 19 & 20 ( The End) It's a truly great story. I hate you ended it so quickly. I could see it going for quite a while. I do look forward to your next story. You are a true artist.
2020-09-15 20:03:03 The House on Montague Street - The Sequel Absolutely beautiful story. The first part was a good start but the second was truly written art.
2020-11-09 08:24:47 HOBO - Chapter 15 Out of the 3 stories written so far it seemed Tim and Michelle loved each other the most. I really hate you killing off Michelle so soon but it is your story.

I love your writing so much. I have read all of the m 3 times so far. Keep up the great work.
2020-11-09 10:57:41 HOBO 19 & 20 ( The End) Great story. I'm glad you still had him thinking of Michelle. What I saw in the story is she was his true love. They just clicked in a better way than anyone else.

Third time I have read this and the other 2 stories.
Absolutely a great artist.
2021-03-22 02:25:02 A Lonely Mom Loves Her Son Ch. 4 - 5 This is a great story. Please tell me you are going to continue.